Building Froyo Source Code Issues - Droid Incredible Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey everyone,
I'm trying to build froyo for the Incredible on my OpenSuSE 11.2 i386 computer. I follow the instructions Google puts up for building the source code but when I try building it with the make command I get the following error:
host C: libclearsilver-jni <= external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:1: sorry, unimplemented: 64-bit mode not compiled in
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1init’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:82: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1dealloc’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:87: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1getIntValue’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:94: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1getValue’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:114: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1setValue’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:144: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1removeTree’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:175: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1setSymLink’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:197: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1dump’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:228: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1readFile’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:285: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1writeFile’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:332: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1writeFileAtomic’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:349: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1readString’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:366: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1writeString’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:383: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1getObj’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:400: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:407: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1getChild’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:412: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:419: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1objChild’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:424: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:428: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1objNext’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:433: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:437: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1objName’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:442: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1objValue’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:455: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c: In function ‘Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1copy’:
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:469: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
external/clearsilver/java-jni/j_neo_util.c:470: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
make: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libclearsilver-jni_intermediates/j_neo_util.o] Error 1
I'm not sure why it talks about a 64 bit mode because my architecture is 32 bit. other than that I don't get it. Any ideas or suggestions would be very appreciated! Thanks!

this is a known bug where the build is forcing 64-bit even though you are 32. google it or check this discussion

you have to (for ubuntu anyway)
$ apt-get autoremove sun-java6-jdk
for whatever reason if java6 is installed on the build machine it is forcing a 64 bit build...
I am knee deep in aosp for this phone- have compiled it god knows how many times with no success on the INC. Can't get past the damned initial splash screen. I've about lost patience, but wtf it's a giant puzzle and I really can't resist tinkering with it.

I have aosp built and running, but system force closes after about 2 minutes then it restarts and begins again.

da_knowledge said:
I have aosp built and running, but system force closes after about 2 minutes then it restarts and begins again.
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logcat is your best friend


Size of Form

i have an application, programmed in C#. I wanna that the size of the gui will automatically adapt to the size of the phone on which the application get used.
How can I do this?
In the Paint() event of the form examine its ClientSize property. This is the size of the client (White) area of the screen. It is itself a Size object with Height and Width integer properties, this.ClientSize.Width and this.ClientSize.Height
Use these values to position/resize your objects on the screen, by changing their Size and Location (Left and Top) properties, so that they fit in this area.
This event occurs before the Paint() event of the child objects, so they will be repositioned/resized before they themselves are drawn.
To be clever, reposition and resize screen objects, scaled to the screen size at run time, not values hardcoded at development time.
This technique can also detect a change of orientation, the values of Height and Width change over! If you want to be smart, handle this as well, and your app should be starting look pretty damned professional. A bit of work and it should look good on all screen sizes. Test them out against the SDK's emulator images for a range of device screen sizes.
The following code example positions the label in the correct place. Hey Diddle Diddle, slap bang in the middle!
private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
label1.Left = (this.ClientSize.Width - label1.Size.Width) / 2;
label1.Top = (this.ClientSize.Height - label1.Size.Height) / 2;
label1.Text = this.ClientSize.Width.ToString() + " x " + this.ClientSize.Height.ToString();
do you have to do this with every object you put on it? Seems like a lot of code. (also im doing this in VB so far..)
I'm afraid so. But it's worth the effort. Also it will run on all screen sizes, see image, and also the oddball ones they haven't thought of yet!
Change 'this.' to 'me.' and omit the C# end of line character ';' and it's now in VB.
Does your form property AutoScaleMode is set to AutoScaleMode.Dpi?
For controls set the anchor property (default is top|left) also to right (and/or bottom if needed). That will automatically 'stretch' the controls.
Now, if you really want to support different resolutions it will take much more work:
As already mentioned you have to rearrange the controls on orientation changes. Take a look at Developing Orientation and dpi Aware Applications for the .NET Compact Framework!
And finally you have to provide images in different resolutions.
Adapt to New Screen Orientations and Resolutions
Of course you have to decide if this is really needed for your app as this will take much more time.

