[Q] Theme Questions (noob) - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

ok so i have had this idea sence i bought this phone of making a complete rework theme/rom and all the icons, i have been searching around for all the info i need and found some but not all so i am going to post some questions and hopefully when i get off work the main ones will be answered so i can start. i have been dieing to do this for a week lol.
1. i have windows 7, to make things easy should i just dual boot win xp?
2. i want to change the notafication bar but i have not been able to find ware the icons are?
3. I read that i need to sign all the apks i change if i stay with win7 will the program someone made to sign apps work?
4. If i edit the image in the drawable dpi(i think thats the folder) do i also need to edit the XML docs?
5. if i want the rom to install lancher pro by default and set up a custom tray is that possible or dose it have to be changed after you install the ROM?
i know some of the questions might seem stupid but im trying to learn because i really do enjoy tweaking this phone i have been walking around with a notepad all week sketching ideas down as they come to mind so any help would be great thanks everyone.
Here is my current theme and widgets
well apparently i cant post outside links so i will have to add them later here is the album to them thou
Enjoy and Thanks ahead of time

+1, I have had a hard time finding enough info to make me comfortable to start editing the 100 or so .pngs in drawable-hdpi.


How to disable the today backgroundchanging?

I want to disable the function to change the today background.
You find it --> Start -> Settings --> Today -> Use this picture...
I want to disable the text AND the Button "Find" - so that the customers cannot change the logo.
I don't find the right key in the registry.
I use Windows Mobile 6 with the latest HTC Flash.
Who can help me?
Thanks and best regards from Germany.
No ideas?
because i've got two other problems.
1.) I want to delete the entries in the list of installed programs. So that the user cannot delete the program. Is it possible? Or can I protect it with password?
2.) We created a background logo, at the bottom it is white.
When the menu has got more than 5 entries you can not read the menu well.
Because white font over white background.
Is it possible to restrict the entries of last used applications to X entries ?
Even if there IS a way to do these things...
...it's quite evident, even from the site on which you're posting, that you will not be able to lock down such changes. Anyone who is so motivated will be able to get past anything you do, simply by flashing a new ROM, if not by other means, dontchathink?
simple answer, you cant.
Actually, it would be semi-possible. Jasjamming had a bug in an early Black edition where he baked in his background rather than had it running in the initial setup. End result was you could change your background in the menus but it couldn't change what you saw as the backdrop files were marked as "ROM" so couldn't be changed.
The only way to install a program without it showing in the Remove Programs list is to bake it into your custom ROM installed on the phone.
However, when you've gone to the time & effort of making this ROM that cannot be customised, what's going to stop someone using a ROM from this site instead of yours, or using the tools here to modify your ROM and remove out the bits you've tried to lock down?
My advice? Don't try to lock anything down on your phone! The beauty of Windows Mobile it's ability to be improved & personalised. Let it run free!
the problem with the list of installed programs isn't a problem anymore
I made a ROM with the ROM Kitchen und put the cab File into the ROM.
My first solution was to delete the uninstaller from the CAB with WinCE CAB Manager. But i want also to change the colors of the menu and things like that, so i made an own ROM.
So, you are right, the users could use programs from here, but, we want to "brand" the phone with our company logo, because the users should be awake that the phone is a COMPANY Phone and not a private toy
So now my last two problem are, that our company logo at the bottom is on a white ground and the menu has got a white font color. So i want to change the number of menu items or i want to change the color.
Does anybody knows the concerning files for the colors in the ROM?
The second is to disable the possibility to change the wallpaper.
It would be great if someone could tell me which files i have to change.
Thanks a lot and best wishes from Germany
The problem with the start menu i solved with Tweak UI.
But the problem with the possibility to change the background is still existing.
Where i have to look? In the registry? In the files?
Its only a windows, it must be possible to change this option...
Finally found the post I was remembering where someone had accidentally set a theme permanently.
The theme was usually set during the initial customisation following the first boot up, but in this case JasJamming had tried to save this step by baking it into the ROM - with the result that you couldn't change theme. Sorry I can't give you any more info on how it happened (don't know!) but JJ or someone else on here with a bigger brain than me should be able to help.
Hey Stu,
thanks for your answer.
But i have allready only one theme. The problem is that the users can change the 'today-background' easily. Our company logo wouldnt be on the background.
I think this is a forum with a lot of pros! But the right one has to find my thread, please
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Use your theme on a phone, copy out the stwater and tdywater files,then cook these into your ROM and flash onto the phone. As the stwater and tdywater files are set as "ROM" the today-background changer won't be allowed to over-write them so the user will not actually be able to change the background - hence your company logo will always be there.
Good luck, and don't forget to change the start-up screens too - maybe a nice portrait shot of the Managing Director?

