Mail Question - Mark all as read - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

(First Post here)
(First Android Devise (came from the Pre))
(looks like an amazing community here)
I have searched around and found nothing conclusive (other than the mark all as read option in gmail), is there a way to mark all unread messages as read in the mail client?

I haven't seen anything. If you find something, please let us know.

Ill consider that a:


the way messages are organized on XDA-developers ...

one thing I am lacking whilst reading XDA have been cross-forum postings, i.e. when posting one message and it fails into different categories (of XDA Developers) I need to make a decision where I need to put it, and I can put it only in one place at a time ... as there is virtually no possibility of sending one message to diffrent forums at a time, when any response arrives it is visible in all the forums at teh same time
different forums have been read by various people, some spend more time on let's say "general" and much less on "using it" but actually knows exactly what I have been looking for, but I misses the answer as he rarely visits other forums ... hmmm, I am curious whether I am expressing myself clear enough, heh :roll:
utimately I'd love to see the same functionality newsgroups have, when I post a message to 3 forums (A,B and C) ... and when one answer to my post has been made (make it newsgroup A), it is visible on groups B and C as well
anything that can be done with respect to that shall increase knowledge sharing (at least that is my impression) :idea:
regards, monika
so in other word you mean post the same message in all forums......
bit poiuntless isnt it? the mods try to cut that down? why not just make it one big topic...
way i veiw this site is by view posts of last day then view by last visit ect... that way i can keep up to date
no, rather to make all the forums look more transparent .... not just attached to one forum where the message has been originated (written) but let's say ... having a choice of placing the massage in either one forum or up to three, because:
1. it is not always clear where to put them :wink:
2. not everybody read all the threads, not all the groups :?
regards, monika

Forum search problem?

In the past few days (might be since the new forum is online, haven't been here for a while), the search function is acting strangely. For example, do a search for "ssa". It doesn't return anything, but I knew it was mentioned in at least one thread - and there it is, on page 9 of this thread. "Search this thread" doesn't find it either.
Is there some known problem with the forum? I would have searched, but...
Oh, and, erm, another nice one: search for "xda" and see a friendly message saying "Sorry - no matches"...
Search function doesn't work for words less than four letters long.
Try Googling with xda-developers as one of the search criteria. Also try Google's advanced search option; it has a Field for searching only a particular website. Just enter and go....
Also, don't forget that with Google you can search for posts by a particular user by including the user name as one of the search words.
Hope that helps.
I've been using: search query
in google.. however the inbuilt vbb has some nice features. If the server can hack it, can we set the min length to 3 and rebuild the index please?
partly covered
please note that the search dialog box (after "New Posts" is clicked) is partly covered by the advertisement.
I don't know how to set up mms service for my mini s with wm6.
I can't search for mms or wm6 or anything else.
You should disable search in your forums completely, it's not worth it with this restrictions.
It's the first time xda-developers were not able to help me, just because stupid admins are EVEN NOT ABLE LET THE USER BE WARNED that 3-letter-searching is not working!!! THAT'S HALF A YEAR NOW! ARE YOU DEAD???

Mark email as read from TF3D Preview?

I hate that most of my emails are general 2 paragraph emails, and I can read the whole email in the preview, yet I have to load outlook for it to say I already read it.
There needs to be an icon or a menu option to mark a previewed email as read right from the Touch Flow interface, that way you don't have to open outlook at all.
I searched on this site and found no answers, just other threads with the same questions: (Edit: Won't let me post links )
So there is definitely a demand for this, hopefully another thread will spark interest in someone developing it or a little known about cab.
bump bump.

