Common misconceptions and other useful information (Updated 10/12/2010) - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I decided to write this to clarify a lot of the misconceptions around here. This is also good information for people who are new to modding their phones, the Evo in particular. I see a lot of the same questions being asked over and over so here is some information that some may find useful. I will also warn people if I know that what they are doing can potentially destroy their phone or cause it to stop working properly.
RADIO/WIMAX/PRI/NV UPDATES: I see a lot of questions concerning this. Like, "Oh wow, the new HTC build # 3.29.651.5 is out. I installed it and for some reason I still have the same Radio and PRI. What version should I have?"
Answer: The same! Funny thing is a lot of people asking this question have flashed a few ROMS and should know the answer. But still, updating any of the 4 stick regardless of what ROM you are running. Once you flash them, those are the versions you have until you re-flash to update them. ROMS and any of the 4 updates are a separate entity. (ROMS CAN contain radio updates within them, but none that I have found that are not custom have radio updates built it. It is just possible to do, for arguments sake.)
1. Flashing radios from another handset can make your Evo stop working correctly. Only use radios made for an Evo. Period.
2. Common knowledge is to always use the latest radios for the best performance, battery life, and signal. I see this in a lot of ROM threads. While true, radio updates and the like can be tricky at times. Make sure you do those updates separate from any other installation. I do not recommend doing a ROM and radio flash at the same time.
3. Did you know flashing your Radio can break 4G? It can. Each phone has a unique encryption key for the 4G. So let's say Grace buys an Evo and I want her radio update. So I take the update off her phone and add it to mine. Well, it will probably work, but there is a chance it will overwrite my keys and then what happens? Well, if Grace is using 4G, I cannot use it at the same time since we have the same keys now! Now you have two handsets with one set of keys. There is a way to fix it (will update with link soon) but still, did you know you can mess it up?
4. While it is always best to use the latest, I suggest EVERYONE (regardless of anything else) should have a copy of a rooted 2.2 ROM. This way you can at least restore your radios to a working state in almost every case.
5. While there might be fixes out there listed (if you do screw it up), do you have the ability to use them? What if that fix does not work on your phone?
6. Ivide Infra brought this up, "Doesn't a Nandroid back up everything, including radios?" No it does not! I read that there is a way to back radios up using Amon RA recovery but not sure if it is true or not. I cannot seem to find that post again and I looked (didn't look hard, but still). This is a good example of a situation where you think you have a safety net but may find out there is none if something goes wrong.
The moral of the story? Read up on something before you do it, especially if it is something you are trying for the first time.
What ROM works best for me? I see this a lot.
Answer: I don't know, nor does anyone else. This is like asking your buddy at the party which girl you should try and hook up with.
You have to try a few because we all have our preferences. (ROMS, not the women!) Some like Sense, some hate it. Some want a stock ROM with added features, others want a totally customized ROM that is radically different that stock (like CM6). You know you have the right ROM when it has everything you want and everything you use works. You have to try as many as you can until you find the right one for you.
A better thing to do is tell people what you want in a ROM and ask what ROM they suggest after they get an idea of what you are looking for. Try their suggestions but still try a few that seem to be what you are looking for. The first post in all of the ROM pages on here have detailed information about the ROM; read up and find out what the ROM has to offer. If you need your phone for important stuff (like work), I highly suggest you do not use a RC (release candidate) or especially a Beta ROM (unless the description claims everything works). It may decide not to work at the worst possible moment!
If you are happy with your phone at stock yet want to have the benefits of being rooted with super user ability, use a stock ROM that is already rooted.
You also have to be aware that some ROMS can have issues. Sometimes stuff will not work when you try and use them (for example, 4G, HDMI, Cameras, and FM Radio to name a few). You really have to read the known problems and if it sounds like something you use will not work or if you want a completely 100% working device, do not use a ROM that says something is not working. Double that if it is something you use often.
Lastly, if you really want a ROM that has everything you want, you will have to learn how to make your own. Please do, I have released the second version of my ROM, feel free to check it out! (Link is in my signature)
After rooting, how do I install a ROM?
Answer: Through your recovery. It is always highly suggested to wipe data, cache, Dalvik. Here is the steps (this is how I do it and have not had any problems yet.)
Before flashing, ALWAYS do a Nandroid backup in case anything goes wrong! Do this periodically to keep your phone able to be restored in case of problems. I also suggest doing a full backup with Titanium Backup before you proceed.
1. Copy the ROM and optionally the radio/WIMAX/PRI/NV updates, kernel, and theme you plan on using (if any) to the root of your SD card. Hook up your USB cable to your computer, then on your phone switch from charge only to disk drive mode. Your phone's SD card pops up and then you can copy/paste your files onto there.
2. Make sure the transfer is complete and then power down your phone.
3. Reboot into recovery. Do this by holding the volume down key on your phone as you turn it back on.
4. Your phone will enter Hboot, let it load up for a few seconds, then use volume down to go to recovery. Press power to enter recovery. (NOTE: if you select recovery and your phone shows a disk icon with an exclamation mark your recovery is either missing or damaged and needs to be reflashed. That or you may not be fully rooted.)
5. Once in recovery (using Amon RA as my example) you go down to the wipe menu and hit your power button.
6. Once in the wipe menu, I usually do them in the order they are listed. First do a data wipe, then cache, then Davlik. I then tend to do a SD: EXT wipe, battery stats, and rotate settings as well just for good measure. Some recommend doing this twice, but I have never had to and think that is unnecessary.
7. Now you are ready to flash away (reminder, did you do a backup first? If not get to it before doing step 6!). Now you have a choice but I prefer to do it my way. You can flash everything at once, or reboot after each item. I do the reboot after each personally. Flash them in this order: ROM, kernel, theme, Radio/WIMAX/NV/PRI. You can try to flash the ROM and custom kernel afterwards only, then do the rest after rebooting.
8. If everything went well, your phone should take a long time to boot up the first time. Be patient. If it went well, within about 5-7 minutes or less the ROM should load up.
9. If your phone gets stuck on the EVO Screen or the boot animation repeats itself, that means the ROM did not take correctly. Do a full reset by taking out the battery for about 10 second and then reboot and see if it fixes the problem. If it happens again try and start over from step 6. Redo the wiping and flashing process. Also, if flashing more than one at a time, try doing each one, then rebooting before you flash the other.
10. If you do it again and still experience problems, check to see if you are fully rooted. If you determine you are indeed fully rooted, try and reinstall the rooted version of the stock HTC ROM and then try flashing your custom ROM again.
11. If no problems, congratulations and enjoy your new ROM!
What kernel works best for my EVO? This is another question you will often see. A variation is, "What kernel/ROM combo works best?"
Answer: Well, a stock HTC kernel is the short answer. It will work with everyone's phone (well) and likely have some of the best battery life. Now that the newest kernel was just released and has already been rooted, it will work better than the custom kernels overall (as far as being universally compatible). Now that they removed the 30 frame per second limit on the Evo with the 3.29.651.5 kernel, there is less reasons to use a custom one. There are exceptions, of course. But if you want your phone to behave like stock and work well with your phone, a HTC kernel is the only one you need (unless you want stuff like audio tweaks, multi-touch, overclocking ability, or the ability to customize more. In that case, a custom kernel is better). Use the new one with the FPS fix though!
For a custom kernel, again we do not know. A kernel is just above the hardware (speaking of the layers). It is more important than finding the correct ROM. A ROM is more like preference. With a kernel, it is very important to find the correct one for your phone. It has a lot to do with how smooth or fast your phone acts. A kernel that works good for my Evo can run like **** on your Evo. Some phones will work better with Netarchy kernels, others will be better with a Kingklick. Some phone will work well with HAVS, other may hate it. That is how this stuff works!
Sometimes you will know immediately that you have the wrong kernel for your phone. Your phone will act up, restart, connection problems, graphical glitches, and all kinds of funkiness! Other times it may take a day or so of using your phone to spot potential problems. You know it is definitely the wrong kernel if your phone refuses to bootup, even after a battery pull!
Kingklick and Netarchy are the two who make the best for Sense based ROMS, which is most of them. The only exception is Cyanogen. You need to run a kernel made for his ROMS (which are AOSP based, not Sense.) His is the only exception unless they are made from Cyanogen's ROMS (use it as a base).
If running Sense, I would try a few of King's and Netarchy's kernels. I suggest using their latest and working your way down until you find the right one for your Evo. You will know when you have the right one when your phone runs smooth (you have to run them for a day and use them, see what happens.) and you do not encounter any problems that were not present before you switched kernels.
If using CM6 or any Cyanogen ROM build (older, nightlies, etc.) you have to use a kernel made for that ROM. Snap is a popular one. Again, you have to experiment to find the right one.
So the answer is find one that works good for you, stick with it. Or just use a HTC kernel if using Sense and call it a night!
With kernels, what is BFS and CFS? Which would work better for my phone?
Answer: CFS stands for Completely Fair Scheduler. BFS stands for Brain **** Scheduler (sounds fun, right?). These are two different ways that the phone's CPU uses to schedule events. Without getting into the technicalities, here is what I have found for my Evo. Your mileage may vary and again, you have to experiment to find which works better for your particular phone.
CFS: Generally more consistent, use when you want consistent performance and/or if BFS kernels do not work well with your phone. Sometimes will appear to be smoother than a BFS kernel in overall use. The stock HTC kernel uses CFS and it is more standard than BFS.
BFS: Generally a bit faster but a bit more inconsistent (might appear to slow down more and such). Usually faster overall performance but will not look as smooth as a CFS kernel (in general).
Another way to put it, CFS is closer to a flat line, if you drew a performance map it would have less peaks and more consistency. With BFS, there would be more peaks and higher peaks with the faster readings and lower peaks with the slower.
You will find that one or the other may work better for you, or fit your needs better. It is a good idea to try both and see your results. My phone seems to heavily favor CFS kernels and I like the overall smoothness and consistency better. To me, BFS often appears to be more laggy than a CFS kernel. Again, each phone is different though and my results may not match yours.
I want to unroot my phone, what is the best way to do this? If you want to root using a different method, or need to return your phone to where you got it from for any reason, read on.
Answer: You need to download a RUU and install it. You can download an older RUU or get a newer one. This will unroot your phone and make it look like you never rooted it in the first place. You can even do a RUU if your screen is busted, just always keep USB debugging on. To use it, follow the instructions in the RUU executable and do what it says.
Is a full wipe needed when changing kernels? (Thanks to m4rk0358 for this!)
Answer: No, a full wipe is not needed to install a different kernel. I do suggest you go into your recovery and wipe the Cache and Dalvik before installing the new kernel though. In most cases, you can just flash the new kernel over the last kernel. But a full wipe is completely unnecessary (unless you are coming off a kernel made for CM6, in that case a full wipe and flashing a stock HTC kernel is recommended before switching back to a custom kernel).
Overclocking: "How much should I overclock, what should my SetCPU settings be set at?"
Answer: In this new age of phones, we are seeing them become faster and faster. Now with SetCPU readily available and overclock-ready custom kernels, a lot of people are overclocking their phones. These same people also wonder why they are having poor battery life. You see a few posts a day with something like, "Well, I tried the new (insert kernel here) and I overclocked but I noticed I am getting poor battery life!"
The HTC Evo has some really nice components, including the 1 GHZ Snapdragon CPU and the graphics chipset is plenty powerful. Do you really need to make it faster? Considering now that the FPS is unlocked, the phone is as smooth as butter as it is. Most apps work smooth on less capable and older handsets.
Again, all phones have the same components but results will not be the same at all (well, some can have slight differences..for example: the touch screen can be different). Mine may overclock to 1288 MHz without a problem, yours may lock up before you reach 1200 MHz. This is how it works
Most are only overclocking 10-12% or less. While benchmarking scores will increase, you will not see a major difference in overall use of your phone. In fact, you might not see a difference at all.
So yeah, if you want to impress people you never met, overclock and post your screenies! For me, my phone is more than fast enough and eating up battery for little to no perceivable gain is not worth it. This is not a computer with fans and a cooling system that can be upgraded!
But hey, if you really feel you need to run your phone 5-10C hotter just to make it a tad bit faster, knock yourself out! You can either have better battery life, or make your phone faster. Generally you cannot have both.
If using a kernel with HAVS, you do not need SetCPU to under clock. That is exactly what HAVS does, lowers voltages when your phone is idling. You are defeating the purpose by using SetCPU. This is why Kingklick himself tells everyone not to use SetCPU with his kernels.
Is a Task Killer needed for Froyo? (Thank to beatblaster for this!)
Answer: Believe it or not, Android 2.2 does a fantastic job managing apps all by itself. The Android OS is designed to kill apps/tasks as resources are needed and usually only does so when it's absolutely necessary. Using a task killer app can be handy when you encounter an app that freezes or is otherwise stuck but to use it as the primary task killer (instead of letting the OS do its thing) is contrary to the built in efficiency of Froyo itself. Try to trust the OS. Though a task killer is still recommended for the odd lot who are still using Android 2.1 or lower!
Which recovery should I use: Amon Ra or Clockwork? What are the pros and cons of each? Does Clockwork really wipe the Dalvik?:
Answer: Amon RA. Amon RA works, does everything you need it to do, and does it well! I highly recommend using Amon RA, it is generally considered the superior of the two and does a better job of wiping. Everything is right there and it is extremely easy to use.
Clockwork is pretty good too, but here are some pros and cons of each. (I will list a few, there are more differences but I will cover what I can think of offhand).
Clockwork Download here
Able to use Rom Manager to flash ROMS and perform other functions (This is by no means necessary though, that is what a Recovery is for and it is generally safer)
Able to read ROMS stored in any folder.
Does not seem to work as well as Amon RA in doing it's job.
Rumor that it does not properly clean the Dalvik cache when wiping. You hit it and it does not seem to do anything. Some claim that they checked the Davlik after using it and it is indeed wiped.
Some (including myself) find it a little more clunky to use.
Amon RA Download here
Generally considered to be a superior recovery as it is based on Cyanogen code (who is really good, let us just put it that way!) and there are lots of posts where people switched to Amon RA because they were having issues with Clockwork.
Easy access to all functions, no need to scroll through 5 no selections to reach to a yes!
I find it better laid out and functions are nicely categorized.
It works better than Clockwork. Fewer reports of problems.
You can only read ROMS and files on the root of your SD card.
It does not play well with the program ROM Manager. Most functions on ROM Manager are only usable through Clockwork (considering the overall poor experience with ROM Manager trying to download ROMS that no longer exist, bad checksum ROMS that I downloaded through it, and other problems....IMO NOT a con. Plus, safer to flash through recovery anyhow.)
Do the signal bars indicate signal strength for the 3G? (Thank to LovethyEVO for this!)
Answer: No. It indicates the connection for just the phone connection. You can have good reception for calls and still get slow download speeds. Generally if you have good signal, you will have good download speeds though.
How do you wipe the battery stats, or how do you increase your battery life?
Answer: As you may or may not be aware, you cannot trickle charge the battery on these phones as they will blow up! To counter this, the last 10% of your battery is going to be a bit flakey. What the phone does is once the battery reaches 100%, the phone software will let the battery drop down to 90% before it allows more charging to take place. That is why you often can use your phone after a full day's charge and immediately be at around 90% for no apparent reason. When you reset battery stats, you are effectively resetting the phone's software. it will take a couple of days for it to relearn your battery and give you a more accurate result and more efficient recharge.
Battery recalibration (Thanks to Cyanogen for this and to fachadick for bringing it to my attention).
If you're experiencing higher than normal battery drain, try the following:
1. Charge the phone to full battery; let it keep charging until the battery says it is fully charged. Do not just wait until the light is green, it isn't always fully charged, causing a lot of inaccuracies. (You can check by going to: Settings -> About Phone -> Status -> Battery Level = Full.)
2. Boot to recovery and wipe battery stats.
(To have the most accurate of battery stats, reboot the phone immediately after wiping the battery stats and wait for your ROM to boot completely to the desktop. Once your entire boot is done and you have full access to the phone, go ahead and pull the charger and continue.)
3. Do not charge the phone until after draining the battery completely, resulting in it automatically shutting off. Take out the battery, and keep trying to turn on your phone until it will not turn back on at all.
4. Recharge the phone completely and then use as you normally would.
This is a method that has been proven to work, I am sure there are other ways. My battery lasts longer after doing this and the reading is much more accurate. It might be advisable to do this after every ROM install if you want the most battery life and most accurate battery reading by the phone's software.
I will add more and reserve a couple more slots, but I think this is a good start. Please feel free to offer suggestions or your own misconceptions and answer.

