Unveiled ROM Windows Phone 7 - Windows Phone 7 Development and Hacking

Little by little we are finding out aspects of the expected next Microsoft operating system for mobile devices, Windows Phone 7. The Redmond handle information with a dropper, thereby preventing that is supposed to be the next revolution in mobile software ceases to be on everyone's lips. A good example of it are some videos that we have seen his behavior in office such as office automation and productivity .
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WP7 -IS- Backwards compatible (well almost)

Applications that were made for Windows Mobile 6 are compatible with Windows Phone 7 Series. The interface of the new mobile operating system has been changed though, so the user interface for these applications will have to be changed as well.
"So there is no reason why programs written for Windows Mobile 6 cannot run on the new version of the OS", said Maarten Sonneveld of Microsoft Netherlands to Tweakers.net. "The interface is complete different though, so the applications will have to be changed somewhat before being ready for Windows Phone 7 Series".
It is still unclear how developers can port their user interfaces to the new version of Windows Mobile. Microsoft will only disclose how applications can be developed and distributed at their developer event Mix2010.
Microsoft announced it’s new OS on Monday afternoon at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The OS is primarily aimed at synchronisation and integration with Microsft-services like Windows Live, Bing, Zune and Xbox Live. Aside from those Windows Phone 7 Series can also synchronise with Google-accounts and facebook.
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So in summary, while none of the current applications will run on it, the underlying non-UI APIs will be compatible. So if understand correctly, porting would just a case of redeveloping the UI then recompiling, rather than starting completely from scratch. This acts to filter out apps with no more developer support, and promote a consistent UI.
Doesn't sound too bad to me.
That might explain why TomTom was seen on that screenshot of WP7 running on the HD2 (although, it could be a fake!). TomTom takes control of the screen, so uses no WM interface elements. So, it might be able to run full-screen apps/games without changes.
But, who knows...
elyl said:
That might explain why TomTom was seen on that screenshot of WP7 running on the HD2 (although, it could be a fake!). TomTom takes control of the screen, so uses no WM interface elements. So, it might be able to run full-screen apps/games without changes.
But, who knows...
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I was just thinking the same except if you use the included .net controls, there's no reason that the OS couldn't just reskin them automatically to be at least somewhat more in line with the WP7 styling.
This would be excellent if it's true - and I can't see why it wouldn't be. The UI may be new but why throw away a perfectly good underlying core.
What would also be ideal is if the "multi-tasking" involved an app being set to pause in the background by default, but with a "keep me running" API call available for apps that needed it. I'm sure most apps hog resourses not because they need to but because the developer hasn't really thought about how the rest of the device performs when his app has been left running.
Makes sense, WindowsCE core is still the same
Zaim2 said:
Applications that were made for Windows Mobile 6 are compatible with Windows Phone 7 Series
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Absolutely wrong statement due to incorrect translation. Original: "De interface van Windows Phone 7 Series is totaal anders, waardoor er in elk geval iets aan de applicaties moet gebeuren voordat ze geschikt zijn voor Windows Phone 7 Series"
Even google translates it correctly:
"The interface of Windows 7 Phone Series is different, which in any case something should happen to the applications before they are suitable for Windows 7 Phone Series".
We have some "ms confidential" documentation dated January 2010 that proves that none of the existing apps would be compatible with WinPhone7. And the only programming suite that is available to "generic" application-writers is Silverlight+XNA. Native apps are prohibited. Only OEMs and MO are allowed to create them (and even they have a set of limitations).
We would not have even source code compatibility - as all our C++ apps have to be converted to .NET.
mamaich said:
We have some "ms confidential" documentation dated January 2010...
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What the heck? And you say that only now? What else is in there? Any word about how background tasks are handled? Please give us some more information, or maybe, can you upload that documentation?
freyberry said:
maybe, can you upload that documentation?
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Obviously I cannot. As it would reveal the person who provided it.
Just to prove that such info really exists - see attached screenshots.
I really hope that the community would force MS to change such a dumb idea to limit independent software vendors to create only managed apps. Prohibiting C++ as a developing language, and "hiding" Windows API from programmer would force lots of developers to abandon this platform. The main reason of success of old WinMobile OSes was the ability to recompile "desktop" apps to WinMobile with just a minor set of changes (ANSI->Unicode + some interface changes).
P.S. I don't read PMs.
Obviously I cannot. As it would reveal the person who provided it.
Just to prove that such info really exists - see attached screenshots.
