Ftp server for windows mobile - Windows Mobile Software Development

Hi all,
i just released a ftp server for mobile.
more information at
remorftpmobile dot wordpress dot com
its a first version for test only.
thank you all

Wow, good work! I'll have to keep a close watch on this project

Dave, it is already available for download, please try it!!

Seems fine but its a bit too much stuff like the "client commands", "serial key" and stuff, I would like to have those options in another menu, not in the main screen. I want a mobile-FTPserver to be easy with a simple interface where I just have to set the portnumber login and password and see my wireless-IP. And ofcourse a Online and Offline button.
I could set it up but got some errors, don't remember. When I got connected it asked for a password.. I had set it to none on both login and pass but I couldn't get through in the win7 ftp explorer. Then I tried with the standard "user/pass" login and got through but then it told me that I didn't have sufficient rights to view the contents.
However I think you've got a nice program going here and windows mobile needs a few competent apps for this, I haven't searched much but it doesn't seem to be many FTPserver apps out there for wm..
So keep it up mate! I hope you will take my opinions into consideration The best ideas are the easiest ones!
And post some screens here also and mabye the cab attached?

Hi mattie,
thanks for your evaluation!! Sure i'll consider your oppinion, i'm doing it right now. I am now migrating it from lazarus LCL project to KOL project. It will become smaller, because 1,8Mega is too much. I think that it will became less than 1M.
The firtst thing is organize it in pages as you suggested.
About your connection try. You should certify yourself if the windows explorer is configured to connect in active mode. The passive mode is not implemented yet (but on the way). To set it as a active mode you can look at my page (remorftpmobile dot wordpress dot com/projects/remor-ftp-server/how-to-use/). Sorry i cant post URLs. About the problem with permission it is not normal because you are running a FAT32 file system and permission is just read only mode. Windows sometimes gives the permission error but it was not the real problem. My questions:
1) Do you tried to delete some file that was in use or something similar? What action gives you the error?
2) What is your device and WM version?
I'll post some screens and the CAB when i finish the KOL version. Should be this week!!

Releasing a free version
Hello all,
after taking some time to do this ftp, o got some other work to do which set me away from this project. But i still using it every day even with some errors
After all, i decide to open the code to share the development with all, so that way we can do a better program. I used lazarus with kol.
Attached you can find the source code and the last cab if you are not a programmer. I hope that i can find some other people with interrest on this project, so i can get motivated to continue it
I dont know any public subversion rep, if any of you have a suggestion...
that's it.

Nice work!!!
I wish I could support this project but unfortunately I'm a .NET-developer and not very common with Pascal/Delphi.


HTC Homeplug Weather fix - get your LOCAL weather! [New universal patch uploaded!]

