Coverflow has vanished from Music Player - Desire General

It was working, and since I stuck in a 16GB card and filled it with media (stored in recursive folders under the MUSIC folder on root) and ran album art updater, it's vanished. Anyone know why?
<edit> noticed it's only there when you view by track (not particularly useful). is this the same for everyone?

My Coverflow worked once the first day and that was it
Think I remember it being logged as a bug tbh...

open music player, select album VIEW on the sense thingy , press menu an select "play all" lol

thanks.. i also wondered where they all vanished... lol

adolfotregosa said:
open music player, select album VIEW on the sense thingy , press menu an select "play all" lol
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Guys...this is right, your can "play all" on tracks, albums or artist. The view you saw was in the middle of "play all" for albums. It's not some separate screen.


HTC Sense Music Player Bug - Caught on video.

Ok I recently got a new Desire (I took the other one back as it let in dust under the screen) so thought it was a good time to video the music player bug.
www. youtube .com/ watch?v =sILAFQm 5C00 (Delete spaces)
It shows the the first time you use the music app you can browse album covers using the coverflow method - however when you leave that view there is no way of getting it back. Ever! Sure you can browse tracks by coverflow, but never albums again.
It was the same on the Sense UI on the Hero too.
Unless I am being an idiot? Thanks
would like to know that too...
Correct me if I am wrong here but.... If you press the very left hand button to choose an album/artist/genre etc, go to the album tab, hit menu button and then press Play All... you get a coverflow with all the albums. Or is that not what you wanted?
xfile087 said:
Correct me if I am wrong here but.... If you press the very left hand button to choose an album/artist/genre etc, go to the album tab, hit menu button and then press Play All... you get a coverflow with all the albums. Or is that not what you wanted?
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Thanks for the response. Unfortunately that doesn't take you to the album coverflow... if you do what you described you get tracks-coverflow. not the album coverflow you get when you first go into the app.
Any other ideas?! I thought you had something there! Close!
jonnyguitar said:
Thanks for the response. Unfortunately that doesn't take you to the album coverflow... if you do what you described you get tracks-coverflow. not the album coverflow you get when you first go into the app.
Any other ideas?! I thought you had something there! Close!
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Aaah yeah I just checked again I get what you mean now, sorry for getting your hopes up lol. Ah well. Hopefully HTC will fix it soon.
xfile087 said:
Aaah yeah I just checked again I get what you mean now, sorry for getting your hopes up lol. Ah well. Hopefully HTC will fix it soon.
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Hehe i hope so! to be honest i'm not even sure HTC know it exists! Until I made the video, no one actually believed me it was a problem to begin with!
open music player, select album VIEW on the sense thingy , press menu an select "play all" lol
adolfotregosa said:
open music player, select album VIEW on the sense thingy , press menu an select "play all" lol
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See above by xfile087 - that isn't a fix. doing what you're desciribing plays all tracks in "track" coverflow. NOT album coverflow.
So far no one has told me how to get back to "track" coverflow, as shown at the start of the video.
no i'm 100% SHURE it is cover flow !! my tracks advance in groups not track by track.. and if you do that on all music you get track cover flow
adolfotregosa said:
no i'm 100% SHURE it is cover flow !! my tracks advance in groups not track by track..
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Yes, it's track coverflow - I don't believe that it's album coverflow.
adolfotregosa said:
open music player, select album VIEW on the sense thingy , press menu an select "play all" lol
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Read above. Your lack of reading is compounded by the cocky laughing at the end as if you've outsmarted everyone despite looking like a prat.
You know what? I'm the prat! Everyone, call me a prat while I humbly apologise to adolfotregosa. He's 100% right. No really, he is.
wtf ??.. i have cover flow.. i only have 4 albums !!!! and i have 4 albums on ALBUM cover flow. On track cover flow i have all tracks in cover flow ! what i'm I missing here ?? it just starts at the middle position "every time" you sync it with media player like you that video..
i just figure you will only believe seeing it so..
adolfotregosa said:
wtf ??.. i have cover flow.. i only have 4 albums !!!! and i have 4 albums on ALBUM cover flow. On track cover flow i have all tracks in cover flow ! what i'm I missing here ?? it just starts at the middle position "every time" you sync it with media player like you that video..
i just figure you will only believe seeing it so..
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Lol...I posted my retraction just before you replied. I believe you. You're right.
Aitese said:
Lol...I posted my retraction just before you replied. I believe you. You're right.
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It's tricky to work out what's happening in your video because it's not in English but I am pretty sure you're just showing the same as my video! It's just showing the albums in coverflow, but only because when you swipe left and right you're changing tracks.
Not a valid answer I'm afraid - still different from "first use" type of album coverflow.
Aleluia, thank you! For a second i tought i was crazy or missing some secret function!! Glad it worked out ok.
jonnyguitar said:
It's tricky to work out what's happening in your video because it's not in English but I am pretty sure you're just showing the same as my video! It's just showing the albums in coverflow, but only because when you swipe left and right you're changing tracks.
Not a valid answer I'm afraid - still different from "first use" type of album coverflow.
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It just starts at the midle of álbum cover flow first time!!! You get that everytime you sync it with media player
jonnyguitar said:
It's tricky to work out what's happening in your video because it's not in English but I am pretty sure you're just showing the same as my video! It's just showing the albums in coverflow, but only because when you swipe left and right you're changing tracks.
Not a valid answer I'm afraid - still different from "first use" type of album coverflow.
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Not sure what you mean but it works for me. Go to Album, then Play All then you can select the albums in cover flow. It looks like it is showing tracks in coverflow (because at the top it shows the total number of tracks, not album), but as you swipe, it will change from one album to another (skipping tracks on the same album, advancing in groups and not individual track)
EDIT: Yup I can confirm it works, the album changes alphabetically from A-Z as you swipe from left to right. No bug here.
Yep thats it!! There is no bug. You have album cover flow and track cover flow on the desire
HoneyBeFly said:
Not sure what you mean but it works for me. Go to Album, then Play All then you can select the albums in cover flow. It looks like it is showing tracks in coverflow (because at the top it shows the total number of tracks, not album), but as you swipe, it will change from one album to another (skipping tracks on the same album, advancing in groups and not individual track)
EDIT: Yup I can confirm it works, the album changes alphabetically from A-Z as you swipe from left to right. No bug here.
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This is correct, however it sorts the album playlist by track title - not track number! Does anyone know a way around this? This was a major annoyance on my Hero also...
HoneyBeFly said:
Not sure what you mean but it works for me. Go to Album, then Play All then you can select the albums in cover flow. It looks like it is showing tracks in coverflow (because at the top it shows the total number of tracks, not album), but as you swipe, it will change from one album to another (skipping tracks on the same album, advancing in groups and not individual track)
EDIT: Yup I can confirm it works, the album changes alphabetically from A-Z as you swipe from left to right. No bug here.
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Can you check it changes alphabetically? When I go to albums and "play all" I can swipe the albums to change track but the TRACKS go from A-Z, so the albums are displayed that fashion.
How do I get the albums to appear in coverflow alphabetically???

