High battery drain - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Im trying to find out what is draining the battery on my EVO EVEN WHEN THE PHONE IS WITH THE SCREEN OFF and SUPPOSED to be in STAND BY MODE (using the power button on the phone). I have SETCPU installed to LOWER the CPU to 245/384 when the screen is off.. HOWEVER THE BATTERY SEEMS TO DRAIN .
This afternoon I charged he batter till the green light came on. Made one phone call for 10 minutes and then later another one for 10 minutes.. I do have GPS and BLUETOOTH ALWAYS turned on since I use them all the time WHEN the phone is on for various APPS and my bluetooth earpiece and car adaptor... After those 2 calls the phone is down to almost 70% from 100%...
I have SYSTEM PANEL and also JUICEPOLTTER, SPARE PARTS and MINIFREEMANAGER installed and the programs are set according to what I have been reading on here...
SPARE PARTS tells me the phone has be MORE THAN ONE DAY with sleeping and the most used app is ANDROID SYSTEM. I look at SYSTEMPANEL and UNDER MONITOR HISTORY I can see that even when there is NO DEVICE USAGE, I still have around 15-30% CPU Usage (is this normal?). I also have it set to get email etc automatically.. some every 2 hours and some software every 4-6 hours.
What could be causing the battery drain? What is the best program to use to see the cause?
Im also not 100% sure SETCPU is using the screen off profile.. HOW an I tell this??? Any help would be appeciated...

Have you tried turning GPS off? If it's not actually being used, it won't drain the battery much or at all. However, if you're actually using it, it will.
If you're using navigation, that's a big battery killer, as it does constant GPS + a large amount of data transfer.
One thing you can try is to open Spare Parts, then go to Battery History and choose "Partial wake usage" in the top box. Things with partial wake locks are generally the biggest idle battery users.

Noxious Ninja said:
Have you tried turning GPS off? If it's not actually being used, it won't drain the battery much or at all. However, if you're actually using it, it will.
If you're using navigation, that's a big battery killer, as it does constant GPS + a large amount of data transfer.
One thing you can try is to open Spare Parts, then go to Battery History and choose "Partial wake usage" in the top box. Things with partial wake locks are generally the biggest idle battery users.
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In partial WAKEUP uage... I see the following:
UID 10018
that is the orde they are in and I set it to TOTAL SINCE BOOT.
And to answer your question about the GPS.. the only time I use the GPS is to get the correct weather for when I am, YELP and when I am in the car (and PLUGGED IN TO THE CAR MOUNT), GOOGLE NAVIGATION.
I also just Installed a BRIGHTNESS WIDGET and turned off auto-brightness. the widget I am using has 8 brightness settings and double click for auto. I am using currently on the second brightness setting on the widget (it shows little ticks). I am told lowering the brightness from auto will help...

I read in another forum that there was a bug in the Facebook application that was causing the application to refresh its information several times an hour instead of once in a while at specific times.It would use power and bandwith when the phone is even in sleep mode with screen off. They also mentioned that there was a fix already issued for this. I cannot find the link any more to source it for you where I read this.

My stock EVO runs for days with the radios turned off until I need them.
Sometimes, if it ain't broke ...

My evo has been draining fast without all that on and well it's annoying. The only compensation I have is owning 3 batteries.
Sent from HTC EVO 4G via xda app

I haven't seen that Facebook issue. One other thing. In spare parts I have activity management set to aggressive. Could that effect battery life or does that help battery life. I also notice in spare parts that I See programs that I don't use ruining that I didn't see before.
Sent from my EVO4G using Tapatalk.

dahauss said:
In partial WAKEUP uage... I see the following:
UID 10018
that is the orde they are in and I set it to TOTAL SINCE BOOT.
And to answer your question about the GPS.. the only time I use the GPS is to get the correct weather for when I am, YELP and when I am in the car (and PLUGGED IN TO THE CAR MOUNT), GOOGLE NAVIGATION.
I also just Installed a BRIGHTNESS WIDGET and turned off auto-brightness. the widget I am using has 8 brightness settings and double click for auto. I am using currently on the second brightness setting on the widget (it shows little ticks). I am told lowering the brightness from auto will help...
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From your list I can only see two things I would kill these programs and wait and see what happens.
Everything else must run. For me Slacker radio kept my EVO on all day long eventhough I was not using it. The new version seems to fix that issue. I am guessing your problem is WUNDEREADIO. I would reboot (resets your battery information) kill Wundereadio. Then go to Settings, About, Battery and monitor your Awake Time vs Up Time. Write down the numbers. Turn off your phone and wait 10 minutes. You should see a gap in time. If so then it is Wundereadio.
Good luck

I think slacker and wunderradio were in the list because I just used them.. wunderradio inst in the list today.. BUT SLACKER is but not in the partial wake.. its in background ...
I changed my backlight setting from auto to using a widget that has 8 brightness settings and it is on the 3rd setting.. I dont know what the AUTO backlight was setting the screen at...
I also adjusted the MINIFREEMANAGER according to some settings I found online..
also I have SPARE PARTS set to AGGRESSIVE... would that have anything to do with it??