THIS SERVER HAS NOW BEEN DEACTIVATED - See below / my final post
WARNING! The old IP-based/Pocket Hosts method using my server HAS BEEN DEACTIVATED, as I have had to remove the code in question from the direct IP. This means that selecting the custom weather server purely via the HTC home customizing utilities without installing a patched version of the HTC Home DLL, it WILL NOT WORK and you will just get "unable to retrieve data" messages. If this is the case, please uninstall your existing HTC Home plugin, and use one of the ones off the download page.
You can, if necessary, set up your own IP address to base it on, if you can't use my system for some reason, and use the pocket host method that way (requires your own server). Otherwise, please use the cabs below.
I've written a universal patcher, so people can now get the HTC Home package they want, and just patch the HTCHome.dll from \WINDOWS. Simply get the package, unzip, drop your HTCHome.dll file in the N2A-Patcher folder, and run the n2a-patcher script inside. It'll magically create you a package! (This won't work for DLLs which people have already patched, you need to use the unmodified original.) This should negate the need for me to create individual packages anymore. Feedback welcome! As a result, I won't be releasing any more complete packages - just install your personal favorite, get the \WINDOWS\HTCHome.dll from your device, drop it in the packager, and let it do it's magic, then install the newly created cab.
Coming soon, if I can figure it out - drop the installer in, and get a patched full installer out! Of course, I have to figure out how to batch extract the cabfile correctly first... *laughs*
I've also just created a DLL to CAB packager (so you can drop your own pre-patched DLL in, and it'll turn it into a ready-to-install cabfile), and a DLL patcher (which just patches the DLL itself, ready for cooking etc - perfect for all you flashers out there!) - all on the download page.
Help Request
If anyone has an unpatched Sprint Touch XML file, I could do with a backup copy, for those who corrupt their XML files...
If you've got a Touch, Kaiser/TyTN II or Sprint Touch...
There are specific device DLL replacement packages on the new file download page.
I've moved all the downloads and instructions to a new page, which will hopefully make it clearer on what people need to download. It also contains full instructions on hexediting the DLL if you wish, and re-signing. I'm not entirely sure if it's more readable or not, but it's certainly more manageable! Feedback welcome. There's some specific overlays now for certain versions of the ROMs too.
Can I install colour customisations to this?
Sure. Take a look around the forum. There's plenty of guides elsewhere.
What does this do?
It reroutes the request to the AccuWeather server to my server instead, which then requests the appropriate data from the AccuWeather server, and translates it into the HTC Weather XML format.
Can I run this via my own server?
Yup. It's running on mine via PHP 5.2.x, using the SimpleXML extension. The code is downloadable from the main download page, and I've even commented it. Once you get it running, you'll need to hexedit the HTCHome.dll file in the same way as described for the ROM chefs. I'd recommend keeping the same length of file for replacement - using directories to pad it out if necessary - it could cause unpredictable results otherwise.
Do I need to run my own server to get my local weather?
Nope, feel free to use mine.
Your server isn't working!
Oops. It's a rarity, but occasionally network outages happen. The server won't be disappearing anytime soon though without any warning! I'm sorry to say that I'll be taking the server down for this shortly as I'm wrapping up my web hosting business and transferring it to another company, but quite a few other people seem to have hosted a copy if people still need it. I hope it's been of use over the years everyone!
Why have you done this?
It was really annoying me that I could only get the weather for a city 25 miles away, that had nothing to do with mine.
Can you make me an XML file for such-a-place?
No, I've done enough already, and it's documented fairly heavily above. If you can't follow instructions, give up and stop trying to hack your phone. I'm not here to hold your hand. I'll help fix bugs and obvious issues, but if you can't edit a textfile, you're on your own.
Release Notes
I've stripped most local data from the return info apart from the town/city and country, but the HTC plugin seems to ignore that anyway. Works for all international locations I've tested. I welcome feedback on anything that's not working though, and I'll try to get it nailed pretty quickly. As said above, also works on zip codes, which will make it easier for our US friends on here.
New release fixes countries that weren't in the list, by removing the country checks altogether - I'm confident it'll "just work" - in theory Report bugs in the usual way.
Known Issues
The WM5 version will NOT update over GPRS/3G, unless you are using an AKU3.3 ROM. WM5 Weather update over GPRS has been proven with Wizard AKU3.3 (like the T-Mobile or WM5SEr5). Other devices/ROM's still to be confirmed.
The temperature in Farhenheit can occasionally be a degree or two out, as I convert from the Celsius scale. To get both readings would mean two calls to the server, which would be more work and bandwidth for my server. I'm sure you can live with a degree out occasionally.
Thanks PAPPL for the info on signing files, Schen for his great work on the plugin, and to all those who contributed to getting these plugins (and getting them working!) in the first place!
As I've taken the server down, I've attached all the relevant files to this post. If someone does want to provide somewhere to point the weather.not2advanced.com domain to, I still own the domain and can add the appropriate A address to it for the purpose if they want to continue hosting for the many users that still seem to be using this plugin. Sorry I had to take it down, but I no longer run the hosting operation this was being held on, and it can be a bit heavy on resources at times.
- Rick
Wow, sounds like a lot of work went into this.
Do you think it would be possible, using this framework, to pull data from the NWS website instead of Accuweather?
Theroetically, I could, providing they set up an appropriate XML feed. However, I can only do one such setup per IP address (and the IP addresses I have are somewhat limited), but if someone wanted to set it up, I've no doubt it'd be possible. However, it wouldn't be trivial - I've had to manually grab bits of data from the XML and process it into the format the home plugin expects. As a UK resident, the NWS isn't huge amounts of use to me
On a more technical note though, it'd require a similar format - at least 5 days in advance for a particular area, and the exact parameters (or something that can be adjusted / mangled / processed into the exact parameters) that the plugin needs. (Take a look at the code in the zipfile if you want to see how much of a pain in the neck THAT was!) Adapting it would also need a complete conversion matrix, or a hacky method using (say) the RSS feed ID for the BBC, or however the NWS does it.
