Leave Email On Server - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

How do I set up my email so that it leaves a copy on the server so when I get to my laptop the message can be downloaded? I do my email on my laptop but need to be able to receive / send email from my HTC as well. Thanks!

By using POP account setup. I have POP on my TP2 and on my home computer... On my home computer I have set on the account settings that when I remove the email in my Outlook it will remove it from the server...

Loco5150 said:
By using POP account setup. I have POP on my TP2 and on my home computer... On my home computer I have set on the account settings that when I remove the email in my Outlook it will remove it from the server...
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So ... what is the setting on your TP2 that specifies, "do not remove from server"?

There is a setting on the edvanced settings menu when you setup the account, or go to edit the account settings.

There is a setting on the advanced settings menu when you setup the account, or go to edit the account settings.

use imap instead of pop. pop downloads messages and wont mark them as read on the server or delete them after a month or whenever you set it, and some pop clients delete the email from the server after its pulled. imap is much more advanced and if you can get imap-idle you get push email support.

Leave Email on Server, and other Advanced Settings
I have been frustrated with this issue also. I use my phone for POP email when I am away from my computer. It is almost always business, and I need to keep records of communications in one place. Using Outlook, I archive all old emails to a network server. Since installing my current ROM, I have been unable to find access to the email size, signature and delete handling options. As a result, emails that I delete from the phone also get deleted from the server before I download them to my PC. This is a big problem since I sometimes delete messages from my phone without taking action - planning to deal with them the next day from the office. Dealing with multiple email accounts and up to 50 messages per day makes the phone very cluttered unless I regularly clear them out.
I just discovered the "back door" into the old WinMo style advanced email settings using a tip from another thread regarding email signatures.
I am using the Energy ROM (08-Sep-10, which I love). Here is how to get to the advanced email settings:
1) From any email Inbox (not the Sense screen) tap Menu/Tools/Options to get to the Messaging settings page.
2) Tap an email account on the list.
3) Tap "Send/Receive Schedule".
4) Tap "Advanced Settings" at the bottom of the screen.
5) Choose your option under "When deleting messages:"
Other advanced options are also available this way, including email signatures for each account, as well as download size and scheduling.
I'm happy again!

Thank you for resurrecting this 9 month old thread.

I too thank you for posting this. I needed to change this on one of my accounts but had forgotten where the change needed to be made. You saved me lots of time searching.
Again, thanks much for the direction.


