[Q] 30fps issue (Nova Screens) - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I havent been on here for a few days. Does anyone know the status on the 30fps issue and if it has been resolved for the nova screens?

Did you really have to waste a thread in development to ask a stupid question that could have been answered by taking a look in the 30FPS cap thread on the General forum?
Yes, there is a hack, no it isn't stable, but it does prove that the cap is not hardware - but rather software - imposed.

not really fixed yet, but there has been progress.

I'm not trying to be a **** but in my experience, searching first will train your brain to think. No seriously, I always do a search first before asking simply because it requires me to come up with what to search and what to keyword to use to be more efficient. Beside by searching you'll learn a lot about other stuff a long the line that you will need it later on. For instance, I bricked my Evo when I had it and while searching I ran into a post on how to get out of boot loop and right after I recovered my bricked, I got boot loop lol and I knew exactly where to go.
Just wanted to share a little experience that's all, and didn't mean to be an a$$ about it.


Moving On already.... Lets find a solution

This is my second post but I have flashed many times and have ended up with wm black 2.0. I have seen a few new threads now pretty much discussing the same issue in regard to the black 2.0 being shut down which is cool and all but at the same time just seems to be going on and on without resolution. Why not just fix it. Let the people who pissed off jas and anyone else who has been pissed off receive apologize and move on with new rules in place. I would rather see people get banned then lose out on the ROMs I have become addicted to.
This is just my opinion, I am a noob to the fullest and understand I'm probably about to get a verbal beat down but I know most times there is a way to fix things like this with a joint effort.
I would like to see jasjamming and others like him making future updates and not being forced to be selective in who gets it. Especially considering I am a noob myself I don't think Ill be high on anyone's list.
Just my .48, if a mod want to shut this down I take no offence, I actually don't even need response, just hoping to make a point. Thanks

Noob Question

Idk if this is the right section, but my question is, I have the t-mobile tp2 and I was wondering if all the tweaks and other things on this site will work with my version of it. Also how to get cracked programs and games? I know on the Iphone you jailbrake it also how do I get the clock like everyone else has and the backgrounds?
fredg713 said:
Idk if this is the right section, but my question is, I have the t-mobile tp2 and I was wondering if all the tweaks and other things on this site will work with my version of it. Also how to get cracked programs and games? I know on the Iphone you jailbrake it also how do I get the clock like everyone else has and the backgrounds?
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In answer to your question, yes the tweaks will work with your phone. What you need to do it spend some serious time reading. There is a lot on this site and it should take you a while just reading before you ever actually do anything. Unfortunately for you, most people will not tell you how to do it, you need to read up on it for yourself so that you learn how it is done. There is a seriously big difference between someone just showing you how to do it and you researching it on your own. To be honest, that is the best way to do it since you will also learn a lot more about what can be done just through reading the threads. Good luck, and happy reading.
I've already read about 40 pages of things to do with the phone, if I was some hardcore enthusiast then yeah I would go that route, but unlike others I just want my phone to look nice and perform well and have stuff others dont have.
Welcome to forums,
Then just read this one:
Good luck and enjoy!

TP2 Touch Screen too sensitive ???

Hello all
Brand new to the board.
Sorry if this is the wrong form for this as I think this may be more a WM question but I just got my first smartphone a TP2 having come off an old Motorola V60s and I’m having one heck of a time getting this user interface thing down.
I’m pretty savvy with PCs but this thing where I have to use my thumb or what ever to move around the screen as well as activate something on it is a major pain.
Basically I want to move through lets say my contacts list to call someone but as try to move the screen though the many that are there to get to the one I want, I keep ending up activate one way before that and it goes to that one, so then I have to back out and then start all over.
Sometimes it takes me quite awhile of accidental activations before I finally can get to the one I want.
It’s very tricky and very very annoying!
In regards to this I have a few noob questions.
Does this thing work on a timing thing, in other words, does the length of time I hold it get it going or is something else.
If it is a length of time thing, can I hack it some how?
In other words, I don’t want to slow down how the flow works or how sensitive anything is, just how long it will take to activate something so that if it were longer, while I’m moving things around there would be less chance that I might accidentally activate something unless I really mean too?
Also are there any really great public forms for just the Windows Mobile program that would be better for stuff like this, I’m sure this one is great but I was just wondering if there were any really dedicated to WM alone ones out there.
Thanks for any help.
Delete double post
Welcome to forums
Please respect the rules, do not double post
Wait with patience till someone answer your question
Yeah sorry bout that, thought I was editing and some how made a second post. Then couldn't find a way to delete.