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Well, there's certainly a way to remove that information. But anyway, what about background tasks? Are third party applications allowed to run in the background?
mamaich said:
Obviously I cannot. As it would reveal the person who provided it.
Just to prove that such info really exists - see attached screenshots.
I really hope that the community would force MS to change such a dumb idea to limit independent software vendors to create only managed apps. Prohibiting C++ as a developing language, and "hiding" Windows API from programmer would force lots of developers to abandon this platform. The main reason of success of old WinMobile OSes was the ability to recompile "desktop" apps to WinMobile with just a minor set of changes (ANSI->Unicode + some interface changes).
P.S. I don't read PMs.
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Wow, I can't believe noone has picked up on this
freyberry said:
Are third party applications allowed to run in the background?
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OS itself supports multitasking, see attach. But "Windows Phone OS 7.0 Application Platform" that we'll be forced to use to create apps may force our application to be paused in background. I never programmed Silverlight and XNA and can't tell how multitatsking is made in them.
WinPhone 7 == Zune Phone. Both are based on CE kernel, and they should have lots of common in implementation of multitasking, clipboard, etc.
OS itself supports multitasking, see attach. But "Windows Phone OS 7.0 Application Platform" that we'll be forced to use to create apps may force our application to be paused in background.
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The question is, can we write applications that are not automatically suspended when sent to the background? What are the policies on this?
It says multiple processes can run at the same time, but it does not say whether they get suspended automatically.
Is there any info on this? Maybe in the "Scheduling" section?
I’m not sure this is a big deal. I can see them saying a lot of native C++ apps may have compatibility issues. I could go either way on it with the limited amount of information I have on this. I’ll have a better opinion at and after MIX
Note that this could be old documentation, and it’s pretty annoying you're leaking confidential documentation. Personally, I hope you get into trouble for breaking your contract - they trust you and you're posting it? Yuck.
To be fair, though, every app we’ve written has been managed, and Microsoft hasn't t said P/Invoking is verboten, so what would be the problem?
There’s probably exceptions for games and the like, and the documents you've scanned even say a waiver is available to use the Native APIs. So I don’t know what you're complaining about…
Microsoft's dev teams have been listening to developers - why not get them to chime in and also give them a chance to hear you. Posting confidential Microsoft documents, assuming those are real, is not the way to get them to listen
freyberry said:
The question is, can we write applications that are not automatically suspended when sent to the background? What are the policies on this?
It says multiple processes can run at the same time, but it does not say whether they get suspended automatically.
Is there any info on this? Maybe in the "Scheduling" section?
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Personally, I like Android's approach to this, where Services can run in the background, but UI apps are allowed to be "put to sleep" while other apps run. But then again, we may see a lot of that come into play come MIX and "Answer Time"
Well, I am now both excited and nervous -I think I will just cool my jets until MIX10 and just enjoy the eye candy for now. At worst - if the interface is nice, but the core is crap I am sure some of the boys here at xda will make us an inteface port for 6.5.x that acts and looks like the new hotness with the old compatibility. - lets see MIX
AuriRahimzadeh said:
Note that this could be old documentation, and it’s pretty annoying you're leaking confidential documentation.
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Docs are dated 2010.
I'm not leaking the documentation. I'm sharing the information that anyway would be opened in some days, maybe weeks.
And screens are posted here just as a confirmation of my words. You may think that these pics come from my mind and are made with photoshop - it is your opinion.
I really think that WinPhone 7 would be a failure similar to desktop Vista. Of cause some people would like it, but most would stay on WM 6.x and wait for the next version.
Regarding P/Invoke. As far as I've seen, "unsafe" operations are prohibited in XNA and Silverlight. Otherwise we would be able to call coredll funcs and run native apps (and do everything else that is allowed in our chamber).
mamaich said:
Docs are dated 2010.
I'm not leaking the documentation. I'm sharing the information that anyway would be opened in some days, maybe weeks.
And screens are posted here just as a confirmation of my words. You may think that these pics come from my mind and are made with photoshop - it is your opinion.
I really think that WinPhone 7 would be a failure similar to desktop Vista. Of cause some people would like it, but most would stay on WM 6.x and wait for the next version.
Regarding P/Invoke. As far as I've seen, "unsafe" operations are prohibited in XNA and Silverlight. Otherwise we would be able to call coredll funcs and run native apps (and do everything else that is allowed in our chamber).
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Mamaich any though of a WP7 ce6.0 bsp for all the current cortex A8 devices running on a ce5.2 bsp, will the new kernel support them natively or will extensive bsp/bootloader hacking be required?