Will this work for cingular/att customer?
If it works already for the major cities, then it'll work the same way, but with more localised weather available.
If you're having trouble with the normal weather plugin setup though, you may still have trouble. Then again, it might work! I've no idea. Try it and find out
Hi N2A / Rick.
Great job - really! I can't thank you enough.
It finally works for me.
HTC Homeplug Weather
Thanks for sharing your great work. (I am french so sorry for my poor english)
However, I working on HTC Homeplug Weather because it wont let me download weather forecast when I am using 3G connection.
It works great when I an using wifi connection so I think it is coming from the proxy of vodaphone France (SFR) wich is blocking the access. So I was wondering if I will be able to connect to your server ? (for the moment it is not working) or redirecting the plugin to my tunnel...
Second is there a way to be sure that htc weather plugin is trying to connect to htc.accuweather.com and not to another web site.
Thanks in advance
A french guy wich is also living in a small city and wishto have his weather forecast ;-)
TorbenKB said:
Hi N2A / Rick.
Great job - really! I can't thank you enough.
It finally works for me.
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You're most welcome Glad I could help.
gdbtg said:
However, I working on HTC Homeplug Weather because it wont let me download weather forecast when I am using 3G connection.
It works great when I an using wifi connection so I think it is coming from the proxy of vodaphone France (SFR) wich is blocking the access. So I was wondering if I will be able to connect to your server ? (for the moment it is not working) or redirecting the plugin to my tunnel...
Second is there a way to be sure that htc weather plugin is trying to connect to htc.accuweather.com and not to another web site.
Thanks in advance
A french guy wich is also living in a small city and wishto have his weather forecast ;-)
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Well, if it's the HTC accuweather site specifically blocked, then it will help you. If it's generically blocking sites, then it won't.
Re a tunnel - depends what you mean by it.
The HTC home plugin *always* tries to connect to htc.accuweather.com - hence the host file change, which diverts it to my server instead, which provides the correct data. (NO LONGER APPLIES WITH NEW PLUGINS!)
However, if it's still not working with the hosts file modification (may require soft reset, not sure!), then I'm afraid there's not a lot I can do, unless you can tunnel it as you said, but it depends on what you're using to tunnel.
HTC Homeplug Weather
Thanks for your quick answer !
It's still not worling ;-(
But I wondering how can I test if Pockets Hosts is redirecting properly the htc weather address.
gdbtg said:
Thanks for your quick answer !
It's still not worling ;-(
But I wondering how can I test if Pockets Hosts is redirecting properly the htc weather address.
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HTC Homeplug Weather
Ok, I have got the web site and not the error message.
So there is something wrong.
Thanks for your help.
Befor I can try your nice work, I have a problem with the write protection of the hh_0407_weather... file. I dont get my own file in the folder. I tried some things but it didnt work.
Can you help me? I'm runing a B&B v3.7 Ger beta.
gdbtg said:
Ok, I have got the web site and not the error message.
So there is something wrong.
Thanks for your help.
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Reload pocket hosts - it should look something like the attached thumbnail. If it does, try a soft reset. However, if it's still refusing point blank, it's highly possible you're going via a proxy, and that is handling the DNS lookups. To bypass that will require a hack to the HTC plugin itself. I can set it up server side for it (which was going to be my initial approach!), but it'll need an appropriate hostname hacking into the binary. I'll see what I can do on that score tomorrow, both on the home plugin front and the server-side setup.
smallgermanboy said:
Befor I can try your nice work, I have a problem with the write protection of the hh_0407_weather... file. I dont get my own file in the folder. I tried some things but it didnt work.
Can you help me? I'm runing a B&B v3.7 Ger beta.
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I suggest using Total Commander - you can remove the read-only flag from there, and even edit it inside it. Works beautifully.
I use the Total Com, too. But when I open the file the Internet Explorer opens and displays the xml file. I tried to remove the flag but he didnt adopt it. So I looked at the attributes again and nothing has changed.
smallgermanboy said:
I use the Total Com, too. But when I open the file the Internet Explorer opens and displays the xml file. I tried to remove the flag but he didnt adopt it. So I looked at the attributes again nothing has changed.
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I'm assuming that's after you've gone to the file properties. You should be able to unclick "Read-only" and "System" on it.
There's quite a bit of information on doing this scattered around the forums. Is it cooked into your ROM? (It'll have a tickbox by the "In ROM" box if that's the case.) But you want to clear the Read Only and System attributes from the file properties if you can, THEN edit it.
More information on this thread.
N2A said:
I'm assuming that's after you've gone to the file properties. You should be able to unclick "Read-only" and "System" on it.
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I did this but when I open the properties again the attributes for "Read-only" and "System" are still on.
There's quite a bit of information on doing this scattered around the forums. Is it cooked into your ROM? (It'll have a tickbox by the "In ROM" box if that's the case.) But you want to clear the Read Only and System attributes from the file properties if you can, THEN edit it.
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Its in the ROM.
There's your problem. I suggest copying it somewhere else on the device, editing it, and copying it back, but it may have issues doing it.
If you can't copy it back, apparently Resco Explorer is able to do it.
I used resco to do it. you have 14 days free trial so you can test it first.
And thanks N2A this is realy great. And works perfectly can find all the small places in Norway
ialu said:
I used resco to do it. you have 14 days free trial so you can test it first.
And thanks N2A this is realy great. And works perfectly can find all the small places in Norway
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Thanks for both
I copied it with the resco and now it works perfekt. I tried several small cities in Germany and he found all. THANKS again
Thanks. works great. now i know it's going to rain all week here in abergavenny

