2.2 Froyo With sense [ALPHA] based on CDMA PORT - Hero, G2 Touch Android Development

Hi guys.
You may be aware that cdma heros have an alpha release sense rom (DecaFX) ported from the wildfire. Now so do we!
I spent a short time porting the cdma rom to our gsm heros. (Its a raw port, nothing removed from the cdma version). So Its buggy, just like the cdma version, but it works.
Link to the cdma release:
This is based on floyo (mainly to get hardware working), so credits to floyo's author, erasmux, and also to those over in cdma who did the port from wildfire in the first place.
So what works in this:
Not alot on user testing
What doesnt:
probaly loadsa other stuff too
Whats buggy:
Everything software wise i suppose - Massive graphical glitches
Hotfile: http://hotfile.com/dl/76229102/3c67210/SenseFroyoghurt.zip.html
Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/42539581...Froyoghurt.zip
Megaupload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L5H0G7SS
Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?jq1ivp6st6cdd1p
NOTE: I dont really have any intent to update this rom myself, other than perhaps based on updates from the cdma release (assuming they dont mind), but its here to provide a working release for anyone who wants to try it.
FINALLY: Although this rom is entirely safe and shouldnt brick your phone (it contains nothing that can cause a brick) i take no responsibility if it damages your phone.

AWESOME. Have to try. Waited so long for Sense 2.2

cool! downloading now (WOW that's a crappy slow hosting service hahaha)

I must try this, I like the name lol

i'll try it now thanx man hope more than one version

anyone running it yet? I'm still nandroiding my old rom...

Would love to give my opinion but I still have two days left on the download! lol

jpool81 said:
Would love to give my opinion but I still have two days left on the download! lol
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yea, that bandwidth limited hosting is absolute crap considering megaupload etc which aren't bandwidth limited.

wiping now...

Very nice initiative
Personally I prefer open source projects but if you get this working properly I think you'll make a lot of ppl happy

flashing froyoghurt (love/hate that name LoL)


praying it doesn't brick my phone...

after 4 minutes of animated android bootscreen I'm still praying...

it's alive!!!

holy graphical layout issues batman!
but VERY cool to finally see some updates to sense after all this time
even if they're not aligned quite right in many places.

major issue. wifi doesn't work (known issue in cdma thread), but can't go into apn list either - it FCs in my settings. so no data, which means no anything.
oh well, it's still very cool to see the improvements to sense!
I wish the bloody sense rosie home app would do screen rotation though... you KNOW they can do it faster than vanilla android launchers can because it's been working great in slide ports forever.
silly htc

My Feedback :
Really good work but there are alot of problms in homepage the menu icon above the phone icon and numbers in the dialer just 1 2 4 5 7 8 * 0 and in the setup there is a problem to in the size of font and screen size i mean the skip and back icons doesn't showing correctly
a big problem there is no network for my gsm ( Just No Service ) and when i go to the network options and choosing the mobile network i got FC ( force close )
thats all thing i tried hope to fix it
Big sry for my English hope u understand me !!!!

broken camera doesn't work tooooooooooooooo bad

Can anyone upload a mirror? Still have 23hrs left on my download.


