NetCat Working (Windows Mobile!) - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

Netcat is known as the Swiss Army Knife of Networking. A version of Netcat for Windows CE (WinMo) exists at the URL below, I have gotten this to work on the Tmobile Touch Pro 2 (Rhodium), with the standard Tmobile WinMo 6.1 ROM using by first installing a command prompt:
And then installing NetCat for Windows Mobile
Got NetCat working on Windows Mobile 6.1 by installing a Command Prompt by following instructions at the following URL
I have tested a few basic NetCat commands and they seem to be working as expected, but more testing is needed.
In case the website disappears, here is the web site text by someone named Dale Lane on how to enable the command prompt to run NetCat (or any other text-based application):
"Getting Command Shell working on Windows Mobile 5
Microsoft provide a command shell for Windows Mobile as a part of their Developer Power Tools package.
I fancied giving it a try tonight (for no particular reason other than that I like using the command line, and my phone has a full QWERTY keyboard) so followed the instructions to install it.
No luck – it didn’t work. No errors, it just didn’t work – nothing happened.
It took a bit of playing around with, but I’ve managed to get it running…
It needed a registry hack:
set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\Console\OutputTo to 0.
I did it with a quick bit of code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Win32;
namespace RegistryAccess
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
RegistryKey baseKey = Registry.LocalMachine;
RegistryKey driversKey = baseKey.OpenSubKey("Drivers", true);
RegistryKey consoleKey = driversKey.OpenSubKey("Console", true);
consoleKey.SetValue("OutputTo", 0);
but if you have a registry editor, you can do it with that. (I’m short of space on my phone at the moment, so have uninstalled every non-essential app, including my registry editor.)
Then after a reboot, the command shell seems to be working.
The only downside is that it doesn’t seem to realise it’s running on a VGA screen, so the text is really small. But still… I have a command line now – yay! "

Additionally, below is is the help screen for NetCat CE:


pdocread hangs

got some Problem with pdocread. I loaded the latest Version available, extracted the archive to somewhere on drive c:, started dos box , changed to extracted archive path and wrote:
C:> pdocread
(just to read the parameters of pdocread)
... and nothing happens, it just hangs and doesn't come back to prompt.
Using windows XP SP 2, Active Sync 4.50 (Build 5096).
Anyone with this problem got an solution?
you mean when you are dumping the file... it takes a long time mine almost took around 30-40 mins for the whole thing to be dumped
But shouldn't it display it's parameters/options when i start the program without any of them? (I looked through the cpp code of it and it should display them!!)
Mhhh, strange..
thats not the default thing to do for an console application
in linux it's
applicationname |More
dos it's
applicationname /?
it's not general behavior to list parameter options when no parameters are given
Rudegar said:
thats not the default thing to do for an console application
in linux it's
applicationname |More
dos it's
applicationname /?
it's not general behavior to list parameter options when no parameters are given
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Yeah, that's true. Because of that I looked into the c++ sourcecode (pdocread.cpp) and found that when no option's/parameter's are given the programm prints out it's parameters.
Now it works, under ActiveSync 4.3 and without closing the wcescomm thread.

Command Line WORKING! (DOS Prompt, CLI Windows Mobile)

Hello friends,
After some work I have finally gotten the command line interface (Dos Prompt CLI) to work on the Tmobile Rhodium with the stock ROM and Windows Mobile 6.1.
Here's what you need: Microsoft Windows Mobile Developer Power Tools available for free here:
Within the Microsoft Windows Mobile Developer Power Tools package extract the folder called "PPC Command Shell - Command shell for the Pocket PC 2003 device." Do not worry that it says "Pocket PC 2003", we will make it work on Windows Mobile 5/6! (for background information read You will see three files: shell.exe, cmd.exe, and console.dll. Place the console.dll file in your Windows directory on your device (in our case, on the Rhodium Touch Pro 2 the Windows directory takes a long time to populate, but it will, add the console.dll to it). Then move the shell.exe and cmd.exe file to another folder on your device. After you are done with the below instructions you will be able to link directly to the cmd.exe file and run the command line terminal.
