Cell Phone Jamming Application for TP2 - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

Hi Everyone,
I'm a software/hardware student in college and I thought I'd post my idea here and get answers/feedback.
I would like to write/code an application to use my cell phone to output white noise and jam other cell devices (basically jam 850MHz,1900MHz) in my vicinity. I have a Sprint HTC Touch pro2 and have SIM, Radio, and Hard-SPL unlocked it.
Programming this would require a lot, so I'll just ask the community the basic question: Is this possible? How easy would it be to write it?
Any feedback and answers would be great. I'm sure this is an open/shut case and it will make me look completely foolish if it's not possible, but positive reasoning is appreciated.

BeanoFTW said:
Hi Everyone,
I'm a software/hardware student in college and I thought I'd post my idea here and get answers/feedback.
I would like to write/code an application to use my cell phone to output white noise and jam other cell devices (basically jam 850MHz,1900MHz) in my vicinity. I have a Sprint HTC Touch pro2 and have SIM, Radio, and Hard-SPL unlocked it.
Programming this would require a lot, so I'll just ask the community the basic question: Is this possible? How easy would it be to write it?
Any feedback and answers would be great. I'm sure this is an open/shut case and it will make me look completely foolish if it's not possible, but positive reasoning is appreciated.
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Thankfully, you can't. Why would you wanna do that anyways? There's a lot of bugs to be fixed and apps to be written, why don't you use your 'skils' in that direction.

No offense, but I'd hate to be within your area and need to make a 911 call only to have my signal jammed.
As the person above me posted, use your talents to help move forward some things that MS has let stagnate. Use your talents to write an app that will send an amber alert at the touch of a button. Your skills can be used to create a program for people like me, with a medical history, and all I would need to do is push a button and a In Trouble alert would go out to a pre-set group of people in the event that I am in anaphyllactic shock and cannot breathe...I'd LOVE to have something like that on my phone.
The point is, just because you may be able to do something doesn't mean you should. Lets say you did somehow create that program and someone died because of you and your program...yes that is probably an extreme case, but wouldn't it be better to use your talents to HELP.

This would be highly illegal to do first of all (at least in the US). Also you'd need a much more powerful transmitter, afterall it's your phone versus a dedicated cellular tower. I'm going to guess that sending enough current through your phone to output that much noise would absolutely fry the electronics, if not at least destroy the battery.

Here in the US, there happen to be federal laws against doing exactly that.
"Willful interference with the lawful transmission of a radio signal", I believe.

I would love to see this idea implemented in a movie theater!

utahcolberts said:
I would love to see this idea implemented in a movie theater!
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So when the theater catches fire nobody can call for help?
Yes, yes, we all understand that idiots who can't silence their phones and stay off them in inappropriate settings are infuriating. This is still a terrible idea.
Let's say I'm on-call, which in my case is 1/4 of my life. I decide to risk going to the movies, and set my phone to vibrate in case the hospital needs to reach me. They send a text message, so I can discreetly pop out in case I'm needed - it's no different from someone who wants more popcorn or needs to use the toilet. Wow! I make it through an entire movie without being interrupted, or so I think until I get to the car and a flood of messages and missed calls suddenly appears on my phone.
Unfortunately, I had no way of knowing some moron had illegally blocked cellular signals and sat through a movie while your mom was dying in the ER. Are you going to cut me much slack for not having responded to 114 messages while the ER was desperately trying to get in touch with me?
Didn't think so.

Thanks to everyone for the replies, regardless if it's possible or not. I did not mean to start a moral war or argument. All moralities and emergency-call situations set aside, it would still be fun to make IMO.
I've been looking online, and if you wanted to properly jam all cell signals, you'd have to jam a range (824MHz - 894MHz and 1850MHz -1990MHz have to ALL be white-noised to accommodate for duplex cellular communications on all US voice uplink and downlink frequency signals). I think that with the range it would have, I would notice an emergency occurring close enough to be able to switch it off for people to make emergency calls.
Yes, cell phone jamming is illegal to use in the US, but is not illegal to possess (like illegal narcotics). I looked online, and the actual legal violation you would be charged for is a property-theft-related charge, since carriers purchase frequency bands as property for use in locations they pay for, and you'd be shown as stealing their property. I'll have to read the . I'd mostly be using the app to screw with friends (or my girlfriend who "absolutely HAS to take this call" that's completely unimportant and ruins our dates). I would make it easy to turn on and easy to turn off.
On the other hand, an emergency SOS application to ICE (In Case of Emergency) friends would be an easy application to write. In fact, in India, they have developed a cell-phone jammer that will intercept all emergency calls and texts (outgoing and incoming) and allow them to go through.
I just think of the idea as a fun mod to develop. Is there any professional mobile programmers out there that support my cause?

i actually own a cell phone jammer, and trust me, the thing sucks more power then a phone could deliver and it can get insanely hot. I do see both sides of this argument though. It is really funny to screw with your friends. Especially when you walk into an at&t store and laugh at all the iphones saying "no service" , and then all the employees stare at you because your the only one in there and all their phones say no service. But when i bought mine, i did take into consideration that people do need to be reached by phone for emergencies. that's why when i use mine, i only use it when i'm in someones house and know that there is nothing that could go wrong emergency wise, or if I'm in public, i will only use it if someone is on there phone talking pointlessly or loudly. BUT, i only leave it on until there phone call is disconnected and then shut it off. I also have to agree with Toleraen, your phone isn't going to be able push out and transmit that much noise.

There are already such devices in existance. They are illegal in the US. One of the schools around here wanted to impliment one to keep students from using cell phones on the premisis. The FCC said no way, so they just check cells at the door now, along with other highly dangerous devices like toothbrushes and Q-Tips that can do bodily harm as well as distract from class room attention spans.
Emergency calls can still be made from land lines. If you are an on call ER physician, why are you at the movies while my mom is dying? It would seem that your skills would be much more valuable at an actual ER while you are on call.
Personally, I would rather go with the much more legal HREF gun which shoots a directional EMF pulse that just smokes the teenie bopper's bedazzled phone where it sits...

