[GUIDE] An easy way to convert .PNG to .raw565 for custom boot image [Windows] - G1 Themes and Wallpapers

So today I really wanted to make a custom boot image for my phone. I looked on the wiki, lo and behold, the piece seems to have a complex side to it for some. Maybe it's easy for some, but difficult for others. Well, I was one that had difficulty.
I don't have a linux setup, so I attempted to use a Virtual Machine to run it. SUCCESS!!!...but wait...ImageMagick is being a pain. (I swear to god I have never been so frustrated in my life) I spent hours trying to get it to work, but failed in the end. So I researched new ways of converting my PNG into a .raw and then a .raw565/.rgb565. I searched the forums, tediously, but to no avail. Well I found something that all windows users can look forward to. It's a very simple 1 step conversion of a PNG to a rgb565/raw565 file.
For those who are interested, here are the steps:
Things you'll need:
Paint.net (a simple image editing program) Download here
rgb565.dll (can be found on the same website, i'd suggest getting the self extractor) Download here
Fastboot (you can get this with the Android SDK) Download here (setup can be found in the wiki or in places around the forum)
1. First you want to create your picture. It must be 320x480 resolution, and saved as a .PNG file. (Use your favorite picture editing tool. Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.net, etc.) Name the picture Splash
2. Once you have your PNG picture made and in the correct resolution, load your picture in Paint.Net.
3. After the picture is loaded, go to File --> Save as.... Name your picture Splash and change the file type to rgb565/raw565 and save to your desktop.
4. Find your picture on your desktop, right click it and click Properties. IMPORTANT!!! Make sure the picture file size is 307200 bytes exactly. (If it is not, you could end up damaging your phone, so DOUBLE CHECK).
5. Make sure you have the Android SDK set up with the latest USB drivers.
6. Put your picture into the same folder as your fastboot. (android-sdk-windows --> tools).
7. Once you reach this step, connect your phone through USB, and load your SPL. (Turn off phone. Hold the camera button + power button). Ensure the text on screen says Fastboot. If it doesn't, push the Back button to refresh it.
8. After your phone is connected and ready to use fastboot, Open your command prompt (cmd. Start --> run --> cmd). Type fastboot devices. Make sure your device number appears there. This will tell you if your computer is reading that your phone is connected to fastboot.
9. Make sure the path the command prompt is going to, is your SDK/tools folder. (cd android-sdk-windows --> cd tools).
10. Once your command line is aimed at the SDK tools folder (This is the location of your picture remember?), type the following:
fastboot flash splash1 Splash.rgb565 (if it's raw565 type that. the extension wont matter as long as it's the right format.)
fastboot reboot
NOTE: If your fastboot hangs while trying to put the new boot image on, remove the battery, and reload the phone's fastboot and try again. (this happened to me, and after doing this it worked)
Well there you have it. After completing these steps your new boot image should appear. I hope this helped the windows users out there (I know after figuring this out, it helped me a lot.)
If there are any Questions, please post them, I'll do my best to answer them.
Thank you and Enjoy.

101 views and no feedback? >.> I'm a little worried.
Is this working for anyone? Or has anyone tried it? :3

SpartusTana said:
101 views and no feedback? >.> I'm a little worried.
Is this working for anyone? Or has anyone tried it? :3
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Yeah dude don't worry it happens =/...

not really concerned about responses, as much as, Is it helping.
I just hope it helps people ^^

You do realize there is a convert to g1 program, that allows you to select your picture, and then to convert it, all with just 3 clicks of the mouse....so your method is pointless lol.

Fair enough on the little program that's available. Didn't realize the 3000 thing could convert.
Also my method isn't pointless. It is an accurate and usable method.
What you deem as better or worse, does not make it absolute.
If others choose to use this or the program, both options are there for people to choose.
I can't say I appreciate your prudish viewpoint, but thanks for the heads up...

