iTunes music on EVO - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ok I used the application iTuneMyWalkman on my Mac to transfer files from iTunes to the phone. I was able to sync all my music perfectly but the Music widget will not play next track. If I click on the next arrow it doesn't skip tracks.
Now I have my songs in Albums and I'm guessing that's the problem. Is there any other substitute in the market that comes with a widget that you'd recommend or is there a fix that doesn't involve me taking the songs out of their albums?
****I can skip to next track if I go into an album but I can't skip albums with the button. ****
By the way I disabled Sense UI and I'm using the stock Music widgets.


Can't enqueue a song in the Music Player without changing tracks.

Hi guys,
I really like the default music player because it shows you the album art on the lock screen. However, I can't find out how to enqueue a song or album to the now playing list. It always replaces all the songs currently playing and I don't want that.
I tried playing a playlist and then adding stuff to that playlist but that doesn't work either. Anyone got an idea how to do this or at least a music player replacement with the lock screen controls?
Oh, I forgot: On the Windows Mobile HTC Sense (Manila) Player this worked, so I'm thinking this feature must be accessible somehow.
You can hold down on a song and Add to Playlist, but you can't enqueue anything to add to what's currently playing.
To be frank, the HTC Music player is really poor.
So which player are you using? Does it have a lock screen?
I have the same problem on my HTC Magic since I updated it

Music feat. Lyrics

Hi guys! I've read that many people want to have the one application that does two functions: Play music and display song lyric. The application MIUI Music does that kind of stuff and it also shows the lyrics for the song. What I wondered was if it was possible for the app not only to find and show the lyrics, but at the time of downloading the song, at the same time do the downloading of the lyrics, so that not only you can read it while your connected to the internet, but can save it in your phone. If any ideas on an existing app, please tell me. Thanks alot!
PowerAmp does that conveniently... just add the lyrics to a song via itunes or something similar before putting the song into your phone. A simple tap on the album cover while on poweramp will show/hide the lyrics

[Q] Music Playlist

I have meridian installed that I use for my audiobooks. On my other phone I was also able to create a play q and then export it to a playlist. I could then create a shortcut to the playlist on my home screen. I have noticed that music playlist is not in the list of android shortcuts on this phone. Is it because of the music player that is installed? If so, could I remove it and push the one from my old phone over or would it not work? My other phone had a custom 2.3 rom installed.

App Like doubleTwist Player for Google Music?

I currently listen to all my music via Google Music and was wondering if there was an app like doubleTwist player that lets you either add widgets to lock screen or use google music from lockscree. Need a free app though, I have the google music widget on my homescreen already so not as big deal to me, but one less step is always cool since lockscreen is empty.

poweramp on mintberry

so i decided i wanted to change my homescreen, and wanted a music widget. had little luck finding one that supports the stock music player, so have recently installed poweramp, which seems like a great player, and has a nice widget.
the problems are that it tries to play all my mp4 videos and some small app sounds, which is annoying. is there a way to filter out the small files? as for the mp4s, ive tried to deselect the folder from my external sd\video folder, but every time i do that it either crashes the program or just reselects it. i think it sometimes crashes randomly also, but cannot be sure having only used it for a day.
also, ive downloaded a lot of album art, and works well within poweramp, but ive tried to go back to the original player and the old album art is displayed. is there any way to embed the album art back into the songs or whatever needs to be done?
sorry if these questions have been answered before, but ive had no luck searching or playing about in the settings myself.
might think of some more, but for now any help with the above would be great.
If you go to the settings, go to the folders/library section and click Music Folders it will come up with a little pop up type box called Folders Selection
it'll take a little while to load your whole folder list so dont worry, but when all your folders are shown, untick everything, and then find just the folders where your music files are stored and tick that. That way only files from those folders are played
And as for album art, there's no setting in poweramp for that as far as i know, and i dont know of any apps that do that, but there is one easy way to do it that should work perfectly, (it shows my album art on any player)
On your computer, download the Songbird player. Then set which folders are you library etc etc so all your songs come up in the player. Then get the album art files you've downloaded on your comp, and you can edit the album art of each song or whole albums.
To change the album art, click on the song or highlight all the songs in an album (to do this, click the first song on the album, hold the shift key, then click the last song, and all the songs in between will be highlighted too); and right click the selection.
Click view metadata
Where the artwork is displayed, click the replace button
In the box that pops up, navigate to the folder where your album art is stored, click the correct album art and click open, then close the metadata box by clicking the okay button at the bottom and the album art should be changed.
It is a bit of a long process if you have a lot of albums, but at least it doesn't mess up like those automated album art changers or tag editors you can download...
Hope this helps
nice one
although like i said ive tried that folder selection thing. ive unticked the videos one, and it just crashes, or fails to work.
Hmm... i've no idea why that happens.
Go the poweramp page on google play or go to poweramp's own site and email them. That seems to be an issue with the app itself