Check systempanel first thing when you wake up, but go into monitor, then history, and switch plot to top apps. It will tell you exactly whats been using the battery/cpu when there's been no usage.
As you know, the bt sucks a lot of battery, if you really do use it often, with a bunch of apps, you may want to consider tasker, which can be set up to turn bt on only when your on a call, or using certain apps.
Sent from my blah blah blah blah

Will tasker turn on bluetooth when a call comes in? IE will it let the bluetooth earpiece ring so I can answer it from the bluetooth earpiece?? also can I set tasker so that when get in my car, it will KNOW I am in range of a bluetooth speakerphone and it will turn on BT and connect??
I leave BT on all the time for these reasons....

Looks like tasker wont do anything for me with Bluetooth. The earpieces take too long to connect when a call comes in or I make a call and some even auto answer when they connect which I don't want. I wonder how much battery drain Bluetooth and GPS use if left on but idle?
Sent from my EVO4G using Tapatalk.

Yeah, it would have depended on how long it took to pair. Still try checking the apps through systempanel after a few hours of non-use though. That should help.
And gps doesn't use much until its being used for something, but bt is a constant drain.

Double post

On my old tp2 Bluetooth didn't the battery much. I guess it does on the evo
Sent from my EVO4G using Tapatalk.

OK so I have been running for the past day and 1/2 without blutooth turned on.. I only have 3G and GPS turned on. Still it seems the battery drains faster then it should. I look at SPARE PARTS and it doesnt show anything out of the ordinary on PARTIAL WAKEUP. I have SETCUP to 384/245 when screen off. I do use SYSTEMPANEL to look at what is running and it does show a LOT of stuff such as SLACKER, SOUND HOUND, JUICE PLOTTER, etc... what else can I do for battery life.. I left for work at 8:00 and when I got to work at 8:15, the battery was already at 90% without doing anything....
Aldo how much battery drain does BT take if I leave it on? its a pain to remember to turn it on when I get in the car and turn it off when I leave...