Gmail - pop3 dissapearing messages on send/receive

Hi all,
Just set my XDA2s up for my gmail acount.
All is fine, I can receive and send mail no problems.
However, if I have a message in my inbox which I have read it gets deleted on the next send/receive.
I cannot find a way to tell it to keep my messages until I delete them manually...
Any ideas?
I have exactly the same problem.
Anyone knows?
Me go try.
Never thought of using gmail on the qtek.
same here... i thought it was only with imate jams...
I don't have that problem here.
I only see option to remove deleted items manually or automatic.
its under storage.
That option purely manages what to do with items marked as deleted. Not those in the inbox.
I am glad others see the problem. How do you have things set up?
I set my gmail not to archive or delete the items I download and read. However, I can't help but think that this is a setting with the XDA2s.
There's no thing wrong with your XDA IIs or Gmail.
Go into the settings of your gmail account on your XDA IIs. At the "Server information" screen, there is an "Options" button. Go into the Options screen. On the last screen,
* If you choose "Get full copy of messages" your messages will be deleted off of the server once you do a "Send/Receive Mail" This is common for all POP3 servers. Gmail has a special option in the "Mail Settings/Forwarding and POP" for you to "Keep Gmail's copy in the Inbox" even if you do a "Get a full copy of messages" Other POP3 servers don't have this special option so emails will get deleted. To keep it consistent with other POP3 servers in case you have multiple email accounts, just select "Trash Gmail's copy"
* If you choose "Get message headers only" and include 999K (32K is about a screen full of email) you will still see most of the body of your emails once you do a "Send/Receive Mail" but your emails won't be deleted off of the server. Now... if you realize some of the emails are SPAM and you want do delete them off of the server to save yourself from downloading those SPAM mails again to your desktop email software, you can click on the SPAM mail and "Mark for download". Then do a "Send/Receive Mail". Those emails that are marked for download will then be downloaded to your XDA IIs and deleted from the server. On your XDA IIs, you can just delete them once the "Send/Receive Mail" is done.
Hope it helps.
Does anyone kn ow why I keep getting a message "Messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure that you are connected and that your e-mail account settings are correct. Then, try to download messages again". I'm sure that my settings are correct. I can send emails OK - it's just will not down.load them. Any ideas?
Hi Suntingwong,
This does not appear to help unfortunately. The problem is not what happes to the mail at the gmail side but at the ppc side. No matter what I do, once I have read (or downloaded and read) a mail in my XDA2s's inbox it is removed from the XDA2s's inbox at the next send/receive. It is not sent to the deleted folder - just removed. I am after a way to keep it in the inbox as read, as you would logically expect it to be.
I can confirm the above.
It seems that each time you go over the send and recive you inbox is reset to empty. Thus what you had downloaded (as header or full text), and read just goes into never never land.
I am not sure what the differnese is betwwen the 2 icons at the bottom, both push your mail.
I have been lost on this one for a long time, adding to it I have also been lost on how I can sync my pop.mail with my outlook pst for the sent items and inbox.
Seems like the sysnc only goes Between the default mal box, which meens I CANT configer as pop. So I cant send unless I am attached to the desktop over that mail box.
Its concept that I don't understand and have yet to find a soulution.
rakh1 said:
Hi Suntingwong,
This does not appear to help unfortunately. The problem is not what happes to the mail at the gmail side but at the ppc side. No matter what I do, once I have read (or downloaded and read) a mail in my XDA2s's inbox it is removed from the XDA2s's inbox at the next send/receive. It is not sent to the deleted folder - just removed. I am after a way to keep it in the inbox as read, as you would logically expect it to be.
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Sorry I misread your question. I was thinking you were bothered by emails getting deleted from gmail whenever they got downloaded to your PPC.
I only use my PPC to quickly screen mails so this is not a problem for me. As long as I don't download emails from the server (set just to get header and 999K of body) then my emails won't get deleted from the server nor the PPC until I downloaded them to my desktop email software or when I delete them manually from my PPC.
Now if you want to keep your emails in your PPC no matter what happened to them on the server (got downloaded, etc...) You can mark your emails as "not read" whenever you're done reading them. That will keep them from being removed from your PPC. It's an arduous thing to do but it seems to be the only way...
Hope it helps
There has got to be a better solution than that.
I have the same problem as well, and would really like to see a fix.
You must enter in the settings of your account (upper right corner) and go to "Forwarding and POP". There you have this options:
1. Status: POP is enabled for all mail that has arrived since 1/1/05
Enable POP for all mail (even mail that's already been downloaded)
Enable POP only for mail that arrives from now on
Disable POP
Yoy must select the first option (Enable POP for all mail (even mail that's already been downloaded)), click on "Save changes" and now the messages dont disappear when you read it in your PPC.
I was sad to find out that the IIs only retains 6 email accounts. It seams that this problem isn't only inharent to gmail account. I have configured 3 of my own domain pop3 accounts. When I download the email to my IIs, the emails on my IIs disappear the next time I send/receive.
Look I feel like a real dumb a**.
I cant work your fix as I cant find that setting. Top right is a drop down for me (From, recived date, subject.)
In accounts I get 1/4 and see nothing on the next 3 pages that does anything for me.
Were should I be as it seems its not in messaging.
This is my observation... wondering if any body sees the same thing.
1. If the message is no longer on the server, upon the next Send/Receive, the message is removed from PPC.
2. If a message is not read on PPC, it will not be removed from PPC no matter if it is still on the server or not
2. There is no universal rules as to when a message is removed from the server when it is accessed via POP3
3. For gmail, this is configurable (Mail Settings>Forwarding and POP>[keep Gmail's copy in the Inbox, archive Gmail's copy, trash Gmai's copy])
4. For adelphia.net, a message is not removed no matter if only header or full body is downloaded. A message is only removed when accessed via desktop email software (if the software is NOT configured to leave a copy of the email on ther server)
5. For netzero.net, a messsage is not removed from the server if only header is downloaded to PPC. A message is removed from the server if full body is downloaded PPC.
So if one wants to keep a copy of gmail's email on the PPC, one has to set up Gmail to "keep Gmail's copy in the Inbox" in the "Forwarding and POP" setting.
One also must configure desktop email to keep a copy on the server. For Outlook 2003, this setting is found on the "Advanced" tab right under the POP3/SMTP port settings.
That's some good observations sumtingwong. I could care less about gmail since all junk go through gmail. I'm more conserned about my domain pop accounts' email disappearing from my PPC. I will leave the messages on all 3 dedicated servers for the next few day to test your observations. stay tuned..
ps. damn this site is crawling. is it getting DDoS'ed?
Site's been crawling for days now........new servers?
Anyway - i can find no way to stop the mails dissapearing on the PPC. So, I have worked round it by creating a 'keep' folder and I simply move the mails I want to that after reading them. Not ideal but it works for now.
I left the messages on my mail servers while picking up full email from my PPC mail client. As sumtingwong posted, the mail doesn't disappear from my PPC anymore. I have successfuly sent received mail the past 3 days on 3 different email servers. All email are still on my PPC. I will delete all mail from the servers and see if the emails remain on the PPC.
ps. I pick up mail on both my own email servers and gmail.
I'm starting to get annoyed. Just recently, my Gmail emails are disappearing. But my emails from my own email servers are still on my PPC which doesn't disappear like the Gamil emails. The most anoying thing is, when I delete the emails from my PPC that belongs to my email servers, the same emails are redownloaded again. It's like the PPC email client doen't know the emails have already been downloaded. This doesn't happen to my other phones with email clients.
WTF, are there any other email clients we can use instead of the built in POS Outlook?