These jammers are not illegal in every country btw. Our Grand Opera Theater (free translation from greek lol) has that implemented in its rooms. So do many universities.
I personally i'm kinda on the against side, however it could be usefull in the above mentioned cases. Still I would like to strangle the person who "just happened to decide i should stop MY call on MY phone", but i have to admit it could be fun being on the other side of the situation

Ivanstein said:
Emergency calls can still be made from land lines. If you are an on call ER physician, why are you at the movies while my mom is dying? It would seem that your skills would be much more valuable at an actual ER while you are on call.
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"on call" means they can call you if needed, it's not the same thing as being on duty. Medical facilities often have a staff capable of handling normal volume as well as x# of people on call in case volume rises above normal.

I've worked in a few "sensitive" areas in my life and there were what they called "bafflers" that would block cellphone transmissions. These were apparently well hidden away and not easy to know what they even were but yup, within the radius of where I was, no cellphone unless you had a 'special' cellphone that could work within a certain (read monitored) bandwidth of cell ranges.

BeanoFTW said:
Thanks to everyone for the replies, regardless if it's possible or not. I did not mean to start a moral war or argument. All moralities and emergency-call situations set aside, it would still be fun to make IMO.
I've been looking online, and if you wanted to properly jam all cell signals, you'd have to jam a range (824MHz - 894MHz and 1850MHz -1990MHz have to ALL be white-noised to accommodate for duplex cellular communications on all US voice uplink and downlink frequency signals). I think that with the range it would have, I would notice an emergency occurring close enough to be able to switch it off for people to make emergency calls.
Yes, cell phone jamming is illegal to use in the US, but is not illegal to possess (like illegal narcotics). I looked online, and the actual legal violation you would be charged for is a property-theft-related charge, since carriers purchase frequency bands as property for use in locations they pay for, and you'd be shown as stealing their property. I'll have to read the . I'd mostly be using the app to screw with friends (or my girlfriend who "absolutely HAS to take this call" that's completely unimportant and ruins our dates). I would make it easy to turn on and easy to turn off.
On the other hand, an emergency SOS application to ICE (In Case of Emergency) friends would be an easy application to write. In fact, in India, they have developed a cell-phone jammer that will intercept all emergency calls and texts (outgoing and incoming) and allow them to go through.
I just think of the idea as a fun mod to develop. Is there any professional mobile programmers out there that support my cause?
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You know how when you're on a long phone call the phone/battery start to heat up? That's you transmitting on a single channel. There are several hundred channels in that frequency range that you'd need to transmit, at a strength greater than the cell tower.
I don't think it's a matter of the software being capable (although you'd have to rebuild the radio firmware I would imagine), it's a matter of the hardware being capable. Discharging the battery that fast would be extremely dangerous and likely result in failure and/or burnination.

I think this poor guys request is gettin a bit blown out of proportion. No harm was intended, just a fun little prank. I understand an extreme case could happen where "your mother" would be in dire need of medical assistance and that ends up killing them. But jeeze, I'm pretty sure all the guy is trying to do is have a little fun with his friends. Funny idea but yea, might not be a very smart thing to do...

Ivanstein said:
Emergency calls can still be made from land lines.
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Here's an exercise to test this hypothesis: phone someone whose exact location you don't know using a landline. Did it work? If so, wait about 10 hours and try again. My prediction is that, unless that person remains next to a wired phone at all times, sooner or later this will fail. Are they going to let me drag a landline phone (with a REALLY long cord) into the movie theater with me?
Ivanstein said:
If you are an on call ER physician, why are you at the movies while my mom is dying? It would seem that your skills would be much more valuable at an actual ER while you are on call.
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1) How am I supposed to know ahead of time when your mom is planning to die?
2) I'm a specialist. There are two in my specialty in our area. That means I either live in the ER all the time or go about my life and live with interruptions.
Do you actually believe doctors sit around waiting 24/7 for people to show up? To clarify, Emergency Department physicians aren't typically ever on-call at all. They work scheduled shifts and are usually occupied the entire time. In large tertiary ER's, some specialists (orthopedics, general surgery, psychiatry, pediatrics, e.g.) may be scheduled for shifts. Most specialties don't have enough people to waste them sitting around in the ER, so they're on-call. You're not going to find a neurosurgeon, dermatologist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, etc. twiddling her thumbs in the break room. Many specialists cover several ER's in an area. At which one should they hang out if they were to decide to do Sudoku while waiting for something to happen?
If I were in an area with 29 others in my field with whom I could rotate call, I'd certainly hang around the house and not go to movies or whatever. That's not the case, and I'm on the other end of the beeper a great deal of the time. Since I'm on-call for a week at a time, waiting until tomorrow is not the simple solution it might seem. I have a family and a life to live. Most of my sleeping, eating, grocery shopping, and movie-watching gets done on-call. (In case you're curious, no I don't get paid in any way for being on-call but am legally required to be. It's rare that I get paid anything when I race to the ER and spend my kid's birthday tending to someone.)
Hey, you asked. Did you really not get the point that there are legitimate reasons why blocking cellular signals, even in movie theaters and restaurants, is a bad idea? I used what's called "an example" to illustrate a point about unintended consequences. In this particular case, I used a real-life example from my own experience. It shouldn't be that difficult to imagine a fairly different example that makes the same point.
If you want to pick nits, we can do that all day. I still contend that blocking cellular signals, especially if this is unknown to people in that area, is a really terrible idea.