Dev question, one who knows regex

Can this be accomplished below? I have all the .png and fonts, but not the regex know how etc...
From my experience most emoticons (emoji) do not use a font, but are rather bitmap graphics (e.g. emoticons in the default Android text editor). There are several downsides to using a font:
•Suppose you made the characters a, b, c, d etc into emoticons - the user would then be unable to read/send messages with those characters in without them turning to emoticons.
•Fonts are generally quite large as they contain a lot of information for displaying the text at different sizes/styles
Using bitmap graphics will allow you to easily use the same emoticons across a wide range of devices, whilst using standard device fonts the text around the emoticons.
You will have to parse the string that you are displaying, find the emoticons, and replace them with images.
On Android for instance you would accomplish this with:
1.Search the string for all emoticon occurences (regex can do this easily enough)
2.Replace all emoticons with the string <img src="emoticon.png" /> (althugh change emoticon.png based on the type of emoticon)
3.Convert the String to HTML with String myHtmlString = Html.fromHtml(myEmoticonString, myImageGetter, null);
4.Display the string in a TextView myTextView.setText(myHtmlString)
In step 3 myImageGetter needs to be an instance of Html.ImageGetter which returns a graphic (drawable) based on the src attribute of the images in the string (ie it converts a string file name to an actual graphic)
The steps on other platforms would be different but you should be able to use the same basic method (parse string, replace emoticons with images).
Any help or direction would be appreciated, I would do what I can if I had direction.
Thanks in advance!
10 little chars

[Q] How to Reuse Fragments code with different values

I have made two fragments. One is a list fragment and other is a details fragment. List Fragment shows the list of exams and when you click on an item in that list, details fragment shows its details. so now i want to use this same layout for different values. For ex- i have made this for all Law entrance exams and now i need to make for different exams like management, engineering,etc with the same layout (list+details) but with different corresponding values. Can anybody help me with this? or direct me to any sample code that i can look into?
Have you considered making an abstract class that extends the ListFragment, that has a method like protected abstract List<...> getList(), so that when you extend the class, the childen could "fill" the list with their own Lists. I don't know how your details fragment works, but it generally it should be the same. That should work
You want to make a custom subclass of Fragment and pass in the parameters that describe how that Fragment should be populated as arguments. The typical pattern for this is to use a static factory method in the style of "MyDetailsFragment.newInstance(Object arg1, Object arg2)".

Append variable width bitmaps dynamically so that resultant bitmap row is centered

I'm pretty sure what I'm trying to do is impossible with Zooper — I've experimented and searched massively — but maybe some wiz actually will know a workaround to what I'm trying to do:
I want to have a widget — which will place let's say two bitmaps side by side: they will be selected dynamically and their widths vary massively. I want the resultant “image”, consisting of the two images, centered: thus I can't put one left—aligned image next to one right—aligned, because the whole thing will not be centered.
I hoped the image field would let me specify two consecutive “” fields and I could nicely center this compound object — but it doesn't work, only displays the first image.
Is there a way to accomplish what I'm after, or is it truly impossible?

