Why does Windows Mobile suck so bad? - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

First of all,
I'd like to say this is my 4th Windows Mobile device. I've owned 2 HP PocketPCs, a HTC Touch Pro and now a HTC Touch Pro2. I like the looks of the Touch Pro2 a lot. However, I have never liked Windows Mobile at all.
How is this OS still around? All programs available for it are a nightmare to find compared to competition such as an iPhone, which has only been around for a couple years. Windows Mobile has been around for a while, why do I still have to repeatedly open and close my keypad for it to rotate the screen? Why when I want a game to play or program to help make my life a little bit easier, it takes 30 minutes to find and then turns out its some ridiculous price. Every time I see a person with an iPhone find, download and install an app within a minute from the device, I wonder why I would even pay for a Windows Mobile device.
I've never been a big Apple fan and I love my Sprint service, so what i'm trying to ask is what options do I have with my Touch Pro2? I've tried a couple ROM's and non of them have made my phone better, they just fix one problem and present another.
I really appreciate the work every developer does on here, I know they are trying their best to make the devices run as best as possible, but I'm very close to cancelling my Sprint contract and switching to an iPhone.

I have to disagree with your view. I don't find iPhones to be nearly as customizable as WinMo, I have tried Droid, and maybe in a year or 2 it will be a bangin' OS, but for stability, I will stick with my faithful workhorse...
Yes it isn't as pretty or flashy, yes it is a touch slower, but my WinMo devices have been like Timex...takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'. I'll take that ANY DAY over flash. My last was the Wizard...I had it almost 4 years. If I buy a new battery for it, it will still work...but it doesn't have GPS which I really wanted. Now I have the TP2. I am NOT gentle with my phones. I use them for everything...my device keeps me on schedule, makes my calls, keeps my kids happy while waiting somewhere...I never power it off, and only charge it once every 2-3 days...
I have friends with iPhones and with Droid devices, and they have had to replace them under warranty, they carry chargers with them because the battery life sucks...they look good, I'll give them that...for me that isn't enough.
Each person has their own taste, maybe yours isn't a taste for WinMo, but I cannot agree that it SUCKS. I agree that there are things that I'd like to see updated or sped up a bit, but for the abuse it can take, WinMo is good.

Couldn't agree more with akashastrega, I had a Iphone 3GS for a month or so.
I got tired of it, nothing to do.
Same crap got pretty boring, and yes, the battery life on those suck.
These WM phones are extraordinary and much more customizable.

I just ditched a BlackBerry Pearl 8120 for my Touch Pro 2 yesterday. In the 10 hours I have had the phone, I have customized and tweaked it to my liking. I installed several programs I know I will love, and NO MORE LAGGING. I'm just missing 2 games and the Seidio Slim Extended Battery, and then it will be the phone I will carry everywhere for the next 2 years.

WM is great!
Disagree too,
Yes there are some issues, but if you spend some time tweaking and configuring you can get great results (using a good ROM)
Guys vote on my sig!

Internet troll is trolling..

I'm new here, but I didn't join just to post this. I am gonna be getting a Tilt2 in the next couple days, and wanted to read up on things. I have had a few WinMo phones, and I currently have an Iphone... I have jailbroken my iphone, and the things I could do with it improved drastically, but I will tell you, stock for stock, I prefer the WinMo OS over the Iphone OS. I like it so much better, that now that it's upgrade time, I'm going back to WinMo with the tilt2.

jirobinson13300 said:
First of all, Windows Mobile has been around for a while, why do I still have to repeatedly open and close my keypad for it to rotate the screen?
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Try gyrator.
jirobinson13300 said:
I've never been a big Apple fan and I love my Sprint service, so what i'm trying to ask is what options do I have with my Touch Pro2?
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Try here and here.

I hate that everyone always threaten windows mobile users with picking up an Iphone. No one can make your mind up for you. Every phone/os has its problems and none will be perfect. I respect apple for waking up the industry and making everyone step there game up. But as far as im concerned anyone not computer illiterate, not picking winmo or even android before iphone reminds me of people who pay 100 for an hdmi cable.

My main beef with the T-Mo TP2 was the browser. There's IE, but IE is IE and we all know to avoid it like the plague, however, for certain things, it worked much better than the (surprisingly) crappy Opera Mobile 9 included in the latest Tmo US build.
It all changed, though, when I got Opera Mini 5 beta. That browser should be the standard against which all mobile browsers should be measured.
I also figured out how stupidly simple it's to tether my phone's 3G connection to my laptop with Vista (rather than android requiring a rooted system and kernel support) with an official build, no less. There are some things that lack polish, but HTC made a formidable job of keeping those encounters with the uglier parts of winmo at a minimum.

jirobinson13300 said:
First of all,
I'd like to say this is my 4th Windows Mobile device. I've owned 2 HP PocketPCs, a HTC Touch Pro and now a HTC Touch Pro2. I like the looks of the Touch Pro2 a lot. However, I have never liked Windows Mobile at all.
How is this OS still around? All programs available for it are a nightmare to find compared to competition such as an iPhone, which has only been around for a couple years. Windows Mobile has been around for a while, why do I still have to repeatedly open and close my keypad for it to rotate the screen? Why when I want a game to play or program to help make my life a little bit easier, it takes 30 minutes to find and then turns out its some ridiculous price. Every time I see a person with an iPhone find, download and install an app within a minute from the device, I wonder why I would even pay for a Windows Mobile device.
I've never been a big Apple fan and I love my Sprint service, so what i'm trying to ask is what options do I have with my Touch Pro2? I've tried a couple ROM's and non of them have made my phone better, they just fix one problem and present another.
I really appreciate the work every developer does on here, I know they are trying their best to make the devices run as best as possible, but I'm very close to cancelling my Sprint contract and switching to an iPhone.
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If you are just looking to use games and entertainment apps i strongly suggest you an iphone... WinMo devices are more for productivity and less for entertainment iphones on the contrary were made for the masses so that my be your kind of phone.

Yeah, WM really sucks, such as:
1) That sucky ability to tether and use as a WiFi hotspot.
2) Sucks that the hardware keyboard is hands down superior to the stupid iPhone on screen keyboard.
3) Sucks that MS Office is native, and greatly enhances my productivity on the road.
4) Sucks that I can customize and customize, where the iPhone is stuck how Steve Jobs wants it to look and work.
5) Sucks that the TP2 speaker phone is incredible. So good that I used it during a 10-person business meeting at a remote site where there were no landlines (iPhone could have never accomplished this).
Man, WM sucks! I better get an iPhone!
Anyway, most the iPhone "apps" that people are always raving about are all GAMES. I like to casually distract myself from time to time at the airport and such. But there are enough WM games for that. When it comes down to real apps, iPhone owners actually don't have many, they just download games. And there are WM versions of practically all of those.
If you're a kid that needs a toy, the iPhone is perfect. If you're an adult with real business needs, the iPhone doesn't cut it.

Why does it suck so bad? That's easy. Same reason IE 6 sucked horrendously, but was still used by 90%+ of all people browsing the web. Because Microsoft will take over a market, then let their products stagnate. They won't do anything groundbreaking or cutting edge at all once they've wiped out the competition.
Windows CE is 14 years old, and it is still the core of a lot of Windows Mobile. When MS finally beat Palm to rule the PDA market they let their OS stagnate. Along came cell phone connectivity, and MS made only minor changes to the OS to adapt it for smartphone use. MS didn't make any real efforts regarding a finger-based GUI until the iPhone came along and showed how bad Windows Mobile was in that area. Now MS is playing catch up - just like when Firefox came along and suddenly started eating up IE 6's market share, and woke MS up. They will catch up - it's much easier to implement something when someone else has already shown how it can be done. So I expect Windows 7 will be pretty slick.

hmmm... I have long pondered this question myself.
But, as the eternal wisdom of Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie has shown us, "Every OS sucks."
So, it really comes down to a few deciding factors:
If you are a pompous **** that drives a BMW 3 series because you really can't afford a real Beamer, but you still want to catch diseases from women you don't know, you'd better get the iPhone.
If you question your own sexuality and you beg your mother to let you go to the $8 a cup coffee house to watch your favorite beatnick while wearing a $200 dollar Tshirt that looks like something from goodwill and you're 47, spend that extra $57 a month and get a droid.
If you're a pencilneck geek that probably hasn't had a sexual experience with someone else in a few years, but you have hacked into your toaster to burn computer generated pictures on your Albert Einstein shaped frozen french toast that you pulled out of your freezer that you grafted a 52" LCD screen onto that has your favorite fish from Dream Aquarium on it as your "pets", Winmo is probably for you.
(I hope everyone understands this post was made in jest.)