Music player question

I have problem with my music player, in the default music player before I could scroll through albums by sliding the thumbnails pictures, now whenever I play music it's just single album, with fast forward and rewind buttons. I was looking for any settings, couldnt find any.
I want it to be like this
please watch this
It had this feature don't know what happened.
Please help.
found it, just select "play all" from artist, albums, or all songs.
but it's not organized , unlike nokia music player.
sorry I'm new to android.
its bcoz you've played the song from the albums list....
goto the song list and slide to all songs and play a song from it...
then you can slide through songs...

poweramp on mintberry

so i decided i wanted to change my homescreen, and wanted a music widget. had little luck finding one that supports the stock music player, so have recently installed poweramp, which seems like a great player, and has a nice widget.
the problems are that it tries to play all my mp4 videos and some small app sounds, which is annoying. is there a way to filter out the small files? as for the mp4s, ive tried to deselect the folder from my external sd\video folder, but every time i do that it either crashes the program or just reselects it. i think it sometimes crashes randomly also, but cannot be sure having only used it for a day.
also, ive downloaded a lot of album art, and works well within poweramp, but ive tried to go back to the original player and the old album art is displayed. is there any way to embed the album art back into the songs or whatever needs to be done?
sorry if these questions have been answered before, but ive had no luck searching or playing about in the settings myself.
might think of some more, but for now any help with the above would be great.
If you go to the settings, go to the folders/library section and click Music Folders it will come up with a little pop up type box called Folders Selection
it'll take a little while to load your whole folder list so dont worry, but when all your folders are shown, untick everything, and then find just the folders where your music files are stored and tick that. That way only files from those folders are played
And as for album art, there's no setting in poweramp for that as far as i know, and i dont know of any apps that do that, but there is one easy way to do it that should work perfectly, (it shows my album art on any player)
On your computer, download the Songbird player. Then set which folders are you library etc etc so all your songs come up in the player. Then get the album art files you've downloaded on your comp, and you can edit the album art of each song or whole albums.
To change the album art, click on the song or highlight all the songs in an album (to do this, click the first song on the album, hold the shift key, then click the last song, and all the songs in between will be highlighted too); and right click the selection.
Click view metadata
Where the artwork is displayed, click the replace button
In the box that pops up, navigate to the folder where your album art is stored, click the correct album art and click open, then close the metadata box by clicking the okay button at the bottom and the album art should be changed.
It is a bit of a long process if you have a lot of albums, but at least it doesn't mess up like those automated album art changers or tag editors you can download...
Hope this helps
nice one
although like i said ive tried that folder selection thing. ive unticked the videos one, and it just crashes, or fails to work.
Hmm... i've no idea why that happens.
Go the poweramp page on google play or go to poweramp's own site and email them. That seems to be an issue with the app itself

[Q] Google Play Music questions...