P/invoke surely is a limitation of .NET CF, rather than Silverlight/XNA libraries?
I think it would be a bit stupid to remove P/Invoking, because it's just not realistic to rely on .NETCF alone which has soooo much stuff stripped out to minimize size.
Will we be seeing a whole new .NETCF so soon after 3.5? I highly doubt it...Unless MS have been working overtime the past year
Shame, time to stop mobile development altogether if this is true. When we developers are considered as dumb earning pipes for companies who in their arrogant big ways think they have all the wisdom, and app developers only make annoying software that makes their precious leaky OS'es crash, it's time to move on. i would have been talking about IPhone, Android etc, but sadly we must add Microsoft to the list also.
Then there's the $1195,- and airplane tickets we have to pay to get to the Mix2010 in oder to maybe maybe get to be a "partner" with access to limited native API's (probably only reserved for the big companies) and don't even bother talking about giving away 30% of our earnings to a company that last year made how many billions of profits was it ?
Time to start an XDA OS based on REAL Linux maybe ? NVidia have a nice dev-board available for $400,- with Tegra on it. That's what I call developer friendly.
Cheers !
Regardless of how this will play out, I'm pretty sure of two things:
1. Closing down the OS may be beneficial for the majority of users by bringing stability, ease of use, UI consistency, etc. Even though I don't like it.
2. Because the OS itself is multitasking, any and all restrictions may be hacked around, and a "jailbreak" will be possible.
Depending on how this whole thing will be implemented, jailbreaking and using "illegal" apps may be a major PITA (think iPhone 3GS/tethered jailbreak) or as easy as a few registry tweaks/installing additional certs/whatever. If Apple didn't chase JB with every update it would be a rather good platform for both mainstream "ordinary" users and those who want rather unusual things from their phones.
We'll have to wait and see how it evolves really to make a final judgment.

Microsoft MIX10 Thread

MIX starts today. Can't wait until we find out new information about WP7! Here's a few sessions about it and what time they start (Las Vegas Time Zone).
Live Streaming Available at http://live.visitmix.com/
Windows Phone 7 Series Development Tools
Supported Media Codecs
Windows Phone 7 Series UI Design and Interaction Guide
Day 3
Engadget - Windows Phone 7 Series gaming, all up in the club (video!)
PocketNow - Windows Phone 7 Series Has Copy & Paste?
ArkTronic(Live Blog) - MIX10: Windows Phone 7 Series Architecture Deep Dive
Engadget - Windows Phone Marketplace can remotely revoke app licenses
Engadget - Windows Phone 7 Series preview, MIX10 edition
PocketNow - Strange: Windows Phone 7 Series Multitasking in Emulator
Engadget - Yes, Windows Phone 7 Series can make a phone call
Engadget - Windows Phone 7 Series will have themes... sort of
Engadget - Windows Phone 7 Series device from Samsung is just a hacked i8910 HD
PocketNow - MIX10: Microsoft Cuts Copy & Paste Feature From Windows Phone 7 Series
PocketNow - MIX10: No User-Replaceable Memory on Windows Phone 7
PocketNow - MIX10: Windows Phone 7 Series Apps Will Use New, Different DRM
PocketNow - MIX10: Two Ways to Purchase Apps, Games, Music, and Videos on Windows Phone 7 Series
PocketNow - Windows Phone 7 Series Will Not Have a File Manager Nor USB Mass Storage Mode
PocktNow - MIX10: The Many Ways to Synchronize Windows Phone 7 Series
Day 2
Engadget - Windows Phone 7 Series won't have copy and paste
PocketNow - MIX10: To the Market! There Will be a Transparent App Approval Process
PocketNow - MIX10: Sideloading Apps is Possible on Windows Phone 7 Series!
PocketNow - MIX10: Multitask Your Way to Success on Windows Phone 7--Sort Of.