I wish we could "favorite" posts in the forum.....
...this would be a fave! LMAO
Ivanstein said:
hmmm... I have long pondered this question myself.
But, as the eternal wisdom of Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie has shown us, "Every OS sucks."
So, it really comes down to a few deciding factors:
If you are a pompous **** that drives a BMW 3 series because you really can't afford a real Beamer, but you still want to catch diseases from women you don't know, you'd better get the iPhone.
If you question your own sexuality and you beg your mother to let you go to the $8 a cup coffee house to watch your favorite beatnick while wearing a $200 dollar Tshirt that looks like something from goodwill and you're 47, spend that extra $57 a month and get a droid.
If you're a pencilneck geek that probably hasn't had a sexual experience with someone else in a few years, but you have hacked into your toaster to burn computer generated pictures on your Albert Einstein shaped frozen french toast that you pulled out of your freezer that you grafted a 52" LCD screen onto that has your favorite fish from Dream Aquarium on it as your "pets", Winmo is probably for you.
(I hope everyone understands this post was made in jest.)
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I think the explanation for how crappy and slow WM cannot be rooted in Microsoft dominance. That explanation makes sense when talking about Windows, but MS never had a large share of the smartphone market. It may have been one of the earliest smartphone OS'es, but RIM's Blackberry has dominated the business-end of the smartphone spectrum in the US, Canada and the UK for a few years now.
I don't know what big business in East Asia, Continental Europe and the Middle East use, but I'm guessing it's not WinMo.

aniym said:
I think the explanation for how crappy and slow WM cannot be rooted in Microsoft dominance. That explanation makes sense when talking about Windows, but MS never had a large share of the smartphone market. It may have been one of the earliest smartphone OS'es, but RIM's Blackberry has dominated the business-end of the smartphone spectrum in the US, Canada and the UK for a few years now.
I don't know what big business in East Asia, Continental Europe and the Middle East use, but I'm guessing it's not WinMo.
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Personally I think it is the way they designed the WM OS. The registry entries are similar to what Windows has always used, and I suspect that the multi tasking and other OS capabilities are modeled after Windows products. The OS multiasks OK, but lags in the operator interface and updating the screen.

While I feel that most of the main points have been hit, here's my view. A few people have already said that WinMo is NOT meant as a gaming/entertainment OS, and they are very right. I use my Touch Pro2 for mail, conference calling, calender etc, and gaming and entertainment when I'm bored or something. I like to think of it like a netbook: it excels at internet (Opera 10 beta is a ninja) and other things, and games as a secondary use only. If WinMo doesn't fit your needs in a phone, then maybe look somewhere else. I also love flashing new roms, trying out android and ubuntu, and personalizing the UI of my phone....
Sent from my HTC Touch Pro2 =)

Ivanstein said:
hmmm... I have long pondered this question myself.
But, as the eternal wisdom of Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie has shown us, "Every OS sucks."
So, it really comes down to a few deciding factors:
If you are a pompous **** that drives a BMW 3 series because you really can't afford a real Beamer, but you still want to catch diseases from women you don't know, you'd better get the iPhone.
If you question your own sexuality and you beg your mother to let you go to the $8 a cup coffee house to watch your favorite beatnick while wearing a $200 dollar Tshirt that looks like something from goodwill and you're 47, spend that extra $57 a month and get a droid.
If you're a pencilneck geek that probably hasn't had a sexual experience with someone else in a few years, but you have hacked into your toaster to burn computer generated pictures on your Albert Einstein shaped frozen french toast that you pulled out of your freezer that you grafted a 52" LCD screen onto that has your favorite fish from Dream Aquarium on it as your "pets", Winmo is probably for you.
(I hope everyone understands this post was made in jest.)
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For the record...I have had at least ONE sexual experience in the last few years and my twins are proof of THAT!! And my frozen French Toast is shaped like Tesla...and its not dream aquarium, it's Fish World!!
I use my WinMo to keep my life organized. It excels at BUSINESS...if I am waiting at an appointment, then maybe I'll listen to some music or play a game, but those abilities are not my NEEDS...my needs are keeping my life in order.
Like I said, I tried droid and even crackberry, and have enough friends with iPhones, for ME, sucky WinMo wins hands down...probably for the exact reason that the OP has given it a major Suck Factor!!
Said it before, I'll say it again, its like Timex!!

Another iPhony troll.
Please please please do get an iPhone, I'm sure you are a perfect match for it.


Does this happen to you as HTC tp2 owner???

