Resolved, PLEASE DELETE. - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

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I guess nobody can help? I'm really serious here.

my advice regarding roms... just read the sticky threads in the rom sub forum and follow the instructions. Once you flash your first rom you'll realize that the stress was all for nothing. I probably flash a new rom to my phone every week.
Regarding your moisture question. No, holding the phone in your hand wont cause moisture damnage unless you happen to be holding it in your hand under water Keep in mind that the back cases arent exactly air tight so regardless of whether you have the back cover on or not humidity from the air still gets in there.
The battery... It's not meant to just pop out willy nilly. You have to pry it out. If it was loose enough to fall out on its own it would just shake around on the inside of the phone which definatly wouldnt be a good thing.
I know when I put on my case (I have the Tilt 2 so if we ever need to soft reset the phone and want to do it by the red reset button we have to take the case off to do it) there's a good solid click when I press it into place. Especially if I'm putting the back cover on with the stylus still in the phone. These things were designed for that specific reason.... that you know when its closed, hense the click right? Just give'er. You wont break it.
Re: scratched screen.... if you havnt already get some screen protectors from your carrier or off ebay. 5-10 dollars for a pack of 3 or more. You'll notice that with the screen protectors on your screen gets a ton more scratches BUT it will be the protector and not the screen itself. The screen itself has a coating on it that makes it scratch resistent, to an extent. The screen protectors dont really have that BUT they will save the screen from gouges for sure.
As far as cases go I know I had a silicone case for the touch pro and it drove me nuts. To the point where I only used it for a week and took it off. It never seemed to fit right and seemed flakey. A friend of mine bought a hard case for their touch pro 2 at the mall and paid around 20 dollars and its actually a pretty solid looking and feeling thing. To take it off it takes some finesse, like when you want to take the battery out etc, both it did seem like a good investment. I keep my phone in a case on my hip so I wont be getting one but it did look good.
Hope this helps with some of your questions.

Thanks, but still aprehensive towards the rom and battery cover.

Mate, look at it this way, is a phone you're going to use or a decoration/ jewelry...
Whats the point of owning something you are too afraid to use because you could break it. You may as well put it in a vaccuum sealed storage locker and never take it out because the oxygen in the air and the oils and acids on your skin is going to eventually deteriorate the whole thing, will take a few hundred years but you know, better to be safe than sorry....

Lol, that's a good Idea. This has only been since the mysterious incident that required a hard reset.


lcd screen cracked

so, for the second time in about 5 months, my dash lcd screen cracked. luckily (this time) i don't have to pay anything. it's apparently a known issue. is there anyway to prevent this from happening? this time the phone was in my jeans pocket with an iPod nano & i wasn't doing anything extreme besides walking. i tend to take good care of electronics so this is real annoying. also, i have a case i use
mjpuczko said:
so, for the second time in about 5 months, my dash lcd screen cracked. luckily (this time) i don't have to pay anything. it's apparently a known issue. is there anyway to prevent this from happening? this time the phone was in my jeans pocket with an iPod nano & i wasn't doing anything extreme besides walking. i tend to take good care of electronics so this is real annoying. also, i have a case i use
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Use a holster or a protective case to carry your Dash. They are available on numerous websites. Also, you can buy protective screen covers. They have them in the accessories section on the T-Mobile website and many others as well.
sorry, i didn't mean the actual screen cracked. i meant it looks like ink exploded in the back ground. the actual screen is fine. it's behind it that's the problem.
Okay... so what's your question... or issue then ?
the screen appears to be cracked behind the actual 'glass'. so it looks like ink bleeding across the screen ( i saw someone else posted about this). i can't figure out exactly how/why this happens & t-mobile was of no help. i was just wondering if other people have experienced this. i found some related messages on another forum but no one had a solution to stop this, other than use a case. which i do.
I has a similar problem once.. Tipsy fiancy decided to grab my phone, knocked it into the leg of a table.. Cracked the crap outa the screen.. I ended up calling tmobile and saying "my screen doesn't work any more.." They kindly replaced my phone with no hastles..
if something like that happened, i could understand. the damn thing was in my pocket for about 1 minute!
Sorry dude - its broken.
The LCD has a couple of layers. One of back layers are broken.
This is one solution:
Search ebay for better offer.
This is some video tutorial:
hmm..apparently i didn't explain myself enough. t-mobile i sending me a new phone for free. i just want to prevent this from happening in the future. i guess i'll just step up the case i already have. i'm looking at this one:
I think this case is better:
Coz its simple, good looking and lite.
that's pretty much what i have now & my phone's broke twice now
i think i need something that protects the screen too. or HTC should fix this problem that numerous others have complained about.
littleclown said:
I think this case is better:
Coz its simple, good looking and lite.
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I have that exact case - its pretty good! I've been using it for 8 months now and its been fine. I don't think it really helps the screen all that much, but I have a screen protector on too. The only problem is that the phone is not so grippy with the case on. Overall I'm happy and it didnt cost much. Actually I use another case
Actually I have this too:
Its for the Cavalier but fits (with the other case on too) perfectly. This one I love!
I put my phone ot shirt pocket - no movement, no problem.
during the winter, i always put my phone in my jacket pocket, never my jeans. and the two times i've put it in my jeans this has happened
i will not putting the phone in my jeans!
guess i'll just have to be even more careful than i already am. i ordered a nice case with a screen protector & shock resistant.
thanks for the help!
Yeah, that's gonna snap the first time he sits down, also! lol
Stick with a nice leather case. I'd recommend the nice, Palm branded, horizontal case they make for their Treo's.