Battery draining issues

Hi everyone,
I bought my new Desire two days ago, and im noticing a really fast battery drain.
I had a Hero before, and although it had a smaller battery, i would charge it every two days.
When i check tha battery usage, i can see big percentages in cell standby, phone idle and android system. (Its where the percentages should be really low imo..) Things like display, bluetooth etc that were supposed to drain more my phone's battery have much lower percentages..
Maybe all this comes from the snapdragon cpu??
I also have 3g off, always on mobile switched off and brigthness to a really low level (although i think amoled displays dont drain the battery that much)
My battery will last one day the MOST..
I know that the new battery has to be charged a few times before it has its full potential, but i think that somehow battery is getting drained..any tips???
I to have this same issue if anyone has any ideas on this would be great
Sent from my HTC Desire using the XDA mobile appication powered by Tapatalk
You just need to relax
My Desire couldn't get through even one day of usage when I first got it. Several things contributed to this:
1. The battery is not fully conditioned
2. The device is new so I want to play with it all the time. I'd turn it on randomly for no reason whatsoever.
3. I use several widgets that requires updating just because of the novelty (ie, Friendstream, News, Twitter, Stocks, Weather)
Now, I go through about 60-70% charge per day which is fine by me. The only things that have changed is this:
1. The battery has gone though several recharge cycles
2. I only turn on my device when I really want to do something on it.
3. I no longer keep many of the widgets that requires updating and for those that I do keep, I make it update less often.
Eg, Updating your weather every hour is not necessary. Every 3 or 6 hours makes more sense.
Eg. Rather than having your Twitter or Friendstream widget on your homescreen, why not just have a shortcut that goes directly to the application and then set it to sync on launch? It's better than having your widget update when you're not even looking.
Also get an app like battery indicator to give you a numeric readout of your battery life left. My android battery indicator was in the red yesterday and complaining I had to recharge, but battery indicator said I had 12% left and I got 30mins more constant music playing out of it before I got to work and it was still on 5%.
when the battery is running low - you get a button to show battery usage stats.. can you get these through some of the widgets or a comparable app from the market?
almost every update is set to to once a day, or every six or eight hours...so i dont think that the updates drain the battery that much..
its just weird that the most battery usage comes from call standby, phone idle, or android system..
mine was the same, i found its due to sense & all the background updates. currently running helix2 homescreen & now I only go thru abt 50% battery each day & that includes 2 hrs of music each morning.
Sent from my HTC Desire using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
alright i know this seems stupid but remove all your task killers, i got rid of mine this morning and my battery has been fine normally by now i would have plugged my phone in for a juice up, but not today i had bluetooth on by accident all morning and by the end of the morning it was still at 70% yes i know it sounds stupid but it actually helps
There many interesting suggestions posted here and like most i've been absolutely hammering the battery on my handset simply because its a new and highly entertaining/useful device.
Here's some of my findings...
The battery/app usage screen can be quickly accessed by pressing the menu button on the home screen, selecting settings and "about phone". It helped me nail down some of apps causing excessive drain.
Much like the iphone and any other high powered smart phone, high screen brightness, wireless LAN, bluetooth, 3G and the GPS receiver all take its toll on the battery. One of the biggest drainers is the GPS receiver so use it sparingly, I initially had it on permanently for some of the maps functions but the battery was lasting about half a day! Sadly i've noticed the radio is also a bit of drainer, which is a shame because it makes a nice alternative to MP3 playback.
Data updates and notifications again much like the iPhone have a surprising impact on battery life so set them to manual or long intervals.
In summary, learn as quickly as possible to get the most out of your smart phone by balancing out the hardware and software options.
As a sidenote, I was previously an iPhone fan but this handset has really changed my opinion of how a smartphone should really be. The combination of excellent hardware, an OS thats clearly designed from the ground up for mobile use and an ever growing (open) software base, will in the long term win over Apple's over analy retentive ethos! Top marks also to HTC for their sense UI and application suite, it works on top of Android almost as if it was always part of the OS itself and I just love the integration of social networking features....leaves the iPhone in the dust!
I have noticed that Turning off the Data Connection helps a lot.
Last night I turned data off, before I plugged my phone in for charging. In the morning the battery was showing MAX power. Where normally in the morning would be 97%, because charging stops once the battery is full.
I am still experimenting with all the Apps & Widgets that turn data access ON/OFF, but my conclusions so far, just get a simple widget from the market, and keep data connection off, until you need it.
There is an app that turns data connection off once the screen goes off, but if you download something or wait for something to load and the screen goes off, data will also be switched off which is not what you need.

