Where to buy WP7 handsets in London tomorrow? - Windows Phone 7 General

I've heard next to nothing about who/where will be stocking Windows Phone handsets at launch tomorrow morning ... the only thing I've heard is the Orange store Oxford Street will be opening at 7am.
Anybody have news on who'll have SIM free HTC WP7 handsets tomorrow??

I've been trying to track down sim-free handsets myself and the best I've come up with is the Dell Venue Pro which is available to order from Clove, for delivery on the 8th November.
It's proving to be quite difficult to find sim-free phones, especially ones with a keyboard.
No news on high-street stores selling sim-free.

This is really annoying actually...
Big announcement from Microsoft 21st October lanuch in Europe !!! but no Carriers appear to be launching tomorrow... I called Orange the MAIN LAUNCH PARTNER and they say HTC Mozart next week and Samsung Omnia (Orange name will be Cetus) by the end of October... Their STAFF HAVE NO CLUE about WP7 and no details about 8gb or 16gb memory or prices or specific dates etc etc... They just said Nokia N8 confirmed for Friday and New HTC Androids also next week... F$%K knows whats going on!! ....... really good start Microsoft !!!!

I dont know about london but i know the Orange store in london is getting both omnia 7 and the mazart in tomorrow both are 8gb. The Fareham store (town nearer to me) said they will have stock arriving today for sale tomorrow but did not know what they where getting as it depends what there sent from main office.
I have seen some sim free deals around but cant remember off my head where as i will need a contract boo to being poor lol

O2UK have the HD7 in their "Coming Soon" list. Apparently expected 21st Oct

I called the Orange Store in Croydon they have no idea if WP7 handsets will be there tomorrow....

Thanks for all your replies - sadly it doesn't look like I've missed any launch day availability information then ... it certainly is frustrating.
I suspect pre-ordering online and waiting a few weeks for most of the handsets to ship will be the best option ... unfortunately.
Still hope to be surprised though!


XDA IIs - availability

I called O2 and was told the release date had been put back to the 4th November and more suprisingly they have not got a price yet.
There will be no trade in or upgrade promo from teh XDA2
Allegedly, I was successful in ordering one yesterday (3rd) - I was charged £279 (based on my tariff/upgrade - it does vary depending on your tariff).
However, as they had 'problems with the computers' my GM order number has not yet arrived.....
I was also told he 4th, And i rang a few times, but no stock (of corse) my last call was at 4pm and i was then told its been put back until the 9th
Well - it is on the O2 online shop now for £249 +min £20 a month line rental. I have a friend in O2 so I am gonna see if there is a staff deal.
I called the local O2 shops - they are so crap!
The one that 2 days ago said it would be in on Friday now says they are not sue in until December. Another simply said they had heard nothing about it.....jesh!!! Neither of them could give me any idea of price...
O2 XDA IIs is available in Hong Kong now
its also available in the philippines now. Im thinking of getting it, but im already using xda2. the landscape orientation for spreadsheets and other softwares may prove to be very useful, other than that, id say the built in wifi is a welcome edition, im not a fan of the qwerty keypad though.
i was wondering also ifthis unit can support blackberry as well
If you could, please run to the store to play with one and in the bluetooth settings please see if they are still using the 1.0000000000000 version or if they upgraded it.
Second could you see if they have the BlackBerry client on it???
Third, take your credit card and consider it a early birthday gift
Thank you VERY much as I'm hoping they updated these two in the XDAIIs.
its on the o2 uk site.........
bryson said:
its on the o2 uk site.........
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On there, bought it and should be arriving tomorrow (well acording to the site anyway)
Last I head from Vodafone Australia is November 15 is release date here.
Uplands Mobile
I have bought one sim free from Here they have been assured by O2 today that they will be the first in the UK to stock them and that delivery will be shipped next monday.
I personally can't wait until Tuesday, this is the first phone with everything i ever wanted in one device, i am ditching my Treo 600 and palm for this little baby.
1st post by the way :lol:
sorry here is the link http://shop.uplands.co.uk/acatalog/copy_of_XDA_2s.html
Hi Richard,
I got my XDA II from Uplands last year and I can't fault them, so I'd be happy to get an XDA IIs from them as well, and their prices are certainly good!
Could you let us know when you get yours? I'll be interested to see when their stock starts to come through. Gonna call them now and ask about upgrades....
Edit: update on upgrades - I could have one, but it would cost me £285 cos I'm not a particularly heavy user.
Yeah uplands are good cant go wrong with them + they are very competitive in price. Stock will be due in on monday 15th nov.. cant wait!
12th Nov
I've just spoken to a few O2 shops in London area, they either tell me they have no idea when they're due or that 12th of November is release date and not to expect anything for at least 2 weeks after then :\
I've got 4 phones due an upgrade with an O2 reseller (unfortunately not direct with O2, corporate account with CarphoneWarehouse so will probably delay things further) - itching to get my hands on one!
Does anyone have any idea when this device will be available in the Netherlands? Through one of those mobile provider? (T-Mob, Orange, Telfort?) It seems that its out in UK and Germany and some places in US and other countries, but not yet here in NL, I've checked several stores and can't find convincing replies. I am keen to check this one out.
More delays
Just spoke to Uplands - they have said -
"Yes, O2 advised us yesterday that the release of
the handsets has been delayed again, and to expect delivery by around Monday of next week {15th Nov}. Unfortunately that means we cannot yet guarantee a delivery date"
Bumsticks :\
Please post any other shops that are selling the XDA IIs.
Uplands will not ship to a US customer!
I would love to get a XDA III, but getting it in a black version would be really cool.