s620 broken screen please help

Fragility of the Dash
I am new in this forum and i am considering buying this phone. I need a phone that will last me at least a YEAR and a cheap smartphone. This seems to be a good phone. The problem is that i have heard many people breaking the lcd screen . How fragile is this phone? If it is that fragile of a phone, please recommend a good cheap screen protector. Thanx
I personally think the phone is built very well, and is quite solid.
No phone is meant to be dropped, but it does happen from time to time by accident of course.
The bigger the screen, the more chance it has to crack.
I have dropped my Dash twice on concrete in the case, no problem..
If I had dropped it outside of the case, chances are it would probably crack the screen at least one of those times.
Smartphones are not meant to be slipped into the back pocket, their target audience is the business person.
I agree with you guys, but a silicone skin is in part like to buy an insurance. I´ve dropped accidentally my dash a couple of times and the story would have been different if no skin is wrapping my phone.
Investment of 5 bucks is worth.
I droped my dash a few times and is still working, one thing i did was get myself a case to cover the phone, i hate when the screen gets scratch when you have it on your pocket. But overall personally the dash its a really good and reliable phone.
Great Phone
This phone is the best ive had ever... before this one was a blackberry pearl, hated it. I have loved every second of owning my dash. got it for 50 bucks and have dropped it on a couple of occasions, just dings and dents on the hard plastic/rubber casin, thats it... nothin wrong with the screen
p.s. runnin rickwyatt's newest rom and it is freakin awesome
I am probably the most anal person you would ever meet when it comes to my phones (as an example I have phones well over 5 years old that look brand new). No scratches, dents or dings will do. I bought a hard shell cover that snaps over the entire phone and I use a scratch proof screen cover. I have on occasion dropped my Dash and it never has had a problem.
This is a good phone, I dropped it a few times and works perfect still... Haha and especially if you upload the new rom you will rock it straight pimpin haha...
I live a little rough, and where I go, Dash goes.
When it falls out of my lap as I get out of my truck, and it lands on asphalt it seems to be okay, though I hold my breath till I see it function. It has slowly collected dings in the chrome edge. My truck is a bit high, to be fair.
If the alarm goes off in the middle of the night and you fling it with all your semi-conscious might because the end button wore out and you cant turn it off, however, it will probably break. Depends on your arm, I suppose.
It is not fragile compared to your average phone, but it has glass parts and they have their limits. As for the buttons losing function, I do use the bechooie out of it all day, every day. A lot.
Get insurance, take care of it. Respect your tool.
I had the same reservations about this phone as I considered it over a Blackberry Curve this past November. I googled on it and the stories of the cracked screens really made me nervous. People were stating that they would just crack on their own it seemed.
But since Suncom ran out of inventory on the Curve during that time, it narrowed my choices and I really liked the features of the HTC S621, so I decided to go with it.
So far (knock on wood), the screen has held up just fine. I even dropped it once on our very unforgiving hardwood floor, that rests on top of a concrete slab. It was not in any sort of protective case. It fell hard enough for the battery cover and and battery to fall out. I just knew that was it for my phone. But I picked it up, looked at the screen, no cracks. Reinstalled the battery and turned it on, everything functioning the same. Of course every drop could have a different result, depending how it lands and such. I may not get so lucky if that happens again.
Going back to all the nightmare stories about the screen cracking. I'm wondering if these were earlier versions of the HTC S620's issued by T-Mobile. Perhaps with later revisions of the HTC S620's or S621's they fixed what was ever causing the cracks to occur.
Anyways, I love the flexibility and the level of customization that can be done with this phone. I've already flashed my phone many times, and have tried all sorts of stuff on it. This phone is great for people who really like the ability to tweak their phones.
Thank you,
I don't know why people think the S620/Dash is "fragile"; mine has held up wonderfully. The only thing that is remotely fragile is the screen, which WILL break if you hit it hard enough (as it does on EVERY phone). The good news is that the screens are pretty cheap on eBay (US $25), and they are decently easy to replace. I made a tidy profit repairing and reselling a friend's Dash that he smashed while he was drunk.
I have owned my dash for a year and a half and have had no problems. I think a lot of the cracked screens were from back pockets and tight I always use the pouch and have dropped it a few times. Nothing has ever broken, even the time I got out of my truck with the phone in my lap and it fell and I ended up punting it a good 8 feet with the battery going one way and the cover and phone another. Treat it well (most of the time) and it will last.
what a GREAT TOUGH phone
i have dropped my dash 3 or 4 times.. hard too! i have seen it land on its edge and once face dowm... not a thing happened to it except a ding where it hit on the cornner,, and the face looks great... not to mention,, the phone itself rocks too... (as long as you ditch the T-MO ROM) lots to do with it, and holds a good charge...
well worth the $$$$$
I dropped my Dash a few times on the concrete and it never got anything more than some scratched on the silver outer band.
I decided to do a little test for you all. So this weekend I ran my Dash over with my car just to tell you all what would happen. (Yeah, that's why I did it. I knew there was a reason.) It broke. The LCD is busted and the body no longer fits perfectly together. The middle of the keyboard looks a little indented as well. I can still make and receive calls, even via bluetooth.
Now since I helped you all, anyone want to help me get a new one? I don't mean to hijack the thread (and I've read a few others on the subject.) Am I pretty much hosed at this point ore should I try sending it to one of the repair places like
How to remove single scratch from screen?
Hello. I make stupid single scratch to my screen. How to remove it? I expect some home-style solution .
IS it bad
littleclown said:
Hello. I make stupid single scratch to my screen. How to remove it? I expect some home-style solution .
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Mine has buncha little ones but dont distract from a beautiful machine
Most commercial scratch coverups are liquid acrylic-based. Even some liquid floor polishes (like "Future" in the US) can be used to hide some scratches. If it bothers you that much, there are people on eBay selling full housing replacements for the phone.
Try to use toothpaste, I heard that it works just run a little toothpaste and brush for a few minutes on the screen and then wipe it off. Usually this helps out quite a bit so give it a try.
Depending on how deep the scratch is, there are different methods you can use.
If you use Future to cover it up, be aware that water dissolves it.
My screen Died!!
Hi, my Dash screen turned completly white with a Black Stain in the middle like ink..does this means my screen died completley or do u think there is anything I can do to fix it?? I think something got burned inside...
It sounds like your lcd is broken. It should look like a puddle almost. I imagine you hit it or something. That does not have to be the case. It could just happen. that's wha they do sometimes when they go black like that. There is nothing you can do to repair that. Replace the lcd or the phone. That's it.

