Classic Word Completion and Learned Words - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

hey SSK kitchen if you do NOT install SIP input, you are able to use a Classic Word Completion feature and it also learns your words. So for example if you type 'abcd' and press space bar, a 4 word suggestion list will pop up and 'abcd' will be one of them! However I can't get it to word in this kitchen!!! I NEED THAT FEATURE! $10 via PayPal to anyone who can point me to Classic Word Completion and Learned Word feature fix! Please help me out!

Here's your answer:
If you prefer here are the reg values parsed out:
- <characteristic type="HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Layouts\e0010409">
<parm name="Ime File" value="compime.dll" datatype="string" />
- <characteristic type="HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Layouts\e0010409">
<parm name="Layout Text" value="COMP IME" datatype="string" />

HI Dave,
Tried it. No go.

got it working now

needed to replace eT9MyWords.exe with this one

eT9 is still T9 input. if you're looking for the classic input (the 4 words that drop down) then the tweak I posted about should be he does require 1) a soft reset and 2) turning off T9 and 3) in keypad settings enabling autocomplete. That's all in the Fuzemobility post. ET9 is what HTC uses for T9 input which is not classic word completion - it' the T9 style which is the ribbon that appears above the keyboard which i find horrific. Regardless, glad you got it working.

Thanks for the help.
I got the classis input (the 4 words that drop down) working.
BUT it does not learn new words.
HTC Touch pro2
WM 6.5
Do you have any advice?


Word Completion missing on T-Mobile TP2

I have an HTC Touch Pro2 from T-Mobile running WinMo 6.1. It seems that under Settings, Personal, Input, the "Word Completion" tab is missing between "Input Method" and "Options" that was there on my previous WinMo 5 device. Is this feature missing from WinMo 6.1 in general, or has it been disabled by T-Mo? if it's been disabled, is there a way to enable it?
yeah it's missing in my Tmo TP2 too. I do miss the auto correction feature that was on that tab.
edit : I did not reading the message right sorry
mloamiller said:
I have an HTC Touch Pro2 from T-Mobile running WinMo 6.1. It seems that under Settings, Personal, Input, the "Word Completion" tab is missing between "Input Method" and "Options" that was there on my previous WinMo 5 device. Is this feature missing from WinMo 6.1 in general, or has it been disabled by T-Mo? if it's been disabled, is there a way to enable it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
tkalli said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
now will that enable the tab to change the settings in the Input settings or just enable the options? I want the word completion, but not the word suggestion.
tkali is right- they are one and the same. Word completion and word correction are both linked to disabling T9
Quick question about the reg edit. I havetriededitthe first valeu but it tells me access is denied. Is there something I am missing?
I made the registry edits mentioned in the other thread (copied below for reference) but I still don't have the missing Word Completion tab even after a soft reset.
From the other thread referenced above:
Diable eT9. Enable COMP IME. This is a registry edit.
Go to: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\layouts\e001 0409
Edit: Ime File = \Windows\compime.dll
Layout Text = COMP IME
Go to: HKLM\Software\Tegic\eT9
Edit: XT9SupportMSSip= 0
That will bring you back to the good old word suggestion and dynamic auto completion.
yeah unfortunately it doesn't bring back the word completion tab, which i was hoping.
What exactly does it do then? I didn't notice any change.
it should enable it so that when you're typing, it'll give you 4 (changeable) suggested words as well as auto-correct some words. (type comming & it'll change to coming)
I like the auto-correct feature on the Tilt/MDA because you could type contractions without the apostrophe & the phone would auto-correct it for you. I hate the word suggestion & always had that turned off.
I don't know why they'd take this tab & feature out of the input settings/phone.
I'm still not getting any suggested words; I used to get them when using the Letter Recognizer (WinMo 5), but I don't get them with that or the QWERTY. I may have inadvertently set the # of words to suggest to 0; do you happen to know the registry setting for that?
I have a friend who has a WinMo 6.1 phone, but not from T-Mobile, and the Word Suggestion tab is visible. Seems there must be a setting for that somewhere that T-Mo disabled for some reason.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question, but I got Word Completion/Suggestion working just fine on my T-Mo Touch Pro 2 by pressing the XT9 button on the soft keyboard
Doesn't work while using the hardware keyboard though, which may be what you're asking about
yeah, we're talking about the function working with the hardware keyboard
Gotcha! Ignore me then
OK got the word completion to work but now I have no "space" instead I have ".com" there. Anyone have this problem?...Thanks
Does anyone have the factory settings?
I was actually referring to the on-screen input methods, not the slide-out keyboard. On my previous WinMo 5 device, the suggested words appeared regardless of which method I used - Letter Recognizer, QWERTY, etc. That's what was I looking for.
I also discovered what I did wrong - I had an "n" instead of an "m" in the name of the DLL. I corrected that, did a soft-reset and Viola! I have the suggested words now. It's hard to distinguish an "n" and "m" on that small screen.
The tab is still missing under Settings, Input - I would still like to have that visible if anyone figures out how to enable it.
Thanks for the help.
does anyone have the qwerty reg settings, now i no longer have that function all i have is regular keyboard or when qwerty is selected i have just numbers...thanks
Problem solved T-mo Word completion/no space bar
OK here is what I did on my T-mobile TP2 to get word completion working with the space bar (Mine (space bar) disappeared after I did the reg hack) I put these settings in and now I have word completion and the space bar back.
I went to
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\layouts\e001 0409
Edit: Ime File = \Windows\compime.dll
Layout Text = eT9 IME
Go to: HKLM\Software\Tegic\eT9
Edit: XT9SupportMSSip= 0
Now on MY T-mo TP2 I have word Comp and a space bar also. Hope this helps someone...Tj
@TrekkerJmm does SYM on your hardware keyboard still work? (ALT + ,)