I just started using Google Play Music after giving up on Walkman as it does not allow for organizing my collection by genre (which would mean years of genre organization wasted...).
Anyway, as this is also my first Android phone, I would really appreciate if someone could help me with a couple of questions:
1) "Like" in lock screen: I would like to have a shortcut to the "like" button on the lock screen, as I want to teach Google my music taste so it can make better mixes for me... however I don't want to unlock the phone, open Play Music, swipe up for the "Now Playing" screen and then finally hit "Like" to do it...
2) Good album artwork support: I realized that Play Music just selected a random album artwork to display with all of a band's songs, regardless if they are of that album or not... is this a bug or what? The artwork itself is also not very high quality... perhaps it was already on my collection folder (which I copied to my SD card)?
3) How to see the album of a given song? When a song is playing, since the artwork does not match the actual album of the song (verified by a few songs and albums which I know the artwork well), I don't know how to check its album! It doesn't show neither in the lock screen or in the "now playing" Play Music screen... I actually need to hit the "Go to album" in the options menu in the now playing screen just to see its name...
4) Provided that #2 can be solved: is there a way to have the lockscreen show the artwork in full screen? Just to keep it less boring...
Many thanks!

question about stock music player

so i have a question, and this may be an ignorant one... apologies...
so the stock music player for Note 4/3/S4/S5 (basically the same as far as im concerned)...
there is an option under the menu button to add tracks to the "now playing" list. every time i go through and add songs to the list it never plays that song(s) next. It's like it just ignores that i added songs to the now playing list.
just a little background here...
so i start up the music player and go through the "tracks" and select one to start playing. (also i keep the player on shuffle), while listening to the track i hit the menu button and select "add to now playing", it takes me to the "tracks" screen where i select 1 or more tracks and hit "done".
So now i am thinking that after it finishes the current song that it should kick over to one of the ones i just added to the list, right? WRONG... it just shuffles to something else in the "tracks" list, the "tracks" list being the 1 big list of all the tracks on the phone.
am i doing something wrong? or is this meant to be used another way or what?
any answer is appreciated.
raptorseye said:
so i have a question, and this may be an ignorant one... apologies...
so the stock music player for Note 4/3/S4/S5 (basically the same as far as im concerned)...
there is an option under the menu button to add tracks to the "now playing" list. every time i go through and add songs to the list it never plays that song(s) next. It's like it just ignores that i added songs to the now playing list.
just a little background here...
so i start up the music player and go through the "tracks" and select one to start playing. (also i keep the player on shuffle), while listening to the track i hit the menu button and select "add to now playing", it takes me to the "tracks" screen where i select 1 or more tracks and hit "done".
So now i am thinking that after it finishes the current song that it should kick over to one of the ones i just added to the list, right? WRONG... it just shuffles to something else in the "tracks" list, the "tracks" list being the 1 big list of all the tracks on the phone.
am i doing something wrong? or is this meant to be used another way or what?
any answer is appreciated.
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First make sure you have all of your music correctly organized in a neat folder structure in "Music" folder on your internal or external sdcard. What you do is go inside your "Music" folder and create folders for each and every artist. Inside each artists' folder you want to have a separate folder for each individual album. Name the album folder correctly. Inside each album you will have all the mp3's along with the album art which needs to be named "AlbumArt.jpg" (or other compatible method). Even if you have random tracks and not the entire album, you still need to use the folder structure so that the music player can do the task you want. This should do the trick. songs in a specific album folder will be able to shuffle and your track list should play the songs you put in the now playing list. This is my only suggestion for your problem. Give it a try if you haven't done this already.
I appreciate your help, but f**k that lol. That would take forever. I will just keep ignoring that feature. Haha.
But thank you for the reply, I appreciate it
When working with mp3's the folder structure is crucial for media devices to be able to sort and display tracks correctly. Organization is key here. When making an mp3 cd or DVD, the same thing applies. You have to do this or fumbling to fing a specific song or album is gonna take a long time fumbling through one giant pile of mp3's in one single directory. I like things simple and organized and thats how mp3's need to be done. You might want to get on board with the program or youll always be fighting the system lol.