Ha! funny... most of my colleages in the office carry iphone, if not black berry as their work/personal phone. Guess what, most of their roles are dealing with Windows Platforms daily. As for myself, i am opposite, i am dealing with UNIX platform and the only guy who used HTP TP2 (Which I love it a lot).
They will asked, HTC TP2??? what kind of phone is that?? hahahahahahaha.
Even when i go to IKEA at one time, and happen to snap some pics of the furnitures that I want to buy and then show it to the sales rep, he said oh that a nice Iphone. WHAT!!!! LOL!!!
I guess lots of people out there still dont know what is HTC TP2....so sad.
I guess it is because, iphone does have the reputation and in the market longer than HTC :>
Same here. LOL
I´m sure is not because the iphoney or crackberry, it all depends where are you located.
In America continent those mentioned before has more influence and power on advertising and that´s why everybody wants and almost nobody knows HTC, but if you travel to Europe or Asia windows mobile/HTC is more well known than those mentioned before.
But here is the same, every friedn or co-worker has iphoney, crackberry or Nokia
ON my Universal times back in 2005 it was even more amazing to show off your HTC!!
hahahahahah! lmao
i had a guy (iphone owner) at work ask me if my tp2 was a knock off iphone. i told him yes i couldn't afford to be walled off behind apple walls. so he asks, "what did you pay for it" i told him i wanted to buy an unbranded one for about $700 in may for my birthday but decided to wait and wound up getting one for $300 (plus 2yr extintion to my contract with at&t). he replied with, "why i only spent $99 on my phone?" so i tell him its cuz your iphone SUCKS. i know that was mean but i then explained to him what htc offers with their hardware and how he is limited to what apple allows him to see, use, design, develop, explore, adapt, personalize and so on and so on. he agrees.
LOL, everywhere I go people think I'm holding an iPhone. And since everyone at my school seems to have one, and since I'm known as the computer expert at my school, everyone assumes I'm using an iPhone because it's the "most advanced phone ever".
i am living in China, the mass only know Nokia,but not HTC.
For most people who discovered smartphones when the iPhone came out, they think Apple invented it.
HTC has been around much longer than the iPhone, believe it or not. All those MDA, SDA phones, were manufactures by HTC since 2002! This is why this site is named XDA. Apple introduced the iPhone in 2007.
It's interesting how people call iPhone anything with a touch screen. Recently a relative of my wife came to the states and wated an iPhone for her children. She asked me about my iPhone (actually a TyTnII) and one day said that she had already gotten an iPhone, which turned out to be a Nokia N95.
There are many things that don't make sense in the smartphone world. Most people criticize MSFT for being a monopoly back in the day of the browsers war, but worship Apple who owns every single bit of the iPhone business. People criticize MSFT for being a close platform, but apple and Android won't let you install an app if you don't go through their market place. Apple blocks applications that compete not only with them, but with ATT, such as google voice.
iPhone and Adroid are worshipped for their innovations, but every single feature in the latest versions of both phones have been available to PocketPC users since probably 2000, at least I've been using windows smartphones since 2002 and all of them have had touch screen (albeit resistive), copy and paste, multitasking, MMS, SMS, email (multiple accounts, including exchange, IMAP and POP3), music (supporting a wide arrange of music format), pictures, videos, and you could install any app you want wherever you want. You can swap batteries, you can swap memory cards, and yes, there was a marketplace (actually several) before the Windows Market Place, it's still around and it's call Handango, which also allows you to try he applications before you buy them.
Even phone navigation was available way before the days of integerated GPS, there were many applications available, being TomTom the best known probably. It had turn-by-turn directions, with voice guidance and 3D maps. All you needed was an external wired, or bluetooth GPS receiver. That was before the iPhone was even announced.
It's common for many to complain about the inability to really close apps in windows, but few complain about the fact that the iPhone kills alls apps when you switch, rendering IM impossible, navigation, if you must take a phone call, facebook notifications, etc. I for one always disable the HTC task managet and let the OS handle memory allocation, which in my opinion, windows mobile does very well. Recently a reviewer pointed out (as a negative) that Windows Mobile was running 10 apps at the same time without he knowing it, and I say, that's good! A good proof of a true multitasking OS! I agree that apps should always have an exit button which actually closes the app if you don't want to use it anymore though, but this is an app programming issue, not an operating system issue.
But who cares, let people believe that Apple invented sliced bread and Android will save the world. Ultimately, it's MSFT own fault for neglecting it's own product, allow manufacturers to build, in some cases crappy, underpowered devices, neglect advertising, and forget to refresh the product to keep uo with the times. WM 6.5 was disappointment, and I'm cautiously optimist with 7(not really, it will disappoint). WM has the brain and heart of a smart and athletic 20 years old with the skin of an 80 year old overly exposed to the sun woman.
Ignorance is bliss sometimes. Most people think Mariah Carey composed "Without you". And no, it was not Harry Nilsson either.
Living is easy with eyes closed -JL
The *best* question I got when using my TP2: Is that the new iPhone with a keyboard??
nokiadashi said:
i am living in China, the mass only know Nokia,but not HTC.
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This is surprising as HTC is made in Taiwan, really close to China. I can understand that here in México so far away but so close to the factory and mass does not know!
Mesquire said:
The *best* question I got when using my TP2: Is that the new iPhone with a keyboard??
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That is a good one
nokiadashi said:
i am living in China, the mass only know Nokia,but not HTC.
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man , not only nokia . .
in fact, people knows dopod so well ,but most of them didn't know dopod is a sub company of htc..
anyway , more and more people use htc phones now.
Mesquire said:
The *best* question I got when using my TP2: Is that the new iPhone with a keyboard??
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Should Apple ever intro such a thing, people are going to assume every keyboarded smartphone in existence is an iPhone Pro clone.
The mass market can be so cute sometimes.
Back when I had my MDA...I had it so tweaked and geeked that when the iPhoney came out I named my device the iWiz (HTC Wizard which will wiz all over the iPhone)...everyone I knew jumped on the Apple bandwagon, they were my iPhone this, my iPhone that...I'd sit back and patiently watch, then whip out my iWiz and change their tv channels or remote their pc, or view movies, etc...and they would all have their jaws drop...and regret getting the iPhone. Now I have the Rhodium...and I just got it so it isn't even really tweaked and geeked yet, it still has the stock rom even...and it is still killing the iPhone. I just have a good laugh over it. I figure while the Lemmings play with their crappy iPhone, I'll have a good laugh when mine actually DOES something worthwhile...and look just as pretty as the iPhone, when doing that worthwhile thing!!
Oh, and for the Droid lovers...a friend of mine has the Moto Cliq...she charges her battery 3-4x a day...I use GPS, catch up on Twitter and Facebook, and make a ton of calls...and charge my phone every other day...and as for the open source bit...any awesome XDA chef can make my windows device "open source" too!!
orb3000 said:
This is surprising as HTC is made in Taiwan, really close to China. I can understand that here in México so far away but so close to the factory and mass does not know!
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AFAIK, that is because they are still being marketed under the Dopod banner (a subsidiary of HTC), while the rest of the world has moved on to HTC.
http://www.dopod.com.cn or http://www.dopod.com/
fortunz said:
Should Apple ever intro such a thing, people are going to assume every keyboarded smartphone in existence is an iPhone Pro clone.
The mass market can be so cute sometimes.
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Doubtful that would happen - heard it somewhere that Mr. Jobs doesn't like the idea of an iPhone with a physical keyboard.
Yeah, a variety of people thought I had gotten the iPhone when they saw me from afar. Then when they saw it up close they were "what's that" and I'd tell them and responded to their comment that they had thought it was the iPhone with all the reasons I don't want the iPhone. One thing I envy the iPhone slightly is the better processor capable of better video. But that is only slightly as the screen res is so much lower that it doesn't matter in the end cause even with a better video file it will look worse. Plus the new gen of Winmo phones had that CPU beat no questions asked.
And it's amazing how much apple and the iphone have trapped people's attention. My previous phone which I bought in Christmas 2005 was a motorola e680i (white version) and when people saw it they were "is that the new apple phone? I had heard they were coming out with one" because it was touch screen and white and sleek like an imac. The bad thing about that phone was the lack of apps and keyboard.
ANd yeah, no one knows what my phone is or recognizes the brand but that's because in Mexico HTC is almost non-existent. Though curiously the other day I went to one of the bigger more central malls in the city and saw this HUGE banner outside the movie theater from Telcel (the dominant carrier) advertising their new HTC phone, the Diamond (not Diamond 2, just Diamond). Mexico is behind on tech in general. I saw the TyTNII just before I bought my TP2, it was going in the store for about a hundred dollars more than I paid for my TP2 despite the age of the device and inferior specs.
When I went into an at&t corp store in late October to look at a TP2, or a dummy phone, to gauge the size, the at&t drone had no idea what I was talking about, but quickly pointed me to the iphone. I said, no thanks, if I wanted a toy, I'd go to Toys R Us.
Same here in Greece. Htc isn't that much advertised, I'd say that it's starting now though. You just spot a diamond2 here and there and an HD if you look thouroughly. I'm on the go a lot, public transport etc and i have only seen only another one TP2 owned by a teenage girl fyi. However you do spot a hell lot iphones.
Anyway the other day i was messing with my TP2 while being at the subway, and there was this guy that tapped me in the shoulder, fascinated prolly, and was like "Wow dude is this a new version of the iphone, or what?"
And I was like "Dude, google htc touch pro2, and figure it out yourself."
I mean c'mon people every phone with a touchscreen is NOT necessarily invented by Apple! LOL
Ha! It's really lots of fun reading everyone here also experiencing with their HTC TP2 get miss-identified with an iphone.
Thanks for sharing your experience on how people react to our HTC TP2.
I guess time will tell .........
stormrain said:
And I was like "Dude, google htc touch pro2, and figure it out yourself."
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So HTC fans are all out orally delivering let me google that for you* addresses in response to questions about their phones? It's a wonder people don't know what it is.
(I kid, I kid)
fortunz said:
So HTC fans are all out orally delivering let me google that for you* addresses in response to questions about their phones? It's a wonder people don't know what it is.
(I kid, I kid)
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Hahahahahaa that is so funny!!!!