[ANDROID] [DEV] Flan Hero & Espresso 2.1.0 -- Updated 01-12-10

This is for all Sense versions of Flan 2.1. This is development and not for general use yet until it's more stable and faster. If you are new to Android, start here www.androidonhtc.com it will tell you what you need and where to get all the files. If you need further help, check the bottom of this post for more links.
It's very early and there are a lot of bugs with it. This is a work in progress. I'm hoping for some help from the community to get this stable enough.
I don't need any bug reports, just development to get this to beta.
If you can help develop this I will keep the updates (and credits) on this post as we move forward.
Expect a lot of changes very quickly. I'm operating on the release early and often approach to get this out to the community. This is high priority for me because Flan is a very nice release but it needs work.
* Hero and Espresso boot to Rosie. From there it gets complicated
* Espresso (I think Hero too, so much switching back and forth) FC's acore when dialing at the moment.
* Hardware keys do work
* HTC widgets do not work (for now)
* More I forget at the moment..
Download Section:
* Espresso
DOWNLOAD: Espresso Flan 2.1 01-13-10
Stable Espresso based on Eugene's V2 port for G1/MT3G. Many thanks to him and mssmison for pointing me to it. Just came out (01-12-10) with working everything but HTC widgets so far. Still a little slow but usable.
* Hero
DOWNLOAD: Hero_2.1_enate_011210
Based on Hero21 Community port
* Espresso-2.1_enate_01-10-2010
Based on Eugene's port
The dialer FC's due to vibrate hardware permissions.
Also you need to add flanhero init to your rootfs or change it to eclairhero. The boot class paths are the same either way. If you don't know what I'm talking about you should really wait for us to get further along. The stable current release uses Eclair settings so should boot right away like it does for me.
* Test Version 1 of Espresso
Original test image based on Kingklick's Espresso port.
A lot of bugs such as hardware keys are broken. Need I go on? You have to use ADB to kill the current screen to get back home..
Credits to everyone including dzo, vilord, zenulator, mssmison, jamezelle, jeckyllhavok, polyrythmic, drizzy and the rest of the G1 and MT3G devs, maxisma, barakinflorida, the list goes on. I don't take donations but some of them do and they deserve it.
Helpful links and people who have helped me get where I'm at:
Google Android and Linux for KAISER!!-- Main thread for Android on our phones
Linux and Android for Vogue (Kernel Thread)-- Dzo's thread for kernel development. He got us started and is a legend here.
Zenulator's threads for Vogue (they work for us too). He has dedicated a lot of time to helping us out.
Android with sense UI for the vogue
Vogue Android 1.6 Donut
Android 2.0 Eclair for the Vogue
Looks nice! I think I'll definitely give it a spin. Is there any way to get WiFi on this build?
Using Eugene's port now. Hardware buttons work, HTC widgets don't, dialer crashes acore. Looking good but will need some tweaking before I upload it.
Thanks for the update man, looking forward to this in more of a complete state. Does this work with qvga?
ajclai08 said:
Thanks for the update man, looking forward to this in more of a complete state. Does this work with qvga?
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i HIGHLY doubt it.
We've got some major issues. I guess the G1 and MT3G have HTC widgets working. Something is wrong but it's going to be a little while. Look where we are with Eclair and this is Flan. Also, I'm switching this thread around to include all Flan images shortly. Just need some more dev to make it worthwhile. I can either make a call but lose hardware buttons or not make a call and have them...
enatefox said:
We've got some major issues. I guess the G1 and MT3G have HTC widgets working. Something is wrong but it's going to be a little while. Look where we are with Eclair and this is Flan. Also, I'm switching this thread around to include all Flan images shortly. Just need some more dev to make it worthwhile. I can either make a call but lose hardware buttons or not make a call and have them...
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with eugenes port? what is breaking the hardware buttons now?
No, Eugene's has working buttons but the dialer is broken. He said to use another dialer until he fixes the permissions. I'm going to just try to fix the permissions myself though. Still can't get the HTC widgets again like I had before and there are very little debug messages to help. At first boot it just says "can't find widget xxx" over and over again on Espresso and Hero 2.1
