My work is ONLY the application, it was intended for my personal use, but I figured that it could be useful to someone else, until supercurio doesn't come out with something better (and I hope he will).
So the HARD PART of the work, like finding out how to tweak the volume limit using alsa, etc. was done by supercurio and we should all thank him a lot for all his work!
Thanks also to RyanZA for creating the z4root application, very very useful!
1. Your phone must be ROOTED!
With froyo official updates, it is NO LONGER possible to flash custom!! If you want to leave your phone unrooted, however, there is a simple way to achive this:
1. Download from the market the free application "z4root" from our beloved RyanZA! (
2. Use the z4root application to get root privileges
3. Now open audioboost and choose "NORMAL INSTALL"
4. Now or whenever you feel like it, if you want, you can just open z4root again and *unroot* your device. After that, you can even erase z4root and continue using audioboost without problems until next firmware upgrade...the app won't leave any trace and it won't be noticeable that your phone has been rooted.
If you liked this approach, you can also donate to RyanZA for the wonderful app he's created!
If you had previously a beta version installed, please uninstall it before trying the release 1.0.
If you don't have already installed alsa, the app will check your installation when you launch it, and eventually it will ask you to install alsa. Please do so.
- Headphones, speaker and microphone tweaking!
- I optimized the code a lot, so now it is very low on resource usage, even with a 1-second refresh rate!
- You can leave it in background all day without noticing any lag or anything!
- Now with some sort of icon.
- Signed.
- When clicking exit button it will clean up better.
- Cleaned up a bit the Settings activity, and added preview of next feature (statusbar notifications).
- Changed Info activity a bit.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the app to work properly!
- GLOBAL REFRESH! Now the refresh time and enabling/disabling is under Settings and works for ALL controls (headphones, speaker and mic).
- Fixed (hopefully) problems with ALSA INSTALLATION, plus now a progress dialog is displayed (just for you to know that is working and for me when posting problems - I hope not - you can say "stuck at x%"...)
- Fixed QUIT bug. Now when you click the exit button it should really exit and not show up in background even with task killer. PLEASE DO NOT KILL THE APP, use the exit button!!!
- Now menu has icons!
- Plus a lot of things that you may not notice, but are very useful for overall speed and low system resource impact! The code has been changed A LOT, let me tell ya!
...Well hope everything works just fine! Please post feedback on mic functioning with these new features!
UPDATED 1.4.1:
- Just fixed a little thing which prevented the correct alsa installation, nothing definitive as I'm looking to manage every single possible error scenario...
- Works even on unrooted phones
- Alsa installation takes now a split second! You MUST do that even if you used version 1.x (permissions changed...)
- Audio-boosting feature is a service that can be backgrounded
- Statusbar notification
- Start on phone boot
- Refresh rate in can have values lower than 1 second, default is 500ms...obviously greater values = worst experience = better performance....your call!
- New app logo...hope you like it!
- A lot of other improvements that I'm not remembering right now!
- Fixed lagging issues (OMG java Timer class implementation on android sucks badly!!!)
- Dropped "always active" option in settings (not very user-friendly/intuitive)
- Added little dialog when hitting menu/Quit that asks if you want to background the app or close it for good (more user-friendly for my taste)
Regarding *lagging* issues: of course, if you keep like 2-3 milliseconds refresh it WILL lag indeed! That depends on use-cases:
- I, for instance, use my app when listening to music while driving. In that circumstance, I have no problem occupying resources because I'm not actually using my phone apart from playing music. If an email comes in though, I'd *hate* to have to wait 10 seconds to boost volume again, so I keep 100-200ms. When I exit the car, I click "disable" and close audioboost.
- Someone who is listening to music while using the phone intensively should use a higher refresh.
I think that with 2000ms refresh, version 2.1 shouldn't lag even all-day long. Even with lower values it should be should find your preferred setting by yourselves!
UPDATE 2.2 - 2.3 - 2.4:
- Fixed some bugs.
- Improved froyo compatibility.
- Mounts /system as rw during install.
- OLD:
Ok...let's explain a bit. Yesterday evening I wanted to know if it existed a tweak to boost the audio volume coming from the headphones. I think that there is some sort of European law or something like that which limits the volume that headphones can produce. This is probably a good thing to avoid hearing problems with *headphones*, but in my situation it sucks badly! Yes, because I use my phone as a music source in my car, and my car hifi is not powerful enough to let me hear my music at the level I like...
However...I was addressed at this thread, from post #300 on...
Well, I read the thread (and I STRONGLY ADVISE you do the same before downloading anything from my post), but I didn't like very much the limitations of that tweak. It works alright, but it seems to me that an sh script is not the more comfortable way to go on a mobile phone. If you think differently from me, feel free to keep using the script method, without posting useless comments.
So I created a tiny little (horrible I must say) application which kinda does basically the same thing as the script, but in a (from my point of view) much cooler way! It is very ugly, but it's my first android application and I bought the phone just 2 weeks ago...
How does this work? Very simple: there is a textbox in which you can enter the desired amp level, an enable button and a disable one. You should enter the value you prefer (default is 62), then click enable button. You should now leave the app RUNNING in background. When you are finished using the tweak you can tap the disable button to return to the default (of the firmware) settings.
Basically what the application does is it creates a 2-seconds timer which calls everytime the alsamixer (a little better than using an infinite loop as in the script...) with the desired settings. It doesn't seem to impact the battery life too much from my little testing, but please post any feedback on this point.
Thank you! This is useful
what is the default and what are the ranges it supports thanks
The default is 56 (and that's the value it puts when you click the disable button). The range varies from 0 to 63, but from 0 to 35 it's the same low level. It's all written on the supercurio's post I mentioned!
thanks works ok.. you dont have to keep it running the setting does not go back to default unless you unplug and replug in the headphone.. also this is only for headphone boost not for speaker..
finally 2 secs seems like overkill every 10-30 sec would be ok to0.. maybe you could make that user seteable.. also an exit button would be nice since i start it set the level higher and kill long as i dont unplug headphones it stays so i would like to exit without going to task killer..
thanks agian.
lgkahn said:
thanks works ok.. you dont have to keep it running the setting does not go back to default unless you unplug and replug in the headphone.. also this is only for headphone boost not for speaker..
finally 2 secs seems like overkill every 10-30 sec would be ok to0.. maybe you could make that user seteable.. also an exit button would be nice since i start it set the level higher and kill long as i dont unplug headphones it stays so i would like to exit without going to task killer..
thanks agian.
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I'll look into those suggestions after dinner, thanks! However, I don't see why you should kill it...I mean, it's like 20kb of app...I don't think it occupies that much ram...
The point of the app is that when you unplug the headphone and replug it after 2sec it bumps volume again...if you kill it becomes useless...
carlocb said:
I'll look into those suggestions after dinner, thanks! However, I don't see why you should kill it...I mean, it's like 20kb of app...I don't think it occupies that much ram...
The point of the app is that when you unplug the headphone and replug it after 2sec it bumps volume again...if you kill it becomes useless...
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it is not the memory footprint i dont like anything running starting up every so often and checking status.. not sure what it does to battery or cpu usage.. especially in not necessary... maybe a widget added to the app with a picture that changes showing boost when on and when you click toggles on or off.. and you only need to open the actuall app for settings..
if you can bundle this with the other app so you dont have to manually install and untar on you card. you could probably charge a couple of bucks for it in the store... but more most people the manual install and untar of the other app is slightly complicated.
lgkahn said:
it is not the memory footprint i dont like anything running starting up every so often and checking status.. not sure what it does to battery or cpu usage.. especially in not necessary... maybe a widget added to the app with a picture that changes showing boost when on and when you click toggles on or off.. and you only need to open the actuall app for settings..
if you can bundle this with the other app so you dont have to manually install and untar on you card. you could probably charge a couple of bucks for it in the store... but more most people the manual install and untar of the other app is slightly complicated.