Removing email accounts from Touch Flow screen

I am running BB Connect on my sock TMO TP2, on the mail screen I have 2 system email accounts that are not in use and would like to remove them.
Is there a way to get them not to show there?
You need to delete them from the account picker. By default, this should come up if you press the messaging key on your keyboard. Otherwise, from your inbox, tap Menu, Tools, Options, and check the "Display account picker when opening Messaging".
Once you're in the account picker, just tap and hold on the account you want to delete and tap on the context sensitive menu that pops up.
It doesn't work on the system email accounts that are associated with BB Connect for some reason. There must be a reg hack that will hide them. Or I could remove and reinstall but that is a pain.
rsacipher said:
It doesn't work on the system email accounts that are associated with BB Connect for some reason. There must be a reg hack that will hide them. Or I could remove and reinstall but that is a pain.
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OH, welcome to my world. I have 3 accounts that I wanted to remove so I could reinstate them again and I couldn't do it. They don't show up in the "remove account" page. I tried recreating them with the same name but the mail program wouldn't allow me to do it. So I had to rename them and now I have 6 email folders with only three that are active. How dumb.
I tried going through the registry and looking for any files that might be associated with the accounts without luck. I just need to live with it. I don't want to reinstall the ROM to start fresh.
The way I disassociated the original email boxes, if you're interested, is when I realized I didn't want to sync my Outlook box in my phone, so I removed it from the computer syncing program. That basically uninstalled whatever link my Outlook had along with all three of my external email folders. <sigh>
If it is setup to connect using Exchange, you need to remove/change the Exchange server connection in ActiveSync
Otherwise, try this
1. Click the Inbox on TF3D (I'm using v2.1 on wm6.1)
2. Menu > Tools > Options
3. Click and hold the account name > Delete
simular problem with email & TouchFLO
I am having a simular issue with the Outlook Mobile and Touch FLO3D. I had 5 email accounts set up. Hotmail, Outlook mail and 3 POP3 accounts. For some unexplained reason this week, the 3 POP3 accounts stoped working, but were still showing up in the TouchFLO email tab. When I checked Windows Mobile email picker and setup, the accounts did not displayshow up. I tried to re-add the the accounts using the same name and credentials. I received an error that the name was already in use. So I added the 3 accouns using different names. Now I have 8 email accounts on the TouchFLO tab, and 5 in the Windows Mobile email screens. There seems to be no way to delete the accounts from TouchFLO tabs. I have also attempted to disable the TouchFLO email and to re-enable. This did not change anything. A soft reset was also no help.
runandgun said:
I am having a simular issue with the Outlook Mobile and Touch FLO3D. I had 5 email accounts set up. Hotmail, Outlook mail and 3 POP3 accounts. For some unexplained reason this week, the 3 POP3 accounts stoped working, but were still showing up in the TouchFLO email tab. When I checked Windows Mobile email picker and setup, the accounts did not displayshow up. I tried to re-add the the accounts using the same name and credentials. I received an error that the name was already in use. So I added the 3 accouns using different names. Now I have 8 email accounts on the TouchFLO tab, and 5 in the Windows Mobile email screens. There seems to be no way to delete the accounts from TouchFLO tabs. I have also attempted to disable the TouchFLO email and to re-enable. This did not change anything. A soft reset was also no help.
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Did you ever resolve this issue? I just had the same problem with two Gmail accounts - my Outlook account is just fine. The Gmail accounts appear on my Touchflo screen but I cannot access them. the do not show up in Account Picker, yet I cannot add accounts with the same name because "they already exist". They also do not show up when I do a "View Inbox" and examine the account drop down.
I guess this was never solved. I have the same exact problem and was hoping I could find a fix for it here.
Ah. I found a thread with the answer:

Messages deleted on computer still arrive on Desire?

Sorry to be dim, but I assume I need to change a setting, somewhere. Can anyone please tell me how I can stop messages I have deleted on my desktop popping up on my Desire five, or even ten, minutes later?
Thanks, in advance...
I'm guessing you are talking about emails here? if so, it depends on what type of account you have setup, eg. POP or IMAP.
POP will download each and every message to all mail clients (desktop and phone), unless you have either selected the option to 'delete messages on server' or manually go into the main mailbox and delete the message from there.
IMAP (if your mailbox supports it) is the best option if you view your messages using multiple devices- it keeps all the messages sync'd with each other.
If you're using Exchange then you may find you have cached exchange mode enabled which would cause a delay in the message being deleted from the server.
The option in Outlook 2007 would be found in :-
Tools > Account Settings
Select Exchange account and click change, there will be a check box that will allow you to enable\disable

[Q] Having an issue with email deleted from server

I just replaced my Tilt with a Tilt 2 and am now having an issue with my emails being deleted from the server when I delete them from my phone. I went into the advanced settings to try and change it, but the only options I have available are "Delete Messages from server" or "Move messages to server Trash". I would like to know if it's possible to have it set up the way it was with my old phone, whereas, when I deleted an email from my phone, it stayed in the inbox on the server.
I have looked for a solution, and I am not sure if there is one, but I *did* search for an answer before posting. Everything i have come across pertains to pop3 and this phone automatically configures the setting as imap.
I am accessing gmail, if that matters.
Is there a fix for this?
I have already read about moving them to a folder, which is the same thing to me as them being moved to the "trash" folder. I don't want to move them. I want them kept in the inbox.
Any help/suggestions are greatly appreciated. This is driving me nuts!!!
I had the same issue, i just select "mark as un-read" on the phone after i read them. if i forget to do that , the mail will just show up in my "old mail" folder.. then from my computer i deal with them..
That won't work for my initial request. I want to delete them from my phone, but keep them on the server. If I mark them as unread, they are still on my phone. Is there a way to change the email setting to pop instead of the default IMAP? I believe that was the setting on my first tilt, but this one automatically sets it as IMAP.
totallybeachin said:
That won't work for my initial request. I want to delete them from my phone, but keep them on the server. If I mark them as unread, they are still on my phone. Is there a way to change the email setting to pop instead of the default IMAP? I believe that was the setting on my first tilt, but this one automatically sets it as IMAP.
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You need to tell us which type of email you are using (Google, exchange, etc). But what you describe is IMAP behavior. Pop servers don't do that.