TP2 Basic Questions

I've just bought a TP2 and reading through the forum I've picked up that the TP2 is customisable.
My questions are basically
-how customisable is the TP2?? i.e. is it only themes n ringtones that can be changed or can anything be changed on the phone??
Also ive read that applications like radio dont come standard on the TP2 need to be added manually.
-how hard is it to do this and does anybody have any tutorials on how to add apps and where can i get them from??
ustahir_1 said:
I've just bought a TP2 and reading through the forum I've picked up that the TP2 is customisable.
My questions are basically
-how customisable is the TP2?? i.e. is it only themes n ringtones that can be changed or can anything be changed on the phone??
Also ive read that applications like radio dont come standard on the TP2 need to be added manually.
-how hard is it to do this and does anybody have any tutorials on how to add apps and where can i get them from??
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the device isnt the variable in customization, virtually every aspect of the TP2 is customizable and as the days go by and the devs create more things the options just become greater.
the radio add is simply installing the radio cab file, takes all of 10 seconds. All you really need to do (for the most part) for different app installs is to read if they support your resolution (480x800).
mallman said:
the device isnt the variable in customization, virtually every aspect of the TP2 is customizable and as the days go by and the devs create more things the options just become greater.
the radio add is simply installing the radio cab file, takes all of 10 seconds. All you really need to do (for the most part) for different app installs is to read if they support your resolution (480x800).
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so regarding customising to confirm basically got to wait for the realse of items for the phone.
is there a tutorial on how to add a cab file as this is my 1st HTC phone,,,
also where can i get these apps from pls??
O btw got another Q
the customisation of the TP2 isnt customising the phone but the windows OS is that right??
so if i find a good thing for windows OS and its for the right version and correct resolution it should work??
thanks for your help btw
there doesnt seem to be a thanks button
thanks again
Welcome to forums.
Yes there are literaly millions of apps out there for WinMo from any category you can think of, productivity, media players / streamers, games, tools etc etc.
Most apps come in two forms, .cab file extension which can be copied to the memory on the device and run from the file manager, or .exe (the windows normally executable) these are installed on your desktop and the app is then installed to the device the next time you sync it with active sync.
Before getting too in depth, I advise you to read the Wiki, and the first post at the top of this forum. Familiarise yourself with the devices basic functions and where everything in the OS, that way you'll pick things up a lot quicker when reading through posts on the forum.
The entire OS is customisable, skins, pre-installed apps, added functionality (patching missing or poor functionality (NFFP issues) and anything else you can think. What we do here is port newer builds from newer devices to get the latest OS builds and optimisations for our current devices.
Have a good read, you'll understand a lot better.
ustahir_1 said:
thanks for your help btw
there doesnt seem to be a thanks button
thanks again
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You can thank us all by donating to the site mate (not mandatory at all) but it helps keeps this place going.
Indeed welcome to the forums.
It seems this is your first windows mobile phone? you can compare it with your windows pc a bit, only it's a bit less complex, though it still is.
On windows you can install every application that is ment for windows. As long as your system meets the system requirements of the software. It's the same with your Touch pro 2.
A lot of software has diffrent versions of their applications, each for a diffrent screen size. This reduces the size of the application (instead of installing the application for all sizes).
There are . CAB files. These are the regular installation files for you phone. Copy them to your phone and run it. (you can upload by bluetooth, but active sync is easier and faster) Then there are .exe files for mobile apps. These you install on you pc while you phone is connected via active sync. Your computer will then install it on your phone.
Now for the customisation part. This is indeed customising the OS. In the (near?) future, there will be a lot of selfmade (cooked) roms available. This goes with a lot of testing, it's the trial and error way of working.
As this is your first WM mobile?, I suggest you wait a while before customizing anything and installing custom roms. I would wait untill there are some stable roms available. Also you need to install HardSPL to make flashing (installing new Roms, and thus new OS versions) less risky. Because flashing and customizing isn't without risk.
I've been doing it quite a while (flashing) and it never went wrong, but there are also people where it did went wrong.
first off thanks beast & quarin when i get paid ill try to donate something to the site.
I'll definatly have a read into the wiki before doing anything to the phone and yes this is my 1st windows mobile so I will just it for a while to get used to it then possible start customising it.
In regards to the apps i can get apart from in this forum are there any other sites where i can download them from??
Also i do have 1 more question but its a just in case kind of question.
Ive bought the HTC sim free, 1 of my main worries is that with my Three(3) network contract SIM. I know I should be able to make calls and send text messages my query is in regards to the internet settings will they automatically be picked up via the SIM card coz when i had my iphone i had to manually put in the address for the APN and im just wondering will i have to do the same??
beast0898 said:
Welcome to forums.
Yes there are literaly millions of apps out there for WinMo from any category you can think of, productivity, media players / streamers, games, tools etc etc.
Most apps come in two forms, .cab file extension which can be copied to the memory on the device and run from the file manager, or .exe (the windows normally executable) these are installed on your desktop and the app is then installed to the device the next time you sync it with active sync.
Before getting too in depth, I advise you to read the Wiki, and the first post at the top of this forum. Familiarise yourself with the devices basic functions and where everything in the OS, that way you'll pick things up a lot quicker when reading through posts on the forum.
The entire OS is customisable, skins, pre-installed apps, added functionality (patching missing or poor functionality (NFFP issues) and anything else you can think. What we do here is port newer builds from newer devices to get the latest OS builds and optimisations for our current devices.
Have a good read, you'll understand a lot better.
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That´s what I call a fantastic explanation!!
I wish I had one of those when first step in here
Cheers Beasty!
ustahir_1 said:
first off thanks beast & quarin when i get paid ill try to donate something to the site.
I'll definatly have a read into the wiki before doing anything to the phone and yes this is my 1st windows mobile so I will just it for a while to get used to it then possible start customising it.
In regards to the apps i can get apart from in this forum are there any other sites where i can download them from??
Also i do have 1 more question but its a just in case kind of question.
Ive bought the HTC sim free, 1 of my main worries is that with my Three(3) network contract SIM. I know I should be able to make calls and send text messages my query is in regards to the internet settings will they automatically be picked up via the SIM card coz when i had my iphone i had to manually put in the address for the APN and im just wondering will i have to do the same??
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Most likely, the settings will be set automaticly. If not you can set them via Settings (also automaticly). But if you have pre-paid, be carefull when the settings are set. at the moment you open a browser, youtube or other apps that use internet, internet connection will automatic establish. (sorryfor my bad language)
orb3000 said:
That´s what I call a fantastic explanation!!
I wish I had one of those when first step in here
Cheers Beasty!
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yea it is the wiki helped me alot,,,
just a question where can i find these apps except from in this forum??
quarintus said:
Most likely, the settings will be set automaticly. If not you can set them via Settings (also automaticly). But if you have pre-paid, be carefull when the settings are set. at the moment you open a browser, youtube or other apps that use internet, internet connection will automatic establish. (sorryfor my bad language)
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no problem quarin i understand what your saying,,,
where you've said if i have pre-paid be careful can you please elaborate (tell my why) this??
ustahir_1 said:
no problem quarin i understand what your saying,,,
where you've said if i have pre-paid be careful can you please elaborate (tell my why) this??
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I was targetting the internet costs. They can add up. Don't know you country, but here you can't have internet prepaid without paying a lot of money. So you have too look out (in that case) not to use internet. And it uses internet automaticaly when using a program that's internet related.
quarintus said:
I was targetting the internet costs. They can add up. Don't know you country, but here you can't have internet prepaid without paying a lot of money. So you have too look out (in that case) not to use internet. And it uses internet automaticaly when using a program that's internet related.
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O ok i understand now
no with my pre-paid Three(3) Sim i have an internet allowance thanks for the tip though

Anyone able to get JavaFX on their Dash?