For the command line to work you would normally need to toggle the following registry key between "0" and "1" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\Console\OutputTo
By default it is set to "1" which disallows the command prompt to run, we need to set it to "0" to enable the command prompt. But, the caveat is that upon reboot it's best to have this key set to "1" otherwise your boot process is extended by about two minutes and you will get two open command prompt windows upon booting which you will need to manually close to go back to your home screen (annoying, but not a huge issue). In order to avoid all that, I have created a two simple Cab files which toggle the above registry key between "0" and "1". Before running the command prompt I run (which turns the registry key to a "0" and when I'm done with the command prompt I run (which turns the registry key back to '1').
If you forget to run when done with the command prompt it's no big deal, just run it whenever you get a chance (even after a reboot, which would take two minutes longer and open the command prompt by default, which is no biggie since you can just close it once the device fully boots). Leaving the registry key set to "0" should not damage anything.
I have attached the cab files on the forum.
The goal of installing a command line interface on a Windows Mobile device is 'hackability'... you get yet much better (granular) access to your device. I have always been fond of the way Linux-based devices (Android, Iphone, Nokia N900) give you access to the command line, and always wanted something similar on Windows Mobile. Now this is possible, albeit with less options than the linux-based phones.
For example, with the command line you can now run NetCat. Netcat is known as the Swiss Army Knife of Networking. ( on your Windows Mobile phone...
You can download and install NetCat for Windows Mobile at
I have tested a few basic NetCat commands and they seem to be working as expected, but more testing is needed.
Any feedback is appreciated
Usual disclaimer: This has worked great for me, but obviously I am not responsible if you damage your device.
Does anyone have any comments?
Please post your thoughts.
thank you
so glad i found this post, just about to try it out on my hd2...
To what end? What does this accomplish?
The goal of installing a command line interface on a Windows Mobile device is 'hackability'... you get yet much better (granular) access to your device. I have always been fond of the way Linux-based devices (Android, Iphone, Nokia N900) give you access to the command line, and always wanted something similar on Windows Mobile. Now this is possible, albeit with less options than the linux-based phones.
For example, with the command line you can now run NetCat. Netcat is known as the Swiss Army Knife of Networking. ( on your Windows Mobile phone...
You can download and install NetCat for Windows Mobile at
I have tested a few basic NetCat commands and they seem to be working as expected, but more testing is needed.
terminal 7 said:
so glad i found this post, just about to try it out on my hd2...
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Hi! Any update on this?
I tried this on my HD2 (WM6.5, ROM v. 1.61.468.1). The console is able to display text and run commands, but I can't type anything directly into it. The only button that seems to work is Enter.
If I type somewhere else and copy-paste into the console this works and commands execute perfectly.
What could be the trouble? Thanks in advance.
I have not tested the CLI on the HD2, but clearly your issue is caused by a lack of a physical keyboard. You may find a workaround to this (since you can copy and paste into the CLI fields), but unfortunately I cannot be of assistance since I only own the Touch Pro 2.
Good luck!
mail_e36 said:
unfortunately I cannot be of assistance since I only own the Touch Pro 2.Good luck!
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Do you have a software keyboard in your device (my previous BlueAngel had one in addition to hardware)? If yes -- could you please check if the console works with software keyboard?
good!! Did you try pocketgcc on it?
Great news! I just tried the command line using the soft keyboard built into my Touch Pro 2 and it worked... I was able to enter commands in the command line without having to pull out or use the hardware keyboard.
Are you unable to use your software keyboard on the HD2 with the command prompt?
Pronichkin said:
Do you have a software keyboard in your device (my previous BlueAngel had one in addition to hardware)? If yes -- could you please check if the console works with software keyboard?
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I have not tried PocketGCC, but it would be interesting to get it working on the command line.
mistm said:
good!! Did you try pocketgcc on it?
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This is pretty awesome. I love my mini version of a PC and having this only helps...
Here is how one can use the command prompt for NetCat...
I have it working on Telus Touch Pro2 but the physical keyboard doesn't work except for backspace and enter. It could be due to Tarkims keyboard remapper. It does however work perfectly with the soft keyboards. I have a copy of Perl installed and working.
The physical keyboard should work, I'm also running Tarkims keyboard remapper and the physical keyboard works well for me. Did you use my two cab files for enabling and disabling the CLI?
Also, please tell me more about Perl on your Windows Mobile phone, is there a binary (executable) or cab file I can install for Perl?