Dev Questions

Hi all,
I'm currently working on a 2.1 Sense-UI 'Lite' Rom, which will use a customised, lightened version of the Espresso Rosie. I'll be no-doubt spending every second of my free time in Photoshop with the aim of making this rom look stunning.
As for the rom itself:
I've used highlights from several of the current 2.1 releases from this and other forums, and I'm pretty happy with it so far; it has a very small 'not working' list, and the filesize is reasonably low for a Sense UI rom. Of course, I'll credit people where credit is due.
Anyway, the questions. Some of this may seem incredibly dumb. Please assume that I have an understanding of Linux, but I am very new to Android Development. I've simply read the guide that Lox posted, then taken a 'learn whilst I work' approach. So...
1. How do I edit the 'Software Number'? (I can't seem to find it)
2. If I start again with a clean, AOSP 2.1 rom, how do I make it use Rosie? It can't just be a case of putting the Rosie.apk in the right place can it?
3. If I want to select which apps/widgets appear and where, do I edit the relevant XML which contains the Screen/X/Y locations?
If/when I have more questions, I'll post them here!
Thanks in advance
1. Sorry dont know,
2. No you need to add all the framework files, quite a few of them I think.
3. system/customize/mns/default.xml
Thanks Dan. I have the Framework files, so that's easy enough.
I suspected it was the default.xml, so thanks again.
Anyone know the answer to my first question?
I think that it is somwhere in build.prop but I can be wrong.
1. No idea what you mean by 'Software Number'
2. com.htc.framework.jar and friends need to be added to init.rc's BOOTCLASSPATH var ... so at the very least, you need to provide a custom boot.img ... that rules out adding it over other custom ROMs ... on top of that all the Rosie related /system files need to be present...
3. yes - that default.xml is the place ..
Good luck ...!
(Side note ... Why oh why would you want to add sense!)

[Q] building custom themes for dhd and downloadable apps howto ?

