Better battery life with Blackberry charger? - Desire Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I left my HTC Desire cable at work last night and had to use my wife's Blackberry charger to charge it. It charged unbelievably slowly (probably like 8-10 hours to get a full charge). Now the thing is - I've been at work for a bit more than 2 1/2 hours, been playing with the phone, changing icons, fiddling with FB and checking about 10 mails and sending 5 txts. The power has only dropped by 3% in all this time. Mobile data is enabled, screen brightness set to auto. Sync is set to every 30 minutes etc. Normally the battery level would have dropped about 10% by now. Curious...
I searched before I posted this thread and I read that people say electricity is electricy, different chargers won't give better battery etc. I'm more curious about how charging with a slower charger affects battery stats.


Another ODD battery problem

Since I have upgraded to WM6 with the official ROM release for AT&T I have been having odd battery issues.
I forgot to charge my phone last night but when I left the house this morning it showed 40%.
I stream audiobooks from my phone to my car stereo via Bluetooth and less than 10 minutes into the drive I received a low battery warning. By the time I got to work which is about a half hour drive the phone switched itself to airplane mode and then powered down. I could not get it to come back on until I plugged into my PC at work and then it booted so it had been fully shut down.
I have noticed at other times that the battery level goes from a high number to a low number VERY quickly. It also seems to charge very quickly and can go to a full charge from a USB connection in just about 2 hours.
Anyone else see this? It was a very steady reliable discharge rate under WM5. I have seen others talking about the OS potentially mis-reading the battery level but have seen nothing conclusive. I think perhaps it is just not updating the actual battery level when it should so when I see it at 40% it was really very low and just had not updated.
Anybody else???
I havent had my phone for long and flashed it immediately to Windows Mobile 6, but what I have noticed is that it charges pretty fast and I just notices just now that if I turn the phone off while still plugged in for charging but the charge indicator on the phone was green when it was on changed to orange to indicate charging when I turned the phone off. So maybe there is something at the software level affecting the charging process as turning the phone completely off allows me to charge even further than when the phone was on.
What has worked for a number of people is to let the phone get to 0% battery so it shuts the GSM off and then itself, then plug it into the mains charger overnight. This seems to have the effect of re-calibrating the battery meter. I have no idea if this actually works or if its complete coincidence but a number of people in various Schaps threads have had success with this. There is also the possibility that your battery is just screwed. Most of us I assume have devices that are a year or more old and mobile batteries dont last very long especially in power hungry devices like the Hermes.
Another battery Observation!
I have experimented with 3g off al day, and only E (Edge) was displayed on top. 12 hours, 5 phone calls equal to 36 minutes total, I had 60% left on battery. Same hours, 5 Phone calls, with 3G turned on, 42 minutes of conversation, one email sent, 5 received, battery displays 90%. I believe EDGE is what consumes power and drains the battery. leave on 3G and your battery will indeed last longer.
WM6 Battery Life
johnny13oi said:
I havent had my phone for long and flashed it immediately to Windows Mobile 6, but what I have noticed is that it charges pretty fast and I just notices just now that if I turn the phone off while still plugged in for charging but the charge indicator on the phone was green when it was on changed to orange to indicate charging when I turned the phone off. So maybe there is something at the software level affecting the charging process as turning the phone completely off allows me to charge even further than when the phone was on.
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I have noticed at home that when I plug it in to my Linux box (no synching of course) the charge light comes on briefly then shuts off and may come back on after about 10 seconds. I suspect in my case it may be the cable going bad but it only just started since the WM6 upgrade.
WM6 Battery Life
asfoor said:
I have experimented with 3g off al day, and only E (Edge) was displayed on top. 12 hours, 5 phone calls equal to 36 minutes total, I had 60% left on battery. Same hours, 5 Phone calls, with 3G turned on, 42 minutes of conversation, one email sent, 5 received, battery displays 90%. I believe EDGE is what consumes power and drains the battery. leave on 3G and your battery will indeed last longer.
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After a full charge yesterday afternoon I used my phone for a bit of reading an e-book for a half hour, 40 minutes listening to audio streamed via Bluetooth yesterday afternoon and another 40 minutes on the drive to work this morning and the phone is down to 50%. Wifi is disabled and I had no phone calls in that time. The only other usage is it automatically updating calendar and contacts with my exchange server but only every 4 hours ending at 6:00pm so that is not a big drain.
I have the device set to shut off the screen after 3 mins inactivity (not just backlight) but the battery drain seems to be much faster than it was with WM5. Perhaps it will straighten itself out with a few discharges and re-charges.