I'm booting Espresso again. If I can get somewhere now (at least the dialer to work) I will update the post. It's 2am now so we'll see...
enatefox said:
No, Eugene's has working buttons but the dialer is broken. He said to use another dialer until he fixes the permissions. I'm going to just try to fix the permissions myself though. Still can't get the HTC widgets again like I had before and there are very little debug messages to help. At first boot it just says "can't find widget xxx" over and over again on Espresso and Hero 2.1
I'm booting Espresso again. If I can get somewhere now (at least the dialer to work) I will update the post. It's 2am now so we'll see...
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its 2 am here too. i feel so helpless without my hdd i wish i could help!
Regardless of what comes of this, this is cool to see. I'm still digging polyrhythmic's Eclair build, but it would be awesome if we were running Flan in the future.
EDIT: Oh, I was being a n00b and didn't read the post completely to see that this isn't actually Flan. That's okay though - any Android work is good work.
This is Flan. I started with Eclair and moved up (thanks jamezelle). I should update..
enatefox said:
This is Flan. I started with Eclair and moved up (thanks jamezelle). I should update..
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hey you should check out kings/eugene's who ever the hell it is. lol any way check out the latest release, mostly bug fixes from what i remember reading. im still hard-driveless running off of karmic live cd for now. so ill help when i get set back up
The deprecated test image on the OP is King's. I'm using Eugene's now and it fixed a lot of bugs. I'm messing around again hopefully can get some new images added soon
enatefox, the permissions in bin are not correct in the image you have uploaded last. I will try to correct them and see if I can help with something
Ok, I have corrected the permissions in bin and managed to boot the image.
First it took very long time to boot and second most of the applications become not responsive, while they are trying to load in memory. I saw the problem you are talking about with the HTCDailer.apk and hope you find solution for it (I will also try to check it).
Another thing is that I cannot see HTC widgets, which is strange, because I can see some of them in the app folder. Others have to be added.
About wifi it starts successfully, but when I try to connect to ap it says Obtaining address and cannot manage to get an address - what permissions are missing in this case? Maybe tiwlan.ini?
Borkata81, thanks. I don't know what was wrong with the perms, I ran genext2fs on it. I guess I can compare them or could you post "ls -l" on the right ones so I can fix that?
The dialer will need to be hex edited if I'm right about the issue. Not even Stericson can convert XML back to binary without compiling the app we don't have source code for so I'm on to fixing it if I can.
The widgets are broken. I had them working once but issues with King's version (on the OP) had me delete it and now I've lost what I did. But it is fixable if I can remember what that was...
I have not even touched wifi as I can barely use this thing and the dialer doesn't work. I haven't put any of the right files for that in there.
chown root:2000 bin/*
chmod 755 bin/*
chmod 2755 bin/netcfg
These are the commands
Hmm, I do recall seeing root:root now that you mention it.. Thanks did you notice any adverse effects though or you just letting me know? Particulary like dialer perms or anything?
Well, applications load very slowly sometimes and message to FC or wait is shown and after pressing several times wait they manage to load. Maybe we can try to optimize some of them. I made a search and saw that for current Sense UI some of the app shouldn't be optimized, but I am sure that most of them can be.
To be honest Rossie is pretty fast though - of course it take time to initialize at the beginning.
P.S. I am currently downloading latest Kingx Espresso 1.1 to see what can be taken from there, but I will continue experiments tomorrow maybe.
King's was way too problematic for me as noted on the OP but maybe a good blend can be made. For HTC apps you want almost none optimized outside of images yet Rosie is small already. Dragon's version is about 18MB just by itself.. There are also 3 other apps/services that run to help Rosie now and that's killing memory.
There will be a lot of improvement on the usability but I need it to at least work as a phone before I do any of that.