PocketNow - Dell Listed As Partner for Windows Phone 7 Series
Day 1
Gizmodo - Windows Phone 7's Impossible App Mission
Engadget - Olé, Contoso: Windows Phone Marketplace will integrate carrier-branded stores
Engadget - Three Windows Phone 7 Series devices, all in a row
Engadget - Microsoft confirms accuracy of old, pre-'reboot' Windows Mobile 7 leaks
PocketNow - Talk Back: Windows Phone 7 Tight Hardware Control a Successful Business Strategy or Just a Commoditization of the Hardware Space
Engadget - Windows Phone 7 Series targeted at 38 year-old 'life maximizers'
PCMAG - Win Phone 7 Ditches Multitasking, Memory Cards
PocketNow - MIX: Microsoft: No Windows Phone 7 Upgrade for HTC HD2
Engadget - Windows Phone 7 Series will be WVGA only at launch, HVGA later
PocketNow - First Look: Internet Explorer on Windows Phone 7 Series
Gizmodo - Surprise: Windows Phone 7 Has Native DivX Support
Engadget - Samsung Windows Phone 7 Series handset makes the scene
Ganondolf - Official Hardware Spec Requirements Screen Shot
Engadget - Confirmed: Marketplace will be the only way to get apps on Windows Phone 7 Series
Pocketnow - MIX10: Marketplace Trial Function is Awesome
Engadget - Microsoft tells its Windows Phone 7 Series developer story
Engadget - Microsoft announces Windows Phone 7 Series dev partners: Sling, Pandora, Foursquare and more
Engadget - Windows Phone Marketplace for Windows Phone 7 Series unveiled
Engadget - Microsoft demos third-party apps for Windows Phone 7 Series: Silverlight, extensions, and true Xbox gaming (video!)
Engadget - Netflix announced for Windows Phone 7 Series
Engadget - Microsoft demos push notifications on Windows Phone 7 Series
Overview of the Windows Phone 7 Series Application Platform
Charlie Kindel in Mandalay Ballroom A on Monday at 2:00 PM
The new Windows Phone is coming! Get a high-level overview of the new application platform and a complete picture of the developer story. Learn about the developer tools, the application frameworks, the support for Silverlight, and the support for XNA.
Tags: Mobile, Silverlight, Windows Phone, XNA
Windows Phone UI and Design Language
Chad Roberts, Michael Smuga, Albert Shum in Mandalay Ballroom A on Monday at 3:30 PM
Windows Phone constitutes a dramatic new user experience paradigm. This session will provide prescriptive guidance, tips, and techniques on how designers & developers can build beautiful, compelling user experiences that are consistent with the built-in Windows Phone 7 Series experiences.
Tags: Mobile, Windows Phone
Unit Testing Silverlight and Windows Phone Applications
Jeff Wilcox in Lagoon B on Tuesday at 2:05 PM
Learn how to create and maintain Silverlight and Windows Phone Series applications using the Silverlight Unit Test Framework. See what tools are available to easily validate controls and application interfaces and gain a solid understanding of test principles to deliver great experiences for your clients and customers.
Tags: Silverlight, Windows Phone
Building Windows Phone Applications with Silverlight, Part 1
Mike Harsh in Mandalay Ballroom A on Tuesday at 1:30 PM
Together with part 2, these sessions give an overview of the functionality for Silverlight applications that is unique to the Windows Phone application platform. Part 1 will cover new input paradigms including multi-touch, software keyboard, accelerometer and microphone, as well as the APIs to leverage phone applications like email, phone dialer, contact list and more.
Tags: Mobile, Silverlight, Windows Phone
Building Windows Phone Applications with Silverlight, Part 2
Peter Torr in Mandalay Ballroom A on Tuesday at 3:00 PM
Together with part 1, these sessions give an overview of the functionality for Silverlight applications that is unique to the Windows Phone application platform. Part 2 will cover the new application model, updated control templates, themes, and services available to applications, including new Windows Phone web services.
Tags: Mobile, Silverlight, Windows Phone
Development and Debugging Tools for Building XNA Games for Windows Phone
Cullen Waters in Lagoon B on Tuesday at 4:30 PM
This session covers tools available to the developer for building XNA games including debugging, emulation, and performance. Special emphasis is placed on best practices for managed code performance and .NET profiling tools you can use to optimize your games for windows phone.
Tags: Mobile, Windows Phone, XNA
Silverlight Performance on Windows Phone
Seema Ramchandani in Mandalay Ballroom A on Tuesday at 4:30 PM
Learn how to optimize your Silverlight code for Windows Phone. This session will discuss common bottlenecks using the graphics and managed stacks, and will highlight how to optimize startup and reaction time.
Tags: Mobile, Silverlight, Windows Phone
Windows Phone Application Platform Architecture
Istvan Cseri in Mandalay Ballroom A on Wednesday at 9:00 AM
Windows Phone 7 Series represents a significant change from the past. The entire stack, starting with the operating system, user experience, and the application platform have been engineered to build a new class of phone that users will just love. This session will go under the covers and describe how to think about applications and games from the perspective of user experience, security, packaging, cloud services and performance. Details on the new application model, device capabilities, location, sensors, and other platform capabilities will be covered.