Rant. WP7, TP2, Nexus, Android etc

Just figured I'ld post this to weigh in.
I love WM. The TP was actually my first WMPhone and I really loved customizing it, ROMs, and in general HTC as a company. Easy tethering, tons of detail, thousands of programs. I hated the TP battery, waited six months for the TP2 to finally come out and changed to Tmo just to not wait anymore. Obviously, I'm a (relatively new) fan.
However, in all my reading and browsing, and mixing and matching Roms and programs, I got annoyed with the endless glitches. It seemed customizing was a chore to fill gaps half the time. And so I waited to hear about WP7.
On a random decision, after loading DualBoot and Android on my TP2, I bought a Nexus One just to have the Snapdragon and multitouch (HD2 announced for Tmo like 3 days later lol). But I kept my ears open for WP7 and totally expected to move back in October.
I know you guys are all WinMo, but to be honest this has to be a common feeling. Look how popular Android on TP has become. We have been looking for something, but wanting it to be windows.
So, the point: my experience.
A.) the nexus one has made me sorely miss a keyboard. However other than that I actually like it. The battery is at least equal to TP2. Things that are chores on WMo are easy on Android, like Fbook integration of contacts and maintaining stability. Having several open programs is such a non-issue battery wise and slowdown wise that there isnt even a freaking task manager or close program button. You have to download a program, and its not that common. You just leave everything open. Zero slowdown. Same battery, more or less. I don't think its superior to WM, more like a close cousin that doesnt share the bad family traits. In the present climate, Android is very similar to WM.
B.) and now the hard part. WP7 looks nice. Looks great actually. Devices will surely be as cool as always. But set aside your loyalty and look: what do you tell your friends you like about WM, why you stay with it? Customization. Open program downloading and creation. EFFORTLESS MULTITASKING. Endless differentiation between companies, UI's, and phones. Where the $%^& is what we love in WP7? Complicated, apparently limited, multitasking that sounds too much like Iphone. Closed development. Limited, almost meaningless so far, customization. Closed App environment. The best anyone can come up with so far about differentiation is adding freaking keyboards and hardware colors. Does anyone now wonder why HTC started shifting more support, and Sense, to Android?
As much as I hate to say it, I will probably stick with Android unless WP7 pulls something great out. It looks great, but so does the Iphone and that is not something I consider wanting. My nexus one has everything I love about htc, and adds in perfect stability and customization. Hardly anyone bothers posting apps online, but only because the Market lets basically anything in! Tethering apps, rooting apps, whatever. Let's face it: Microsoft appears to be spurning its loyal fanbase. And Google is waiting with open arms.
WP7 does not appeal to me at this time with its current UI. They should have hired SPB mobile shell to create their UI.
I like most droid devices (not the motodroid) and the OS is extremely responsive and easy to understand. Haven't done any detailed work w/ the andoird OS, but WinMo customization is what keeps me here.
I agree Trev.
I believe the software industry, much like the music and film (big and small screens) industries, is changing. Open source is the way forwards as people are more able to communicate with each other the need for centralised programming is going to more and more take a back seat.
This means margins will be cut and I'll be supprised if MS, being such a large organisation will be able to keep up. Maybe this the reason for the speculation on WM7 being locked down, so they can have a greater control over revenues. I've read an article which mentioned that MS consider Linux to be a virus that gets into profitable areas of business and destroys the margins. That attitude won't get them anywhere.
I don't think WM7 will have anything new. MS are in the business of preserving what they have and not winning new customers. WM7 will be safe, not amazing.
Android is new so nothing is set in stone. It will be more flexible, open to new ideas and will grow it's market share. They let pretty much anything into their app store which will allow anyone to have a go, not just a centralised "elite". This will help to keep it new too because it's not just the same people going through the motions because it pays the bills. The is what keeps this forum alive.
The MS business model is dying and being replaced with something that's better for the consumer. Much like the short haul airline industry changed
trevorwhopkins said:
Just figured I'ld post this to weigh in.
Let's face it: Microsoft appears to be spurning its loyal fanbase. And Google is waiting with open arms.
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Absolutely right! Wouldn't surprise me if google is working on an OS for the pc. If they are I would be scared if I were MS.
On another note, i'm not sure what people mean when they compare winmo to android customization. You can customize android just as much as you can custimize winmo. Do these people ever visit the android forums and see all the customization people are doing with their android phones? Any hard core winmo fan will not miss customization moving from winmo to android. I just think some people are having a hard time letting go.
I have also felt like this for a while. Mainly due to being given an MSM7200 for 3 years! Sure there is the HD2 with the snapdragon but that doesn't have AT&T 3G bands and a couple other WM phones with it too, but none that I like.
I would have switched to Android (and still will) if a phone comes out that meets these requirements:
1) WVGA Screen
2) Snapdragon
3) NICE keyboard, comparable to TP2. This is the best keyboard I have ever used.
4) AT&T 3G bands.
The only phone that comes close is the Motorola Milestone on Telus (unlockable). It doesn't have a snapdragon but a decent processor. Its keyboard also sucks.
Google do have an OS. It's called Chrome, like the browser, and it based on Ubuntu.
And Microsoft seems to be basing their business on people not letting go. It's sad really, I wish they'd try harder
I would not care if my Tilt 2 came with Android or WinMO to be honest. They are overall about the same to me.
I got the Tilt 2 because I wanted a qwerty keyboard, with a large very high quality touch screen as well. And I did not want an internal HD like iPhones, I want interchangeable light weight cheap storage cards! That gives me unlimited storage. All that, on AT&Ts service plan.
It did not hurt that it cost me $50 to upgrade from my Fuze to the Tilt 2!
If Microsoft would open up WinMO so the different phone manufactures could customize the OS for each phone, companies like HTC could do amazing things with WinMO.
I honestly wish HTC would update their software for their phones more often.
Keep TILT2 or wait a few more months???
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enahs_ said:
I would not care if my Tilt 2 came with Android or WinMO to be honest. They are overall about the same to me.
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I disagree. But then again, they keyword here is "me". To you they're overall the same. Which is somewhat of a true statement. They both lend themselves to customization and both have plenty of funtionality. But where Android sets itself apart is speed and stability, which I would take anyday. What good is a phone that has all this functionality, when half the time the functionality doesn't function properly or you have to tweak the hell out of the OS to get it to work properly.
So, So true
I remember feeling a weird sort of guilt for liking Android so much when I got my N1. I had spent so much time on my TP2 to get it right and the N1 came "right", right out of the box. Granted full free tethering(with free options) was not there, but everything else is. I think the guilt was all the time, I don't want to say it.... wasted.
I remember starting a thread that really ticked a lot of people off. Just mentioning how Android was what real functionality and customization should be like and BAM!, flame city.