[ROM]04/05/10 - VillainROM 5.5: Release Version - for GSM HERO

VillainROM 5.5.0
This is the latest version of VillainROM - version 5.5.0
Important Info:
As of Today, VillainROM will use a highly optimized, zip-aligned version of the STOCK HTC ROSIE. Authorised VillainROM themes will soon be available as OTA updates (yey).
A lot of hard work goes into these roms. If you like our work, please consider making a small donation.
To the ROM:
- Multi-Language (Keyboard Only I am told)
- Good 3D Performance (Further improved in 5.5)
- Gallery 3D 100% working (Speed & rotate fixed)
- Apps2SD working
- Streaming works perfectly
- VillainROM custom splash screen (you'll only see it once or twice
- Stock Rosie
- VillainROM Wallpaper
- Syncing works flawlessly
- Extra Special HTC Keyboard with Voice Input & LOADS of options
- All hardware working as it should
- No graphical glitches anywhere
- Busybox
- Rooted
- Huge APN list
- Launcher 2 works - just push it.
- Network Location working 100%
- All apps in market
- MMS Issue exists, fix is available within the forum (just search)
- Split messages (Hotfix coming soon - two of us are working on this)
- No Voicemail indication
VillainROM 5.5.0
Thanks: To ALL the VillainROM Mod/admin/dev team & the various devs which have helped me in the past.
You may or may not be aware, VillainROM has its own kitchen, created by our very own Kendon.
The OTA tool is now far more stable than it was at launch. All hotfixes & updates to this ROM will be made available OTA.
PLEASE BE AWARE: If your Phone is connected as a disk drive via USB, OTA UPDATER WILL FC.
nprussell said:
First things first:
This is a VERY EARLY ALPHA. It's been ported over from the latest CDMA Sprint Hero, and it's being referred to as a FINAL test build.
Who should flash this ROM?
- Anyone willing to help find all of the bugs/not working HW.
- Any developers looking to help
Definitely Working/Current Features:
- Calls in and out
- Data Connection
- Network Location
- Automatic Brightness
- All apps in market
- Very interesting 2.1 Rosie layout (I don't know if the guys over on the CDMA forums themed this or not...)
- All 2.1 Goodies expected (Friendstream etc)
Known Bugs right now:
- Graphical glitch when sending contact types
GPS & Bluetooth are untested
I am currently working on the fixes for this ROM. If you're a developer and find the fixes, please contact me...
Special thanks to:
Pulser, Behnam, RaiderX, Kendong, LennyUK and the guy that set up the bug tracker, whose name evades me.
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Guessing this is from my release then
Awesome! On first boot now, looking good so far.
booting now, takes a loooonnnggg time
booting now..
why the nexus boot?
Hello, this version goes for Spanish heros? gsm?
Sounds great, really looking forward to trying it. Think I'm gonna wait to read some feedback from the more adventurous guys before I flash it though
I can't access http://villainrom.co.uk/, get a server not found error. Could someone mirror it?
EDIT: Hm, it works fine from my phone...
any idea how to ifx the wifi? i can try it (maybe you can copy > past the fix behnaam send you?
should I avoid..
Clearly this is a port from cdma hero, I am on v4b2 right now and was not reflecting if it was a port for cdma or gsm, witch one is it ? Am I going to suffer any slowdowns in internet connection using the villain rom series... ? since the gsm radios utilize hsdpa they are suposed to give you quite a speed improvement for the internet connection right ?
Gipsyboy said:
Clearly this is a port from cdma hero, I am on v4b2 right now and was not reflecting if it was a port for cdma or gsm, witch one is it ? Am I going to suffer any slowdowns in internet connection using the villain rom series... ? since the gsm radios utilize hsdpa they are suposed to give you quite a speed improvement for the internet connection right ?
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This is a GSM ROM. It's been ported FROM a CDMA ROM, which is why there will be some hardware bugs at first, but this is definitely meant for GSM Heros.
craig0r said:
This is a GSM ROM. It's been ported FROM a CDMA ROM, which is why there will be some hardware bugs at first, but this is definitely meant for GSM Heros.
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Awesome, let the flashparty begin
thank you very much to prove.
Am I being over optimistic, but as this is a Hero build (albeit a CDMA one) does this mean we can use the kernal? Do we final have a kernal that won't kill our batteries?
damageless said:
Guessing this is from my release then
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Indeed it is, and unfortunately I can't edit nathan's post to acknowledge you here. I have done so on the villainrom forums (www.villainrom.co.uk), as this ROM would not have been possible without DamageControl, so thanks
Credit added.
l0st.prophet said:
Am I being over optimistic, but as this is a Hero build (albeit a CDMA one) does this mean we can use the kernal? Do we final have a kernal that won't kill our batteries?
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A bit optimistic I wouldn't try it, as it won't work, and it can apparently cause damage by frying your radio.
So don't try it, unless someone reliable can confirm why it would be different, and safe...
How's youtube working for everyone?
anon2122 said:
Indeed it is, and unfortunately I can't edit nathan's post to acknowledge you here. I have done so on the villainrom forums (www.villainrom.co.uk), as this ROM would not have been possible without DamageControl, so thanks
Credit added.
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It's all good. Just wanted to make sure. I figured you guys could use this and was about to PM one of you, but looks like you figured it out.
Anyone fancy an untested potential (but unlikely) solution to no wifi?
The download has not been tried, will likely bootloop, but if you fancy trying it, nandroid first!
At your own risk: www.villainrom.co.uk/trythis-signed.zip
you got any ideas what could be causing our wifi not to work? Coming up wifi driver not initialised or something like that in logcat.
hello, just a quick message before i go bed
rom is really go so far, only bugs ive noticed are:
already said, no wifi
same gallery rotation bug
and the accelorometer doesnt seem to work
oh yes and i just got a force close on the weather widget.
its totally stable and fast apart from that
cheers and night!