slapshot30 said:
I think this poor guys request is gettin a bit blown out of proportion. No harm was intended, just a fun little prank. I understand an extreme case could happen where "your mother" would be in dire need of medical assistance and that ends up killing them. But jeeze, I'm pretty sure all the guy is trying to do is have a little fun with his friends. Funny idea but yea, might not be a very smart thing to do...
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I agree in both aspects. One inspiration is the annoyance with my girlfriend's cell phone etiquette. She has a friend that calls her all the time. While were hanging out, on dates, etc... and my girlfriend always picks up and they chat chat chat... annoying. Another reason is the experience. I'm a software student at a tech school and the learning gained from it would be amazing (which, btw is the reason I haven't replied in a few days... sorry, finals week).
Agreeing with a few others, the phone does not seem to be capable of doing this safely, and for very long. Even if it were a quick flip-on, close-down process, it would be very hard to write as a mod within windows. I would have to gain control of the radio from Windows, and find the drivers and commands to send signals out to the radio to broadcast, which would not be that powerful, maybe not even powerful enough to even cut an entire signal... maybe drag down or make difficult. If not possible to make within windows, it would have to be an OS or bootable environment (meaning, most likely, it would be changed to only have that function, no Windows) :-(
I've seen various projects of hardware/software students making these devices, such as the Wave Bubble project (google it, it's cool).
OK, another question. Has anyone worked with a cheap jammer that works on both US frequencies or has designed hardware to do it? Is there a place where someone could point me to solder and make an easy and powerful jammer (for information purposes, of course)?

BeanoFTW said:
Hi Everyone,
I'm a software/hardware student in college and I thought I'd post my idea here and get answers/feedback.
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Then you must be a freshmen, otherwise if you'd actually taken any electrical engineering classes at all you'd realize the phone cannot function in this way. How do you think it is possible for the transmitter, which is filtered to transmit at a very narrow frequency band so it won't interfere with all the other calls going on in the adjoining channels, can be made to transmit simultaneously across a frequency spectrum of 210 Mhz!?!? There are so many physical impossibilities to what you're wanting to do that it's pointless to even address them all.
I'll just say that you're trying to do is synonymous to taking a single garden hose and its little stream of water, and modifying it to somehow make rain all over a whole town, just because it would be fun to do.

BeanoFTW said:
OK, another question. Has anyone worked with a cheap jammer that works on both US frequencies or has designed hardware to do it? Is there a place where someone could point me to solder and make an easy and powerful jammer (for information purposes, of course)?
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On my first post i said that i bought a jammer. http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.4355 this is the one that i bought and it's at half the price of what i paid, $26 for a cellphone jammer that operates on both GSM and CDMA frequencies is insane, they usually go for at least $200 for 1 frequency. it does fell kind of fragile, but i've had mine for over a year now and it still works great, range is good, and battery life is about 5 hours long. the only downside is it can get really hot if its on for about an hour. and you will click the button on accident when its in your pants, so you will know if its on by you having no service, or if your pants are a blaze. Comes with a wall charger and car charger. I like to jam peoples cell phones when there talking on the phone in there car, it's to funny and they shouldn't be doing it anyways.

i would be happy if one of you genuises would fix wm6.5 so that i dont have to reboot 45 times a day because of it getting so slow i cant even use it.


radar detection program.