Please advise, thanks.
mail_e36 said:
The physical keyboard should work, I'm also running Tarkims keyboard remapper and the physical keyboard works well for me. Did you use my two cab files for enabling and disabling the CLI?
Also, please tell me more about Perl on your Windows Mobile phone, is there a binary (executable) or cab file I can install for Perl?
Please advise, thanks.
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You can find Perl here
Which version of Tarkim's keyboard remapper are you using 1.3.2 or 1.4?
I just checked and I am running tarkim's keyboard controller version 1.3.2, which seems to work perfectly with the command prompt.
I am wondering what you use Perl for on Windows Mobile? I have looked at the site and I am interested in installing Perl, can you give me some background on its utilization on the mobile platform?
Here's the response from Touch_Pete (via PM):
Actually I haven't tried much more than a few test programs. But this is a full implementation of a very powerful and flexible programing language that would allow you to go way beyond Mortscript which seems to be a popular scripting language used on Windows Mobile to do all sorts of things.
Working Perfect on my HD2 using FingerKeyboard2.1 ... I was facing same problem with original keyboard

StandAlone Windows Phone 7 Emulator (Microsoft XDE)

I don't wanna use monstrous VS2010 (which requires .net4 & silverlight4) on my home notebook so I found way to extract Microsoft XDE from "Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone CTP"
Attachment contains "extracted" from the package standalone emulator.
Just unpack attached zip and run sde_xde-enu.msi (if UAC is enabled you should start command promt and execute msiexec /i sde_xde-enu)
In MS terms install is silent so you don't need press "next" or "ok".
After install you find folder "%Program Files%\Microsoft XDE\" with Windows Phone 7 Emulator.
If you install the emulator on win x64 the path to emulator will look like this "%Program Files(x86)%\Microsoft XDE\".
The emulator will be installed both x86 and x64 but it seems that it does not work on x64 systems.
There is no WP7 images in archive so you must download it by yourself (original by M$ or patched version by Dan Ardelean).
Original image of WP7 by M$
Patched image of WP7 by Dan Ardelean mirror
After installing the application and download the file, you can run the emulator using the command:
"%Program Files%\Microsoft XDE\1.0\XDE.exe" %path_to_downloaded_image%
Despite the fact that it is installed on the XP, it only works on Vista and newer
step by step installation's guide by anarchyuk
So will you need Visual Studio Express Edition and all that jazz to make this work? Or just this installation and the emulator image?
Btw great work
main target was just to use the emulator without installing VS2010
just install this package and add the wp7_image
Works like a charm!! Thanks!
Image file
Thank you for the emulator
How can i get an image, do you have a URL or shared storage?
I've updated the first post with wp7image's URLs
anyone else get this to work?
Thanks for this
tried, but does not work at all:
1) installed from msi
2) run FAR as administrator
3) copied original WM70C1.bin to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft XDE\1.0\"
4) in directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft XDE\1.0\" typed:
XDE.exe WM70C1.bin
and nothing appeared, and no process xde.exe running in task manager
if i type XDE.exe without parameters, it shows its help screen, but if i run with any parameter (even if it is wrong) it shows nothing.
is this problem related only to my machine or somebody else is experiencing this also?
hmm.. I've tried many times on different PCs (win vista sp1 and newer but only x86) and I've had no problems..
there is just one problem that I found it will not work on winXP
pm me if you have any IM. it's much easier to me to talk in Russian
hmm again..
i've just test the emulator in the virtual machine with installed w7 x64 - all the symptoms as l2tp described
I'll try to find x64 version tonight
Thanks Sir
I installed this and it does not create the Microsoft XDE folder in program files....I am on Windows 7 x86. No error of anything. It did take a while and gave me a UAC prompt after a while.....