When it was just Windows Mobile or another smartphone option(you can name them), there was no choice. Now with Android, I feel I have made the most equitable of the choices. And the little pleasures of the choice I have made are the reason that it would take a game changer of a WindowsPhone7 to make me think of going back. The lack of weekly(with the best of Roms) or daily resets(just to keep the phone fresh), glitches, memory leaks(a given), freezes, weird pauses and the like, which rank as my largest pet peeves, are my joys with Android. I have reset the phone twice in 3 weeks only to change a memory card and another time just because. Not one freeze, slowdown, memory leak, not in what's going on a month, which I can't say of the TP2 in the same time period. Which was the motivation to flash it. After agreeing on the almost overwhelmingly unanimous feeling that it was the best shipped Rom in a long time!
Yeah, no more of that for me , thanks....
I agree. If Windows "Phone" 7 is going to be as rigid as the other mobile operating systems are now; where's the fun in that? Personally, what NRGZ28 has done with his EnergyROMs especially his most latest is why I bought this device in the first place; he did remarkable work with the Wing. That's me! The work these folks do is nothing short of outstanding; all of them. Now, I don't know enough about the Android devices other than there is a whole lot of folks liking them but everybody I've talked to who looks at what I've done to my TP2; their eyeballs and tongue roll out of their heads; they can't believe it can be done and with the latest ROM I have on my device at first glance they think they're looking at the HD2 (Leo). If Windows "Phone" 7 (I'll never get use to calling it that) is going to follow the path of everybody else then you're probably going to see the bulk of us jump ship; but what cannot be dismissed is are we the majority or are we the minority? My Wing was living proof Windows Mobile 6.5 could run on it as were many of the Windows Mobile devices out there at the time. But smart phones like desktops are becoming as powerful as netbooks today; maybe notebooks. I've had my desktop PC for years but clearly the software today is forcing me to consider a new PC with 4, 6 and 8 GBs of RAM; my current PC maxes out at 512mbs. I've read good reviews about Windows Phone 7 and the moment the HD2 comes out I want it, but I also know the market is going to be flooded with TP2s and they will come down in price as they've already have now from $349.99 to $269.99. What is unknown is how much will the HD2 costs given it's horsepower and upgrades to the US market. We all have to remember there are other devices that will be released after the HD2, for example the Tera, looks like the TP2 with a 600mhz CPU. There is the HD Mini, smaller than it's bigger brother and I'm sure there will be a TP2 style device with the 1GHz Snapdragon maybe clocked higher. I kill to have a HD2, but I also know it is wise to wait. I have read nothing that says it won't be upgraded to Windows Phone 7, though with the exception of XDA, PPC Geeks and other websites; it might be awhile. I've had Windows Mobile 6.5 on my TP2 day one and then on my Wing; it didn't officially release until when; January 20, 2010.
"I would not care if my Tilt 2 came with Android or WinMO to be honest. They are overall about the same to me."
That is the feeling I generally got. I dualbooted android on my TP2 and basically still loved the phone for exact same reasons.
"I remember feeling a weird sort of guilt for liking Android so much when I got my N1. I had spent so much time on my TP2 to get it right and the N1 came "right", right out of the box. Granted full free tethering(with free options) was not there, but everything else is. I think the guilt was all the time, I don't want to say it.... wasted"
my sentiments exactly. except that full free tethering is available. same way as on wm. with some customization. i just rooted my n1 yesterday and got the tethering. works perfect.
As for new comments since original post... I am ever more convinced I am right. When I finally rooted my phone (much scarier than hardspl'ing my tp2 i must say, though not too difficult. similar to Pre unlocking.) it locked in that I'll stay with Android, unless they release a WP7 phone without the tiles and with full customization. Check out the android forums. I just flashed Sense onto my n1. I almost laughed.
It has the exact same look and feel as Sense on Winmo! Same keyboard. Same dialer, almost, so now I dont miss smartdialing. It even has a version of the sliding homescreen with texts and alarms, etc. It feels exactly like the day I flashed 2.5 onto my TP2... only it didnt hamstring my phone at all. It just worked. Customization is more complicated but ultimately more rewarding and way more usable on Android. It's sad to see so many posts agreeing finally. I figured I would get flamed too. This is a Rhodium forum after all! I will probly try to leave this thread alone to not bother the Rhodium guys. I loved my phone and would never trash it now that I got the n1. But I don't regret it at all. Still miss that fantastic keyboard though.
Oh and to the Milestone loving guy... go try that milestone. The keyboard is a joke to me. Its just like the droid. hard flat keys. At least it's finally centered on the phone though. And its sad someone mentioned the milestone as decent powered, it being a low end Droid. But then again, Android still has the G1, which is so much a joke its why I hesitated to even try Android before 2.1.
One final comment:
Are we the majority or minority? Obvious answer: minority. Or else they wouldnt be catering to the masses with 7. However: masses follow trends. Trends come and go. Our minority I would define as a LOYAL FAN BASE. Up until now. What happens when your LOYAL BASE is lost? Obvious answer: your company is a victim of the masses, lol.
Look at the Palm Pre. I had one for about a month before Rhodium. Fantastic OS, always stable, so easy to use. I reccomend that phone to every teenager wondering what phone to buy, or person who doesn't want to bother with the phone. But Palm built its empire on the Corporate and Power User. And then ditched them with Web OS and no poweruser form factor phones like HTC has. They arent necessarily dying, but with alllll that buzz, why do I constantly read reports of their company struggling with insolvency? Because they ditched their fanbase I would say. Sadly, I bet MS banks on WP7. They have the power of laaaarge budgets. But what happens when Iphone 4.0 or whatever the next buzz stealer is comes out? Hope they picked the right group.
trevorwhopkins said:
One final comment:
Are we the majority or minority? Obvious answer: minority. Or else they wouldnt be catering to the masses with 7. However: masses follow trends. Trends come and go. Our minority I would define as a LOYAL FAN BASE. Up until now. What happens when your LOYAL BASE is lost? Obvious answer: your company is a victim of the masses, lol.
Look at the Palm Pre. I had one for about a month before Rhodium. Fantastic OS, always stable, so easy to use. I reccomend that phone to every teenager wondering what phone to buy, or person who doesn't want to bother with the phone. But Palm built its empire on the Corporate and Power User. And then ditched them with Web OS and no poweruser form factor phones like HTC has. They arent necessarily dying, but with alllll that buzz, why do I constantly read reports of their company struggling with insolvency? Because they ditched their fanbase I would say. Sadly, I bet MS banks on WP7. They have the power of laaaarge budgets. But what happens when Iphone 4.0 or whatever the next buzz stealer is comes out? Hope they picked the right group.
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I agree with this. Companies alienate their loyal fanbases all the time in pursuit of of larger sales. There's nothing wrong with niche products, even when influential tech blogs try to declare your mobile OS "dead" even though you still have roughly 20% market share in the space.
I'm with the OP on the original point as well. I've defended WinMo to the death in the face of hordes of iPhone users and what thanks do I get? A dead Moto Q9h (replaced under warranty), a quirky Palm Treo Pro, and a Tilt 2 with a dead touchscreen (also being replaced under warranty). I applaud MSFT for trying to standardize the hardware experience of WP7, but I can't stand the walled-garden, locked-down UI, app store approach. Android is the most logical choice for my next phone - that Dell Mini 5 is looking pretty good.