Battery Life

I have a widget that shows me how much I have left and when I unplug it after a full charge, I have 6 hours left.
This is on auto brightness, wifi, twitter/facebook/mail updating every 15 minutes.
whenever I take my phone out the house I have to bring a charger...
bloody ridiculous.
couple of points.
1) When you leave the house, don't leave your wi-fi on! I find wi-fi to be the biggest battery drain out of everything ( expect gps)
2) I use a brightness widget, therefore when your in doors you can have it on low, then when your out doors have it on high, i assume this will use less battery then auto brightness
3) why do you need facebook updating every 15 minutes?? Do you honestly look at your phone that much when your out? change the settings so it updates every 15 when your on wi-fi at home, and every hour for when your not.
Wifi isn't an issue. I leave it on 24/7 as well as bluetooth and still can get 36 hours out od a charge. Its hooked up to wifi 20hrs a day as well.
Phil750123 said:
2) I use a brightness widget, therefore when your in doors you can have it on low, then when your out doors have it on high, i assume this will use less battery then auto brightness
3) why do you need facebook updating every 15 minutes?? Do you honestly look at your phone that much when your out? change the settings so it updates every 15 when your on wi-fi at home, and every hour for when your not.
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1) whats the name of this widget? sounds good
2) is there a setting for that? cant find it
I have a widget that shows me how much I have left and when I unplug it after a full charge, I have 6 hours left.
This is on auto brightness, wifi, twitter/facebook/mail updating every 15 minutes.
whenever I take my phone out the house I have to bring a charger...
bloody ridiculous.
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1. Battery and other constantly updating widgets are one of the causes for battery drain. Get rid of it.
2. Battery widgets try to get an estimate of your typical use. They are mostly wrong in my opinion
3. I can get 6 hours of battery, yes, but only if glue the phone to my hand and use it constantly for that time
4. there are tons of battery threads around, use those suggestions (mid brightness, no live wallpaper, turn airplane on when you know coverage will be unavailable for long, etc)
5. Battery gets better in 10 days.
6. Most people can get at the very least one day of heavy usage. If you really need to hammer the battery get a spare one, they are cheap. Oh, and realize you are lucky because you CAN have a spare battery !
7. If you are using an automatic task killer, get rid of it.
callummc said:
1) whats the name of this widget? sounds good
2) is there a setting for that? cant find it
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1) go to the market and search brightness level, or brightness widget, there are a number of these. The best i find is brightness level by curvefish, it lets you pick a percentage and keep at that .
2) Cant remeber actually where the settings are but there is a way. But i prefer to use another widget, autosync on/off, this allows you to update every 15 when on wi-fi, but when you want to save battery, turn auto sync off and it doesnt sync ,
I suggest you use switchpro widget. its like the power control widget but with more options to turn on/off things.
I typically charged my Nokia N97 every other day or so, even though I used it frequently, and needless to say the HTC Desire doesn't have the same stamina. I was quite frustrated by it, and I started thinking of ways to save power. I came up with 19 tips, and I have actually noticed quite a difference by following them
19 Tips to Keep the HTC Desire Running a Little Longer
Nice post thanks.ill give this a go. But I have a question to do with the positioning using data or gps. I believe your stating that you should turn data off for this purpose, and let the gps do it? however my phone was set to opposite. when I changed as you were suggesting and I clicked allow gps, I had a message come up saying to turn off to conserve battery? But your saying to turn on? And have data off? Also how do you get into htc facebook settings,i cant even find it!
dingdong3000 said:
I suggest you use switchpro widget. its like the power control widget but with more options to turn on/off things.
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yep i also use this widget
also use a free juice defender or paid ultimate juice that keeps turning on and off your 3g every now and then depending on how you schedule it, my phone with snowstorm weather widget updating every 80 minutes + 30s of 3g every 5 minutes to update mail etc and average usage lasts about 36 hours which is good enough for me
I leave my WI-FI on at home and suffer hardly any drain.
At work like today leave my Mobile network on down to 47% with just twitter usage!
Pathetic is the mobile signals drain.
MapleDouglas said:
I typically charged my Nokia N97 every other day or so, even though I used it frequently, and needless to say the HTC Desire doesn't have the same stamina. I was quite frustrated by it, and I started thinking of ways to save power. I came up with 19 tips, and I have actually noticed quite a difference by following them
19 Tips to Keep the HTC Desire Running a Little Longer
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Ok, ive had another read of this and am now just even more confused! Are you saying to have gps turned off via settings and location aswell as data, or just having gps on? Are you saying that having gps selected via settings for the purpose of locating services uses les batty than via using data? Either way, it appeatss that the power control widget controls the gps the same as via settings. Right now ive deselected gps and the data location.
Dunbad said:
Ok, ive had another read of this and am now just even more confused! Are you saying to have gps turned off via settings and location aswell as data, or just having gps on? Are you saying that having gps selected via settings for the purpose of locating services uses les batty than via using data? Either way, it appeatss that the power control widget controls the gps the same as via settings. Right now ive deselected gps and the data location.
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I believe this is what I'm saying:
"To let your device learn your location via wireless network triangulation requires less battery than by using the GPS for this purpose. However, using both methods simultaneously is probably not a good idea from a battery point of view. The GPS can handle this task by itself, although it will get a fix on your location a little bit slower. Also, wireless network positioning will be used to collect anonymous Google location data, which will drain the battery further. You can change this option from Settings > Location > Use wireless networks. "
In other words, to only use wireless network positioning will supposedly use less battery than by only using the GPS, but using both methods will naturally use the most juice
For me...
- Turn GPS On when I needed.
- Turn WiFi On when I needed
- Turn Bluetooth On when I needed
- Use 2G Network for standard internet, we use 3G if we want more speed such us watch video
jauhari said:
For me...
- Turn GPS On when I needed.
- Turn WiFi On when I needed
- Turn Bluetooth On when I needed
- Use 2G Network for standard internet, we use 3G if we want more speed such us watch video
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I can get get good days heavy usage (except games) from mine, I haven't tried the 2G thing yet.
Apparently it is the connectivity thing that kills the battery, but turning off 3G, doesn't that take all the fun out of it???
If you just use it as a phone then I reckon you can get a couple of days out of it, or so I've read...

what would be the best kernal for me to have ?