Here ya go:

Ok, let me rephrase it. There is the easy way (with the program that everyone has been using for a while) and the hard way (your drawn out method).

tehseano said:
Ok, let me rephrase it. There is the easy way (with the program that everyone has been using for a while) and the hard way (your drawn out method).
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lol your blunt smugness is humorous to me for some reason.
is this program in the forums? I guess that was the link I was referring to.
See, in my OP, I stated that I searched a lot of places in the forums looking for a method, and didn't find one. So can't blame me for trying to help after finding a method that isn't pre-programmed. I was certainly proud of myself >.>;


Yes, blunt smugness, because you reinvented the wheel, and did a worse job. Had you searched correctly you would have found the link that Jag posted above. So as much as you would like to sound like you're some god, laughing at my impotence, you complained about people not reading your thread and giving feedback. Why? Oh yeah, you were trying to teach people a longer way of going about a simple task.
Anyways, now you know about it, and I'll leave you back to your post. Enjoy!

tehseano said:
Yes, blunt smugness, because you reinvented the wheel, and did a worse job. Had you searched correctly you would have found the link that Jag posted above. So as much as you would like to sound like you're some god, laughing at my impotence, you complained about people not reading your thread and giving feedback. Why? Oh yeah, you were trying to teach people a longer way of going about a simple task.
Anyways, now you know about it, and I'll leave you back to your post. Enjoy!
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Well I'm sorry you feel that way. In my post about the no replies, I stated that I was worried because there were so many views and no comments. It wasn't a complaint. Your angry criticism is only making this worse. Had you acted more mature in the matter, rather then trying to tell me off because you let your own bias rule you, it probably wouldn't have gotten to this point making you so upset.
I personally find you hilarious. You get so worked up over such a trivial matter. Let it rest, you made your statement.
IF AN ADMIN WOULD, COULD MY THREAD PLEASE BE LOCKED? It seems it is a useless thread and has only brought complaints. My apologies to those that feel...angry. I pity you.

SpartusTana said:
Well I'm sorry you feel that way. In my post about the no replies, I stated that I was worried because there were so many views and no comments. It wasn't a complaint. Your angry criticism is only making this worse. Had you acted more mature in the matter, rather then trying to tell me off because you let your own bias rule you, it probably wouldn't have gotten to this point making you so upset.
I personally find you hilarious. You get so worked up over such a trivial matter. Let it rest, you made your statement.
IF AN ADMIN WOULD, COULD MY THREAD PLEASE BE LOCKED? It seems it is a useless thread and has only brought complaints. My apologies to those that feel...angry. I pity you.
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Upset? I'm laughing at you trying to sound intelligent . I'm not sure how me cluing you in on what everyone else already knew in immature, but hey, if it helps you sleep through the night, who am I to say....

tehseano said:
You do realize there is a convert to g1 program, that allows you to select your picture, and then to convert it, all with just 3 clicks of the mouse....so your method is pointless lol.
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True, but the three other tutorials for that all have included the outdated "fastboot.exe" that doesnt work with the new drivers... and it took me while to figure that out, [noob syndrome] because they all only had instructions on how to work with the files they provided, for older drivers.
I may put together a tutorial including the easy picture conversion of the other tutorials and this version of the easy flashing of the new splash using the SDK tools you already have.


How to get these.....