Goodbye Windows Mobile... Hello Android

Retiring my TP2 today. Just had to get that out of my system.
Another unsatisfied customer.
You are darn right I am a quitter! And proud of it! I just can't believe I lasted this long.
lame. though i would love an android phone with the form factor of the tp2. the keyboard and tilty screen has made every iphone user i know impossibly jealous. but its not a phone i can recommend because of windows mobile. windows mobile works well, with a custom rom, registry hacks, and custom installed programs. android is just easier out of the box. i look forward to htc releasing an android phone with a good slide out keyboard.
Nobody can blame you for leaving this device. You're the third person who's posted a thread about abandoning the Rhodium, and I doubt you're the last. I'm personally holding out for the HTC Vision and it's beautiful looking QWERTY, but there are so many great options out there it's extremely tempting just to sell my Rhodium on eBay and buy a Desire or some other decent phone right now.
Yeah dude I was originally going to hold out for that HTC Vision also, but I just can't take it any longer. Flashing custom WM ROM's and installing certain cabs and reloading all my tweeks and stuff is just too time consuming. Holy cow do I waste a lot of time reading xda! When you see how fluid some other devices are out there, at some time you have to ask yourself what the point of all this is? There is nothing WM can do that Andoid can not do and better (for me that is). I have tremendous respect for the developers on this site but I think WM is a dying breed. The TP2 should not have been as crippled as it is either.
I dunno, I have to wonder if there's a big difference between your TP2 and my Tilt 2 because I am having very few issues with mine even after modding the hell out of the stock ROM (no compelling reason to go to a cooked one yet). Yeah, WinMo has its issues, but I've been using it since WM2003 on a Viewsonic PDA, so I'm pretty familiar with it. My Tilt 2 does everything I need it to, much like My Incite did. The only reason I upgraded was because I needed a larger screen for my failing eyes. Anyway, I was just ribbing you. I might go to an Android at some point, but for now, my Tilt 2 has me covered. The honeymoon isn't quite over just yet.
I left the party and went over to Android. For me, it was more of a preemptive thing -- WP7 is an abhorrent POS and while I probably would have stuck around if a 4.3" device with WinMo 6.5 was being released, it looks like the TP2 is all she wrote for WinMo.
XDA was absolutely crucial to my being able to use and enjoy my TP2. But I don't have to live with buggy software anymore (actually, the things I got from XDA were stable, but the commercial products were certainly not).
If anyone is interested, Sprint in coming out with the Samsung Epic, a 4" SAMOLED 4G Android device with a slide out keyboard. But I've moved on to the Evo. I've coveted the HD2 and its Snapdragon processor and 4.3" screen for ages.
In the end, MS finally killed whatever enthusiasm I had for the platform.
You know I tried everything. I too modded the stock and still this thing lagged. The best I could do was cooked ROMs but still it was one thing after another that just got me to the point where I was milliseconds away from shattering my phone into a thousand pieces for some gratitude. Talk about rage! I honestly think I have worn out the reset button. And as far as WP7, give me a break. I can't believe that Microsoft is so far behind the game and now they are trying to reinvent the wheel. Cell phones and cell phone technology are a crazy booming and growing business. It's sad when a technology company tries to reverse engineer something because in this day and age by this time it's just too late.
tbh ever since Android came out, i always wanted one but since it started hitting the market, every damn person i know has an Android and it ticks me off because it totally reminds me of how iPhone got all popular, now Android is in that stage, teens are having the Droid incredible, EVO 4Gs its insane because i bet you 95% of them dont even know how to operate it, thats why right now im sticking to my roots by staying with WM because no one knows what the heck it is(except XDA ), i rather have something different from the crowd.....i started with WM and ill hang on to WM until the whole WM thing just dies which probably wont happen for awhile you never know
man thats a tiny slide out keyboard on the vision. im not so sure about that one.
If different is what you are going for then I say stick to WM. Personally for me, I need function and ease of use. To me, Microsoft is their own worst enemy for not delivering without making us spend hours on xda fixing their mistakes. Although it can be fun here on xda, it can be really frustrating as well.
To me, WinMo seems designed by the same people that design the desktop platform and not by people who actually use it every day. Too many things that just don't make sense (but easily fixed by others, fortunately). I think M$ needs to hire a few XDA developers and put them into the development cycle for WinMo. If WinMo 7 isn't a significant improvement it will be the last WinMo version because once the phone manufacturers stop supporting it in favor of Droid and others, death will be imminent.
And when you see Microsoft developing apps for iPhone and Android yet still plug away at their own software ala "Kin the spectacular failure" I can't help but be embarassed to be a part of this. Playing catchup in the tech world is just plain silly to me. Here is an article about it posted 3 days ago:
Don't know if everyone's already seen this:
"The developers at Mobile Beat quickly recognized the labor-intensity of this UI method and one asked the Microsoft rep if anyone had bothered to test it with users. The answer was essentially "no" -- a scary thought indeed."
Sounds just like what I said earlier.
Hanson68 said:
Don't know if everyone's already seen this:
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Then, be sure to read this as well.
I dunno, maybe it's because I've been using WinMo since 2003 but I'm comfortable with it. The biggest problem is there are still remnants in the 6.x versions being used on phones from when it was ported from PDAs back with version 5. Too much stuff designed for a stylus and not a finger. Another problem is that WinMo is not designed for idiots like iPhone users who have no concept of the level of customization that WinMo allows. I like that I have to be more knowledgeable to get the most out of my WinMo phone. It means I can more readily identify when something doesn't work right and why and fix it myself. I also love that I can make my phone more personal and not look like anyone elses. Every iPhone I've ever played around on, with the exception of what apps were on it, was identical to every other one in looks and function. Maybe this is OK for those with limited ability to mod their own phone, but I'm a tinkerer by nature and it would drive me crazy. Been modding my phone since my first RAZR way back in 2006 and wouldn't have it any other way.
I also like that I'm not tied to any one company for apps. For all the complaints I hear about so few developers writing for WinMo I have yet to not find an app for my needs. In fact, there are usually about 4-5 apps that do the same thing and almost always at least one is free. Sure, some are crap, but choice is a good thing. Certainly much better than limits.
I love my Windows Mobile phone and if WP7 improves on it even just a little, I'll probably stick with it.
Personally, I am really liking my WinMo 6.5 tilt 2. Yes, it has a cooked ROM and a few other tweaks, but so did my iphone that I had before this Tilt2. IMHO, as far as useability, and business is concerned, the Tilt2 is all business and not so much a toy (which is what I look for in a phone, since I run a home business from it.).
I think anybody who has taken the time to flash a custom rom for themselves here can be considered a power user. Everybody on this board wants more than the next guy. But what do you do when you've been let down and this place just isn't enough anymore? I have had Windows CE devices since 2002 and as silly as this sounds, my favorite device was my old T-mobile MDA with WM 5.0. Why? Because it worked. Now I realize that we are trying to do a lot more with our devices, but even simple tasks like text messaging and the actual phone part seems to get worse with each new OS. When I watch the videos for WP7 I am very let down. Customization is key to the MS fanbase. So the things that I would like are either getting worse or going away. Why MS didn't just turn over the whole program to XDA is a real mystery isn't it? Since I honestly think that we are the only ones who really care.