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Well that of the widget is a GREAT idea! I'll look into it, but I can't promise anything, because as I said it's the first time I develop anything for a mobile phone, I just read two or three tutorials on android developing this morning and the actual coding part was like a couple of hours of work. Add to that the fact that it's been 4 years since last time I wrote software (let alone java, which was the first language I learned, but I never used it for real developing) and now I'm doing with very different things in my life! Of course I will try to upgrade and make a better app, as this one is horrible...if people are interested I'll do it, but it'll take some time!
carlocb said:
Well that of the widget is a GREAT idea! I'll look into it, but I can't promise anything, because as I said it's the first time I develop anything for a mobile phone, I just read two or three tutorials on android developing this morning and the actual coding part was like a couple of hours of work. Add to that the fact that it's been 4 years since last time I wrote software (let alone java, which was the first language I learned, but I never used it for real developing) and now I'm doing with very different things in my life! Of course I will try to upgrade and make a better app, as this one is horrible...if people are interested I'll do it, but it'll take some time!
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I'm sure your work will make a lot of people happy.
Thanks for your time Carlo.
Grande Carlo!
Ti consiglierei di salvare il livello di output dell'ultima sessione in modo tale che uno non lo debba reinserire. Ma quanta batteria consuma questa applicazione?
Altro piccolo consiglio: inserisci un terzo pulsante per poter disattivare l'applicazione senza ripristinare a 56 il volume, in modo tale da non dover avere la tua app in background ma poter comunque utilizzare il volume al max
Great idea Carlo!
I'd suggest to modify a few things in your app:
1)Try to insert a third button for closing the service without resetting the volume to the normal one, also because it is enough to unplug the headphones to change it.
2)Can you modify save the latest used volume? This way the next time you open the app you do not have to change it again.
Buona fortuna! Grande idea!
OK...if you look in the first post I updated the app a bit, implementing some of the requests...
It's very important that you uninstall the old one before installing the new one.
It's still early alpha version however, I have in mind a couple of interesting things if I'm able to implement them...
Stay tuned!
2. The refresh rate is in *seconds* and the default is 2. Feel free to experiment with other values, but remember that it's not only the unplugging of headphones cable which causes the volume value to reset. This happens also when you receive a notification (such as an incoming call, message or email), or when there is a 2 seconds or longer pause (such as you just pause the player for a moment). So...imho it's not useful to keep the refresh rate higher then 10 seconds or so...but as always, try various combinations and let me know! The most important thing should be to watch the impact of this setting on battery life...
Also...if you put 0 here as a value, the timer won't start at all. Basically this means that it's just like invoking the shell any notification and the volume won't come back up!
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strange i didnt experience this in my tests pausing both audible player and ambling book player for more than 2 secs.. the volume didnt reset...
will have to experiement more
ok more info you are correct pausing does setting values back to default..
also one bug.. quite does not seem to totaly quit the app.. it does exist but if you run adavance task killer a process is still showing up as running in the task list.. but anyway i have set it to 10 secs . and it seems to work fine.. no lag while using other apps.
mobile terminal emulator ? allright, couldnt find a tutorial on using adb. can i download a mobile terminal straight to my sgs?
swatsqad said:
mobile terminal emulator ? allright, couldnt find a tutorial on using adb. can i download a mobile terminal straight to my sgs?
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as long as you have root and busybox you can download the terminal emulator from the market and run the tar command in the first post.
i did it this way on the bus this morning
swatsqad said:
mobile terminal emulator ? allright, couldnt find a tutorial on using adb. can i download a mobile terminal straight to my sgs?
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Click to collapse This is for you!
I like the new version, now maybe you could add a simple image as logo!
Anyway sometimes the app crashes. I think I am unlucky!
$ cd /
cd /
$ busybox tar zxvf /sdcard/
busybox tar zxvf /sdcard/
tar: invalid option -- z
BusyBox v1.18.0.git (2010-08-11 01:17:17 CDT) multi-call binary.
Usage: tar -[cxtvO] [-X FILE] [-f TARFILE] [-C DIR] [FILE]...
Create, extract, or list files from a tar file
c Create
x Extract
t List
f Name of TARFILE ('-' for stdin/out)
C Change to DIR before operation
v Verbose
O Extract to stdout
h Follow symlinks
exclude File to exclude
X File with names to exclude
T File with names to include
Yes some busybox versions don't have tar with gzip support. If u installed the busy box fix from titanium backup u can just run the command thru tar instead.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
I dont get it ;/ ..
. So what do i do? OAllready spent 4+hrs on this
Download Busybox by Stericson from the market and that app will let you install the latest Busybox - then that command will work.
swatsqad said:
I dont get it ;/ ..
