Re-Request from a Junior Member - Windows Mobile Software Development

Greetings to Developers & Moderators.
I am using Raphael 300( Windows 6.5.x ) and I prefer using the windows Home Screen rather than using Manila.
I humbly ask you all is it possible to make the clock ( small round analogue ) alive and work equally along with the digital one on the home screen.. I have attached a picture along with this post to make the concept clear..
Thanks and Regards to every Moderators and Developers

Hi bonnyinqingdao
The little analog clock is only an image, search for "Titanium skins" to find something close, not what you want exactly. Good luck!

Feasibly, I could make a program that every minute it updates and creates a new clock image based on the Time, however I am not sure how the homescreen works exactly (in terms of refreshing). Refreshing the homescreen every minute would be both a pain and inconvenient.
If someone knows how to update the image every minute without inconvenience, I would be happy to make the image-maker

60 images X 12 = 720 it's a lot of work !!! Refreshing Titanium takes 3 to 6 seconds, every minutes it 'll happen, the whole device will be devoted to doing only this thing

tito12 said:
60 images X 12 = 720 it's a lot of work !!! Refreshing Titanium takes 3 to 6 seconds, every minutes it 'll happen, the whole device will be devoted to doing only this thing
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I wouldn't save the images to the phone. Not all of them atleast.
The program would have a base-image to work with, and it will load it, then draw a Line on it with Graphics.DrawLine() for the minutes and one for the Hour. I already know the formula for degrees between hands for every minute (it was an Extra Credit Final Project in my Geometry class two years ago )
However, if Titanium doesn't update that often, then it isn't all too worth it...It would cost more resources than it is worth That, or someone can just make a new CCLock Panel (I don't know C++ well enough, so I can't do that)...

Right, I didn't think about changing the arms only
There's already an analog clock plugin somewhere....


[9-1-08][NCAAF]-PocketSportsCenter 6.1 SP Plugin

Updated with NCAA Football support
This is for WM6.1 standard, smarthphones ONLY using sliding panel homescreen.
Thanks to ScottyMoMo for this pocket sportscenter app from this thread here:
This is a homescreen plugin for ScottyMoMo's Pocket SportsCenter for smartphone. This plugin will display any teams that you select in PSC. Teams only as of now, may add more support later. PSC allows you to select teams from MLB, NFL, NBA, or NHL. Once you select the teams in PSC, select the option to exit and save teams to panel.
NCAA football Top 25 teams are now available for scores and updates on page 2 of the sports panel. Since my feed only gives top 25 scores, and most teams I follow are in the top 25, I went ahead with a top 25 scoreboard instead of including team support. When activated it will provide the top 25 teams scores and start times on the text loop in clock panel. Scheduling will not work for auto updates. It will have to manually be started and stopped since there are so many different game times.
The first page of panel is for PSC setup and options. The second is NCAA football. The rest of the pages are for your teams( I allowed for up to 20 teams to be added). From the teams' pages, The ActionURL will do a manual update for that team. The softkey URL will open auto update options which are as follows:
1) stop auto updates
2) 5 minute intervals
3) 10 minute intervals
4) 15 minute intervals
5) Custom intervals
6) Setup timezone( for auto updates scheduling)
After selecting an interval it will save it and run an update. Only one team at a time on updates, both manual and auto. You can go to another page to manual update another team while one is on auto, but only 1 auto update can be run at a time.
I added an automatic scheduling for the auto updates also. When you click on auto update, it will check to see if game is already started or if it should wait till game time. If it finds a game time, it will then set itself to wait and start the autoupdates at that time. Once it gets the final score, auto update will stop automatically. Auto updates should not be started until game day and should work when set the day of game, but not if you try to set before that day.
It now has clock panel text loop support for the auto updates. So if auto is running, it will display game info for that team in operator name text area along with team icon. When auto stops, then text reverts back to network id or weather along with icon that was there before auto started.
1) Install either with the cab . Install to Main memory for now, I'll have to make a few adjustments for the storage card(should be ready in a few days).
2) After installation, go to the start menu and find Pocket SportsCenter. Click on this and setup your teams.
3) After selecting your teams, click on Exit and Save Teams to panel.
4) Now, if all has gone correctly, your homescreen will refresh and the new Sports panel will be visible with your teams, ready for use.
For anyone that needs to replace/fix their team icon folders, all league zip files are in post #135.
To Uninstall: Use Remove Programs and uninstall this cab. Then you will need to reboot or refresh your homescreen to remove the Sports panel.
If there's enough interest in this, I will take the time to make this real nice. Lets see a "show of hands" or keyboards... or
here's a hand and keyboard thumbs up!
would be huge
Would love this. I have Pocketsportscenter but not like this!
I'm Swiss.
I would absolutely love this on my dash, if your gonna do it then i can't wait because your chome weather is awesome so I'm sure this will be as well!!!
Work it baby
OrganicM said:
If there's enough interest in this, I will take the time to make this real nice. Lets see a "show of hands" or keyboards... or
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Damn it, I'm in.
OrganicM said:
If there's enough interest in this, I will take the time to make this real nice. Lets see a "show of hands" or keyboards... or
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Can i raise a few sets of hands?
i got my hand raised
definatly go for it. that way when basketball season comes around again ill be ready
Awesome! I wanted you to take it Org, but I knew you were busy. Thats why I posted, hoping you couldn't resist. Get your new house taken care of, and then show us the magic.
I'll work on it slowly at night... So it might take a few days. Besides, it looks like most of the work is already done, so I just have to make it pretty and useful
OrganicM said:
I'll work on it slowly at night... So it might take a few days. Besides, it looks like most of the work is already done, so I just have to make it pretty and useful
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Oh yah for sure I am waiting for this to be a nice program... it should be exciting...
here's a hand and can't wait
My hand is way up!!!
Showaco, Even though I'm not into sports - I would like to thank you for spending the time to make this for our community. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for this, good idea and good program...
This hands up here!
O! You could make this real nice! Im interested!