shortage of desire?

hi folks,
the network i'm on in ireland are telling me they cant get any new desire for at least two weeks.. that there's a europe wide shortage? any stock issues elsewhere?
Yeah, I had to wait 3 weeks for mine from Vodafone, although admittedly the volcano didn't help.
It seems like other people are having problems with Vodafone, looks as though HTC underestimated the Desire's popularity.
Got it in Holland, didn't have to wait they had a couple of desires left. The guy told me they sell very well, so I wouldn't be surprised if they ran out of desires before ordering new ones.
The same situation applies in Greece too.
HTC Desire is not available through any carriers, or even online shops
which usually provide cellphones much earlier than official shops.
First I ordered it online they told me I had to wait 4 weeks. Since I didn´t want to do that. Than I called a shop and asked if they had it in stock. They just had one left! So rushed to the shop and bought mine
Yeah, it's been selling out everywhere. I got mine in Dublin on the day Meteor released it, I had to ring 4 different stores because they were booked out in most places. I got the second last one they had in stock in Grafton Street (and they only got them in around mid-morning).
And apparently Vodafone and O2 hadn't even planned on stocking it until their customers kicked up a huge fuss on the forums... I guess they were concerned about it eating into 3GS sales. Although maybe I'm giving their business acumen a little too much credit there... the way these guys operate in this country it wouldn't surprise me if they just couldn't have been bothered. Wonder how many customers O2 and Voda lost due to Meteor jumping in ahead of them with the Desire. (Me, for one!)
There goes a possible answer...
Clove.co.uk have been out of stock for weeks. Their last shipment was completely taken up by existing pre-orders, and (opinion) the same may happen with the current shipment too (due about the end of this week, exact arrival date tbc)
play.com claim to have stock - but I think they are fibbing
So, on the one hand, "Yay" for the Desire.
On the other hand, "C'mon, HTC [& samsung]! Get a move on! (but make sure you glue down the screens properly )"
Vodafone NL had a notice in the online shop saying it's not available for 4 weeks. Glad i got mine by mail the day it was released
Tis good news.
Well from HTC's point, you can't not update to 2.2 as the sheer amount of people buying them. IF the nexus one stays as the 2.2 Desire then sales will fall as people buy them instead.
So I am hopeful of June 23rd
Yo I got mine at the very beginning in Hong Kong with a hkd200 which is around 30 usd higher than the original price.
Luckily I made a decision to take it from the store otherwise I might have to wait for five days to two weeks for the phone.
Desire, what a great name.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
Clove.co.uk seem to be fulfilling pre-orders
As far as I can tell, clove started dispatching pre-ordered Desires yesterday (2/6/2010).
Their site still says "Stock delayed until the first week of June. Exact arrival date to be confirmed" but they probably recieved enough to cover some of the existing orders in the pipeline (mine included!)
I bought mine online as well got it had it for two weeks, but I had to send mine for repair, inner earpiece stopped working, and they said they need to replace it, also saying there is shortage have to wait a week or two, not to sure.
diablous said:
Tis good news.
Well from HTC's point, you can't not update to 2.2 as the sheer amount of people buying them. IF the nexus one stays as the 2.2 Desire then sales will fall as people buy them instead.
So I am hopeful of June 23rd
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Yes, I think you are right. A big desire user base will definitely help ensure (a) future update(s). Bad after sales support for a large user base will also mean large public backlash when people are starting to lose faith in htc their support.
There's definitely a shortage going on. Virgin Mobile (UK) have said that there's a stock shortage on the Desire in particular and it will be ongoing through the WHOLE of June and MOST of July (Probably the whole of July, they said).
They're getting a small shipment in on the 7th, but it's a VERY small shipment. So small, they're no longer selling them on anything less than 30ppm contracts! And that's only to existing Virgin MEDIA contract holders.
Glad I got mine when I did lol