Edit: I enabled logging by running the msi with /log logfile.txt and it said:
vmmmsm_custom: Running custom action CA_InstallVMMDriver
vmmmsm_custom: Error creating VMM service, E = 6
CustomAction CA_InstallVMMDriver.3D2F911E_A60A_4C07_8F7D_5306DC073E9A returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
Action ended 17:11:12: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.
vmmmsm_custom: Running custom action CA_RemoveVMMDriver
vmmmsm_custom: There was an error stopping the VMM service. Run setup again after manually stopping the VMM service. (error code 6)
vmmmsm_custom: There was an error deleting the VMM service. The service has not been deleted. (error code 6)
I guess it is a problem with my machine with the virtual machine driver, but there seems to be no service...
today I'd installed CLEAN win vista sp2 business x86 on the virtual machine and then tested this emulator - all works fine but very slow
one more update - this installer conflicts with UAC (m$ suxxs one more time..)
if you install the full version of the VS2010 UAC's request appears at the beginning and everything is installed properly
but if you only install the emulator, then:
If UAC enabled installer says "all fine" but emulator doesn't install (see post hsclate)
If UAC disabled installer says "all fine" and emulator installs
Thanks working don;t have to disable UAC if you don't want to, just run an elevated command prompt and run from there, then it installed. Thanks for the pointer...
l2tp said:
tried, but does not work at all:
1) installed from msi
2) run FAR as administrator
3) copied original WM70C1.bin to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft XDE\1.0\"
4) in directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft XDE\1.0\" typed:
XDE.exe WM70C1.bin
and nothing appeared, and no process xde.exe running in task manager
if i type XDE.exe without parameters, it shows its help screen, but if i run with any parameter (even if it is wrong) it shows nothing.
is this problem related only to my machine or somebody else is experiencing this also?
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Same Problem for me here.
Running Win7 Professional x64
En1gma said:
hmm again..
i've just test the emulator in the virtual machine with installed w7 x64 - all the symptoms as l2tp described
I'll try to find x64 version tonight
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Please work hard for the 64bit version, thanks really for this genius work.
Saw this emu-rip to late damn... After uninstalling all the "Microsoft Virtual Studio + I don't know how many crap from what Virtual Studio refused to uninstall via 'Programs and Features' so removed it kind of manually" the sde_xde-enu does not work anymore. While all that bullcrap was installed it actually did work...(@W7 x64)
damn rapid share thought it was extinct.
l2tp +1 confirmed
Yesterday I tried to install VS2010 on win7 pro x64 and it seems that there is no x64 version of vs2010. Because the download is the same version as downloaded on win vista hp sp2.

[Q] Error using RIL (Radio Interface Library) with Windows Phone

I am getting
Can't find PInvoke DLL 'ril.dll'
error in Windows Mobile 6 and
failed to initialize RIL
error in Windows Mobile 6.5.
What can be the problem in using RIL (Radio Interface Library)?
How to check whether Radio Interface Library is intalled on my computer or not?
Never tried to use this stuff from C#, I've only ever called it directly from Win32 C++.
'RIL.DLL' exists in the \Windows directory of your device. You will have to use 'Show all files' in File Explorer to see it.
It also exists in the same place in the Emulator images.
When you call RIL_Initialise() you have to pass it addresses to call back routines that you supply.
Doing all this in a managed code environment could be a bit of nightmare.
in C++ this works:-
HRESULT hrRetVal= RIL_Initialize(1, ResultCallback, NotifyCallback, RIL_NCLASS_ALL, 0, &g_hril);
if hrRetVal is not returned as 'S_OK ' it didn't work!
The functions in the call are defined as :-
void CALLBACK ResultCallback(DWORD dwCode,HRESULT hrCmdID,const void *lpData,DWORD cbData,DWORD dwParam);
void CALLBACK NotifyCallback(DWORD dwCode,const void *lpData,DWORD cbData, DWORD dwParam);

Extract Windows RT product key without jailbreak or PC

This tool can be used on Windows RT 8.0 to extract a product key without needing either a Windows PC or a jailbreak. Copy this into Notepad and save it as a .bat file. Double-click it and it'll print out your product key, and you can copy it from that console window.
I've only tested this on Windows RT 8.0. It also seems to work on Windows 8.0 (i.e. x86 versions). No idea what happens on 8.1.
::' Windows RT 8.0 Product Key Dumper by Myria of
::' Original Windows 8.0 VBScript by janek2012 of
::' Batch+VBScript hybrid trick by dbenham of
::' Fix for keys starting with N by Osprey00 of
::' Windows RT doesn't let unsigned VBScript use WScript.Shell, which is
::' required in order to read the registry in VBScript. So instead, we
::' have a batch file call reg.exe to do the registry lookup for us, then
::' execute the VBScript code. Might as well do things this way, since
::' it would really suck to write this math in batch...