[TUT][10/21/09] CPR File Editing (Catered for the Excalibur)

CPR File Editing​ For the HTC Excalibur/S620/T-Mobile Dash
In this tutorial, you will learn how to safely, and effectively, modify the HomeScreen CPR File on your phone.
This tutorial will be based off of the Windows Mobile 6.5 Titanium_320x240.CPR file (found in Ookba's 3VO 2.8 ROM)
First off, make a backup of your current .CPR file (located in /Windows) to a separate folder, or duplicate it. This is in case something goes wrong. (Do the same for the .home.xml file located in /Application Data/Home)
[Pre-Tutorial] - A Couple of Handy Apps
(This is updated as recommendations come by)
1)Free XML Editor - Here - hewhoisnotasothers
2)Notepad++ - Here - Me
[Tutorial Part 1] - Intro to the CPR file.
The Windows Mobile CPR file is located in the /Windows folder on your phone. This file controls the positioning, sizing, and some effects applied to text and image objects present on the Today Screen. While its extension is CPR, it can be opened by any text editor, and edited like any XML. After editing the CPR (and placing it in the /Windows folder) you must run a program (included in Ookba's ROM's and which can be found by searching) called TitaniumRefresh which reloads the Today Screen. This tutorial assumes you know the basics of the XML language, so if you do not, it is recommended you visit this link.
[Tutorial Part 2] - A First Look: Opening and Analyzing
To open the CPR file, I use Notepad++ (which can be found here). Alternatively, you can use Notepad or any other text editor. After opening the file, we see it starts with <form>, like any XML will. Scroll down a couple lines, and look at the first chunk of code.<Image ID="Background" Opacity="1.0" Top="-54" Width="320" Height="240" Source="ConfettiPlus::WallpaperBitmap"/>
<Layer ID="StaticHomeArea" Visible="False" />
​Let us break this down. First off, I colored Image and Layer RED. For the rest of the tutorial, I will refer to these RED colored texts as "tags" (as they are referred to in XML). The Image tag, much like HTML, will create an image on the Today Screen. The Layer tag will tell the Today Screen to move UP a layer and start putting newly inserted objects ABOVE all previously created objects. In this case, anything declared after this snippet of code will be put over the "Background" Image.
The text in DARK BLUE will be referred to as "ID's" (coming straight from their name). ID's will be covered later on, but basically they interact with either the Registry or the files used to create a panel. These are essential to any CPR file.
The text in LIGHT BLUE will be referred to as "parameters" (because they define specific details about the tags). Look at the Image tag. The use of the parameter is to tell the Today Screen exactly what to do. Without the Width or Height parameters, how would your phone know how big to make the image? Most parameters are self-explanatory because of their names, but as I see that some may become confusing, I will point them out. For instance, "Top". The function of Top, in any case, is to define how far from the top of the defined layer the object should be placed.
[Tutorial Part 3] - The .home.xml file
Before getting any deeper into the CPR file, lets see some background on it. How does the Today Screen know which panels to place where, and what the Background is? After all, the image tag for background had some gibberish about Confetti!
Now then, go to /Application Data/Home/ and pick out any .home.xml file with the name Titanium. (I will be using my own slightly modified Horizon.home.xml file from my Horizon Skin). Just like the CPR file, open this up with a text editor. Notice the first couple of lines just talk about who made the theme, and where it is located. We can ignore that for now, as it is not essential. Look now at this snippet of code:
<default target-width="240" target-height="320" font-face="Segoe Condensed" font-size="19" font-weight="bold" padding-left="5" padding-right="5" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="COLOR_HOMETEXT" padding-top="3" b-border-color="COLOR_HOMERULE" b-border-width="0">
<format state="selected" fgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHTTEXT" />
​The default tag is describing to the Today Screen what the default screen orientation is. It is telling it to have a width of 240 pixels and a height of 320 pixels. It is telling it to set the default font to Segoe Condensed, size to 19, weight/style to bold. It is also telling it to leave some space on the top/bottom and sides of the screen (5 pixels) so that you don't get objects cut off by the edge of the screen. It is telling it to have no background color and the Foreground color is defined later on by a variable COLOR_HOMETEXT. Same principles go for the format tag.
Move on to the next snippet of code:<background bgimage="\Program Files\Horizon\BGIMG.jpg" bgimage-rotated="\Program Files\Horizon\BGIMG.jpg" valign="bottom" bgcolor="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" />
​Just from the tag, you can see how this is related to the background tag in the CPR file. So all that confetti jargon is really just telling it to look here (for the initial setup that is. The value in the registry is changed when the background is changed). So this tag is telling the Today Screen to set the image at "\Program Files\Horizon\BGIMG.jpg" as the default background. Since there is currently no way (as far as I know) to change the screen orientation, the bgimage-rotated is the same as the bgimage. "valign", which should sound familiar, is set to the bottom, and bgcolor is set to the variable COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT.
So what are these variables exactly? Lets see:<scheme>
<color name="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" value="#000000" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT" value="#4683af" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHTTEXT" value="#C0C0C0" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMETEXT" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMERULE" value="#4683af" />
<color name="COLOR_HIGHLIGHT" value="#4683af" />
​Scheme, which is not an evil plot in this case, refers to the color presets for the phone's theme. Those variables I mentioned earlier are defined here. The value (which is the color value) is written in HEX-HTML code. It goes from 00 - FF, where F is the greatest, 0 the least, and is written in 2's. so COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT has 00, which is 0 RED, 00, which is 0 GREEN, and 00, which is 0 BLUE. These aren't too important unless you are doing a whole theme makeover for your phone.