Noterrific - note keeping/structuring app

Noteriffic 0.53
Copyright (C) 2004 Rudis Muiznieks
Noteriffic is a quick little app I wrote because I felt that the PPC was
lacking a nice, simple, free note keeping/structuring application that has a
desktop counterpart....
All credit goes to Rudis, but now we have WVGA-Screens, so :
Could anybody of those famous and brave developers
compile this VB-Project for >> WVGA << ?
(Its working fine with QVGA and VGA)
Thanks a lot
Creature/entity appeared in mirror,
kahe40, I wanted to change something in this app the other day so downloaded a trial version of visual studio from MS plus dotnet compact framework. It let me edit the Noterrific source code and compiled a new version fine. I'm sorry I don't have time right now to work out incorporating WVGA, but thought you might like to know what I found out.
ps. if anyone wants the new source/compilation I can post. I simply added the ability for the app to remember which node it is on and return there next time it opens (otherwise it always ended up opening way down the list which drives me mad).
thanks ddk2, please have nice holidays, maybe later we can see...
what do you think about a dark grey background with white text ?
dont know, maybe there are problems with icons and checkboxes ?
and second: in settings, there is: use smaller font for list/display
would you please change to: use bigger font (only one step)
kahe40, did a very quick patch for you, no longer have large/small font, just textboxes so you can set your font size.
Source attached. Find exe's in each project (pda/desktop) in subdir bin\Release.
This version has my mods as described above.
Before you use it, take a copy of your data file (ntn ext) as mine was cleared out somewhere during testing and had to restore. I don't think its a bug, just something from testing, but take backup just to be safe.
Also did a quick test of grey background. Doesn't look that good to me, icons didn't come out well etc. Also presents issues that unless hardcode to grey, then need to make user option to set colour and that's a whole lot of frigging my guest
very nice, good job, thanks a lot my friend
kahe40, don't know if you are still watching this but I just discovered I made a cockup in the last piece of code. I misinterpreted the use of one variable and the resultant problem shows up next time you go to add a node (I haven't added one for quite a while).
This version has corrected that. Also, changed the way I had it remembering which node it was on between sessions. Now saves with the apps variables (a sep file) rather than in the note file itself. Plus side is its much faster closing the app. Another sideaffect is that when syncing the file between pda and desktop, they each have their own memory of the last used node.
Yes, I am guilty my friend,
I traded my TouchHD for an iPhone, dont want to be banned from
this forum, but - man, oh man - what a wonderful OS ...
So I use the old version as shopping-list with my KS20 (QVGA).
Will test your new version soon, thanks a lot.
hello there
I've found this app some weeks ago to keep track of my actions on my work
Like a time log
Is there some some other app (free/paid) that does the same job.
I've found this one for ipod...
shame that there isn't none for wm

I have an idea for a really cool application, need help developing it.

Hello all
I have been using XDA for years, and yet this is my first post. I have always felt inferior to the development genius's on this site, so I thought it best to keep my mouth shut and just marvel at all of you.
I think I can now give something back.
I have an idea for an application that I have not seen on the market (I am from South Africa so we only get free apps here, but I have used google and can't find something similar)
I think this idea would be quite successful on the market, and therefore can not describe it openly.
If there is an application developer (not a newbie like me) who is interested in helping design this application, please let me know.
Thank you
You should just share it right here. The more people that can freely see it, the more would be interested.
All that secret stuff will only work in your disadvantage.
Hi there
You may be right. I have not done this before. How do protect your idea? Or is that not done on this forum?
Maybe you can explain how application development works and how to you protect it if and when the application is a success and goes to the Andorid market.
Explain why this needs to be a secret. Are you looking to make a profit from it? If you're thinking that way you will make very little as a non-functioning member of the application development team.
Just say what your amazing idea is.
Thanks Gazebee, since you put it like that.
I have a desire and when I received it, swore to myself that I would never 'fiddle' with the Rom, like I did with my Windows mobile devices. Well, that was then...
I really liked HTC sense, but have in the interim, moved over to Froyo (Currently using Open Desire1.5).
I miss Sense very much. One of the main reasons for this is that, with Sense you can custom design your Scenes. You can save your back ground, widgets, shortcuts apps etc for all your homescreans, and go back to a previouly saved scene if you wish.
The items that you may wish to have on your homescreans will vary dependant on a variety of factors.
For example, in the week when I am at work the most important items are email, calander, weather(we work outdoors often), messaging, work contacts etc.
On the weekend there are other things that are more important, Photo album, camera, family and friend contacts, music etc.
There may even be times each week when your phone needs to be in airplane/ silent mode etc.
The application I was hoping to develop would allow the user to set scenes for himself, based on the day of week.
So for example, on Monday morning at 6AM, your phone swithces from the 'weekend' scene that the user designed to its "workday"scene. (either needing confirmation or automatically depending on the settings previosly stipulated).
Perhaps when you leave work at 5pm, your phone switches to "evening scene"
The user can stipulate /design as many as he wants and set timed controls to switch between the scenes.
The above was my initial thoughts, but why stop there.
It is surly possible to use Gps location to contol the scenes. When you pull arrive at work, the appropriate scene is activated. When you get to Church on Sunday morning your phone goes into airplane mode so that you don't get struck down by lightning because your phone interupts the sermen.
It may even be possible to take this one step further.
Integrating with applications like Rom Manager it may be possible to use a different THEME for the weekend, work week or whatever, depending on you mood.
Hell, if that is not enough, you may want to switch Roms for the weekend. Perhaps you prefer using the Sense UI at work, but want FROYO on the weekend. These choices can be set in advance and timed based on previously set perameters.
Please let me know what you think of this, it was something that I definitly thought was missing from the Sense UI.
Thank you
tyronius said:
Please let me know what you think of this, it was something that I definitly thought was missing from the Sense UI.
Thank you
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I really like that you took the idé and threw it out there. A great step forward. I like that you understood that finalizing the idé will be hard since you, the "inventor" don't have any development skills, such as programming.
This idé, almost excist. Based on different set of logical operations, like if it's 8 AM and my GPS position tells that I'm at work, it turns the phone down to silent for example. You can also connect different types of applications that should interact with this application, i.e. develop your own plugin for this program.
The app is called Locale and can do a **** load of things;
What it doesnt have is the personlization of the homescreens depending on logical operations. Sounds cool, but to get this to work with Sense will take a ****load of work, I would think that implement it to a launcher i.e. will be much easier. Maybe tip the guy behind to have a look on this.
Something that may be easier than fiddling with homescreens is having a full screen widget that had a 4 x 4 grid of configurable shortcuts that you can setup as you wish for each "profile".
Developing a widget will be far easier than trying to interface with the large number of launchers/interfaces around.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
This is actually a great idea. SPB Mobile Shell on Windows Mobile has a similiar function. But doesn't do it automatic. What it has is a Lifestyle Home and a Professional Home. In each of them you get 3 screens left and right. But if you flick the screen up/down. it switches to the screens of Lifestyle and then to Professional.
While this idea is good, it's too much work to start it from nothing. It would be best do integrate it with one of the already homescreen alternatives out there (e.g. LauncherPro and the likes)
I used to love Locale until they started charging $10 for it... It's useful, but not THAT useful... Am I being a tightarse?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
streetdaddy said:
I used to love Locale until they started charging $10 for it... It's useful, but not THAT useful... Am I being a tightarse?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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it also drains battery like crazy

[Project] CTaskManager - Spicing up UI [Android-Like]

Hey Everyone...I haven't been around these parts often, but I conceived a pretty good idea [I think]...
My friend recently got a Droid phone, and of course he was flaunting it to me...I love Android, honestly...but I love Windows Mobile too. SO! I thought "Why not merge the best of both worlds?"
Well obviously, I cannot make windows look 100% like Android...that would take tooooooo long. So instead, I thought "What about the Task Switcher!"
So I introduce to you, CTaskManager
Right now it is just a P.o.C (Proof Of Concept), but I have done my research and found pretty much all the API calls I will need [minus one or two, but I'll find those]. It will be fully in C++, and if I can get it working correctly, will be activated by the HOME button.
Attached is a proof of concept image [100% Photoshopped, not real at all].
In any case, this is how I forsee it working:
This will appear on top of any window
Activated by pressing [and holding?] HOME
1st Box will always be the Home Screen
2nd Box will always be the current Window (unless it is the HomeScreen)
You can switch between apps with 2 easy Clicks
First Select the Number of the Dialog
Second, Press CENTER or SPACE to switch to it, or press DEL to quit that app
The program's layout will vary depending on the number of Open Windows
Should be light, fast, and easy to use
Hopefully, since I forsee this to be a really easy project, I will have a release by later today! I am making it for my Excalibur users FIRST, because I owe it to this whole forum [And because I will be switching to an HD2 this upcoming monday, and I want to start a project up for a phone I use NOW]
-Until Later: CycloneZephyrxz7
sweet...thanks..will wait for your release and then will added to the sticky.
I am very pleased that the ONLY component I have yet to get working is getting the screen captures [and window titles]. I need to investigate this ... For some reason, I am getting the same window drawn OVER and OVER again. I think it is because the window handle I am getting from some of the methods is invalid...Its very odd ... I have to figure it out. I should be able to do this winthin the next hour or so
seems cool so its like a multitasker? or somthing
alexrodri0 said:
seems cool so its like a multitasker? or somthing
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So this is the update:
I got the program to run on Home-Key Press ... Now I am going to just modify it and add a timer or something to get it to run on Home-Key Long Press [since just a press interferes with Smart ToolKit]
An odd bug I have encountered is that when I run this, and wait, the Smart Toolkit taskbar shows up (as it should), and the whole phone locks up...I think it is because both are competing for Keyboard privilages. [I have to use a Keyboard hook to get this working, and it is all undocumented APIs]
I have yet to get the actual Task part working Haha. I can't confirm whether or not it is working, because for some reason my Debugger is acting weird, and all the images are of the current screen. As it turns out, it is impossible to take a snapshot of a minimized / partially visible screen. It will take the screen coordinates, and take a picture of whatever is there right now. I will get that fixed [I am talking to another Dev to see if he will let me in on how he does it in his task manager].
I got the "back" key escape working. Relatively simple.
I have planned out Layouts. Such that when you have JUST the HomeScreen open, it will NOT run. When you have the HomeScreen and 1 OTHER window open, the two will be split on the screen [Maybe make each like 150x113]. When you have 3 to 4 total windows (Including HomeScreen), they will make a 4-quadrant layout. Where each will be around [120x90]. When you have 4 - 6 open, each will be [92x69] (as shown in the ScreenShot) and have a 6-block layout. When you have more than 6 (if that is possible on the Excalibur haha), it will make a second page, and the second page will adapt to however many excess processes there are.
I have to work on getting the Translucent Background working ... that shouldn't be too hard, I just have yet to look into it {I think I have to use AlphaBlend or TransparentBlt}.
In any case, there is actually very little that doesn't work yet haha, but of course it is the most essential parts that don't work.
I will keep you all updated
looking forward to this, my phone will live on!!!
Thanks to a bunch of help from another Dev, I confirmed that getting the image of a non-visible window is IMPOSSIBLE on windows mobile. [Although it gives me an idea to try to 'fix' that haha ... maybe after this]. In any case, I think I have figured out how to do it. Tomorrow I will write up the code, test it, and hopefully have an Initial release.
The way I see it the releases will be as follows:
1) Initial Release [Basic]
2) Fix-Up of any Bugs
3) Add some Effects
4) Add some customizations
5) Fix-Up of any Bugs
Hopefully, I can do this in 6 or less releases [And in the meanwhile, adapt it to work on my new HD2 i will get on Monday ]
*PS: For those of you following my projects: Once I get my HD2, I am going to make a fixed up release of FFP_LS, and then open-source it. Thereafter, i won't work much on it anymore. This is so I can start working on my SUPER-HUGE project called "CMessage" ... Here are the contents of the 'sticky note' i have on the desktop reminding me of it:
Suite of Programs:
1. Transport DLL (Send/Receive SMS/MMS/EMail)
2. T-Mail.exe Client (Compose/View SMS/MMS/EMail)
3. Notifier (When new Message Arrives, Display Alert)
4. A new DLL for the HomeScreen [it probably won't be compatible with the old one]
5. API Docs (For future use and adaptation)
6. Sample Programs (I.E. HomeScreen Panel, SMS Games, etc.)
7. Filter Rules Program
8. Macro Program (Get Message ... Do Action)
9. Environment Set-Up DLL/Exe [Cache Contacts, create Message Stores, transfer over old stuff, etc. etc.]
It is going to be a VERY large project. Hopefully, it will also be a very successful one Say bye-bye to CE MAPI?
Cyclonezephyrxz7 said:
Thanks to a bunch of help from another Dev, I confirmed that getting the image of a non-visible window is IMPOSSIBLE on windows mobile. [Although it gives me an idea to try to 'fix' that haha ... maybe after this]. In any case, I think I have figured out how to do it. Tomorrow I will write up the code, test it, and hopefully have an Initial release.
The way I see it the releases will be as follows:
1) Initial Release [Basic]
2) Fix-Up of any Bugs
3) Add some Effects
4) Add some customizations
5) Fix-Up of any Bugs
Hopefully, I can do this in 6 or less releases [And in the meanwhile, adapt it to work on my new HD2 i will get on Monday ]
*PS: For those of you following my projects: Once I get my HD2, I am going to make a fixed up release of FFP_LS, and then open-source it. Thereafter, i won't work much on it anymore. This is so I can start working on my SUPER-HUGE project called "CMessage" ... Here are the contents of the 'sticky note' i have on the desktop reminding me of it:
Suite of Programs:
1. Transport DLL (Send/Receive SMS/MMS/EMail)
2. T-Mail.exe Client (Compose/View SMS/MMS/EMail)
3. Notifier (When new Message Arrives, Display Alert)
4. A new DLL for the HomeScreen [it probably won't be compatible with the old one]
5. API Docs (For future use and adaptation)
6. Sample Programs (I.E. HomeScreen Panel, SMS Games, etc.)
7. Filter Rules Program
8. Macro Program (Get Message ... Do Action)
9. Environment Set-Up DLL/Exe [Cache Contacts, create Message Stores, transfer over old stuff, etc. etc.]
It is going to be a VERY large project. Hopefully, it will also be a very successful one Say bye-bye to CE MAPI?
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can't wait!
This program is actually bugging me...haha [get the joke?].
In any case, it is becoming rather tough to get this actually working. Correction: To get it working efficiently. The dev making the 3D iManager app over in the Development/Hacking forum told me how he is doing it, but to me it just seems terribly inefficient (every 5 seconds, check for Foreground Window....LOTS OF BUGS). In any case, I am using a registry notification now, since Windows Mobile has a value that tells me the currently active program and the previously active program [and it updates!] ... this works out because then I can take a screenshot of the new-ly active program, AND check to see if the old one was minimized or closed. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working as I would have hoped.
I don't have much time today for developing [Hooray for a 50 Page AP Government Outline] ... so I will probably get back to this tomorrow [NEW PHONE], or maybe tonight if I get a really good idea/inspiration to finish this!
Cyclonezephyrxz7 said:
This program is actually bugging me...haha [get the joke?].
In any case, it is becoming rather tough to get this actually working. Correction: To get it working efficiently. The dev making the 3D iManager app over in the Development/Hacking forum told me how he is doing it, but to me it just seems terribly inefficient (every 5 seconds, check for Foreground Window....LOTS OF BUGS). In any case, I am using a registry notification now, since Windows Mobile has a value that tells me the currently active program and the previously active program [and it updates!] ... this works out because then I can take a screenshot of the new-ly active program, AND check to see if the old one was minimized or closed. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working as I would have hoped.
I don't have much time today for developing [Hooray for a 50 Page AP Government Outline] ... so I will probably get back to this tomorrow [NEW PHONE], or maybe tonight if I get a really good idea/inspiration to finish this!
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keep the good work man and again thanks for your effort in developing new stuff for the dash.
So I finished my work
But that isn't pertinent to this forum. What it does mean is that I can work on my developing for today!
Counter-to-my-prior-plan, I am going to release a pretty flawed version of the program ... errr ... rather an Alpha that will run much less efficiently than the final product.
I hate announcing a project, thinking it will be easy, then taking forever with it ... so this is what I am going to do:
I will use the same timer-based approach that iManager 3D uses, but I might make it update more often [3 second intervals maybe] ... it won't be AT ALL battery efficient, but it should be pretty memory efficient. It will serve as NO MORE THAN A PROOF OF CONCEPT OF WHAT THE FINAL PRODUCT WILL BE. The final product should not have a major impact on battery life, and should leave the end user unaware that it is actually running when it is!
I am re-installing Visual Studio because it has been acting up, but once that is done, I should be able to pump out an ALPHA VERSION.
EDIT: Computer Issues ... Expect a release in the coming days. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Cyclonezephyrxz7 said:
So I finished my work
But that isn't pertinent to this forum. What it does mean is that I can work on my developing for today!
Counter-to-my-prior-plan, I am going to release a pretty flawed version of the program ... errr ... rather an Alpha that will run much less efficiently than the final product.
I hate announcing a project, thinking it will be easy, then taking forever with it ... so this is what I am going to do:
I will use the same timer-based approach that iManager 3D uses, but I might make it update more often [3 second intervals maybe] ... it won't be AT ALL battery efficient, but it should be pretty memory efficient. It will serve as NO MORE THAN A PROOF OF CONCEPT OF WHAT THE FINAL PRODUCT WILL BE. The final product should not have a major impact on battery life, and should leave the end user unaware that it is actually running when it is!
I am re-installing Visual Studio because it has been acting up, but once that is done, I should be able to pump out an ALPHA VERSION.
EDIT: Computer Issues ... Expect a release in the coming days. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Great! This sounds awesome! And yeah, we finally get more interests and development in non-touch devices! Good luck with building the program and don't forget to contact the News-Writers when it's ready!
This is actually quite upsetting ... I tried re-installing Visual Studio, because it was no longer giving me the 'code suggestions' for C++ ... [like if I typed in a function, it didn't tell me what the parameters were] ... and now it isnt set up for Windows Mobile 6 Standard/Pro anymore. So i tried reinstalling those SDKs .... no joy....I am going to uninstall EVERYTHING OF IT and start all over [backing up my projects of course ].
Hopefully I will get my computer in working condition by tonight.
I got my new HD2 [TMOUS] today I am very happy with it already. BUT I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON MAKING THINGS FOR THE DASH. Non-TouchScreen phones are highly under-appreciated, and I hate that so much [let alone the fact that WinMo is underappreciated] .... I NEED YOUR IDEAS TO MAKE THIS PHONE [Exca] BETTER! So toss me a PM with even the wildest Ideas, and I will try to figure something out
Cyclonezephyrxz7 said:
This is actually quite upsetting ... I tried re-installing Visual Studio, because it was no longer giving me the 'code suggestions' for C++ ... [like if I typed in a function, it didn't tell me what the parameters were] ... and now it isnt set up for Windows Mobile 6 Standard/Pro anymore. So i tried reinstalling those SDKs .... no joy....I am going to uninstall EVERYTHING OF IT and start all over [backing up my projects of course ].
Hopefully I will get my computer in working condition by tonight.
I got my new HD2 [TMOUS] today I am very happy with it already. BUT I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON MAKING THINGS FOR THE DASH. Non-TouchScreen phones are highly under-appreciated, and I hate that so much [let alone the fact that WinMo is underappreciated] .... I NEED YOUR IDEAS TO MAKE THIS PHONE [Exca] BETTER! So toss me a PM with even the wildest Ideas, and I will try to figure something out
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congrats with your new phone!
"Non-TouchScreen phones are highly under-appreciated, and I hate that so much [let alone the fact that WinMo is underappreciated]!" Yeah that sucks, that's also why I keep developing Apps and ROMs!
Hope you can get VS working again!

Final Fantasy 3 Kefkas Battle ANIMATED WATCHFACE!!

Title says it all, here's a link to my SUPER TEDIOUS AND INCREDIBLY INEFFICIENTLY made live wallpaper for facer. It's the kefka battle, every character (Sabin, Cyan, Terra, Edgar and of course, Kefka) has an attack animation. Animated frames are tied to the rotational position of the second hand which after some experimenting I found only counts in increments of 6. Therefore here, for you all, a one minute, looping, landmark retro battle scene that takes place on your watch everytime you turn your wrist.
Seriously, I restarted my watch before I attempted to push and it took about 3-5 minutes to finally sync, but I'm more than proud to announce it runs perfectly with no lag or errors on screen.
Time/Date/Battery percentage are in a harmless green text along the bottom.
I hope you enjoy this watchface, I know I'm going to. I wouldn't mind frame by framing more detailed animations for this but unless someone can show me a way to increase the animations FPS from 1 per second this is the absolute best I can do.
A mere 2 of the 60 images just to show that it is in fact, animated. Don't ignore the Second Image link above the photo linked above.
Without further adieu...
Metroid something soon to follow.
I would love to know how to get this to work which app do I use?
Ulukita said:
I would love to know how to get this to work which app do I use?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can push this to your watch with facer! Just be patient, it may take a while to show on the watch but the results are to expectation.
Does this show as square on an LG G Watch?

