GPRS problem unsolved - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro Software Upgrading

Im using unlocked T-mobile MDA pro 64mb phone with WM 6.1 (build 19960.1.1.8 TML)
The problem is that when I connect to GPRS, Internet explorer, outlook and most of the internet softwares (opera browser, google maps etc...) don't work. Internet explorer stops at loading. outlook says synchronization error. But, a few softwares like IM messenger, some trading software work fine. The problem occurs only when on GPRS. Everything works fine on wifi.
I have been facing this problem since I have unlocked the phone and flashed it for the first time. I have flashed for several times with various roms. initially it works but soon problem reappears. hmm.. Problem did not appear in WM 6.5 (but phone is hell slow. So, im forced to remove it). Further the problem is not network specific as I tried on various networks.
Guys please help me.. I searched a lot on internet and it seems like no one is facing this type of problem in the whole world except me
(Except this:

Have you tryed using Tomal;s V10...
am using it now and i havent had a GPRS problem,
and phone runs very smooth with no lag.

Simon_WM said:
Have you tryed using Tomal;s V10...
am using it now and i havent had a GPRS problem,
and phone runs very smooth with no lag.
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Thanks for ur reply..
I dint remember trying, wanna try..
the download links given by tomal ( dint work...
can you provide a link for me to download tomal's V10..?

naveensakhamuri said:
Thanks for ur reply..
I dint remember trying, wanna try..
the download links given by tomal ( dint work...
can you provide a link for me to download tomal's V10..?
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Also if you want to chnage the radio:

thnx for ur reply... I'm desperately waiting for it...
Any how I tried this... as usually it worked fine at the beginning and problem repeated again. The new development is that the application which I said to be working previously (IM messenger etc...) are also now working now...
Very much frustrated about this issue as I'm unable to find the background reason for it . Even the XDA forums cant help it....And the worst part is that warranty is not going to apply as I unlocked it..

Yet no solution...

Which network?
Did you add a new connection manually yet it won't work?
You are doing something wrong because this is weird.
Go to start>settings>connection>connections>tasks>add new connection>
name...anything, access / internet (for idea ) / aircelgprs etc.
Launch browser , it should connect if you have data plan / enough credit.

kalya said:
Which network?
Did you add a new connection manually yet it won't work?
You are doing something wrong because this is weird.
Go to start>settings>connection>connections>tasks>add new connection>
name...anything, access / internet (for idea ) / aircelgprs etc.
Launch browser , it should connect if you have data plan / enough credit.
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Thanks for your suggestions.
Im using airtel network. and all those settings are already set on my phone.
Yes. I accept that my problem is weird. Thats the reason why I'm unable to find a solution for it.
Yet... I'm testing by changing various roms and still no success.
every time the problem repeats on 2-3 usages of gprs.
When I use opera browser it says that "I have some problem in settings". What to do I've checked those settings for hundreds of times and further if there is a problem in connection settings then why the heck it worked for the first few times?

Some stupid suggestions
Try same sim in another handset,
Try another sim or another network in THE Uni,
Try another cell tower area,
Because I have tried every single ROM ...shipped or cooked and this has nothing to do with GPRS getting disconnected.
As you said "I am the only one in the world with this problem" , means it cannot be a real problem , have faith , keep trying.
And for the warranty...Just flash the Original ROM and you are good again!

kalya said:
Try same sim in another handset,
Try another sim or another network in THE Uni,
Try another cell tower area,
Because I have tried every single ROM ...shipped or cooked and this has nothing to do with GPRS getting disconnected.
As you said "I am the only one in the world with this problem" , means it cannot be a real problem , have faith , keep trying.
And for the warranty...Just flash the Original ROM and you are good again!
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I did every experiment I can think of.... Including testing this sim on other phone or testing the other sim on this phone.
I even tried flashing the original T-mobile rom.
I also tried to find if the programs I install has something to do with the problem...but found none of it affects.
As you said it may not be a rom problem.
If it fails to work completely then I can guss some thing about the origin of the problem like rom or hardware or whatever...
As it is working well initially, I don't understand where exactly the problem lies...

have you done a doc-format? sometimes that can get rid of very peculiar problems.