Does anyone know of any radar detection program for windows mobile 6 ?
I'm talking of the radar that traffic department use to detect you speed on the road. I know gadgets exist that detect the devices and give you early warning. iv'e heard the nokia phones have such a program, does anyone know if one exists for windows mobile phones ?
Use TomTom or something similar....
flaviopac said:
Use TomTom or something similar....
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Tomtom only warns you about the permanent cameras, it does not detect radar, laser or "instant on" radar signals!!!
Yes i am talking about the live instant radar devices. the guy standing on the side of the road with the radar cam.
NOT the permenent camara's.
I need the phone to beep and warn me when a radar device is in close proximity.
Oh God... you can't be serious...
Re the nokia phone, check here:
It's been proven and proven again - it doesn't work... The only part of your phone I could see somebody trying to say would work is the IR receiver, but IR and RADAR are two ENTIRELY different things. And even if your phone could detect RADAR or Laser (which, again, none can) - you'd have to place the phone somewhere on your windshield to make it useful - and given the Hermes configuration, you'd have to have your phone horizontal... Even if it did work, I'd not want the thing sitting all goofy in my windshield.
With all due respect this is one of the goofier requests I've ever seen on here.
In other words - buy a radar detector... A half-way decent one can be had for under $60
mybikegoes200 said:
Oh God... you can't be serious...
Re the nokia phone, check here:
It's been proven and proven again - it doesn't work... The only part of your phone I could see somebody trying to say would work is the IR receiver, but IR and RADAR are two ENTIRELY different things. And even if your phone could detect RADAR or Laser (which, again, none can) - you'd have to place the phone somewhere on your windshield to make it useful - and given the Hermes configuration, you'd have to have your phone horizontal... Even if it did work, I'd not want the thing sitting all goofy in my windshield.
With all due respect this is one of the goofier requests I've ever seen on here.
In other words - buy a radar detector... A half-way decent one can be had for under $60
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Few years ago tips how to show Netmonitor option in Nokias was sold on ebay as Rada detection thingy So this quastion is not that bad
Get a Valentine1, its way easier and actually works really well.
I had no idea, that this joke from early GSM will resurface again in PDAs. The only other popular GSM lamer-tester I know about was Polish invention of "marupy zwrotne" ~ "return/confirmation marupas" (yes, it makes no sense in Polish neither, but sounds... dumb and probable at the same time).
Do you know of any other gossip/fake GSM/PDA services that were used to joke of not-so-bright users?
Sorry, i think, that if you want to use the Hermes as radar detector, you can use it as microwave oven. The WiFi module works on 2,4 GHz like the oven too.
Exactly - the cheapest microwave oven in the world:
(I hope it is not too well done - I still like my brain and would not like to cook it too soon
jakubd said:
Exactly - the cheapest microwave oven in the world:
(I hope it is not too well done - I still like my brain and would not like to cook it too soon
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Check this out: People are making organizations to protect their communities/cities/sites from cell phone towers because microwaves are so dangerous. Not only those people organize themselves using cell phones... but also complain about GSM network problems in their areas. THIS IS REALLY ridiculous...
jakubd said:
Check this out: People are making organizations to protect their communities/cities/sites from cell phone towers because microwaves are so dangerous. Not only those people organize themselves using cell phones... but also complain about GSM network problems in their areas. THIS IS REALLY ridiculous...
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Just the whole horror story about cell phone towers in residential places has no scientific basis at all. The same people scaremongering about this stuff are probably responsible for this one:
In scotland a plan to build a wind farm, 10 or so wind turbines, was refused due to concerns by the local community about the risk of radiation!?!?!?! WTF!!!!!
Besides the mobile phone<->tumor thing has been disproven many times by (independant) scientific study, the public always go along with these STUPID rumours.
Of course it's stupid as hell. Why those people still use TV sets (after all CRT and plasmas are quite effective x-rays lamps), electric engine-based household devices (this is really powerful electromagnetic source) and microwave ovens (that in fact are causing problems with WLAN and some cell phone devices). And what about those electric cables in the walls? Slightly exaggerating those are giant antennas emitting 50/60Hz waves at very high power.
So if you (the reader, not mrvanx of course) are anti-cell phone tower activist, start with canceling you contract with company that delivers power to your house. Then we can continue talking.
jakubd said:
Exactly - the cheapest microwave oven in the world:
(I hope it is not too well done - I still like my brain and would not like to cook it too soon
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check that my friend, that was more profi
jakubd said:
I had no idea, that this joke from early GSM will resurface again in PDAs. The only other popular GSM lamer-tester I know about was Polish invention of "marupy zwrotne" ~ "return/confirmation marupas" (yes, it makes no sense in Polish neither, but sounds... dumb and probable at the same time).
Do you know of any other gossip/fake GSM/PDA services that were used to joke of not-so-bright users?
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Remember the email that said you could unlock any car that used a remote keyless system?
the original point
regarding the RADAR guns that law enforcments use...
(i know about this i have 11 points on my license (3 have already come off once) and done the speed aware ness corse)
i do beleive they use a few different devices and on different frequancies, the devices you have in your car dont always detect the RADAR and they also change progressivly so you would need to keep buying the latests detectors... not to mention if you are speeding and your detector (even your phone is you got it to work (not likely)) picks up a signal and warns you... its already hit you the gun already knows how fast your traveling and its all too late!!
there are devices that emit a scramble frequancy and the copper will just get ERR on the gun but again they change the frequancy or method (lasers or RADAR) and your still boned and in UK if your caught with one of them you can then be prosicuted for preventing the corse of justice...
all in all its not worth it... the Tom Toms and the likes have notifacations for fixed cameras and 'black spots' were there is offten coppers park (this doesnt mean they wont change spots and they might never be there as you drive past but thought it was worth a mention)
If you want to find radars open your nostrils... They usualy smell like onions...
Cheers and good luck.
brandenk said:
Get a Valentine1, its way easier and actually works really well.
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Wow That's So Cool Can U Upload A CabFile? Cant Wait To Try It On My Hermes At The Next Police Barricade!
P.S.: Yes, I'm kidding!
pvs said:
Wow That's So Cool Can U Upload A CabFile? Cant Wait To Try It On My Hermes At The Next Police Barricade!
P.S.: Yes, I'm kidding!
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Join the force... You will know exactely where they are located LOL LOL LOL