. So what do i do? OAllready spent 4+hrs on this
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i've been really excited at the idea of ditching my mp3 player and only carrying my phone. usually it will play one song, but then program will lock up after that and eventually require a force close. it seems to happen in different roms as well. BUT it also happens in my sound and display settings when i try to increase or decrease the notification volume in alarm settings or when i try to increase the alarm volume. I'm pretty much afraid of any slider options. I'm sure others have had this problem, i just want to know if there's a quick fix or its just a problem with the o.s.
if it helps i am rooted. i thought it was my processor clock settings being too low, but it happens on performance mode as well. i am using the fascinate music player too, but i don't think it matters. thanks.
tonayie2 said:
i've been really excited at the idea of ditching my mp3 player and only carrying my phone. usually it will play one song, but then program will lock up after that and eventually require a force close. it seems to happen in different roms as well. BUT it also happens in my sound and display settings when i try to increase or decrease the notification volume in alarm settings or when i try to increase the alarm volume. I'm pretty much afraid of any slider options. I'm sure others have had this problem, i just want to know if there's a quick fix or its just a problem with the o.s.
if it helps i am rooted. i thought it was my processor clock settings being too low, but it happens on performance mode as well. i am using the fascinate music player too, but i don't think it matters. thanks.
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I'm having the same problem here using the Music Player that comes with SyndicateROM and WinAmp. I'm using Eclair (SyndicateROM) with the DI18 modem and have never had this problem before. Even if I go into Astro and try to play the file that way, it still will only play one song.
If you need any information just let me know.
I'm on stock just did one click root. Native player worked fine for me... No problems whatsoever, multi tasking was hit or miss but pretty damn good, hard to overdo it and stop the music for me....
Make sure u guys aren't, or haven't manually removed the DRM apk files. This is known to cause audio probs
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
decalex said:
Make sure u guys aren't, or haven't manually removed the DRM apk files. This is known to cause audio probs
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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Any more specific than that? I know there was a workaround at one point which touted removing the DRM apks to increase battery life.
decalex said:
Make sure u guys aren't, or haven't manually removed the DRM apk files. This is known to cause audio probs
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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This. I reflashed my ROM and didn't remove the DRM files and it works now!
Sent from the Epic that bites.
so i decided to start a list of tweaks that work good on this phone.
if you need to edit your build.prop and don't want to use a text editor, you can do it in an easier way by getting a build.prop editor from the play store.
many people recomend wiping cache partitions after editing build.prop. i'm not 100% sure if its needed but i have read people recommending it so i thought i'd mention it.
if anyone has anything they want to add just post it and i'll add it to the main page. anything after a # is documentation and should not be added to your build.prop file.
# this is a fix for some video problems to do with layers that started after the nightly from 5/22 i believe it affects rc3 rc4 apps like:
# newsy/youtube/games/etc (verified works on my phone and replaces fix of disable hw overlay after every boot)
# Fast Reboot (never used this not sure how it works)
# Gpu render UI (not tested)
# increased battery life from toggled sleep mode (i'm currently testing this one and i'm not getting some of the known bugs other phones get (cannot receive phone calls/voicemail)
# testing on nightly from june 4th. (by this i'm not meaning i experience this issue i mean that is the known issue it can cause on some phones, what i did was make the edits, then reboot,
# then i called myself to make sure the incoming call was working
# Disable BootAnimation (not sure if this will increase boot speed or not, most likely not or by a fraction of a second it's probably more geared
# toward if you just dont want to see the animation and don't have one you like)
# Keep launcher in memory (i use apex which has this option built in so i haven't tried this but i would expect it works)
# Better Touch Response ( i believe this can potentially take more power but only slightly and should be worth it for performance/productivity
# increase
i dont think its worth messing with LCD density of this phone, it's already quite good and i don't believe it's worth the potential issues.
if anyone knows any other tweaks please add them so i can keep this updated, please include weather there are any known bugs and if it works well on your p930/hdnitro
there is ALOT more that can be added but i want to focus on stuff that is known to work on our phone without any issues
p.s. i haven't wiped any cache partitions and everything is working fine on my phones (there are a few i didn't personally but i mentioned it in those comments, if u run into issues you can always try wiping cache, or reverting build.prop file most editors have backup/restore functions for that)
as a general disclaimer even though these are testing working for me, i won't take responsibility for damage to your device.