MY Take on SetCPU
SetCPU is a great program, does what it says, author is good and keeps it updated. I have nothing against SetCPU, the author of it, or anyone who uses it. In fact, I have the purchased version, why would I pay for it if I thought it was garbage? I wouldn't. I also agree with you when you say it allows more control over our phones.
The problem with it is:
1) Too many people are messing with it and do not know what they are doing. They are just trying to mimic what they see others doing, which may or may not work for them. This is the biggest, most common, and most damaging problem with SetCPU.
2) It can cause problems and/or hurt battery life if it is set incorrectly.
3) You do not know it is set correctly or not until you use it for a while. You may be also permanently damaging your phone as you have it set wrong and not even know it (Too high of an overclock for your particular phone, phone getting too hot in a warm environment, etc.)
4) It can cause problems for people who are trying to switch ROMS and forget to disable it.
5) King himself told people not to use it because it can interfere with HAVS. Though yes, one adjusts frequency, the other voltage, they can interfere with each other. HAVS will read the lower voltage and set itself different than if you are at stock clocks, this can cause either problems or quicker battery drainage. Maybe both. Both are going to try ramping up and down constantly and this is what causes the problems and the quicker battery eating.
6) If you set your CPU too high or low and it locks up and you happened to set it to "Save settings on reboot" you may have to do a full wipe and reinstall. Your phone may even be fine for a few days, then decide it does not like the settings you have and then this problem emerges.
7) This is not a computer with a fan cooled case. It is enclosed and there is no easy way to modify the cooling system. Even with a computer it is always recommended to upgrade the cooling system from stock if you wish to overclock. Most are only able to achieve a measly 10-12% overclock. It will test faster, naturally but in use it is not going to blow you away. In fact, if it seems much faster it is more of a placebo, you will barely notice it, if you notice at all. Notice the FPS only goes up 1-3 points? You are not going to see that with your eyes.
8) I notice most people experiencing problems also happen to be running SetCPU. Coincidence?
9) For that measly 10-12%, you can running your phone 10C more or hotter, that is a BIG difference in heat.
So, as great of a program as it is, it is also dangerous in the wrong hands or if it is set wrong, purposely or accidentally. User error is a big issue with it.
I was a an avid user of it myself but now I do not want to use it and will advise others not to because frankly it is not needed unless you want to impress people with your Linpack score or want to see what your phone can do. Overclocking kills battery faster, common sense. Also, the candle that burns twice as bright lasts half as long, the long term effects are unknown.
But hey, if you want to use so. Anyone can do what they want, I never said what I said was the end all/be all. Just remember if you have problems, it is one of the first things you want to disable to troubleshoot.
Hopefully this explains better why I advised not to use it. In case anyone thinks I have animosity towards it or questions why I advised not to use it.

++ Sticky!!!

Reserved for more information

When my 4g was said "broken" from adding a new radio all I did was update my profile in system updates and problem solved.

rutter9 said:
When my 4g was said "broken" from adding a new radio all I did was update my profile in system updates and problem solved.
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While that is good to hear, you got lucky!
The point is that it is a high risk thing to do and you stand to gain little or nothing from it.
Sometimes the encryption keys can be erased altogether. If you do not happen to have a backup of your keys with your original radio, you are more or less screwed. I know of a few members around here that have broken 4G thanks to this. It can be fixed, but then they will be using someone else's keys. An update will not fix this.
Another point is people do things blindly without knowing the dangers of what they are doing. Maybe this will cause more people to read up more before they do something.

IMHO this thread is great. Thanks for the contribution.

ricsim78 said:
While that is good to hear, you got lucky!
The point is that it is a high risk thing to do and you stand to gain little or nothing from it.
Sometimes the encryption keys can be erased altogether. If you do not happen to have a backup of your keys with your original radio, you are more or less screwed. I know of a few members around here that have broken 4G thanks to this. It can be fixed, but then they will be using someone else's keys. An update will not fix this.
Another point is people do things blindly without knowing the dangers of what they are doing. Maybe this will cause more people to read up more before they do something.
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then why do most (if not all) of the devs put links to the newest radio/wimax with their roms? Do they strip out the keys so they don't overwrite yours? I don't see why so many developers would stress updating radios if it was potentially hazardous.

what about nandroid? when you do a backup does it backup your radio? if you flash a new one and it breaks 4g, when you nandroid back to your old rom will 4g work?

eurominican said:
IMHO this thread is great. Thanks for the contribution.
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Thank you and I am glad to help. I hope to make this as useful as possible and add much more as I have time.
Like I said, please anyone else feel free to add your own entries to this.

ivide infra said:
what about nandroid? when you do a backup does it backup your radio? if you flash a new one and it breaks 4g, when you nandroid back to your old rom will 4g work?
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That is a good point, will have to update my first post. Nandroid does DOES NOT back it up. But I can guarantee a lot of people probably do not use Nandroid before they mess with stuff. Even if they do, what happens if your SD card messes up or there is a problem where your Nandroid does not back things up properly?
The answer: You will still have a broken whatever is broken
These phone are essentially computers with phone functions built in. As soon as you start messing with them, there is a good chance you can mess things up or that things do not work like they should.

I'm pretty sure that a nandroid does not backup the radios.

ivide infra said:
then why do most (if not all) of the devs put links to the newest radio/wimax with their roms? Do they strip out the keys so they don't overwrite yours? I don't see why so many developers would stress updating radios if it was potentially hazardous.
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Because the developers know a heck a lot more about the phones than most of us do, including me. They know how to fix things if they get broke, and they have knowledge you may not possess. Like the inner workings of the phone.
They might not have been aware of the problems. I am sure you can fix almost any problem that comes up, but it if was not hazardous you would not hear people saying, "I have permanently broken 4G" or "I had to return my Evo because I messed it up."
It is like my mom, she knows how to use a computer to check her bank account and email, plus shop. But she freaks out when Firefox asks her if it is ok to update. Yet for us who know what that does, it is an after thought.

timtlm said:
I'm pretty sure that a nandroid does not backup the radios.
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Clockwork I am not sure about but I read that Amon RA backup does, not sure if it does it by default or if there is a way to do it.
That is another point, you may be relying on a Nandroid that does not have backed up what you think is backed up.

Id talk about clockwork vs amon...pros and cons...and insist people work with amon, perhaps provide a link
Id also add something about "Getting bootloops?" especially when people are flashing known, working, stable roms... clearly the problem is 99% in the wiping of caches.

evohnoo said:
Id talk about clockwork vs amon...pros and cons...and insist people work with amon, perhaps provide a link
Id also add something about "Getting bootloops?" especially when people are flashing known, working, stable roms... clearly the problem is 99% in the wiping of caches.
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Funny, you must have read my mind!
I will definitely do that and a good idea. I intend to add on whenever I can and provide as many answers as possible.

evohnoo said:
Id talk about clockwork vs amon...pros and cons...and insist people work with amon, perhaps provide a link
Id also add something about "Getting bootloops?" especially when people are flashing known, working, stable roms... clearly the problem is 99% in the wiping of caches.
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I like using Rom Manager...I'd use it more if only it played nicer with Amon Ra.

firemedic1343 said:
I like using Rom Manager...I'd use it more if only it played nicer with Amon Ra.
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Agreed. I, perhaps unfairly, associate Clockwork with the pecker heads who borked my 4G so I'll never be able to try Rom Manager as long they require it.

Thanks for the info. Well written and informative article. Thanks again.

Feel free to re-word this if the wording seems confusing.
Sense widgets and alternative home launchers (like ADW Launcher and Launcher Pro): My Sense widgets are missing!
Answer: Sense widgets require Sense. If you're running any home launcher except HTC's Sense you cannot use Sense-specific widgets (or anything else that requires Sense like HTC's default lock screen). There are very good alternatives to Sense widgets anyway such as SwitchPro Widget for quick access to radio toggles or Launcher Pro Plus' Facebook/Twitter/Friends widgets. Use Google to find more.


[Q] Best ROM to use with a 3500mAh battery

Subject says it all. I'm using Virtuous 3.2.0 with a stock kernel, and it just sucks the life right out of the battery. Plus, when I unplug it from the charger, it instantly drops to 96%. Any suggestions? I'm not a n00b to this stuff, just recently stumbled onto this forum and registered 5 minutes ago. I've also used Cyanogen 7 with the same results.
I like the Sense layout, so is there any "stock" deodexed ROMs that have good battery life?
Ok I lied. I am a n00b when it comes to kernel's. Don't know anything about them, or what they do.
I tried one with Virtuous., and all it did was force reboot every minute or so, so I went back to the stock kernel.
Uber kingdom !
First of all, all phone/ROMs/kernels/everything drop a few percent immediately, and for amazing battery life, I used the 12/23 incredikernel. If you are looking at 2.3.3 you can only use the kernel that comes with the ROM. I got about 8 hours of moderate/heavy use out of it today.
I've found that SkyRaider and using Chad's incredikernel are the best match (make sure you use the one labeled for sense, it's at the very bottom of his 1st post)
As another user pointed out, when you first flash a ROM / Kernel your phone doesn't quite know how big your battery is, so it'll take a few days for it to calculate properly.
The gingerbread releases I've found are a bit harder on the battery, as developers continue to develop better kernels and ROM's I'm sure that will change.
Also a few general tips:
- Don't use Task Killers
- Make sure you don't have apps that auto update frequently, and if you do and want them to keep doing it, know that this puts further battery drain.
- Download "spare parts" and check under battery stats for programs that use a lot of Data, CPU, and GPS.
- Don't overclock (if you're using chad's incredikernel then don't worry about anything regarding your CPU, his kernel takes care of all of it)
- Read this article to better understand how your battery is working:
Link to IncrediKernel Thread:
Link to correct Sense kernel download:
I know that was a bit long but hope it was helpful.
POQbum said:
I've found that SkyRaider and using Chad's incredikernel are the best match (make sure you use the one labeled for sense, it's at the very bottom of his 1st post)
As another user pointed out, when you first flash a ROM / Kernel your phone doesn't quite know how big your battery is, so it'll take a few days for it to calculate properly.
The gingerbread releases I've found are a bit harder on the battery, as developers continue to develop better kernels and ROM's I'm sure that will change.
Also a few general tips:
- Don't use Task Killers
- Make sure you don't have apps that auto update frequently, and if you do and want them to keep doing it, know that this puts further battery drain.
- Download "spare parts" and check under battery stats for programs that use a lot of Data, CPU, and GPS.
- Don't overclock (if you're using chad's incredikernel then don't worry about anything regarding your CPU, his kernel takes care of all of it)
- Read this article to better understand how your battery is working:
Link to IncrediKernel Thread:
Link to correct Sense kernel download:
I know that was a bit long but hope it was helpful.
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I've heard of spare parts from reading other forums. What exactly does that program do?
I do use advanced task killer. I'll uninstall it and see how it goes. And as for the updating frequency, I use facebook, have it set to update every three hours, as well as the weather widget. Other than that, I don't have a whole lot of apps, besides angry birds and a few things here and there that don't update.
And as far as kernels, I'm more nervous about flashing those more than ROM's. I'll check out Chad's though. Thanks for the advice!
RMinor205 said:
I've heard of spare parts from reading other forums. What exactly does that program do?
I do use advanced task killer. I'll uninstall it and see how it goes. And as for the updating frequency, I use facebook, have it set to update every three hours, as well as the weather widget. Other than that, I don't have a whole lot of apps, besides angry birds and a few things here and there that don't update.
And as far as kernels, I'm more nervous about flashing those more than ROM's. I'll check out Chad's though. Thanks for the advice!
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You shouldn't be nervous about flashing kernels, all ROM's already have a Kernel included, so you do already flash them. As long as you make a nandroid backup via ClockWorkMod Recovery, then you should have no worries at all when experimenting with new setups.
Spare Parts is basically extended settings menu. The most useful features is it allows you to speed up basic and common transitions, and allows more in-depth view of programs using your battery and exactly what is using your battery (vibrating, 3G, Screen On, a certain app, CPU, etc)
It's free and it's not risky at all, so I suggest you give it a download.
POQbum said:
You shouldn't be nervous about flashing kernels, all ROM's already have a Kernel included, so you do already flash them. As long as you make a nandroid backup via ClockWorkMod Recovery, then you should have no worries at all when experimenting with new setups.
Spare Parts is basically extended settings menu. The most useful features is it allows you to speed up basic and common transitions, and allows more in-depth view of programs using your battery and exactly what is using your battery (vibrating, 3G, Screen On, a certain app, CPU, etc)
It's free and it's not risky at all, so I suggest you give it a download.
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I downloaded it. It is a very good app.
But for what it's worth, if FC every time i click "battery history".

[Q] Worth rooting just for battery life?

Hey guys I've had my Dinc for a while and I love it but the one thing I can't stand is the battery life. I listen to FM radio and a ton of podcasts at work all day and rarely get home with over 30% on a good day, not to mention the numerous phone calls and internet browsing. I've looked into rooting and am admittedly scared to do so, not because I am incapable I just hate to have anything that is less than perfectly stable.
After looking into all of the benefits of rooting, none of them mean much of anything to me, to be honest. The only thing that is causing me to want to root is an improved battery performance. My question is, do you think that it is worth rooting simply for an improved battery life alone? Is it really that significant? Also, I read early on in my Dinc days that there were ways of avoiding the whole "turn phone off to charge completely to 100% thing" by rooting, is that true as well? Thanks!
You can run a custom kernel with SBC to charge to "real" 100%. Many custom kernels will get you significantly better battery life than stock; you also may want to look into using undervolts and underclocks. Personally, I use MIUI latest with the included kernel, and it lasts me for about 2 days of medium use on my Seidio 1750 extended battery. Not that big of a difference in battery size from stock, but the battery life using the MIUI kernel with it is much better than the stock kernel on the same battery. Also, you will get a lot of new features no matter which ROM you try, and some it will become hard to live without. At the moment, I'd recommend CyanogenMod7 Stable Release for you, as it has working FM Radio and many excellent kernels, as well as the performance increases that Android 2.3 Gingerbread brings. I recommend in the way of kernels Tiamat or Chad's incredikernel. Both are much better than even the stock kernel from CM7 on battery life. Every device reacts a bit differently to kernels, so find one best for you. However, then there are the different types of ROMs. There are 3 basic types of ROMs in regards to kernels: Sense, GingerSense, and AOSP. Sense is what you have now most likely; it's a ROM with HTC's Sense interface running on top of Android 2.2 Froyo. There are many options for Sense kernels, and I highly recommend ziggy471's beta kernels and HeyItsLou's #8, #9, and #4. All have worked out well for me in the past. THe second, GingerSense, has no custom kernels out because HTC hasn't released the source code for it yet. When HTC releases it, there will be a flood of GingerSense kernels, and GingerSense ROMs are currently some of the most feature-packed. The third category, AOSP, has many different ROMs in it. It ranges from bone-stock Android 2.3 of OMGB to the custom Gingerbread of the aforementioned CM7 and OMFGB to the iPhone-yness of MIUI to the.... different experience that the Acer LiquidMetal ports offer. There are many kernels available for AOSP, and I recommend those I mentioned above. Also, the stock AOSP kernels are generally quite good. I find AOSP to be easiest on battery; as always, YMMV. In answer to your main question, yes. It really is that significant. We are always glad to add another member to the DInc XDA community. Find what works best for you, and have fun!
EDIT: wow, I just looked at this post, it's really long
thekidkid32 said:
Hey guys I've had my Dinc for a while and I love it but the one thing I can't stand is the battery life. I listen to FM radio and a ton of podcasts at work all day and rarely get home with over 30% on a good day, not to mention the numerous phone calls and internet browsing. I've looked into rooting and am admittedly scared to do so, not because I am incapable I just hate to have anything that is less than perfectly stable.
After looking into all of the benefits of rooting, none of them mean much of anything to me, to be honest. The only thing that is causing me to want to root is an improved battery performance. My question is, do you think that it is worth rooting simply for an improved battery life alone? Is it really that significant? Also, I read early on in my Dinc days that there were ways of avoiding the whole "turn phone off to charge completely to 100% thing" by rooting, is that true as well? Thanks!
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Alright, I think you misunderstand rooting.
All rooting your phone will do will change the boot-loader to S-OFF, which will give you the option of flashing .zip files to your phone. It will also, however, give you complete control of your device. (Overclocking, TIbackup, Removing bloatware, etc.)
The ROM that came with your phone will still be there though. This will not change the stability of your device in any way. Just make sure to follow directions EXACTLY.
If you wanted improved battery life, you will have to go into the custom recovery accessible from the boot-loader, which will allow you to flash a new ROM.
So to answer your question, just rooting your phone will not necessarily improve your phones battery life, actually more likely not. You would have to flash custom ROMs. But to be honest, a lot of them are wayy more stable then stock INC. My buddy has one, and always texts me cause it messes up.
Anyways, good day
You can also root the phone and use custom kernels on the stock rom. Don't necessarily need to be running a different rom to increase battery life.
Awesome thanks a lot for your help guys! I have a couple of other noob questions before I go for it,
First off, would it be too much to ask to have everything setup and working well in the next two nights? I'm going to be going on vacation and only have tonight and tomorrow to get it all set. I jailbroke an ipod once and I remember having a problem and having to plug it into a computer and it was fixed no prob, but I won't have that option now. Would I be wise to wait until after vacation or should everything go smoothly as long I follow directions?
Also, I've looked all around, and I don't see how you guys go about backing everything up before you root. I see apps to backup a rooted phone before flashing a new ROM or something, but not beforehand. I want all of my apps and settings on my newly rooted phone quickly and easily. Possible? Thanks again!
thekidkid32 said:
Awesome thanks a lot for your help guys! I have a couple of other noob questions before I go for it,
First off, would it be too much to ask to have everything setup and working well in the next two nights? I'm going to be going on vacation and only have tonight and tomorrow to get it all set. I jailbroke an ipod once and I remember having a problem and having to plug it into a computer and it was fixed no prob, but I won't have that option now. Would I be wise to wait until after vacation or should everything go smoothly as long I follow directions?
Also, I've looked all around, and I don't see how you guys go about backing everything up before you root. I see apps to backup a rooted phone before flashing a new ROM or something, but not beforehand. I want all of my apps and settings on my newly rooted phone quickly and easily. Possible? Thanks again!
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well when you root it doesnt reset everything you still have all your apps etc...what we do is backup everything after the root process is finished go into recovery and do a nandroid backup of you stock setup just in case and everyhting should go smoothly following directions
On Another Note: as long as youre rooting might as well try out my rom Kingdom Rewind 3D if you have any more questions on rooting just ask
cvbcbcmv said:
Here is what I recommend you do. Root by following a video on youtube from applepwns. (it's not me, but that's what I followed and it's very good) make sure you watch his newer video, he has 2, his newer one is better. Rooting will not delete any data. Then, I would download rom manager and buy rom manager pro, and download and install skyraider sense 4.2, a rom very identical to stock, so it will be easy to use, and very stable. Rom manager will do it all for you, just select both wiping options. Also, backup your rom (rom manager asks this after the rom has been downloaded) it will make it so that at any time you can restore back to what you have exactly how it is with apps and everything how it was how you left it. I would also recommend installing incredikernel, you can get the sense version from You flash that in recovery. (update your recovery in rom manager, turn off your phone, hold down power button and volume down and when your in hboot scroll down to recovery and go into it, then go to chose zip from sd card, and install it, then reboot. put the incredikernel on the root of your sd card, and don't unzip it, keep the zip zipped) and as for backing up apps, it's very possible. Buy an app called titanium backup pro (you need the free version downloaded as well) and hit menu, batch, backup all apps and data, and hit run (there are also youtube videos on this, just search) and it will put the backups on your SD card (don't backup system data) then after you install the new rom, install the app again, and hit batch, restore apps and data. If you have your google account synced with your phone then your contacts are on it and will automatically be put back on. This can be done in 2 days, it can be done in a few hours. PM me for any questions, I'm happy to help
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1 thing to add to that, I use MyBackup Root instead of Titanium because MyBackup Root is basically the full MyBackup Pro for free, and it can not only back up apps+data, but also photos, contacts, SMS/MMS, bookmarks, music playlists, etc. and you don't have to pay for it to get automated restores (with Titanium free you have to manually install each application once the restore starts.)
I was in a similar situation when trying to decide whether or not to root my DInc. My primary motivation was to remove the bloat, which did help a bit with battery life merely because there were fewer apps for Sense to load up in the background.
I then started trying different Sense kernels because I couldn't find much information out there about which ones were better than others. I felt strongly enough about this I started a thread:
I was able to squeeze a few more hours out of my phone using my top rated kernel, with results declining slowly in the lower ranks.
I say: GO FOR IT!
Once you get started, you may find yourself pushing farther into the guts of Android to get your phone working the way you want it to. But even stopping at rooting just to change kernels will get you what you are looking for. Adding a Seidio 1750 mAh battery could help add up to another few hours.
Good luck and keep us posted.
PGleo86 said:
1 thing to add to that, I use MyBackup Root instead of Titanium because MyBackup Root is basically the full MyBackup Pro for free, and it can not only back up apps+data, but also photos, contacts, SMS/MMS, bookmarks, music playlists, etc. and you don't have to pay for it to get automated restores (with Titanium free you have to manually install each application once the restore starts.)
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Thanks right, you can use MyBackup Root for APK+Data+Market Link + 0-click batch RESTORE for Free. It also allows you to schedule and have as many backups as you would like locally, for free.
liteon163 said:
I was in a similar situation when trying to decide whether or not to root my DInc. My primary motivation was to remove the bloat, which did help a bit with battery life merely because there were fewer apps for Sense to load up in the background.
I then started trying different Sense kernels because I couldn't find much information out there about which ones were better than others. I felt strongly enough about this I started a thread:
I was able to squeeze a few more hours out of my phone using my top rated kernel, with results declining slowly in the lower ranks.
I say: GO FOR IT!
Once you get started, you may find yourself pushing farther into the guts of Android to get your phone working the way you want it to. But even stopping at rooting just to change kernels will get you what you are looking for. Adding a Seidio 1750 mAh battery could help add up to another few hours.
Good luck and keep us posted.
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I'm keeping up with that thread, it's pretty good
You should definitely take a look, OP.

Why Root

I have one question....
Why root a phone? I had my phone rooted and honestly it was a complete waste of time. NONE of the Roms I downloaded ever worked properly, the apps never worked, and it was nothing but trouble for me. My phone always "force close" my apps too. No offense to the developers I just didn't see a benefit.
Am I wrong?
With root you can
1. Run custom ROMs to make your phone your own
2. Remove bloat
3. Tether for free .99
4. Install custom kernels & voltages to increase your batter life or speed up your phone
That's just a few I can think of off the top. Don't think that magic will happen just because you root your phone...your phone can be rooted and still behave exactly how it did prior to root.
Root makes it possible to customize your phone to your liking. You can change the look and feel of just about everything. Root is also great for making battery life better or making your phone snappier by installing custom kernels and root only aps. I agree with you that a lot of roms are buggy and can be a pain, but some people like the trouble shooting aspect of figuring something out and making it work. I my self usually stick to the stock or mostly stock roms, and then remove, change, add features that i want. Without root your stuck with what htc and verizon gives you. Its all about freedom and choice and the ability to make your phone look how you want, and do the things you want it to do.
I am relatively new to rooting (this past summer), but what it gave me was a vastly superior phone to what I used to use. I have flashed about 5 ROMS - two Cyanogen Mod and three Sense based ROMS - out of the 5, I only had big problems with one. The other 4 made my phone faster, smoother, and gave me access to some apps (Titanium Backup, Font Changer) that have allowed me to customize my phone to my liking. It's made me change when I was hoping to get a new phone (now I don't care that much - yet) and I literally feel like I've had new phones every time I flash another ROM.
Doing it successfully also required that I read A LOT about phones, hardware, software, etc. - geeky stuff - that I didn't know. (I'm still learning a lot.)
So, maybe you're just not that into your phone and the geeky stuff?
epescina said:
I had my phone rooted and honestly it was a complete waste of time. NONE of the Roms I downloaded ever worked properly, the apps never worked, and it was nothing but trouble for me. My phone always "force close" my apps too.
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It sounds like your phone is afflicted with the common PEBKAC bug.
Given that, I think you are making the right decision by not rooting in the future.
For those genuinely wondering about the benefits of root, you can check the various stickies throughout this forum or the hundreds of articles that have been written about it. Alternatively, you could do a market search for "root only" to see all the unique apps. Or you could read about what custom roms offer. Or custom kernels. Or a host of other things.
If you don't know why you want to root, you probably shouldn't be rooting.
byrong said:
It sounds like your phone is afflicted with the common PEBKAC bug.
Given that, I think you are making the right decision by not rooting in the future.
For those genuinely wondering about the benefits of root, you can check the various stickies throughout this forum or the hundreds of articles that have been written about it. Alternatively, you could do a market search for "root only" to see all the unique apps. Or you could read about what custom roms offer. Or custom kernels. Or a host of other things.
If you don't know why you want to root, you probably shouldn't be rooting.
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PEBKAC bug? I'm assuming thats stands for something smart lol.
Edit: Haha nevermind i figured it out.
ummm, cuz its awesome...i feel like i escaped from alcatraz
Thanks for all of the great post guys! They were all very informative!
I guess it's true, I must educate myself more about rooting. I always assumed my phone would work better, allow me to use custom roms (that actually worked), and apps that were root only.
I jailbroke my ipod and other devices and they were easy to do and use and not to mention stable. I guess I was expecting the same outcome here.
Why wouldn't you root your phone? All it does is give you full access to your own device. If you don't follow directions and/or load a buggy rom it has nothing to do with rooting.
If you're having that kind of trouble with ROMs, you're doing something wrong (unless you're using AOSP, then you're ALWAYS going to have issues.) I simply won't use a ROM that isn't stable. I probably won't stick with one long even if it is stable and patched together like some Frankenstein chocked full of scripts and patches to make it work. Reliability is the top priority for me. There used to be devs on this device that valued that more than they seem to now, with a few exceptions. Most of them, from using them, are buggy, unstable projects that probably shouldn't have ever been released as anything but experimental betas. Some of them, like WildStang's, are VERY reliable. Just gotta do your research. This is a totally different world than Apple, and a LOT more powerful.
loonatik78 said:
If you're having that kind of trouble with ROMs, you're doing something wrong (unless you're using AOSP, then you're ALWAYS going to have issues.) I simply won't use a ROM that isn't stable. I probably won't stick with one long even if it is stable and patched together like some Frankenstein chocked full of scripts and patches to make it work. Reliability is the top priority for me. There used to be devs on this device that valued that more than they seem to now, with a few exceptions. Most of them, from using them, are buggy, unstable projects that probably shouldn't have ever been released as anything but experimental betas. Some of them, like WildStang's, are VERY reliable. Just gotta do your research. This is a totally different world than Apple, and a LOT more powerful.
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I have to say that I have had zero issues with cm7 and most aosp ROMs out for this phone. sounds like you're doing something wrong.
cm7 gives you so many opportunities for customization and runs so flawlessly I will not be running sense again. Galaxy nexus here I come barring some glaring issue with it, i'm done with HTC for awhile.
Sounds to me like the OP hasn't properly wiped all data before flashing his roms.
br125 said:
I have to say that I have had zero issues with cm7 and most aosp ROMs out for this phone. sounds like you're doing something wrong.
cm7 gives you so many opportunities for customization and runs so flawlessly I will not be running sense again. Galaxy nexus here I come barring some glaring issue with it, i'm done with HTC for awhile.
Sounds to me like the OP hasn't properly wiped all data before flashing his roms.
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I've flashed at about a dozen different versions of CM on that phone. Of those 3 or so didn't even boot. Of the ones that did, they had some kind of issue that couldn't be remedied like quirky screen brightness, reboots and FC's right off the bat. Of the couple of versions that made it past the first day, only one lasted more than a couple weeks before getting REALLY weird. A friend with an identical phone had a very similar experience. What's more, CM hasn't proven to be any more reliable on the EVOs I've flashed it on. In fact, about half the versions don't even boot. I've been doing this long enough to know I'm not doing it wrong. CM just sucks if reliability is a required trait.
loonatik78 said:
I've flashed at about a dozen different versions of CM on that phone. Of those 3 or so didn't even boot. Of the ones that did, they had some kind of issue that couldn't be remedied like quirky screen brightness, reboots and FC's right off the bat. Of the couple of versions that made it past the first day, only one lasted more than a couple weeks before getting REALLY weird. A friend with an identical phone had a very similar experience. What's more, CM hasn't proven to be any more reliable on the EVOs I've flashed it on. In fact, about half the versions don't even boot. I've been doing this long enough to know I'm not doing it wrong. CM just sucks if reliability is a required trait.
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that is the furthest from the truth of anything I've ever read. Go to the cm thread and write that. I've been on cm for a looong time without any FC's, reboots, or anything quirky. Stop spewing false opinions as fact, you're not helping anything.
Also, how could such an unreliable, buggy ROM be the most popular over a plethora of devices? Think about it.
Sounds like that nasty PEBKAC bug. I'm on CM 7.1 and it's been heaven. Almost everything works BETTER than stock.
For example, my car (Cruze 2011) can't utilize my phones contacts over Bluetooth on my stock sense rom. If I allow the car access to my phonebook, my Bluetooth will drop in and out and not work properly. So I have to tap "don't allow" and even though I checkmark the "remember my decision" box, it comes up every time I get in my car unless I grant it access. Annoying? Lets just say I'm thankful for the cyanogen team. Works absolutely flawless.
I adore the new lockscreen in 7.1. It's like a reverse sense 3.0 style where instead of dragging the apps to the ring, you drag the ring to the app. I still overall prefer the sense 3.0 lockscreen, but to get that I have to sacrifice a lot of stability. There are lists upon lists of features that make CM7 the rom to be on.
The one thing I will concede about CM7 is the auto brightness is a bit wonky. There are auto brightness tweaks you can mess with but something like that should work out of the box, so to speak. Another could-be annoyance is the heavy emphasis on customization, since CM comes pretty bare. CM9, however, will be feature rich per ICS.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
For one thing, you can't even take a screen shot without rooting. If you want a stable phone that is mostly stock, you can root, install ShootMe, and call it a day. Of course, it looks like they're finally fixing that fatal flaw with ICS (which this phone will never see from HTC).
loonatik78 said:
If you're having that kind of trouble with ROMs, you're doing something wrong (unless you're using AOSP, then you're ALWAYS going to have issues.) I simply won't use a ROM that isn't stable. I probably won't stick with one long even if it is stable and patched together like some Frankenstein chocked full of scripts and patches to make it work. Reliability is the top priority for me. There used to be devs on this device that valued that more than they seem to now, with a few exceptions. Most of them, from using them, are buggy, unstable projects that probably shouldn't have ever been released as anything but experimental betas. Some of them, like WildStang's, are VERY reliable. Just gotta do your research. This is a totally different world than Apple, and a LOT more powerful.
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Thanks, you seem to be the first to admit that most ROMS are unstable and buggy which is what really turned me away from most roms! I researched over and over and couldn't find stable roms, they all claim they are stable but that was never the case.
br125 said:
I have to say that I have had zero issues with cm7 and most aosp ROMs out for this phone. sounds like you're doing something wrong.
cm7 gives you so many opportunities for customization and runs so flawlessly I will not be running sense again. Galaxy nexus here I come barring some glaring issue with it, i'm done with HTC for awhile.
Sounds to me like the OP hasn't properly wiped all data before flashing his roms.
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So what is the proper way to wipe all data before flashing? I thought all you had to do was select the two flash boxes and run it!
epescina said:
So what is the proper way to wipe all data before flashing? I thought all you had to do was select the two flash boxes and run it!
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That's your problem, you're using ROM Manager to flash/install ROMs. You need to boot your phone into ClockworkMod Recovery and install it from there. Once in CWM Recovery, do:
1. Go into Recovery
2. Clear data: Wipe user data/factory reset
Mounts and Storage - format /system, format /boot, format /data, format /cache
Advanced - Wipe Dalvik, Wipe Battery Stats
3. Select Install zip file from SD Card, browse to the ROM zip file, select it with touch pad to install
epescina said:
So what is the proper way to wipe all data before flashing? I thought all you had to do was select the two flash boxes and run it!
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Don't use Rom manager. Boot into recovery and factory reset/wipe all user data, then flash the Rom. It also doesn't hurt to wipe dalvik cache and format the system if you are still having issues.
If you post in the thread of the Rom you're trying to flash, the users may have some more 'rom specific' instructions.
Sorry for getting off topic before, but I can't stand someone spreading false information about a very good Rom that may cause someone like you to not try it, when in all reality you may enjoy it, as very many droid incredible users do.
Edit: Try what he said above me too. That is almost an overkill amount of wiping, but it can almost guarantee that you won't have issues with the flash.
br125 said:
Don't use Rom manager. Boot into recovery and factory reset/wipe all user data, then flash the Rom. It also doesn't hurt to wipe dalvik cache and format the system if you are still having issues.
If you post in the thread of the Rom you're trying to flash, the users may have some more 'rom specific' instructions.
Sorry for getting off topic before, but I can't stand someone spreading false information about a very good Rom that may cause someone like you to not try it, when in all reality you may enjoy it, as very many droid incredible users do.
Edit: Try what he said above me too. That is almost an overkill amount of wiping, but it can almost guarantee that you won't have issues with the flash.
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This is true, probably overkill, but doesn't take long at all to do, and haven't had any issues yet installing any ROM. Battery Stats is an optional wipe.

Kernel question and a few other things...