48 Hours later, I broke my screen

Figures; just 2 nights after buying my GN, i managed to shatter the screen.
The sad part is I don't even remember it happening. WAY TOO MUCH GIN LAST NIGHT. Anyway, It looks like i dropped it face down, or tweaked the phone. Idk.
I took my case off so that it would be easier to get the phone in and out of my pocket. Bad move.
Has anyone else pulled a smooth move and done this as well yet? I have a feeling the screen of the GN is going to be easy to break.
I had a similar story with my Droid Charge. Don't remember explicitly what happened and then the next thing I know the screen was broken...
I bought the GN and got insurance this time. Expensive lesson to learn... =(
Samsung really f'ed up on this phone. It feels so incredibly fragile like i'd be worried to squeeze it too hard or it'll break or something... so much flimsy plastic crap. especially the battery cover, what the hell is that!?...
i guess we're going to need to put some heavy duty cases/screen protectors on this phone.
trying to see if i can claim through warranty before i go through insurance.
if i only had the case on...
voxigenboy said:
Samsung really f'ed up on this phone. It feels so incredibly fragile like i'd be worried to squeeze it too hard or it'll break or something... so much flimsy plastic crap. especially the battery cover, what the hell is that!?...
i guess we're going to need to put some heavy duty cases/screen protectors on this phone.
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Do me a favor and squeeze your phone right now... there is no way your going to break it. And I personally enjoy the back. If they had used another back the phone would be thicker. As far as the screen is concerned, go with zagg.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Yup o fumbled it this morning. Bounced around a few times but luckily it only managed to scuff the bottom by the USB port. Not too bad but I never drop my phones.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Honestly, I'm gonna have to agree.
GN seems pretty damn fragile at this point.
Being young, I've dropped many phones. My last phone, a BB Storm2 (I know, I know), just got dropped face down last week. Maximum result of damage? The corner of the screen chipped a tiny bit.
With how exposed the GN screen is, and even because it's curved...
Reiterating again, I will definitely be investing in cases for this phone. Anyone have experience with cases that come in and out of jeans pockets easily?
I would imagine if it was face down and pressed on it would easily crack.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
voxigenboy said:
Samsung really f'ed up on this phone. It feels so incredibly fragile like i'd be worried to squeeze it too hard or it'll break or something... so much flimsy plastic crap. especially the battery cover, what the hell is that!?...
i guess we're going to need to put some heavy duty cases/screen protectors on this phone.
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No they didn't. Ant phone can break if its dropped just right. The only thing you can do is be as smart and careful as possible and have insurance.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
voxigenboy said:
Samsung really f'ed up on this phone. It feels so incredibly fragile like i'd be worried to squeeze it too hard or it'll break or something... so much flimsy plastic crap. especially the battery cover, what the hell is that!?...
i guess we're going to need to put some heavy duty cases/screen protectors on this phone.
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Lol gimme a break. You can do that damage to any phone on the market today without much trouble.
You mad Bro?
I used to be a awesome phone, but then I took an arrow to the screen.
[hfm] said:
No they didn't. Ant phone can break if its dropped just right. The only thing you can do is be as smart and careful as possible and have insurance.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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I can't agree anymore. Any phone can break if it is dropped just right.
I dropped it while hopping a wall earlier, not a scratch. It landed on the screen, but the contoured display worked.
simple fix.
dont drop the phone. I dropped my droid 1 like once and never dropped my TB. wont drop this one either.
voxigenboy said:
Samsung really f'ed up on this phone. It feels so incredibly fragile like i'd be worried to squeeze it too hard or it'll break or something... so much flimsy plastic crap. especially the battery cover, what the hell is that!?...
i guess we're going to need to put some heavy duty cases/screen protectors on this phone.
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Sorry, accidentally clicked thanks.
But what I was saying. I agree on the battery cover. As far as build quality, of the three phones I own (don't like selling them), the droid 1 feels like the most solidly built. It also feels the heaviest due to the keyboard. As far as the screen, it's glass. Glass breaks or shatters. If you want a screen that doesn't break, get a plastic screen or we could have thicker glass. I agree with the others on how it's dropped. I've dropped my Incredible a few times on pavement, even face down. The only thing that saved it was the lips on the case. The curved glass may contribute. Screen protectors will not really absorb the impact to prevent shattering or breakage.
Bulletproof glass on phones? Lol.
It doesn't feel much cheaper to me though I don't like the battery cover but it probably is related to being thinner than say HTC.
Damn!! I cry for you !! Good luck getting it repaired or replaced through samsung. I dropped my gnex waist down on a hardtop carpet, and surprisingly no scuffs or anything..
48 hours later, and I've got a chip in my glass! I had a ring thrown at me, I was sitting on a couch and my Nexus was face up on the couch itself but half covered by my shirt. The ring just happened to land on it and bounce off. Tiny chip, but I'm so frustrated with myself about it! I dropped my Desire a few times on concrete and all that happened was small dents, now the tiniest little ring knocks it and there you go. Annoyed that I didn't have it facing down, or in my pocket! I hate screen protectors, I prefer pouch cases so I can just put it in there as much as possible.
Going to go to the store I got it from tomorrow and hope to swap it for a brand new one... Wish me luck.
Tadddd said:
Honestly, I'm gonna have to agree.
GN seems pretty damn fragile at this point.
Being young, I've dropped many phones. My last phone, a BB Storm2 (I know, I know), just got dropped face down last week. Maximum result of damage? The corner of the screen chipped a tiny bit.
With how exposed the GN screen is, and even because it's curved...
Reiterating again, I will definitely be investing in cases for this phone. Anyone have experience with cases that come in and out of jeans pockets easily?
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So let me get this go get drunk, damage your phone, and don't even know what you did to damage it, and it's Samsung's fault because the phone seems fragile?! You don't even know what you did to it. For all you know, you might have pretended to be scoring a touchdown and spiked the phone down to the ground. I don't see how this has anything to do with the phone being fragile as much as it has to do with you not being able to care for your things.
So you got too drunk and broke your expensive new phone, what's the point of making a thread about it?
Try drinking less next weekend, when you lose control of your limbs and start breaking things that your body telling you something.
This bad boy is popular in the UK for avoiding incidents like the OP's...

