Get Desire or the new iPhone? - Desire General

I don't know what to do. I really like my wife's Desire, and I actually ordered one. Now I read that the new iPhone will probably be available end June, if not sooner.
I don't know which one to go for. Any (objective) suggestions?

If you have to ask then your proberly better off with a iphone
Everyone here will most likely say Desire, seeing as you posted in a desire specific thread........

I am using a 3GS at the moment, and I love it. However, the Desire is a huge jump from the HTC Hero (which my wife also has), and for the first time I see it as an alternative to the iPhone. With Froyo coming (if it comes to the Desire), I am even more interested.
A big plus is also that the Desire is available now, while no one can tell when the iPhone will be available here in SA.
This is why I am asking for opinions, as for why in this particular forum - because I believe that objective users who have used both, and are informed about what is coming for iPhone, will be able to offer best advice.

If you love your iPhone 3GS and are happy with the level of control that Apple exerts over the platform, wait for the new iPhone and then make a decision.

foxmeister said:
and are happy with the level of control that Apple exerts over the platform,
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My iPhone is jailbroken, so not too phased with that. However I do find the features announced for Froyo very appealing.

Vlad_M said:
My iPhone is jailbroken, so not too phased with that. However I do find the features announced for Froyo very appealing.
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Well i should of said before, i come from apple iphone 2g, 3g and 3gs. And i can say for myself without a shodow of a doubt, that android is a much more superior OS the apple have mad, yes the UI may not be as polished, but Android i belive is a more capable device than steve jobs will ever allow.
Plus i LOVE supporting the OPEN community. Not what apple decide i can see. ( Remembering they could remotely delete stuff of your iphone).
In my opionion only i would suggest the Android devices everytime!!
I can see their soon going to knock apple off the top spot for good. Espically after that thing they call an ipad, waste of fu*king money!!

if you like singletask and homescreens with only icons, then you should definitely go for the iphone 4g
If you like a REAL OS then go for Android

Vlad_M said:
I don't know what to do. I really like my wife's Desire, and I actually ordered one. Now I read that the new iPhone will probably be available end June, if not sooner.
I don't know which one to go for. Any (objective) suggestions?
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I have both phones and I see positives in both. The layout of the Iphone is better to me in that it is marginally bigger and the keyboard is better, however, the software and ability to make changes to the Desire is very appealing too and you can get other keyboards.
If you ask me outright which phone, I'd have to say the Desire and the thing that sways me is the FM Radio (silly I know but I use the radio a lot). The Iphone doesn't have a radio.
Hope this helps.

Objective opinion?
Wait until the new iPhone has been announced and officially released

gogol said:
Objective opinion?
Wait until the new iPhone has been announced and officially released
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Yea, the new iphone looks good.
I reason i didn't get one is because everyone else has one and the desire turns heads a bit more, especially with the ''seeds of life'' live wallpaper. it always makes people chuckle.

If you like modding your phone and you love instant updates, then i would go with N1 I have just sold my desire and bought an N1

gogol said:
Objective opinion?
Wait until the new iPhone has been announced and officially released
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Hardware-wise, the new iPhone is just a clone of the Desire with a nicer design. Nothing special, more like catching up with the competition (and being left behind immediately, by phones like the Evo, Moto Shadow, Galaxy S, Dell Thunder etc...).
Software-wise, Android is much better than iPhone OS. Since we know already that iPhone OS 4 will not even come close to Android 2.1/2.2, I think it's safe to get a Desire now.
Or you wait for another great Android phone that's coming out in June/July. Waiting yes, but for new Android phones rather than that iPhone.

Wait for the Evo , when it goes on gen release , Bar a few bits in the US ... My Desire ( orange UK ) is fab until then ...

shaundalglish said:
Hardware-wise, the new iPhone is just a clone of the Desire with a nicer design. Nothing special, more like catching up with the competition (and being left behind immediately, by phones like the Evo, Moto Shadow, Galaxy S, Dell Thunder etc...).
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How can a phone that's around for about 4 years and hasn't changed much in design and always has different hardware compared to others be a clone?
May I remind you the 3gs still is superior to the desire graphic wize...
The new Iphone will have a lot more graphical power then the desire, even the samsung galaxy (wich uses a new model of the gpu the iphone uses) will fall short. Because if it doesn't steve won't make a lot of money.
Maybe new htc phones will be able to beat the new Iphone, but the Desire won't...
Talking about software I totally agree with you, android already is more mature then Iphone os will ever be. And it's the main reason I won't ever buy an Isheep

Well if look at the "all package" the desire, as well as other Android phones are better that the iphone, simply because of the OS. With Desire you also get a powerfull and fast smartphone.
Sure graphics are better on the iphone for now, but when Android allow installation on sdcard and games start to use opengl we should see many improvements, since the developers will surely use the most used platforms for games i mean (directx and opengl - opengl for smartphones of course).
On the look side, the really annoying thing (to me) on the desire are the physical buttons, i prefer buttons like the wildfire or the legend. Another thing is the mono speaker which lacks some quality to me in some phone sounds and when in calls but is ok when listen to music (maybe this could be improved by htc in future updates).
You should also take in consideration that despite Android is very young it started already to make some bumps on Apple iPhones, so you could imagine what the future will bring to the Android users... And HTC makes good phones and their sense really makes a difference to me, because UI is very very important! i really dislike those basic screens that the iphone have with no widgets.
Some user have refered that iphone keyboard is better, but if you use HTC_IME_MOD you will get one of the best keyboards ever on Desire! Much much better that the iphone.
It's not that i don't like iphone or Apple, but another thing to take into account are the very overpriced cost of an iphone when comparing with the competitors.
In addiction i would suggest WP7. I'm really waiting for it to be released (end of this year) because sometimes i'm really tired of having to use icons or whatever to open a program on android or the iphone. WP7 will bring a new way to interact with the programs that i liked very much (thats why i like widgets on android, i have what i want directly on the screen without having to open the program).
For now i will stick with Desire because i like Android and i use the Google services as well as Microsoft services, so i will definitely get a WP7 (perhaps from HTC again) when it gets out.
Hope this helps!
ONE LAST NOTE: Maybe Nokia will learn with their mistakes and start shipping phones with Android and WP7 - This would be very interesting and could surely break the market a lot!!