::' --- Batch portion ---------
rem^ &@echo off
rem^ &call :'sub
::' If we were run from double-clicking in Explorer, pause.
rem^ &if %0 == "%~0" pause
rem^ &exit /b 0
::' Read the registry key into VBScript's stdin.
rem^ &("%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe" query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v DigitalProductId | cscript //nologo //e:vbscript "%~f0")
::'rem^ &echo end batch
rem^ &exit /b 0
'----- VBS portion ------------
'WScript.Echo "begin VBS"
' Get registry data that was piped in
RegData = ""
Do While Not WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream
RegData = RegData & WScript.StdIn.ReadAll
' Remove any carriage returns
RegData = Replace(RegData, ChrW(13), "")
' Split into lines
RegLines = Split(RegData, ChrW(10))
' Sanity checking on data
If (RegLines(0) <> "") Or (RegLines(1) <> "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion") Then
WScript.Echo "Got invalid header trying to run reg.exe"
End If
If Left(RegLines(2), 38) <> " DigitalProductId REG_BINARY " Then
WScript.Echo "Got invalid value list trying to run reg.exe"
End If
' Get hex string
HexString = Mid(RegLines(2), 39)
If (Len(HexString) Mod 2) <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Got an odd number of hex digits in REG_BINARY data"
End If
' Convert to byte array
Dim ByteArray()
ReDim ByteArray((Len(HexString) / 2) - 1) ' VBScript is just weird with array dimensions >.<
For i = 0 To (Len(HexString) - 2) Step 2
ByteArray(i / 2) = CInt("&H" + Mid(HexString, i + 1, 2))
Key = ConvertToKey(ByteArray)
WScript.Echo Key
' janek2012's magic decoding function
Function ConvertToKey(Key)
Const KeyOffset = 52 ' Offset of the first byte of key in DigitalProductId - helps in loops
isWin8 = (Key(66) \ 8) And 1 ' Check if it's Windows 8 here...
Key(66) = (Key(66) And &HF7) Or ((isWin8 And 2) * 4) ' Replace 66 byte with logical result
Chars = "BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789" ' Characters used in Windows key
' Standard Base24 decoding...
For i = 24 To 0 Step -1
Cur = 0
For X = 14 To 0 Step -1
Cur = Cur * 256
Cur = Key(X + KeyOffset) + Cur
Key(X + KeyOffset) = (Cur \ 24)
Cur = Cur Mod 24
KeyOutput = Mid(Chars, Cur + 1, 1) & KeyOutput
Last = Cur
' If it's Windows 8, put "N" in the right place
If (isWin8 = 1) Then
keypart1 = Mid(KeyOutput, 2, Cur)
insert = "N"
KeyOutput = keypart1 & insert & Mid(KeyOutput, Cur + 2)
End If
' Divide keys to 5-character parts
a = Mid(KeyOutput, 1, 5)
b = Mid(KeyOutput, 6, 5)
c = Mid(KeyOutput, 11, 5)
d = Mid(KeyOutput, 16, 5)
e = Mid(KeyOutput, 21, 5)
' And join them again adding dashes
ConvertToKey = a & "-" & b & "-" & c & "-" & d & "-" & e
' The result of this function is now the actual product key
End Function
Myriachan said:
This tool can be used on Windows RT 8.0 to extract a product key without needing either a Windows PC or a jailbreak. Copy this into Notepad and save it as a .bat file. Double-click it and it'll print out your product key, and you can copy it from that console window.
I've only tested this on Windows RT 8.0. It also seems to work on Windows 8.0 (i.e. x86 versions). No idea what happens on 8.1.
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Works great on 8.1 RT too. Thanks!
Great work, Myriachan. I'd already gotten my code via other means, but I ran the script to verify that it gets the same key and it does. As Subsonic44 wrote, it does work on 8.1.
If anyone forgets how to copy it to the clipboard from the command prompt: tap and hold (or right-click) anywhere in the window, select Mark, highlight the key and tap and hold (or right-click) anywhere again.
Where I have to use the product key I get?
hisoft said:
Where I have to use the product key I get?