-Jonny- said:
have you done a doc-format? sometimes that can get rid of very peculiar problems.
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Is the process of using mtty and task 28 55aa command what you call doc-format (sorry for ignorance)?
Then I've already did it...
anyway thanks for your suggestion...
I think the real culprit is activesync. anyway I have to do some tests and confirm.

To clear my doubt I decided to conduct a small test. I factory reset my system for three times to check the gprs connectivity...
First reset:
1. GPRS worked flawlessly.
2. On connecting to pc + pairing up + synchronizing problem reappeared.
second reset:
1. GPRS worked flawlessly.
2. On connecting to pc by pairing up problem reappeared.
First reset:
1. GPRS worked flawlessly.
2. On connecting to pc without pairing up problem reappeared.
So, this strengthened my assumption that the problem is with active sync.
I cannot confirm so easily...
Further I would use my phone with out connecting to PC for 3-4 days and check if problem reappears.
Then I would check it by connecting to a different PC. Then I can confirm whether the problem is with active sync of my system or the phone...
By the way, today is the second day of my testing without connecting to pc and no issues detected till now

Today on the fourth day of my test, I conclude that connecting to my pc creates the gprs problem. No Idea how and why...
suggestions any one?
anyhow I would connect my phone to a different pc and check out if the problem is with my pc or with the phone...

no suggestions?

How much space have you got on the phone after sync? The computer may be trying to sync to uni even though you are not aware of it.
How confident are you with dealing with your computer registry, I mean, if you are using a Windows PC that is. You should try to clear any traces of old pairings from the PC before connecting the Uni to it again and allowing it to do a fresh start. It may be loading all sorts of corrupted or duplicated data that are messing up with your system. Backup your registry first, just in case you mess it up by mistake, to be on the safe side. Then, get stuck in and search for the word activesync (or words to that effect in your language) on the registry and where it shows the pairing settings delete only the keys related to pairing with the Uni, then try connecting again. Hope this helps.

wovens said:
How much space have you got on the phone after sync? The computer may be trying to sync to uni even though you are not aware of it.
How confident are you with dealing with your computer registry, I mean, if you are using a Windows PC that is. You should try to clear any traces of old pairings from the PC before connecting the Uni to it again and allowing it to do a fresh start. It may be loading all sorts of corrupted or duplicated data that are messing up with your system. Backup your registry first, just in case you mess it up by mistake, to be on the safe side. Then, get stuck in and search for the word activesync (or words to that effect in your language) on the registry and where it shows the pairing settings delete only the keys related to pairing with the Uni, then try connecting again. Hope this helps.
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Hmm..Im sure that I deleted all the older files.. anyway let me I'll try this registry procedure... thanks for your suggestion


Damn GPRS sometimes works and sometimes doesn't!!!!!!!