hey New to the xda fourms but looking for some information about skinning I got a few questions which I've trolled over xda very little and some other sites that never directly point me in the direction I'm looking to go. I have worked with linux is in the past. ex puppy linux which I was very fond of for user information about anything to do with puppy. but I have just learned from trial and error . anyways my questions are as follows.
1.I'm wanting to build a skin for rcmix 3d ver.4 creating sense 3.5 New look and feel while changing icons for a list of apps besides the skin and sense,how do I go about changing icons/skins in apps I download?
2. what programs do I need to take on this task?
3. I am currently not using linux,using windows7 to do this, is this going to matter? or should I switch to a linux based os?
in the end all I wanna do is change the bling appel of my phone with my own custom look not someone else's idea. a basic point in the right direction would be a big help. I my even post some skins to add to the dhd world.thanks in advance.
I want to ask the same questions:
1.I'm wanting to build a skin for rcmix 3d ver.4 creating sense 3.5 New look and feel while changing icons for a list of apps besides the skin and sense,how do I go about changing icons/skins in apps I download?
2. what programs do I need to take on this task?
3. I am currently not using linux,using windows7 to do this, is this going to matter? or should I switch to a linux based os?
mont2012 said:
I want to ask the same questions:
1.I'm wanting to build a skin for rcmix 3d ver.4 creating sense 3.5 New look and feel while changing icons for a list of apps besides the skin and sense,how do I go about changing icons/skins in apps I download?
2. what programs do I need to take on this task?
3. I am currently not using linux,using windows7 to do this, is this going to matter? or should I switch to a linux based os?
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If you want to get away the easy way, then:
1. Download rom of your choice (.zip format)
2. Extract framework-res.apk and SystemUI.apk from that zip file (you'll have to look in the data folder).
3. Go to UOT kitchen and go to file upload tab and then select "upload system files" then upload the ones you've just extracted.
4. Once they are uploaded, you can browse through all the tabs and select things of your choice.
5. When you're finished selecting, go to Sumery tab and cook your files.
6. Wait for 5-10 minutes then go to pickup tab and you should have your .zip ready for that specific rom
7. Flash the .zip
8. Enjoy!
Note: For every rom, the framework and systemui.apk is different so for every different rom you'll have to extract those files from .zip file of that rom
hey thanks,I have been looking at that kitchen cooking but I'm looking for a more manual approach at doing things. can I do that same step guide but manually skin it myself?
how do I manually recompile after I'm done?
I have been creating icons for a little over a week with gimp on windows on free time with a theme in mind looking for more of a one of a kind idea and then maybe adding themes to the dhd network after I get a handle on it, so looking to create theme packs. I been trying to do it with a few apps but I can't get the icons out of the apps to show up when I pull it apart so I figure I'm missing something I would need to go about doing my work. am I missing extensions I need to complete this?
wait4me2burn said:
hey thanks,I have been looking at that kitchen cooking but I'm looking for a more manual approach at doing things. can I do that same step guide but manually skin it myself?
how do I manually recompile after I'm done?
I have been creating icons for a little over a week with gimp on windows on free time with a theme in mind looking for more of a one of a kind idea and then maybe adding themes to the dhd network after I get a handle on it, so looking to create theme packs. I been trying to do it with a few apps but I can't get the icons out of the apps to show up when I pull it apart so I figure I'm missing something I would need to go about doing my work. am I missing extensions I need to complete this?
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To change the icons in downloaded apps you will need to decompile the apps apk then change out the icon in the app, them recompile. Mind you it will get replaced again when the app updates. A search would lead you to many themeing tuts on XDA

[Q]decompile and edit home.apk

Hi all,
I`got a problem to decompile the stock home.apk.
Everytime i decompile i get a error saying i have the wrong framework installed but i have the right one installed manually.
I want to have rotate on homescreen only 3 screens and 3rd thing 6 rows and 6 cols. I have to change the folder res\values\ i think but how can i get it or better edit it.
Is their anyone out here who can give me a link or a little tutorial howto.
I have had a look at several pages and gave lot`s of promissing tools a go but nothing helped me out .....
so much moders can please only one share his knowledge
Your best bet would probably to ask someone like vr5411 who posted this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1519742

A plea for all framework modding experts

Hey everyone,i've just started to learn more about the framework and stuff(to give back to this awesome community) by decompiling it and looking at the xmls and pngs within and one thing i found was really obvious that there is no bible of information that us new comers can consult for our questions
I would like to request all the brilliant minds here on xda to help me with a few things if this thread catches their attention.It would educate me and everyone else if our brilliant devs can share their info.I would like to start with a few questions and i really hope this thread takes off as the real reason we are all here is to learn
1.The /res/anim folder in the framework has all the animations of the rom if i am not mistaken.But if i overwrite the xml files within with my own collection of xmls there are some files that are not overwritten and hence some animations of the rom donot change.The question here is this.How do find out what xml stands for what animation.Htc has removed the home button animation and i would be very grateful if someone can help me find it.Also app opening animations are still sense and i can't tell which xml to edit to find which one is the app opening one.
2.Recompiling the framework through apk-tool is giving me a lot of errors even when i don't modify anything.I'm using a custom rom framework so maybe thats the cause but still it should compile right.
3.Is it possible to decompile the framework in the phone(through an app i mean),add stuff to it,and then recompile it? Or is my only option to open it as a zip file and just replace and delete xmls .
I will update the thread with more questions and request anyone who has any info to please share it so we can all learn
Long live xda

