Messaging (SMS and email) on TP2 - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

Hi to All,
I have few questions to you regarding messaging – sending SMS and emails. I miss form my previous phones confirmation that SMS was delivered to the recipient. In Nokia it works like that the info is being displayed 5 seconds and then disappears. Quite similar it works in Sony Ericsson. In TP 2 I’ve manage to have so called report that the message was delivered which has form of SMS, which must be deleted like a regular SMS. Is there any other option to know that the message was successfully sent or was delivered?
Next issue I have encountered is lack of progress bar while I’m sending emails. If the email has attachment the sending process might take a while. In all phones I used to have there was some kind of progress bar while I can’t find anything like that in TP2 email application. This is annoying because I don’t know if there is progress of sending. Anyone has solved that problem?
And the last thing which I have noticed when using email application is attaching files. If the file is located in subfolder of the main folder it’s impossible to get access to it. Then it’s necessary to start operation with File Explorer (with which I have access to all folders) and use of Send as email function and then edit the email content. Not very logical.
All you thoughts and ideas are very welcome!
Have a nice day!
PS. I’ve started to thinking about switching to Nokia N900 which seems to be more logical and intuitive in terms of software.


Please help I can't see my text messages!

I receive messages, the inbox show a number of messages between brackets, but when I open it is empty, it does not show any messages. Anybody got a clue why? :?:
Duplicate issue needs help
I am having the same issue. I have the ATT fuze, however this is my third one. The first one was perfect until there was a party foul that took it away. The second one had a typing issue so I replaced it. This third one is doing the same as the above poster mentioned. My today screen will show that I have text messages waiting to be opened but when I navigate to the folder there is nothing in it. Performed a hard-reset but the same thing happened. Installed third party software and now I can view the messages and reply. I am not happy with this "bandaid" but it will temporarily do till this can be resolved. Please help.
ROM version: 1.95.502.5 WWE
ROM date: 10/20/08
there may be something wrong with your storage card
the storage card can, by any means, have nothing to do with it. i personally never had such a problem, so i can just guess:
sample situation:
- i receive an sms, i see a notification, with the sender and the first few words.
- instead of clicking read, i press the hardware mail button to open messaging and read the sms
- while having it opened, i delete it.
- i go back to home screen and there is still a message and a notification
now i have confused my phone showing me new messages, although i already read and deleted them.
that is the only way i could think of to even get in that situation.
btw. that is the same thing with missed calls. if i have a notification of a missed call and instead of clicking the notification i open the phone manually and look whose call i missed, i will still have the message on home screen, telling me, there was a call i didn't know about, although i already checked.
please make sure that the description above is not the case.
because that is a general bug/user mistake, since the notification service is not fully integrated in pocket outlook, sometimes it gives out older data if you bypassed it to get to your information. that is normal. next time you get a message, try clicking the notification and click read or save as read, and look what consequences that has in your messaging folder.
if then still there is no message to be found, right after you read it once, it is still probably an error in the communication between notification service and pocket outlook, but then it is not your fault anymore you'd probably have to flash another rom then,
it is something completely different and you need to contact your carrier, that receiving sms doesn't work out for you, that either you get a new sim or other network settings need to be changed.
my solution
I made some changes using advance config and changed portrait and landscape mode to cleartype. the fuze does not work with cleartype in landscape mode. Turn that off and it begins to work.
Text Messages not displayed
I know this is a very old thread but did anyone come out with a solution.
I'm still using my Blue Angel and it's come up with this problem.
I think it was after I received an MMS message (the first I received).