Can anyone help please?
I am running a PDA2K with i-mate 1.4 roms and radio 1.13.
Sometimes after a telephone call my GPRS fails to connect.
As I have Smartner push email on my phone this is a REAL pain and means I need to reset my device in order to re-establish GPRS and hence email.
THIS HAPPNES 4-8 TIMES A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any ideas for a fix out there please?
I've got this problem too. But i don't know how to make it work correctly!
Every time i need to reconnect the GPRS.
And i realy doesn't like it!!! :evil:
Try this chaps. I have applied the registry tweak and now I keep GPRS on all the time.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections\(GPRS connection name)\AlwaysOn
Just change it from 0 to 1.
(GPRS connection name) is, of course, the name of your GPRS connection, and I'm not sure if that GUID is the same on
every machine or not, but I only had about 5 GUIDs under Providers, so it shouldn't be too hard to find.
This kinda sounds familiar to when I was last using my PDA2K about 6 months ago.
HOW do I make this change please?
I have no idea how to do it?
Dude you need a PPC registry editor. I use EdReg.
Very similar to a normal windows registry editor.
I have found something like that there: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections\Providers\(GPRS Connevtion name)
But there is no key named "Always on"!!...
Well you have got further than I have.
I download PHM Registry Edit.
I opened KKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE then Comm and the only 2 options that start with a C under there are:-
Cellular Line and CXPort?????????
Is it something I am doing wrong????
Robster said:
Well you have got further than I have.
I download PHM Registry Edit.
I opened KKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE then Comm and the only 2 options that start with a C under there are:-
Cellular Line and CXPort?????????
Is it something I am doing wrong????
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Try to use "Find"
I did a search on Providers.
Robster said:
I did a search on Providers.
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Try ConnMgr!
Now I am getting really worried.
Either I am doing something very wrong or some of my setup is shot to peices.
And yet apart from this disconnect issue the phone is working fine!!!!!!
It DOES help to check one of the check boxes asking for the kind of data I am looking for............. Dohhhhh
Well I found it under Microsoft.
I Have the following:-
Vodafone Internet
Vodafone MMS
Vodafone WAP and
Vodafone WAP CSD
NOTHING that says GPRS?
Any more ideas?
Robster said:
NOTHING that says GPRS?
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so did i!
So no-one can help with this problem?
Looks like I am not the only one suffering and I am not the only one who cannot find the appropriate setting that needs to be changed?
GPRS problem
From another post someone indicated that in the new rom build its a problem with the caller ID program, and that downgrading this will help the issue:
Here is a step by step instruction:
1. Download the older version of caller-id from:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/BlueAngel/CAB_Files/Caller ID/IA_CallerID_1.20_WWE.CAB
and transfer it over to your device. Any directory is OK. I used ActiveSync to put it into the My Documents folder.
2. Remove the file IA_CD-Startup.exe from \Windows\Startup on your device.
3. Rename iacontacts.dll to something else (e.g. old-iacontacts.dll). This file is in the \Windows directory of your device but is hidden. However you can rename it using your PC. Open Windows explorer, and navigate to Mobile Device>My PocketPC>Windows.
4. Rename displayCID.dll to something else (e.g. old-displayCID.dll). Access it via your PC the same as for the previous step.
5. Soft reset
6. Run the CAB file on the device - just tap on it.
7. Soft reset.
That should do it.
Hope that helps someone, I have downgraded to the 1.22 rom which does not have this issue, but I am considering trying to upgrade to 1.40 and try this as a workaround to the gprs not able to reconnect issue, except after a soft reset or flight mode on/off cycle...
Many thanks.
I am off on holiday tomorrow so don't want to do anything that I cannot repare very quickly in case I have no phone while I am away.
I will give this a try on my return.
If anyone else tries this and is succesful please let us know.
GPRS Problems and caller Display
I too have been having problems with GPRS connecting once and then not again until a soft-reset or turning the phone off - on top of which caller display was slow and would often hang. (This is on an Alpine) I have succesfully downgraded the caller-id app and the GPRS problems have completely disappeared - on top of which, the app responds quicker, does not hang at all, and responds quicker on an incoming call. All in all, a result!
One note of caution - I had a password on my machine, and after renaming the files and doing a soft reset (as per instructions above) my Alpine would not restart. I had to to a hard reset! if you have a password on yr machine, disable it before you do the downgrade. The GPRS issue was really my only problem with my XDA, and now I'm a happy bunny. :lol:
Im just had to install this. Will see if it will be ok. I'll let you know.
I installed yesterday.
Seems to be working a treat.
Many thanks for all the help.
Robster said:
I installed yesterday.
Seems to be working a treat.
Many thanks for all the help.
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Hi Robin - Glad to hear all is ok.. I notice that you're running the i-mate 1.40 ROM.. Any thoughts of updating to the 1.42..?

I Need A Solution For The Wifi,nothing Worked!!

