How on earth do I backup my contacts? - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

I keep playing w/ Microsoft Activesync, but I can't figure out how to just save my contacts into a file on my comp, so if I have to reset it, I can just drag it back onto the phone and viola. Any advice? I googled it and couldnt' find a step by step. I'm a huge newb with this, so it's much appreciated

Search for PIM Backup... That backs up everything, inc messages, call logs, contacts, e-mails etc

+1 for PIM Backup. Also, Microsoft My Phone works very well too. You can get it in the Marketplace.

If you have synced your contacts to Outlook via ActiveSync, you will be able to sync them back to a new phone or after a hard reset.

Dashwire also works great.

i use active sync with my gmail acct, my contacts get sync to google.
as an idea, the good part is when i flash roms, i just need to add the active sync back to get contacts back.

I use activesync to backup my contacts on my computer and PIM Backup to have them on my storage card, which has come in handy MANY times!


Upgrading from XDAI to XDAII

I have upgrade from an XDAI to an XDAII, I have trawled through this forum and cannot find the answer. Please put me out of my misery want to transfer the data stored on the XDAI to my XDAII what is the best way of doing it. Obviously you cant use backup and restore and I have tried copying and pasting the Db directory (not possible).
Any clues anyone, I would be very gratefull
what data because if it's just contacts and appointments and tasks and such tnen it activesync with outlook and will automaticly be transfered
programs you can reinstall using activesync 's addremove programs
It is contacts appointments etc.. but I cant use my contacts and appointments because I administrate about 20 of these XDA's so they only connect as guests. I dont want all of the appointments and contacts in my Outlook.
spirit backup or something i think let you choose what you will be backing up maybe if you can choose only those things you can restore it on the xda2 even though it came from xda1
cowle said:
It is contacts appointments etc.. but I cant use my contacts and appointments because I administrate about 20 of these XDA's so they only connect as guests. I dont want all of the appointments and contacts in my Outlook.
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Click to collapse
You could just add a new user to windows and use that user's outlook for activesync to store the information in, then delete everything and move on to the next one.. Not ideal, but it should work.
Oh, if you make the user's profile mandatory (not sure if you can do that on a stand alone windows computer, but you can on a domain), all the settings (including outlook contents) should be lost when you log out. That should make things easier still. Just get the user's profile so far as to enable it to sync, make it mandatory, and then log in, sync, sync, log out, repeat.
Can you not just back up to an SD card those apps/data you want and then restore to the new advice. Not tried it, just a thought.

Windows live deleted ALL my msn contacts?

Hi guys,
I followed a guide on here... connected then deleted all the emails off my phone etc..
But now I have no contact on msn / hotmail on my pc or my phone?!?!?!
Anyway to get them back?
MSN Live contacts disappear.
So sorry for this, it's has happened to me, it usually occurs when you connect your phone to PC and Sync, and by default ActiveSync is set to 'Export' so if your Outlook has no contacts, that means it exports an empty Contacts DB to your phone, in other words it deletes all your contacts off your phone, then when you connect to Windows Live and sync your contacts, again, that will further export an empty DB from your phone's contacts to your Hotmail contacts DB, which will further delete your contacts off that and that will result in losing your MSN contacts. I had to manually re-create all my contacts, it's so annoying, in the future always create a CSV file of your contacts as a backup, also the same on your phone, use a little freeware called PPC PIM Backup, to backup your contacts. To conclude you lost your contacts for good and you just need to start inputting manually, but be aware of the above in the future.
I used my "ALLOW" list to restore the contacts...
good luck.
Been there, done that
Yep. Happened to me too. Luckily Adium had a backup of all my contacts so it asked if I wanted to add them all when I launched it after Live Messenger messed things up.

Duplicate contacts

I'm using pdaviet rom, everytime all the contacts duplicated (one contact duplicated 4-5 time). How to disable this?
I often experienced it, it because i use fallback backup from PIM backup, but after that i connect to my PC, then activesync syncronizing with it with the record from outlook, those both source duplicates the contacts...
Now i've just do backup/restore by PIM backup
Roger that. Clear!
Thanks a lot
Try this freeware to eliminate Duplicate Contacts :
Yeah, I went through the same issues.
When I ended up with all my contacts entered 4 times, I decided it was time to pull the pin on Outlook synch. Now I just use PIM Backup and don't have any hassles.
Personnally, as i need to synchronize with outlook, i use LBE products ( It is not freeware, but the demo can already help you if you do not have to long files (only act on 20 or some at a time) The advantage is that it deduplicates also outlook.
Or, do a sync before your flash for example, followed by a pimbackup (so you have also your sms,...) and sync first after.
Hope this helps
I use Jeyo Mobile Companion, it can back up contacts and sms's, Its fantastic, and takes all of 1min.

Help! Lost contacts thru Outlook and activesync

I just reinstalled my OS on my laptop and i must not have backed up my outlook contacts properly cause they were not importing from the file that i thought had them. i had them all on my phone and thought i could transfer from the phone TO Outlook. I was trying to check the settings in activesync to make sure it doesn't just delete the phone contacts with the blank outlook database, but before i looked it had already deleted everything, leaving me now with zero copies of my contacts. Is there any way at all to retrieve the contacts from somewhere in the phone or am i dead in the water? Thanks in advance
Contacts ALL gone....
You need to use Pim Backup in case of these events. Its freeware and available on the forum.

Lost all contacts

I backedup wit PIM.
Did a hard reset on the phone and now PIM says invalid contacts when I try to restore.
Nothing I can do to save contacts?
Backup your contacts
Can't help you this time, but..... Install Microsoft MyPhone so that next time you won't have to worry about it. It's a free program, mine backs up my info each night.
I really love it because I also have a WinMo phone my company supplies, I have MyPhone on it too and it automatically syncs my contacts with it.