Tags: Mobile, Windows Phone
Distributing and Monetizing Windows Phone Applications and Games
John Bruno, Todd Biggs in Mandalay Ballroom A on Wednesday at 10:30 AM
Windows Phone Marketplace will revolutionize distribution of Windows Phone applications, games, and content, and is designed to solve the two largest problems of the Windows Phone consumer-focused developer community: distribution and monetization. This session will provide application developers with the insights, tools, and processes necessary to begin distributing and monetizing their applications on the Windows Phone platform.
Tags: Mobile, Windows Phone
Building Windows Phone Games
Michael Klucher in Mandalay Ballroom A on Wednesday at 12:00 PM
With the release of Windows Phone, game developers will be able to create amazing content rapidly through the power of Silverlight and the XNA framework. This talk will outline the basic application model of Windows Phone, enumerate Windows Phone core device characteristics, and walk through highlights of Silverlight and XNA Frameworks on the phone.
Tags: Mobile, Silverlight, Windows Phone, XNA
Building a High Performance 3D Game for Windows Phone
Shawn Hargreaves, Tomas Vykruta in Mandalay Ballroom A on Wednesday at 1:30 PM
This session will detail how to use XNA to develop 3D games for Windows Phone, with a special eye towards the special characteristics of Windows Phone application platform. Special attention will be placed on optimizing high-performance managed code games for the platform, to help you squeeze out every last drop of performance.
Tags: Mobile, Windows Phone, XNA
There's the schedule for everything specifically about WP7. Please be on the look out for new information when it's released and post it in the thread so we can keep it all in one place!
Can't wait
I just bought some peanuts and snacks, a bottle of beer and soda (Fanta Pomegranate).
Ready to enjoy my evening, streaming MIX10 live.
If I am not mistaken:
11:00 AM Las Vegas = 18:00 UK = 19:00 Germany
They need to make a dedicated silverlight/xna section of the forum
DMAND said:
They need to make a dedicated silverlight/xna section of the forum
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I'm sure they will if game creation becomes big on WP7.
I'm here, and to say the least, the atmosphere is amazing. There is so much anticipation/alcohol/gambling (already lost $400) truly surreal feeling.
Kick off is in a few hours..I'm heading out to buy a camera before I go completely broke...lol
Anyone else think that this thread should be stickied as most of the other ones are based on mere speculation? Would be great for those who come here seeking actual facts about WP7.
gogol said:
Can't wait
I just bought some peanuts and snacks, a bottle of beer and soda (Fanta Pomegranate).
Ready to enjoy my evening, streaming MIX10 live.
If I am not mistaken:
11:00 AM Las Vegas = 18:00 UK = 19:00 Germany
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Las Vegas: GMT -7.
what site are the streams(if any) going to be available ?
Damn you style1 I am so jealous ...
Buy good camera and make some photos, upload it here (on your first post in this thread of course)!
style1 said:
I'm here, and to say the least, the atmosphere is amazing. There is so much anticipation/alcohol/gambling (already lost $400) truly surreal feeling.
Kick off is in a few hours..I'm heading out to buy a camera before I go completely broke...lol
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souljaboy said:
what site are the streams(if any) going to be available ?
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If I am not mistaken, it would be here:
souljaboy said:
what site are the streams(if any) going to be available ?
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gogol said:
If I am not mistaken, it would be here:
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Added the link to my first post.
thanks but i only see a shadow placing things on a table
what about hardware requirements
hoss_n2 said:
what about hardware requirements
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Maybe they will reveal that in the first session or perhaps Windows Phone Application Platform Architecture session?
talking to the guys from SPB, looks like they have somethings they may or may not show today. Those guys
style1 said:
talking to the guys from SPB, looks like they have something things they may or may not show today. Those guys
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Great, hopefully they show whatever it is off!
the news and screenshots coming out of mx10 have really impressed me thus far. cant wait to see what else we learn about wp7s
They are showing off Shazam...that is like eons old.
and the scroll list is still very laggy.
chiks19018 said:
They are showing off Shazam...that is like eons old.
and the scroll list is still very laggy.