my battery drains like a bugatti veyron doing 252mph constantly
so what would you advise . is the kernal i have now the best or should i change .. i dont want to reall lose much performance on what i have now but would like the battery to maybe improve if possible ...
from full charge taking plug out searching market for 2 mins the battery drains 5-8% in matter of mins
and i have only had the phone a week
With that kind of drains the problems the kernel won't change that much. There is probably a app that causes the battery drain so looking in to that will have more effect. Also the brightness/screen on is the biggest drain and kernel won't do much about that.
You said that you have the phone a week, the battery needs some time to reach it's full potential and you probably use the phone a lot because it's new. So use the phone normally for another week, after that week let the phone drain until it shuts itself off, leaf it off and charge it till it's full. (there is a different calibration method but this always worked for me)
What do you have now? Stock or rooted?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
First of all, I would assume that you don't use the phone non-stop (it would be justified to lose power in a few hours if you're on it non-stop).
I recently had issues with power consumption as well. What I did was:
1) check the built in battery monitor: menu-settings-about phone-battery-battery use. The bad thing about this monitor is that it does not differentiate well the apps consuming power, but you can still see if there's something wrong, as the most consumption should come normally from the screen and voice calls. For me, the most consumption was made by com.htc.bg, which, if I let the monitor on for a few seconds, would transform in the calendar app. Weird stuff. I unchecked the calednar auto sync from menu-settings-accounts and sync. It may have slowed the power loss down, but not significantly. I noticed a significant loss of battery by WiFi. I realized, I needed more information so:
2) I installed an app called 'Power Tutor'. What it does is, it calculates which apps consumes power, and it shows you in percentages. After install, you need to start the 'power profiler'. It will appear in your notification bar. If you let it run, after a few hours, you can see in "view application power usage" who is using power. That's how I discovered that my winamp app was really off the charts using power like crazy. So I went in the winamp settings, and I unchecked some options that could have determined this power consumption, like wireless sync, automatic mount as USB drive, etc. There was actually an option that was overriding the wifi power management, stating that the wifi does not stop after 180 seconds of standby. Basically, if you have wifi on, and you stop using the phone for 3 minutes, the phone automatically turns off the wifi. This was not happening any more, due to winamp. So I unchecked all those options, and voila. It worked, I have now normal battery life.
Good luck!
be aware of a couple of things
1. battery drain for the 1st few weeks are high because of a couple of factors, the battery "learns" and gets conditioned over a period of time (doesnt use the old 16hr charge process). its a new device for you so its a novelty, you probably mess about with it with the screen on more than you think.
2. there is a configuration within HTC's builds and in the memory chip of the battery to stop over charging. the device will charge to 100 and then slowly deplete to 90% while still saying full on the phone. as soon as you disconnect it recalibrates to the correct value which is anywhere between 90% and 100% depending at which part of the cycle you catch it
Some other tips to increase battery life, from a friend of mine in the Romanian forum:
1) use the app watchdog, it will warn you when an app is using too much of the processor and will ask you if you want to close it.
2) juice defender with the paid add-on 'ultimate juice' - with the correct settings... it's amazing.
3) Dial *#*#4636#*#* - phone information-network type: select gsm auto prl. The phone will stay on 3G when it has good signal, and switch to 2G when it doesnt, saving battery
4) Change the wallpaper to a static one, not a live one.
5) Go to menu-settings-accounts and sync and increase sync intervals for weather, news, or even set them to sync manually when you choose.
i will try and answer everything at once ..
ok my screen is on 13% brightness
i hardly ever use my phone , the only real use was to root , s-off, put ROM ETC ON
I reply to about 50 texts ish per day and search the market for literally 1-2 mins to see what new apps are in
i dont play games or anything
the thing the battery uses most is the screen and as i say i have it on monochrome theme with 13% brightness, there is nothing synced , i check automatically for email etc .. actually beautiful widgets is set to auto update every 4 hours
i never use wifi as i have a 3gb download/data usage, i dont use gps ...well i do but i have had no need to .. thats about all i can tell ya
rastaman the pt2 is a bit weird it should stay at 100 if just taken out of charge
I calibrated the battery and that made no difference.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App