I NEED A SOLUTION FOR THE WIFI ,NOTHING WORKED!!it works sometimes,,,the problem is the famous problem of starting it,,,the lamp flashes but the tower doesnt show,,,!
i used every known rom and 2003se and wm5 nothing helped it works sometimes and someother times not,,,,,
it needs soft reset sometimes,,,and some times very resistant
my radio version now is 1.15 and 3.5.2 R5 wm5 and still sometimes i can start it and someother times i there any fix for that?
i will sell my BA if i cant find one!
lotfytronics said:
I NEED A SOLUTION FOR THE WIFI ,NOTHING WORKED!!it works sometimes,,,the problem is the famous problem of starting it,,,the lamp flashes but the tower doesnt show,,,!
i used every known rom and 2003se and wm5 nothing helped it works sometimes and someother times not,,,,,
it needs soft reset sometimes,,,and some times very resistant
my radio version now is 1.15 and 3.5.2 R5 wm5 and still sometimes i can start it and someother times i there any fix for that?
i will sell my BA if i cant find one!
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I know excatlh the problem you mean as mine has done that for a long time. however, since I flashed Helmi's Wm6 rom mine hasn't done it again. it maybe the fix you need then again it may not depending on your device.
Mine is originally and Orange M2000 and prior to trying Orange's last official rom and t-mobile's latest rom as well it was still doing exactly as you described. make sure your moel is listed in helmi's description of compatable devices. and remember to do pim backup and backup you Storage arear before flashing as it combines internal storage to main memory in the wm6 rom
hope that helps
I just got my BA a few days ago. Did the WM6 upgrade today, and the wlan was doing this.
I noticed that it was happening after I'd sync'd it and the wifi connection was disabled by ActiveSync. I went into the Connection Settings on ActiveSync on my computer (ver. 4.5) and checked the "Allow wireless connection on device when connected to the desktop"
So far, this has worked. I've been able to sync my BA, disconnect, and reconnect to my wireless connection without having to do a reset first.
wheatfree said:
I noticed that it was happening after I'd sync'd it and the wifi connection was disabled by ActiveSync. I went into the Connection Settings on ActiveSync on my computer (ver. 4.5) and checked the "Allow wireless connection on device when connected to the desktop"
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This appears to be a bug in the ROM. Activesync on the phone doesn't always realize that the connection is gone and gets 'stuck' in a loop trying to sync to a now-missing computer. Closing activesync on the phone will also clear it and allow the wifi to work after syncing.
i flashed it with wm6 but the wifi probelm still exists,,,only the lamp flashes but no tower is showing,,,,,,,,,,and i tried the wlan manager,,,and the com manager nothing helped
I have exactly the same problem, i think its an hardware error.
the problem started half a year ago with wm2003, yesterday i flashed wm6 but the bug still exists
after multiple switch on-and-off sometimes the wireless works, sometimes it takes just a while 5-10 minutes.
if theres somewhere a solution, please let me know
after a soft reset open CommManager, Setup, Wireless LAN an Select "TURN ON WLAN".
This dont conect.
But, after you do that, you can use te On/Off button of Wifi on te CommMannager with any problem...
You need to do this, only one time after a Soft Reset.
Can this be done via a script, reg key or even a Visual Basic App that opens the Comm Manager and the Wireless Manager and selects these in sequence? I have a profile switching software (PhoneAlarm) and it works a treat all for the activatation of WLAN. Sometimes it works fine, others, it doesn't.
As I am running WM6 and it's lovely undocumented feature (bug) of the time and password both being in volitile memory, each time I take my battery out, I have to rebuild the 'ken device as I cannot unlock the screen. I have resorted to using SPB backup nightly and a reboot after backup (as the device seems to work better with a daily reset (hey, it ain't stable yet - we are still waiting Billy)). This is where the Wireless issue comes into play.
Do I settle for Profile switching with wireless powering on correctly or do I backup my device and ensure that I am not re-imaging the stupid thing every day when I take out the battery! Mobile device - bulldust! Not very mobile when you have to keep it plugged in to ensure the battery doen't run out! My Laptop is more mobile!
jriquelme said:
after a soft reset open CommManager, Setup, Wireless LAN an Select "TURN ON WLAN".
This dont conect.
But, after you do that, you can use te On/Off button of Wifi on te CommMannager with any problem...
You need to do this, only one time after a Soft Reset.
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no, that doesnt work with my BA

6.1 trouble

i've updated my phone with the kavana 6.1 rom- now my Internet sharing doesn't work- and i hate that when i sync with my computer it reads my phone as a dopod so the dashe's icon doesn't come up- can any one help with either of these problems
I flashed this rom for my girlfriends phone. Running into a lot of different issues. Not many options to customize the preferences either. However, hopefully these wonderful developers will create fixes, if they do not exist already. If they do they are probably scattered throughout the thread.
and i hate that when i sync with my computer it reads my phone as a dopod so the dashe's icon doesn't come up-
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I think this happens with each upgrade because you're basically cleaning out your previous memory and starting fresh.
I don't have an answer for you regarding the internet sharing option.
However, if you want to get your old rom back you can go to T-Mobile website here is the link:
Link wasn't allowed but go to tmobile and click on support you'll see the first phone is the dash
Just go to update software. This may cure both of your issues if you don't want to bother with the current rom you have installed. However, you are still taking risks flashing the new rom. Good Luck.
I've got almost the same issue. Everything with SYNC works except for my internet sharing. It will not connect. I ave internet working on the phone, text works, it syncs when I connect the phone to the computer, I just can not use the internet sharing.
When I select connect on the phone I get that the computer is trying to acquire network address and then local area connection 6 has no or limited connection. I don't get it.
Internet sharing Works Fine On All My Computers
sully78 said:
I've got almost the same issue. Everything with SYNC works except for my internet sharing. It will not connect. I ave internet working on the phone, text works, it syncs when I connect the phone to the computer, I just can not use the internet sharing.
When I select connect on the phone I get that the computer is trying to acquire network address and then local area connection 6 has no or limited connection. I don't get it.
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As you know, you have to first cut off your local connection server first, before turning on the Internet sharing on your mobile device. If not, it will never work, but Internet sharing works like a charm on my home network................!
redbandana said:
I think this happens with each upgrade because you're basically cleaning out your previous memory and starting fresh.
I don't have an answer for you regarding the internet sharing option.
However, if you want to get your old rom back you can go to T-Mobile website here is the link:
Link wasn't allowed but go to tmobile and click on support you'll see the first phone is the dash
Just go to update software. This may cure both of your issues if you don't want to bother with the current rom you have installed. However, you are still taking risks flashing the new rom. Good Luck.
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Why on earth would you go back to Tmobile rom. This rom is far superior. All your issues will get worked out. That's just part of updating rom. have you read any threads on this.
I don't claim any great knowledge but does the connections settings in Activsync have anything to do with it.
I've been using this phone for a year, I use the internet sharing all of the time, mostly for work, it' s actually why I bought the phone. Now after I loaded WM6.1 I can not get the internet sharing to work. I've tried everything I've found on here, any ideas.

Anyone wm 6.5 savy?

I flashed to NFSFAN's wonderful 6.5 rom for sprint vogue. After doing so I have lost ability to connect to internet and connect to active sync. Active sync gives me an error your device has malfunctioned over and over again. I've already tried the Start -> Settings -> Connections -> USB to PC, uncheck 'Enable faster data synchronization' for active sync with no luck. In the past when I've done a hard reset, I then also had problems connecting to the internet. Even called sprint whom couldnt help. Went through the ## codes to get to the M.IP default profile where the NAI was and it read about 7 numbers @sprint blah blah blah along with my public key in some symbols and signs. After changing my NAI to the proper address the phone would initiate the iota and everything would be dandy. Not so much with this 6.5. I love it but I need internet in order to survive lol at least until the rhodium Even if I can get back to the 6.1 rom, how would i be able to do that without the active sync connection? Anywho, help please? Thanks
mbaseball3 said:
I flashed to NFSFAN's wonderful 6.5 rom for sprint vogue. After doing so I have lost ability to connect to internet and connect to active sync. Active sync gives me an error your device has malfunctioned over and over again. I've already tried the Start -> Settings -> Connections -> USB to PC, uncheck 'Enable faster data synchronization' for active sync with no luck. In the past when I've done a hard reset, I then also had problems connecting to the internet. Even called sprint whom couldnt help. Went through the ## codes to get to the M.IP default profile where the NAI was and it read about 7 numbers @sprint blah blah blah along with my public key in some symbols and signs. After changing my NAI to the proper address the phone would initiate the iota and everything would be dandy. Not so much with this 6.5. I love it but I need internet in order to survive lol at least until the rhodium Even if I can get back to the 6.1 rom, how would i be able to do that without the active sync connection? Anywho, help please? Thanks
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Did you hard reset and attempt again? if so then...
Download and install the DCD Sprint Carrier Cab HERE
The your have the Sprint settings and tools to connect
Detroit Doug
Detroit_Doug said:
Did you hard reset and attempt again? if so then...
Download and install the DCD Sprint Carrier Cab HERE
The your have the Sprint settings and tools to connect
Detroit Doug
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Ok cool. Thank you sir. I shall give it a try.
oops wait, i forgot i cant connect to internet or active sync
mbaseball3 said:
oops wait, i forgot i cant connect to internet or active sync
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Can you access your SD card via your PC? move the SD card to PC, copy to it, put SD card back in phone, turn phone on, wipe hands on pants ...
Otherwise with ANY custom ROM I always suggest, flash, let customizations run, hard reset, let customizations run, use phone, dance in your pants
for some reason it eliminates issues (like your having) from happening nearly as often or at all
Detroit Doug
I have that exact same rom.
All I did was run the dcd cab for my carrier,
Do you have alltel by chance?
because if so I have the arcsoft cabs you'll need to run for mms.
Otherwise you'll have to search for your carrier's mms cabs.
And whenever you plug your phone into the computer there should be a screen that pops up that says "Connect To Pc" on the top and has three options,
Disk Drive
Internet Sharing
If you don't look at the screen for like 30secs after you plug your phone in to your computer you'll miss that screen.
So pay attention to it.
That's all I can think of right off the top of my head.
Any other questions?
Detroit_Doug said:
Can you access your SD card via your PC? move the SD card to PC, copy to it, put SD card back in phone, turn phone on, wipe hands on pants ...
Otherwise with ANY custom ROM I always suggest, flash, let customizations run, hard reset, let customizations run, use phone, dance in your pants
for some reason it eliminates issues (like your having) from happening nearly as often or at all
Detroit Doug
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ok so i used my girlfriends diamond to download the sprint dcd and beamed it to my vogue. (not at a computer yet to try the sd way) apon attempting to install the cab i keep getting download unsuccessful. what did i mess up now? im ready to dance
mbaseball3 said:
ok so i used my girlfriends diamond to download the sprint dcd and beamed it to my vogue. (not at a computer yet to try the sd way) apon attempting to install the cab i keep getting download unsuccessful. what did i mess up now? im ready to dance
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How did you do that??? the HTC Vogue (Touch) does NOT have IR for beaming
its got bluetooth and internet when working ..
Detroit Doug
I think he beamed it via bluetooth. My friends and I use that to send pictures back and forth.
atoz350 said:
I think he beamed it via bluetooth. My friends and I use that to send pictures back and forth.
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yes exactly I used the bluetooth to beam. I googled for the dcd cab from a different site that worked and now my problem is the dreaded error code 67 and 1012 from the client iota. I know my sprint web address is right but I don't know the password so obviously gonna have to call sprint. thanks for your help guys. im sure ill have more questions before I can dance about
mbaseball3 said:
yes exactly I used the bluetooth to beam. I googled for the dcd cab from a different site that worked and now my problem is the dreaded error code 67 and 1012 from the client iota. I know my sprint web address is right but I don't know the password so obviously gonna have to call sprint. thanks for your help guys. im sure ill have more questions before I can dance about
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I think for sprint, it's the same as for Telus, in that you set it to #777 and leave username/password blank - HOWEVER - if in EPST your M.IP settings are wrong, it will not connect, and you will be greeted with "Cannot connect for an unknown reason" on the device. Your carrier should be able to give you the info for the setting you need to correct. To get to the setting you need your MSL, pop in ##PST# or whatever, and it's in there under view info - M.IP Default Profile. make sure it's set to ENABLE and the NAI is correct. For Telus it's your mobile [email protected]. Not sure what Sprint would be here. You'd have to ask someone with sprint.
If you've done all this already, and I've misread/not read that part, I apologize! Hope this at least points you in the right direction for solving your problem though! No data is no good!
mbaseball3, did you solve your problem?
yes everything is almost working properly. thanks guys! my only problem though, still, is activesync on my computer still does not recognize my phone. I've been basically stumped. one great feature of this rom though is the PIM backup =D life saver. still a pain though not being able to sync phone with comp and having to go the long way of using storage card for loading and unloading things. still open for trying to solve this problem though if anyone has possible solutions. thanks all again
mbaseball3 said:
yes everything is almost working properly. thanks guys! my only problem though, still, is activesync on my computer still does not recognize my phone. I've been basically stumped. one great feature of this rom though is the PIM backup =D life saver. still a pain though not being able to sync phone with comp and having to go the long way of using storage card for loading and unloading things. still open for trying to solve this problem though if anyone has possible solutions. thanks all again
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Are you using either 64bit version of Vista or Windows7? if so I know I had to completely uninstall and then fully re-install WMDC (Windows Mobile Device Center) to make my phone sync with my PC again
Detroit Doug
Detroit_Doug said:
Are you using either 64bit version of Vista or Windows7? if so I know I had to completely uninstall and then fully re-install WMDC (Windows Mobile Device Center) to make my phone sync with my PC again
Detroit Doug
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Yep. Same thing here. Switched to Windows 7 x64 and had to re-do everything. Outlook even erased all of my contacts on the first sync so back them up first! Once I restored them, all is well.
I'm actually still using windows xp. by the time I got around to wanting to try out windows 7 microsoft shut down the download. no biggie though.
mbaseball3 said:
I'm actually still using windows xp. by the time I got around to wanting to try out windows 7 microsoft shut down the download. no biggie though.
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Its open now until June.
mbaseball3 said:
yes everything is almost working properly. thanks guys! my only problem though, still, is activesync on my computer still does not recognize my phone. I've been basically stumped. one great feature of this rom though is the PIM backup =D life saver. still a pain though not being able to sync phone with comp and having to go the long way of using storage card for loading and unloading things. still open for trying to solve this problem though if anyone has possible solutions. thanks all again
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go to start->settings-> connections-> "USB to PC" -> then check off "activesync" and "ask me first..." Even if they are correctly checked, check something else off, soft reset, then put them back as they are supposed to be.
ok my activesync issue is no longer an issue. thanks for all the advice folks. something so simple cured it =D I just uninstalled then installed activesync (yes newest version from ms) and it worked. ta-da! shoulda been something done first but didn't think about it. doh!!
mbaseball3 said:
ok my activesync issue is no longer an issue. thanks for all the advice folks. something so simple cured it =D I just uninstalled then installed activesync (yes newest version from ms) and it worked. ta-da! shoulda been something done first but didn't think about it. doh!!
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Glad your activesync issue cleared up.
Can you tell me how you got data working again? It took some time on the phone with verizon before they could get my newly flashed 6900 activated then I had to download a prl file myself to get rid of the roaming indicator. But I still don't have data working.

Internet sharing not working right on tilt 2, it did b4 though with no problems

i would greatly appreciate any advice on this matter. well normally, all i had to do was plug my device to the computer, i press Internet sharing on device when the prompt shows, and i connect to internet. Now for some reason it wont and i been trouble shooting all morning and cant figure it out. the only difference is i used my device as a disk drive this morning to put Hdwall program on computer. now when i diconnect and connect again, it lets me select internet sharing but when i press connect, it very quickly says check usb device, it disconnects, then the connect button lights back up again as if i never pressed it. i believe the activesync is blocking me somehow. no settings were changed from b4. i even uninstalled activesync and reinstalled it again in computer(windows xp serv. pack 3). still no luck. i got tired of it n shut computer can anyone lead me in the right path? how do u disable activesync on device and on computer? so that when i connect device to comp., activesync wont start up and cause issues with internet sharing. i have all the quick fixes to mke device faster, like the memory leak, data fix, no push internet, and dynamic proxy thing. are any of those conflicting with me using internet sharing? cuz i now have hspda/hsup enabled..excuse mispelling. is that the prob? i never had this issue b4. i remember reading that if u connect thru active sync and connect again, the device or computer might not recognize the connection since activesync wasnt really disconnected from first session. how do i reset that to make sure new connection(internetsharing) is recognized versus previous sessions? thnkx in advance
You could just uninstall activesync from the host PC, that would keep it from launching anyway...but I don't know for sure if that's going to get around your issue. Can't hurt to try though.
thnx for the advice. strange how it wrked b4 and not ima try everything possible b4 hard reseting. for some reason, i believe one of those cabs i downloaded screwed wit somethn. i have data fix, no push internet, dynamic proxy, sd tune up and xda wifi router cabs installed. do u think one of those might be the issue? also, i thght activesync is needed in order for PC to recognize phone. so if i uninstall activesync on computer, will it still recognixe the device and the action im trying to perform(Internet Sharing)? its crazy because it worked fine b4 with activesync in the pc.
demandarin said:
thnx for the advice. strange how it wrked b4 and not ima try everything possible b4 hard reseting. for some reason, i believe one of those cabs i downloaded screwed wit somethn. i have data fix, no push internet, dynamic proxy, sd tune up and xda wifi router cabs installed. do u think one of those might be the issue? also, i thght activesync is needed in order for PC to recognize phone. so if i uninstall activesync on computer, will it still recognixe the device and the action im trying to perform(Internet Sharing)? its crazy because it worked fine b4 with activesync in the pc.
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I honestly don't know if internet sharing requires an activesync connection, I'd always believed it worked independently of that (and mutually exclusive), like connecting it as a hard drive does.
Make sure that BTTrayCE.EXE is running at startup (look for BTTrayCE.lnk in the Windows\Startup folder). USB Internet Sharing won't work without that service running, and will act exactly like you describe.
Edit: BTW, I mean look for this on your phone, not your computer...
ill make sure to llook for that...i got a slew of cabs to try out in the morning. i have the TP2 tethering cab(the one that doesnt need mortscript) and the ATT tethering cab. im going to try each 1 and uininstalling right after if it doesnt wrk. i also have total commander and seen where all those registry files are at. i just need something clarified for me. When they say, change this(meaning the last line of that reg. file) to this(meaning the edit needed to be ), Is it Simply just Renaming that particular file or part of file? or is it deleting that file and somehow adding one that says the new edit? im confident ill have it tethering soon. at least my xda wifi router wrks
demandarin said:
ill make sure to llook for that...i got a slew of cabs to try out in the morning. i have the TP2 tethering cab(the one that doesnt need mortscript) and the ATT tethering cab. im going to try each 1 and uininstalling right after if it doesnt wrk. i also have total commander and seen where all those registry files are at. i just need something clarified for me. When they say, change this(meaning the last line of that reg. file) to this(meaning the edit needed to be ), Is it Simply just Renaming that particular file or part of file? or is it deleting that file and somehow adding one that says the new edit? im confident ill have it tethering soon. at least my xda wifi router wrks
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Changing values in your registry is a matter of navigating to that registry key in your reg editor, clicking on the entry to bring up the dialog to change the value, and then changing it to whatever is specified (a number, a string, whatever), then just clicking 'ok' to save. It looks a lot like a regular file structure, but it operates a bit differently.
I would STRONGLY recommend using whatever regedit tool you prefer to make a backup copy of your registry before making any changes in it...just in case
Got my Tilt 2 tethering again ;-)
IM I am typing now through the tethered connection. lmao this forum is da bomb. i tried again this mornin with nothing added to phone, like fixes, and it wouldnt let me connect. same as b4. I downloaded the ATT Tethering Cab fix, and like magic it worked. It added the option to let me select media net for connection and it connected with no problem. so if you are having issues connecting like i did b4, try the free ATT Tethering Cab fix on this forum. It worked for me directly right after install. Many thanks and credit goes to whoever created this file. i am really liking this forum. so much info in here. learning new stuff everyday. I thought i was already a tech head, but once i came to this forum, i saw the wild modding and rom flashes, and etc.. people are doing. Give me some time, with this forum, i will be flashing roms I hope. also thanks to people who gave me some advice and encouraged me to solve the problem. With some research and reading, nothing is impossible.