Personally I hate apple and everything they do and stand for. I would back this up but don't have time.....
I hate seeing that every sound station of any worth has Iphone/Ipod adapters etc however it shows they have been much more effective at marketing than any other company at present.
For example, the chap sitting opposite me buys everything apple. He wants the iPAD just because its the latest Apple gadg. He has no need for it though. I find that laughable.
I had an iTouch and sold it. The way it forces me to use it stinks. The lack of control is frustrating. The lack of flash is just laughable.
I came from Nokia (N900) to HTC for the first time, and apart from crap AMOLED screens that are simply unuseable outside and the touch screens (not my favourite but seems to be the future sadly), I love it. Ever tried using Maps / sat nav whilst out walking.....its impossible and a joke.
I would say if HTC came up with a screen that worked in day light and had full flash (bring on 2.2) I would say the desire is near perfect for me. Apple? Appple who???

I bought my wife an iPhone 3G last Christmas. At that time I was using HTC Touch Pro and as soon as I saw the big screen and tried it out I could not even look at my TP. ;-)
I bought her the iPhone because of how user friendly it is for people with little to no knowledge about phones/IT etc. She has absolutely no problem with it. Everything that she installs works as intended.
However, I myself could not use an iPhone because I need a little bit more freedom (and I don't like the fact that all iPhones look the same).
I like to experiment with new ROMs, applications and I felt that Android is much better for this purpose. So I bought a Desire.
So... if you want a phone that works out-of-the-box and you don't want to waste time with modifications and you don't mind the restrictions go for the iPhone.
If you want more "freedom" (customizations, ROMs) go for the Desire
Although, I must say that Desire is also an example of a "out-of-the-box working" phone and so far I had no urge to swap ROMs...
Seeing that you are willing to wait until June for the new iPhone why not do so and see what HTC will prepare by then? Then you will have either the latest iPhone or the latest Android phone (perhaps with Froyo).
You lose nothing, you still have your 3GS (which I think is still a superb machine).

Well, a bit late but perhaps this might help:
Choose the one you feel best with. The one that makes you happy. The one that satisfies your needs.
As for OS quality or apps or functionality, I don't think you can go wrong with either one.
So, same as others. Why not wait for the new iPhone and then see what's available then. At least if that is the reason you are in doubt. Because otherwise you can do the waiting game for years without ever buying a phone

Unless the new iPhone gives you more felxibility then definitely the Desire.


Thoughts on the iPhone 3G S from a Windows Mobile User

Check this out:
You have got to admit he is right, when I didnt know which damn phone I wanted to buy (d2, hero, omnia pro, tp2 etc etc) I seriously considered the iPhone 3GS but having played around with it the only two things that stood out were the price of the thing and the app store and how easy it was to download apps (it was like the Xbox 360 marketplace!), the interface was pretty boring now (but back in 2007 when I first tried it I was like wow wow this is so cool!)
If Apple dont do something soon, they are going to lose out, in Europe I think HTC has began outselling Apple devices (with Nokia first) and now with Google Android devices I think they have some serious, if not overwhelming competition!
HTC all the way!
Apple has a built-in audience of macophiles, and on top of that, for the last 2 years they've also owned the OMG! SHINY! audience. The Shinies can't be held on to (nothing can be the shiny new thing forever) and the macophiles can't be lost. It's an interesting mix to carry.
I'm not sure there's anything they really can do to stay dominant (multitasking, UI overhaul, etc might be nice, but probably not going to really breathe life into the iPhone like the iPhone breathed into smartphones at launch). But they aren't going anywhere. They'll (eventually) come off an unsustainable high, find a plateau and then be a fixture.
I've never been a fan, and I've never owned an Apple product, but I'm impressed they flew as high as they did for as long as they did.
well you can fool people sometimes but you can't fool all the people all of the time! thats my quote of the day for apple. when iphone came out it without a doubt revolutionary. now the shine is quickly wearing off........... the whole platform, the way apple servers control everything and the way the have a hand in all that you do with your own bloody handset!
the latest blunder ........... Iphone 3GS 'they think you are the same'. thats the take off line on the advert ............ i say yes you are the same with a few extra apps which are widely available in the app store and for free on cydia/icy! yes folks it is a scam. there is no difference between the iphone 3G and 3GS. the camera is 3.2(not) - just been tweaked to take higher res photos and of course 16 and 32gb models only........... everything apple claim new about 3GS you can freely add to 3G model! they pulled out all the stops with creating the original iphone and alas it seems there is no room for going forward!

This is the End (move to Android, WP7, or iphh... I can't even say it)