Poor Battery Life

I am getting very poor battery life. Fully charged at 8am and dead by 5:30. Hardly even using it. I have a limited number of apps on, just a subset of those on my Nexus One and no rouge ones at all. Made a few calls, no web, a couple of gtalk posts and that is it.
See attached usage screen charge to dead and charging again!
The phone is useless like this... any ideas????
Are you in a building with poor reception? I noticed this issue when I left data on when my company moved buildings.
moa77 said:
I am getting very poor battery life. Fully charged at 8am and dead by 5:30. Hardly even using it. I have a limited number of apps on, just a subset of those on my Nexus One and no rouge ones at all. Made a few calls, no web, a couple of gtalk posts and that is it.
See attached usage screen charge to dead and charging again!
The phone is useless like this... any ideas????
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Is that solid blue bar from your WiFi being on all the time, or is that your awake bar on 100% of the time from a bad app?
That battery life looks atrocious. Show us the second screen to see the "awake" times.
martonikaj said:
Is that solid blue bar from your WiFi being on all the time, or is that your awake bar on 100% of the time from a bad app?
That battery life looks atrocious. Show us the second screen to see the "awake" times.
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The phone is now changed so, the history has gone! I'll do more screens tomorrow.
I am not sure what you mean by awake bar?
I keep wifi and bt on all the time, as I did on my old N1. I am in the same place in the day as I was with that and will have same reception, which is not bad.
App installed are not strange at all;
Adobe Reader
Android Task Killer
AL Voice Recorder
Amazon MP3
Google Authenicator
Currency Converter
ixMat Scanner
That's it, like I say a sub-set of those on my N1 and all solid apps.
I normally listen to mp3 on the N1, but have not had time on the Galaxy yet, so it;s getting less use.
moa77 said:
The phone is now changed so, the history has gone! I'll do more screens tomorrow.
I am not sure what you mean by awake bar?
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When clicking on the graph, there is a blue bar showing how often/when the phone is "awake", like in the screenshot I've attached.
I keep wifi and bt on all the time, as I did on my old N1. I am in the same place in the day as I was with that and will have same reception, which is not bad.
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do you keep mobile data turned on? if so, do you keep 3G turned on, or just 2G?
App installed are not strange at all;
Adobe Reader
Android Task Killer
AL Voice Recorder
Amazon MP3
Google Authenicator
Currency Converter
ixMat Scanner
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Get rid of the task killer!
Other than that, don't see anything crazy... This battery life is really strange. When your screen is using less power than the 'Android OS' it shows you're really not using the phone much, but the phone is still tanking on battery life.
I'll post those screen shots for today when I get home tonight.
A few things I have noticed though. It seems to level off at midday, this is when i leave work and go home for an hour. While at home I will be on wifi. I do not connect to wifi at work.
Secondly, while at work I notice my data often changes between "3G" and "H", while the phone is in the same place. Probably 60% H and 40% "3G". It is not practical to turn "2G" only on, as I get the volume bug and the phone becomes unusable.
I am wondering if the data signal is draining it somehow? If so, how can I work around that? Like I said, I have a N1 before the GN which sat in the same place on my desk every day and had no battery drain issue at all.
I unplugged mine yesterday at 7.30am and it died at 9pm
I used the internet on/of all day made a couple of calls and about 50 texts, screen on time was about 4 hours.
Today i've used it in a similar manner and as of now (3pm uk) 7 and a half hours in its on 57%
The battery in this thing is better than my desire, granted, not much in it but it will easily get a normal user from one sleep to another
moa77 said:
App installed are not strange at all;
Adobe Reader
Android Task Killer
AL Voice Recorder
Amazon MP3
Google Authenicator
Currency Converter
ixMat Scanner
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No, it's strange you have a task killer on Ice Cream Sandwich. WTF? This isn't Eclair. Get rid of the damn task killer.
moa77 said:
A few things I have noticed though. It seems to level off at midday, this is when i leave work and go home for an hour. While at home I will be on wifi. I do not connect to wifi at work.