everything worked for a while on mine, and but i had an issue with google apps such as tv/movies, and play store after an update to recent daily, what i did to fix it was open build.prop and delete all the entries i added, i left the fix for the overlays but removed everything else, then rebooted and reflashed gapps just to be safe during the reboot (not sure if this is required it might not be) then after reboot (build.prop changes often need reboot to activate) everything seemed to work fine again, i did have one of the google apps force close, i think gmail if i remember right, but it never happened again.
i'm looking further into this and i will give more information when i know more. right now just making sure if anyone else gets the issue they have a fix for it.
debug.mdpcomp.maxlayer=2 is no longer needed to fix video, video bug was fixed in RC5 +
not true
KronicSkillz said:
debug.mdpcomp.maxlayer=2 is no longer needed to fix video, video bug was fixed in RC5 +
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For me youtube is wack on wind 2.2 and RC5 in regular mode, landscape is ok. I still need to set the maxlayer to 2 in order to fix that.
Boomgawd said:
For me youtube is wack on wind 2.2 and RC5 in regular mode, landscape is ok. I still need to set the maxlayer to 2 in order to fix that.
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ok thanks for info, the app i used that had the issue was a differant app, good to know.
the maxlayer 2 line fixes video glitch with wind 2.3
I'm still using 06-08-13, and with modded YouTube ( and stock cm10.1 kernel it works flawlessly @ HD both landscape and portrait, and the share menu looks correct as well (used to be an issue).
No build.prop edits done either.
Sent from my LG-P930 using Tapatalk 2
NFleck said:
I'm still using 06-08-13, and with modded YouTube ( and stock cm10.1 kernel it works flawlessly @ HD both landscape and portrait, and the share menu looks correct as well (used to be an issue).
No build.prop edits done either.
Sent from my LG-P930 using Tapatalk 2
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we know it's only an issue on some nightlies, etc i didn't need it for some of them either
good job!
KronicSkillz said:
we know it's only an issue on some nightlies, etc i didn't need it for some of them either
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Oic.. Probably just on a lucky nightly. Lol
Sent from my LG-P930 using Tapatalk 2
All credit for these apps goes to @viper520. Shoutout to @zhuhang for maintaining the thread here on xda and creating some NICE impulse response samples,
I've been using ViPER4Android (V4A) for all my recent devices including the Droid DNA, S3, and the S4. So, naturally, I needed to get it on my Note 3 ASAP. There's two apps as part of this sound mod, but one is optional. The main app is called ViPER4Android FX. The current version is and is compatible with stock rooted VZN Note 3. I use the optional app, ViPER4Android XHiFi, for superior bass and treble adjustment.
The newer versions of V4A allow for both system and user installations, but I've always installed it as a system app to ensure that it works 100% of the time (including watching movies with MX Player, YouTube, streaming with Google Play Music, etc.) So, my N3 installation instructions are as follows (note: your device MUST be rooted):
1) Download the app(s) from the original xda thread. Extract the 4.x versions of the apks from the .zip files.
2) Push both apks to system\app. Reboot so permissions get automatically fixed or manually change to rw-r-r-. (First screenie using Root Explorer).
3) Launch each app separately. Grant root access to each of them to install their drivers. They'll both prompt you to install drivers on first launch. Choose "Super Audio Quality" driver for FX. We have a quad core processor, so it can easily handle it. XHiFi is being phased out but still adds a richness I can't find in using FX alone. You must manually choose the bottom option. Reboot so it automatically fixes the permissions of the newly installed drivers.
4) After reboot, immediately go to settings\sound\music effects and choose ViPER4Android FX as the default sound processor (second screenie). NOTE: If you have a custom ROM, Music Effects may have been removed by your developer. Continue to the next step.
5) Open up /system/build.prop in text editor using any file explorer with root access. Change these lines (the bottom two apply to the VZN N3):
Ipa.decode=true to lpa.decode=false
tunnel.decode=true to tunnel.decode=false
lpa.use-stagefright=true to lpa.use-stagefright=false
NOTE: On a custom ROM, your build.prop may have been edited and these lines might not appear. They will definitely not appear if you're not on a Samsung device. You can either add these line manually for Samsung custom ROMs to ensure proper audio settings or simply continue without any build.prop edits.