Alright I have loaded ROM's onto my phone but I am still pretty new to this, I am wondering if anyone can take the time to walk me through of how to get Home Screen's like these (the first one and the red one on PG1)
Thank you very much for any help you are willing to give.
P.S. what ever help I get I will be more then happy to give to other begginner's.
The big clock is called HTC Home and that's fairly easy to find, just make a simple search for it. The tray on the bottom looks like PHM Trays which you can get from PHM Tools.
carltmac said:
Alright I have loaded ROM's onto my phone but I am still pretty new to this, I am wondering if anyone can take the time to walk me through of how to get Home Screen's like these (the first one and the red one on PG1)
Thank you very much for any help you are willing to give.
P.S. what ever help I get I will be more then happy to give to other begginner's.
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Did you bother reading the thread or are you the type to look at pics and ask for help, right off the bat?
Actually I did take the time to read a lot of the post's but as I said in my first post I am pretty new to this stuff and a lot of the talk was quite confusing to me because of the short form's and such so program's and stuff like that.
Like I said before, I am just looking to see if some one has the time to help me, not looking for people to chirp about how new I am and such. Thank you.
carltmac said:
Actually I did take the time to read a lot of the post's but as I said in my first post I am pretty new to this stuff and a lot of the talk was quite confusing to me because of the short form's and such so program's and stuff like that.
Like I said before, I am just looking to see if some one has the time to help me, not looking for people to chirp about how new I am and such. Thank you.
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Alright so I have read the first like 11 pages and no where in there have I found how to get those 2 Home Screen's running on my Dash?
Please help
As for the Red Carousel theme....go here.
Download the needed cabs in the bottom of his first post and read his install instructions.
As for the HTC home, if you READ where to get it from its in his first thread also...
- HTC Home
Download that cab.
Once you've downloaded the cabs...you transfer them to your phone using Active sync. Place them in your documents folder. Using your phone Resco Explorer program direct yourself to the My Documents folder and click on the cabs to install them.
If asked where to install them, pick Main memory (phone itself) not the memory card.
DO NOT UNZIP or UNRAR the CAB files.
After the cabs are installed. REBOOT.
Once rebooted, Click on start->settings->Home Screen->Home screen layout
Once there, choose which home screen...you'd like to have.
Thank you for the help, I have one question though, I downloaded the courosel theme and unzipped it to a folder and then I copied to my from through My Computer (I'm not sure if that matter's?) but when I selected the Courosel theme in Home Screen, the text messages and voicemail stuff look's all messed up? Is that because I unzipped the file?
Another question came up....
I dled the LCD clock and unzipped it, copied the folder to my phone and then went to Resco Explorer and clicked the Setup.xml and it did a bunch of stuff, I thought it installed but then when I rebooted my phone nothing happened?
DO NOT UNZIP or UNRAR the CAB files.
Jesus man
the lcd plugin is a CAB
If you need help anymore this member (Gixxum) is the man to go to.
Alright thank you very much, I didn't realize that that was a cab file since I have never worked with a cab before.
I installed the cab. and got a message saying that I may need an older version of WM?
I then rebooted and the LCD clock was not there?
I couldnt edit again so I has to do another post, the problem I was having was just that I didn't go to the background image and change it to courosol.
thank you.
pfunkside said:
DO NOT UNZIP or UNRAR the CAB files.
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No matter how big or what colors we use people seriously have selective reading. lol
actually I read that a few times but I was not sure what a cab file was.
Funny how much you care about the mistakes I made instead of helping haha.
Thanks everyone.
alright I have one more question and I thought I would post it here instead of opening another thread. When I am using txt messaging and I sent a txt (I will use this as an example) at 8:01 PM and some one sends me a txt back in the same minute it will say that they replyed at 7:01 PM. It always says one hour earlier for replys? I have searched through options but I cannot seem to find where to change it?
Thank you ahead of time.
Are you sure your time is right? Go to settings --clock & alarm-- and scroll to where on earth you are. Do a reset try that.
I checked the times man and NOTHING! this is kind of brutal, it's not like it's a huge problem but it's just ******* frustrating, any ideas guys?
Whats the time difference on the clock?