Below that you may have a plugin tag with the "name" parameter equal to iconbar. You won't deal with that much. So look at the next plugin tag, which is titled "name = Bronze". Lets look at that:<plugin clsid="{E9267CAB-02EE-4f37-8216-6BF6A8FF5A71}" name="Bronze" height="266">
<Plugins Order="CMyPhotos;CMusic;CLinks;CLauncher;CComm;Settings;TitaniumWeather;CClock;CHome;CAppointments;CPhone;CText;CMessage;CEmail;CVoicemail;CWindowsLive" CPRFileName="Horizon" />
​This is the big one. Here you can see, from the plugin tag, that the Plugins (or more commonly called Panels) are given 266 pixels of space on the homescreen. Below that is the Plugins tag, which very nicely tells us what the order, from top to bottom, is for the Panels. This is how the Today Screen knows how to put what where! Notice that the parameter "CPRFileName = "Horizon"" in the example. This changes depending on the CPR being used. This gives users the choice to run either their own theme or the default theme provided without having to delete any other CPR files.
Tutorial Continued
[Tutorial Part 4] - Venturing On: Digging Deeper into the CPR File
[Tutorial Part 4.1] - Looking at more of the essentials
Go back to the CPR file you had opened for [Tutorial Part 2]. Let us start off by looking at a snippet of code below what we analyzed earlier. This is what I refer to :<TitaniumListView ID="HomeNav" Width="320" Height="185" Columns="1" Rows="5" ItemWidth="320" ItemHeight="34">
<Layer ID="Focus" Width="320" Height="67" Clip="False">
<Image ID="Image Default" Left="0" Top="-6" Width="320" Height="82" ScalingAlgorithm="TriLinear" Opacity="1.0" />
<ControlSequence ID="Action Sequence" FramesPerSecond="30" Loop="False">
<Image ID="Image" Left="0" Top="0" Width="320" Height="67" ScalingAlgorithm = "TriLinear" Opacity="1.0" />
<Layer ID="ListItem" Visible="False" />
<Layer ID="No Items" Opacity="0">
<Text ID="Text" Width="100" Height="19" FontFamily="Segoe Condensed" FontSize="8" FontStyle="Bold" Wrap="False" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter">No Items</Text>
</TitaniumListView>​This is quite a large snippet, and may look confusing, but in reality it does just the very basic functions of setting up the Today Screen. To start off, a new tag is called "TitaniumListView." In older roms, this is named "BronzeListView." The Titanium part makes it so that the middle panel (CClock on default set-ups) is centered on the screen in default position. So in this CPR, the Today Screen Panels are given 320 pixels across (the full screen width) and only 185 pixels top-to-bottom to fit into. These values can be changed, but be warned that they will change most everything. The effect of changing the screen size will be discussed in greater detail later on when I go over specific object positioning.
The first tag under "TitaniumListView" is "Layer", which, as mentioned earlier, is creating a new layer for objects ontop of everything prior. This layer is titled "Focus" and it is a vague name, but think of the Today Screen. You have the main panel and the semi-hidden panels, so the MAIN one must be the FOCUSED one. Now that that is understood, let us see what it is saying. It is defining the DEFAULT width and height for a Focused panel. The parameter "Clip = False" is just saying that 'if an image/text goes out of the boundaries assigned, do not omit it from rendering, render it on top of layers before it anyway'. So usually that is a good thing, since nobody wants half an image or part of their text to be cut off randomly.
Next up, it is describing an image that is being loaded to be rendered onto the screen. The location of this image is found in the registry, which will be discussed with greater detail later on.
This is obviously clean code, since everything opens and closes correctly. It isn't recommended to tinker with these values too much unless you have a backup and are willing to get some funky results.
Moving on...
Below this snippet, you see comments about NPI and MPI. What the heck is a NPI? Well, the NPI is actually the arrows you see when on a multi-page panel. Feel free to reposition them to your liking. As far as the MPI, I will be honest, I do not entirely know what it is. I have changed its values and have yet to have results, but fear not, I am venturing!
Moving on...
Below this snippet, you may see a Branding Comment. This is just a Text tag which writes to the screen at the given coordinates a "branding" message to show people who made the CPR or ROM. For the sake of being nice and not stealing, leave this alone (unless you make a custom CPR).
Moving on...
[Tutorial Part 4.2] - Looking at the CClock Panel
Finally! You get to see the code behind the most well-known panel out there, the CClock Panel! So lets take it slow and savor the joy:<Layer ID="ClockExpanded" Visible="False" Width="320" Height="82" Clip="False">
<Layer ID="Page" Clip="False">​In just these two lines of code, the Today Screen is instructed to do many things. It is told to make a new Panel called "ClockExpanded" (which goes back to Focus) with a width of 320 and a height of 82, and to be nice, clip is set to false. But wait, How does it know where to put the panel?!?! Well remember about the TitaniumListView VS BronzeListView ... well in Titanium it is centerbased, in Bronze it is top based! (Ohhhh!)
But wait! It says Visible is false? How do I see it?! Well, as far as I know from the tinkering I have done, that is like a Switch. The default is set to false for every panel to avoid issues, however when the Today Screen is shifting panels, it will flip these switches. So I wouldn't concern myself with this too much.
Next up, it is creating a Layer , within a Layer. This is just to make sure that objects created from then on are put to the "top" of the screen, visible to everyone.
Moving on...<Image ID="ImageFixed" Source="\Program Files\TitaniumWeather\condicons\CurrentIcon.png" Left="205" Top="-30" Width="120" Height="100" />​Okay, this looks simple enough... For starters, the CPR file is telling the Today Screen to create an image called ImageFixed at (205, -30) ... wait ... -30? Well look closer. The parameter says "Top="-30"", and I mentioned earlier that Top refers to position from the top of the layer. And since this layer is located in the middle of the screen and is only 80~ pixels tall, without clipping, we can place images anywhere! Have fun, try changing this value and see what happens! Continuing on, the image is given the size of 120 x 100.