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Looked better in person, I want to note as well that their third party apps pause in the back ground and are not actually closing. Which could be considered multitasking. Mainly because they can be fully integrated into the the experience. IE, netflix was added to the zune experience even though its a 3rd party app. As such it paused in the background when not in use...but it can be hot swapped to

Why WP7 should have the upper hand over Android and Iphone.

So I just switched from my old but faithful Razr2 to a Samsung moment, and this is my first time owning an Andoid device.
The platform is definitely very entertaining with all of its apps... but in the end that's all it really has, APPS (same with the iphone).
The reality is that WP7 brings a whole new layer to the smartphone category, and that is Microsoft office. Why shouldn't I be able to do my work off the couch? All I can do with my Moment is have fun and maybe exchange some e-mails,but it does not have any business functionality which is what will make WP7 special. Once Microsoft is able to develop its APP store, it will have the best of both worlds, Business and Entertainment, which is somethinmg neither Apple or Google has at the moment.
I agree.
It must also be mentioned that MS platforms have always gotten done games right. This thing is already shaping up to give the PSP a run for it's money.
You're not using the right apps then. Or you're in a strange line of work.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
my personal view
Android has no business functionability ?
Give me a break ! I've been a windows mobile user over 10 years and all I got was breaking my nerves and endless waits for basic functionability !!! I can do miracles blazing fast with android and I am never going back to windows platform again. I guess u didn't 'play' with Android enough.
My office is always in my pocket and syncs with my Linux laptop and windows desktop over the air perfectly and on an instant. And guess what ? I never need to reboot my android phone! Neither I wait 5 secs for the phone panel to come up whenever I want to dial. I had so many windows mobile devices (first was Jornada 720 in 1997 and last was HTC touch pro). All were crawling and I could do far less from what I can do with my Android phone.
Sent from Phone btw (HTC desire)
blaiz123 said:
So I just switched from my old but faithful Razr2 to a Samsung moment, and this is my first time owning an Andoid device.
The platform is definitely very entertaining with all of its apps... but in the end that's all it really has, APPS (same with the iphone).
The reality is that WP7 brings a whole new layer to the smartphone category, and that is Microsoft office. Why shouldn't I be able to do my work off the couch? All I can do with my Moment is have fun and maybe exchange some e-mails,but it does not have any business functionality which is what will make WP7 special. Once Microsoft is able to develop its APP store, it will have the best of both worlds, Business and Entertainment, which is somethinmg neither Apple or Google has at the moment.
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Run Zune software on a corporate PC to sync your phone. I don't think so.
You're describing WM6.5, and hopefully WP8, but not WP7.
awechris said:
Android has no business functionability ?
Give me a break ! I've been a windows mobile user over 10 years and all I got was breaking my nerves and endless waits for basic functionability !!! I can do miracles blazing fast with android and I am never going back to windows platform again. I guess u didn't 'play' with Android enough.
My office is always in my pocket and syncs with my Linux laptop and windows desktop over the air perfectly and on an instant. And guess what ? I never need to reboot my android phone! Neither I wait 5 secs for the phone panel to come up whenever I want to dial. I had so many windows mobile devices (first was Jornada 720 in 1997 and last was HTC touch pro). All were crawling and I could do far less from what I can do with my Android phone.
Sent from Phone btw (HTC desire)
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i dont want to bash windows i really dont because i used them for awhile; however, windows 6.5 and previous version didnt work well. i restarted countless times with my TP2. it became such a hassle that after awhile i try to use the lightest custom roms just to do texting and calls and still i freeze and restart. seeing that things may be different with WP7 but i spent enough money on something for many years that didnt do a great job on there OS, shot, i think the Symbian OS did a better job. there are other OS sellers that are bringing great innovation, customibility, and stability, these are the things that i believe average users want; consequently, im going back to android (G2 when it comes) because it gave me these 3 things and more. just my opinion but WP7 may not be all what its cracked out to be.
Idocuments to go, and open office do the exact same thing as office mobile.
CSMR said:
Run Zune software on a corporate PC to sync your phone. I don't think so.
You're describing WM6.5, and hopefully WP8, but not WP7.
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Well a lot of companies have allowed iTunes so that people can use iPhones so they will work out a way to use the Zune software.
Why would you need the Zune software? You can use exchange to sync and then sharepoint to share documents.
^16gb of data, yeah right.
vetvito said:
^16gb of data, yeah right.
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Well, you don't have to store music and videos on your corporate PC.
What about my 4gb powerpoint file?
vetvito said:
What about my 4gb powerpoint file?
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I work with Powerpoint all the time, never seen a beast like that. I'd say you are doing something wrong.