[ROM] CyanogenMod 7.0.0 Beta2 - Gingerbread 2.3.2 -Nightlies coming soon

Don`t have seen this ROM here,so I created this thread!
It`s a Pre-Alpha version of the upcoming CM 7.0.0,so some
bugs there.
I don`t know the difference to this ROM:
More infos and download about CM 7.0.0 Beta 2 - Gingerbread
you can find here:
Cyanogenmod 7.0.0 Beta2 for HTC hero - Entirely built from sources
Follow LoxDev on Tiwtter: http://twitter.com/loxdev
- Camera: YES (by steelbytes)
- Sensors: YES (need tuning thought)
- USB Mount as mass storage: YES (but if you boot usb cable pluged it won't. Then unplug and plug back the cable)
- USB Tethering: YES (but won't turn off)
- Build in internet call: YES (well the option is here, need testing)
- Hudge APN list: YES
- Trackball: YES
- Bluetooth: YES
- Hardware keys: YES
- Wifi: YES
- Sound: YES
- EGL: YES (OpenGL ES 1.1-CM tweak by Elelinux)
- GSM network: YES
- 3G/GPRS/Edge: YES
o 27-01-2011 beta2:
- Fixes Phone's FC
(because of the recent implementation of the rotary incoming all widget)
o 26-01-2011 :
- Sensors, GPS, Camera, OpenGL ES 1.1-CM
- All CyanogneMod enhancements: Cmparts, DSPmanager, Theme chooser etc.
o 24-12-2010 - Wifi should be fixed now
o 23-12-2010 - First build
it's not on here? I thought it was - interesting. it's talked about often enough on here LoL, even linked to from the "big list" thread, but yea I notice he links to the CM forum, not this forum.
well done
dkelley said:
it's not on here? I thought it was - interesting. it's talked about often enough on here LoL, even linked to from the "big list" thread, but yea I notice he links to the CM forum, not this forum.
well done
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Hmm it was strange that you speak in riddles like this not like you
Can`t find here,only the ROM from "elelinux" but don`t know
the difference!
Would be nice any Devs can fix the bugs and build a stable ROM
from sources!
Because my Desire Z running CM 7.0 RC0 Gingerbread Android 2.3.1
it`s very nice many features,most features working,
and almost without bugs!
Always following this,but maybe will not help for Hero:
elelinux said:
Hmm it was strange that you speak in riddles like this not like you
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I've been watching too much star wars with my kids - I have Yoda brain now.
Yes, I have seen something about great 3d benchmark scores?can someone confirm that?
Dark Emotion said:
Yes, I have seen something about great 3d benchmark scores?can someone confirm that?
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On Cronos Gingerbread I have ~60FPS in Neocore. But many grafics are invisible... And Angry Birds still lagging.
The lag on angry birds on hero is down to the advertising plain and simple. I've installed adfree from market and it runs alot faster, in fact on cronos it runs smother than I've ever seen tbh.
However to be fair I haven't yet compared to cm7 as yet, once have given both a fair run of a couple of days, I'll report back.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
On my hero this CM is not working... Black screen after boot...
thantos2024 said:
The lag on angry birds on hero is down to the advertising plain and simple. I've installed adfree from market and it runs alot faster, in fact on cronos it runs smother than I've ever seen tbh.
However to be fair I haven't yet compared to cm7 as yet, once have given both a fair run of a couple of days, I'll report back.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
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No it really isnt... lol
As i have said on another thread...
Yes the add's make a bit of diff, but they are still fairly unplayable without the add's.
its the fact the game isnt actually made well for our none GPU'd phones.
They are working on a version specifically aimed at out phones, so will have to just be patient.
thantos2024 said:
The lag on angry birds on hero is down to the advertising plain and simple. I've installed adfree from market and it runs alot faster, in fact on cronos it runs smother than I've ever seen tbh.
However to be fair I haven't yet compared to cm7 as yet, once have given both a fair run of a couple of days, I'll report back.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