6) Plug your headphones and start your favorite music app. Start up FX and enable it at the top and then check the driver status. If everything says you're processing, you're good to go. Enjoy the BEST sound on Android.
This is my tried and true installation. You can see from screenies 3 and 4 that it's definitely work on my N3. I'm not sure if installing it as a user app (just clicking the FX apk) will work or not as I didn't even try it. YMMV.
UPDATE: Tip for newer versions since this post was created:
Using the convolver is one of the most important things you can add to customize sound to your liking. You can access the convolver by going the UI Setting in the menu and selecting Moderate or Expert. The app will close and when you open it again, it will be under the equalizer. Once enabled, Download and extract IRS files to <storage>/ViPER4Android/Kernel/<paste files here>. If the directory doesn't exist, simply create it using a file manager. IRS's can be found here:
I've seen this mentioned before but I'm not super familiar with it. Does this make THAT much of a difference? Everything sounds amazing on my N3 after my Galaxy Nexus.
I'm going to head over to the thread to check it out but I'd like to hear anything else you guys have to say about it.
Thanks for the guide.
dclutter1 said:
I've seen this mentioned before but I'm not super familiar with it. Does this make THAT much of a difference? Everything sounds amazing on my N3 after my Galaxy Nexus.
I'm going to head over to the thread to check it out but I'd like to hear anything else you guys have to say about it.
Thanks for the guide.
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Yes, the difference is VERY drastic. You'll notice it as soon as you begin tinkering. I'd post my settings, but everyone has their own sound preferences. The great thing is, this mod accommodates all musical tastes. As you see from my screenies, I let FX do most of the work, as it should, and only use XHiFi's Audio Reconstruct feature.
You're welcome for the guide. Post back in here how you like it/any installation problems I can help with.
I use it for blue tooth through my cars radio. It takes the sound quality from crappy factory speakers to the point where I see no need to replace them
Sent from my SM-N900V using XDA Premium HD app
Does this work for the regular speakers, like speakerphone, ringtones/notifications? My issue is that everything seems too quiet. Will this help me?
teejaymarx said:
Does this work for the regular speakers, like speakerphone, ringtones/notifications? My issue is that everything seems too quiet. Will this help me?
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Yes, it affects sound coming out of the regular speaker including speakerphone, but does not boost ringtones or notifications. I think this thread will help with that. Which reminds me...
I've been messing with V4A for so long, I forgot to include the instructions for Samsung devices in this post in my original guide. Fixing now.
Followed instructions. This mod is not working. Under processing, it says "No".
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
SOTK said:
Followed instructions. This mod is not working. Under processing, it says "No".
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I know this sounds crazy, but that's usually not the important part. The important thing is if you can tell the difference in sound. If there's no modification, then there's a problem. Have you tried other music players? Have you tried the steps here?
When I go to the settings -> Sound -> Music Effects, it force closes. Otherwise, the mod sounds like it is working.
The only problem with the updated fx is there is no max gain now so it's not any louder
Sent from my SM-N900V using XDA Premium HD app
one of the best parts of viper is the .IRS samples
You have to go into "expert mode" for this.
then download the .irs files. fromt he original viper thread.
The best one I found was from a vintage 1980s technics Cassette deck.
It sounds awesome!
V4A FX has been updated to v2.3.1.3. Changelog:
FX version: v2.3.1.3
Notice: v2.3.1.3 partially-support Android 4.3.1 and Android 4.4 OS.
1.Bug fix.
2.Update translations.
3.Add a new bass mode.
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The new bass mode is called Subwoofer and it's VERY deep bass. You can update by going to the OP of the V4A thread if you have it installed as a system app or just use the menu button and check for update if you have it installed as a data app.
Worked perfect on my rooted note 3. Thanks
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
thanks. wasn't working for me but one more reboot after editing build.prop did the trick.
I cannot get this to work for nothing. i do not notice any difference on headset or speaker. I followed OP instructions and nothing. My FX menu doesn't have the different bass options either. any ideas of how i can get this working.
thunderbread said:
I cannot get this to work for nothing. i do not notice any difference on headset or speaker. I followed OP instructions and nothing. My FX menu doesn't have the different bass options either. any ideas of how i can get this working.