That I'm limited to email and Sharepoint to get files on my phone though is a bummer.
Right now, you wouldn't really need the Zune client on your work PC as the only syncing that Zune does is media. If you do somehow have a 4GB ppt file (I dunno if WP7 would even support opening it) you'd be best off hopping on WiFi and grabbing it from sharepoint or something. I would really question any scenario where a 4GB ppt file would exist and even then, why you would need it on your phone.
vangrieg said:
I work with Powerpoint all the time, never seen a beast like that. I'd say you are doing something wrong.
That I'm limited to email and Sharepoint to get files on my phone though is a bummer.
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Really hoping they have Office Web Apps/SkyDrive.
Doing something wrong? Embedding and linking files is wrong?
I and a lot of other people actually use all the features of Powerpoint. Including but not limited to adding our own videos, adding an entire website, music files, intro's, etc,etc...all laid out perfectly on slides that make a point.
WM open these files with ease, a lot files just didn't play in the pp on the mobile version though.
RustyGrom said:
Really hoping they have Office Web Apps/SkyDrive.
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That would be great but that scenario isn't supported. There is a workaround though - you can download files from web in IE as far as I know, and thus can have a web server set up on your PC that will let you transfer files directly, or upload them to Skydrive and then download "manually" from there. But that would be a pain for 4GB files anyway.
vetvito said:
Doing something wrong? Embedding and linking files is wrong?
I and a lot of other people actually use all the features of Powerpoint. Including but not limited to adding our own videos, adding an entire website, music files, intro's, etc,etc...all laid out perfectly on slides that make a point.
WM open these files with ease, a lot files just didn't play in the pp on the mobile version though.
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I don't like not having the USB storage functionality either. One of the things that irks me about the direction of wp7. Unlike multitasking and c&p, I don't think this one is coming unless there's alot of fuss about it (which I doubt is going to happen from the general consumer).
But it does seem very odd to have a 4gb presentation. You're supposed to be using the slides as a visual guide not some kind of data storage. Why would you embed the video into the presentation rather than just being a link? And why would you need to transfer some big video to the phone if you're just working on the ppt?
For remote control presentation. Plus I don't have to look at the presentation screen.
Click to play or play at entrance is much better than a simple link. It follows suit with the entire presentation. This is just my opinion though.
awechris said:
Android has no business functionability ?
Give me a break ! I've been a windows mobile user over 10 years and all I got was breaking my nerves and endless waits for basic functionability !!! I can do miracles blazing fast with android and I am never going back to windows platform again. I guess u didn't 'play' with Android enough.
My office is always in my pocket and syncs with my Linux laptop and windows desktop over the air perfectly and on an instant. And guess what ? I never need to reboot my android phone! Neither I wait 5 secs for the phone panel to come up whenever I want to dial. I had so many windows mobile devices (first was Jornada 720 in 1997 and last was HTC touch pro). All were crawling and I could do far less from what I can do with my Android phone.
Sent from Phone btw (HTC desire)
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blaze7810 said:
i dont want to bash windows i really dont because i used them for awhile; however, windows 6.5 and previous version didnt work well. i restarted countless times with my TP2. it became such a hassle that after awhile i try to use the lightest custom roms just to do texting and calls and still i freeze and restart. seeing that things may be different with WP7 but i spent enough money on something for many years that didnt do a great job on there OS, shot, i think the Symbian OS did a better job. there are other OS sellers that are bringing great innovation, customibility, and stability, these are the things that i believe average users want; consequently, im going back to android (G2 when it comes) because it gave me these 3 things and more. just my opinion but WP7 may not be all what its cracked out to be.
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Using Windows 6.5 (and previous versions...) as evidence of how "terrible" WP7 is going to be is not really a logical way of thinking... Of course the new OS is going to have some similarities to the old versions but the smoothness with which the WP7 OS runs can't be compared to Windows mobile 6.5. Also, to awechris, I really don't see how syncing your cellphone to your Linux laptop makes it a "great" business phone. Do you know about some obscure android office package that I don't know about? Because to me a business phone in the modern world without access to some sort of Word, Powerpoint, and Excel application, is not a businessphone at all. I want to be able to write a report while sitting on the beach (with a physical keyboard), and that is something that WP7 will be able to offer me in the near future.
blaiz123 said:
Using Windows 6.5 (and previous versions...) as evidence of how "terrible" WP7 is going to be is not really a logical way of thinking... Of course the new OS is going to have some similarities to the old versions but the smoothness with which the WP7 OS runs can't be compared to Windows mobile 6.5. Also, to awechris, I really don't see how syncing your cellphone to your Linux laptop makes it a "great" business phone. Do you know about some obscure android office package that I don't know about? Because to me a business phone in the modern world without access to some sort of Word, Powerpoint, and Excel application, is not a businessphone at all. I want to be able to write a report while sitting on the beach (with a physical keyboard), and that is something that WP7 will be able to offer me in the near future.