A few registry Q's from a Lumia 435, 635, 640 owner

I don't post questions often but any help would be appreciated. I've searched up and down the web to no avail. This line of questioning is in regards to my Lumia 435. I've abandoned Lumias in favor of my 2nd favorite brand, Motorola. But, I have an undying love for Windows phones. I'm a night guard so I walk around with a Moto G5 Plus, a Moto E4 and a Lumia 435. I am fond of the compact size and the screen's reflectivity isn't a problem since I only use it at night on my graveyard shift. It's sitting pretty in a case with an oleophobic glass screen protector and a 1 GB Paging File, thanks to interop.
I'm running W10M and it runs great because I disable ALL background apps, except for the Store or Podcasts. However, either the one I picked up from eBay has broken lights on it's 3 capacitive buttons or they just don't light up by design. My phone is Interop unlocked. I checked HKLM / Software / Microsoft / Shell / NavigationBar to see if I might be able to enable the on screen soft buttons and/or disable the 3 capactive buttons on the bezel. No joy. It seems that maybe this would be possible with Denim but the NavigationBar key has a list of all the different resolutions, each with 6 different settings.
Long story short, has anyone figured out how to enable/disable the soft buttons? And does anyone have a list of known working W10M registry tweaks? I've looked at WPTweaker but the XAP doesn't seem to install on my device (figured it was WP8 only). Would it be possible to trick this device into thinking it is a Lumia 640 so that the aspect ratio stays the same, and the soft buttons would swipe up from the bottom of the screen? I can't find any other WP that runs W10M that has a resolution of 800x480.
Thanks everyone for even just checking out this question. I'll appreciate any responses.
barc0d3 said:
I've looked at WPTweaker but the XAP doesn't seem to install on my device (figured it was WP8 only).
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you can install WPTweaker XAP without problem deploying xap from computer to phone. if you have problem, try this Interop Tools, and enable "All XAP's are SL 8.1 XAPs" in Tweaks
The keys you need are:
Type: Integer DWORD
Key name: SoftwareModeEnabled
Value: 1
Type: Integer DWORD
Key name: IsSwipeUpToHideEnabled
Value: 1
Type: Integer DWORD
Key name: IsDoubleTapOffEnabled
Value: 1
Type: Integer DWORD
Key name: IsAutoHideEnabled
Value: 1
Type: Integer DWORD
Key name: IsHintEnabled
Value: 1
Type: Integer DWORD
Key name: IsUserManaged
Value: 1
I wouldn't force the device... the resolution 800x480 works perfect since you can cast/screen mirror and doesn't force the cpu. Lumia 550 has 1280x720 and the same cpu, when you screen mirror to smart tvs or screens, the video and all, except photos is very laggy and that doesn't happen with 800x480 resolution. The only way to hide the bar is increasing the resolution, that can be done with registry but i don't recommend it because you have to change several keys(for X and Y) that has the same name, the device will look horrible because it has the .dll graphics for 800x480(for example UIXMobileAssets480x800.dll) so if you increase the resolution it will look like **** and also, you will be forcing the cpu. The only way to achieve it is changing the registry keys of the resolution and replacing the .dll graphics file with the correct .dll graphics file(meaning you need a .dll from the desired resolution). Maybe there's another way, i remember that some videoplayback apps did hide the bar when playing so maybe there's another way... a key missing or some value to change...
xxJMarian said:
The keys you need are:
Type: Integer DWORD
Key name: SoftwareModeEnabled
Value: 1
Type: Integer DWORD
Key name: IsSwipeUpToHideEnabled
Value: 1
Type: Integer DWORD
Key name: IsDoubleTapOffEnabled
Value: 1
Type: Integer DWORD
Key name: IsAutoHideEnabled
Value: 1
Type: Integer DWORD
Key name: IsHintEnabled
Value: 1
Type: Integer DWORD
Key name: IsUserManaged
Value: 1
I wouldn't force the device... the resolution 800x480 works perfect since you can cast/screen mirror and doesn't force the cpu. Lumia 550 has 1280x720 and the same cpu, when you screen mirror to smart tvs or screens, the video and all, except photos is very laggy and that doesn't happen with 800x480 resolution. The only way to hide the bar is increasing the resolution, that can be done with registry but i don't recommend it because you have to change several keys(for X and Y) that has the same name, the device will look horrible because it has the .dll graphics for 800x480(for example UIXMobileAssets480x800.dll) so if you increase the resolution it will look like **** and also, you will be forcing the cpu. The only way to achieve it is changing the registry keys of the resolution and replacing the .dll graphics file with the correct .dll graphics file(meaning you need a .dll from the desired resolution). Maybe there's another way, i remember that some videoplayback apps did hide the bar when playing so maybe there's another way... a key missing or some value to change...
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Yeah there doesn't seem to be any way to add those keys to the registry on W10M. I'll just have to deal with the capacitive hardware buttons from now.
PS. The Lumia 435 is surprisingly capable so long as you disable background apps. The first thing I did was bump the page file to 1GB and by not allowing any apps to run in the background it performs just as well as my Lumia 640 did. I like keeping the little Lumia handy as a spare phone in my duty pouch and it doesn't take up much space. Thanks for trying to help anyway.
barc0d3 said:
Yeah there doesn't seem to be any way to add those keys to the registry on W10M. I'll just have to deal with the capacitive hardware buttons from now.
PS. The Lumia 435 is surprisingly capable so long as you disable background apps. The first thing I did was bump the page file to 1GB and by not allowing any apps to run in the background it performs just as well as my Lumia 640 did. I like keeping the little Lumia handy as a spare phone in my duty pouch and it doesn't take up much space. Thanks for trying to help anyway.
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You need interop tools to add the keys