help with email app please!!!

i have searched all over google already..
So on my S3 i been using the stock email app. i have a hotmail account, same one for years. Every so often when i check my emails they automatically get deleted or disappear. So i log onto my hotmail.com or now "outlook" on my computer and all my emails that disappear move into a POP folder, thats why their not showing up on my phone. I have tried going to more options, and POP and deleting emails settings on my hotmail options.. changed it to what people suggest, and still the same thing happens. Its starting to really piss me off.
I have not tried k-9 email, i would like to use that as a final resort. i like the stock email app, i would just like someone to help me please with this, usually i can figure these things out but i have been banging my head on this for the past month now. Anyone else had this issue? what settings do i need to change on my phone? or on my hotmail account?
Any help would be much appreciated!
Anyone? or XDA not the place to ask about these things?
[email protected] said:
Anyone? or XDA not the place to ask about these things?
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Have you tried searching Google Play for Outlook App?
Yes. i have seen that app, but like i said before i would like to use the stock email app. If i download the Outlook app it will still put my emails in a POP folder. Plus the Outlook app is ****... and has ****ty reviews.
[email protected] said:
So on my S3 i been using the stock email app. i have a hotmail account, same one for years. Every so often when i check my emails they automatically get deleted or disappear. So i log onto my hotmail.com or now "outlook" on my computer and all my emails that disappear move into a POP folder, thats why their not showing up on my phone. I have tried going to more options, and POP and deleting emails settings on my hotmail options.. changed it to what people suggest, and still the same thing happens. Its starting to really piss me off.
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In Outlook.com, if you go to More mail settings -> POP and deleting downloaded messages, there are two options for POP syncing:
- Don't let another program delete messages from Outlook. (If your other program is set to "delete messages from the server," we'll simply move them to a special POP folder. They won't be deleted.)
- Do what my other program says—if it says to delete messages, then delete them.
Basically, this happens because POP3 is an unidirectionnal way to communicate between a mail client and a mail server. When the client connects to the server, the server sends all the mails he has to the client. Then the server waits for an instruction from the client: either to delete or not the messages the client has successfully received. As POP3 is unidirectionnal, it can't send a "delete" instruction to the server when you delete a message in your client: it's all or nothing. This was useful when storage space in mailboxes was limited -- when you have a local copy of your mails in your computer, then there is no need to keep a copy in the server, and it frees storage space --, but nowadays, most mailboxes have plenty of space, so there is no need to delete mails from the server.
The last option will obey to what your client send to your mail server: if your client tells the server to delete all the received mails, then Hotmail/Outlook.com will delete straightforward the said mails. On the other hand, the first option won't obey your client's instruction -- and if I'm correct, that's the default configuration in Outlook.com; instead of deleting the mails, Hotmail/Outlook.com will simply move them to a special "POP" folder for you to manually decide later what to do with them in your webmail.
Having those informations, you then may want to check what are your actual Email app's configuration about received mails and selecting your prefered option in Outlook.com. But I believe there is a better option for mail syncing.
What I may suggest you is to add your Hotmail/Outlook.com email account as an Exchange ActiveSync account, instead of a classic POP3 account. This way, you have bi-directionnal communication with your mail account -- a per-mail control of your emails --, push notifications -- you will receive mails as they arrive in your inbox --, access to all your email folders -- you are not limited to your inbox only -- and you can sync your contacts' informations in your Android address book with the infos from your email account.
To do that:
1. Open your Email app in Android;
2. Go to Settings;
(2.2 Optional -- You may want to delete your actual Hotmail/Outlook.com account from the app. It's not necessary, and you may want to do it only at the end of this procedure, when you see your Exchange setup working.)
3. In Settings, add a new email account;
4. Enter your Hotmail/Outlook.com email address in the account field and your password in the password field. Then, press Manual setup;
5. Select Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync type account;
6. Click Next -- there is no need to change the default settings;
7. At the Account options screen, again, no real need to change anything, though you *may* want to change Period to sync Email to access older emails. Then, click Next;
8. Type a name for your email account to appear in Email app, then you're done!