You now know how the Image on the 'top' right of the CClock panel got there!<Image ID="ImageFixed" Source="\Windows\carrier.png" Left="-3" Top="3" Width="30" Height="15" ScaleStyle="Fit"/>
<Text ID="Network Name" Left="22" Top="3" Width="100" Height="18" FontFamily="Segoe Condensed" FontSize="7" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" HorizontalAlignment="Left">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0"/>
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF"/>
</Text>​Let us analyze! This snippet starts off with creating another Image called ImageFixed whose source is a carrier.png. Luckily, the creator of this CPR was nice and made things easy to comprehend. Obviously this is making the little "bars" and Operator text on the panel. Now that we know what it is, lets see how it comes to be. (Which takes up to the next part of the tutorial.)
[Tutorial Part 4.2.1] - The ID 'parameter' and How it is Helpful!
Looking at the Text tag, one thing comes to mind...I know what the result is, but where on earth is it getting this data from! Well I have been mentioning the registry a lot and saying I will explain later, well...I am not going to fully explain now since this is just the basics!, but I will do a brief fill-in on the topic. In the registry is a Key set up to let this panel operate. Inside of it are values that tell the Today Screen what to make the SoftKeys do, what the text should be, image sources, etc. But how does it all get accessed? Well the ID is also like a variable! The ID (in many cases) is compared to the Registry Key for the panel, and the resulting output is what is located in the registry under that ID name (for that reason, making two ID's the same name is dangerous!).
Tutorial Continued
[Tutorial Part] - A Good Example of ID usage!
Let us look at my custom 'Horizon' Skin. A nice feature I added in was a CComm (Communications) Panel that allowed you to see ALL the connection status's at the same time. In order to do this I had to edit a file related to the CComm panel and tell it to add more registry entries when doing what it needed to do. Even though any of you could install my custom theme (hint hint), I will just put the code here.<Image ID="icon1" Left="40" Top="25" Width="90" Height="115" ScaleStyle="Stretch" />
<Image ID="icon2" Left="260" Top="5" Width="40" Height="56" ScaleStyle="Stretch" />
<Image ID="icon3" Left="260" Top="58" Width="40" Height="56" ScaleStyle="Stretch" />
<Image ID="icon4" Left="260" Top="105" Width="40" Height="56" ScaleStyle="Stretch" />
​While it may strike some as odd, that entire feature is right here in these 4 lines of code! See, the reason I refer to ID's as Variables is because they change as pages change! In this case, the CComm panel (like most, if not all, others) does not tell you every single page in its code! So by adding lines to the file associated with CComm (as i metioned earlier) i was able to load pointers to images into the variables icon1 - 4 and place them in the corresponding folders in the registry. [If you want to learn more into how I did that, PM me or check it out by installing and investigating]
[Tutorial Part 5] - Interactions with the Registry
Like many programs on a windows OS, there are registry keys and values related to the executable (or similar). The Today Screen is no exception to this rule. In this section I will inform you on how the Today Screen 'interacts' with the registry and how you can make your own interactions.
[Tutorial Part 5.1] - How it works!
I have been mentioning a lot about how the Today Screen (consisting of multiple DLL's and XML files) interacts with the registry, when that is actually not true! In order to interact, it must be able to write and read. To the extent of my knowledge the Today Screen CANNOT write to the registry.
"WAIT WHAT!!! So how is it that when I click on that awesome CComm set-up you have stuff happens!?!"
Well...It is magic! ... The magic of PROGRAMMING! There is no actual command for the Today Screen to write something. It can only read. So amazing people figured out how to gain this access.
Like I explained, the ID's act like variables, reading certain entries in the Registry. So let's get a bit more in depth with that by an example. Below is the code for my CComm Panel layout ... I reviewed this earlier, but will use this as a prime example.
<Image ID="icon1" Left="40" Top="25" Width="90" Height="115" ScaleStyle="Stretch" />
<Image ID="icon2" Left="260" Top="5" Width="40" Height="56" ScaleStyle="Stretch" />
<Image ID="icon3" Left="260" Top="58" Width="40" Height="56" ScaleStyle="Stretch" />
<Image ID="icon4" Left="260" Top="105" Width="40" Height="56" ScaleStyle="Stretch" />​Now, let us all grab our phones, go to the start menu, and open up RegEdit or Resco Registry (or any app that you use). I want you to navigate to:
In there is everything that has to do with the Today Screen (Remember it is also called CHome!) More specifically, for the sake of this tutorial, go into CComm. Remember I mentioned "pages" and layering. Well this is where it matters. Notice there are 6 Keys called Page1 - Page6 (and there are 6 pages on the Today Screen!) Take a walk around, investigate for a moment, the continue reading and see if you got what you thought correct....
Okay, so the correct assumptions for how all this works would be that what is written in the CPR is exactly what is taken from the Registry. But that brings us to another question...HOW does all this get there? What all-mighty programming goblin is in my phone feeding this information!?!
Simple...that is covered in the next section...
[Tutorial Part 5.2] - Going from Acting to Inter-Acting!
Now it gets a bit more, the eager [young] computer programmer wants to make a panel that gives all this information to the user and does a bunch of changes on the phone, but HOW!
The simplest (not the only) way to do this is to use MortScript (in my opinion). MortScript is a scripting language that is very basic when you get the hang of it. It will do everything you need it to do, in most cases, as long as it doesn't involve things it can't do (duhh).