eta for working camera and sound?`

Hi, I'm using android on my tilt 2 right now and like it quite a bit. However, I won't use it full time because it doesn't have sound support or camera support, or bluetooth lol.
Do we have an ETA for those things?
Also, would someone please instruct me as to how I can find/measure the hardware interrupts of the device so that I may pass the info along to some other developers I know who don't have an HTC phone.
i feel a flaming coming on... you might want to read some threads before speaking in here...
It's an honest enough question here.
I don't mean to seem impatient, because i'm not. I'm happy with what there is. Was simply wondering, especially because I may be able to contribute to the project.
If you're going to flame though, I guess it's time to get your caps-lock on. Won't bother me.
You could have asked this in one of the main threads... or used the search function to search for your answer which has been all along "when we get it we get it... no eta"
Seems pointless to start a new thread on this thats all
smithisize said:
It's an honest enough question here.
I don't mean to seem impatient, because i'm not. I'm happy with what there is. Was simply wondering, especially because I may be able to contribute to the project.
If you're going to flame though, I guess it's time to get your caps-lock on. Won't bother me.
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No one questions your honesty. It is just that this topic has been discussed ad nauseum. It would have been easier for you to just to do a simple search.
...It's an honest enough answer here.
HeXeD said:
i feel a flaming coming on... you might want to read some threads before speaking in here...
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haha.. a good roast always teaches you to use the search function anyways .lol
smithisize said:
Hi, I'm using android on my tilt 2 right now and like it quite a bit. However, I won't use it full time because it doesn't have sound support or camera support, or bluetooth lol.
Do we have an ETA for those things?
Also, would someone please instruct me as to how I can find/measure the hardware interrupts of the device so that I may pass the info along to some other developers I know who don't have an HTC phone.
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Last I heard was something about by July, but refusing to lock it down to a specific year.
no1 knows man, it will come out when it comes out ,just gotta wait
This question has been asked many times in this forums, but at the current state for the Rhodium, we don't have drivers for the sound from what I have heard.
As for bluetooth, I am not sure what the current state is, but I heard that the bluetooth is a completely different from other devices that HTC has made.
Maybe we should make this a sticky for those who can't read too good or are too lazy to use the search option. Kind of getting tired of going through the main thread and half the posts are just the same regurgitated questions. Or maybe we should create a ban if the same question has been asked more than say 3 times.
If you want to help there is some IRC channel or something I think I remember reading. or PM phhusson maybe? He seems to be heavily involved.
In case you didnt notice, people are a little sensitive about the sound/camera questions around here. Probably because they were flamed for asking it too It almost like it is the first question everyone asks when running android for the first time.
cameraand sound?
I think that's like asking when exactly will Windows Phone 7 come out, or when will the next solar eclipse be, maybe even, where did you put your keys last?
When people get it to work is when you will have it. I don't think anyone knows exactly how it works, something to do with hardware issues, so until it's cracked/figured out there can't be a date.
roast him !!!!
kawasaki9r said:
I think that's like asking when exactly will Windows Phone 7 come out, or when will the next solar eclipse be, maybe even, where did you put your keys last?
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That's it! I now know we're getting sound and bluetooth on July 11th this year, at precisely 19:34:38 UTC!
Sorry, couldn't resist Gotta admit, eclipses are really interesting things. Maybe read about 'em to pass the time while the chefs continue do their awesome work on these difficult technological puzzles.
some of you guys are funny and make jokes about it which is funny and tolerable, but then we have those "followers" that repeat what is already stated (roast em this and that it was said already really how many posts do we have to see about that.) its a forum, it a community and give positive help and stop always cherping because a. u probably didnt have the nadz to roast anyone and b. really you didnt have to come to the post to read it you could have easliy went to the next one. its ten times easier to give help and pass a joke damn stop being so uptight become a leader not a follower...pretty much everything is unknown till they release it or they mention it on the site, but feel as thou the camera will probably be the last thing thou if they do get it to work properly (all speculative based on the fuze)
A good read: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=121743
Well, it's good to see some positive feedback on here
I appreciate all of your guys' answers!
I came accross this video on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ6pr8AJxbg
It is showing a working speaker while in-call @ 4min.
How's that possible ?
I guess it was a mistake making the ARM9 launch the rear-speaker when in call, but can't that help ?
Scotchy49 said:
I came accross this video on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ6pr8AJxbg
It is showing a working speaker while in-call @ 4min.
How's that possible ?
I guess it was a mistake making the ARM9 launch the rear-speaker when in call, but can't that help ?
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he was using the speakerphone when he booted android. you know, it seems a lot of crap is dependant upon being active in windows for it to work in android (keyboard backlight, front hardkey lights, etc.). i wonder is there a way to make everything active at boot time, like camera, speaker, etc etc. not saying it would magically make the stuff work properly, but might make it easier to mess with some stuff to try n get it working ?
I was thinking the same thing, I tried playing music when I started up android.. no luck, and the speaker phone is just a line the the startup.txt if Im remembering correctly