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it's actually mostly due to the huge amount of large graphics being thrown around on the screen in multiple layers. advertising blocking gives a very small improvement on my phone, but the 1.4.2 version of the game with it's working graphics is just unplayable. get version 1.3.5 (search for apk around the web) if you watn to play it on the hero - but the reason THAT version runs half decently is because it's missing a ton of background graphics so the game engine has a much easier time.
and hello again to the optimist who believes they're still working on the hero version of the game . Do you know how long they've been saying that? I think they intended to do it until they actually got into it and realized how tough the job would be for them and have silently given up. I really hope I'm wrong though... I love the game
This is a little offtopic, but a response to previous poster: I just found a demo of Angry Birds LITE on marked - can't remember seing it before so it fuels my hope that active developement on it is en route =)
sinzim said:
This is a little offtopic, but a response to previous poster: I just found a demo of Angry Birds LITE on marked - can't remember seing it before so it fuels my hope that active developement on it is en route =)
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does it work? and if so is it any better?
Hmm, I'm a little at loss here. I found the app in the gingerbread market, but seems it crashes (both lite and full version). Reverting back to a Froyo ROM the AB Lite cannot be seen. So sorry @ dkelley. Can't test it atm
sinzim said:
Hmm, I'm a little at loss here. I found the app in the gingerbread market, but seems it crashes (both lite and full version). Reverting back to a Froyo ROM the AB Lite cannot be seen. So sorry @ dkelley. Can't test it atm
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wow, frustrating! I suppose if someone can get it and install it in GB and then backup the apk onto their sd card, they ought to be able to install the apk on froyo and see if it runs that way. and I suppose that since I suggested it, I should be the one to try and back it up from gb...
damn me and my big mouth LoL
Can some one tell me witch off line navigation can i use for the gingerbread ROM (TESTED NAVIGATIONS) sygic mobile maps does not work on gignerbread. (Google maps is on line navigation i dont want that)
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
dkelley said:
wow, frustrating! I suppose if someone can get it and install it in GB and then backup the apk onto their sd card, they ought to be able to install the apk on froyo and see if it runs that way. and I suppose that since I suggested it, I should be the one to try and back it up from gb...
damn me and my big mouth LoL
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From a thread over at Chronos it seems that what i saw was actually the beta that existed before the full version. I will check this out, but seems it was a false alarm. Have no idea why that old crap would suddenly be visible again
sinzim said:
From a thread over at Chronos it seems that what i saw was actually the beta that existed before the full version. I will check this out, but seems it was a false alarm. Have no idea why that old crap would suddenly be visible again
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that was prob me at cronos telling you that - if so then never mind, I already added to that post correcting myself that 1.3.5 beta 2 may well be the current "lite" version... we won't know though unless we can get it to actually run.
Tried both elelinux and this CM rom. Elelinux rom was way faster. Also CM claims wifi works, but i cannot get it to really connect to the router, scans and finds networks but cannot connect. Same as elelinux rom.
danieljohansson90 said:
Tried both elelinux and this CM rom. Elelinux rom was way faster. Also CM claims wifi works, but i cannot get it to really connect to the router, scans and finds networks but cannot connect. Same as elelinux rom.
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yup, and long since then elelinux has been codeveloping (maybe a generous term but certainly he's helping immensely) cronos gingerbread with feeyo over at the cronos site. and that one has gps working (but with very weak signal), usb working, wifi working, bluetooth working (including bluetooth audio).