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you have to use an install key that won't activate. You will need to change your product key back to your original that you copied down using this tool in order to activate your new 8.1 Windows RT.
Subsonic44 said:
you have to use an install key that won't activate. You will need to change your product key back to your original that you copied down using this tool in order to activate your new 8.1 Windows RT.
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Thank you for the answer. If I can find some free time I may have to try it. :good:
Thank you very much for doing this! Before proceeding with my 8.1 RTM upgrade, I would like to confirm one thing: your scripted returned a strange key (see below).
C:\Users\XXXX>rem &
Press any key to continue . . .
Notice the last tuple only contains 4 characters. Can this possibly be correct?
Thanks in advance,
UPDATE: I retrieved my key using WinTK on another machine. Looks like there is a displacement issue.
X????-?????-?????-????7-CBV2 - using this tool
NX???-?????-?????-?????-7CBV2 - using WinTK
rabilancia said:
C:\Users\XXXX>rem &
Press any key to continue . . .
Notice the last tuple only contains 4 characters. Can this possibly be correct?
Thanks in advance,
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Just checked mine and it only has 4 characters in the last group. I think you are fine.
rabilancia said:
UPDATE: I retrieved my key using WinTK on another machine. Looks like there is a displacement issue.
X????-?????-?????-????7-CBV2 - using this tool
NX???-?????-?????-?????-7CBV2 - using WinTK
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[EDIT: The following doesn't solve the issue, so don't bother with it, but the code change in my later post does. Myriachan has added that change to the first post, so if you've just now created the batch file, you already have the fix.]
It seems to me that janek2012's function may not account for the possibility of 'N' being the very first character of the product key. Find this line 2/3rds of the way into his function...
keypart1 = Mid(KeyOutput, 2, Cur)
...and replace it with...
If (Cur = 0) Then
keypart1 = Mid(KeyOutput, 1, 1)
keypart1 = Mid(KeyOutput, 2, Cur)
End If
I've done a little testing and that seems to solve it, but I had to make an assumption without having an actual key that starts with 'N'. If it doesn't solve it, Myriachan may have a better idea.
That "seems" to be working. Thank you very much! As I reported in an update above, I got my key another way. I am now successfully running RT 8.1 RTM on my Surface RT. Interestingly, I did change the script as you suggested, ran it on RT 8.1 and found out that the key on RT 8.1 is entirely different than the one I used to activate RT 8.1. Hmmm....
Thanks again,
rabilancia said:
That "seems" to be working. Thank you very much! As I reported in an update above, I got my key another way. I am now successfully running RT 8.1 RTM on my Surface RT. Interestingly, I did change the script as you suggested, ran it on RT 8.1 and found out that the key on RT 8.1 is entirely different than the one I used to activate RT 8.1. Hmmm....
Thanks again,
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Well, in that case, my modification probably doesn't work. It ought to return the same key that you got via WinTK and activated with. If it's different, then it's likely wrong. Thanks for trying, though. It was worth a shot. I guess that I'll leave it to Myriachan to solve.
Osprey00 said:
Well, in that case, my modification probably doesn't work. It ought to return the same key that you got via WinTK and activated with. If it's different, then it's likely wrong. Thanks for trying, though. It was worth a shot. I guess that I'll leave it to Myriachan to solve.
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I don't know anything about the Microsoft product key algorithm itself, so I can't fix it directly. If you have the source code to a tool that does work with such keys, even in another language like C++, I could figure it out and update my tool to support it.
Let's try this again. If anyone with the issue (to re-iterate, you get a key with only 4 characters in the last set) wants to test this, find this line of janek2012's function...
KeyOutput = Replace(KeyOutput, keypart1, keypart1 & insert, 2, 1, 0)
...and replace it with this...
KeyOutput = keypart1 & insert & Mid(KeyOutput, Cur + 2)
Verify that against what another tool told you is your key and let us know if it checks out.
For the curious, what I believe is the issue is that the original function doesn't work for when the 'N' is the first character of the product key. In that particular case, keypart1 is set to "" (because there are no characters in front of 'N' when it's the first character) and the Replace function, therefore, ends up searching for "" and not finding it, so 'N' doesn't get inserted into the string anywhere (leaving the key one character short).
Osprey00 said:
Verify that against what another tool told you is your key and let us know if it checks out.