New Commands To access Icon files in Systemroot

Read my erlier post on this for more info on how I found it, but heres my new commands I have found. I have tried them and they seem to work for me. I want someone else to try them also and see if they work for them.
1. %systemroot%\system32\wpd_ci.dll,-100
Im looking into more and I will post when I get them. Let me know what you see if/when you try this commands! Also go into the phones Browser to do this.
whats this supposed to do?
Honestly I am not sure Im going to do a further search and test of commands like this. The string though and the fact that when you put it in your browser it actually pulls something up that isnt a webpage is rather puzzeling because I get a blank screen.
hmm... yeah it's a little strange that it doesn't bing it like it does other stuff. my first thought was that the string was too long or had invalid characters but it just bings everything else.
how exactly did you find this?
Here's step by step:
1.Plug in kin to a windows 7 PC.
2.open devices and printers.
3.open kin properties.
4.open advanced.
5.scroll down the list of info and file pathes.
I approve this stuff.
Unfortunately, i have not my kin beside me atm, so i cannot have a peek right now (doh!).
Hoping that we would be able to figure out new stuff.
I would want to read from the samsung memory chip too, but that's outta my reach for now hehehehe.
johnkussack said:
I approve this stuff.
Unfortunately, i have not my kin beside me atm, so i cannot have a peek right now (doh!).
Hoping that we would be able to figure out new stuff.
I would want to read from the samsung memory chip too, but that's outta my reach for now hehehehe.
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I can possibly look into the Samsung chip...Awesome find though huh? Glad I tore apart my old one
I have been looking for more in the windows device center without much luck I have a couple other ideas since this things commands seem to be like windows. im going to try %appdata% and others like it when i can.
It isnt a command, sillies.
%systemroot%\system32\wpd_ci.dll,-100 is not a command.
its an icon file path.
%systemroot% looks in the system root folder (Windows)
system32 looks in the folder "system32"
wpd_ci.dll is the dll containing the icon and when you add ,-100
wpd_ci.dll,-100 tells it to grab the icon id-ed as 100 from the dll file wpd_ci.dll
also, just because it has 100 does not mean there are 100 icons in the file. 100 is the icon ID.
example: %SystemRoot%\system32\wpdshext.dll,-701
in wpdshext.dll there is not 701 icons, but only about 9 or 10. BUT, the 701 reffers to a specific icon id-ed as 701 in that file.
here are images that demonstrate my point. (must rebuild links)
this shows that in wpd_ci.dll there is only 1 icon, so we can assume its id is 100 as referred to by the ,-100.
i.imgur com/7UtnG.jpg
this second image shows that the icon it referred to is used for the device icon with device manager, because, as you can see in the image, my kin shows up in device manager with the icon.
i.imgur com/fLKKI.jpg
This is old. So old it was from when I was still a semi-noob on XDA. I haven't even been on the Kin forums in over a year. We arent getting anywhere with this phone unfortunately. I'm just watching and waiting for a breakthrough, then I might get back in on this.
Sent from my NookColor using XDA Premium HD app
WEM97 said:
This is old. So old it was from when I was still a semi-noob on XDA. I haven't even been on the Kin forums in over a year. We arent getting anywhere with this phone unfortunately. I'm just watching and waiting for a breakthrough, then I might get back in on this.
Sent from my NookColor using XDA Premium HD app
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same here. i just recently decided to post stuff since:
A. i finally decided to get the phone
and B. i noticed alot of people have there info wrong when it comes to this phone (as i described above, and in another post.)
My other Post (must rebuild links): forum.xda-developers com/showthread.php?p=29709876#post29709876​i figured "hey. if my insights lead to a breakthrough, so be it. if not, meh. no harm done."
DustinWolf said:
same here. i just recently decided to post stuff since:
A. i finally decided to get the phone
and B. i noticed alot of people have there info wrong when it comes to this phone (as i described above, and in another post.)
My other Post (must rebuild links): forum.xda-developers com/showthread.php?p=29709876#post29709876​i figured "hey. if my insights lead to a breakthrough, so be it. if not, meh. no harm done."
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I wouldnt be so accusing. Many people have worked long and hard here I dont think everyone (or most people) are wrong about much.