High SAR-values

Hi! I just got my TP2 and found out that it has very high SAR-value for body. Numbers in my package are: Head 0.68 mW/g10g and body 1.87 mW/g10g. For examble my previous phone HTC Tytn had: head 0.572 and body 0.663. I don't know if these numbers are something to worry about but it's kind of weird that this TP2 has three times bigger body sar values. By the way I live in europe so the measuring methods - I think - are different in states.
Maybe somenone can explaine what all these different numbers mean. Because in http://www.phonearena.com TP2 values are 0.50 (head) and 0.82 (body) and for Tytn 0.82 (head) and 0.69 (body). I just can't make these number match even though they are measured differently but for example Tytn head number is bigger than TP2 in phonearena and in my packages it's quite the opposite (Phonearena TP2:0.50, TYTN:0.82 and my packages TP2:0.681 and TYTN: 0.572). I don't know if these phonearena numbers are correct but this is kind of bothering me.
Maybe someone can clarify this for me. Are those numbers high or not, cause it seems to be almost impossible to compare these numbers.
Oh this was the first message from me to this forum.
It would be funny if you read this numbers drinking vodka and smoking a good cigarette...
Man, take it easy: You will not die due to a mobile phone.
Just my two cents.
As above, chill out im sure it wont be THAT bad for ya
Think of it this way: Each day more and more and more things are found to be carcinogens, things which you live with no prob, with which many people live with. If you're going to fret over each and everything, you should buy a big plastic bubble with hospital grade air filters and put the ventilator far away from the bubble in case the electromagnetic fields could do some harm. Oh, and don't forget to live somwhere where there's no sunlight, not too much damp, nor dust, etc.
I'm not making fun of you, but rather the paranoia which has permeated society. It really is funny when you read the list of all possible carcinogens, some are just ridiculous.
Remember, using antibacterial soap on a regular basis is bad, and I'm guessing it's worse than using your TP2
solsearch said:
Think of it this way: Each day more and more and more things are found to be carcinogens, things which you live with no prob, with which many people live with. If you're going to fret over each and everything, you should buy a big plastic bubble with hospital grade air filters and put the ventilator far away from the bubble in case the electromagnetic fields could do some harm. Oh, and don't forget to live somwhere where there's no sunlight, not too much damp, nor dust, etc.
I'm not making fun of you, but rather the paranoia which has permeated society. It really is funny when you read the list of all possible carcinogens, some are just ridiculous.
Remember, using antibacterial soap on a regular basis is bad, and I'm guessing it's worse than using your TP2
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Thinking that way, you don't use a mobile phone, you do not stand near electric cables, you do not stand near radio antennas, you don't pass by near GSM Radio antennas, you don't have wireless at home... Just to mention some...
Black Phoenix said:
Thinking that way, you don't use a mobile phone, you do not stand near electric cables, you do not stand near radio antennas, you don't pass by near GSM Radio antennas, you don't have wireless at home... Just to mention some...
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I think we have established that if you think like that you will probably die from fear
mcspikesky said:
I think we have established that if you think like that you will probably die from fear
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Yeap, sort off.
No no no. You wouldn't die from fear. You'd be afraid of fear thanks to the whole possible blood pressure and heart attack issues. Rather a self-induced coma is a MUCH safer bet.
Okay, I can see that I didn't really get the answers I was looking for but thanks anyway. Maybe I'll find another place to ask these questions.
By the way, in many countries they have already suggested or are planning to suggest that children should avoid using mobile phones too much and prefer sms. Yes, it's true. It's because longterm effects of using mobile phones are still pretty much unknown (simply because mobilephones hasn't been availebto too long yet). I don't know if it has anything to do with the reality but I guess that's the problem, nobody knows yet.
Anyways, thanks for funny answers. I rest my case here. By the way I am writing this with my TP2 and feeling just fine.
Vumaju said:
Okay, I can see that I didn't really get the answers I was looking for but thanks anyway. Maybe I'll find another place to ask these questions.
By the way, in many countries they have already suggested or are planning to suggest that children should avoid using mobile phones too much and prefer sms. Yes, it's true. It's because longterm effects of using mobile phones are still pretty much unknown (simply because mobilephones hasn't been availebto too long yet). I don't know if it has anything to do with the reality but I guess that's the problem, nobody knows yet.
Anyways, thanks for funny answers. I rest my case here. By the way I am writing this with my TP2 and feeling just fine.
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I wished i could read some answers to your posts aswell, i couldnt find any SAR-rate anywhere though, for the TP2... where did you find them anyway???
exCluSive1 said:
I wished i could read some answers to your posts aswell, i couldnt find any SAR-rate anywhere though, for the TP2... where did you find them anyway???
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It cames in a attachment document inside the box of the HTC Pro2.
High Sars values should be taken into consideration. The higher the values the more power it uses, therefore generates more heat.
What i don't comprehend is how come the body sar values are much higher than the head.
Imagine having that by ur balls lol it will fry ur sprem
one thing is: These values are the Highest Number of SARS reports, therefore the closer you are to reception and the less your phone has to work, the sars will be lower.
but if you are in a area that requires lots of power than well it's going to reach high levels.
Next time I will take in consideration the fry sperm...
"Honey, I have a new "bed cooking speciality", just for you..."
Well, it's still below the SAR value limit. And as for frying your sperm...
Just where exactly do you put your phone?
personally I keep my phones in the pocket which happen to be at either side, not in my briefs
habs101 said:
but if you are in a area that requires lots of power than well it's going to reach high levels.
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what exactly do you mean by 'in a area that requires lots of power' ?
Black Phoenix said:
It cames in a attachment document inside the box of the HTC Pro2.
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i didntsee any docusaying that?
but well.. i think i was too happy with my TP2 that i didnt see anything else in the box
The SAR values are included in the manual.
What he means by an area that requires lots of power is an area with poor reception. Poor reception means the phone has to work harder to maintain communication, ergo the higher SAR value at those times.
you want lot SAR ? - get an HTC Universal, it's like 0.177 thanks to the display assembly being between you and the antenna that's on the back.
solsearch said:
The SAR values are included in the manual.
What he means by an area that requires lots of power is an area with poor reception. Poor reception means the phone has to work harder to maintain communication, ergo the higher SAR value at those times.
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aha, thanks for your answer

Need a phone with ONLY a call function

I have an unusual problem
My brother in-law has, in a short version, Autism and Tourettes. One of his challenges is enforcement action, and one of his triggers is internet and sms. He needs to have a phone, but the sight of the envelope and the opportunity to send sms in the really stresses him, makes his day really bad and he gets very sick (needs medication and lies in his bedrom with no light and eyes closed)
So here it is: can someone out there help us to "create" a phone who's only function is to call? Is someone up for the challenge?
This is really imortant for us to improve my brother in-law quality of life
Hope to hear from u
seniorenhandys-online .de/cms/website.php?id=/de/kinderhandys/kinderhandy_easy5_plus.php (delete the spaces)
im sorry because its in german. the point is, it's a mobile phone for kids. it only has a call function and supports some emergency numbers like most of the phones for old people have.
maybe you find something like this (amazon, ebay, whereever)
Looked at the John's Phone? Only thing it can do is calling and thats it, Good example for more people in the world btw.
Yep Johns phone, might be expensive but easy to use made for old people really.
Not allowed to link but google Johns phone. Its the worlds simplest phone even the address book is a bit of paper and a pen.
It's said to be "The world's simplest cellphone." That's a bold claim from anyone let alone a previously unknown (in gadget circles anyway) Dutch team of creatives over at John Doe Amsterdam who wanted to build a basic phone -- the most basic phone ever -- that wasn't as dull and boring as other affordable phones on the market. So is it? Well, it certainly is basic. In the age of smartphones and cheap featurephones, John's phone is more clearly defined by what it lacks than what it has: no fancy color touchscreen display; no camera; no 3G radio, WiFi, Bluetooth or even GPRS data; no FM radio; no user-accessible storage; and no music player or apps of any kind. It can't even send a text message. It's just a quad-band GSM phone with an ink pen and paper notepad tucked neatly into its capacious recesses. That's right, pen and paper. So, it's definitely basic
Thanks )
Then I have ordered a new phone for Andreas, and hoping it will be a success
Funny thing is that after u tipped me about Johns Phone I call several suppliers here in Norway and no one had heard about Johns Phone Weird
Anyway, thanks for the tip
I really hope you will succeed and help your brother
AnneS said:
Then I have ordered a new phone for Andreas, and hoping it will be a success
Funny thing is that after u tipped me about Johns Phone I call several suppliers here in Norway and no one had heard about Johns Phone Weird
Anyway, thanks for the tip
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Cool glad we could help, i'll end up with a johns phone to lol at my age these high tech things confuse me ;-)