Naked/No Screen Protector - Fear of facing it down?

I just want to know how you guys without screen protectors or cases feel about putting the phone face down when listening to music or something...
Are you afraid of scratches?
Guess it depends on the table/surface, but I'd never like to make a practice of it. I guess at worse it's scratching the top/bottom and not the middle, but more than likely it's going to scratch the plastic bezel on the top/bottom which looks terrible when it happens.
I just leave it back-down so I don't risk it.
I've only had mine for about two weeks but yes I'm not comfortable putting it face down unless it's on a smooth surface like my bed or bag or something like that.
People who are worried about scratches won't leave the phone naked in the first place.
My friend never puts any protector or case on his phones and his argument is 'it's just a phone, not my girlfriend. Why protect it so well when I'm gonna toss it away for a new one in about 1.5 years?'
MilkPudding said:
People who are worried about scratches won't leave the phone naked in the first place.
My friend never puts any protector or case on his phones and his argument is 'it's just a phone, not my girlfriend. Why protect it so well when I'm gonna toss it away for a new one in about 1.5 years?'
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That's not necessarily true. Sure it might be from some people but not for me and I'm sure others as well. I care a lot about my products but I just love the way my GNex feels and looks without any cases and screen protectors. I guess I'm taking a risk by not protecting it but for the time being I'm going to enjoy it the way it is.
MilkPudding said:
Why protect it so well when I'm gonna toss it away for a new one in about 1.5 years?
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Resale value of unlocked phones. If I smash my gnex, so be it. But I like to put a screen protector, and one of those 3m decals a-la gelaskin or decalgirl, etc... so that way my keys or change or table scratch that instead.
mongoro said:
Resale value of unlocked phones. If I smash my gnex, so be it. But I like to put a screen protector, and one of those 3m decals a-la gelaskin or decalgirl, etc... so that way my keys or change or table scratch that instead.
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I don't get why people don't put their phone in a separate pocket to avoid scratches from change, keys etc
Just dun put keys n ur phone in da same pocket ..
3bs11 said:
That's not necessarily true. Sure it might be from some people but not for me and I'm sure others as well. I care a lot about my products but I just love the way my GNex feels and looks without any cases and screen protectors. I guess I'm taking a risk by not protecting it but for the time being I'm going to enjoy it the way it is.
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I guess you will eventually pick a side - either throws on a case/protector or just use it normally and forget about scratches. It's hard to be using something everyday and worrying about it all the time.
mongoro said:
Resale value of unlocked phones. If I smash my gnex, so be it. But I like to put a screen protector, and one of those 3m decals a-la gelaskin or decalgirl, etc... so that way my keys or change or table scratch that instead.
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If you are thinking about reselling the phone then yes, it makes sense to protect it well. For him, he either took it apart or tossed it away LOL.
MilkPudding said:
People who are worried about scratches won't leave the phone naked in the first place.
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Not really... I hate the feel of cases and screen protectors especially, so I'm extra careful with my phone because it's not protected.
I put mine facedown down on a supposedly smooth table and when i picked it up, scratches! Be safe just don't put it face down on anything but a soft surface - as suggested above. It is just a phone, but it is a very nice and expensive phone!
I can't stand those skins and screen protectors, takes away from the natural beauty of the phone. I have a SPG leather case so if it is face down, and it really never is I put it face down on the case.
I do take extra care of mt phones though because I like to switch up about every year. It is great for resale, plus more cash for towards the next phone.
Glass is hard, but not that hard. There are a ton of substances that can easily scratch it. I don't put it face down unless it's in a case.
Ask yourself, what would Moh do?
mudferret said:
Ask yourself, what would Moh do?
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Nerd alert.
martonikaj said:
Nerd alert.
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on my bed i put it face down on my fur blanket...and in my pocket its on its own with nothing else....i slide the phone in my pocket with my palm facing the screen, and when its in my pocket, i flip the screen to face my leg! zero scratches (so far) and ive had it for a few months
Why should I put the phone face down to start with? I can't show off my rainbow LED notifications if that's the case
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
We would put our phone face down to increase volume when listening to music?
I decided to put a protector on mine. While I like the look and feel of the screen better without it, it just isn't worth the risk to me. I plan on having this phone for a while. (I had my DroidX for almost two years prior to getting the Galaxy Nexus).
Besides, it is rarely your car keys that scratch the screen (because we are generally careful about those). More often than not it is something really small like a piece of sand or a tiny rock in your pocket or on the table that will get you. Unless you blow out your pockets and sweep the table before you put your phone down, you are likely to get a scratch eventually.
sic0048 said:
I decided to put a protector on mine. While I like the look and feel of the screen better without it, it just isn't worth the risk to me. I plan on having this phone for a while. (I had my DroidX for almost two years prior to getting the Galaxy Nexus).
Besides, it is rarely your car keys that scratch the screen (because we are generally careful about those). More often than not it is something really small like a piece of sand or a tiny rock in your pocket or on the table that will get you. Unless you blow out your pockets and sweep the table before you put your phone down, you are likely to get a scratch eventually.
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I always take the inside of my pocket out and brush off lint, or whatever in there! I just cleaned my screen with a lint free cloth and put it under a light to verify no scratches...and I found zero! Not even a lint scratch! Phew! Lol
Sent from my Nexus Prime

*Updated* Hav'nt had a Screen Protector or Case on my Note 7 since the recall ...