Hi People,
If you go here: Google "javafx for windows mobile download" you can DL the JavaFX update from SUN, which I did. It installed fine. (Sorry, my account is apparently too new to post the link).
It also comes with a few demo apps to try. But when I try to run it, I get an error:
"Calculated only a partial product UUID!This can cause problems with the correct device identification."
I called T-mobile and explained this, and that I had just updated the Dash to the latest T=Mobile/Windows CE OS version 5.2.1236, build 17741.0.2.1.
Of course they said they can't support any 2rd party apps. They also questioned whether the Dash was "too old" to run JavaFX. I have a hard time believing that last part. It runs plain old Java just fine.
I am hoping someone could try the DL I mention above and post the results, with the goal of getting JavaFX working on my/other peoples Dash.
As a footnote,I found this error posted a few other places with no answer.
likesjava said:
Hi People,
If you go here: Google "javafx for windows mobile download" you can DL the JavaFX update from SUN, which I did. It installed fine. (Sorry, my account is apparently too new to post the link).
It also comes with a few demo apps to try. But when I try to run it, I get an error:
"Calculated only a partial product UUID!This can cause problems with the correct device identification."
I called T-mobile and explained this, and that I had just updated the Dash to the latest T=Mobile/Windows CE OS version 5.2.1236, build 17741.0.2.1.
Of course they said they can't support any 2rd party apps. They also questioned whether the Dash was "too old" to run JavaFX. I have a hard time believing that last part. It runs plain old Java just fine.
I am hoping someone could try the DL I mention above and post the results, with the goal of getting JavaFX working on my/other peoples Dash.
As a footnote,I found this error posted a few other places with no answer.
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i just downloaded it and it does work. my thoughts are that you probably need to upgrade your rom. your version 5.2.1236 is a bit dated and my guess is that's why it's not working for you. currently im running 3vo 6.5 and it's working just fine, overclocked to 274. try updating your OS/rom first, it should work after that.
btw there are plenty of forums around here that give good tutorials on updating your OS/rom if you've never done it before. study and up and take the plunge!
likesjava said:
I called T-mobile and explained this, and that I had just updated the Dash to the latest T=Mobile/Windows CE OS version 5.2.1236, build 17741.0.2.1.
Of course they said they can't support any 2rd party apps. They also questioned whether the Dash was "too old" to run JavaFX. I have a hard time believing that last part. It runs plain old Java just fine.
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one more thing, tmobile isn't very tech savvy when it comes to this sort of thing. they have much info at their fingertips but they have to search to find it and most of them aren't that good at it. they are trained on newer phones but not the older ones. trust me i'd know, i used to work at a tech center. they have a decent database with logs on problems customers have had in the past and solutions, but the rep on the phone isn't always able to find the info. i was one of the better ones but they didnt want to move me to permanent tech even though that's what i was good at, and instead shuffled me to cust service to argue with people about their bills... so i quit
anyway, it's best to come here first and ask rather than ask them. we'll probably save you some time
Thank you Young!
I took the plunge and downloaded and flashed EXCA-3VOLUTION_WM65_3VO.3.00.112509. Along the way I applied the app unlock as instructed. I wonder - would the app unlock alone have been enough?
Well, in any case JavaFX is up and running! Yay! - thanks to you
I had no idea that there were people writing all sorts of new OS etc for these phones - I'm just a phone user.
Now - silly question but - none of these new ROMS allow free wifi or Internet access do they?
hey, what is JavaFx ??? Does it like JBed Java ?
It runs on any device that can run Java. Think of it as a prettier, fancier, high tech looking java. Its actually pretty fun to program as well. And its free (the development environment).
Here are some Google results for your question:
JavaFX is a software platform for creating and delivering rich Internet applications that can run across a wide variety of connected devices. ..
What is JavaFX?
JavaFX is a rich client platform for building cross-device applications and content. Designed to enable easy creation and deployment of rich internet applications (RIAs) with immersive media and content, the JavaFX platform ensures that RIAs look and behave consistently across diverse form factors and devices.
The JavaFX platform release includes the following components:
* JavaFX SDK which includes the JavaFX compiler and runtime tools, graphics, media, web services, and rich text libraries to create RIAs for the desktop, browser and mobile platforms.
* NetBeans IDE for JavaFX which provides a sophisticated integrated development environment for building, previewing, and debugging JavaFX applications. The editor features a drag-and-drop palette to quickly add JavaFX objects with transformations, effects and animation. This IDE also comes with its own set of Building Block samples and the JavaFX Mobile Emulator, a mobile phone simulator.
* JavaFX Production Suite is a suite of tools and plugins that enable designers to export graphical assets to JavaFX applications.
likesjava said:
Thank you Young!
I took the plunge and downloaded and flashed EXCA-3VOLUTION_WM65_3VO.3.00.112509. Along the way I applied the app unlock as instructed. I wonder - would the app unlock alone have been enough?
Well, in any case JavaFX is up and running! Yay! - thanks to you
I had no idea that there were people writing all sorts of new OS etc for these phones - I'm just a phone user.
Now - silly question but - none of these new ROMS allow free wifi or Internet access do they?
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np, glad to be of help. it woulda been nice if my email program let me know i had a reply earlier though
anyway, about the free wifi and internet... no programs can do that, that i know of. there are ways to hack into other peeps networks for free bandwidth from pc's (as i've seen it done), but if you want free internet on the phone there's only a few simple options...
1. pay for it, either through a phone carrier ex: tmobile, at&t, etc. or get a router for your home network and at least then you can connect to your home wifi.
2. find a starbucks, local coffee house, hospital, or any place that is pumpin out free wifi and hop on the network.
anyway, even if there were those types of 'programs' you couldn't post about it here cuz it would get taken off immediately and the person posted would probably get banned. they're not too friendly about that stuff