Has anyone tried the Bluetooth watches that read ur emails and texts messages.?

Were not allowed to have our phones on us...but a Bluetooth watch is good as long as is stay 33 feet from my phone.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
riironman said:
Were not allowed to have our phones on us...but a Bluetooth watch is good as long as is stay 33 feet from my phone.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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I dunno... 33 feet is kinda limiting... I'm not allowed my phone during work either and 33 feet isn't even enough to get outta my office and into the hallway lol, I could never see myself spending the money on something so trite, however; for others I can see how the application dictates it would be a worthwhile investment, sounds kewl to me nonetheless!
sent from my SGS2 running AOKP, eh...
This is just my opinion and not my suggestion. I'm a little anti authority kind of person. That being said, regardless if I had the watch or not, I would keep my phone in my pocket but with all sounds turned off and probably vibrate turned off too. If it vibrated when you were near someone, and they heard it, they might tell on you. I would not keep my phone in a locker because it could be stolen. I will not leave it at home obviously. I will not leave it in the car because of the extreme heat and possibility of theft. I would only check my phone if I was in a locked bathroom or stall or in my car. I wouldn't risk it anywhere else that there were people around. If I did get caught and given the choice of the phone or the job, I'd not back down. I would say that I would need it on me in case of a local or personal or family emergency. A job is probably saying that because a few people would blatently screw around or talk on their phones and not work. That doesn't mean you run to the bathroom every five minutes to check your phone or hold a text conversation with someone either.
oscarthegrouch said:
I would say that I would need it on me in case of a local or personal or family emergency. A job is probably saying that because a few people would blatently screw around or talk on their phones and not work. That doesn't mean you run to the bathroom every five minutes to check your phone or hold a text conversation with someone either.
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In many cases, like mine, it's nothing to do with productivity, we are not allowed phones on site, period. Or radios. Or USB sticks. Or...
I have worked without access to my mobile for the last 16 years and never missed anything important, we have proper phones at work if there is an emergency...
I would think anyone willing to risk their job for the sake of having a phone in their pocket should maybe reassess their priorities a little, especially in the current econmomic climate.