Microsoft Haters

I may get roasted over this post, but it bugs me. First and formost not a big fan of the open source model. Have a friend that called me a freetard (I looked it up, some one who champions the cause for open source) when I had something positive to say about Andriod. Crazy! He is an iPhone, iPad user. iOs is based on Darwin which is open source. So when he made the argument for paying for software to drive innovation, it seemed a little odd. This guy is a rockstar in the IT world, but the iPhone smug is deffinately keeping him down. I was handed a Windows CE 1.0 device years ago and I could see the potential of this handy piece of equipment. Over the years I had some Windows CE based device at my side ever since. I have seen the rise of the Palm Pilot, listing to users complaing about how it synchs with outlook or doesn't until you buy something. I had my Pocket PC with Outlook, but the Pocket PC was not the rage so customers refused to even look. I was scratching my head as the Blackberry rose to power without the basic features I had enjoyed for years, it looked like a colorized version of a Palm Pilot. Enter the iPhone with the commercials touting listening to your music then answering a call. I was able to do that for years what was the big deal? Lotsa features in the iPhone at first were lacking.. how bout using songs as a custom ringtone... just plain old mp3 files.... nope you gotta jailbreak it. It was the must have items, if you had one you had status... it's a phone for crying out loud! Enter the G1 WITH NO OUT OF THE BOX EXCHANGE SUPPORT!!!! Use football, it sucks but it kinda works. Andriod is growing up into a much better phone O/S, better than the iSmug 4 (iPhone 4 for those who don't know a iPhone user or own one). Enter WP7 already condemed in the forums, even before official launch in the US. Windows CE from 1.0 to 6.5 were designed for lower resolution, smaller screens (excluding the screen size of the jornada and 1.0 devices) and a stylist. Phones are not like that anymore. A re-write has been long over due! From what I have read it's more like the Zune and it didn't act as a mass storage device either untill you installed a hack. I see the things it won't do as concerning sure, but as gamers argue the PS/3 is a better gaming box, it doesn't matter xbox is a more of a social network. I have seen the capabilities and it does now have huge potential. How many of you have installed Zune software and used it as a music player? Sure, internet radio is missing like a Winamp and it won't synch without a zune, that now has changed, but Winamp, itunes, any of them don't come close to the visual experiance and presentation of the zune software. Games that update your gamer score has my nephew frothing. Still has exchange support, better than Andriod when initially released on the G1.
Phones that had no out of the box tethering initially:
Palm O/S
All very successful O/S's. I think time will tell if WP7 is a hit or a miss, but in the tech world mediocre is usually the big winner. If tethering, mass storage support, and a few others are fixed in short order then who will you get behind? In all honesty I see huge potential in WP7. I have an xbox, use my phone as my music player... so bring on Zune software support! Work and play all in one device redesiegned for touch phones, I'm down to give it a try, to give it a chance to have some of it's limitations worked out in a few months. Don't be such a hater before it even has a chance.
You seem to be forgetting that not everyone wants what you want, there's loads of features which I consider unnecessary and others feel essential, and vice versa, does it matter? I don't think so. A friend of mine just got an iPhone 4, it's perfect for what *she* needs, I've never felt the need to ***** about how iOS is 'not for me'.
Using apps whilst on a call - I have never felt the need to do that, ever. I can, and it's nice to know that, but I can do without.
MS Exchange - I'm a teenager, what the hell am I going to do with exchange support?!
Tethering - I find it essential. No android doesn't have it built in (well, not included in shipping ROMs anyway), but I installed a *free* app, and now I can. I'm still able to sleep at night.
I agree that sometimes vendors can be a bit stupid about what they allow consumers to do (my girlfriend still can't set a wallpaper on her iPod touch, srsly), but as long as people are happy with their choice of device, does it really matter?
AdrianK said:
You seem to be forgetting that not everyone wants what you want, there's loads of features which I consider unnecessary and others feel essential, and vice versa, does it matter? I don't think so. A friend of mine just got an iPhone 4, it's perfect for what *she* needs, I've never felt the need to ***** about how iOS is 'not for me'.
Using apps whilst on a call - I have never felt the need to do that, ever. I can, and it's nice to know that, but I can do without.
MS Exchange - I'm a teenager, what the hell am I going to do with exchange support?!
Tethering - I find it essential. No android doesn't have it built in (well, not included in shipping ROMs anyway), but I installed a *free* app, and now I can. I'm still able to sleep at night.
I agree that sometimes vendors can be a bit stupid about what they allow consumers to do (my girlfriend still can't set a wallpaper on her iPod touch, srsly), but as long as people are happy with their choice of device, does it really matter?
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You're, in a way, making my point... I am not banging on Andriod here... not in any way. Stating a fact that all phone O/S's must grow over time. WP7 is a re-write, not an upgrade to 6.5 it will need to mature like the rest of them did. What your taking as a ***** about something is just the opposite, just saying hey there is potential there for a good device... see where it goes. As far as iPhone's go, maybe it is different in England... never been there, but people who own one here often times use it as statis. There is a funny youtube video on a lady who just wants one regardless and all they have in stock is an EVO. As I mentioned in my post... my nephew cares about the xbox points, I did not say I did. People should buy a device that does what they want not what others are buying. A phone doesn't make you better, it doesn't raise your status, and certainly doesn't make you more aware of the environment. An p.s. it is based on open source like the others. All that said isn't even a rip on the phone itself.
Many of those of us that are complaining about WP7 are long standing WinCE owners. My first WinCe phone was the BlueAngel but prior to that I had a jornada and acer n20w.
We don't hate M$ but we do feel let down by the focus of the new WP. I don't use face book or twiter, I don't want to play games, I don't give a toss about Zune, I don't want to have to open a windows live account.
I reserve the right to feck my phone up in an attempt to improve/personalise it.
I don't want a model T-ford with the engine hood welded down.
I would tend to agree with most of that a year ago. I got kicked in the a$$ by regular users.. same reason I got into this years ago. I was embracing change in the tech world it drove me to a point, but times have changed the way family's and businesses communicate. My supplier went off shore to the Phillipines, all my contacts there are on facebook. They know more about me then they probly should but has had a stronger team effect on our interaction. Good or bad technology is making leaps... it's a new direction. I am confident we are in the right place to drive the kind of change WP7 will need to make to have a more universal appeal. Nov 8 is big date for the O/S. I have a strong hunch no developer is gonna release a damn thing untill after that date.
awagner said:
You're, in a way, making my point... I am not banging on Andriod here... not in any way. Stating a fact that all phone O/S's must grow over time. WP7 is a re-write, not an upgrade to 6.5 it will need to mature like the rest of them did. What your taking as a ***** about something is just the opposite, just saying hey there is potential there for a good device... see where it goes. As far as iPhone's go, maybe it is different in England... never been there, but people who own one here often times use it as statis. There is a funny youtube video on a lady who just wants one regardless and all they have in stock is an EVO. As I mentioned in my post... my nephew cares about the xbox points, I did not say I did. People should buy a device that does what they want not what others are buying. A phone doesn't make you better, it doesn't raise your status, and certainly doesn't make you more aware of the environment. An p.s. it is based on open source like the others. All that said isn't even a rip on the phone itself.
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Ah, yeah I get your point, and I agree. Somewhat thankfully, I don't think I've ever heard someone try to sound big because they own an iPhone, but I've never been to the states
I didn't see your post as complaining really. The title of the thread made me think "oh no, here we go again." But your post was not what I expected from that title.
I completely understand how some people consider no tethering a deal breaker. However, just look at other phone OSs and you will realize that tethering will happen, with or without the consent of the carrier or the OS builder.
The bottom line is simple. If any of the missing items are what someone considers a deal breaker, just wait it out. We will find out soon enough how development, both official and unofficial, will add to WP7s feature set.
I personally have a few concerns but nothing that would cause me any serious grief. This may not be the case for others. Comparitively, iTunes is a deal breaker for me with the iPhone. Android's lack of native and consistent music sync is driving me crazy. I doubt we will ever see the perfect device, so I just try to find something that provides me with the features that are most important to me.
Your mileage may vary!
awagner said:
I would tend to agree with most of that a year ago. I got kicked in the a$$ by regular users.. same reason I got into this years ago. I was embracing change in the tech world it drove me to a point, but times have changed the way family's and businesses communicate. My supplier went off shore to the Phillipines, all my contacts there are on facebook. They know more about me then they probly should but has had a stronger team effect on our interaction. Good or bad technology is making leaps... it's a new direction. I am confident we are in the right place to drive the kind of change WP7 will need to make to have a more universal appeal. Nov 8 is big date for the O/S. I have a strong hunch no developer is gonna release a damn thing untill after that date.
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Much like you I am seeing that communication is very different than it was 2 or 3 years ago and it has nothing to do with the iphone (most users I know don't really text, send mms or even watch videos on thiers). What has changed things is twitter and facebook. A company or individual can accomplish more in getting the name and recognition of a product faster through these type of mediums than anything previous. Email is secondary to texting, updating your facebook or tweeting when it comes to communication with most of the younger generation (under 30). Most of my family that I had to force to use facebook is all over it now (ages 15-20) and our ability to cross reference our products (music, photography, etc...) or simply keep up to date with family events is much easier than before.
Windows Phone 7 taking advantage of these services makes it a desirable, easy to use product that looks great and allows growth in the future. The last 5 years has proven Windows Mobile is not going to sell and targeting only the closed in person who shuns social interaction through these mediums will be the fastest way to have a product fail.
no cut/paste will be the ultimate demise of wp7
Wow! I was expecting to get ripped from one side to another for merely mentioning a wait and see attitude. I am surprised to see other people get the point it is a direction change and much needed. A Great phone just does no cut it. With HTC sense and an Energy ROM I have everything I want to know right on the home screen, plus internet sharing, etc, etc... for me it's better than Andriod, but look at the market share for a once dominate phone. It's just not good enough, I think we can all agree a new direction for Microsoft is needed like it or not. I for one am looking forward to it, just need to rethink how I might get around the obsticals of the stuff that does not work. Hopefully, the HD2 will see a ROM soon hacked or not so I can get into it without pluncking down a bunch of cash for it.
orangekid said:
no cut/paste will be the ultimate demise of wp7
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Isn't that supposed to be in the first update? Don't you think an xda developer will do anything with it or somebody else might write something?
awagner said:
Isn't that supposed to be in the first update? Don't you think an xda developer will do anything with it or somebody else might write something?
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It is already in the next update and is already being tested with the latest builds of the OS. There is no reason to be concerned unless waiting a couple months without c/p is going to cause a major problem for you.
orangekid said:
no cut/paste will be the ultimate demise of wp7
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not to veer this topic off course....but it is stupid comments like this that annoy me...and apparently he doesn't pay attention to the news that copy/paste is coming in Jan.
Hi I had a Windows Mobile Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 and an Htc Diamond 2 but when Android arrived in the Market from Hero 1.5/2.1 to Desire 2.2 is been a great experience now. I am very happy and life is very easy. Android is the future of smartphones. Go for Android you won't make a mistake!!
I love Microsoft! I especially love developing for them. I think Visual Studio 2010 could quite easily be considered the best development environment in the world.
I love the fact that most people world wide use the same operating system, and that I can develop a single program and expect it to work on most peoples machines.
This is why I want WP7 to work well. I want to feel happy with it. I want others to feel happy with it too, because I want it to be a roaring success.
This is why I b**ch and moan about features that have been intentionally left out
That's exactly how I feel, except mines is from a consumer point of view.
MS always makes something with great potential, but then they half do it. Its like that with every MS product except the desktop.
Hmm... Could Microsoft do better? Sure. If you think Google has the magic pixey dust to make the perfect phone O/S that will make everyone happy you need to get out more. Apple and Blackberry have their own issues. I cringed creating a gmail account when I setup Andriod on my phone. Sure Microsoft has privacy issues, but at least I know with them I am the customer. With Google more often than not, your not. Has anybody listened to Eric Schmidt talk? The guy is just plain creepy, Google had to shut him up. "If you don't like street view just move." Ok, so where is it safe Eric? Your place? Oh I get it he is saying he is Noah and we must follow him to his ark. Look, all I am saying is give WP7 a chance.
Just FYI
HTC Support
Will there be any upgrade path to WP7? Free or purchase?
"I understand the importance of having the most up to date software for your HTC HD2. At this time, there are no plans on releasing a Windows Phone 7 update for any HTC device. I do apologize for any confusion that you may have had, I hope this clears things up for you"
XDA is officially my only hope for the HD2 and if nada then this phone will be worth very little in short order
The only thing that could change the path of t-mobile and HTC if t-mobile is sitting on thousands of HD2's only way they could unload them after the 8th is upgrade the phone!
Im pretty sure all WP7 updates will come via Zune
francomur99 said:
Hi I had a Windows Mobile Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 and an Htc Diamond 2 but when Android arrived in the Market from Hero 1.5/2.1 to Desire 2.2 is been a great experience now. I am very happy and life is very easy. Android is the future of smartphones. Go for Android you won't make a mistake!!
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If the future means having to reboot you phone, Or even worse have it fail to restart because a poor App. [I will give it a miss thanks.]
I have not enjoyed being left without a phone the few times this has happened.
Just give me a stable OS any day. [ Reliability is a key for success]

