HELP: How to prevent screen shut off at call connect - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

When the phone connects with a call, the screen blacks out.
I only want it to black out with the proximity sensor. I have to push the power button to turn on the screen.
Can someone please help me?

I have hard reset my device. nothing installed, running stock ATT rom and the screen still goes off when the call connects, then turns on when the call is ended.
the proximity sensor is not controlling the screen.
Anyone have any ideas???

I thought I would post the solution I found for this issue.
I removed the screen protector and cleaned the edge between the speaker and screen - that fixed it.


Screen unlocks itself during BT call

Having an annoying problem with my Gnex. When I place a call via Bluetooth in my truck, the screen turns on. It blows past the lock screen and shows the call screen. The proximity sensor is ignored and the screen stays on during the call unless you press the lock button. Terminating the call via BT leaves the phone in an unlocked state. This of course causes all kind of erroneous button presses while the phone is in my pocket.
I was just searching for this exact problem and this is the only thread I have found so far.
Did you find a solution at all?

light sensor problem?

i think my light sensor is messed up. when i make a call the screen immediately turns off as if its pressed against my face. and its almost impossible to get the screen to come on until the other person hangs up and ends the call. pressing the power button doesnt bring the screen on but sometimes the home button does bring the homescreen up but if i click on the dialpad the screen turns off again because it thinks its against my face. the way i get the screen on to make the dialpad to appear is turning on a light and holding the light sensor against it and the screen comes on. the samsung rom and the aosp roms do the same thing so its not rom related. but atleast the samsung rom had the option to turn the light sensor off for phone calls but i dont think the pacman rom has this option. does paranoid, aokp, or cyanogenmod have a feature for this so i can make phone calls, or is there any apps out there anyone can point me to to help me out? i think this will be the last samsung phone, to many problems. this is my 2nd note and it doesnt work now

[Q] Proximity Sensor Issue

I've noticed that the proximity sensor seems not to work properly anymore. The screen will turn off when near the ear during calls and turned back on right away when I took it away from my face just a little. Now it seems that the screen stays turned off for a longer period of time when taking it away from my face, I have to hit the power button to turn the screen on and sometimes multiple times. I never dropped my phone once, and my phone was never rooted with a custom rom it was all stock. Is anyone else having these issues? I have even changed the Power ON OFF Cable flex Proximity Sensor. I did a diagnostic *#*#3424#*#* P-sensor but when I cover the sensor only the lights menu turns on the screen doesn’t get black.
Thanks for help

while on call proximity sensor does not work properly?

LG G4 international version.
Any one experiencing while you move the phone to your ear during a call, the screen goes off. But when you remove phone from ear the screen will not come back on. I have tired double tapping screen, using volume keys to activate the screen on again.
Is there a work around or anyone else having this problem?
I think it was the glass screen protector, covering the sensor. I will try another one that has the cut out. But after removing the protector it is fine again.
My Verizon version seems to act up about half the time by not turning back on when I pull the phone down. My phone is naked so there's nothing that should be interfering.
Same here. No screen protector.
I had that happen once but it turned out that I had a notification that was causing the issue. When I started the call all was fine but during the call the notification arrived and the screen would not come back on until I pressed the power button. Then I could see the notification and dismiss it and all went back to normal

Screen turns on while on call - proximity?

S20 Ultra : Often when on phone call the screen turns on, resulting in ear/head pushing buttons on the screen.
Anyone else experiencing this annoying issue?
Inc said:
S20 Ultra : Often when on phone call the screen turns on, resulting in ear/head pushing buttons on the screen.
Anyone else experiencing this annoying issue?
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I had this on my Samsung Galaxy S10 plus.
It is a very nasty problem.
Unfortunately I didn't find how to fix it
These proximity sensors are really not very good. I had to teach myself to always press the power buttons while on a call just to have the screen protected from ear touches.
Well, the thing is that initially it DOES turn the screen off when calling / receiving a call, but i.e. a minute into the conversation in can turn on, creating problems. So turning the screen off with button would not help me here :-/ ....
No one else experiencing this??
Inc said:
Well, the thing is that initially it DOES turn the screen off when calling / receiving a call, but i.e. a minute into the conversation in can turn on, creating problems. So turning the screen off with button would not help me here :-/ ....
No one else experiencing this??
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Exactly the same as it was happening to me.
That is why I learnt to use the power button. Because once the screen lights up after sometime, it's already on lock screen and can't activate anything with your ear.