Secondly, while at work I notice my data often changes between "3G" and "H", while the phone is in the same place. Probably 60% H and 40% "3G". It is not practical to turn "2G" only on, as I get the volume bug and the phone becomes unusable.
I am wondering if the data signal is draining it somehow? If so, how can I work around that? Like I said, I have a N1 before the GN which sat in the same place on my desk every day and had no battery drain issue at all.
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I'd say with 95% certainty it's just signal-hunting causing the drain. With my Fascinate at work, I'll easily lose 50% battery within a couple of hours, even if I'm not using it, while at home it'll last me between 15-20 hours before getting low. Easiest solution is to just buy another charger for work, and leave your phone plugged in whenever it's on your desk.
Don't like seeing android os at the top of that list! Does the nexus share some of the problems that have plagued the galaxy s line of phones, the android os bug!? :O
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
copkay said:
I'd say with 95% certainty it's just signal-hunting causing the drain. With my Fascinate at work, I'll easily lose 50% battery within a couple of hours, even if I'm not using it, while at home it'll last me between 15-20 hours before getting low. Easiest solution is to just buy another charger for work, and leave your phone plugged in whenever it's on your desk.
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I kind of think you might be right. However, a phone that drains itself while doing absolutely nothing useful at all, is no use to me. I carry it about and am in and out the office though out the day. It would be unworkable to keep putting it on charge every time I come back in the room. I need a phone I can carry around for a working day without charging. My old N1 did. If this can't do it I'll need to get short of it and get something more practical. Seems ridiculous though.
Btw, task killer just got installed by default when I upgraded. All the apps that were on the N1 were installed when I signed in. Just never deleted it
Do you leave your Wifi on all the time even if you don't have Wifi signal available? Don't do that.
If you are too lazy to manage your data connection manually all the time, I highly suggest getting the app Juice Defender from the market. You can save the battery by setting a schedule for data connection and also it will disable your wifi automatically if your phone can't find a wifi spot it can connect to.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
Chrono_Tata said:
Do you leave your Wifi on all the time even if you don't have Wifi signal available? Don't do that.
If you are too lazy to manage your data connection manually all the time, I highly suggest getting the app Juice Defender from the market. You can save the battery by setting a schedule for data connection and also it will disable your wifi automatically if your phone can't find a wifi spot it can connect to.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
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Yes, I leave wifi and bt on. I want to be able to do this. I am not asking for it to run for days. 1 full day is all, I have not issue charging every night.
I could look at the juice monitor, however, it does not seem too much to ask to be able to get 1 full day from it of average use. To me, it seems perfectly reasonable to expect the device to work for a full day with all services running.
Is there any tool than can be used to prove that the signal hunting is eating the power? Currently is seem to be in the big pot called "Android OS"??
Well, I'm not gonna defend the phone. Leaving all radio processes on, especially when there is no signal available, is well known to drain a lot of battery since the phone uses more power to search for available networks than when it has a stable connection to one. If you leave it on in a place with spotty or no signal it will make the problem worse.
Juice Defender (the basic one anyway) is free and pretty much manages the connections for you and basically extends your battery life with minimal effort. Give it a go for a couple if days.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
I strongly agree with chrono.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
+1 with Chrono.... Turn off Wifi completely if you are not using it.
if you are a new android user, you should also check the settings of the phone:
hit *#*#4636#*#* in the dialpad.
this will bring up a menu. there you should try phone (i think, my n1 got stolen a while ago). there, you scroll down and there is a menu to adjust the preferred network mode.
if it's set to CDMA preferred, it will search for a cdma single. you just adjust it (i think) to gsm only. google will help you a bit here.