Welp ... Fast forward 5 days, and I caught it in direct sunlight and this phone is just riddled with light scratches, you have to hold the phone just right and have the perfect lighting to see. But they're definitely there. Especially the curved edges for the phone goes from flat to curved, almost as if right before the glass curves down the glass is right up just a fraction of a mm ...
I apologize to anyone I doubted!
I coddle this phone like an egg ... and still scratches .... The places I have scratches are the bottom back center (looks like a popular place if you search Note 7 scratches) and the bottom left corner of the front down by the capacitive button.
Both "patches" of scratches looks like they were rubbed off something rough, the scratches aren't deep, but you can still feel them with your nail ever so slightly and in the light the patches look dull compared to the rest of the phone. I'd bet they'd probably buff out, but I'm not gonna bother trying at least with this phone.
Never dropped, always in my pocket by itself, never slide it across the table or my desk or anything. I usually set it on something on my desk like a piece of paper and then slide the piece of paper around instead of the phone, so the back doesnt rub off anything, the paper eats the friction and not the phone.
Sad ... for sure, But luckily I have a replacement that just came in this morning sitting at home that i haven't opened yet, I think before I even set it up or anything I will protect it front and back ... damn shame, I had so much faith in this phones durability and didn't want to believe it was so scratch prone, but I was wrong.
Looks like Cases and Protectors from here on out!
I advise everyone who cares about their phone to do the same.
I'll slap some pictures up of my scratches as soon as I can get some taken.
So ...
Since the day or so after the initial recall I decided for once in my life I'll throw caution to the wind and take the plunge of no case or screen protector on my phone, It made me a little sick to my stomach to peel off the screen protector and case and take off for a busy day of work and school with nothing protecting my phone from damage. I figured I'd see a plethora of scratches by the end of the day, and I was able to try this test out because of the recall and Samsung promising to take the phone back regardless of the condition. To my surprise, nothing, not a single scratch, day 2, same and so on.
Fast forward a few weeks, recall phone is traded - STILL IN PERFECT CONDITION, not a screen protector or case has touched it in weeks. Granted I still coddled it, but no different than I would any phone I've had, and I treated the phone like it had a Screen Protector and case on it. Threw it in my pocket, laid it on my desk at work, sat it in my center console in my truck etc. Not a single scratch or dent.
Trade the phone in on Sept 21st and got my new "Safe" Note7, decided that I finally felt comfortable with going "Naked" on my phone after the recall device and have since, so about another week with my "Safe" device and still not a single mark or scratch to be found. I'm actually in the process of getting a replacement for my replacement through Samsung, nothing major, just a lack of quality control on Samsung's part that I have an issue with with this replacement device and Samsung is giving me no hassle about it. I assume my phone suffered from the rush of trying to fix the recall ... but who knows.
Anyways, I will continue going "naked" on this phone, I have no reason not to. And a screen protector just destroys the feeling of this beautiful phones feel and functionality, and really so does a case. i own the LED Wallet case which I love and plan to use here and there, and I probably own around 20 other various cases that I'm sure I will use for fun here and there, But for the most part I've felt the "Naked" feeling and there's no going back lol.
Point of this thread is, I'm not sure how people that are complaining about this phone being "easily scratched" are treating their phones, or if they maybe got defective glass or something. I haven't had a single problem, and when i say I'm anal about my phones it's an understatement, and I feel 100% confident in using this phone protection-free on a daily basis. Obviously you still have to take care of this phone and be extremely careful .... it's made of glass after all. And I cant endorse its drop capabilities lol, That i have no idea of, and hope i never do. But for anyone wondering how this phone holds up with no protection and a pretty active daily use ... so far with my Note7 ... perfectly fine, still looks like the day I opened it.
What issues did you have with your replacement that has caused them to replace the replacement?
This is an interesting test to run - i still have my original one, and the replacement, because Samsung decided the closest drop-off location for me is about 3.5-4 hours away without traffic... I'll be waiting until they call and give me another method to return it. Think I might carry it around and see how it holds up... would be an interesting test, as I'm pretty hard on my devices.
really good to hear your note 7 not scratching easily, I think most ef the people posting geting scratches out of the blue, were careless, honestly not remembering what could have probably scratched their phone, it just takes 2 or 3 people reporting the same thing to drive many others real paranoid, I got my note7 on 29th Aug, and not a single scratch, I treat my phone as any other one, if you spend a sizeable ammount of money, the best way to do is use common sense, and normal level of care
I've never used a screen protector on my original and now replacement Note and all is fine. Now I definitely use a case cause i find this phone too slippery without one... I do take caution, always put it down/away if distracted with something else and never place it in my pocket with anything else like your supposed to.
Sent from my SM-N930P using Tapatalk
asaqwert said:
What issues did you have with your replacement that has caused them to replace the replacement?
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The metal bezel on the left hand side of the phone is sharp, like almost razor-blade sharp. You cant see if from looking at it, but you can scrap your hand off it and it feels sharp and uncomfortable to hold. and the corners of the phone where the back glass meet the metal is also sharp on all 4 corners, the right side of the phone is smooth as silk though. very weird, but almost seems like it was clued together fast and off centered and shipped out to meet demand. $900 for a phone i HAS to be as perfect as possible, but this one wasn't forgivable.
winol said:
really good to hear your note 7 not scratching easily, I think most ef the people posting geting scratches out of the blue, were careless, honestly not remembering what could have probably scratched their phone, it just takes 2 or 3 people reporting the same thing to drive many others real paranoid, I got my note7 on 29th Aug, and not a single scratch, I treat my phone as any other one, if you spend a sizeable ammount of money, the best way to do is use common sense, and normal level of care