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<sarcasm>You all have it wrong! I can just make calls from my Netbook via Google Voice and edit all the powerpoints the way they were meant to be edited! </sarcasm>

Windows Phone and Windows 7 Intergration

Microsoft thus so far have been focused on integrating personal computing (windows live, Facebook, Office, Zune) into there mobile devices whilst placing little focus on integrating WP7 or WM into there operating system. I assume Windows 8 will cater more to WP integration then windows 7 does but in a world fierce competition Microsoft should be looking to differentiate from the competition, adding value to the windows phone experience.
When i talk about integration with the windows operating system i am thinking along the lines of a windows VNC type application allowing control of numerous windows 7 functions from a WP7 device natively. Another idea is receiving text messages, calls and notifications on a Windows 7 device when connected to the same LAN with the appropriate software and being able to respond to these messages. Another obvious example is being able to control zune from your WP7 device allowing you to control volume and change songs. Control windows media center recording show is another example.
anyway i apologise for my rant its late and i was just thinking to my self, if you guys have any thoughts i would love to hear them.
Microsoft have already advertised for a developer(s) to do this for WP8 and (we assume) Windows 8. There was an article about it on pocketnow.com which you can probably find.
To the OP, yes I think it's where it's all going as well. I would love to see this "ecosystem" in 5 years, see what it looks like.
I really hope in the very near future that DLNA is improved by leaps and bounds. That's the start right there. I've got the Play-To on my phone, but officially it's "tied to Windows 7", so it can't link up to my blu-ray player, or my... xbox 360. Which doesn't make sense. It's the same company, you think that'd be a main selling feature.
I would absolutely love to see text message alerts through my operating system. I have always wished that either Zune or iTunes did this, but unfortunately they don't. +1 for this.
Windows 7 is already in it's final phase and if they're going to do integration, they're going to want to do Deep integration which would take a lot of time and edits to underlying code. There's just no point, Windows 8 will be out soon and it makes much more sense to just launch it with that.
Otherwise we'll get Windows 7 integration now and Windows 8 Integration months into its lifespan.

Concerns moving over to windows phone

Was going to try a windows phone 7 but then heard that 8 was coming out and it looks like the older 7 phones are not supported. Will windows phone 8 be dropped once 9 comes out. Also seeing as windows phone really relies on apps as its not customisable like android. When and are some of the top developers like zynga, buddies, EA etc going to work with windows phone.
THUDUK said:
Was going to try a windows phone 7 but then heard that 8 was coming out and it looks like the older 7 phones are not supported.
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Now is definitely not the time to be buying Windows Phone 7 devices.
THUDUK said:
Will windows phone 8 be dropped once 9 comes out.
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There is no way anyone can give you and answer to that. There may not even be a Windows Phone 9. MSFT did a major overhaul of their operating systems. Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 share the same kernel. It was necessary to make a departure from Windows Phone 7 compatibility. I seriously doubt such a radical overhaul will happen again any time soon. MSFT probably reasoned that at this time their install base was small so they should make the break with the past now.
THUDUK said:
Also seeing as windows phone really relies on apps as its not customisable like android.
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Every windows phone has facebook, twitter, and MSN messenger connectivity built in. No need for seperate apps. Windows Phone 8 will have Skype instead of MSN messenger. Windows Phone is great at being a phone. If you want to talk, text, email, review Office documents, and surf the web it's great. It does not however have as robust an apps stable as Andriod. Don't get me wrong it has a lot of apps but you will find for example your bank may have an Andriod app but a Windows Phone version may not even be in the works.
Thanks for the reply. Most helpful. Especially the Microsoft overhaul info. Will have to check out the apps.
I would also recommend to check out the website marketplace and check for your apps. I love Windows Phone and will not switch over to android or iOS soon, but I can see how WP is not for everyone, especially considering that some of the big developers are not trying hard enough on windows phone and either neglect it completely or bring their apps very late (Draw Something *nudge, nudge, wink, wink*)