[Q] Moving the "taskbar" in Dragonstorm

Hi there,
I recently installed a program on my IQ called "QMail". In setting it up, all the documentation says to start by clicking on the "Tools" menu. The problem is, I can't see any tools menu, and I have a feeling it may be blocked by the Windows taskbar, which is at the bottom of the screen in the Dragonstorm roms.
Is there any way to temporarily move the taskbar/start menu location to the top of the screen?
Also, has anyone tried using QMail? I'd be interested in hearing experiences - it sounds too good to be true! (here's a link: modernnomads.info/wiki/index.php?page=Installing+and+configuring+QMail - as you can see, the menus are at the bottom of the screen...)
Hi, Sandmonkee,
I'm having the exact trouble with viewing the qmail menu bar in EnergyROMs and an HTC Touch Pro 2.
Coming from CE machines, I've always used qmail. Though not as robust as nPop, qmail will do imap, which nPop obviously won't.
Did you ever find a solution to this? I haven't.
jakfish said:
Hi, Sandmonkee,
Did you ever find a solution to this? I haven't.
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I have actually. Using the 2003SE version ended up working for me, the toolbar stays on top. Its this one:
When you sync, it'll ask you if you want to update the program. Say no. It still has great functionality.
Good luck!
how is qmail better than the built in windows mobile mail application?
josefcrist said:
how is qmail better than the built in windows mobile mail application?
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Well I can't answer that really, as I've never tried the windows mail program. I don't use Outlook on my computer (Thunderbird for me) so I was looking for something similar that I could use on my phone. I wasn't able to find any kind of "Mobile Thunderbird" (a real miss on Mozilla's part imho), but QMail is pretty darn close. Plus you can use it for RSS, IMAP, POP3, NNTP and all kinds of other great stuff that I don't think the windows one can do. Look here for more info:
Sandmonkee, many, many thanks.
This version does work; I have searched everywhere for a solution--you were the only person who had one.
Heh, I'd forgotten what a bear it is to setup qmail. Took the entire evening. Filtering is difficult, especially. The good news is, once you set up, then just copy the qmail directory, along with your Mail directory, to the desktop and upon re-flashing, etc, those two directories will preclude setting anything up again.
It's much faster than Pocket Outlook and with its infinite adjustments to fonts and other visuals, it makes email on a phone almost a pleasure.
I did find that if you commit to a certain filter, say "headers only," and then want to change that to "all," qmail wouldn't recognize the change. I had to delete the entire account and start again.
Too, for a Tmobile TP2 user, I really had to go back and forth b/w landscape and portrait to access all the menu buttons. And the hardkey back arrow is sometimes the only thing that will close you out of a menu. But sometimes not.
It is a crazy program, but ungodly sophisticated. It's so funny to have such a good English translation of the program itself but so little documentation elsewhere.
Again, I'm grateful for your help,
Glad that got it working for you!
Gmail does work, I use it on my phone. You just need to get the SSL files that are on the download site and copy them to your Qmail directory on your phone.
Hopefully more folks will clue in to this great app!
I'm looking for some keyboard shortcuts. Ctrl-D will delete the message upon next sync, so you don't have to go through the hassle of Marking, etc.
But have you figured out a way to exit the actual program via a keystroke?
I still have to go to File and work my way to Exit.
Another thing I noticed is that if I make a shortcut in /Windows/StartMenu/Programs, I get a trusted certificate error. With keyboard config, however, I can at least map, say, ctrl-e and bring up QMail.

[XAP + Source] Advanced Explorer [Version 1.4]

Hello XDA Community,
@DEVELOPERS: I need some developers with other devices to make things (at least parts of advanced explorer) work on other devices (i have a htd hd7). !Programming & Testing!
Please PM me
To bring all together what xda achieved for WP7, i wrote a helper app for the following tasks,
- File management
- Registry management
- Copy files from desktop to phone
- Copy files from phone to desktop
- Set max unsigned apps
- Provision any given XML
If you post in this thread how any of those features could be implemented on other devices, i will maybe implement them. You can always send me a modified version and i will maybe update this post with the new version!
Usage/(Release-)Notes on the website!
If you encounter any errors, or wanna give some feedback => just leave a post here or use the idea page or write me an email (go to contact on the homepage)!
I included the source code, so that anybody can modify it at will but do not use anything here for commercial purposes (contact me first).
Homepage for this project:
You can give feedback / bugreports:
(Go to Discussion or Issue Tracker)
You will find the latest version and the Release-Notes there. I will continue to watch this thread!
Because some people asked how to support/donate me:
I appreciate every donation! Thank you!
He that is great stff... i am glad you added the source i was thinking about how this could work having had a little peek at the code in the samples that Ms provided.
wings over a thanks too
Question...If you send a file, where does the device dump it into the computer? I was getting an error sending the file to my computer at first, but then I configured correctly and it sends fine, but I don't know where it is...
Edit: Nevermind, I got it. Upload/Download Root folders. Good work on this app man. Pretty nifty. Uploaded a .doc from my laptop to the phone, copy/pasted it into My Docs and it appeared and opened on MS Office Word perfectly.
nice ! but ...
Nice app !
But can't send from \windows directory ?..
Re: can't send from \windows
like i said in my first post i brought together what was achieved...
Im using the HTC app COM dll files for file system access. Actually you can send files from \windows but not all. (in usage or no access)...
If somebody knows a better way, or something for other devices => just implement and send it, or post here!
The problem: Now it works on my device, so I can do what i wanted to do (coping .pdf and other stuff on the wp7) I have not the time to search & wait for other devices.
I tried to code it very generic and emulated the System.IO namespace, so everybody can add his results or replace it with better results.
Just contact me and I will check the code and update the first post.
eternalemb said:
Question...If you send a file, where does the device dump it into the computer? I was getting an error sending the file to my computer at first, but then I configured correctly and it sends fine, but I don't know where it is...
Edit: Nevermind, I got it. Upload/Download Root folders. Good work on this app man. Pretty nifty. Uploaded a .doc from my laptop to the phone, copy/pasted it into My Docs and it appeared and opened on MS Office Word perfectly.
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actually you can double tab any file and it should open from any folder.
To get PDF working I copy the file to the PDF reader (most likely the app will crash if Adobe reader is not installed), but you will not see anything as PDF reader just pops up with the file
Just like always contact me if there are file types missing!
cool app, ty
how long did it take?
hi reddragon93, thank you for your work, i've an lg optimus 7, is there an eta for explorer for other device?
i need it!!!
thank you so much!
gianlucarugby said:
hi reddragon93, thank you for your work, i've an lg optimus 7, is there an eta for explorer for other device?
i need it!!!
thank you so much!
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I really can understand you because I needed this for myself (that's why I coded it in the first place)
But the answer is NO, because we have to wait until somebody finds a way to get access on other devices and shares the info (i will observe this thread for new infos).
And by the way you should not ask for ETA in developer forum (forum rules), but it's OK for me. Hope you will be the only one after my answer
I answered this question in my first post:
"If you post in this thread how any of those features could be implemented on other devices, i will maybe implement them"
Hope I answered your question.
thanks, you were very kind,
apologize me for the ETA, i did not know, i'm just a student not a developer!
good work!
EDIT: I can't figure out how to mark a post as useful yet, so let me just say THANK YOU!!!
Awesome app. However, there are a few things that would be nice in terms of file types:
Any chance of getting support for loading .mobi files (Kindle ebooks)? I'd love to be able to sideload books that aren't in the Amazon store.
Currently, .log files won't open. Copy/renaming them to .txt should work, or a simple text reader/editor could be built-in.
Possible bug: the "Max unsigned apps" field in Settings is showing "Not set - (can't read from registry)" Setting it from within the app seems to work, though (and be remembered).
Feature request: ability to search the registry
Small change request: pressing Back on an Exception could do the same as OK (rather than exiting).
Overally, much thanks for an awesome tool!
Thanks for feedback
GoodDayToDie said:
EDIT: I can't figure out how to mark a post as useful yet, so let me just say THANK YOU!!!
Awesome app. However, there are a few things that would be nice in terms of file types:
Any chance of getting support for loading .mobi files (Kindle ebooks)? I'd love to be able to sideload books that aren't in the Amazon store.
Currently, .log files won't open. Copy/renaming them to .txt should work, or a simple text reader/editor could be built-in.
Possible bug: the "Max unsigned apps" field in Settings is showing "Not set - (can't read from registry)" Setting it from within the app seems to work, though (and be remembered).
Feature request: ability to search the registry
Small change request: pressing Back on an Exception could do the same as OK (rather than exiting).
Overally, much thanks for an awesome tool!
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Thanks for your feedback!
(1) I really needed the app for myself (real pdf support) so... The Thanks Button is only visible with 5+ Posts
(2) i will pm you maybe if i find some spare time. This is most likely pretty simple to implement. Can you edit your (or create a new) post and describe what happens if you double tab a kindle book with the current version?
(3) yeah i saw this before but didn't thought it is important enough to implement. I don't have the time for the own Editor (you have to handle really big files for example) but i can do the renaming thing behind the scenes (remember renaming = copy+delete until a better solution is found).
(4) on first app start i have really no solution in determining how the value is set (no access on this key). So my solution was to set this text ("Not set - (can't read from registry)" until you set a value => then i save this value local to the app, and set it every time the app starts (It gets reset every time i connect the device to the PC anyway)
(5) "search the registry": I thought on this one... But this will not be of much use as we have not really much read access
NOTE: The Problem with the registry is that we have FULL WRITE access trough the provxml method but not very much READ access (HTC COM .dll)
(6) really? I'm satisfied with the current behavior. Without searching I don't know if this is a small change maybe it is, maybe not. At least it looks like one but that doesn't mean anything
Thanks for the response, reddragon. I'm at work right now, so the .mobi thing will have to wait. It's a very common request among WP7 users around here, though.
I've found that selecting the Edit context item will open any file in Word, which is typically sufficient for viewing and even editing purposes! True plain text files open fine regardless of extension, and even binary files will usually have enough ASCII in them to determine useful info. You can also send any file (via email) from Word, if you want to email an attachment rather than just transfer to a PC.
Unfortunately, I've found that XML files just... don't work. Double-clicking them opens IE, which complains that it can't handle that file type. Selecting Edit on them looks like it's opening some Office app, but the app then closes and drops back into Advanced Explorer (no error). This is the currently problematic filetype, as a *lot* of data is stored in XML.
The "Registry Editor" app already provides registry search (and despite the security restrictions on read it *mostly* works) but without system copy-paste it's tricky moving data between apps. I enjoy being able to pan between the FS and registry... hell, I want a Windows (desktop) app that does this, now.
It looks like there's FS search (an option on the command bar, and a text box that appears) but I can't get it to do anything. Pressing Enter has no effect, tapping either Refresh or Search again just reloads the page. Am I using this right? It would be great to be able to either scroll long folders (\Windows) or find a filename behind a bunch of GUIDs.
Some files show as "0 b" size, even though they almost certainly aren't. Is that just because some program has an exclusive lock on them and their size can't be read in that state?
Any chance of the ability to create folders in the GUI (I think I see how to do it with provxml files, but that's not exactly convenient)?