It is now 2nd half of 2010. Apple has released the 4th version of the iPhone. Blackberry has released it's best touch screen device to date, the BB Torch. Android is poised to move into 2nd place and can possibly become market share leader in the coming months. Windows Phone 7 is being polished and will launch within the next 2-3 months.
So where does this leave us Touch Pro 2 owners? Our processors, even when overclocked are not even close to what newer smartphones have under the hood. As much as I've enjoyed using WM 6.5 with HTC Sense and MaxManilla and Cookies HomeTab and MaxSense, I'm beginning to feel like no amount of tweaking and ROM flashing can save our devices. App support for WM 6.1 and 6.5 has come to a grinding halt in my opinion. No one can argue with the fact that all the best apps are now on iPhone and Android.
So I ask my fellow Rhodium owners... when are you going to switch, and what are you going to switch to?
im moving to year when i get my dead...and it kinda hurts...because when it runs right...its so smooth, but alot of the consumer market wants apps, which WINMO does have...but we dont have the novelty apps like iphones and me android is like...iphone on steriods with a touch of windows mobile productivity
my contract will be expiring until aug of 2011 so I still got like a year to go until I can upgrade. Based on what I have seen so far, I think I will be moving to android or possibly to iphone 4 because now ATT requires everyone to get a data plan, I am possibly will move to iphone 4 becasue the price will be the same regardless it's a smartphone or iphone.
So far, I am looking at captivate, iphone 4, or xperia. I am leaning toward captivate and ihpone 4 but still have not yet made up my mind.
I like HTC's sense but to be honest, I am pretty much given up on any of the WinMo phones so it's most likely going to be either android or iphone.
The good news I guess for me is that I still got a year to go so I can wait and keep looking around and shopping.
yea, its almost the end for my Rhodium. Im looking at either the Blackberry Torch or any of the WP7 phone. Might try the torch first and let the WP7 matured out first.
But its been nice using the Rhodium, surely its not the quickest but it gets the job done. Im still gonna keep it, one of the best phone that i've use.
ill be switching to android, ive never liked the iphone OS and WP7 is just a clone
as for when, i dont know, im not under a contract ATM so ill switch whenever i see an android phone with a nice TP2-like keyboard, preferably on sprint
android on a htc device most likely. love winmo tho. if they get their act right ill remain loyal.
iphone??? lol, maybe if i get over originality.... new iphone looks like **** compared to my rhod. and i expect it will never be able to catch my attention.
unfortunately I'll stay on wm 6.5! because UpToDate (a medical reference program) which is MUST TO HAVE for me, is not released for android!
If I could pass this limitation, I'll go for android (probably galaxy s i9000) for sure.
I'm tired of changing rom, searching for tweaks,testing new home screens and themes,etc... to feel like having a 2010-11 smart phone!
I'll be staying with my Tilt2 for now. Its not even a year old, and I can't justify a switch at this time. Maybe when/if ATT offers a subsidized flagship Android handset, then I'll think of switching. Especially a device with a slider QWERTY keyboard. Or if an unlocked Android phone really piques my interest (enough to justify paying full price).
Android seems to be carrying on in the spirit of Windows Mobile, offering customization and freedom, completely in contrast to Apple's walled garden. Its still not quite as slick and streamlined as the iPhone, but I have high hopes for Android in the next year or so.
As fluid, user-friendly, and popular as the iPhone may be, I still can't stand its closed architecture. Its annoying that Steve Jobs and Apple fanboys claim the iPhone is "the best" when they are still making big updates to add features which WM has had for years. Everything from tethering to multitask, icon folders, and on previous updates: cut&paste, stereo bluetooth, and so much more. And its still outrageous to me that you can't even activate an iPhone without installing Apple's bloated software package on your home computer.
I had big expectations for the Blackberry Torch and Blackberry OS 6, since there (for some time now) has been the possibility of my work forcing me to switch to a BB device. But it appears the phone has fallen far short of RIMs promises and hype. Blackberry 6 is still years behind Android and Apple. A pretty home page, with most things underlying basically the same as the old Blackberry, and tons of other issues. RIM has proven that they are out of touch with the new smartphone landscape, and will continue to lose market share to the competition. Too bad, with their dominance in the enterprise arena, and reputation for security, they could have stayed THE major player, if they had played their cards right.,review-1573.html
I've already moved on from the TP2 to the Evo, and Android, not WP7 is the real successor to WinMo. For all the tweaks I made to get my TP2 working smoothly, the Evo trumped it in almost every way out of the box. Aside from voice dial, there isn't anything from WinMo that Android doesn't do better. Much better. I had been using WinMo since the Mogul, and while Android 1.6 isn't all that hot, 2.2 with Sense is both familiar and superior.
And the hardware just smokes the TP2.
android is really catching my eye right now. i got a tilt 2 off ebay a couple of months ago and its been fun using it. i also have a pure from at&t as well and i keep switching between the 2 devices. my wife has iphone and as great as it is its not for me. i love to custimise and tweak otherwise i might as well just have a crappy flip phone if i just wanted a phone. i keep eye balling the samsung captivate but im a big htc fan. i keep seeing leaked upcoming phones from htc but not sure if when at&t will get any of those. i am intrigued with wp7 as well. both i and my wife are eligible for upgrades and i use her line to upgrade phones for me as well. i dont want to jump the gun and get the captivate but its getting very tempting to since at&t suck at getting any new smartphones.
Buying a WM Rhodium phone was a big, big mistake in my opinion. I had no idea that a phone could be so slow and unresponsive. As someone who works in manufacturing, I was shocked that a product like this would even be marketed (I consider 5 soft resets a day and slow response as "defective".) I really wish I had gotten Android instead, but I'm stuck with this phone for the next year at the very least. I got burned!
having to do 5 resets a day is defective.
I am not sure what I will be moving over to yet. Im on Sprint so I may look toward the Samsung Epic. That phone is Android but it does have an actual keyboard. I am sad too because I have become so accustomed to winmo. I love the file explorer, the freedom, the cutting and pasting. Perhaps I will wait to see what windows Phone 7 has to offer, but I think having the keyboard and the freedom to customize is most important.
redpoint73 said:
I'll be staying with my Tilt2 for now. Its not even a year old, and I can't justify a switch at this time. Maybe when/if ATT offers a subsidized flagship Android handset, then I'll think of switching. Especially a device with a slider QWERTY keyboard. Or if an unlocked Android phone really piques my interest (enough to justify paying full price).
Android seems to be carrying on in the spirit of Windows Mobile, offering customization and freedom, completely in contrast to Apple's walled garden. Its still not quite as slick and streamlined as the iPhone, but I have high hopes for Android in the next year or so.
As fluid, user-friendly, and popular as the iPhone may be, I still can't stand its closed architecture. Its annoying that Steve Jobs and Apple fanboys claim the iPhone is "the best" when they are still making big updates to add features which WM has had for years. Everything from tethering to multitask, icon folders, and on previous updates: cut&paste, stereo bluetooth, and so much more. And its still outrageous to me that you can't even activate an iPhone without installing Apple's bloated software package on your home computer.
I had big expectations for the Blackberry Torch and Blackberry OS 6, since there (for some time now) has been the possibility of my work forcing me to switch to a BB device. But it appears the phone has fallen far short of RIMs promises and hype. Blackberry 6 is still years behind Android and Apple. A pretty home page, with most things underlying basically the same as the old Blackberry, and tons of other issues. RIM has proven that they are out of touch with the new smartphone landscape, and will continue to lose market share to the competition. Too bad, with their dominance in the enterprise arena, and reputation for security, they could have stayed THE major player, if they had played their cards right.
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You hit the nail squarely on the head here. I considered (and still am) an Android based phone but I like the "easy button" convenience of ActiveSync. I've owned all three iterations of the Blackjack and this is my first HTC product and I have to say that I am enjoying it completely. The price disparity between the Jack and the Tilt 2 was the only thing that kept me from buying it right off the bat. Having said that, some of the features that got broken with the WM6.5 update are unacceptable. Threaded messaging worked perfectly before I updated my Jack, not so much afterward, and I hope the new official ROM update for the Tilt 2 addresses this and other issues. It was a relief to find out that it was either a Microsoft or ATT software engineer that effed things up, and not a Samsung issue as I originally assumed.
I also considered the iphone, as when i got the Jack the 3GS model was coming out so I could've gotten a 3G for a song, but I feel the same about that crappy itunes garbage software. Absolute ****e, IMO. I had to fix my daughter's desktop so many times a few years back because of that crapware and I'm not willing to go there again.
I also considered a crackberry, but nothing really interested me at the time except for the Bold and that was just as expensive as the Tilt 2.
gromky said:
Buying a WM Rhodium phone was a big, big mistake in my opinion. I had no idea that a phone could be so slow and unresponsive. As someone who works in manufacturing, I was shocked that a product like this would even be marketed (I consider 5 soft resets a day and slow response as "defective".) I really wish I had gotten Android instead, but I'm stuck with this phone for the next year at the very least. I got burned!
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I'd say don't blame the phone, blame the software. While the Rhodium hardware may not spec out like the bleeding edge stuff that has been released in the last few months, it is more than up to the task of handling a properly polished WM6.x ROM. I really would have liked to see this phone with 6.1 on it. As I implied in my above reply, 6.1 worked pretty flawless for me but 6.5 has been just this side of an unmitigated disaster. Throw in all the bloat and crap that ATT wants to put on their WM smartphones and you have what we got.
Again, my hope is that the new official ROM update will address all the issues that WM6.5 created.
I have had no problems and very rarely have to reset..
I'll be waiting until a good phone has all the hardware features I like in the TP2, either android or WM7 I don't care, I'll judge in a year.
The TP2 was the best phone out for me needs when I got it, and it'll be a year or so probably before something comes out that'll make me switch. It does all I want, and more, now. Higher res and faster speed would be nice, HDMI out and a few other hardware goodies would rock, but it isn't required.
I went thru the gambit of HTC/at&t phones over the last few years. I still even have a 3125 & 8525 in my desk. I got the first Tilt, and after I got it tweaked the way I wanted it, (eventually stayed with stock rom too), it has been a work horse for almost THREE YEARS! The last two years I had it, never had to hard reset it!!!
Now I have the Tilt2...all I can say is.... WOW... I am looking forward to the next three years.
One thing folks should understand about WinMo.. or Windows in general. A lot of the 'bugginess' can be attributed to third party apps, just like your desk/laptop.
I am worried about WinMo 7. I hear the new platforms are essentially a
Zune versus a pocket pc. My phone needs to be an extension of my desk/laptops, can a Zune platform fill the bill?
going down with the ship, why switch when my phone does everything I need and want it to.
I think I could well be going to Android as I'm more swayed by the full qwerty keyboard than an operating system.
The new HTC G2 or Vision will be the way forward and I suspect I'll just take whatever OS is offered with it.
Even got a gmail account set up in readiness for the switch. It's a shame as I have no issues with WinMo but if they cannot provide the correct hardware then I'm off.
the touch pro 2 has been the best phone i've ever had. yes it was glitchy at the beginning and it froze daily, but with the right setup, its perfect. Im running the Energy Rom right now, with Spb Mobile Shell 3.5 and a custom Spb skin. Its so customizable its sickening. I've had it in this configuration for the last 3 months, and I have not had to reset my phone for that whole period of time. on top of that, my battery life is longer. I hope they will make an updated version of the Rhodium with the slide out keyboard. I really don't want to upgrade to a phone without it.
gromky said:
Buying a WM Rhodium phone was a big, big mistake in my opinion. I had no idea that a phone could be so slow and unresponsive. As someone who works in manufacturing, I was shocked that a product like this would even be marketed (I consider 5 soft resets a day and slow response as "defective".) I really wish I had gotten Android instead, but I'm stuck with this phone for the next year at the very least. I got burned!
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working in manufacturing, you shoudl have known to try out any technology before you buy it. i have tilt2 and i mess with it everyday, flashing and tweaking, and within the year or so ive had the fone ive only had 2 times where ive had to SOFT reset. never had a problem that needed a hard reset.
even now i have it oc'd at 768 and no freezing never lags, no errors.
a lot of times its just that you need to match the technology u buy. some people are windows peeps, some are google peeps, some are apple peeps.
if your constantly getting lags, needing to reset... blah blah blah... then u probably need a more simple form of tech like iphone.
if you like to tweak and customize (and know a lil something about computers) go for windows.
if you want a phone thats psp/computer, go with android.
you want a weak version of psp, go with iphone.
doug3673 said:
So I ask my fellow Rhodium owners... when are you going to switch, and what are you going to switch to?
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I am going to stay with the Tilt2 until sometime next year. I really do not care about the speed of the processor or much else as long as the phone does what I want it to do. However, support of applications is the main issue. More and more applications are getting released for the iPhone and Android only and there are a number I would like to have. MS has abandoned WinMo (which makes little sense to me, but anyway), so moving to a new platform is essential to obtain newer applications.
So, the choice is the iPhone or Android. I dislike Apple's closed system so this brings us to Android. Unfortunately, there is no Android device that I find compelling right now. What I want is an HTC device running Sense with a keyboard and at least a 4'' screen. Hopefully. such device would be released soon (it has to be GSM because of travel requirements).

Got my HTC Surround today

I have been playing with it all day, my HTC Surround is quite a toy. While this is version 1.0 of WP7, its pretty good. There are maybe 125 free apps in the market place and most paid apps are $1-$3 or more. I see a lot of potential. The interface is responsive. It's not perfect but I expect MS will address all of its shortcomings. I lost all of my favorite installed apps I had on my Dash 3G - all the TV and radio apps, my MIRC app, most of the things I really care about, so I am holding onto my Dash for now. But I am SURE most of these apps will be ported over sooner than later. If I get desparate, I'll pay AT&T the $10 they want for their streaming app. Video quality is OK using the Zune software. I used it convert my smaller .mp4's using the Zune converter. I may get sharper pictures if I convert from the original .avi's. There are a few free radio apps that work well. So far I don't see any 3rd party video news apps, maybe Netflix is good, so haven't figured out how to get Sky video news, but again i am sure it will be available soon. There's a glitch in windows live causing some people to get error messages, but MS says they will have that fixed shortly. IExp works great, as does the weather maps and search. My contacts downloaded fine from my sim card and synced fine to my computer. All in all this was a good move....can't wait for the rest to come!
Congrats!! And a few questions please
Have you ever played with an HTC Aria and its Sense touch technology? Is the HTC touch interface the same or as stunning on your new phone? I love my Captivate (which askpcguy just helped me unbrick ), but have really always loved Windows' PC OS and the HTC Sense on my Aria just really seemed snappier to me than Samsung's TouchWiz. My fiancee will get my Captivate, but I'm torn between one of the new AT&T 7 phones or a decent touchscreen/real keyboard Android if and when AT&T gets one. I miss my real BB keyboard, but the Torch is too underpowered and the screen is to small for my aging eyes.
Also, I read a few reviews on your excellent phone at PCmag, CNET and Endgadget earlier today, and Endgadget mentioned the fact that the speakers are muffled when closed and you have to really have them open to hear well. That seems logical, but is it as noticeable as they lead one to believe please? Can you hear a call come in well? Endgadget indicates those are the only speakers on the phone, and if muffled, would I still hear my ringtones? For a totally useless question, can you set a whole song as a ringtone, or are you limited to a certain file size like most phones nowadays (my old Krzr, which I used today while Captivate was out of service, can handle a whole song, why not smartphones? One of those things that make me go hmmm?). The same review had issues with the kickstand. What have you noticed please?
I read an interview with HTC's owner and founder in Businessweek this past week, and he is truly a trendsetter. HTC came out of nowhere and are making the best touchscreens I've seen to date (just eclipsed by Samsung and Apple for now in crispness - but that won't be the case for long).
HTC Sense Hub
this is one of the reasons I went with the Surround instead of the Samsung (ok the screen is a bit smaller but I like the build and HTC seems to have better continuing device support)
Well back to the HTC hub, it is very sense like but not as we are used to on WM/Android devices, imho there is a bit too much animation but it is very cool and the device seems to handle the graphice very well. the hub mainly consists of the basic clock/weather combo with links to additional HTC free apps that are many of the unique value added apps we all know and love, Flashlight, calc, a very cool picture enhancer and some others that must be installed, the few att bloat ware present can be easily removed (a first i think) it's not the same as we are used to but they did a nice job of adding the HTC feel as a component to the metro interface. these are just my observations/thoughts and your milage may vary.
1toadfacedfrump said:
Have you ever played with an HTC Aria and its Sense touch technology? Is the HTC touch interface the same or as stunning on your new phone? I love my Captivate (which askpcguy just helped me unbrick ), but have really always loved Windows' PC OS and the HTC Sense on my Aria just really seemed snappier to me than Samsung's TouchWiz. My fiancee will get my Captivate, but I'm torn between one of the new AT&T 7 phones or a decent touchscreen/real keyboard Android if and when AT&T gets one. I miss my real BB keyboard, but the Torch is too underpowered and the screen is to small for my aging eyes.
Also, I read a few reviews on your excellent phone at PCmag, CNET and Endgadget earlier today, and Endgadget mentioned the fact that the speakers are muffled when closed and you have to really have them open to hear well. That seems logical, but is it as noticeable as they lead one to believe please? Can you hear a call come in well? Endgadget indicates those are the only speakers on the phone, and if muffled, would I still hear my ringtones? For a totally useless question, can you set a whole song as a ringtone, or are you limited to a certain file size like most phones nowadays (my old Krzr, which I used today while Captivate was out of service, can handle a whole song, why not smartphones? One of those things that make me go hmmm?). The same review had issues with the kickstand. What have you noticed please?
I read an interview with HTC's owner and founder in Businessweek this past week, and he is truly a trendsetter. HTC came out of nowhere and are making the best touchscreens I've seen to date (just eclipsed by Samsung and Apple for now in crispness - but that won't be the case for long).
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I hate to break it to you, but HTC cuts a lot of corners. Especially lately. It may be due to demand or whatever, but it's one of the primary reasons I'm looking to buy from another manufacturer this time around. I believe they used to make KIRFs, by the way. Though, I have no source on that.
I really don't like my Surround, but HTC never made KIRFS. HTC made just about everyone else's PDA and WinMo phones back in the day though. Including the XDA (hence the name of this forum, which is based on HTC phones). It wasn't until around 2006/2007 that they started trying to be a brand name in their own right though.
Croak said:
I really don't like my Surround, but HTC never made KIRFS. HTC made just about everyone else's PDA and WinMo phones back in the day though. Including the XDA (hence the name of this forum, which is based on HTC phones). It wasn't until around 2006/2007 that they started trying to be a brand name in their own right though.
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Are you going to give the Focus a try? I played with one at the store today and have to admit, it was pretty nice. Didn't look or feel cheap to me.
No, I own a Galaxy S I9000M that's in for repairs, with that I get the same 4" SAMOLED as the Focus, AND a real OS. Once it comes back, this Windows Phone 7 detour is over. After a day of using it, I'm certain Windows Phone 7 is not for me.
On the other hand, this might just be the perfect OS for my father, who still can't set the clock on his microwave.
ericc191 said:
I hate to break it to you, but HTC cuts a lot of corners. Especially lately. It may be due to demand or whatever, but it's one of the primary reasons I'm looking to buy from another manufacturer this time around. I believe they used to make KIRFs, by the way. Though, I have no source on that.
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Agreed, agreed, agreed! I don't think I'm ever going to buy another HTC device, ever, which is why I never looked very hard at Android. I've been burned by their corner cutting several times too many. I was also burned by that WinMo phone from LG that was supposed to sell with the snap on projector and had "numerous UI enhancements" from LG which actually made the already lousy WinMo 6.5 UI even WORSE. It was a bad phone and I don't think AT&T tried selling it for very long. So I went with the Samsung Focus and so far I'm impressed. The hardware is nice, it works well and the system, while spartan, works well and hasn't slowed or crashed on me. As was also mentioned, I have a TON of stuff I use on a regular basis on the iPhone so I haven't sold it, nor am I 100% committed to the Focus yet....I have 30 days to return it and I may do that. But so far I have no reason to do so PLUS Slingplayer, my favorite app of all, is already available for WP. I waited almost a full year for Slingplayer for the iPhone and the day after I buy a WP phone, there it is. Now that's impressive!
Lots of interesting ideas and advice, and I love gaining the pros and cons of devices, as well as the history (thanks Croak ). You guys certainly know your stuff, but before you give up on HTC, get last week's Bloomberg Businessweek and read the interview with the top man, because if he knew of the problems you speak of it appears he would be highly upset. Some of what Croak indicated are in that same article. He seems to be a perfectionist like Mr. Jobs; but being human, we will never attain such a lofty goal, but sure have fun trying.
FWIW, the Sense UI blows me away, which is why I miss the underpowered Aria.

anybody considering wp7?

wp7 will be hitting sprint shortly and i wonder how many evo users are considering jumping back to the dark side?
myself i won't even consider touching the platform until i can theme and customize it to my liking. maybe even be able to run android on it. plus remove that ugly UI.
I am I love that interface IMO from MCE to the zune HD but android will probably get ported to it so that would rock too. I just want something to work with a zune pass and better media options and sync.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Played with one yesterday and it was pretty awesome. I played with the wp7 phone that had the slide out speaker. The biuld quality is much better than the evo and the phone was heavy as hell.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I won't let myself talk myself into considering wm again. I stuck with wm since the 8125 up until the evo came out. I loved my tilt 2 and of course it looks like the new tilt is wm again. Although I like that form factor, I won't be jumping ship again. Especially with evo shift coming sometime, even though we really don't know much about t yet.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I just cant get over how ugly it is.
i used one last night at work i have to say for being version 1 of the OS its smooth and very well done
Mactagonist said:
I just cant get over how ugly it is.
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That's what I thought too until I played with it. The device is really snappy and the transition from landscape to portrait was instantaneous. That was a major problem in WM devices of the past. The phone that I played with was the HTC Surround and it felt really solid. The device was heavy (I would say twice the weight of the Evo) but it felt really good. I have a preference for heavy phones so it wasn't a big deal to me. I think I may jump ship if a comparable device comes to Sprint.
I think from the app store standpoint you would see many cool apps with WP7. I also liked WM because anything you can do on a PC you could pretty much do on WM.
i would def consider it, I played with a HD7 and once a few updates come out it will be a powerhouse
Personally, I like the UI and the devices. Presumably the device that's coming to Sprint would be the 7 Pro, which looks like the touch Pro 2 I used to have, with updated styling and hardware. And I'd love to get native support for office docs back. So far I've tried a couple android apps for viewing and editing excel and word docs and they've all sucked. On top of that, I'm still missing my TP2's physical keyboard - swype's nice, but I'm nowhere near as fast with it as I was on the TP2. I guess even though I'm on android now, I spent enough time with WM that I'm still a bit of a WM apologist (and there ARE bright spots to WM - it's just that they're all outshadowed by all the development on the competing OS's out there).
But I don't think I'll be tempted - the lack of flexibility is a deal breaker for me. No sideloading, no installing non-market apps, no removable / hot swappable storage = unacceptable for my purposes
On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if I sell a lot of them to my customers once they come out. Right now all I've got for WM is the HTC TP2 and the Snap. we've got updated BB's and androids left and right, but there's a gaping hole in the WM lineup. And it looks like the locked-down approach that WM7 has taken should appeal to business use - the end users get a fancier handset that can do more fun stuff, but it's locked down enough that the IT guy doesn't have to worry about them screwing everything up.
I hope for MS's sake that it's not too late - in the last 6 months I've seen a ton of users move from WM and BB (mostly BB) to android. It seems the end users have wanted fancier phones for a while, and the IT directors are getting comfortable enough with android that a lot of businesses are changing their policy to allow for androids. and the lines I lose to the iPhone are predominantly WM and BB devices - we don't lose many EVO's and Epic's to the iPhone. WM and BB are really losing quite a bit of momentum.
F**K WP7, F**K iOS, and F**K BlackBerry. I love Android, I love my EVO, I love HTC, and I love Google. Enough said for my answer
Sent from my EVO's 4G You?........I thought so
Wow. Got some dedicated people here. LOL. Anyway, WP7 look interesting, but I'm not jumping on it in its current "beta" form, if at all. For those who are completely loyal to an OS, I hope you're getting paid by, or at the very least own stock in Google or whoever owns your current OS. I'll never understand the mentality of a fanboy. I've been using Android for about a year, and I've yet to receive any money from Google. Seriously though, the only loyalty I have tying me down is the money I've invested in Android apps. I use Android because it's what I like best and what works best for me at this time. IOS worked for me for a while, but I got tired of the cat and mouse game with jailbreaking and Apple's whole philosophy in general. Who knows though? Maybe if WP7 really steps it up in the next 6 months or so, I'll consider a switch.
I'll be sticking with android. I'm hooked.
I'm a huge fan of Android, its the only OS that I never had a huge problem with. All if my recent phones have been Android powered. And I never really had a problem with HTC phones so I stick with them if I can. I wish I got paid by them or owned stock, but I have no problem representing what I like
Sent from my EVO's 4G You?........I thought so
I like the look of WP7 wayyyy better than Android. Android is just... ugly. I've tried many themes, Sense, stock, etc. And none of it looks right.
Then again, Android is a much better OS than WP7. Especially because it is more open.
I had an HD7 for 2 weeks. I had switched from an iphone 3gs. The first day I loved the clean UI. It looked great and exchange email is the best of all 3 platforms (no shock here). But then things went downhill. The HD7 had deplorable reception, often losing the network indicator. The phone was poorly built, with the bezel on the right side coming away from the body. The dedicated camera button that i so wanted was total junk and had to be pressed with the edge of your fingernail. The screen was total garbage. I have never seen pictures look this bad on a modern smartphone. The camera was also below par. Finally I bored with the simple UI and returned the phone for an Evo.
WP7 could be the everyman's UI, its that clean and simple. But if you like doing any amount of tweaking, stay far away!
Oh, believe me, I'm not saying it's bad to be a fan of anything. In fact, it's good to know what you like and want. Like I said, I'm currently an Android fan. I just don't have any allegiance to them. It's the fanboy mentality I don't get. Same crap happened (and still does) with Xbox 360 and PS3. I own both, and the only reason I usually buy Xbox versions of games is because I prefer the controller, not because of an allegiance to Microsoft. That would just be stupid.
I would love to try it. I really miss WinMo =(. The way I could sync everything flawlessly via bluetooth (especially OneNote). *Sigh* I can't justify plopping another couple hundred dollars on a phone though. Boo!
At any rate, I agree with live2ride. It's just an OS and nothing more. Personally, I like to play around with different platforms, it keeps my inner geek alive. For those saying you can't install apps that aren't on the market? As long as you control the registry, you control the phone...just my two cents.
Its ugly I'm not diggin those big sqares, and Im not ready to walk away from all the apps I payed for on Android.
I bet anything a home replacement to emulate WM7 will surface sooner or later.
derekwilkinson said:
I like the look of WP7 wayyyy better than Android. Android is just... ugly. I've tried many themes, Sense, stock, etc. And none of it looks right.
Then again, Android is a much better OS than WP7. Especially because it is more open.
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stock vanilla is ugly but after you theme it IMO it looks 10x better than winmo did. you can basically make android look whatever you want it to look like.
im half tempted to try wp7 but im not sure if i want to give up on my evo. that metro UI has got to go.
I wouldn't touch any OS product from MS. I'll stick with Android or iOS.

Due for an upgrade, probably reluctantly switching to Android

I say reluctantly, because I want WP to be awesome. I want to stay with it, but I just can't do this 'basic' thing anymore. The colours are so dreadfully boring, there's no WP8 support for my device, Zune software sucks ass. I miss being able to just drag and drop into my music folder. Why complicate it needlessly with restrictive software? How many "new" colours will there be? 4? Android used to be laggy, but it's not anymore. Why is there no speed dial? (Yes there's an app for that, but I live in a border city, the only dialer app that displays my network is the native one, and I need to see it). There's no DLNA app (The LG one? Sorry, that's not a working app, that's just some user interface that pretends to be a DLNA app), and the battery. My freakin gosh the battery. I'd get better battery life out of a lemon and copper wire. 99% gives me 12 hours, that's if I close all apps and leave it alone for the day. I own three chargers (work, car, home), and mine is only a 3.5" screen! What if I had went with the HD7??
These alleged WP8 handsets that are coming out, will they be on par with even 2010 tech? Probably not. I'm so underwhelmed by just everything. My bro-in-law has the Note, and it's insane. Super AMOLED HD screen, xvid/h-264 support, HD out, etc. And it's already outdated almost. The Note 2 will be announced tomorrow, and then hopefully soon available here in Canada.
These are old talking points, I know. I've been reading/lurking this board since before WP came out. It's been hashed out time and again. And it doesn't even matter. What matters is what will please you/me the most. What do you care which platform I go with? I'm not bashing anything, just verbalizing my internal dialogue trying to decide. I was a pioneer with this platform, it pains me, I wanted it to be awesome, but it's just not fully functional. "But wait for the next update" worked a year ago, not this time. WP8 will be undercooked and a day late.
The desktop Windows 8 looks like a disaster of Titanic/watergate proportions. I don't want my device to in any way require that... thing of an OS. They missed the point. They may have started with simplicity in mind, but they're far from it now.
I'm due now for an upgrade, but it's not required, so I'm probably waiting until after Christmas to give time for all the iPhone5/Note2/WP8's of the world to be fully released and reviewed.
Anyone else feeling like this?
to my understanding, there's no/not too much heat on new android devices because almost every month(if not every week) there're some new android devices released to the market. You will always find better device if you hold just a little bit, just a little. but for the iPhone or the coming WP8, it'll be quite a long time before you will see a real update, the next release cycle, one year or something. So, before you see those, why jump now?
ctiger said:
to my understanding, there's no/not too much heat on new android devices because almost every month(if not every week) there're some new android devices released to the market. You will always find better device if you hold just a little bit, just a little. but for the iPhone or the coming WP8, it'll be quite a long time before you will see a real update, the next release cycle, one year or something. So, before you see those, why jump now?
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Yeah that's been the ongoing joke about the iPhone forever. And Android is definitely doing that lately.
There's certain features I really need to have in my next device. The Note has all of them. If the Note 2 dials some back, then I'll just go with the Note 1 and save some cash. If you can wait a couple months and get a little bit bigger screen, why not right?
Wait until Jan/Feb. Im expecting Microsoft to really step up with WP8 or Im gone also. I really dont like Android, but I might be out of options.
Loco5150 said:
Wait until Jan/Feb. Im expecting Microsoft to really step up with WP8 or Im gone also. I really dont like Android, but I might be out of options.
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I have a A500 running 4.0.3 I think, it works fine, but I ran into a lot crashes and problems too. I think I'm very open on which OS to use, the cheapest I think I got my Windows Phone Arrive for free, absolutely free, not even activation fee, so that's why I'm with WP7. But in fact, if I jump on the new release iPhone 5, but sell it, profits.
Another Option
This is not a flame but a genuine question. Why not wait and see what RIM come up with? I got my HTC Titan because I like the look and style of win 7 and realy do not like Iphone or Andriod and yes i have had an Andriod and my girlfriend has my Iphone 4. I too feel there is just too much missing from win7 and am due an upgrade about November so if RIM can manage to sort out there act i might give it a try.Remember how things were for apple a few years ago when they were talking about just selling the company
its just an idea
^ waiting on RIM, it'll be sometime next year before an actual device is released.
Side note:
I just sold a GS3. Damn beastly phone, the best I ever had. I didn't even mind Touch wiz. I had it for one full day before selling it, that home button just ruined the experience for me though.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
What vetvito said. Blackberry won't have BB10 out until like Q2 2013. As well as that, I'm just not interested in the last hurrah of a sinking company. It will probably be pretty limited. I'm just getting done with a 'new' platform, I'd like to be with something that's worked in.
Yes exactly my thoughts also on RIM. I dont want to switch to an OS that most likely will not be around anymore in few years. Before Nokia announced MS partnership I was expecting Meego to be the thing for me. I really hope hope WP8 is meeting my expectations and I wouldnt have to move to Android.
My suggestion would also be to simply wait what Microsoft's partners and Apple are bringing to the table next month. If you wait until december you should have all the options aside from RIM for whom I personally would not wait.
The Note is a nice phone in theory but the only one I know who owns one is telling me permanently about the newest strangeness it decides on doing (guess it's simply his device that's acting up - at least I hope so).
On the hardware front I'm not that concerned over WP8. The release handsets were announced to all feature Qualcomms Snapdragon S4 Plus chipsets which, even though being dual core instead of quad, offer better performance than the Tegra 3 and Samsungs own Quadcore-Chips due to the Krait-Architecture by Qualcomm. It's the same chip the LTE-Versions of the HTC One X and Galaxy S3 currently use. HD displays are also a go with WP8.
The biggest question will be WP8 features and it seems we will know whats coming there in one week.
I do see the point in waiting, but I just got myself a Focus S and its the dogs bollocks
I think what most users need to do is actually sit down and find out what they want from their phone.
apart from being able to install customs ROMs this phone does everything I want it to and it looks amazing so for me its ideal, waiting for a WP8 device may seem prudent just now but again, what do you actually want it to do, WP8 will bring new features but do you really NEED them or is it a case of "yeah that would be cool to have" if its the latter than you are buying it for the wrong reason.
theres too much focus on tech and not enough on actual usability. I can promise you that no android or Iphone will be better for my needs at the moment, not because I know every single device out there but because I know what I need my phone for, and the Focus S ticks all the boxes
So that's my advice, sit down, and write down what your phone MUST do, not what youd like it to do but MUST do, once you find a phone that does all of those things weigh up costs etc yes WP8 will be out soon, but do you NEED it, the answer may be no, but the flip side is that WP7 devices will drop in price so perhaps that's your best option.....anyhow, just food for thought
At the end of the day, it is just a phone. Doesn't matter what OS you buy into but this time around, don't buy a phone which "looks" good or "feels" good.
I would suggest trying out the phone and functions to your heart's content before parting with your money. Like everyone else, I am playing a waiting game before I invest my cash on any OS. This Christmas Santa will be pretty confused too!
dazza9075 said:
I do see the point in waiting, but I just got myself a Focus S and its the dogs bollocks
I think what most users need to do is actually sit down and find out what they want from their phone.
apart from being able to install customs ROMs this phone does everything I want it to and it looks amazing so for me its ideal, waiting for a WP8 device may seem prudent just now but again, what do you actually want it to do, WP8 will bring new features but do you really NEED them or is it a case of "yeah that would be cool to have" if its the latter than you are buying it for the wrong reason.
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MY WORDS! WP8 has some new features, but 80% of the world does not use NFC. look at Europe or Asia, have somebody seen some NFC around? the same thing, even worse is with east Europe. ok the better screen and the developer could make apps for WP8 in c++ but that not that big deal for the mayor of us. the problem is Other operating systems like Android made the WP7 users to WISH better specs. that's the problem, like an virus thats now in the heads of a few WP7 users. my WP7 does everything what i need to have from a phone right now, and for the next one, two years! like you stated people think of WP8 "yeah that and that feature would be cool to have" but i will never use it. i say lets wait until 7.8 and the new start screen, it looks and feels like the WP8. ok we dont get wallet and such thing, but wallet i dont need, i have a real wallet made out from leather the only thing whats not so good for wp7 is that voip agent can not run in background like the GSM service. so that would be an WP8 feature why i would switch, but not right now, maybe next year when the devices would be around 300-400€ in Germany.
Dinchy87 said:
ok the better screen and the developer could make apps for WP8 in c++ but that not that big deal for the mayor of us.
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I disagree on some of these points. Higher screen resolutions and native code are very important features. Native code enables easier porting of apps from iOS and Android (not to mention more similarity between WP8 and Windows RT) and should make these apps faster / more responsive. Having a choice of a retina display would also be nice
It would also be nice to have some bug fixes, which is more likely to happen on WP8. Tango seemed to break podcast management for some of us, in addition to a few other niggles (e.g. why can't I edit the original email after pressing reply / forward?, volume normalisation issues etc). The overall experience is good - however, there seem to be several rough edges in WP7.
dazza9075 said:
I do see the point in waiting, but I just got myself a Focus S and its the dogs bollocks
I think what most users need to do is actually sit down and find out what they want from their phone.
apart from being able to install customs ROMs this phone does everything I want it to and it looks amazing so for me its ideal, waiting for a WP8 device may seem prudent just now but again, what do you actually want it to do, WP8 will bring new features but do you really NEED them or is it a case of "yeah that would be cool to have" if its the latter than you are buying it for the wrong reason.
theres too much focus on tech and not enough on actual usability. I can promise you that no android or Iphone will be better for my needs at the moment, not because I know every single device out there but because I know what I need my phone for, and the Focus S ticks all the boxes
So that's my advice, sit down, and write down what your phone MUST do, not what youd like it to do but MUST do, once you find a phone that does all of those things weigh up costs etc yes WP8 will be out soon, but do you NEED it, the answer may be no, but the flip side is that WP7 devices will drop in price so perhaps that's your best option.....anyhow, just food for thought
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Hmm good thoughts, but I disagree.
With things as luxurious as cell phones, the wants are what's most important. Cause if you go by "needs", then I'll be getting a simple feature phone, or a low end Android. Because I don't care who you are, no one needs resolution even as high as 800x480. What I "need" are email and text capabilities. I think the RAZR circa 2004 had that.
What I want is not what WP can provide right now. I know HD screens are approved, but welcome to 2011, as we head into 2013. They'll always be a step behind. Will WP8 have HDMI out? x264 support? Working DLNA? wifi hotspot? Doing away with software and just allowing drag and drop? Motion (press screen and move your hand around)?
I've been to the threads and looked at the features we've seen so far and it's just what should have been included in October 2010. The saying "wait for the next update", has been given as an excuse for every single update.
Just waiting now for news of the Note 2. Berlin is like 5 hours ahead of EST isn't it? I would've thought it'd be revealed by now.
Ah, it's 1pm for the reveal. Leaked pictures look pretty sick.
Loco5150 said:
Yes exactly my thoughts also on RIM. I dont want to switch to an OS that most likely will not be around anymore in few years. Before Nokia announced MS partnership I was expecting Meego to be the thing for me. I really hope hope WP8 is meeting my expectations and I wouldnt have to move to Android.
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Seriously, it would be nice to be with a solid performer.
Meego looked cool, and Bada looked promising as well. C'est la vie I guess.
Android really has come a long way
Personally I didn't really like stock Android without sense till ics. It changed everything. Battery is meh compared to I phone, but with a custom kernel I can get ~12 hours with 1-2 hours screen on if I stick with lte. With jb its really smooth too I'd recommend a Nexus if you want os support. I have an HTC Rezound and htc is really poor with updates. If you are willing to root a toro/maguro will be supported for years. If not, you should at least get a year more of updates since the phone came out last November.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
^ it'll get more than a year of support. Nexus S, two years old still getting love.
sure haven't said:
Seriously, it would be nice to be with a solid performer.
Meego looked cool, and Bada looked promising as well. C'est la vie I guess.
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The N9 meego was awesome. Samsung killed Bada due to poor sales, but it sold more than WP7.
I'm wanting to see what the Jolla guys do later this year.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
sure haven't said:
Hmm good thoughts, but I disagree.
With things as luxurious as cell phones, the wants are what's most important. Cause if you go by "needs", then I'll be getting a simple feature phone, or a low end Android. Because I don't care who you are, no one needs resolution even as high as 800x480. What I "need" are email and text capabilities. I think the RAZR circa 2004 had that.
What I want is not what WP can provide right now. I know HD screens are approved, but welcome to 2011, as we head into 2013. They'll always be a step behind. Will WP8 have HDMI out? x264 support? Working DLNA? wifi hotspot? Doing away with software and just allowing drag and drop? Motion (press screen and move your hand around)?
I've been to the threads and looked at the features we've seen so far and it's just what should have been included in October 2010. The saying "wait for the next update", has been given as an excuse for every single update.
Just waiting now for news of the Note 2. Berlin is like 5 hours ahead of EST isn't it? I would've thought it'd be revealed by now.
Ah, it's 1pm for the reveal. Leaked pictures look pretty sick.
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Ah but usability is the main point here, HDMI, x264, DLNA, NFC are all features that are completely meaningless for many of us, you are absolutely right that a feature phone from 2004 would have done all that I need, but my phone does it better, quicker and a lot more efficiently! but that is my point if you NEED HDMI then that becomes a tick box that must be met, if it is a "oh that's a cool feature" then it shouldn't be a main tick box otherwise you'll be a mug for marketing and end up spending more on stuff you don't NEED.
All those folk out there with quad core phones are a prime example, slapping a quad core in my phone will make absolutely no difference at all in the slightest and I question anyone that doesn't play games or encode video on there phone to tell me that it does make a difference, its a great marketing tool though, its QUAD core guys, its X4 better than a single core, you MUST have this, and people lap it up, hook line and sinker
dazza9075 said:
HDMI, x264, DLNA, NFC are all features that are completely meaningless for many of us
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I am completely satisfied with my HD7 and NextGen 3.3 ROM, two things I miss in everyday life: Teamviewer and how to KILL SMS toast notification...