Cant transfer files

So... I can see all files when my GNex is in Android... But when I try to drag and drop... I get a little symbol with an X... So it wont let me copy the files over. Any solutions to this?
I was also wondering..
Mobilicity Phone, Rooted...
Thinking about putting this Rom on... (mind transfering files would make it easier)
Any problems you think, I heard it MAY only be for Verizon, but I thought, If i DL the Maguro version, I would be Okay...?
I tried DL and installing a JB rom (looked official) google 10 Rom from Rom manager, and got stuck in a bootloop earlier, so I wanted some opinions on this....before I have to try to redo my backup file again
jesusroks said:
So... I can see all files when my GNex is in Android... But when I try to drag and drop... I get a little symbol with an X... So it wont let me copy the files over. Any solutions to this?
I was also wondering..
Mobilicity Phone, Rooted...
Thinking about putting this Rom on... (mind transfering files would make it easier)
Any problems you think, I heard it MAY only be for Verizon, but I thought, If i DL the Maguro version, I would be Okay...?
I tried DL and installing a JB rom (looked official) google 10 Rom from Rom manager, and got stuck in a bootloop earlier, so I wanted some opinions on this....before I have to try to redo my backup file again
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Can you copy files using adb (pull, push)?
Petrovski80 said:
Can you copy files using adb (pull, push)?
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Ok, well, I found out I CAN transfer files.... at least, regular files, I just cant put music in it.... Which is Wierd....
jesusroks said:
Ok, well, I found out I CAN transfer files.... at least, regular files, I just cant put music in it.... Which is Wierd....
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Are you sure?
Minimize your windows...and see if any "This device may not be able to play this file...transfer anyway?" (or similar) pop-ups are showing.
That's gotten me once before.
jesusroks said:
Ok, well, I found out I CAN transfer files.... at least, regular files, I just cant put music in it.... Which is Wierd....
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Personally I find transferring files via MTP/PTP is rather buggy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it hangs my file manager. I use adb for transfer. Not as convenient as drag & drop, but always works.
Jubakuba said:
Are you sure?
Minimize your windows...and see if any "This device may not be able to play this file...transfer anyway?" (or similar) pop-ups are showing.
That's gotten me once before.
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I've been getting this pop up. Does this mean there are definitely going to be issues with my files? Or a probability?
The reason I asked is because I recently messed something up by having two download folders (download / Download) and made things very wonky. I've reformatted my virtual SD, and am copying things back over with Win 7 x64. It's kind of driving me nuts discovering things suddenly can't be deleted/moved/etc. Even after I resolved the download issue, I then found the Nook folder that the Gnex toolkit backed up was suffering from this problem.
So right now, I'm just moving my essential things back (pictures, Tibu backups, various apks to install later) and I'm going to check again.
dont use toolkits.
and /sdcard/download is not the same folder as /sdcard/Download.
sent from my i9250
bk201doesntexist said:
dont use toolkits.
and /sdcard/download is not the same folder as /sdcard/Download.
sent from my i9250
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1) It generally seems to work. It's a pretty well ranked thread, is there a flaw that I'm not aware of? Or are you just opposed to them? I love learning the nitty gritty on how things work but I also believe in streamlining and making things more efficient. That's what machines are for. I look at this way: I know cars. I've studied them and worked on them for many years. Had jobs doing it. So with basic things like oil changes, I've done them for so long and so many times that it's no longer fun or a learning experience. It's just tedious. At this point, I'd rather pay people I trust to just do it for me than spend the time doing it, collecting the used oil, dropping the used oil off at a participating collection facility, changing clothes, showering, etc. And I get a free car wash if I pay my old work to do it.
2) The creation of two separately cased download folders sure as hell kicked off a chain of frustrating events and the most succinct advice I received to remedy the issue was "flash back to stock image". I never had the two directories before and based on my research, Android by default looks at directories in a case-insensitive way. And so does my Win PC so...
If you can provide any more insight or help, it would appreciated.
BTW, I have toro.
rockingondrums said:
1) It generally seems to work. It's a pretty well ranked thread, is there a flaw that I'm not aware of? Or are you just opposed to them? I love learning the nitty gritty on how things work but I also believe in streamlining and making things more efficient. That's what machines are for. I look at this way: I know cars. I've studied them and worked on them for many years. Had jobs doing it. So with basic things like oil changes, I've done them for so long and so many times that it's no longer fun or a learning experience. It's just tedious. At this point, I'd rather pay people I trust to just do it for me than spend the time doing it, collecting the used oil, dropping the used oil off at a participating collection facility, changing clothes, showering, etc. And I get a free car wash if I pay my old work to do it.
2) The creation of two separately cased download folders sure as hell kicked off a chain of frustrating events and the most succinct advice I received to remedy the issue was "flash back to stock image". I never had the two directories before and based on my research, Android by default looks at directories in a case-insensitive way. And so does my Win PC so...
If you can provide any more insight or help, it would appreciated.
BTW, I have toro.
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1- if something goes wrong, no one knows what happened, what command failed, etc; using commands like google instructs you allows for better troubleshooting when issues arise;
2- android is not case-insensitive, like linux; windows is. that's your problem right there, windows.
sent from my i9250
And what about that pop up I get on windows about how my device may not play the file? This is when dragging and dropping via explorer. Is that just a warning prompt, or is something actually going to happen? The files seem to be playing fine, everything seems back to normal (as I can now move/delete/modify files and directories).
Well I am having some audio issues but that seems strictly related to an audio mod I just installed...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app