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Yep, just be careful, life happens and that's not up to you, but if you're careful and conscious of your phone on you you should be alright, my wife is horrible about that, I drive a beefed up semi-lifted truck and EVERY time she goes anywhere with me, she places her phone on her lap and then hops out of my truck forgetting the phone was sitting on her lap. Drives me nuts. Her Note 4 has seen some shxt in its day, but still looks good and functions perfect, she wants to upgrade to a Note 7 which i hope she does, but shes gonna have to start paying more attention, because one of those falls out of my truck is going to destroy a Note 7 lol. Clumsiness for the most part can be prevented, just being aware, my phone is the most expensive thing I carry on me, so I always make sure its protected, and to be honest I've seen people smash phones wrapped in tempered glass screen protectors and otter-boxes, stuff happens, but I do my best to avoid it.
Itchiee said:
I've never used a screen protector on my original and now replacement Note and all is fine. Now I definitely use a case cause i find this phone too slippery without one... I do take caution, always put it down/away if distracted with something else and never place it in my pocket with anything else like your supposed to.
Sent from my SM-N930P using Tapatalk
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Oh this phone naked is like holding a wet bar of soap, its horribly slippery, But I guess that's the price you pay for a beautiful glass device lol I enjoy the way the glass looks and feels, but I do fear the slipperiness of it, so for me again anytime I pull mine out of my pocket I always ensure my grip is on point, anytime I feel the need to "whip" my phone out really fast I take a breath and realize that i don't actually need to lol, and when I hold the phone, i comfortably hold it with my pinkie finger under it so the phone rests on my finger. Bottom line ... take care of your stuff and be mindful and you should be alright, people treat phones like crap then complain that it cant take a beating ... drives me nuts ... its glass. Treat it like a $900 piece of glass lol.
Welp ... Fast forward 5 days, and I caught it in direct sunlight and this phone is just riddled with light scratches, you have to hold the phone just right and have the perfect lighting to see. But they're definitely there. Especially the curved edges for the phone goes from flat to curved, almost as if right before the glass curves down the glass is right up just a fraction of a mm ...
I apologize to anyone I doubted!
I coddle this phone like an egg ... and still scratches .... The places I have scratches are the bottom back center (looks like a popular place if you search Note 7 scratches) and the bottom left corner of the front down by the capacitive button.
Both "patches" of scratches looks like they were rubbed off something rough, the scratches aren't deep, but you can still feel them with your nail ever so slightly and in the light the patches look dull compared to the rest of the phone. I'd bet they'd probably buff out, but I'm not gonna bother trying at least with this phone.
Never dropped, always in my pocket by itself, never slide it across the table or my desk or anything. I usually set it on something on my desk like a piece of paper and then slide the piece of paper around instead of the phone, so the back doesnt rub off anything, the paper eats the friction and not the phone.
Sad ... for sure, But luckily I have a replacement that just came in this morning sitting at home that i haven't opened yet, I think before I even set it up or anything I will protect it front and back ... damn shame, I had so much faith in this phones durability and didn't want to believe it was so scratch prone, but I was wrong.
Looks like Cases and Protectors from here on out!
I advise everyone who cares about their phone to do the same.
I'll slap some pictures up of my scratches as soon as I can get some taken.
Dmac1984 said:
Welp ... Fast forward 5 days, and I caught it in direct sunlight and this phone is just riddled with light scratches, you have to hold the phone just right and have the perfect lighting to see. But they're definitely there. Especially the curved edges for the phone goes from flat to curved, almost as if right before the glass curves down the glass is right up just a fraction of a mm ...
I apologize to anyone I doubted!
I coddle this phone like an egg ... and still scratches .... The places I have scratches are the bottom back center (looks like a popular place if you search Note 7 scratches) and the bottom left corner of the front down by the capacitive button.
Both "patches" of scratches looks like they were rubbed off something rough, the scratches aren't deep, but you can still feel them with your nail ever so slightly and in the light the patches look dull compared to the rest of the phone. I'd bet they'd probably buff out, but I'm not gonna bother trying at least with this phone.
Never dropped, always in my pocket by itself, never slide it across the table or my desk or anything. I usually set it on something on my desk like a piece of paper and then slide the piece of paper around instead of the phone, so the back doesnt rub off anything, the paper eats the friction and not the phone.
Sad ... for sure, But luckily I have a replacement that just came in this morning sitting at home that i haven't opened yet, I think before I even set it up or anything I will protect it front and back ... damn shame, I had so much faith in this phones durability and didn't want to believe it was so scratch prone, but I was wrong.
Looks like Cases and Protectors from here on out!
I advise everyone who cares about their phone to do the same.
I'll slap some pictures up of my scratches as soon as I can get some taken.
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At least you have a replacement! I put a clear skin on the front and back of mine before I ever powered it on. I'm OCD and any scratches would annoy me and plus I want to keep it in mint condition so if I ever go to sell it on swappa it will be in like new condition. Even with the skin on it, I'm still babying it. What's crazy is my mother had an S4 and she is not easy on phones and after almost 2 years of use on that phone the sides and screen had not a scratch, not even a slight one (I know because I just sold it on swappa and inspected it very close). The screen and edges were still in like new mint condition. Only the removable plastic back had signs of wear. That's kind of sad when you think that a 3+ year old device made by the same company as the note 7 has a more durable screen. I replaced my V10 with the Note 7 and after months of use on my V10 with no protection it still looks new. I stopped using screen protectors and cases 3 years ago because I just hate the added bulk but unfortunately I'm not taking the chance with the Note 7. The clear skin doesn't really bother me though. And I'm thinking about also getting a calicase.
Anyway, thanks for the update. I'm glad I read all the post and not just the first one lol. I think you should edit post 1 so others who are lazy and only read post one don't go and take off their protection and then end up with scratched phones
P.S. I almost forgot. I'm actually on my second note 7 because the first one never made it out the store without getting scratched up. I had them put a screen protector on it for me and they took my phone in the back of the store for like 20 minutes and then come out with a poorly attached protector and then I inspected the phone and they had scratched the back up bad. So I made them replace it.
imucarmen said:
At least you have a replacement! I put a clear skin on the front and back of mine before I ever powered it on. I'm OCD and any scratches would annoy me and plus I want to keep it in mint condition so if I ever go to sell it on swappa it will be in like new condition. Even with the skin on it, I'm still babying it. What's crazy is my mother had an S4 and she is not easy on phones and after almost 2 years of use on that phone the sides and screen had not a scratch, not even a slight one (I know because I just sold it on swappa and inspected it very close). The screen and edges were still in like new mint condition. Only the removable plastic back had signs of wear. That's kind of sad when you think that a 3+ year old device made by the same company as the note 7 has a more durable screen. I replaced my V10 with the Note 7 and after months of use on my V10 with no protection it still looks new. I stopped using screen protectors and cases 3 years ago because I just hate the added bulk but unfortunately I'm not taking the chance with the Note 7. The clear skin doesn't really bother me though. And I'm thinking about also getting a calicase.
Anyway, thanks for the update. I'm glad I read all the post and not just the first one lol. I think you should edit post 1 so others who are lazy and only read post one don't go and take off their protection and then end up with scratched phones
P.S. I almost forgot. I'm actually on my second note 7 because the first one never made it out the store without getting scratched up. I had them put a screen protector on it for me and they took my phone in the back of the store for like 20 minutes and then come out with a poorly attached protector and then I inspected the phone and they had scratched the back up bad. So I made them replace it.
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Lol good point, I updated the first post. And yeah I'm ridiculously anal with my devices, But i'm wondering if I need to start loosening up lol. I keep these phones pristine for a year then trade them in (AT&T) my last phone the S6 Edge + (Miss that phone) was M-I-N-T when I turned it in, protector on the front and back, which looking back at it now I realized that i suffered not having the full feel of the phone so that AT&T can sell it top dollar and the next person gets a great deal on a mint phone, who for all I know will; not care and destroy it. Now I'm not saying I'm gonna start being rough with my phone, gonna use my LED case more, and I just ordered a Skinomi Full body protector (we'll see how that goes, I don't have much faith in it) and if it feels like shxt, it's coming off and I'm gonna enjoy the phone as I have been, and get my moneys worth, and AT&T can figure out to do with it when I upgrade.
The Note 7 was designed to be naked, no doubt about it ... but the execution was botched and going naked comes with a price, which sucks, but again the fact is, this isn't my phone in the end, and as much as I love it, I know i wont pay it off once the Note 8 rears its head next year lol so screw it, I'll give the Skinomi Protector a shot, if it's crap, them I'm not gonna sweat the phone getting light scratches ... I'm having a bit of an anxiety attack just typing that, But i'll just have to work at it and get through it lol
Dmac1984 said:
Lol good point, I updated the first post. And yeah I'm ridiculously anal with my devices, But i'm wondering if I need to start loosening up lol. I keep these phones pristine for a year then trade them in (AT&T) my last phone the S6 Edge + (Miss that phone) was M-I-N-T when I turned it in, protector on the front and back, which looking back at it now I realized that i suffered not having the full feel of the phone so that AT&T can sell it top dollar and the next person gets a great deal on a mint phone, who for all I know will; not care and destroy it. Now I'm not saying I'm gonna start being rough with my phone, gonna use my LED case more, and I just ordered a Skinomi Full body protector (we'll see how that goes, I don't have much faith in it) and if it feels like shxt, it's coming off and I'm gonna enjoy the phone as I have been, and get my moneys worth, and AT&T can figure out to do with it when I upgrade.
The Note 7 was designed to be naked, no doubt about it ... but the execution was botched and going naked comes with a price, which sucks, but again the fact is, this isn't my phone in the end, and as much as I love it, I know i wont pay it off once the Note 8 rears its head next year lol so screw it, I'll give the Skinomi Protector a shot, if it's crap, them I'm not gonna sweat the phone getting light scratches ... I'm having a bit of an anxiety attack just typing that, But i'll just have to work at it and get through it lol
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I got the Skinomi clear skin and its been great so far. After you attach it give it a day to settle onto the phone because at first it doesn't look good but after a few hours I noticed it looked a lot better and the next day it looked perfect. The only problem I had was getting the sides to stick. I even used a blow dryer and I just couldn't get them to stay down but I ended up using the top burners on my stove to heat the edges up and then they stuck and they haven't come up since. The s-pen still slides smooth as well with the white inserts. It does have a bit of a texture which I could see would annoy some people but it doesn't really bother me.
What material are your pockets made out of, sandpaper? My original Note 7 (recall replacement arrives today) has never seen a case or screen protector and is completely unscathed. I have not even been as gentle as you described. So weird.
Dmac1984 said:
Welp ... Fast forward 5 days, and I caught it in direct sunlight and this phone is just riddled with light scratches, you have to hold the phone just right and have the perfect lighting to see.
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I certainly believe your report of your observations and recollections, but your experience differs sharply from my own. I've been using unprotected Note 7s heavily (pre- and post-recall) for about a month, and I've acquired no scratches whatsoever.
When I check for scratches, I always use direct sunlight or a comparably bright source, and I rotate the phone through a range of angles in order to see any subtle defects. It sounds like that's not something you've been doing routinely, but rather something that just recently happened by chance. If that's the case, you may not really know when your scratches arose (or even whether your previous devices might have had similar scratches), which may complicate the diagnosis of how they occurred.
I trust we agree that the careful treatment you described could not have scratched even ordinary glass, let alone Gorilla Glass 5. So there are several possibilities. Perhaps the phone scraped against something sharp (even while it was in your pocket) without your noticing. Perhaps the process of applying or removing the case or screen protector scratched it somehow. Perhaps it came with subtle, hard-to-notice scratches already on it. Or could it even be that the phone isn't scratched, but rather has some sort of residue that rubbed off on it? (Have you tried washing it off with a wet paper towel and substantial pressure?)
Again, I trust your observations, but I'm curious as to how your scratches arose, and how your experience diverged from my own. I appreciate your taking the time to update everyone on your situation. And regardless of how the scratches happened, I'm glad you're getting a replacement.
Like i said, being so anal i looked at the phone everyday after naked use, never noticed any scratches, but last night I caught direct light at a side angle and saw the back bottom scratched, from 2 feet away from your eyes looking straight at the phone, looks perfect, up close and examining it with angled light it's def scratched.