[Q] CyanogenMod-7 for EVO question

can anyone post a link or pictures of what the UI looks like?
i am a noob here so i dont know much about it other then what it says
and to me i dont think it explains it enough
what does it do...i read his posts but i still dont understand.....
what difference is it to this mod and the original it came with?
please use simple words for like i said am a noob
p.s. also i looked on his sites and forums...but are still to difficult for me to understand
deanventure said:
can anyone post a link or pictures of what the UI looks like?
i am a noob here so i dont know much about it other then what it says
and to me i dont think it explains it enough
what does it do...i read his posts but i still dont understand.....
what difference is it to this mod and the original it came with?
please use simple words for like i said am a noob
p.s. also i looked on his sites and forums...but are still to difficult for me to understand
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Check out his website, search youtube, etc.
anyway, here you go. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=CyanogenMod+7
yea i tried that already thanks for taking up space in this world
there are a billion different threads,websites,videos,ect that tell me 2 billion different things and mostly in a higher techy vocabulary, thats why that doesnt work for me
deanventure said:
yea i tried that already thanks for taking up space in this world
there are a billion different threads,websites,videos,ect that tell me 2 billion different things and mostly in a higher techy vocabulary, thats why that doesnt work for me
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Next time be polite you don't get anywhere with that right now Google is your friend
yea, i thought he was alittle smug myself.
i am new to this also,but i reaserched for three days,saved web sites,and printed out instructions. in the end i have a rooted evo running cm7 with working hdmi mirroring.
the answers are out there,you just have to look!!!!
I'll just leave this here and let you guys argue it out lol. This is on the HTC Desire but it's the same UI across the board for Cyanogen.
I understand you are a noob and I don't mean this in a condescending way but research really is your best friend. Like ccollins102 said, do some reading and learn what those "techy" words mean. They are just speaking in the language of the land. I'm no great tech guru but I have learned more by hours of reading than most I am sure.
To explain what Cyanogen Mod is go to the wiki page. Most of the tech words are defined. It's essentially AOSP or Android Open Source Project. Most of the brands (HTC, Samsung, Motorolla ect...) put their own UI over vanilla(basic) Android and ship it out as custom for their brand. HTC has what they have labeled "Sense", Samsung uses Touch Wiz, Sony is "Arc" I believe now(?) and so on. The only phones to my knowledge that don't are the Nexus. (don't flame me if that's wrong but I THOUGHT this to be true).
If you have questions post up, I'll try to help out. The actually CM thread is pretty helpful most of the time too. The website forum I never cared for though. I get lost in it lol.
Google is your friend
its not like im getting anywhere just asking or looking
thanks for the help
blizzard1017 said:
I'll just leave this here and let you guys argue it out lol. This is on the HTC Desire but it's the same UI across the board for Cyanogen.
I understand you are a noob and I don't mean this in a condescending way but research really is your best friend. Like ccollins102 said, do some reading and learn what those "techy" words mean. They are just speaking in the language of the land. I'm no great tech guru but I have learned more by hours of reading than most I am sure.
To explain what Cyanogen Mod is go to the wiki page. Most of the tech words are defined. It's essentially AOSP or Android Open Source Project. Most of the brands (HTC, Samsung, Motorolla ect...) put their own UI over vanilla(basic) Android and ship it out as custom for their brand. HTC has what they have labeled "Sense", Samsung uses Touch Wiz, Sony is "Arc" I believe now(?) and so on. The only phones to my knowledge that don't are the Nexus. (don't flame me if that's wrong but I THOUGHT this to be true).