So I'm pretty new, well very new, to the custom rom/kernel/recovery/etc game since my last phone was a POS and there was no point trying to make it do anything special, but ever since I got my S III, I've been trying to learn everything about how it all works. I have a Galaxy Tab and put a custom ROM on it a long time back, but I was never all that crazy about the latest and greatest till this phone came along. Considering it's my sole source of communication, I obviously need it to be functional, but there's a side of me that says it would be very hard to truly brick this phone (and please don't correct me if I'm wrong :cyclops: ) Anyway, I've played around with a few ROMs out there and am currently running the latest Crimson build which I love so far. I have a couple questions for those educated in all of this. First, and probably simplest, I've noticed that after flashing a new ROM and signing in to my Google account, apps I've acquired from the market sometimes download and install right away and sometimes don't. Is this just a somewhat-random phenomenon or is it within my control? I always use the same settings (sync automatically, keep this device backed up, etc) but they don't always have the same effect and I'm curious about it. Second, what do you guys recommend in the way of backing up apps? Not program-wise, but theory-wise...I make Nandroid backups whenever I make a major change and occasionally make individual app backups with ROM Toolbox Pro, but I use Nova launcher and it seems that a simple backup of my desktop layout is enough to get back my original look with the new ROM (and then I just let the apps download from the market). Is there an even better way to do this that I'm unaware of? I know that backing up apps has the added benefit of backing up data as well, but in my experience, restoring both app and data to a new ROM seems to have adverse effects...I inevitably have to uninstall and re-download the app. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but, again, I'm new to this. My last and most important question is regarding something I read about custom kernels only being usable with the UVALEM baseband. I don't know anything about phone modems but heard some people were getting better speeds with UVALH3 so I decided to flash it. This may have been a convenient coincidence but I'd never before observed speeds above 7-ish Mbps (my area has pretty lousy 4g coverage) and my first speed test gave me 12. I'm a little confused because everything has suggested custom kernels are NOT COMPATIBLE (always emphasized, too) with any other baseband yet I have an overclocked custom kernel with the aforementioned radio and have had no problems. Have I missed something or is something unusual happening? Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long post!
tonesofheresy said:
So I'm pretty new, well very new, to the custom rom/kernel/recovery/etc game since my last phone was a POS and there was no point trying to make it do anything special, but ever since I got my S III, I've been trying to learn everything about how it all works. I have a Galaxy Tab and put a custom ROM on it a long time back, but I was never all that crazy about the latest and greatest till this phone came along. Considering it's my sole source of communication, I obviously need it to be functional, but there's a side of me that says it would be very hard to truly brick this phone (and please don't correct me if I'm wrong :cyclops: ) Anyway, I've played around with a few ROMs out there and am currently running the latest Crimson build which I love so far. I have a couple questions for those educated in all of this. First, and probably simplest, I've noticed that after flashing a new ROM and signing in to my Google account, apps I've acquired from the market sometimes download and install right away and sometimes don't. Is this just a somewhat-random phenomenon or is it within my control? I always use the same settings (sync automatically, keep this device backed up, etc) but they don't always have the same effect and I'm curious about it. Second, what do you guys recommend in the way of backing up apps? Not program-wise, but theory-wise...I make Nandroid backups whenever I make a major change and occasionally make individual app backups with ROM Toolbox Pro, but I use Nova launcher and it seems that a simple backup of my desktop layout is enough to get back my original look with the new ROM (and then I just let the apps download from the market). Is there an even better way to do this that I'm unaware of? I know that backing up apps has the added benefit of backing up data as well, but in my experience, restoring both app and data to a new ROM seems to have adverse effects...I inevitably have to uninstall and re-download the app. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but, again, I'm new to this. My last and most important question is regarding something I read about custom kernels only being usable with the UVALEM baseband. I don't know anything about phone modems but heard some people were getting better speeds with UVALH3 so I decided to flash it. This may have been a convenient coincidence but I'd never before observed speeds above 7-ish Mbps (my area has pretty lousy 4g coverage) and my first speed test gave me 12. I'm a little confused because everything has suggested custom kernels are NOT COMPATIBLE (always emphasized, too) with any other baseband yet I have an overclocked custom kernel with the aforementioned radio and have had no problems. Have I missed something or is something unusual happening? Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long post!
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1. As for apps downloading automatically from google; when you first set up your account again after flashing, there is an option asking you whether or not you want to back up and restore apps to google. If you check the restore option, it will download the apps that you already own that's been backed up. I usually just back up and restore my apps using TitaniumBackup so I always leave this option unchecked.
2. When I back up my apps using TiBa, I don't bother backing up the data. I just back up the apps, and then restore just the apps. All the apps data will have been saved and will be reloaded when you restore them. I've never used ROM Toolbox Pro so I can't say if it works the same with it.
3. People get different speed with the different radios. You just have to try the different radios and see which one works best for you.
4. I'm not really sure about the Kernel, but when I flash a radio, as long as it's OS and Carrier compatible, I just flash away. When I say OS compatible, I meant that I wouldn't flash JellyBean radio on a ICS ROM. Not sure if that would work, but I've never tried it. When I say carrier compatible, I wouldn't flash AT&T radio on T-Mobile phones.
I hope I've helped a little bit.