[Q] Viewing new posts in which you have participated

Hello, this is the only vBulletin forum that I browse(I'm more of a SMF guy, I use it and develop for it) and I can't find the place where I can see new topics in which I have participated(Tapatalk does this for this forum). Is there a link where I can see the new topics?
Dragooon123 said:
Hello, this is the only vBulletin forum that I browse(I'm more of a SMF guy, I use it and develop for it) and I can't find the place where I can see new topics in which I have participated(Tapatalk does this for this forum). Is there a link where I can see the new topics?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
A couple of things you can do:
Subscribe to threads you are interested in and receive email notification of new posts being added.
Bookmark your profile page and in there go to the statistics tab>Find all posts by. Then by clicking on your posts you can see if there have been any replies.
Not sure if these links might work also:
Find all posts by Dragooon123
Find all threads started by Dragooon123
im using subscription witout email, means i can go to my user cp and i see all threads i subscripted that have new posts
so i dont get too many emails but see all new replys..
The question is,
why does the XDA app offer this feature,
but the full version of the board does not?
I could theoretically run an emulator, run the XDA android app, and use this forum MORE efficiently than actually turning on a laptop. I use the 'participated' area every single day.
That seems backward. There has to be a way to pull this data to a web browser, if it can be pulled to an Android phone.
pkopalek said:
The question is,
why does the XDA app offer this feature,
but the full version of the board does not?
I could theoretically run an emulator, run the XDA android app, and use this forum MORE efficiently than actually turning on a laptop. I use the 'participated' area every single day.
That seems backward. There has to be a way to pull this data to a web browser, if it can be pulled to an Android phone.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You should set your usercp so that it will automatically subscribe to threads you reply to (without notification)
Then go to to view them.
MikeChannon said:
A couple of things you can do:
Subscribe to threads you are interested in and receive email notification of new posts being added.
Bookmark your profile page and in there go to the statistics tab>Find all posts by. Then by clicking on your posts you can see if there have been any replies.
Not sure if these links might work also:
Find all posts by Dragooon123
Find all threads started by Dragooon123
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry to dredge up an old topic, but I haven't found an answer to the same question, and this is the only time I have seen it have replies. Finding threads posted by a user will not do the same thing, the participated thread button in the tapatalk or xda app does. One should not have to subscribe to every thread either, that would be pointless considering that is for threads you REALLY want to follow.
The information is accessible to the app, which means ultimately it would be easy to implement on the website, and it is counter productive you can only find it in app. The best answer I have is find the posts in the app, but if I have to post something longer, or with links, I have to find the thread on the website.
As popular as this site is, this feature would improve quite a bit.. people(maybe more noobs) would actually follow threads they've posted questions on, so the replies aren't a waste of time. How many threads have multiple people asked for more details and the OP never replies.. Subscribing to threads would only work on any new posts, and some of my oldest ones I would still want to know activity for. This all seems obvious.

Can you please remove the single-click unsubscribe from emails?

I don't know if it's just me, but I frequently end up unsubscribing from threads when I what I really wanted to do was view them.
The layout of various email notifications from different forums are all different, and in my experience most of the time the "visit this thread on the web" is the first link under the response. In the case here the first link completely unsubscribes you from the thread without any confirmation request. I then have to go and resubscribe again.
Most other forums have a confirmation page when unsubscribing - is there a reason there isn't one here?
Telek said:
I don't know if it's just me, but I frequently end up unsubscribing from threads when I what I really wanted to do was view them.
The layout of various email notifications from different forums are all different, and in my experience most of the time the "visit this thread on the web" is the first link under the response. In the case here the first link completely unsubscribes you from the thread without any confirmation request. I then have to go and resubscribe again.
Most other forums have a confirmation page when unsubscribing - is there a reason there isn't one here?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
We balance ease of unsubscribing with having a confirmation dialog to ensure member wishes to actually unsubscribe. Given that balance we err to the side of unsubscribing right away because we don't want people to mark our emails as spam. It is easy enough to re-subscribe to a topic as well. But I'd be interested in hearing others opinion on this.
Nothing makes me more mad then having to sign in when I want to cancel a subscription. That being said, I usually enjoy the XDA emails I get, but for other sites that I need to sign in to cancel email bombs, but don't know my login information. I get angry.
Keep as is.
I appreciate the perspective, but I don't see either of these points as a barrier.
How does requiring a simple one-click confirmation inside the web page change if the email is viewed as spam? In both cases the email is identical. If someone manually is flagging the email as spam then they obviously aren't active in the first place (anyone who is active wouldn't do that).
Also I didn't say that you had to log in to unsubscribe. A simple one-click confirmation inside the web page is all I'm proposing. Considering how it currently launches the site to complete the unsubscribe this would only add 2 seconds.
Personally I don't see any issues with the current email layout.
The link to the thread is at the top of the email, and the unsubscribe is WAAAAY at the bottom. I have no idea how manage to click the wrong one
Because a lot of other forums have their links all at the bottom, and the first link is usually the one to go to the web version. I'm on a lot of different forums, and I have (unfortunately) developed the habit of just clicking the first link after the response in order to see the response in it's full context.
Oddly enough other forums also have a confirmation for unsubscription.
When there's a 1-line reply it's also not "all the way at the bottom".
How about this then: Instead of a confirmation, how about just a "Did you click this by accident? Click _here_ to resubscribe" after the "You have successfully unsubscribed" message?
That way if you intended to do that then there is no change at all, but if you did it by accident it's easy to undo the action.

