Weird: connect brings up File Explorer - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

I connect my AT&T HTC TP2 to a Windows 7 laptop via ActiveSync. For about 3 days now, whenever I connect the phone, Windows File Explorer comes up, showing the Windows/System32 folder!
About the only thing I did during that time was install some themes stuff.
How can I sotp this? I seem to remember it happening a long time ago (XP? some old phone?) but I don't remember details.

I finally found the solution, I post the whole thing here in case others have the same problem (it was a bear finding this!):
Delete any keys found on your PC under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\AutoStartOnConnect]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\AutoStartOnDisconnect]
If you delete any, reboot. (Note, my PC did not have any keys here that needed to be deleted, only the default key was there)
Then go back to each of the above registry items and in the value name "Default" place a space in the value data. This finally worked for me and I did not have to reboot to see results.


tbstart.exe?? Help?

I have hit the reboot on the back of my dell x50v and for the last couple times it says that "tbstart.exe failed to start, may need to reinstall".
I have no idea what this is and tried a search and found nothing on the internet.
Anyone have any idea what this is? I also posted another problem about my device now not recognizing my home network and says the ssid is hidden, are these two items related? I have wm5 ao2.
Any ideas?
I'd say that if everything is working the way it should on your phone, then go to the windows startup folder and remove the link to it. Don't delet it just yet, cut it and paste it somewhere that you'll remember where it is, like the My Documents folder, just in case you find out that you did need it for some program. More than likely, the reason it failed to start is because you removed the program and it forgot to delete the startup link. Don't worry that removing the link will cause your phone not to boot or something like that either because your phone is already rebooting without the program anyway.

[REQ] Wake On Lan

Hi Guys & Gals,
Quick question.....
Has anybody come across a Wake On Lan app for WM6. I have a small home network that I start up from a central PC using Wake On LAN function in the system BIOS. I would like to be able to start my PC's from the Blackstone over my WLAN.
Everything within the LAN & WLAN is running reserved DHCP from the router side so all IP's are constant including the Blackstone.
Cheers for any replies.........
I don't know if any solution exists but I've read a tutorial (in french sorry) on how to make a wake on line application for wm
Hope that could help you
Try this..
jpl69 cheers.........The app works like a charm but is a little basic. Needs the full MAC to be entered manually each time.
What would be really nice is some way of associating the MAC to a short meaningful name that could then be listed so it could just be selected from a list rather than enter the full MAC each time. In this way multiple PC's coud be listed.
While we're at it would also be nice to have a standby button as well so PC's within the LAN could be started and shut down form the app.
I've never written an app before and would either like a few pointers to see if I could do it or see if anyone out there would consider building on the app already posted.
Any suggestion welcome.......
Besides developing an app to that (no time) i could sugest make several shortcuts using resco and parsing the mac as parameter. At least you only had to make it once.
Thanks jpl69 for your continued replies...much appreciated.
I have seen Resco but not realy sure which component to download to edit the exe. I have used PEG (parsing) in other apps at work but just need something to get me started on WM6. I could the replicate the exe per MAC and create a single file or each PC
Might be worth looking at vxUtil:
This has Wake-On-LAN (among other things), and I think it remembers previously entered values. You can't give things memorable names but it might help.
Gilgamesh1066 said:
Thanks jpl69 for your continued replies...much appreciated.
I have seen Resco but not realy sure which component to download to edit the exe. I have used PEG (parsing) in other apps at work but just need something to get me started on WM6. I could the replicate the exe per MAC and create a single file or each PC
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i think he means, like, create new shortcut with parameters. Just for example the same as on pc creating a shortcut to c:\quake\quake.exe and use the string "c:\quake\quake.exe" +bind mouse1 shoot +set mode opengl blablabla