WM6 - GMail: cannot send replied email - was fine in WM5

Hi all,
I have LVSW WM6 and I can create NEW email and send it using Pocket Outlook. However, if I want to send an email via "reply", I kept on getting a message that says:
The message could not be sent. Check that you have network coverage and that you account information is correct. Then try sending again.
I have good 3G coverage and can browse the Internet via PIE or Netfront. I have enabled POP in my GMail account.
Is there a particular POP setting that I must configure in WM6 for sending replied email via GMail?
Kinda funny, i had no problem until a couple days ago, with my gmail accounts, to send messages. Not exactly same problem, but the message is the same. My WM6 is Black 2.5.
hknoener said:
Kinda funny, i had no problem until a couple days ago, with my gmail accounts, to send messages. Not exactly same problem, but the message is the same. My WM6 is Black 2.5.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Couple days ago? Did you made any changes to the device before this happened?
I wonder if this is caused by GMail and have nothing to do with WM6...
hknoener said:
Kinda funny, i had no problem until a couple days ago, with my gmail accounts, to send messages. Not exactly same problem, but the message is the same. My WM6 is Black 2.5.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I had the same problem, and the solution i found is the following:
When you press the reply button you find: "Edit the sender's message" underlined.
click on it and the original sender's message will open fully
Now you can write your reply and send it well
Thanks a lot it seems to be the solution!!!
I had very same issue. Using gmail on Treo800/winmo 6.1, I get a message that refuses to send. Once stuck in outbox, nothing will send unless I remove it. Every time this happened I saved the offensive msg and now I have 7 of them. When I retry send any, each one fails. These are the facts for my case:
1) It happens on some messages.
2) Happens when replying or forwarding.
3) If I delete the content, the msg sends fine. At least, I can rule out problems with msg properties and header.
One thing I noticed when comparing native PO to FlexMail, is FM defaults to indenting the original msg using '>' character. PO does not. Since FM can send all these 7 msgs fine, I thought this should be good start to investigate.
So I grabbed one of the bad msgs and I indented it manually line by line and to my surprise, It sent successfully. I repeated this with each of the 7 msgs and all sent just fine.
PO does not have a UI control to toggle the 'indentbody' and 'indent character' features, but I did see there are some registry keys related. However, I could not get these keys to work.
--> AddLeading
--> IndentBody
--> LeadChar
I can not get my changes to stick and not sure how to enter a 'dword' value for the above.
Can someone please help me find out...
- steps in changing above values and make them effective
- how to enable body indenting, make e.g. '>' the leading char using dword values.
I could not find a tweak tool to do this as well.
Any assistance will be highly appreciated.
Same issue. Very frustrating. After reading last, i tried deleting the original text (below but not including the header) and the message sent fine.

Is there a better text message application?

I am fairly new to my X1, and still struggling with some of the functions.
The main problem I have is the SMS service. I am on T-Mobile in the UK using the HTC Touch software.
When I send a new message I have no problem.
When I reply with the full conversation page, it usually fails to send. A very brief warning comes up to say its failed, but it doesn't stay on screen for long and sometimes I miss it. In tiny writing at the bottom of the page it says failed to synchronise.
I can only check by going to the drafts folder to check which is very frustrating.
Surely there must be a good old sms app that sends basic replies, and includes smileys. Even if I could use basic message system without the full conversation reply, it would help.
I sometimes think my old P1i was better.
Any tips are very welcome

[REQ] SMS Auto-retry (low signal/no signal)

The way Windows Mobile handles sending SMS when in low or no signal areas is very annoying. If it fails to send the message it stores it in the drafts with a link to try resending it in the conversation view. You can tap the retry link but if it fails again it will store it in drafts AGAIN and now you have multiple retry links. When it succeedes it doesn't even remove the failed ones.
If someone could change it so that it will keep auto-retrying and wait until signal is back to send it, it would be great.
If that is too hard, is it possible to make it just show only 1 retry link in the conversation view and then auto-remove it once it successfully sends? I hate having to go to drafts and delete multiple messages.
Dear petard,
it seems as if nobody is intersted in developping such an useful hack in order to remove one of the most annyoing bug our PDA are provided with.
I'd like my PDA to look like a Nokia phone sometimes, even though I wouldn't need to..... but I wonder why such an advanced device as a PDA phone can't have a similar feature. It's really weird, I didn't expect Microsoft not to solve the problem
Agreed, this is highly annoying...
Worse yet is that if an SMS fails to be sent from HTC's TF3D SMS app, it actually appears in the stock WM SMS app's conversation view without a resend link, so you don't even know that it hasn't actually been sent.
this is so annoying and has drove me crazy since i got my phone back in april. i dont understand why all my older cell phones did this but my SMARTphone does not. i am constantly needingt this feature
Not sure what phone you are using, however with my HD2 if you use custom message client made by Death Angle then he has a built in auto retry sending message. It is quite a nice message client.

[Q][VB] Sending an SMS as a background task

Hello chaps,
Part of the app I'm writing sends SMS messages to those in a contact list that the user chooses. I could select as many in a list as possible, and I've got the list in a ListView component on a form.
In another form, I've got the function to send the SMS, and it all works well - sending SMS's is quite easy!
But the trouble is that it takes a while, and stops my application from operating while its working. It may take something like 5-10 seconds to send two text messages.
I'm not so worried about the time it takes, but I would like to send the SMS as a background task - perhaps start a thread going with the function to send the SMS. This *almost* works, but I've now got the problem that I'm trying to access this ListView component from a thread inside another form - it doesn't work. I since realise that threads treat global variables as local.
Has anyone come across this problem? Has anyone found a way of sending SMS's as a background task?
This is all using
Many thanks in advance,
Thanks to all that replied...
I've managed to work it out, and it now sends as a background task. The solution was to have the functionality of the SMS sending as a new class, with all the data it requires within the class as public variables. Then, when you create a new class of that SMS sending functionality, you then populate all the stuff it needs to run, like the text message itself and so on, and set the thread going as before.
If anyone wants any more information, I would recommend this site which was most helpful:

