coming from iPhone - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am comfortable with my iPhone and have nothing against AT&T. I am thinking of moving to the EVO for its large screen and less expensive family plans.
However, I am afraid I may miss features I am used to having on my iPhone.
Can anyone answer these two questions I haven't found answers to yet?
1. Do you from you list of contacts pick a list called favorites to more easily dial from than going through all contacts?
2. While typing (or replying to) email, can you select a block of text and then cut and paste it?
If anyone who knows both phones knows of other things I may miss from the iPhone let me know please. I went to the Sprint store yesterday but the sales person really wasn't helpful - he tried but did not know a lot.

HTC Sense has a favorite's widget you can use and there is a list of favorites when you bring up your contact list as well. I don't personally use it but some might find it handy.
Selecting text is definitely different than the's not somthing I've found myself doing often so I can't answer that personally but I know the option is there to enter a "Select Text" mode when you long press on some text.
I came from the iPhone and left it when the 3Gs came out and the thing you'll probably need adjusting to is the game market is improving on that but it's not been around as much so it's lagging a little behind in that aspect.
Lastly, the one thing I missed absolutely most when I made the switch was the keyboard...I've yet to find a keyboard that does prediction as good at the iPhone's keyboard for the tap-to-type method.
However, if you're willing to try a different method, Swype has some distinct advantages for typing on a screen (look once for the first letter in a word and look away while dragging your thumb around the screen in the rough shape of where you think the keys would be and it works great for me).
Ultimately, I would conclude that the phones are just's like going from Mac (in it's current incarnation) to Linux. There's some things they do share in common but a lot of what they do, they just do it differently and both pretty well.


2 smartphone questions

So Ive switched to a smartphone for various reasons from the wizard, and Im trying to at least get a couple things I was quite fond of into my excalibur.
First, I would love to see my contacts first name, last name. I noticed a few people raised the question, but I have yet to see a solution. Any help with this would be great.
Second, and infinitely more important, I desperately need a way to run some palm software ( , important calculation charts for on set movie stuff) on the phone. I was using style tap on the wizard, but it was a bit buggy. If anyone know of any way to run this stuff that would be amazing.
Thanks guys, keep rockin.

Magic ROM on Hero possible?

sounds weird? well there are two things REALLY bugging me about the hero rom:
- no appointments list like in magic, only day or month view. there is no list at all of upcoming events. you cant even scroll through the weekdays in "day-view-mode". no preview of appointments in month-view. so the only way to see upcoming events is to tap on that marked day in month view
- auto-completion while typing automatically inserts the highlighted suggestion when you hit space or period. no way to stop that. makes typing in different languages a pain in the a$$.
so, question is, any way to build a custom rom of the magic to fit the hero? i would be perfectly happy with a plain simple android os, no "sense" or other gimmics required.
nehvada said:
sounds weird? well there are two things REALLY bugging me about the hero rom:
- no appointments list like in magic, only day or month view. there is no list at all of upcoming events. you cant even scroll through the weekdays in "day-view-mode". no preview of appointments in month-view. so the only way to see upcoming events is to tap on that marked day in month view
- auto-completion while typing automatically inserts the highlighted suggestion when you hit space or period. no way to stop that. makes typing in different languages a pain in the a$$.
so, question is, any way to build a custom rom of the magic to fit the hero? i would be perfectly happy with a plain simple android os, no "sense" or other gimmics required.
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Guess what im going to say.....
If you didnt want the sense UI you shouldve purchased a Magic.....
This shouldnt even be posted in this section FFS
its not that i dont want, i just dont really need it. its nice, but i would trade it for those two features of the magic, which is also sitting on my desk right here
my priorities would be speed, usability and reliability, not necessarily looks.
so anyway, would it be possible?
use the Fu***ng SEARCH. There are some threads talking about running magic rom.

WP7 Small Touches?

What are some small aspects of WP7 that you appreciate that others may not have noticed?
For me, after about two or three weeks of having the phone, I realized something about the text message tile. This is most likely old, but, if you have no messages, the smiley will be like this , if you have a message - ;-), if a message failed to send - :-( (or something like that, I don't quite remember it), if you have 4 or more messages - :-O
It was just something that made me smile and think, "really? who would have thought of including that?"
Anyone else have moments like this?
loopyeyes said:
What are some small aspects of WP7 that you appreciate that others may not have noticed?
For me, after about two or three weeks of having the phone, I realized something about the text message tile. This is most likely old, but, if you have no messages, the smiley will be like this , if you have a message - ;-), if a message failed to send - :-( (or something like that, I don't quite remember it), if you have 4 or more messages - :-O
It was just something that made me smile and think, "really? who would have thought of including that?"
Anyone else have moments like this?
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Really, that happens? That's a really nice touch!
For some reason I always loved how the arrow button rotates around when switching between the Live Tile view and the Apps list view. I don't really know why I like it, but I just do!
OGCF said:
Really, that happens? That's a really nice touch!
For some reason I always loved how the arrow button rotates around when switching between the Live Tile view and the Apps list view. I don't really know why I like it, but I just do!
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Yes that really happens, it is touches like this that make the device a delight to use, I really like the on screen keyboard, it feels just right in use
It turns out, every time you type on the soft-keyboard in WP7, it’s a subtly different sound. Whereas the iPhone has only one audio sample that it repeats every time you tap on the virtual key, WP7 plays one of eight variations in a loop.
Although it’s ever so slightly different, Microsoft claims they’ve done this so its more organic like footsteps down a hallway – the same but different, and less “obnoxious” if you were to press the backspace repeatedly. Matthew also claims feedback from “power typers” suggests the sounds deliver a better tactile experience.
For more info.
seconded on the sw keyboard. And the keyboard is also good. It keeps up with fast typing and multitouch as well as text correction is smooth as butter. This has been the most pleasant sw keyboard I have ever used.
I think I can say another good touch is the start menu button. It is so good for quick one handed operation especially on the dell venue pro. I have to put a bit of force so its not pushed by mistake
Again nice touch
Xylias said:
It turns out, every time you type on the soft-keyboard in WP7, it’s a subtly different sound. Whereas the iPhone has only one audio sample that it repeats every time you tap on the virtual key, WP7 plays one of eight variations in a loop.
Although it’s ever so slightly different, Microsoft claims they’ve done this so its more organic like footsteps down a hallway – the same but different, and less “obnoxious” if you were to press the backspace repeatedly. Matthew also claims feedback from “power typers” suggests the sounds deliver a better tactile experience.
For more info.
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I didn't realise that about the keyboard sounds, it definitely does contribute to the pleasant nature of the typing experience
I really like the sense the phone gives (through its use of the panoramic screens) that you're the one controlling the phone, not the software. For instance, the speed at which you move through the content is dictated by the speed at which your finger moves, not some predetermined speed associated with an invisible switch you flip when your finger swipes across the screen.

First time with....well everything almost.

I've been with Sprint for almost 9 years now, and before my Evo 4G in 2010 all I had were the old Nextel i95' needless to say I'm at a complete loss with WP7. I tinkered and tailored with Android ROM's for years now and have loved a lot about the OS...but I just couldn't pass up this deal for the Lumia 900 on AT&T. I'm beyond satisfied after having set everything up and loving how tightly knit and integrated a lot of the features are. But I still have some questions:
1) Can i screen capture with the stock rom? I don't want to have to unlock this phone (That was one of the reasons I left Android, you needed to unlock to do ANYTHING)
2) Are there any apps beyond the 3 that use a double tile? Is this a setting somewhere that I'm missing on? Kinda like resizing widgets?
3) Are there different themes, beyond the color switching pallete, that can be used with WP7? And while we're at it, is there a different lockscreen or anything else that can be done from it besides unlocking it? (Such as unlocking to text, email, custom app?)
4) What's up with the notifications disappearing after a while before I get a chance to check em? Is there a way to check them besides going to their respective clients to see what I missed?
5) Can you guys point me towards some alternative apps or settings to replace some of the stock feaures?
6) Besides having to login to AT&T all the time, is there a different way to monitor my data usage? A simple app perhaps?
7) Oh and how could I I have to go all the way to the settings every time to see what the percentage on my battery is? I found a couple threads saying that you have to unlock the phone for this feature but I refuse to believe that something this simple needs a workaround like that.
Thanks in advance guys, loving this OS and looking forward to some of the changes.
1) Unfortunately not. Most screen captures you see on the net are done using the development software.
2) Tiles sizes are determined by the developers. I wish there was a way of making them single or double too.
3) The colours are the only customisation you can do right now without unlocking the device other than changing the lock screen. The lockscreen I like, as it unlocks to the "desktop" when there is no notifications but if you unlock it as a notification happens then it will take you the application required to see the notification.
Also for some awesome lock screens go to the deviantart website.
4) This is my one and only gripe with WP7. Having said that after unlocking the notication is either facebook or twitter (the only ones not shown on the home screen) and both of those show on my "ME" tile. So really if I want to see anything I missed I go to the "ME" tile and slide across to notifications.
5) What stock features do you need help with?
6) Im not on AT&T and my phone provider has an app to do this so I would be contacting AT&T about this.
7) They do not show a % because its not very accurate I think. This is something I at first hated but I don't care that much any more. This is not like my Samsung Galaxy II which wouldn't last a day. I usually get over a days use out of my Lumia so I don't have to look all the time and be worried. When the love heart goes on the battery I know its getting low but still I have HOURS left.
In terms of number 5 I just meant is there an alternate keyboard, browser, gallery, search feature/marketplace etc. Not that I have a problem with any of these (although I do miss haptic feedback on my keyboard) I just wanted to know if there were alternatives.
EDIT: I do have a problem with ONE of those things I mentioned. The seems too cluttered and feels like the phone is always zoomed in with the way everything looks...but that looks like it was done on purpose.
You.can get two off your list with a Developer unlocked device. Think of it this way. Nokia is giving you a $100 credit because of the data issue. Use it to purchase a legitimate Dev key from Microsoft. Can sideload apps, and also develop with it.
1) can do it with homebrew Screen Capturer app.
2) Only Microsoft or OEMs can develop double wide tiles.
3) Need to have an interop unlocked device to add colors, etc. More involved than dev unlocked and not yet available for the L900.
6) The AT&T myAT&T app will give you the info you need. Nokia is also releasing a data tracking app. Coming soon.
7) Homebrew Battery Meter app. Updates a Live Tile every 10 minutes. Pretty accurate. Good history charts.
Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
There are a few other browsers and such but they are all just front ends for the existing apps supplied with the device. There is also a few marketplace apps which you might find better. I use AppTastic every now and then purely as it shows what's on sale. There might be an app which I don't think is worth $5 or $6 after the trial but would happily purchase to support the developers for a few bucks.
iiDeadSeriousii said:
In terms of number 5 I just meant is there an alternate keyboard, browser, gallery, search feature/marketplace etc. Not that I have a problem with any of these (although I do miss haptic feedback on my keyboard) I just wanted to know if there were alternatives.
EDIT: I do have a problem with ONE of those things I mentioned. The seems too cluttered and feels like the phone is always zoomed in with the way everything looks...but that looks like it was done on purpose.
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Well, there are alot of the things that are different. Can't/Won't say if its better because thats a personal choice. I've grown to love the look and feel now. So has my daughter...but my son hates it. I gave them both 2 weeks to like it or I would buy them their next phone. My daughter son did not, and did not want new phone. But, with that said, there are some things I miss from Android....not much, but some. I do wish Live Tiles were a touch more customizable. I wish I could have some more color schemes instead of the just the current ones. I'd love to have a Black/White and/or Grey/white combination of colors also.
Otherwise....its a matter of just trying and getting used to it. I think it took my daughter 3 days to get used to the tiles and groupings of the hubs and what they are designed for. Her original list of must haves went away....
Thanks for all the help guys, yea I figured that most of my complaints/issues could only be solved with an unlock phone but I figured I'd ask. I've got another question, do apps auto update or do I need to manually check em every time?
Your marketplace tile will have a number on it showing the number of updates available. So no you never need to go check but you do need to initiate the update manually when you see that there is some waiting for update.
Again thanks guys for getting me started with the phone. Just a few more questions:
1) Is there a way to set a tile to immediately turn on/off either Bluetooth or Wifi? Or am I stuck with the default settings tile?
2) Can I save a setting where I don't have to download my pictures every time I open an email? I used to just pit "Always show pictures" on the Android GMail client.
3) I've looked and looked and still cant find a tile to just show battery. Can someone link me to an official one that I don't have to side load?
4) Is the app Bandwidth the only app for network speed test? Its kinda glitchy for me.
5) Is there a way to get that HTC Hub on this Lumia or is that another thing where I gotta unlock the phone? I really like the look of it.
6) Someone mentioned that you can change the lockscreen, or at the very least the wallpaper, how do you do that?
iiDeadSeriousii said:
Again thanks guys for getting me started with the phone. Just a few more questions:
1) Is there a way to set a tile to immediately turn on/off either Bluetooth or Wifi? Or am I stuck with the default settings tile?
2) Can I save a setting where I don't have to download my pictures every time I open an email? I used to just pit "Always show pictures" on the Android GMail client.
3) I've looked and looked and still cant find a tile to just show battery. Can someone link me to an official one that I don't have to side load?
4) Is the app Bandwidth the only app for network speed test? Its kinda glitchy for me.
5) Is there a way to get that HTC Hub on this Lumia or is that another thing where I gotta unlock the phone? I really like the look of it.
6) Someone mentioned that you can change the lockscreen, or at the very least the wallpaper, how do you do that?
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Dont know if someone mentioned this, but you're in the droid mentality right now. Like Apple, alot of the framework is locked down. Even with sideloads, alot of the framework is not available. HTC Hub is one of those. MS did not want that kind of screen and they don't allow it. WP is based on Live Tiles and they are sticking with it...for now.
You can change the lock screen pic by going to settings and Lock+Wallpaper. You can change the timeing settings and the picture. If you have a picture you want to use, go to your pictures hub and simply long press on the pic, use as wallpaper is an option.
But mostly, do not expect alot of hack/modding on these phones. For the most part, most of Windows phones, were Android phones at 1 the Samsung focus line. HD7 was the HD2 line which has been successfully ported to Android and WP7. If you want android type functionality in terms of look and feel...probably not gonna get it here. Of course, I could be wrong....but...who knows.
iiDeadSeriousii said:
Again thanks guys for getting me started with the phone. Just a few more questions:
1) Is there a way to set a tile to immediately turn on/off either Bluetooth or Wifi? Or am I stuck with the default settings tile?
2) Can I save a setting where I don't have to download my pictures every time I open an email? I used to just pit "Always show pictures" on the Android GMail client.
3) I've looked and looked and still cant find a tile to just show battery. Can someone link me to an official one that I don't have to side load?
4) Is the app Bandwidth the only app for network speed test? Its kinda glitchy for me.
5) Is there a way to get that HTC Hub on this Lumia or is that another thing where I gotta unlock the phone? I really like the look of it.
6) Someone mentioned that you can change the lockscreen, or at the very least the wallpaper, how do you do that?
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I don't have answers for all of these, but here's a few (and fwiw I agree
with alodar1). But before I begin, not sure if you're aware of the Marketplace online ( - might make searching easier as you're starting out.
1) "Settings Tile" is 1 such app (I don't use these, so I can't recommend which one to install, but I've seen this one recommended... *shrug*)
2 & 3 don't know, sorry
4) TestMyNet works decent:
5) No, sorry (I had it and never really used it...)
6) Answered above =)
You may also want to check out 'AppFlow' ( or some similar application recommendation app.
alodar1 said:
Dont know if someone mentioned this, but you're in the droid mentality right now. Like Apple, alot of the framework is locked down. Even with sideloads, alot of the framework is not available. HTC Hub is one of those. MS did not want that kind of screen and they don't allow it. WP is based on Live Tiles and they are sticking with it...for now.
You can change the lock screen pic by going to settings and Lock+Wallpaper. You can change the timeing settings and the picture. If you have a picture you want to use, go to your pictures hub and simply long press on the pic, use as wallpaper is an option.
But mostly, do not expect alot of hack/modding on these phones. For the most part, most of Windows phones, were Android phones at 1 the Samsung focus line. HD7 was the HD2 line which has been successfully ported to Android and WP7. If you want android type functionality in terms of look and feel...probably not gonna get it here. Of course, I could be wrong....but...who knows.
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Yea I realize I still kinda am in that mentality. It's just there's so many little things I took for granted that I never realized were there until this happened. I love this platform so far though, I have no major complaints, just small issues with it. But thanks for the tip, yea I know about the HD2 cause the first thing my brother did when he got that a couple years ago was have me put Gingerbread on it lol. I'll stick with what I've got for now tho, this is a ridiculously smooth experience and if I've gotta make some sacrifices, oh well. I still get everything done that I want throughout the day...I just wished some apps were better supported.


While I like the whole Android series, I seem to be stuck by 1 thing and I'm surprised nobody has thought to mock up an app that functions like this:
Someone made something for the Android that's quite similar. However it's still in beta phase and doesn't seem to be receiving anymore progress.
It's called Tyype.
While Tyype works almost identical to SwipeSelection, it does have it's faults. The big one that I'm curious about is whether or not swiping your finger through the actual keyboard in order to move the cursor is possible on android? If so, why hasn't anyone really thought about copying? It's immensely intuitive and handy feature for those of us who mess up spelling on the keyboard; even to those who don't misspell it's quite useful to changing searches, texts, script files, etc...
This has been on my mind for a while and I just wanted to throw this out there.