[Q] Who is buying windows phone 7?

Just wanted to see what type of user MS is attracting. i suspect the other colum will be quite low, which of course would not be good for microsoft.
I will follow this thread!
A poll until it interesting.
But I warn that any flame, I will not even post anything, I just delete the comment.
One suggestion:
Just vote, please!
I Have been a long time user of wm and recently palm and android, I just got to the point where I wanted a straightforward uncontested smartphone that gives me the info I need on the move, wp7 meets my needs perfectly
I would consider trying out WP7 (even with all its deficiencies) but the ones being offered by AT&T are garbage. Just look at HTC Surround. Was this phone a inside joke by HTC? Slap on a some cheap, useless and bulky speakers on a phone and see how many people would rush to buy one just because it is different. Amazing how a bunch of designers came together and agreed on this model as one of their flagships.
The one phone that does interest me is the 7 Pro. But there is no word on when it will be out on US soil, it has only 8gb internal memory, and by the time the phone does come out it will be too little too late. Looks like I will be on my Tilt 2 for a while.
I was on Symbian, then wm6.5 then Symbian then WP7 with my HD7.
Coming from my Tilt2, which I loved dearly, but spent way too much time trying to tweak. The effortless speed of WP7 is a breath of fresh air.
I voted as an average user because technically this is my first smart phone w/ any type of data plan. I spent @ 10 hours playing with phones and reading forums before picking WP7. Didn't want iOS simply becuase I didn't want what masses already have. Considered Android because of all you can do to it and enjoyned playing with my wifes Aria. However every time I went to ATT I gravitated to the WP7 devices. I really liked the fresh new UE and the HTC Surround. I just like how it felt in my hands over the Focus and personally I think the speakers are neat and rock when compaired to any other "noise" you get from any other device. 100% pleased with my choice.
Average users dont visit xda and most of the other categories listed dont like WP7.
efjay said:
Average users dont visit xda and most of the other categories listed dont like WP7.
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Maybe so. But like I said this is my first smart phone and although I have been too xda before I never really read much of the content on the page or forums. What should I have selected then?
Focus is superb
deeken said:
I would consider trying out WP7 (even with all its deficiencies) but the ones being offered by AT&T are garbage.
Looks like I will be on my Tilt 2 for a while.
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My Focus is FAR superior to my HTC phones that I owned and loved. Didn't think I could do without a hardware keyboard, as I can't type on my wife's iPhone (after hours of trying). I still make a lot of mistakes, but, this phone corrects my typos accurately 99% of the time.
I don't miss the lag and drag of my Tilt2, which I overclocked to 748 mHz. Hopefully this phone won't fall apart like my HTCs.
I've been an Android user since the very beginning. I preordered a G1...and still own it, a MyTouch 3G, and a Vibrant. I was also impressed enough by the HD2 hardware to give WM a shot. Stock WM on the TMOUS HD2 was a mess...but that was nothing that a nice custom rom wasn't able to fix. I still enjoy using my HD2 on occasion. I also own an iTouch...which, of course, runs iOS (beautiful hardware, but mine is best at collecting dust). And, although it's a bit of an afterthought now, I also owned three Blackberries.
I really like Android. Nothing can touch it when it comes to customization. But, the inherent stuttering and occasional lag does get old...even though it's gotten much better in both departments and is now fairly smooth on most new phones. It's also not the prettiest thing in the world, in my opinion (I also think iOS is hidious looking...although nothing is smoother, but WP7 is nipping on its heels in that department).
I've owned my HD7 for nearly a week. I bought it with the full intention of returning it prior to the end of my 14 grace period...unless it totally blew my mind. Well, consider my mind blown. I now believe that it's a keeper. Keeping in mind that WP7 is currently just at v1.0, I believe that MS has done a better job than both Apple and Google. Yes, there are a few features missing....but there's good reason for that...and the upcoming update is very likely to address those deficiencies.
For v1.0, MS focused on the UI, and it shows. My HD7 is incredibly smooth and blazing fast. The UI is intuitive, efficient, beautiful, and fun. The few issues with it are also things that were lacking in both iOS and Android initially...and it took both Apple and Google substantually longer to address them than what it's taken MS. Many people are saying that these things should've been included from the get go. I say that MS has created a masterpiece, and that...as long as the missing features are addressed in a timely manner....whatever they had to do to get the rest right was ok in my book.
MS was down...and all the haters thought that they were out. I never felt that way, but I was skeptical that they were going to be able to deliver something that would truly rival the offerings from Google and Apple. I was wrong....and so were/are all the haters.
I am as unbiased as it gets. I own devices that run all 4 major mobile OS'...and know their strengths, and weaknesses, inside out. I now consider WP7 to be my favorite. MS has laid a foundation that surpasses the foundations that both Google and Apple initially laid. Things are only going to get better from here on out...and I'm excited to see how far MS can take this.
Does this refer to what platform I was JUST on before making the jump to WP7? Because I have owned iPhone, Android, AND Symbian based phones as my past Smartphones. Also, how come Symbian or BlackBerry is not included in the poll? That is a glaring omission....
Also missing is Blackberry.
I came from android but I ticked other as I think that would be the main target for MS most android users love its openness iPhone users are to loyal even though ots hardly changed and old MS users want the buseness features more than the play. As I said I came from android but I always planned to change before I bought my desire so I don't think it counts.
have been a long time htc user first the tilt then the tilt 2. loved my tilt2, got the surround and returned it due to battery life.... never thought id like a samsung device, seeing how my girlfriend went through about five instincts, and four or five various other sprint samsung phones,,, but i must say i love my Samsung Focus...........
Windows Mobile User Tried and True
Ive been a Windows Mobile User since its inception and I have to say Microsoft has out done themselves. Just need to bring on the Business access like remote desktop and ICS. Still have my HP IPaq 1945, Tilt, and Tilt 2. I know own the Samsung Focus. We also need a XDA App for Windows Mobile 7.
davidebanks said:
Just wanted to see what type of user MS is attracting. i suspect the other colum will be quite low, which of course would not be good for microsoft.
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I have used most of the modern smartphone OS's (see signature), just waiting for a good Android tablet now that Honeycomb is almost here ...
rexian said:
I have used most of the modern smartphone OS's (see signature), just waiting for a good Android tablet now that Honeycomb is almost here ...
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You haven't tried the Samsung Galaxy Tab? Outstanding smaller tablet. Has 16GB built-in and a slot for up to 32GB extra. Has front and rear cameras and can be used as a phone....with the install of a specific app.
What do I vote as? I moved from an HD2 which was running Android but I also have an iPod Touch and iPad :S
DavidC1980 said:
What do I vote as? I moved from an HD2 which was running Android but I also have an iPod Touch and iPad :S
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Hmm being only 1 of those is a phone and the topic is "Who is buying windows phone 7" key word phone. That narrows it down to which one of the 3 to consider IMO. And since your using Android on your HD2 I would think you should vote as an Android user.