How-To: A possible solution to battery life

So several people have started to notice that "AudioOut_1" wake lock might be polling our batteries unwillingly on our part. So I decided to go out and disable everything that could make sound except for the ringtones and notifications themselves since we all have to have that. This is what I came across...
Settings > Sound
Uncheck "Touch sounds"
Uncheck "Screen lock sound"
Just went an hour without losing 1% battery after I did this.
Some people are claiming they only are losing 1% or less per hour now, just leaving the phone sitting not doing anything. So this may be the temporary fix for the phone being awake when it doesn't need to be.
I tend to turn those off anyway, just hadn't gotten around to it yet. I went ahead and did it now, along with vibrate on keypress. We'll see how it works!
I've had those off since I started with the phone and I have bad battery life...
MaxCarnage said:
I tend to turn those off anyway, just hadn't gotten around to it yet. I went ahead and did it now, along with vibrate on keypress. We'll see how it works!
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Yeah it sounds like a really small and ridiculous thing but it just works...
TabsAZ said:
I've had those off since I started with the phone and I have bad battery life...
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same still 5 hrs of stand by and its half way dead
Tried this and have had excellent idle battery life since I switched both off!
gabster21 said:
Tried this and have had excellent idle battery life since I switched both off!
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Seems to be 50/50 on this
Ive had those off and I am actually going to run my phone in vibrate only mode for a while and see what results from that.
this has little to no effect on battery life. Look at your Android OS battery consumption before, and after. It will be the same
Biggest solution I've found for battery life is disabling my GPS when I don't need it, and going to CDMA rather than LTE/CDMA. They're still there for me when I want them, but most of the time I don't need them.
Right now I've had the phone off the charger for 4 hours where it was topped off; I'm at 91% now, with moderate use (Google Currents for half an hour, about another 20 minutes total screen-on time doing other dinky things, three texts)
First of all, disabling GPS will have absolutely no affect on your battery life. The GPS is only enabled when an app calls for it, if you don't have Google Maps open, then your GPS won't be engaged.
And turning off the sounds will have little to no affect, it's the vibrating that kills your battery more. Turn off haptic feedback, turn off vibrating notifications, turn off vibrate on key press for the keyboard.
Oh, and staying connected to wifi is much easier on the battery than using data. On wifi your phone doesn't have to keep polling the cell towers for signal
KiNG OMaR said:
First of all, disabling GPS will have absolutely no affect on your battery life. The GPS is only enabled when an app calls for it, if you don't have Google Maps open, then your GPS won't be engaged.
And turning off the sounds will have little to no affect, it's the vibrating that kills your battery more. Turn off haptic feedback, turn off vibrating notifications, turn off vibrate on key press for the keyboard.
Oh, and staying connected to wifi is much easier on the battery than using data. On wifi your phone doesn't have to keep polling the cell towers for signal
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Turning off GPS works for me because I often use social apps (e.g. Facebook) that engage GPS for their 'check-in' features. It may be a minor thing, but having turned the GPS off, I've seen real results. *shrug*
Also, maybe a gimme for you smarties, but I disabled VZ Backup Assistant.
KiNG OMaR said:
First of all, disabling GPS will have absolutely no affect on your battery life. The GPS is only enabled when an app calls for it, if you don't have Google Maps open, then your GPS won't be engaged.
And turning off the sounds will have little to no affect, it's the vibrating that kills your battery more. Turn off haptic feedback, turn off vibrating notifications, turn off vibrate on key press for the keyboard.
Oh, and staying connected to wifi is much easier on the battery than using data. On wifi your phone doesn't have to keep polling the cell towers for signal
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Yes what you are saying has made sense in the past for Froyo and GB but we are having some sort of unknown wake lock and this seems to be the biggest one. Ever since I have disabled both of those features my AudioOut_1 wake lock hasn't awakened the phone ONE TIME.
Syn Ack said:
So several people have started to notice that "AudioOut_1" wake lock might be polling our batteries unwillingly on our part. So I decided to go out and disable everything that could make sound except for the ringtones and notifications themselves since we all have to have that. This is what I came across...
Settings > Sound
Uncheck "Touch sounds"
Uncheck "Screen lock sound"
Just went an hour without losing 1% battery after I did this.
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I have those off already.
Problem is also the Android OS Keep awake time is high.
Check yours.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
i turned these 2 settings off before i unplugged the phone.
im now on wifi and about an hour and a 15 minutes off the charger. android OS usage is like 24% and keep awake is like 35 minutes
^ Follow these Directions below
TabsAZ said:
I've had those off since I started with the phone and I have bad battery life...
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Install Better Battery Stats
Get your phone down to 50% under normal usage(Not playing with the phone until 50%) just keeping it in your pocket, checking it occasionally..ect
Open Battery Battery Stats
On the Top Drop Down select
"Partial Wakelocks"
and on the Second
"Since Unplugged"
What are the top three? Anything near 1% is minimal and should be ignored for now.
thescreensavers said:
^ Follow these Directions below
Install Better Battery Stats
Get your phone down to 50% under normal usage(Not playing with the phone until 50%) just keeping it in your pocket, checking it occasionally..ect
Open Battery Battery Stats
On the Top Drop Down select
"Partial Wakelocks"
and on the Second
"Since Unplugged"
What are the top three? Anything near 1% is minimal and should be ignored for now.
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There are so much stories. People check that already. No solid conclusion.
On one occasion, the tuna usb otg kernel process woke up for 7 hours, people got mipi_link keep awake high, etc.
Check the above threads.
If you have galaxy Nexus, check your Android OS Keep awake time... That must be high for no reason.
Nexus S users who got the official ICS from Google recently are experiencing the same issue.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
I had a custom rom with dreadful battery switched back to the latest stock and have noticed the following: When you have good signal the screen on and awake seem to match up, i only lost 30% in TWO DAYS! then suddenly when i went out to the country side today i lost the remaining 70% in only a few hours seems that when the phone has low signal is is almost ALWAYS awake. I understand that in lower signal areas the phone tries harder to get signal but surly it shouldn't be awake like 90% of the time!
my top 1 was some sort of googlephotos sync service. i might turn off instant upload with google+.
that audioOut_1 was at like 1.2%, turned off these 2 settings before i unplugged from charger
Zoop57 said:
I had a custom rom with dreadful battery switched back to the latest stock and have noticed the following: When you have good signal the screen on and awake seem to match up, i only lost 30% in TWO DAYS! then suddenly when i went out to the country side today i lost the remaining 70% in only a few hours seems that when the phone has low signal is is almost ALWAYS awake. I understand that in lower signal areas the phone tries harder to get signal but surly it shouldn't be awake like 90% of the time!
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Yep that is another major contributing factor to terrible battery life. My phone will drain VERY slowly in good signal and die rapidly in bad signal.

