Looking for a fix for the box you type in being cut off while texting - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

This happens to me very frequently and is fixed by just exiting the sms screen and opening it again. But it seems to have been happening much more often lately.
I tried searching but can't really think of the words to search for for this problem and came up with no results. so i'm sorry if this has been common.
Anyway, in case it is unfamiliar. When I go into the sms texting screen the portion that you type in on the bottom is cut off by more than half and this makes it very annoying to type. Any one know any fixes?

Open the on-screen keyboard and close it - it will disappear.

I had the same problem a while back. I did what Genesis3 described and it would momentarily fix it, but it would show back up later. I have hard reset since then (for other reasons) and I haven't noticed the problem since.

i have done a hard reset recently and it still occurs :/ but thanks about opening the on screen keyboard, didn't know that. So there is no permanent fix?

Running a stock rom I also get that once in a while. I tap the onscreen keyboard then tap it off and it is fine. Pain in the ass though.


problems with keyboard?

I know there are other threads like this but each phone is unique. Wondering of anyone else is having similar issues. Every now and then (throughout the day) ill open up messages. Handecnt kik. Browser etc... And ill start typing haptic feedback working. But no letters show up. I've tried stock. Better. And gingerbread keyboards all seem to have the same issue. Any way to fox this? My Inc 1 dis the same stuff sometimes but its quite annoying. I'm also running Atk like I always do I ignore keyboard messenger.and I've also tried without ignoring it. Is this an Atk problem or glitch with these HTC devices?
Happens to me sometimes too. I usually works if i hit the back button then where im trying to type again. It must be a little software bug.
So I got rid of Atk, problem solved

AOKP Keyboard Bug

I notice it less in 4.0.4, but it's still here. Here's what happens:
Sometimes if I have a thread open, I can either start typing and then all typing will stop, or no typing will start from the get go. What I mean is I tap the keys and nothing shows up in the message box. In build 28 I had this happen only from the get go once in a while, now it also happens sometimes when I'm part way through a message. The only way to fix it is by hitting back to go to the main messaging screen and going back to my thread. If I do this with a partially written message then all the text is erased when I go back. Highly annoying.
Has anyone else experienced this, or know of a fix?
I have problems with this on my SII, but i ran CM9 for a while and I don't remember it happening there so i think it is AOKP specific.

Keyboard lag/touch input problem while typing

Does anyone's S6 edge have this problem where you are typing a text, at least 10 words long or more, and the screen don't recognize touch input just once, but it happens every 15 to 20 words? Its freaking annoying and I've since switched to the google keyboard and this problem don't happen as much, but the problem is still there, its caused me to misspell at least 7 words so far that the keyboard has auto corrected. This is so damn annoying and I hope I'm the only one that has this problem that way I can take this phone back and get it replaced.
I guess I'm the only one
Happens to me sometimes, but not all the time. It's probably a RAM problem. I usually clean/close some opened apps with Cleanmaster to prevent lag. Hope the next update will fix memory management problem.
I'm on Android 5.1.1 and it supposedly has fixed the RAM issue and the problem still exists. I don't think it's a RAM issue. I think it's a software issue that when you type too fast it stops recognizing the presses. Hapes mainly with the backspace key. If I tap that button like 20 times it will stop pressing it no matter how hard I press.
I want to say this is a Edge thing not a S6 thing.
Try a different keyboard from play store, also try closing apps in background.
I haven't noticed the ever on this incredible phone.
Running stock no root yet, with 3 pages of apps disabled.
I apologize for resurrecting this thread but, I've been searching for a while with no avail. Since I've upgraded to 5.1.1 I've been experiencing this issue. Has anyone in the time of this thread found a possible fix for this?
I've tried multiple things, maybe going to have to resort to cleaning up with a factory reset.
This phone is so beautiful, yet functions like a POS, minus the camera. It just sits on desk collecting dust. I too have the aforementioned issue, along with dozens of others. First phone I've ever regretted buying.

Problems with voice to text.

anyone have a problem with voice to text? Every time i use it, it misses the first couple of words or screws it all up. VERY LAGGY Any way to fix this problem,??
I have noticed this and have no idea how to fix it, but I've learned to wait an extra second or two to start talking after hitting the microphone button, and it seems to work okay when I do that. Never noticed this behavior on other phones, I don't think.
What I have noticed on any other phone is that voice-to-text will sometimes insert the word 'oh' before a comma. Annoying. Tried the fixes I found online but the problem persists.

Glitch in S20 layout?

Hi everyone, I hope someone here can help me.
I'm experiencing a bug on my phone that's bothering in several situations.
Apps in landscape mode switch to portrait and come back to landscape (or not):
Voice notes in WhatsApp get interrupted:
(you'll see that the navigation bar briefly goes white)
I've factory-wiped my phone, gradually reinstalled the apps and double-checked that there are no weird or potentially dangerous apps.
The tricky part here is that I can't find a pattern, as it randomly happens (for instance, my keyboard went down when writing this actual post).
Has anyone else experienced this problem with their phone? Any idea on what I can do? It's really hurting my experience with Samsung.
You might try another Android version.
Clear system cache on the boot menu.
You can try a hard reboot as well.
Test the sensor(s) that controls that (it could be an intermittent failure, the worst kind to diagnose).
Does manually locking it to landscape mode stop it?
If it's a brand new phone, get it replaced as this is not a normally seen glitch.
Reloads generally don't cure settings or hardware issues and useless it's an old load or has a worm, trojan, etc are generally a waste of time.
As invariably the original issue just gets triggered again... eventually.