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go to settings then ui settings then expert then you will have all of the options. make sure you go to setting and check for new updates too. the new update is pretty sweet. it is a huge difference. you can make is very loud also by changing max gains
I cannot get this to work for nothing. i do not notice any difference on headset or speaker. I followed OP instructions and nothing. My FX menu doesn't have the different bass options either. any ideas of how i can get this working.
EDIT: I can tell its working with Play Music. I use the stock player though and that doesnt work for me. is anyone got this working with stock samsung music player. thanks
thunderbread said:
EDIT: I can tell its working with Play Music. I use the stock player though and that doesnt work for me. is anyone got this working with stock samsung music player. thanks
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Did you do the build.prop edits in step 5? I'm pretty sure these help with the default Samsung music player. I use Neutron and Poweramp for local music. MX Player also works.
Yes i did the build.prop stuff.
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Works on the mj9update as well :thumbup:
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
Given the moto G's lack of DLNA & Miracast/MHL I was wondering what ways are possible to stream pictures, music, video from my phone over to a TV
Currently this is how I do it, with mixed results,hopefully there is a better all in one solution.
HTC Medialink HD - connects to the TV HDMI
Moto G
Flash Drive
ES File Explorer (to connect to the USB OTG (navigate to Storage/usbdisk_1.1.1)
Gallery Connect:
This actually is the only app that reliably and consistently actually manages to display my pictures onto the TV. Sadly it only does pictures.
Nexus Media Importer
Same people as Gallery Connect, this works really well for USB OTG as it auto detects when you insert your usb drive, sadly I'm not sure if it's an Android limitation or a HTC Media Link problem, but if you get a file it can't display it will just show a 'receiving content' icon on the TV for ever, and you have to reboot the HTC Media link
Wi-Fi Media
This lets you (in theory) display your photos, videos, music etc, but you can't navigate out of the default Android folders for anything which is a drawback. What it does though, that is helpful is adds a play with Wi-Fi Media icon, so if you navigate to your files using ESFile Explorer you can sometimes stream movies over though it really depends on the codec, i'm not sure if thats Android or the wi-fi Media apps problem. It'd be really nice if you could just use the mx players ability because that plays just about anything.
I don't actually know what protocol the HTC Media Link HD uses, and I only tried it out of curiosity as it came with the wife's HTC One & isn't really meant to be used by non HTC Devices.
I've spent a few days downloading and trying pretty much every DLNA/UPNP app out there to see what would work, and there's only really those 3 that I've found, and something else called flipps HD, that plays from various video sites.
Maybe someone here would know the protocol and if there's anything else that might work better. I know given the hardware limitations of the Moto G things like Screen mirroring etc are most unlikely but it's interestesting to see what can be done.
No one ?
miracast is just disabled for some reason, i have made a small change to the framework to enable it
will post the mod in the mod / theme section soon.
BubbleUPNP (best) or Skifta (free)
wonder why they disabled miracast, I suppose it'll need root to turn back on. It would be nice if there was some way to contact Motorola to tell them to turn it on for the next update.
techguyone said:
wonder why they disabled miracast, I suppose it'll need root to turn back on. It would be nice if there was some way to contact Motorola to tell them to turn it on for the next update.
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you don't need root, just a custom recovery to flash it
One theory I heard was that they disabled it because the phone does not have dual-band wifi.
Clearly it doesn't matter, besides they must be using some form of miracast for the moto migrate feature
Sent from my Moto G using XDA premium 4 mobile app
here it is if you want to test,
i don't have a mirror cast dongle yet so don't know if it actually connects and works
and don't really have the time to make a new thread right now as im working on a custom rom.
attached are two's one to revert (disable it again) and one to enable it, let me know if it connects and works
I'd love to, except no idea how to flash anything
Sent from my Moto G using XDA premium 4 mobile app
techguyone said:
I'd love to, except no idea how to flash anything
Sent from my Moto G using XDA premium 4 mobile app
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first you need to have an unlocked bootloader, then flash clockworkmod recovery from here >
let me know once you have that and i can explain how to flash zips from recovery.
tillaz said:
here it is if you want to test,
i don't have a mirror cast dongle yet so don't know if it actually connects and works
and don't really have the time to make a new thread right now as im working on a custom rom.
attached are two's one to revert (disable it again) and one to enable it, let me know if it connects and works
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This is great, I've got a Miracast receiver and I'm using it regularly. Tried flashing the zip but it results in an error during flashing since something has to be flashed to the data partition and none of the available custom recoveries for the Moto G can access encrypted data partitions. Bummer.