Again thanks for the continued replies.....
Downloaded vxUtil and had a play and it does have a working WOL option but again it's messy and not really the simple solution I was looking for. It does have some other features (ping/sweep, tracert & DNS lookup) but I don't really have a use for these.
Still really after a single icon to start each PC as per the shortcut suggestion above.
All suggestions still welcome and appreciated.
I will just try to clarify what was the idea of jpl69.
Please read the README file included in the attached archive (posted by jpl69).
It says:
"Command Line:
Please use as following:
WakeOnLan.exe [MACAddress]
MacAddress can be either 01E4523AEE22 or 01:E4:52:3A:EE:22 "
Now with Resco Explorer (or with Total Commander, which is freeware) one can make several different shortcuts to WakeOnLan.exe, each ending with the specific MAC.
In Total Commander, after creating the shortcut, one must select it, choose "properties", then "shortcut" tab, then manually add the MAC at the end of the "target" line.
Copy the ready shortcut several times, name the new copies whatever you want and place those shortcuts in a folder. Dont forget to change the MAC for each machine.
Hope it helps.
Now I get it......Sorry for the slow uptake but been a busy boy and head has been fried by other things. Will have a play tomorrow and post back results.
Many thanks..........
I dont know if you still looking to do this but I got this working & figured I would reply here for future reference.
First i have a linksys DD-WRT router, so I followed these steps:
Then I downloaded the attached cab & its one click & works great!
RichTJ99 said:
I dont know if you still looking to do this but I got this working & figured I would reply here for future reference.
First i have a linksys DD-WRT router, so I followed these steps:
Then I downloaded the attached cab & its one click & works great!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have been using the WakeOnPocketPC from Depicus happilly with WM 6.1. Now, after upgrade to WM 6.5 (Dutty ROM Leo Holy Grail), the cab fails to install ("...installation was unsuccessful.")
Any other program with capability to send WOL packets to a particular IP address (and not just broadcast over LAN)?
Although this thread is about one year old, before I developed my WoL everywhere program, I searched for programs like mine here and came to this thread... None of the programs I've found fit my requirements, so I made a program myself...
So I hope your search is over and you've found what you need with my little WoL everywhere... you can download it here:
Greetings @ all!
Create a shortcut to WakeOnLan with a MAC address
I'm pasting to this old thread since I found the WakeOnLan tool here and want to share my tips with others.
If you want to create a shortcut so that you have a separate executable (say in your Start Menu) then follow these steps:
Install WakeOnLan from the above link. I put it in "\Program Files\WakeOnLan\WakeOnLan.exe"
Browse to this location with explorer on your PPC. Select the WakeOnLan executable and click "copy"
Browse to where you want the shortcut to appear:
"\Windows\Start Menu" will show in your start menu
"\Windows\Startup" will be run when you reset or power cycle the device
"\Windows\Programs" will apear in your Start Menu > Programs folder
"\Windows\Settings" will appear in your system settings
Select on some empty space (not an existing file) in your chosen folder and choose "Paste shortcut"
Use a text editor on Windows / Linux to edit this new file, or one on your device (I didn't have any that would open on my device so I copied it to Linux, edited in emacs, then copied it back)
Edit the line that looks like:
40#"\Program Files\WakeOnLan\WakeOnLan.exe"
essentially this is a character count, a "#", the location the shortcut points to, and arguments. Add your MAC address like this and take note of the quotes:
58#"\Program Files\WakeOnLan\WakeOnLan.exe" AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
count the characters of the shortcut, mac address, and space, then add one. This is your new number (in my case, 58).
An easy way to do this is to use "wc" on Linux:
echo "\Program Files\WakeOnLan\WakeOnLan.exe AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF" | wc -c
(remember to add 1!)
Now you can repeat the process and paste as many different WoL shortcuts as you like! I've made just one and called it "WoL MythTv" to wake up my media centre at home. Neat
I'll post my sources in the next post since new users aren't allowed to post links...