I strongly advise people interested in the Today Screen to learn MortScript because it will make a bunch of things a whole lot easier!
[Tutorial Part 5.2.1] - My First Registry Interaction!
Let us say you want to make a panel that shows you the Phone Owner's name, email, and a random note. To start off, open up NotePad ++ (or whichever text editor you want to use) and make a program. Done. Haha, just kidding! Let us take this step by step.
Let us assume the panel has a registry entry already and is called MyFirstPanel (located at HKML\Software\Microsoft\CHome\MyFirstPanel) There is one page, so we go to the Page1 Key.
We can do this one of two ways. We can make it Device Specific and pre-define all that data, or we can make it device independent and use MortScript to fill in the blanks. I will opt for number 2, but for those who do decide to do the first, make some Strings with your data, then in the CPR, add those ID's (correctly with the correct tags, which I will go over in a later tutorial).
Taking the second method, go back to your text editor. Let us see what we need to do. We need to find the user information, assuming there is any, and access it. The problem with the Registry interactions and the Today Screen is that the Today Screen is LIMITED to the Chome\PANELNAME key. That is where MortScript comes in handy...
I will tell you this time that the Owner Information (which can be entered in settings) is located at HKCU\ControlPanel\Owner\ . So let us make a script that will copy this data.
//Reads the Registry Entry for the NAME
name = RegRead("HKCU", "\ControlPanel\Owner", "Name")
//Reads the Registry Entry for the Telephone Number
phone = RegRead("HKCU", "\ControlPanel\Owner", "Telephone")
//Reads the Registry Entry for the E-Mail
email = RegRead("HKCU", "\ControlPanel\Owner", "E-mail")
//Reads the Registry for an extra note
note = RegRead("HKCU", "\ControlPanel\Owner", "Notes")
//Writes the NAME to OUR PANEL for later use.
//Assigns the ID to be used to name1 (I use numbers as a precautionary)
RegWriteString("HKLM", "\Software\Microsoft\CHome\MyFirstPanel\Page1", "name1", name)
RegWriteString("HKLM", "\Software\Microsoft\CHome\MyFirstPanel\Page1", "phone1", phone)
//Writes the EMAIL to OUR PANEL
RegWriteString("HKLM", "\Software\Microsoft\CHome\MyFirstPanel\Page1", "email1", email)
//Writes the NOTE to OUR PANEL
RegWriteString("HKLM", "\Software\Microsoft\CHome\MyFirstPanel\Page1", "note1", note)
That is it! Assuming you have learned enough of this language, this should act as a great backbone when it comes to registry interactions.
So now that you know the very basics of the CPR file, and how some things work, you can rest assured that I will continue this tutorial when more time becomes available! It pains me to say it but:
Saved for future reference
Sweeeeeet added to sticky
great tutorial, thanx , really , good job.
Wonderful job Cyclone..!!!! keep it up
this free program is very useful in editing both cpr and home.xml will color code and proof the tags for you..
hewhoisnotasothers said:
this free program is very useful in editing both cpr and home.xml will color code and proof the tags for you..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the link. I'm going to make a post/section specifically for software. Will be sure to add this.
I believe MPI is the arrows for the Media Player. They are arrows, that's for sure. Just which arrows, I don't know to be certain. I would think Media Player as "M". Media Page Indicator? or Media Player Indicator? NPI=Next/Previous Indicator?
Have been checking this thread in the hope that the tutorial continues.
I have lots of questions that might be solved by the next part of the tutorial.
Sorry for not updating sooner. I am still in school and this past week I had intense Marching Band rehearsals to lead up to our competition on sunday. Its all over now, so I have distinctly more time get back to my projects. Expect an update soon.
I did a minor update. I am sort of out of ideas. I did the unthinkable and left this alone for too long and lost my train of thought. So now I call upon you, the eager readers! What is it that I need still incorporate?
Don't mention the following because i already plan on implementing them:
-Interactions with the Registry (a bit more in depth with examples).
-Simple guide to making a basic panel (that doesn't do much)
-Go over more specifics about different TAG types.
Thats mind is dry (oddly and unfortunately enough). So please, anything you would like to know more indepth (or at all) just post it here and I will fill as many requests as possible!
CPR - Registry interaction
Most of my 100000000's questions are Registry related so for that part I'll wait until your Tut covers it.
In the meantime, do you know what this does?
<ControlSequence ID="Action Sequence" FramesPerSecond="30" Loop="False">
YesHoney said:
Most of my 100000000's questions are Registry related so for that part I'll wait until your Tut covers it.
In the meantime, do you know what this does?
<ControlSequence ID="Action Sequence" FramesPerSecond="30" Loop="False">
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Click to collapse
The ControlSequence tag is, in our case, useless. As Drkfngthdrgnlrd explained it to me a while ago, that controls animations that go on on-screen. It works for making buttons, etc. but since our phone's not a touch-screen, buttons really cannot exist. I believe that it is in there because this is a "stock" CPR, and realize that there is no OFFICIAL 6.5 for our smartphone, what the master chefs here have done is take megapacks (i believe that is what they are called) from official 6.5 ROM's for other phones and sort of splice them together to emulate a 6.5 environment.
Thank you
Why do I think you will come up with some rom made by you?
Thanks for the tutorial!
ControlSequence ID="Action Sequence"
According to what you explained, I deleted
<ControlSequence ID="Action Sequence" FramesPerSecond="30" Loop="False">
<Image ID="Image" Left="0" Top="0" Width="320" Height="67" ScalingAlgorithm = "TriLinear" Opacity="1.0"/>
from the CPR and absolutely nothing changed in the behaviour of the home screen.
Which is expected. Like I said, it is a "stock" CPR...that is designed for button's, etc. Much like the cmhome.dll (which contains the atual code for the CPR), it is all pretty stock and based for touchscreens because M$ knows that if they dare change anything, they could mess it all up (haha *sigh*).
Now that you mention cmhome... could you please see