If you have questions post up, I'll try to help out. The actually CM thread is pretty helpful most of the time too. The website forum I never cared for though. I get lost in it lol.
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yea ive researched for about a week and alot of it contradicts its self
like example
in some cases i see that gps doesnt work good...but in other cases they say it works great
some people have something that looks like scence on cm7 and some that look like vanilla
ive seen that cm7 gets rid of spell correction because it is sence based built in the evo
i went to his wiki and it was confusing.....and his youtube had no videos on it
there are alot of different versions of cm7 by my understanding
the you tube link was a little help
deanventure said:
yea ive researched for about a week and alot of it contradicts its self
like example
in some cases i see that gps doesnt work good...but in other cases they say it works great
some people have something that looks like scence on cm7 and some that look like vanilla
ive seen that cm7 gets rid of spell correction because it is sence based built in the evo
i went to his wiki and it was confusing.....and his youtube had no videos on it
there are alot of different versions of cm7 by my understanding
the you tube link was a little help
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-GPS generally doesn't work for most people without doing a fix. Some people get lucky, but it's a known issue. If it doesn't work for you, do the GPS fix. You can find directions for this pretty much everywhere.
-CM7 is not Sense, it never will be. It comes with ADW Launcher, but you can download another launcher if you'd prefer. There are themes available to make it look like Sense, and some people use LauncherPro Plus since it has Sense-like widgets. If you want to use ADW or another launcher, Colorize Widget has some good scrollable widgets. But by default, CM7 looks entirely different than Sense.
-CM7 does not get rid of spell check, but the default keyboard may not have it. You can always download a different keyboard from the market, or if you like the HTC keyboard, download the HTC IME Mod - you can find it on xda. Just do a google search.
My advice: Do a nandroid backup and flash it. If you don't like it you can always restore from your backup. It'll be like nothing ever changed. If you decide you want something close to stock, try Myn's Warm TwoPointTwo or MikFroyo. They'll be more familiar to you, and they're good starting points.
Also, I understand that you're new to this, but you still need to figure it out for yourself. Getting snappy with people that try to help you (even if they're trying to help you help yourself) is not going to help you understand. The best way to learn is to just do it. Manually boot into recovery - don't use ROM Manager. Do your own nandroid backup, wipe everything, then flash. When it boots, you'll feel like you have a new phone. And if you don't like it, go back to recovery and restore. If you have any problems with flashing, you can always ask on xda. As long as you treat people with respect, you'll get help.
Good luck!
(from... Evo/MIUI/Tapatalk)
but when people read what i ask and totaly think i didnt do something like look at google or something like that i dont need them to tell me to do something i already did and got no help from
some people cant learn by themself because its confusing for them
im sorry i need a little more help then the average person
and about being polite i was a asked a question then i get a sarcastic answer
is it only ok for you for some people to be like that and not others? because let me tell you that was uncalled for....
I didn't watch the whole video but most of it I did. That video is what you get with cm7. Like above said, you can have cm as a base and add any launcher you like.
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Just google aosp gingerbread. They all look pretty much the same.....
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