IWOWN i5+ BLE bracelet teardown with debug programming pins etc

Hey I got one of these to do some hacking on - well, I got several of them, because taking one apart is very much a one-way trip.
As posted elsewhere, it's made of:
A 128x32 white OLED ( cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/UG-2832HSWEG02.pdf )
NRF51822 BLE chip (16K ram version)
Atmel ATmega16U2 (I assume to read the accelerometer at low power, but it also has USB - which appears to not be connected to the USB port unfortunately)
An accelerometer (STM C3H)
Azoteq IQS263 touch sensor (senses swipes and taps)
24C256 EEPROM connected to the Atmel
75mAh Lipo
..and some other stuff like a Lipo charger, vibration motor etc.
Typical cost is $15-$20 on ebay etc.
The cap-touch screen is quite good - detects swipes and taps reliably.
It's very well sealed - completely closed plastic molding. It looks to be fully waterproof to me.
Well... waterproof until I took a hacksaw to it. There's no way to disassemble it other than to (carefully) hacksaw/dremel the case open. Mine is still working fine, albeit in pieces..
I didn't see many photos of the guts online (just a couple) so or anyone else planning to hack on firmware for it, I found very convenient SWD and UART testpoints (under the OLED)...
Was figuring I might be able to find the time to do some alt firmware for it, because I quite like that Nordic chip, and it's a pretty decent waterproof BLE wrist-display with reasonable battery life (~7days people have said) and touch-sensor at a very attractive price.
I'll let you know what else I figure out about the hardware but first some teardown pics;
(oh man **** this forum not letting me post URLs... ok whatever, you figure this out..)
Samples images attached...
NOTE that test test points "RESET" and "CLK" are regular Cortex M0 SWDIO and SWDCLK, so just bust out the ST-Link/J-Link and have at it. Nice to have UART TX+RX too. Very civilized.
If I have time to get further into it I'll post more hw details on here.
Yep J-Link works fine
Nice, works fine connected to a J-Link, can program it with NRFgo Studio, debug with Keil uVision, etc. Cake.
Ok when I have a sec I'll do some custom firmware for this thing, personally I'm going to use it as a user interface for a GPS+radio project for Burning Man - the I5+ should be perfect for the Playa as it's completely sealed, has vibration, decent battery life, nice OLED.
I really like this bracelet as a programmable toy - nice CPU, great price. I doubt I'll ever get around to programming the Atmel in there or using the accelerometer (it's not what I'm after) but as a two-way messaging device it should fit the bill nicely.
Well done my friend! Can't wait to see what you will come out with! Cheers
Do something perfect ? thank you
Sent from my E2333 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Hm just thinking about it there's quite a lot of fun little things you can do with a cheap watch w/touch sensor that vibrates that are a bit awkward to do with a phone... bear in mind I'm super busy (I do this kinda thing for a living) and the BLE range is probably pretty poor, but...
a) Finder for those absurdly cheap ($3 or so) "finder" keyfobs, just display RSSI (signal strength) and it'd be somewhat useful; at least to give you a "warmer/colder" feedback on your distance to the tag.
b) Vibrate when your friend comes into range (or any BLE device that's advertising) and let you send simple emoticon messages (again the range won't be great, but enough for when you're in a bar or whatever), kinda like a really basic emoticon walkie-talkie. This would suck down quite a lot of battery (b/c of scanning for advertising packets) but it's a thought
c) some sort of basic morse-code style tapping messager
d) unlock your front door (use any old BLE device, e.g. a $4 CC2541 BLE-to-serial dongle hooked up to a FET or a relay)
e) assuming I can sort out reading the accelerometer, you've got basically a button/slider (the touchscreen) plus a very rough motion sensor; maybe make it a GATT HCI device like a mouse or keyboard (not sure what the OS support is like for those but it's doable)
f) You could certainly interface it to a Banana Pi (with a CSR BLE dongle) or a C.H.I.P. (which has built-in BLE)...
g) then there's all the stuff you can do with modern android/iOS phones and BLE; caller ID etc etc - much of this is covered by the current IWOWN firmware... Haven't look at it a huge amount but there's sure to be some fun stuff not yet done by the stock fw...
h) Depending what OSes have HID-over-GATT keyboard support, you could tap your watch to enter passwords (fairly insecurely, but hey it's a fun hack)..
i) Trivial to make the thing act as an Apple iBeacon (or any vendor beacon really, it's just a custom advertising packet) - and that would have excellent battery life. You could make it a beacon detector also but the battery life would suck horribly (I guess you could tap the watch to scan and it could buzz when it found an iBeacon and display some txt from it )
j) BLE scanner, probably most useful to have it scan for specific GATT profiles or ad packets or MAC address ranges or whatever; same battery life caveat applies but there might be a fun application.
...there's a lot of simple projects basically, it's quite a nice toy in some limited ways.... well like I say I don't have time to implement a lot of this but if I can stick some code up on Github maybe people will take the ball and run with it...
drtune said:
Hm just thinking about it there's quite a lot of fun little things you can do with a cheap watch w/touch sensor that vibrates that are a bit awkward to do with a phone... bear in mind I'm super busy (I do this kinda thing for a living) and the BLE range is probably pretty poor, but...
a) Finder for those absurdly cheap ($3 or so) "finder" keyfobs, just display RSSI (signal strength) and it'd be somewhat useful; at least to give you a "warmer/colder" feedback on your distance to the tag.
b) Vibrate when your friend comes into range (or any BLE device that's advertising) and let you send simple emoticon messages (again the range won't be great, but enough for when you're in a bar or whatever), kinda like a really basic emoticon walkie-talkie. This would suck down quite a lot of battery (b/c of scanning for advertising packets) but it's a thought
c) some sort of basic morse-code style tapping messager
d) unlock your front door (use any old BLE device, e.g. a $4 CC2541 BLE-to-serial dongle hooked up to a FET or a relay)
e) assuming I can sort out reading the accelerometer, you've got basically a button/slider (the touchscreen) plus a very rough motion sensor; maybe make it a GATT HCI device like a mouse or keyboard (not sure what the OS support is like for those but it's doable)
f) You could certainly interface it to a Banana Pi (with a CSR BLE dongle) or a C.H.I.P. (which has built-in BLE)...
g) then there's all the stuff you can do with modern android/iOS phones and BLE; caller ID etc etc - much of this is covered by the current IWOWN firmware... Haven't look at it a huge amount but there's sure to be some fun stuff not yet done by the stock fw...
...there's a lot of simple projects basically, it's quite a nice toy in some limited ways.... well like I say I don't have time to implement a lot of this but if I can stick some code up on Github maybe people will take the ball and run with it...
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Actually i don't think that there will be anyone who doing after you so i ask you to do some of them. Another question the screen has to coler white and blue can we change it i really like white one
Sent from my E2333 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Errrr.. no the OLED is whatever color it is. It's a cheap monochrome OLED. The only way you could change it is to take the device apart and there's no way you can ever put it back together properly again (it's solid molded plastic)
Nice work.
if it's any help.
Softdevice and bootloader i5PLus.
thx but the Nordic publicly available stuff is fine. I pulled the firmware etc from mine and reflashed it already. There's nothing difficult or problematic, just a case of finding time to do new fw (and I'm super busy)
There was a distant feature in oldest firmware but they removed many asked to get it back can you do it in your firmware ☺
Sent from my E2333 using XDA-Developers mobile app