EDIT: It seems like the option is there now anyway I attached a screenshot. Will have to wait a couple of hours until I'm home to test if it works. I'll update this post!
I'm reluctant to possibly brick my 2 week old phone at this point, I'd much rather contact Motorola and try and get them to re-enable for their kit kat update to be honest, clearly the phone has the capability.
I have contacted Motorola directly, worst case they say no, we're no worse off, however you never know, they might just enable it.
tillaz said:
here it is if you want to test,
i don't have a mirror cast dongle yet so don't know if it actually connects and works
and don't really have the time to make a new thread right now as im working on a custom rom.
attached are two's one to revert (disable it again) and one to enable it, let me know if it connects and works
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I have not checked it out intensively but this works with my Samsung F7000. Connecting is no issue, which is pretty strange since setting up just a wifi direct connection seems impossible.
The only issue I noticed is that changing orientation does not always work.
techguyone said:
I'm reluctant to possibly brick my 2 week old phone at this point, I'd much rather contact Motorola and try and get them to re-enable for their kit kat update to be honest, clearly the phone has the capability.
I have contacted Motorola directly, worst case they say no, we're no worse off, however you never know, they might just enable it.
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its impossible for this to brick your phone,
and if they enable it they will just do it the exact same way i did, by changing a bool to true rather than false
all the zip does is replace framework-res.apk, with the small code change.
but if you don't know much about android / flashing its probably best you don't as not knowing what your doing
could lead to self caused problems (but not a brick)
its probably disabled to make the phone look more lower end, as by default in the 4.2+ source code its turned on
so its clearly been disabled intentionally and not a mistake
tillaz said:
its impossible for this to brick your phone,
and if they enable it they will just do it the exact same way i did, by changing a bool to true rather than false
all the zip does is replace framework-res.apk, with the small code change.
but if you don't know much about android / flashing its probably best you don't as not knowing what your doing
could lead to self caused problems (but not a brick)
its probably disabled to make the phone look more lower end, as by default in the 4.2+ source code its turned on
so its clearly been disabled intentionally and not a mistake
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Hitillaz, thanks for this!!!
I don't have the custom recovery set up yet, so, is it possible to use ES Explorer, or Root Explorer to just backup and replace the existing /system/framework/framework-res.apk with the one contained in your zip file??
What permissions will I need to give the replacement
looks like this should be [rw-r--r--] owner: root group: root
Would that work??
I am just waiting to decide which Recovery to use.
I take it ChromeCast doesnt work unless you do these steps in this thread?
Im from chile and im using moto g with movistar_chile version.
Does anyone managed to run the ""? because it leaves me in a bootloop with my moto g.
After looking how to do it with my firmware (i think all the framework-res.apk aren't the same between the moto g models around the world), i managed to extract my framework-res.apk and followed the guide below:
https: / / (i cant post links)
here is the path of the file to modify in the moto g: "\ res framework-res \ \ values \ bools.xml"
however I am not sure if through the "apktool" tool i did it right.
First I made the Apk file with "apktool b framework-res.apk" of the folder, then I did a of the apk, but when I flash it, it happens the same with the attachment of this topic (use the same provided by tillaz but replacing the that i built)
I'm not sure if you understand what im trying to explain.
sorry for my poor english
if Moto G executable root & remount, miracast enables editing build.prop text file.
but Moto G implementation, build.prop debugging disabled maybe.
$ adb root
$ adb remount
$ adb pull /system/build.prop
(add persist.debug.wfd.enable=1 to build.prop)
$ adb push build.prop /system/
$ adb shell chmod 644 /system/build.prop
$ adb reboot
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
s107ken said:
persist.debug.wfd.enable=1 to build.prop)
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Can confirm this works. You can edit the build.prop any way you like, e.g. directly using Root Explorer or similar app. Search for the above mentioned line
persist.debug.wfd.enable=0 ... by default it is 0, change it for 1 and that´s it.