Do you have WP7?

There are shotrages of WP7 devices across both Europe and US and I was wondering how many people managed to get one. I'm waiting for Omnia 7 / Venue Pro since official launch (21st of October) and they are still nowhere to be found in Czech republic or nearby countries.
I have a hd7 from O2 Germany and I love it .
I came from a tp so actually everything is better
came from a touch pro as well, got a HTC 7 Trophy. Really enjoying the upgrade.
I have a LG Optimus 7.
Coming from:
Android 2.1
iPhone 3G
Big improvement over android in usability, better interface over iOS.
Omnia 7
used IPhone 2G, WM6.5
I'm also desperately waiting for the Omnia7, but no luck so far. Seems like the middle EU countries are again left out and treated like the illiterate end of the world
To tell the truth, my patience is not never-ending and I may end up switching to whole other platform since I'm getting more disappointed day by day...
I had an HTC HD7 from T-Mobile
I have been looking for a 16 GB Omnia 7 in Thailand,Malaysia, Singapore and Australia and have had no luck so far even the 8 GB is impossible to find.
Selling like crazy in Springfield, but just happened to go to att store day new shipment arrived. Got it yesterday, so still learning it. Came from iphone 3Gs w/ios 4. Have unlocked Dream that I abuse with any Android version that looks interesting. Am thinking about going back to earlier version as most newer ROMs are dog slow. Also have Nokia 5800 and Epix. So far iphone my fav with jury still out on Focus.
ordered mine through tmous business telesales to get a discount. Got it for 100.00 after 50 mail in rebate. Should be here UPS this afternoon. I can't wait!!!
im in th uk waiting to buy either an omnia7 or hd7 sim free. ill probably buy god willing whichever comes available first. a bit frustrating not being able to buy one till now and the wait goes on.
Could people who bought some WP7 unlocked device point me in the direction where they bought it? Thanks.
Got my Mozart through my carrier.
HTC Trophy from Vodafone. Well, actually it's my wifes and I'm jealous as h**l. I am amazed at how fast, fluid and responsive the UI is.
I'm stuck on my contract until September then a Touch Pro 7 for me. Until then, my HD2 will suffice.
I'm hoping to buy an HTC Mozart sometime. Such a beautiful looking phone. Too bad it's not even available in the US. And even it it were, it would probably be AT&T only like most other WP7 phones. God damn Verizon.
No Shortage in AUS
Got mine thru carrier and they have plenty in stock according to the Sales guy.
Loving it so far and it came sim unlocked or Telstra is just not locking them up.
Sim lock is a pain in the arse when you travel to other countries and one of the reasons I went with the Mozart.