[Q]How do I disable rotation of sense

Are there any tricks out there that will:
1) keep sense in portrait mode when i slide open the keyboard
2) go back to sense in portrait mode when exiting a program in landscape mode (ie messaging) without closing the keyboard?
I have tried HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila">
<parm name="EnableLandscape" value="false"
along with HKCU\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\ModuleName">
<parm name="SENSE" value="\Windows\manila.exe" datatype="string"
<parm name="SENSE" value="Manila" datatype="string"
but that solution does not work for me

HowTo change the IE search button behavior

for side loading go here
after you did that:
install the reg editor from this link
example :
Here you go :
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes
Edit the string in "DefaultScope" from "Google" TO "Bing".
Make a new key "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\Bing"
In the key "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\Bing" you make a new value:
value Name=URL
Value Data=
Value type= String
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
if you want to make a provxml (not needed) you can use the code.
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes">
<parm name="DefaultScope" datatype="string" value="[B][COLOR="Red"]Bing[/COLOR][/B]" />
<characteristic type="HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\Bing">
<parm name="URL" datatype="string" value="" />
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes">
<parm name="DefaultScope" datatype="string" value="Yahoo" />
<characteristic type="HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\Yahoo">
<parm name="URL" datatype="string" value="{searchTerms}" />
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes">
<parm name="DefaultScope" datatype="string" value="Google" />
<characteristic type="HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\Google">
<parm name="URL" datatype="string" value="{searchTerms}" />
if you want the bing search from the hardware button then empty the value "DefaultScope" under "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes"
so value data should be empty.
I might be stupid, but i dont understand what IE search button you mean. Is it the icon to the bottom right on the phone?
On my Trophy the key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes -"DefaultScope" is empty.
Is it so that if i add a new key named Google, with a value for the google search page, that will appear when i click the bottom right button?
EDIT: Nvm, i testet the setting, only for when you click the search button (bottom right one) while inside IE. As i said, the DefaultScope value was empty to begin with, switched too google and added key and value, works
kjesoo said:
I might be stupid, but i dont understand what IE search button you mean. Is it the icon to the bottom right on the phone?
On my Trophy the key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes -"DefaultScope" is empty.
Is it so that if i add a new key named Google, with a value for the google search page, that will appear when i click the bottom right button?
EDIT: Nvm, i testet the setting, only for when you click the search button (bottom right one) while inside IE. As i said, the DefaultScope value was empty to begin with, switched too google and added key and value, works
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Click to collapse
what you did is exactly what I mean
is it also possible to completely disable the hardware searchbutton?