New to modifying files, so need some assistance and advice

I will start off saying I am new to this as the title , so I will probably ask a lot of redundant questions and noobie questions, I hope that's ok.
What I want to do (for now):
I am attempting to do is modify the systemui.apk file. I would think that would be a fairly easy task, but with my VERY limited knowlege of things I'm not sure.
The file has a lot of icons for customizability, but I want to add some of my own, or rather this phones icons(samung epic 4g) default icons. I have the icons I grabbed from a stock rom, and saved them.
I have the toggles, and battery icons, which are what I want to add into the systemui.apk. Iwill probably call it something like Samsung default, since default name is already taken.
So all that said, how easy would it be for me, someone who has never even attempted this before, but has a small amount of knowledge of what stuff is, ie: difference between odex and deodex, where the files are located at, etc?
Stuff like what file/files to edit, what to put in the xml files as in what line coding or whatever they call it. Stuff like that.
I'm very simple in nature, so if there is a way to do what I want to do, please direct me in the right direction, and please, keep it simple if possible.
I do realize there are tutorials about how to theme and how to make or edit a systemui file but I can't seem to find a more specific way/thread to do what I want to do, not that I have found anyways.
My guess is I will have to edit some xml files and add some lines, I just an not sure what exactly to put in those lines, or what files to edit.
First of all: wrong section - this belongs to Q&A.
About modifying APKs, I'm also not much familiar, but I believe that apktool and those GUI tools that includes it can be fairly helpful. I personally use APKChanger to do all my APK-related mods.
Sent from Google Nexus 4 @ CM11
AndyYan said:
First of all: wrong section - this belongs to Q&A.
About modifying APKs, I'm also not much familiar, but I believe that apktool and those GUI tools that includes it can be fairly helpful. I personally use APKChanger to do all my APK-related mods.
Sent from Google Nexus 4 @ CM11
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Awesome it looks like a good start, I will give it a go, and report back.
Hope this works, as I am not really doing much to the systemUI file, all I am doing is adding in, what's not there, so the rest can stay in tact, just I want to add some preferred icons/png files I have on hand already. I'm not diescting to make a rom or anything, so I can't see this as being really hard thing to do.....for those that have done it could probably do this in about 5 mins work without breaking a sweat....me however it seems it's takeing awhile lol.
easyrider77 said:
Awesome it looks like a good start, I will give it a go, and report back.
Hope this works, as I am not really doing much to the systemUI file, all I am doing is adding in, what's not there, so the rest can stay in tact, just I want to add some preferred icons/png files I have on hand already. I'm not diescting to make a rom or anything, so I can't see this as being really hard thing to do.....for those that have done it could probably do this in about 5 mins work without breaking a sweat....me however it seems it's takeing awhile lol.
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Very cool program, thanyou for the info. I kinda messed around with it a bit, and it's vvery nice for those not so smart at heart people like me.
I still have a snag though. I know where the icons are, I'm just not sure how to activate them via the like settings and such.
Take the battery mod within 3mini for example, you open 3minit, and under the battery part it you select it and it has a bunch of icons you can pick, but the stock ones aren't there. I am wanting to add stock icons, which are in the res/label-dhpi folder, (I think that's what it's called), but it's the folder that has the icons in it. Now, to access those icons, you have xml file you have to point to to tell it to actually see the icons in said folder, via a code line as I call it.
There is my problem, I am not sure really WHAT code line to put in said xml file/files, so I'm running into a wall.
So I can extract/decompile the apk file fine, and I have a folder/files with some more folders and files under that. I have looked at the stuff but since I'm not a programmer at all, and not to get off on another rabit trail here, but I cannot even do simple plain html....yes I know it's a text thing, but if you don't understand the if's and waits and the language of it all, well it might as well be german.
People always say "what's the problem, it's easy" well I suppose it is, if you are savvy to that stuff, but for those that have a hard time with one thing, it comes oh so simple for another, but it doesn't mean someone is stupid, it just means it's not their thing. Some atre meant to be some things, some are not. Not everyone is meant to be a doctor, yet some are because they understand those sorts of things better.
Anyways, I am sorry for trailing off, in short I am saying if you have a hard time with what I call coding, and yes it is a coding in some form, just as html is, even though it's still text, it's still a code that tells things what to do, IE: code
In short, I am nt sure what file/files to edit,. and even then I am not sure what lines to put in them.
Here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2032614 is a good example of what I mean. While I appreciate this persons hard work and efforts, people like me it may as well be written in a foreign language of sorts, because while I understand editing a certain file, and I get the concept of CODE: that's where I end up getting lost. I have opened the said xml file, and see the code, but when they say code, well I have to ask things like what line to I edit, where do I cut/paste the lines in that post to, do I delete another line and replace it with that code, etc..etc..
I in NO way am trying to trash people for their posts and efforts, so I hope it's not taken that way, I just sometimes have to be drawn a picture for things, like a child. As hard as I might try, I just am not grasping what to do after the point of opening the file and editing it.
I suppose I will just give up this quest I have for what I want to do, unless I fin somone kind enough, and patient enough to go a little further into explanation of what I need to do to further go on. it can be hard for some people, especially if you are a programmer to explain a little more in depth about what a person needs to do, I have friends that have that mind set, and they to get irritated at people like me .....I guess it is what it is.
Thanks again for the info, I appreciate all that xda and the people here do, and all thier time and effort towards the mods.
Well I can't provide further help then... My ability stops at making navigation bar mods which only involves modifying 5 lines of xml. Good luck with learning from scratch :beer:
Sent from Google Nexus 4 @ CM11