[ROM][7/5/11] Virtuous Doubleshot v1.0.1 :: Sense 3.0 Espresso (Base 1.01.531.1)

Mod Edit: Redirect Removed
Reserved for future use.
Also reserved for future use.
This is exactly what I was waiting for. Thanks rmk!
The rom is great, finaly a sense 3.0 with landscape suport.
It feels very smooth.
Task manager shows about 100mb free.
Quadrand scores over 2000.
Excelent work!
Exciting! I can't wait to try this baby out! Seems like it just might take the spot as a new dd...
Thx for your awesome work, rmk and Virtuous!
@rmk you say this ROM is coming tonight? i live on the eastern front of the U.S. and its 1:40am right now, so what time is it for you? that way i know when itll be out
Let's goooooooo!!! This is awesome. All these new ROMs on/near the holiday. I have a feeling this could be better than Unity because it came straight from the MT4G with no resizing or anything needed. I could be wrong but doesn't that make it a little less prone to errors?
rickyiswhite said:
@rmk you say this ROM is coming tonight? i live on the eastern front of the U.S. and its 1:40am right now, so what time is it for you? that way i know when itll be out
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Hop on IRC and grab the link now. Just making sure it's 100% before posting here.
Just grabbed it... pushing it to the phone right now and will flash shortly...
line download ...
Restoring my apps and settings. Two things I noticed right away: I like the lockscreen options in Virtuous Unity better. There are no app launchers on the Doubleshoot lockscreen, and I can't choose a different type of lockscreen. I really like the Sense Weather lockscreen in Unity, but I can't seem to find the settings to change that in Doubleshot.
Download link is now available. You guys are free to mirror it and offer mirrored links in the thread (would actually help me).
1.0.0 never made it to XDA as I fixed 2 bugs and released 1.0.1 instead.
Was going to flash Unity as my first ROM, but this looks just as enticing.
The Power Options menu (when you hold down the power button) doesn't have all the settings I've come to expect. The Restart command also lacks any options (normal, hot, recovery, bootloader).
For those who want a custom boot animation, Doubleshot looks for it in /system/customize/resource/TMUS_bootanimation.zip now. My UOT Kitchem theme for Unity will not work with Doubleshot, so I'll have to live without my fancy battery meter for now.
I had a problem with wifi in Unity, where it would report that it connected to a null SSID on boot, and that signal strength was very poor. Turning wifi off and then back on again would bring things back to normal. It looks like Doubleshot does not have that bug.
Also, relock-on-trackpad is part of Doubleshot, which I love!
Could anyone post about the performance of this ROM? How many free RAM do U have after flash this one? Thanks again
mixed language
Thanks for the rom...Always a nice job
But it still has some english language in the UI when it's set to dutch....Hope you can fix it in the next version...
Thanks again and keep up your great work
best regards
I like a lot both Unity & Doubleshot roms! But one issue boring me - is there any way to get more languages for hardware keyboard ?
PS. I'm ready to look into it if some one point me where to start from.
PPS. Please dont point me to ready about apk etc, look my signature 1st.
@rmk40 if I flash the dz hboot and ever wanna unroot my g2 can i just do in normally???
hey RMK.
Is there a way to get the Contacts widget back??