Thanks for the explanations on the registry. I was wondering how you could write to locations that you can't read from... Also, I didn't know the sideload limit resets itself. That's something I'll have to watch out for, as I'm near the nominal sideload limit already. Hmm... maybe I should look into writing an app that lets the phone install a .XAP directly, to minimize the amount of PC connecting that's needed.
Sorry, I know that's a lot of comments and questions. If it helps, I showed this to a couple of other HD7 owners today, and the immediate response of both of them was "I've got to get that!" This is a great app, super-convenient and good for making the occasional Samsung Focus owner jealous ;-D
Actually, I'm a developer myself (mostly C/C++, but I know C#). I'll crack a look at the source when I get a chance (probably this weekend) but would you be interested in a patch if there's something I can improve? One thing I might add is an optional "Did you mean that?" prompt on the Back button, as it's a little too easy to hit and knock you clear out of the app (optional of course, as I understand some people don't have such problems).
Thanks again!
does anyone know the latest ETA on compatibility for samsung devices?
Some Answers
GoodDayToDie said:
Thanks for the response, reddragon. I'm at work right now, so the .mobi thing will have to wait. It's a very common request among WP7 users around here, though.
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Like I said: I will pm you most likely, today or this weekend.
GoodDayToDie said:
I've found that selecting the Edit context item will open any file in Word, which is typically sufficient for viewing and even editing purposes! True plain text files open fine regardless of extension, and even binary files will usually have enough ASCII in them to determine useful info. You can also send any file (via email) from Word, if you want to email an attachment rather than just transfer to a PC.
Unfortunately, I've found that XML files just... don't work. Double-clicking them opens IE, which complains that it can't handle that file type. Selecting Edit on them looks like it's opening some Office app, but the app then closes and drops back into Advanced Explorer (no error). This is the currently problematic filetype, as a *lot* of data is stored in XML.
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Yeah the best way to handle the edit mode would be an editor inside the app, but that's quite some work i guess... So if somebody is willing to write such a control just contact me!
But the current workaround is quite simple: Upload your file, edit it with the powerful editors you know and send it back to the phone...
In fact what i did was send the complete windows/applications folder and all files that where successfully send can be edited (on the others you have no access anyway).
GoodDayToDie said:
The "Registry Editor" app already provides registry search (and despite the security restrictions on read it *mostly* works) but without system copy-paste it's tricky moving data between apps. I enjoy being able to pan between the FS and registry... hell, I want a Windows (desktop) app that does this, now.
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Well I think it's not that difficult to implement a search for registry. It's funny to say that all the time but I thought on this one too and if you look on the source code you will see that i positioned the search/filter text box out of the explorer pivot to use it for registry search or other purposes. If you find it really that useful with the current read restrictions... yeah I should just implement it...
GoodDayToDie said:
It looks like there's FS search (an option on the command bar, and a text box that appears) but I can't get it to do anything. Pressing Enter has no effect, tapping either Refresh or Search again just reloads the page. Am I using this right? It would be great to be able to either scroll long folders (\Windows) or find a filename behind a bunch of GUIDs.
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In fact this is a filter function so that large folders can be loaded much faster. Just enter "a*" and make the keyboard disappear (tab anywhere else) and you see only the files/folders starting with "a". I don't know why "enter" on keyboard doesn't do anything, I will look into this. I should update the usage in my first post, thanks.
GoodDayToDie said:
Some files show as "0 b" size, even though they almost certainly aren't. Is that just because some program has an exclusive lock on them and their size can't be read in that state?
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From the htc COM call i get 0 bytes....
GoodDayToDie said:
Any chance of the ability to create folders in the GUI (I think I see how to do it with provxml files, but that's not exactly convenient)?
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Hehe, i thought on this one too as it is already implemented (just create a folder in UploadRoot drop a file and start downloading it to the phone => the folder gets created). I will look into this.
Can you (or anybody) provide me with an example on how to rename a folder via provxml. And in Yaaf.WP7.NativeAccess.IO.File i have in the "Move" method some code commentated. Can somebody please un-comment, debug and tell me why the hell this provision-xml is invalid / not working, thanks.
(ProvisionXml is completely new to me as this is my first smartphone)
GoodDayToDie said:
Thanks for the explanations on the registry. I was wondering how you could write to locations that you can't read from... Also, I didn't know the sideload limit resets itself. That's something I'll have to watch out for, as I'm near the nominal sideload limit already. Hmm... maybe I should look into writing an app that lets the phone install a .XAP directly, to minimize the amount of PC connecting that's needed.
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I didn't look into that but i think it is not enough to simply create the guid folder and drop content there... Anyway you can use the "NativeAccess" Projekt to get all the access i used in the Explorer. But you have to create links from your main projekt to the COM-dlls so they get included into the xap file.
GoodDayToDie said:
Sorry, I know that's a lot of comments and questions. If it helps, I showed this to a couple of other HD7 owners today, and the immediate response of both of them was "I've got to get that!" This is a great app, super-convenient and good for making the occasional Samsung Focus owner jealous ;-D
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That's what keeping me up i guess
GoodDayToDie said:
Actually, I'm a developer myself (mostly C/C++, but I know C#). I'll crack a look at the source when I get a chance (probably this weekend) but would you be interested in a patch if there's something I can improve? One thing I might add is an optional "Did you mean that?" prompt on the Back button, as it's a little too easy to hit and knock you clear out of the app (optional of course, as I understand some people don't have such problems).
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I'm always interested in any patch especially support for other devices (I have a htc so I can't debug stuff for other devices :/ )
Yeah there could be an option for that. It's pretty easy to implement so... But i don't have this problem so i didn't realised that one.
GoodDayToDie said:
Thanks again!
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Thank you for your feedback
Muzzy777 said:
does anyone know the latest ETA on compatibility for samsung devices?
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Well I answered this on the first page of the thread already, thanks.
EDIT: I updated the program and my first post and implemented some of your feature requests
Configuration Service Provider Reference for Windows Mobile Devices
Have you used the forum-search? You'll find a post which describes you how to get these books to your phone (it's by me). I can't give you the link because I send this from my HD7.
really great app. Also like the pc<->phone feature
I use it now very often, so I think it needs:
-2 Filebrowser Tabs
-or an option to "bookmark" certain folders
diboze said:
really great app. Also like the pc<->phone feature
I use it now very often, so I think it needs:
-2 Filebrowser Tabs
-or an option to "bookmark" certain folders
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I talked to other people, at first this feature looks awesome, but after some time you would see that you don't use 2 tabs!
The bookmarking thing is a good idea...
Elerador said:
Have you used the forum-search? You'll find a post which describes you how to get these books to your phone (it's by me). I can't give you the link because I send this from my HD7.
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I'm looking into amazon kindle... what i can do for sure is copy the file into the kindle folder and start amazon kindle...
But i forgot how to start a program via app-guid. I remember that i saw an COM.dll which can do that.
__ow said:
Configuration Service Provider Reference for Windows Mobile Devices
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i know that link but i don't see how you can move folders (if it is possible)
Love the update! Thanks for cluing me in on the workings of the filter; I wasn't trying wildcards and it therefore looked like it was always empty.
That said, a bug report (reproed on the older version too):
Registry manual mode can crash with a System.ArgumentException "Invalid fullpath".
Start Advanced Explorer
Pan to Registry
Tap "edit manual"
Observe exception
App crashes on hitting OK