S20 Compromised, Hidden Odin bootloader + Cloned apps and logs

So to start,
I'm not the typical "my girlfriends watching me" security hackz0r post.
I'm no expert or even close but I do have a general idea of what and how an Android should run.
I detected the device was playing up, slowing down, screen looking blurry. Odd icons in notification tray. But before I go into the things that I don't have data for.
What I do have data for and would appreciate input on is the following.
S20 Ultra Exy
Less than two weeks old
Cloned apps
Adjust system settings
Apps being given permissions and even admin rights.
I have tried to make sense of logs but it appears that the attacker is using a mixture of Dex, Java, Bluetooth and Odin in some remote access capability.
I have tried factory resets and the cloned apps which have been given there own emulated storage that I can't touch on the device.
An unlocked Odin Bootloader! (see pic) that's when I knew I needed more advice. From what I know once the Bootloader has tripped Knox and secure folder won't work.. SECURE folder appears to work..
Ive had apps go into desktop mode randomly..
Look I don't want to sound like that crazy tin foil hat guy, but It is becoming a trend in my trade. I've just listed some of the easily proved things.
I've uploaded logs and screens to the cloud and able to share with anyone who knows this stuff well.
Basically I've got an $1400 phone security marvel that appears to have been Bootloaded and maybe rooted remotely.
I have my suspicions at the office and I would like to try and trace the attackers location.
To be clear this device is no way associated with the infected.
That Bootloader was accessed just by going into the preload process I was planning on trying to wipe the cache and then saw it the Bootloading option and realised this is pretty serious...
pasteboar d.co/J80r5Kb.jpg
pasteboar d.co/J80rL9g.jpg
This was stumbled upon as I accessed the safe load menu to try and clear the cache partion.
Who's up for a challenge?
Penetrated said:
pasteboar d.co/J80r5Kb.jpg
pasteboar d.co/J80rL9g.jpg
This was stumbled upon as I accessed the safe load menu to try and clear the cache partion.
Who's up for a challenge?
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Click to collapse
whats the challenge? all that indicates is you pressed the buttons to enter dl mode?
meaning bl recovery mode set by key = you held buttons to enter download mode aka bootloader mode.. keys in this case mean the hardware keys i.e. vol buttons, power buttons are "keys"
Lol I was afraid I'd run into your kind...
Read the first post then get back to me buddy. Yeah great job on explaining the buttons I pressed during start up.....
I'm looking for someone who can identify the initial infection which has now been only stock wiped , and then remotely identify the person(s) and location of the initial attack. That person would need knowledge with Dex, Java, SSH, VPN and Tor....
So if you want to re read the first post, take it all in and realise I only showed you a Bootloader on my s20 ultra. Has this remotely deactivated the efuse or is it a well put together series Emulated system files either on my device or locally transmitted? (Data Transfer has been very unusual, last week)
Anyway bud if you can work it out I've got crypto ready
Atleast read the first post before commenting on a picture mate because you look a bit out of your depth now...
Penetrated said:
Lol I was afraid I'd run into your kind...
Read the first post then get back to me buddy. Yeah great job on explaining the buttons I pressed during start up.....
I'm looking for someone who can identify the initial infection which has now been only stock wiped , and then remotely identify the person(s) and location of the initial attack. That person would need knowledge with Dex, Java, SSH, VPN and Tor....