[ROM][KK][BETA] _- XmT4G -_ \\ Xperia ROM for the myTouch4G \\ 22.04.2014

Hey guys!
I know some people have noticed that I and team Pear Crew have disappeared from the xda scene. We did it to create a build server and everything. Our donations were able to fund all this. Unfortunately disaster hit our equipment and we are back to the basics. This ROM was created in under an hour because I saw the "New rom?" thread and I felt bad for this device. As a dev, my purpose was to keep alive the MSM8255 devices for as long as possible. I can't hear people saying that this device is too low for kitkat! Unacceptable! THE XPERIA X8 IS RUNNING KITKAT AND PRETTY SMOOTH TOO! Why can't an MSM8255 device get some chocolate? Team Pear Crew is back in business. We may not have our equipment and servers, our ROMs may be built on pentium machines but we will continue to support the community of legacy devices. Also we should create a software upgrade petition for HTC to see. Anyways until then I present to you our first KK ROM for the mT4G. More roms will follow.
This is a beta ROM. I have no responsibility if it breaks your device somehow and creates any sort of damage.
This ROM is Xperia Themed and optimized to deliver the full sony experience. Sounds and some other apps will be integrated in the future to come stable release. For now I give you the Beta build: Centaur .
Please if you download come back and bug report to make this ROM better even faster. The crew does not own such a device since we can not afford it. We rely heavily on our testers to tell us what is going on. Consider a donation if you like our work.
Download: XmT4G - Centaur
Team Pear Crew
coderzs - base ROM
rizallovins - xperia apps
ashishdubey - xperia apps
XDA community​
Really looking forward to this!!! (With working tmobile WifiCalling I would donate XD)
DevHost is mad at me wont let me download...
I will try download at home and report any bugs.
list of things working?
I'm hopefully trying this out tonight if I can get access to an XP machine... unless you have a way for Win 8.1 to recognize the HTC Glacier to use with adb.
Edit: Just rooted and installed CWM again and installed your ROM - installed quickly and smoothly! Album crashed right at the first boot and I haven't tried anything yet, but I will say the icons are tiny and I want that sick boot logo on my Nexus 5. Where can I get it? I'm sure if I extract it, it won't be the right resolution for a Nexus 5 anyway. I'm going to enjoy exploring this ROM now. Thanks!
From what I've seen so far:
--Superuser access for apps
--Chrome, Clean Master, YouTube (update Google Play Services and reboot), a game (all apps?)
--Unfortunately Album has stopped (at boot)
--process com.android.phone has stopped (loops for short while) (no SIM inserted if that's why)
Issues/Not Working:
--Browser doesn't display websites properly (other apps like Chrome work fine)
--screenshots are blank with some sort of pattern
--recents are all glitchy icons
--Themes shortcut goes nowhere and installed themes don't show in the theme settings
--Hangouts likes to crash (happened after enabling SMS and signing out of my Google account in Hangouts)
It runs pretty smoothly - KitKat's meant to run well on devices with low RAM so that's great!
Keep up the awesome work! It's so nice to breathe new life into my HTC Glacier (originally 2.2.1 - wow)
I figured out how to sort and uninstall apps. Just swipe from the left. That was easy.
intraCore said:
From what I've seen so far:
--Superuser access for apps
--Chrome, Clean Master, YouTube (update Google Play Services and reboot), a game (all apps?)
--Unfortunately Album has stopped (at boot)
--process com.android.phone has stopped (loops for short while) (no SIM inserted if that's why)
Issues/Not Working:
--Browser doesn't display websites properly (other apps like Chrome work fine)
--screenshots are blank with some sort of pattern
--recents are all glitchy icons
--Themes shortcut goes nowhere and installed themes don't show in the theme settings
--Hangouts likes to crash (happened after enabling SMS and signing out of my Google account in Hangouts)
It runs pretty smoothly - KitKat's meant to run well on devices with low RAM so that's great!
Keep up the awesome work! It's so nice to breathe new life into my HTC Glacier (originally 2.2.1 - wow)
I figured out how to sort and uninstall apps. Just swipe from the left. That was easy.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for reporting!
I'll try it later today with SIM card inserted.
Anyway, from what you report (e.g. blank/patterned screenshots etc) it seems we are facing the same problems as in the other existing KK ROMs (e.g. elginsk8r/Evervolv, Coderzs/Legacy and Keifus/AOKP)?
But, it is so much refreshing to read OP- I really felt glad that CedArctic is keeping the Glacier alive :fingers-crossed: I had several phones since MT4G, but at some point all of them died somehow, broke down, showed signs of wear- but Glacier is a real workhorse! All those years it looks as new, it refuses to break and feels solid as a rock in my hands. I just love this device
This ROM is currently beign secondarily developed. Our first priority is the upload of the OptiKat ROM for the glacier that we have been developing for a while. I will try to release it within the week. It seems quite stable too.
jaibar said:
Thanks for reporting!
I'll try it later today with SIM card inserted.
Anyway, from what you report (e.g. blank/patterned screenshots etc) it seems we are facing the same problems as in the other existing KK ROMs (e.g. elginsk8r/Evervolv, Coderzs/Legacy and Keifus/AOKP)?
But, it is so much refreshing to read OP- I really felt glad that CedArctic is keeping the Glacier alive :fingers-crossed: I had several phones since MT4G, but at some point all of them died somehow, broke down, showed signs of wear- but Glacier is a real workhorse! All those years it looks as new, it refuses to break and feels solid as a rock in my hands. I just love this device
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Click to collapse
Someone gave me the device because the camera and headphone jack were busted and he thought I'd have fun with it. It's the device that made me snap out of my iOS-fanby mindset and switch to Android and buy my lovely Nexus 5. I have an extended battery for the Glacier because it needs it. I like the hardware buttons and after all the crazy steps to root it and install CWM, it's easy to flash everything. I do wish TWRP was available, but CWM will do. I haven't tried other KitKat ROMs so I didn't know about the graphic glitch issues yet.
I'd like to know about the SIM, too
---------- Post added at 10:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 AM ----------
CedArctic said:
This ROM is currently beign secondarily developed. Our first priority is the upload of the OptiKat ROM for the glacier that we have been developing for a while. I will try to release it within the week. It seems quite stable too.
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Click to collapse
This is the first I'm hearing of this. Will you announce it in this thread? I don't check for new topics for the Glacier much. I'd definitely want to get in on this. Thanks for all your work!
Edit: Has anyone figured out how to stop the device from waking/flickering?
Looking forward for future updates, especially more stability!
great job!