Turn the S4 into an Oppo Find 7

I wanted to let everyone know for the past day or so ive been testing out the Color OS 2.0 for the I9505, here are some of those results, screenshots, and how to install for yourself.
So, the reason im bringing this up to get started is that for the past year or so i was unable to install this rom on my S4 i assume from not having the correct version of TWRP required for the install (AND the install will fail a few times for random reasons if SU is not installed (rom or not)...I found this out after a full wipe and it not letting me install the rom until i rebooted back into TWRP and told it to root my phone because it found no root access.
So the initial install went like this
fail halfway...
fail haflway...
reboot to recovery from recovery...
tell twrp to root....​back in recovery....
Now the rom does include its own gapps package so there isnt a need for that, It also includes its own kernel that because of how heavily modified Color OS is from stock cannot be changed (unless you can find one that will work, the AOSP Ktoonz kernel didnt work and that was the only test i really attempted as i had to re-install the rom (wouldn't boot)
So, once the rom is installed it asks you to pick a language and looks a lot like regular AOSP (dark) but as soon as you do it prompts for wifi and settings FC's, then you move on to accounts and accounts FC's
So to get through this just skip ALL setup processes and type in your name with the built in keyboard (it has to be changed back to full qwerty or your gonna come up wth some weird things)
Then you can go into settings and apply your accounts and things like that to get your contacts and everything back per the usual.
Now onto my impressions of the rom so far...
This is the fastest rom i have ever put on my phone and yes it does come at a cost but from what i could see it is the most overall fluid rom especially when it comes to animations.
It has a lot of cool features i am still learning to use (gesture panel pull up from bottom, lets you draw a shape to preform action and set your own custom...looks cool as hell) and none of them even when enabled slow the device down.
The cost however is battery WANT to have an extra battery or a fast charger on hand because this thing loves to suck power. Im alright with it currently with how fast the thing moves i am going to use it as my daily driver but i went from 50 to 2 in about an hour and a half with screen on. Screen on time isnt that awesome on this phone but standby seems to be pretty good.
Its a nice break from AOSP and Touchwiz, thats all that needs to be said really. Its much faster than either AOSP or Touchwiz even with custom kernels you can take that from me being a crack flasher, ive gone through every kernel made for the device, learnt about them, customized them, and then moved on to test another kernel.
This rom has ceased development but will currently be remaining my daily driver until i can find something else unique, i would say give it a shot guys and see how much you like it
For my install i needed TWRP
It will fail, do some troubleshooting to find out why (such as change to RM -rf formatting in settings in twrp) and after you wipe reboot to recovery and let TWRP do the root thing even though there is no rom (i dont know why this mattered at all -_-;;;; but it did) do another wipe when you get it and you should be able to install the rom and it will boot. (THERE ARE NO SIGNAL BARS TO INDICATE SIGNAL STRENGTH when you get in) and once you are finally in make sure you run to your APN settings under Mobile network and then go down to the T-mobile LTE APN and modify it, remove the password and the server info thats in there (for some reason) and change the APN protocol to IPv4/IPV6 and the roaming protocol and then save it so you have good data speeds and such (just to make it set up the same as a standard T-mobile rom)
in this rom ive noticed you CANNOT have wifi on and send MMS so to send pictures ensure you are off of wifi.
There is also a problem being noted in the comments on the rom page with Whatsapp...i dont use it >.> i know what it is but whatever it doesnt bug me at all.
1. Wipe phone
2. Attempt to install rom
3. (IF FAILS on install) wipe phone
4. (IF FAILS on install) reboot from recovery to recovery
5. (IF FAILS on install) tell it to root
6. repeat steps 1 and 2.
7. when successful, boot into rom
8. select english and FC your way to the end of setup
9. enter your name or a random name into phone owner
10. setup your account in settings (or just open play store and it will prompt you)
11. Match your APN to T-mobiles standard (Settings>mobilenetworks>APn> T-mobile Us LTe)
--------Remove Password, Server, Change APN protocol to IPv4/IPv6, same with roaming, save and use that apn-------------------
You will not be able to send MMS with WIFI on. (you can if its off)
You WILL have to change keyboards (the one that comes with the rom is absolute ****, use enter to keep what you type english...)
There is a FIX for Whatsapp inside of the roms official forums ( i dont use it though )
ALSO unsure if USB file transfer is working right >.> sure there is a fix for that but it doesnt but me either. (i use wifi file transfer anyways >.>)
YOU CANNOT INSTALL A CUSTOM KERNEL (unless your willing to find one that works)
So far i havnt found any problems for my use, this is one of, if not the, fastest and smoothest roms ive ever used so i am attempting to show others the awesome
link to rom forum below (MAKE SURE YOU DOWNLOAD THE NEWEST ONE, old one borked and buggy)
Just for those of you who didnt know this was out there, or were like me and gave up trying to install it at first.
Now to get dual tap to wake download an app called Knokr <- from the playstore (its part of the Oppo screen so this is the only way to emulate)
igotlostintampa said:
I wanted to let everyone know for the past day or so ive been testing out the Color OS 2.0 for the I9505, here are some of those results, screenshots, and how to install for yourself.
So, the reason im bringing this up to get started is that for the past year or so i was unable to install this rom on my S4 i assume from not having the correct version of TWRP required for the install (AND the install will fail a few times for random reasons if SU is not installed (rom or not)...I found this out after a full wipe and it not letting me install the rom until i rebooted back into TWRP and told it to root my phone because it found no root access.
or were like me and gave up trying to install it at first.
Now to get dual tap to wake download an app called Knokr <- from the playstore (its part of the Oppo screen so this is the only way to emulate)
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o.o was i the only one excited feels bad being the only crack flasher here.
Is it stable? If yes, will like to give it a try
dunhillpanda said:
Is it stable? If yes, will like to give it a try
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Yeah I really like it once its got a new keyboard. Havnt had a force close or random reboot. The thing is so much smoother than any other rom ive tried its crazy. And after about a day the battery drain has gone away. I honestly am thunkibg about keepimg the thing if it keeps going this well as a perm backup.
The onky issues ive seen i listed in the OP but they arent problems for me really
Looks interesting. Props on the info, I'll look into this soon
Sent from my SGH-M919 using XDA Free mobile app
All Functional
IT seems everything i use the phone for is functional on this rom. I have seen no issues at all with everything that i regularly do and with some added functionality from the android general section (acid audio (i prefer it >.>)) I dont see any reason to change off the rom o.o it has some of the best touch response i have seen on a rom (less lag on inital jerk from finger than touchwiz/aosp) the only thing its missing is the over the top customizations some roms have that will be kinda stock in android L o.o so i think im going to wait for either an L rom or color os 2.5 > 3
>.> <.<
unless another rom peaks my interest before then but im so tired of AOSP and Touchwiz xD and that seems to be the majority of this forum o.o like ive googled a lot of other roms... >.> MIUI and XUI both exist for this phone as does Color OS and many hybrid Touchwiz/AOSP roms exist over in international, as well as many roms that just never make it to our forum because they are being undercut by the popular roms for our device and immediately jump to the end of the forum..some of which are more stable than some of our most popular roms >.<
Sorry i ranted, just overal kind of curious what the Samsung user Obsession is with Touchwiz and AOSP when better than both exist for the devices we use >.> i mean i get liking the style of a rom but im not used to entering a forum here where other roms dont exist o.o i wonder what roms the nexus devices get.
Ooh! This looks fascinating! Im pretty new here but ive lurked forever and I have been looking for a new rom to try. It looks like we value the same things in a rom and the bugs wont be a problem for me either (almost never ever turn on wifi for instance) so im excited to try a rom that youve decided will be your DD.
Ill let ya know how it worked.
Oh man. This ROM is cool...
My phone played nice with it upon install for whatever reason. On my first wipe it took. Most of the setup crashed like you said, for some reason the google log in part didn't crash. After changing the APN settings everything seems to be working great. It really is fast and responsive ( there is a scroll slide effect kinda like iOS that makes lists feel slick)
My small qualm is that it shows that you have no service at all times. Even the weather app says "no service" in it so having that on the home screen and in the status bar is bothersome.
My large qualm is battery. This ROM is freaking gorgeous, I seriously want a phone beefy enough to run like this for a long time, I can't stress how pretty this is for anyone who hasn't tried Oppo's stuff. But I'm getting roughly what OP did on battery though, it feels like only a bit over 1/3 the longetivity of most other Roms I've tried... Reminds me of my old iPhone 4 after 3 years of use. So that really bites. But hell if it isn't pretty.
Another user said the battery problems go away after the ROM settles so imma give that a bit and if it does... I couldn't possibly change it. The weather effects on the home screen are addicting and I love how the rain/snow will fall on icons and splash or accumulate. It feels like a ROM in step with the future.
---------- Post added at 11:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 AM ----------
Scrawlerism said:
Oh man. This ROM is cool...
My phone played nice with it upon install for whatever reason. On my first wipe it took. Most of the setup crashed like you said, for some reason the google log in part didn't crash. After changing the APN settings everything seems to be working great. It really is fast and responsive ( there is a scroll slide effect kinda like iOS that makes lists feel slick)
My small qualm is that it shows that you have no service at all times. Even the weather app says "no service" in it so having that on the home screen and in the status bar is bothersome.
My large qualm is battery. This ROM is freaking gorgeous, I seriously want a phone beefy enough to run like this for a long time, I can't stress how pretty this is for anyone who hasn't tried Oppo's stuff. But I'm getting roughly what OP did on battery though, it feels like only a bit over 1/3 the longetivity of most other Roms I've tried... Reminds me of my old iPhone 4 after 3 years of use. So that really bites. But hell if it isn't pretty.
Another user said the battery problems go away after the ROM settles so imma give that a bit and if it does... I couldn't possibly change it. The weather effects on the home screen are addicting and I love how the rain/snow will fall on icons and splash or accumulate. It feels like a ROM in step with the future.
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Oh shoot I forgot to mention, sorry to spam this thread! Some apps return "package file invalid" and you flat out can't install those apps. This was fixed for me by wiping the caches in recovery but I've read this doesn't always work. In the end I personally got every app I wanted installed so idk if that will be a problem but yeah.
My issues with battery life so far have greatly dimmed, I am unsure if it was just the rom getting used to itself or the kernel setting itself up...but my battery issues have gone down greatly.
THOUGH I will mention that it is still worse than AOSP and Touchwiz, just not by nearly as much as previously thought. (EDIT: THE BATTERY LIFE, I actually don't think ill give this rom up
Also I did also have the problem with "Package File Invalid" and I also wiped the caches to get everything to install properly, but I also found that a full storage wipe of the phone (copy everything important off first) prevents that issue with most roms, I may try it with this one if I decide to ever uninstall it in the first place. The rom is kind of amazing...
Normally I would be experiencing some kind of stability issue with an app or something by now or maybe a keyboard...but not with this rom, not at all. It is still running as amazing as when I first turned it on.
OH I have to mention I guess that I did turn on some power saving settings so that may have been what effected the battery life so dramatically. In honesty I think now it lasts me quite a while...I may actually think I get better battery life in the last 15-20% than AOSP or Touchwiz, touchwiz being the only one with a decent power saver setting (with ROM)
but yeah I love this rom and wish there were more like it for our device....I know miui is available and I might look back into it for more of a full themeing effect, but I love the gesture panel and im gonna try to port it over to the miui rom >.> and see if it will load. Seems to be an app that's built into the phone but im unsure how deep rooted it is.
MIUI+ColorOS = Amazing combo.
Thanks though guys for looking into this! glad to see some other crack flashers around.
This rom does seem to be taking kind of a large leap, but at least its forward.
igotlostintampa said:
My issues with battery life so far have greatly dimmed, I am unsure if it was just the rom getting used to itself or the kernel setting itself up...but my battery issues have gone down greatly.
THOUGH I will mention that it is still worse than AOSP and Touchwiz, just not by nearly as much as previously thought. (EDIT: THE BATTERY LIFE, I actually don't think ill give this rom up
Also I did also have the problem with "Package File Invalid" and I also wiped the caches to get everything to install properly, but I also found that a full storage wipe of the phone (copy everything important off first) prevents that issue with most roms, I may try it with this one if I decide to ever uninstall it in the first place. The rom is kind of amazing...
Normally I would be experiencing some kind of stability issue with an app or something by now or maybe a keyboard...but not with this rom, not at all. It is still running as amazing as when I first turned it on.
OH I have to mention I guess that I did turn on some power saving settings so that may have been what effected the battery life so dramatically. In honesty I think now it lasts me quite a while...I may actually think I get better battery life in the last 15-20% than AOSP or Touchwiz, touchwiz being the only one with a decent power saver setting (with ROM)
but yeah I love this rom and wish there were more like it for our device....I know miui is available and I might look back into it for more of a full themeing effect, but I love the gesture panel and im gonna try to port it over to the miui rom >.> and see if it will load. Seems to be an app that's built into the phone but im unsure how deep rooted it is.
MIUI+ColorOS = Amazing combo.
Thanks though guys for looking into this! glad to see some other crack flashers around.
This rom does seem to be taking kind of a large leap, but at least its forward.
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Honestly the battery did get better after a couple days. Aosp has probably spoiled me. I really really liked this ROM.
Edit: and I know what you mean by "forward thinking" this ROM feels like the future.
And yes, definitely a crack flasher here. Even now that I have a ROM that I always fall back on I'm still flashing at least a few times a week, and trying new Roms on weekends. >.<
Will try this soon
this is a really nice rom for the s4 , i didn't have to reflash at all, one wipe flashed the rom, it was succesful and booted right up on the first try. Thanks for this, i tried the newest 9/6 debloated version from the link in the OP but it seemed to be a lil glitchy, the one in OP works fine. Thanks again