So if you want to re read the first post, take it all in and realise I only showed you a Bootloader on my s20 ultra. Has this remotely deactivated the efuse or is it a well put together series Emulated system files either on my device or locally transmitted? (Data Transfer has been very unusual, last week)
Anyway bud if you can work it out I've got crypto ready
Atleast read the first post before commenting on a picture mate because you look a bit out of your depth now...
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With that attitude, good luck getting any advice lmao
Hey, I only matched the attitude given to me! This forum is full of skilled Developers and I was hoping I explained and provided enough information and proof to separate me from the junk.
I was just lumped into the same category of everyone else... I realise there's a lot of... non white hats in here.
From what It looks like on the outside is I have been remotely attacked and bootloader installed. Im not sure if that's common knowledge? Seems like a game breaker. I literally cannot wipe my security s20 device of the infected system apps.
This is your domain, not mine. I wasnt going to back down to the stock standard response of these posts.
I know the device has been corrupted, fact. The pics prove it. Can anyone else get that on there 2 week old stock standard s20? I am still able to open SecureFolder also.
I don't know because information is hard to find. Feel free to PM me.
Penetrated said:
Hey, I only matched the attitude given to me!
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You don't get help by "getting back" at someone who may have misinterpreted your question/problem, or looked at it from a different perspective. There are constructive ways to interact with others, and there are destructive ways to interact. You obviously haven't learned that life lesson yet.
Considering elliwigy has been a member since 2011 and is a recognized developer and retired moderator, I'll go out on a limb and say he probably has more experience with potentially corrupted/compromised devices than someone who joined xda this month.
Good luck with your phone.
See we must have very different views, because I see us all as equals. I was spoken down to and treated like everyone else. Honestly read the response and tell me how that was helpful at all to my post.
So if we are all equal I expect the same respect I give, I think the OP was well written, descriptive and provided proof.
You went out of your way to talk to me about life as if, because we disagree, I haven't learnt what you (better than me) have.
It's OK bud I've been on forums since forums were around I know the whole God complex some people get, Never understood.... so thanks for teaching me about life in Dev forum. I know its easy looking up methods and vunrabilities and infecting devices, and that makes you feel l337.
I think it'd be more l337 explaining to people how the **** a s20 has been compromised with a Bootloader while still having access to SecureFolder. Using some sort of Dex Module and Bluetooth module that have both been edited and converted to run in the system and remain hard to get.
So here ya go mate you want to teach me about life show me your qualifications, quickly explain how that would happen. Then once you've done that I'll thank you, apologise for being hasty under the circumstances and then compensate you what your worth.
Because right now it seems no one can explain or wants to explain (more likely) what has happened...
Anyway I apologise mate if you took it to heart, but I know what its like being the noob, during my research I saw a lot of short answers like I got and then they accept it and leave, I'm after a solution and would rather freelance than corporate. If this isn't the place to find the right Hat then let me know.
Here's a question to break it up
How long would something like this take to Analyize and discover first intrusion?
sounds like you need to odin flash OEM firmware, repartition and wipe