[XAP] Custom Theme & Accent Colors for Samsung Phones (1st & 2nd Gen)

WARNING: Just like any other tools using the Samsung Diagnostic app to make registry changes there is a chance that your 3G/4G connections could get all bungled up. There are fixes known but you are doing this at your own risk so keep that in mind.
I know that there are easier ways to set theme and accent colors for 1st gen Samsung devices and if you want to use those go ahead but as far as I know there are currently no real easy ways to do this on 2nd gen devices so that's why I'm doing this.
As long as your device is unlocked in some way (Developer/Chevron/WindowsBreak/Other) you can get custom theme and accent colors on your Samsung phone.
1.) First install the WP Dev Tools and unlock your Samsung phone.
2.) Use Microsoft's Application Deployment Tool to send the XAP to your phone. Don't run it, delete after it has been deployed.
3.) Install the Diagnosis app by typing ##634# on the phone keypad.
4.) After the Diagnosis app starts type *#9908# and select 'Extra Accents' press 'Save' then 'Close' and RESTART your phone.
5.) Your phone now has more theme options!
6.) (optional) Press the 'thanks' button at the bottom of this post if it worked for you.
Current Extra Accents: GRAY, HTC GREEN, NOKIA BLUE, ZEBRA (black /w light/blood/deep sea/jungle, white /w dark/darker)
Current Themes: Darker, Blood, Deep Sea, Jungle
I also have an 'All Themes' xap now that will install all the accents/themes in one shot. In this xap 'Darker' is now 'Night'
!IMPORTANT UPDATE INFO!: I have edited all accents/themes in an effort to eliminate an error that can cause 3rd party apps to stop functioning and crash the theme system. A side effect of this is that custom accents will show up ONLY when the language is set to English (US). If you would like an additional language to be supported please post your language code and I will try to make a xap for you in my free time, for example English (US) is 0409.
Also, I have figured out how to move files with provxml's so custom accents will work with 3rd party apps with no additional steps needed on both 1st and 2nd gen devices. Do NOT re-apply any of these if you already have working custom extra accents via the old xap's or you will get duplicate entries in your accent colors and it could even crash the theme system.
IMPORTANT: If you updated to 8107 via Zune you may have also updated your phones firmware. If this is the case you will not be able to use this hack. I would suggest rolling back to 7720/7740 and updating via CAB Sender using the cabs in Heathcliff74's thread.
MORE IMPORTANT INFO: Custom themes also apply extra accent colors. You may also notice with custom themes that the keyboard color doesn't change when a new theme is applied. If this happens just restart your phone and the color should be correct. Currently 3rd party apps when using any of the original accents and a custom theme will default to a blue accent, this has been fixed in the 'All Themes' xap, since there are quite a few file operations when you click 'Save' wait a few seconds before selecting 'Close' in order for the settings to apply.
NOTE: For 2nd gen Samsung phones you may need to download the Wireless Manager from the Marketplace to restore your 3G/4G.
THANKS: Heathcliff74 - File deployer, reeg420 - custom theme starting point, daniel-t & poloche - info about 3rd party app accent fix
To make your own accent colors you can edit the Extra Accents.xml file found in the XAP attached to this post (simply open the XAP like a zip file and browse to the file)
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\ControlPanel\Themes\1\Accents">
<parm name="4" value="-13421773" datatype="integer" />
<parm name="14" value="-16757606" datatype="integer" />
<parm name="15" value="-9849841" datatype="integer" />
<parm name="16" value="-2105377" datatype="integer" />
<characteristic type="HKLM\ControlPanel\Themes\0\Accents">
<parm name="4" value="-13421773" datatype="integer" />
<parm name="14" value="-16757606" datatype="integer" />
<parm name="15" value="-9849841" datatype="integer" />
<parm name="16" value="-16711423" datatype="integer" />
<characteristic type="HKLM\ControlPanel\Themes\AccentsDisplayName\0409">
<parm name="4" value="Gray" datatype="string" />
<parm name="14" value="Nokia Blue" datatype="string" />
<parm name="15" value="HTC Green" datatype="string" />
<parm name="16" value="Zebra" datatype="string" />
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\System\AutoDataConfig">
<parm name="RunADC" value="1" datatype="integer" />
<characteristic type="HKLM\System\AutoDataConfig">
<parm name="ConfigurationStatus" value="0" datatype="integer" />
<characteristic type="HKLM\System\AutoDataConfig">
<parm name="Attempt" value="0" datatype="integer" />
<characteristic type="HKLM\System\AutoDataConfig">
<parm name="MaxAttemptsAllowed" value="5" datatype="integer" />
Values stored under "HKLM\ControlPanel\Themes\1\Accents" are for the 'Dark' theme
Values stored under "HKLM\ControlPanel\Themes\0\Accents" are for the 'Light' theme
Values stored under "HKLM\ControlPanel\Themes\AccentsDisplayName\0409" are the accents display name. This is a single value for both 'Dark' and 'Light'
To change colors you first need to know the color's HEX value. Then you need to change the HEX to an Integer for the xml. What I find easiest is to just use the Windows Calculator (Windows 7) with the 'View' set to 'Programmer' and 'Basic' then on the calculator tick the 'Hex' and 'Dword' then enter in the Hex value, for instance for gray it would be FF333333, then tick 'Dec' and then copy that value (-13421773) and paste it into the xml.
Now for my example here I put 'Gray' as accent #4, this is normally reserved for the OEM to add a custom color to thier devices, the other default accent colors are 0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10 and I am not sure but I belive 11,12,13 are normally reserved for the MO so just to be safe if you are adding colors and don't want to risk messing anything up I would start at 15 and go up from there. So, just to be clear, don't set values for anything lower than 15.