Error as soon as I power on my phone

As soon as I turn on my phone and the loading of t-mobile and MS 6.1 screen I get a BTTrayCE.exe error and says it's not a valid PPC application any clue how to solve it or get rid of it. Thanks
Most likely you've installed TomTom Navigator?
TomTom places new BT dlls under the windows folder.
You need to remove them.
They are:
You can either rename them or remove them and then soft restart your Touch Pro 2 and everything will go back to normal.
There is no such file in my windows folder. Any idea?

System32 folder on laptop opening.

When I plug my phone into my laptop it immediately opens up my system32 folder in Vista. Anyone else have this issue or is it normal?
I had the same problem and a search found the answer. It's in the registry on your PC somewhere. There's a setting about wehat the PC does when it detects a connection through ActiveSync (and another action for disconnecting). You have to delete those keys.
The Registry Key:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\AutoStartOnConnect]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\AutoStartOnDisconnect]
I deleted those keys and it stopped happening. I think something corrupts them. They re-appear later but without the problem.
Hope that helps.
Thanks man, fixed my problem

[SOLVED] WinMo 6.5.X acting like 6.1 - cannot enter in menus

Help, I did something wrong and I sort of cant use the phone anymore.
I installed a topbar. Unluckly I didn't read the info about it, and that it was made for Win 6.1.
I cannot access the menu, thus I cant uninstall the topbar or hard-reset my phone. There's a key combinatiou that's "Camera + Send + Power Button" that resets it. Problem resides there; My cellphone have a touch sensistive Send button, and this instruction is for a similar phone which possess a hard Send button. I can still, however, make calls and answer, send SMS's and read emails and activate bluetooth or wifi, but I can't start any app (I cant open the menu) or use the Mobile Device Center to do anything through USB (I've set it to connect directly as USB Mode and not to ask), I'll look for a Bluetooth dongle today to try to connect it through bluetooth.
I'm desperate. This phone is brand new but I already have made esthetical and hardware changes, so I've voided the warranty. Also that's a China phone, even though this particular model is able to update the ROM, I don't have the original ROM or knowledge to backup the actual one.
Any help is accepted. If there's any trick to go into "Add/Remove programs" without accessing the menus or to use some software hack to hard reset it thru Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, I'll be glad to know. If that's for any usage, I have Total Commander installed on this phone and I know how to edit the registry, but I can't start it.
Sorry for my bad english, I'm from Brazil
Thanks in advance and I'm really counting on you guys.
I'll be awaiting for an answer.
P.S.: I've been thinking - I don't know - about installing SPB Shell with some Auto Installer by the Mobile Device Center (over bluetooth) and let it start automatically, and by there, uninstall the culprit. Fiddling around, I've learnt how to trick the Mobile Device Center to make it install any CAB automatically, as if I've ran an auto-installer. My question is: would SPB Shell start automatically?
P.P.S.: Everything is working if I find another way to start it. Just the "start menu" died.
P.P.P.S.: No, I can't buy another phone. It's expensive here.
You can try MyMobiler, a PPC controller running on PC.
OR Try to remove it in Mobile Device Center if you can connect to it.
I don't have Mobile Device Center, using ActiveSync in win Xp but I believe you can remove on your Pc the partnership with your phone so next connection will start a new partnership where you can change the settings which prevent you from connecting Usb normally. Once you are connected, copy the file attached to your device, then take blackppc's advice, install MyMobiler and navigate to the file, execute and it will open settings where you'll find remove function.
I hope it helps
That's the problem, I can't connect it through USB to Mobile Device Center because I've set it to autostart as "pendrive" and not ask me about if I want it to start like this or in Mobile Device Center compatibility..
I'll buy a Bluetooth dongle in 5 minutes by now and I'll tell ya what happened
I.. er.. bought the dongle, but I cannot configure it. It cannot find any of my devices or enter the dongle's configuration area. It works well enough, though, on the store computer. I've tested thru 2 Windows 7 Computers and it gave me the same error.. gosh
As I said, I don't have Mobile Device Center but there must be a way to delete partnership with your device... Try this link or google these keywords "delete partnership Mobile Device Center" and see how.
Alright, I've managed to get the bluetooth dongle working (a Bluetooth service was disabled). Now I need to connect the phone to the Mobile Device Center. Problem is that I had connected it to MDC, but I had hard-reseted then, and seems like MDC finds the phone as a "new device", thus cannot connect over bluetooth. Can I force it to connect or something? I'm thinking that may be my only shot.
P.S.: I can access a sort of device explorer (when I put the USB cable in and out, it pops up a message asking if I want to see the Memory Card images, and then it opens a image viewer. I can delete folders from there, if that's of any use)
tito12 said:
As I said, I don't have Mobile Device Center but there must be a way to delete partnership with your device... Try this link
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
"On the mobile device:
If you have never attached your device to the computer using a USB cable, do so. After Windows Mobile Device Center starts, disconnect the device.
In ActiveSync, click or tap Menu, then click or tap Connect via Bluetooth."
I cant reach it
I've got an GREAT idea: I can, still, acess the image viewer. From there, I can copy and move folders around. So, all that I have to do is to create a folder in my memory card called "Start", with one shortcut inside, leading to the "Add/Remove programs" or "Hard Reset" program and copy it to the Windows folder. Then I restart the phone and it'll fire up the selected app. JOB DONE.
I only need to know the name of the app/parameters for Add/Remove programs or Hard Reset. Basing on what Windows is, it might be some "xxxx.cpl -command".
I leave this job for you guys, now I feel that I can still save my phone!!
I'll try link it to Total Commander first, before anything
P.S.: I've found the following string to invoke the "Add/Remove programs" for Windows Mobile 6.1
"#ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,23?\Windows\shell.dll,13"
Would it work for windows 6.5?
P.P.S.: Meh, I cant create fake shortcuts that leads to nowhere on the local computer. How can I do it?
What a relief, God truly knows. My method worked. I can invoke anything from the phone using a shortcut. I've used the following line for the shortcut:
"33#ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,10"
It invoked the "Add/Remove programs"
Thanks for the help, I really felt you guys tried to help me
I never seen a case like mine, but who knows.
Here's what I did:
- Connected the USB Cable into the phone, and it started as a pendrive
- Created a folder inside the phone called "Start"
- Created a folder called DCIM and added some images in there
- Created a .lnk file using XXMKLINK (which makes links from anything I type)
- Copied the .lnk file to the "Start" folder
- Unplugged the USB. At this moment, a popup appeared on the screen "Do you want to view the images?" Press yes.
*If the above method doesn't work, you can try going into a SMS message, then click for "Insert a Picture". The same browser will open
- Go to the root of the SD Card, or anywhere the "Start" folder you've created is
- Press and hold it, select Copy
- Click on the left side button and select "Device"
- Go to Windows folder. It takes a while to open
- Copy your "Start" folder inside. Press Yes on any prompt
- Restart the phone.
Voilá! The app will be run on the next startup
I really hope to help someone with this trick, who knows more than it helped me.
The topic can be closed at any time.
Great news