Where are the phones?????

The situation with WP7 is embarrassing.
Here in Italy HTC is doing a bad impression. I ordered the HD7 eXpansys up two weeks ago and every day, every day I say, they change the date of delivery.
Even today the new availability date is December 4.
December 4?? But are they crazy?? How MS is hoping to succeed if they do not leave the phones?
I have a P3600, a TYTNII, a Diamond and HD2, but At this point I think my next phone will be a Nokia N8.
Frankly I feel cheated. And bored.
There are 10 different devices and tons of carriers.
I really don't see your logic of hating on the devices and WP7 just because you are being screwed by whoever you ordered it from.
You only have that company to blame for the shipping delays.
I walked in to a Best Buy here in the US on launch day and picked up a Surround.
teoami said:
There are 10 different devices and tons of carriers.
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Here in Italy only 1 phone: LG Optimus (do not ever buy).
teoami said:
I walked in to a Best Buy here in the US on launch day and picked up a Surround.
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Here in Italy on the launch day there was no WP7 phones in stores.
And every day all the stores change the availability day: said yesterday that it would be available on 29th november, and today the 4th of december. Two days ago they said it would be available in 4 days...ALL the stores, not one.
But, from my experience, this is the case of all new release highend smartphones. The Desire HD changed from incoming week 45 to "longer delivery time" in week 45, and my Omnia 7 have changed from week 44, to week 45 and they're saying week 46 right now.
Just be patient, hardware is obviously selling through and that is a good thing!
I can't wait....
yes, this situation is horrible.. i am in Slovakia, waiting for my Omnia 7!!!!!!!! No phones at all here, I checked online stores in Czech republic - the same...Its more than a month after official release.
Expansys USA has Unlocked Samsung Focus and HTC HD7 in stock and ready for shipment for 599 and 699 USD respectively..
Edit: They also have almost every other phone from WP7 Unlocked and ships within 3 days..
The irony is that although Europe had the first launch 2 weeks in advance it's still under US when it comes to availability. To get my HD7 I surfed 3 weeks like crazy on eBay to get a good deal (eventually made it) and when I asked all my country's carriers about WP7 they were like "What's up with that?!" so going-randomly-in-a-shop-to-pic-a-WP7 will happen mostly in late December/January.
Maybe some sort of "conspiracy" for the Early '11 update
This is the answer from HTC:
Recently you wrote about the release date of HD 6, but here we inform that the terminal should be in business, then I suggest you start to do the check with our resellers: http://www.htc.com/it/ where_to_buy.aspx
FIRST: I wrote about HD7, not HD6...what the hell is the HD6?
and SECOND: No! I checked all the on-line store (and in some cases I went in the store of my town) and the HD7 is not available....maybe I should ask the HD6?
here in Czech Republic, you can buy only HTC Trophy...
Nobody has the clue when will other phones arrive

who's giving a free xbox for a wp7 ?

I read three sweden and orange uk are giving you a free xbox if you buy a wp7 phone.
Did you hear about other carriers with the same offer ?
at the mo that offer is also only for upgrades not new contracts as i was down for a new xbox but alas im with tmobile and O2
Tis a great deal....
I'm with Orange UK and am going to upgrade to a Nokia WP7. Unfortunantly this offer only runs to the end of November and i'm not due an upgrade till March :/
ouch thats a kick in the teeth probably cos they know that old wp7 users are still in an 18 month contract just useing this to bag newbies.