Blood Theme Preview:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
good news! thanks for your hard work
and i hope to see some love for htc 2nd gen devices
What grey did you end up going with? After deliberating for quite some time, I ended up using a dark slate grey for custom accent Focus.
As for the Theme Colours, I documented the stock values in a thread a while back. So you can modify to your hearts content and know the defaults value and go back.
Uploaded with
Scrtcwlvl said:
What grey did you end up going with? After deliberating for quite some time, I ended up using a dark slate grey for custom accent Focus.
As for the Theme Colours, I documented the stock values in a thread a while back. So you can modify to your hearts content and know the defaults value and go back.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
For gray I used FF333333
Great work! I'm so happy to finally see some headway on these second Gen devices Already given some thanks
Any chance of seeing a xap that changes the keypad, keyboard background & menu color to black? This Dark gray is killing me! lol
Mallux said:
Great work! I'm so happy to finally see some headway on these second Gen devices Already given some thanks
Any chance of seeing a xap that changes the keypad, keyboard background & menu color to black? Think Dark gray is killing me! lol
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Click to collapse
I plan to, perhaps by request. I just have to figure out what colors to use. I also might put up a template for people to make thier own.
voluptuary, I love you.
voluptuary said:
I plan to, perhaps by request. I just have to figure out what colors to use. I also might put up a template for people to make thier own.
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Click to collapse
That would be awesome! I would love to be able to play around with accent colors again. I miss the days of my old Focus :'(
But, if a request is what you need, I emphatically request a xap to change my keyboard background, etc. to black
Here's my gray if anyone is interested.
Ok, I'm starting on full custom themes now. To start I'm gonna try to get a darker dark theme. Will post here when it's finished.
EDIT: New 'Darker' theme added to first post. This is an additional theme, meaning your 'Light' and 'Dark' themes stay unchanged.
Mallux said:
That would be awesome! I would love to be able to play around with accent colors again. I miss the days of my old Focus :'(
But, if a request is what you need, I emphatically request a xap to change my keyboard background, etc. to black
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Click to collapse
Let me know if the 'Darker' theme meets your needs.
Nice but, you can do this with Advanced Config and even create your own colors or pick from the 100 or so pre-defined colors. Even installs in the Settings menu..
DavidinCT said:
Nice but, you can do this with Advanced Config and even create your own colors or pick from the 100 or so pre-defined colors. Even installs in the Settings menu..
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Click to collapse
Thanks for posting without reading the first post in this thread.
Protip: Water is wet!
voluptuary said:
Let me know if the 'Darker' theme meets your needs.
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Click to collapse
You are my hero, sir! (I assume you're a sir lol) It works perfectly! Love it
Hi voluptary,
About color in 3rd app, there is a way to use custom color, but can you add file in \Windows with your XAP ? ... because you must add a file "XML" in this directory and after, your custom color is ON !
See my screen, i use custom color "XBLive" and the toggle butons in Status Battery are green and not bleu
If you want to develop a theme which will take affect in third party apps, you need to make customised XAML resource dictionaries and place them into the Windows folder on the phone.
Just changing the registry settings is not enough.
This is the issue I had with adding my own Accent Colour, I had no way to add the custom XAML
poloche said:
Hi voluptary,
About color in 3rd app, there is a way to use custom color, but can you add file in \Windows with your XAP ? ... because you must add a file "XML" in this directory and after, your custom color is ON !
See my screen, i use custom color "XBLive" and the toggle butons in Status Battery are green and not bleu
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Thanks for the info, I did not know that. However, I can't put files into the Windows directory with my XAP, and while someone could make the files and move them there with a 1st gen device (using Root Tools) I don't think anyone has found out how to access the file system on 2nd gen devices.
Big Thank you worked perfectly on my Samsung Focus Flash 2Gen!
poloche said:
Hi voluptary,
About color in 3rd app, there is a way to use custom color, but can you add file in \Windows with your XAP ? ... because you must add a file "XML" in this directory and after, your custom color is ON !
See my screen, i use custom color "XBLive" and the toggle butons in Status Battery are green and not bleu
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daniel-t said:
If you want to develop a theme which will take affect in third party apps, you need to make customised XAML resource dictionaries and place them into the Windows folder on the phone.
Just changing the registry settings is not enough.
This is the issue I had with adding my own Accent Colour, I had no way to add the custom XAML
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Could one of you please post an example of such a file that I can edit and I will make a XAP to deploy them for 1st gen devices to match the colors I have already and then I'll post a tutorial on how to move them over to the Windows directory after they have been deployed with Root Tools. This way 1st gen devices will get accents in 3rd party app.