by "distant feature" do you mean distance, i.e. it tracked how far you have walked/run? I can see how that would be unreliable, there's just an accelerometer in there and you can't really figure out distance from that. Accelerometers just tell you which way is down (i.e. they measure gravity) plus the acceleration/deceleration as you move it around. So, they're ok for detecting walking, better for running, but not good for figuring out how far you've actually travelled, the best it could really do is just guess from the number of footsteps it detected, which is going to be pretty inaccurate.
In general I'm not planning to do anything with the accelerometer (I doubt I'll have time), I'm thinking about using the I5 for other things like radio messaging and as a phone peripheral.
I don't expect to produce anything that duplicates the current firmware in terms of function, I want to do completely different things. Once I've written some code I'm happy to put it on github (which will have basic stuff like driving the OLED, reading the touch sensor, using the BLE radio etc) and maybe someone else will build some firmware that works as a fitness tracker.
drtune said:
by "distant feature" do you mean distance, i.e. it tracked how far you have walked/run? I can see how that would be unreliable, there's just an accelerometer in there and you can't really figure out distance from that. Accelerometers just tell you which way is down (i.e. they measure gravity) plus the acceleration/deceleration as you move it around. So, they're ok for detecting walking, better for running, but not good for figuring out how far you've actually travelled, the best it could really do is just guess from the number of footsteps it detected, which is going to be pretty inaccurate.
In general I'm not planning to do anything with the accelerometer (I doubt I'll have time), I'm thinking about using the I5 for other things like radio messaging and as a phone peripheral.
I don't expect to produce anything that duplicates the current firmware in terms of function, I want to do completely different things. Once I've written some code I'm happy to put it on github (which will have basic stuff like driving the OLED, reading the touch sensor, using the BLE radio etc) and maybe someone else will build some firmware that works as a fitness tracker.
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Really it doesn't need any adding or creating for it. Just like calorie and step measure it was measuring km. You just need to get it from old firm and add it to the new one ?
Sent from my E2333 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Right, and without even having seen it I can tell you it won't work very well at all, because (...see above info about accellerometers and distance tracking).
Like I said I'm not planning to support any of this stuff.
If you personally want to "just get it from old firm and add it to new one" go for it!
drtune said:
Right, and without even having seen it I can tell you it won't work very well at all, because (...see above info about accellerometers and distance tracking).
Like I said I'm not planning to support any of this stuff.
If you personally want to "just get it from old firm and add it to new one" go for it!
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Well done bro thank u for your work i hope to see it soon
Sent from my E2333 using XDA-Developers mobile app
The reason why we're "clinging" on you is because you seem to be the only one here who can really play with these things at a developer level. With the Chinese manufacturer not caring about the abroad markets (they did not release the v2.x firmware and the "full" v3 Android app outside of China), we're kinda stuck.
I, for one, do not regret spending $16 on this thing at all. v2.0.1.8 firmware - customly flashed thanks to @roninzgz's thread - brings everything I was hoping for (vertical display and the ability to keep the time synchronized even while turned off), albeit with the trade-off of a slightly less responsive touchscreen. For crying out loud, I have Fitbit sporting coworkers that are envious at what this bracelet can do for its price. Their only hope is that mine will eventually break or fry due to poor manufacturing quality.
With all that going for us, getting you aboard would be a bit too much luck. Thank you for all the research and here's to hoping that someone will pick up from what you will share. *raises beer*
Sure, thanks.
I do this stuff for a living (not actually fitness trackers, but embedded systems hardware/software) so I have all the equipment and experience to make this a fun little project ; on the minus side I have quite a backlog of paying work to finish so taking time off that (and my family) to do this feels like I'm playing hooky from school
Anyway, like I say I have a pet project for this wristband in mind - and it doesn't really involve it doing much of what the existing firmware does - but at least I'm mildly committed to it now (ordered another six I5+'s and have one gutted and wired up for debugging here).
For anyone wanting to play with building new firmware you'll basically just need a hacksawed-open I5+ and a $4 ST-Link programmer; it would be interminably boring trying to debug by downloading new code OTA each time you make a change. Obviously once one has something reasonably ready to test it's easy enough to package it so it can be downloaded by other people with the regular Nordic OTA tool.
I can imagine it'd be possible to have an error in the firmware that bricked a device, but you'd put some reasonable safeguards in there wherever possible - really it's just about doing your best to ensure a user can get it back into an OTA-programmable state again.
drtune said:
Sure, thanks.
I do this stuff for a living (not actually fitness trackers, but embedded systems hardware/software) so I have all the equipment and experience to make this a fun little project ; on the minus side I have quite a backlog of paying work to finish so taking time off that (and my family) to do this feels like I'm playing hooky from school
Anyway, like I say I have a pet project for this wristband in mind - and it doesn't really involve it doing much of what the existing firmware does - but at least I'm mildly committed to it now (ordered another six I5+'s and have one gutted and wired up for debugging here).
For anyone wanting to play with building new firmware you'll basically just need a hacksawed-open I5+ and a $4 ST-Link programmer; it would be interminably boring trying to debug by downloading new code OTA each time you make a change. Obviously once one has something reasonably ready to test it's easy enough to package it so it can be downloaded by other people with the regular Nordic OTA tool.
I can imagine it'd be possible to have an error in the firmware that bricked a device, but you'd put some reasonable safeguards in there wherever possible - really it's just about doing your best to ensure a user can get it back into an OTA-programmable state again.
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Drtune did you done anything ?
Sent from my E2333 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Not yet have a ton of work on right now and will be busy for a while on that - just very short of time right now.
Honestly don't expect anything useful to you as a consumer any time soon; when I get some code done (which will be for my project and not directly useful to an end-user) I'll post on here and github.
Does anyone know if it's possible to customize this device and turn it into a ibeacon?
I'm looking for a wristband that is able to switch between On/Off which enable the device to broadcast iBeacon signal.
I'm looking for somebody who can help me with it, i'm willing to pay a small fee for his expertise
(I'd like to learn how to code a firmware of this device too)
What am i trying to do?
I hope to develop a solution where i will like to enable Teens to have a SOS button on their wristband. It would then be able to code a android/iphone app that would listen for such signal, if the ibeacon signal is on their range, it will alert the mobile user that there's a surround person is facing danger.
Current wristband that i found would require user to pair it with a phone, i'm looking at broadcasting feature instead.
If any developer is able to do this for me, please PM me i'd pay a fee for your expertise.
Yes the I5 (or, even cheaper, a TW64 watch) can do simple iBeacon (or similar) advertising, it's not difficult..
However you are making two very common mistakes; scanning for BLE devices uses as lot of power so no mobile OSes will let you do it all the time (for good reason). Everyone overlooks this and it's a huge issue.
Secondly the range of BLE is very limited.
I am not interested in doing this for you (I don't work for small fees) but it's not a difficult task for someone who knows what they're doing.