For the curious, what I believe is the issue is that the original function doesn't work for when the 'N' is the first character of the product key. In that particular case, keypart1 is set to "" (because there are no characters in front of 'N' when it's the first character) and the Replace function, therefore, ends up searching for "" and not finding it, so 'N' doesn't get inserted into the string anywhere (leaving the key one character short).
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I've incorporated your change into the code and credited you. Thanks! =^-^=
The refurbished ASUS x86 laptop I bought to experiment with the x86 version of Secure Boot happens to have a Windows 8.0 CD key that starts with N, so I was able to test the new version. =) (It had the missing letter problem with the previous version.)
Myriachan said:
I've incorporated your change into the code and credited you. Thanks! =^-^=
The refurbished ASUS x86 laptop I bought to experiment with the x86 version of Secure Boot happens to have a Windows 8.0 CD key that starts with N, so I was able to test the new version. =) (It had the missing letter problem with the previous version.)
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Works now on my 8.1 RTM Surface. My "N" now shows up. Thanks!
Excellent work.
Nice, I have a question.
I recently stumbled upon a bat file sent to someone @ MS for a problem they where having with Windows activation on there RT.
Inside it shows the bat script clearing the activation files and registering keys for both Windows RT and Office, this maybe useful if for some reason my Surface 2 becomes deactivated, the problem is I don't know my office 2013 key...any idea's on how to get that?
I attached the bat file as i found it in case anyone wants it. (dunno who's keys are in there)
Find Product Key Batch File for Windows RT 8
Hi folks,
I have a VivoTab TF600 that hit the BSOD issue shortly after a Win 8.1 Patching cycle.
It originally hit error Code 0xc0000001 all the time.
After executing many suggestions from the Web on how to fix it, I now hit
a. Error code 0x0000005c
b. Parameters
i. 0x00000110
ii. 0x05250631
iii. 0x00000014
iv. 0xc0000001
First, then after a reboot, it hits the Code 0xc0000001
I tried the FIndProductKey.Bat file on this tablet and received:
"Error: The System was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
Got invalid header trying to run reg.exe" ( Which is echo'd from the Batch )
What would contribute to give that error ?
*** Found a work-around ***
Copy the SOFTWARE hive from the C:\Windows\System32\Config directory to the USB.
Plug it into a AMD or x86 based Windows 7 Machine and run ProduKey. Change the source to read the hive. And that's it, the key for the Win 8 RT OS and 2013 Office was displayed.
Windows 8 RT Original Product Key
Hi folks,
Once Win 8.1 is on the platform, the original product key is lost. ( Unless you squirrelled away the Hives somewhere )
I understand that it`s linked to the firmware on the Tablet.
( In this case the ASUS T600TF )
When Win 8 RT Setup runs from the original image, it must compare the Input key with the once it`s expecting.
The Windows 8.1 key definitely does not work.
Anyone aware of a way to decode the original key through Windows RE ?
I am a non-programmer. Can you elaborate the instruction a little simpler?
I really appreciate your contribution to the forum. However, I don't really get what you mean because i am a non-programmer. Can you make your instruction simpler so that i can follow your instruction to solve my surface RT problems. My window RT is not activated and all MS office apps did not work at all. Thank you in advance for your kind contribution to solve activation problem. also what do you mean by "change the source to read the hive"?
dalexop said:
Hi folks,
I have a VivoTab TF600 that hit the BSOD issue shortly after a Win 8.1 Patching cycle.
It originally hit error Code 0xc0000001 all the time.
After executing many suggestions from the Web on how to fix it, I now hit
a. Error code 0x0000005c
b. Parameters
i. 0x00000110
ii. 0x05250631
iii. 0x00000014
iv. 0xc0000001
First, then after a reboot, it hits the Code 0xc0000001
I tried the FIndProductKey.Bat file on this tablet and received:
"Error: The System was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
Got invalid header trying to run reg.exe" ( Which is echo'd from the Batch )
What would contribute to give that error ?
*** Found a work-around ***
Copy the SOFTWARE hive from the C:\Windows\System32\Config directory to the USB.
Plug it into a AMD or x86 based Windows 7 Machine and run ProduKey. Change the source to read the hive. And that's it, the key for the Win 8 RT OS and 2013 Office was displayed.
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