When i say im careful, I'm careful... I got the cold sweats when i saw the scratches lol I've coddled thus phone with mittens since i got it, like i said I lay it on tbings and then move that whenever I set my phobe on my desk for no otger reason but to avoid sliding my phone on any surfaces ... pocket always empty and clean, I don't play in the dirt or go to the beach, pockets feel like normal clean pockets lol. I mean people can make excuses for tge glass, he'll i did too when i saw the initial scratch posts, even started a thread praising the scratch resistance ... I seriously don't know how much more careful you can be with a phone as i have been with this one and it still scuffed. I'll grab some pictures with the wife's phone and post them.
It almost seems like theres a raised lips right before the glass dipps down.
Attached is a pic illustrating the damage on my phone almost exactly (until i can grab a few pics) ... and also attached is why I think its happening.
Dmac1984 said:
Attached is a pic illustrating the damage on my phone almost exactly (until i can grab a few pics) ... and also attached is why I think its happening.
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You just wanted to use the fancy s-pen features and that drawing was your excuse. ;P
And I don't blame you :laugh:
Dmac1984 said:
Like i said, being so anal i looked at the phone everyday after naked use, never noticed any scratches, but last night I caught direct light at a side angle and saw the back bottom scratched, from 2 feet away from your eyes looking straight at the phone, looks perfect, up close and examining it with angled light it's def scratched.
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Right, that was my point. Until last night, your inspections didn't include checking the surfaces through a wide range of different illumination angles. As a result, subtle scratches went unnoticed and you don't know when they happened (or even if the phone came with them).
When i say im careful, I'm careful...
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I believe you. But something nevertheless scratched your phone--any idea what it could have been? You and I are both careful with our phones, yet only one of us acquired any scratches. There has to be some explanation for that difference. Figuring out what it is might help us, and others, to avoid scratches in the future.
It almost seems like theres a raised lips right before the glass dipps down.
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Hm, I don't see that on mine. May I ask what kind of screen protector(s) you had been using? If liquid, could it have left a residue? If solid, could the protector itself have scratched the glass that it was in contact with?
Or another possibility: if you used a case initially, could a few sand or grit particles have gotten lodged between the case and the phone? It looks as though the scratches may have been in areas that a case would have contact with. That's one of several reasons that I'd be reluctant to use a case with an all-glass phone.
Gary02468 said:
Right, that was my point. Until last night, your inspections didn't include checking the surfaces through a wide range of different illumination angles. As a result, subtle scratches went unnoticed and you don't know when they happened (or even if the phone came with them).
I believe you. But something nevertheless scratched your phone--any idea what it could have been? You and I are both careful with our phones, yet only one of us acquired any scratches. There has to be some explanation for that difference. Figuring out what it is might help us, and others, to avoid scratches in the future.
Hm, I don't see that on mine. May I ask what kind of screen protector(s) you had been using? If liquid, could it have left a residue? If solid, could the protector itself have scratched the glass that it was in contact with?
Or another possibility: if you used a case initially, could a few sand or grit particles have gotten lodged between the case and the phone? It looks as though the scratches may have been in areas that a case would have contact with. That's one of several reasons that I'd be reluctant to use a case with an all-glass phone.
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No case or screen protectors since I got this phone last Sunday (Oct 25th) I didn't recall any scratches on my recalled unit so I didn't bother with protecting the replacement. But regardless, I don't recalled a single incident in which would result in these scratches, so they must have happened during light use of the phone, how they happened? I don't know ... but they did .... The glass just seems soft and easily scratch-able. It shouldn't be, but unfortunately it is. And agreed, I've seen scratches come up from case use on my phones before so that is always a concern, but I didn't use a case on this phone, and I never sat the phone down on a hard surface, and never in a pocket with anything else, and the weird isolated scratched areas don't show signs of "pocket damage" ... they came from somewhere I get that, but wherever they came from, they happened with no effort or force.
Inspected my new phone that came in yesterday. Not a single scratch to be found in any light ... Screen protector should be in today so it'll get wrapped before I even use it and we'll try again ... I recommend to anyone who has a Note 7, wrap it up and keep it clean, this issue just may not be avoidable with everyday use.
Is GG5 on the back as well as the front? My rear is scratched only after 2 weeks replacement and general it wears a case. NOT impressed.
Dmac1984 said:
But regardless, I don't recalled a single incident in which would result in these scratches, so they must have happened during light use of the phone
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Well, the phone wasn't scratched by the skin of your hand, the cloth of your pocket, or the piece of paper you rested it on, so there must have been some other contact that you're unaware of. (I'll occasionally notice a small cut or bruise on my arm without recalling what contact was responsible. It happens.)
Regardless, thanks again for the update you posted, and good luck with your new Note 7. If my Note 7 ever suffers the slightest scratch, I will follow your example and post an update here too. So far, a month of heavy, unprotected use has not resulted in any visible imperfection.
I don't get why people are nitpicking this. I get this tone of "maybe you were careful but not careful enough". It sounds like we are discussing handling an egg.
The physics of it are simple and irrefutable, this thing will scratch, there is no way around it. And just because one hasn't scratched yet, or appears that way, doesn't mean it won't.
At this point, regardless of what anyone says or who wants to debate, it's safe to say yhe phone WILL scratch with normal, even careful use. I was one who thought "well the people with scratches must be abusing their phones" but as i type this on a scuffed, yet coddled Note7 I stand corrected. It doesn't affect my love for the phone but it should be noted that it WILL scratch easily regardless of how you treat it, i wish it didn't ... but it does. And I don't think it's batched based, pretty sure maybe even if you dont see any scratches there are probably some on your phone as I found by badically doing a microscopic forensic look at my phone the other day, the shinyness of thr glass seems to hide a lot of imperfections.