Battery re-calibration??

This started on suiller's ROM guide, but I feel it's really OT so I should take it outside.
I've had battery issue ever since I got the Diamond. With moderate use (maybe ~15-20min of call per day, email check every 30 min, moderate web browsing) the battery level can drop by ~ 15-20% per hour on average. This means the battery would only last 5-6 hours without charging, which is not good enough to last through a day.
I first looked at whether the phone has any serious battery drain application, and it doesn't. With BatteryStatus I see the battery drain is ~ 100-150mA with GSM on, BT on. When I'm downloading email, or browsing the web, it does go up to 200 ~ 300mA briefly, but that is only when it's transmitting / receiving data. In standby mode with screen off it drains less than 50mA. These numbers seem pretty typical from my experience.
And here's the weird thing - on a typical day, when I wake up, and take the phone off the charger, it can drop from 100% to 93% within 30 min. On the way to work, when I would browse the web lightly, it can easily drop from 93% to 80-85% within an hour. That's pretty bad battery life.
Yet there are instances when I've been browsing the web, or playing MP3, or using YouTube for a good 10-15 min, but the battery level would not drop.
I figure maybe the battery needs to be re-calibrated, so I decided to discharge the battery and recharge it. I know this doesn't help improve the battery life of LiIon batteries, but I was trying to recalibrate it.
What happened, when I was discharging the battery, was I found the battery drop was very quick from 100% down to ~ 50%. From that point on, the battery drop is much slower.
And from 50% to 25% the battery seems to last forever. The most interesting thing is with the battery down to 15%, I did a lot of 3G web browsing, listening to MP3's, turn wifi on, and that 15% of battery lasted a good 3.5 hrs with heavy use until it's so low the phone stopped working.
The whole discharging process ended up taking 10 hours, and that's with HEAVY use for the last 3-4 hours too. That's actually acceptable for battery life (not great, but at least it'll last me through a day outside with moderate use) and obviously doesn't jive with the 15-20% drop per hour when I'm operating in the 50-100% full range.
When I'm charging the battery, I also noticed the level went up from 0% to 70% very quickly ... pretty much over 40 min. BatteryStatus shows it's being charged at +600-700mA.
As the battery gets full, the charging is much slower ... BatteryStatus shows it is charging by ~ 100-200mA only.
With the battery level up to 99%, it took almost forever to finally get up to 100%. I think it took at least 20 min.
So after a full discharge - recharge, I used my phone as normal this morning to see if it's been calibrated, but nope. It still drops from 100 to 93% within minutes of doing virtually nothing, and easily drop to 80% after an hour ride to work.
Does your battery perform the same way? Should I replace my battery? Or is there a way to properly calibrate the battery?
btw location and reception has nothing to do with it. I have good to excellent reception throughout this test.
I'm having the same problem but not with every rom (don't know wich ones, tested almost every rom hero) So is this a piece of software wich shows the live that doesn't work ?? or is it the battery ? As i can see it it's depending on rom thus it's not hardware
But hey I'm n00b
i've noticed that a soft reset or power up will use 3-7% of battery depending on the weather (what else could it be )
don't have the ability to discharge but i agree that in many cases the battery usage drops drastically & there is no reasonable cause
hope someone can figure this out!
1. discharge the battery completely (by playing video, audio, etc.)
2. Remove the battery and wait about 1min then place it back (do not power on the phone)
3. Full Charge the phone, wait when LEDs stop blinking (do not power on the phone)
4. When fully charged - remove the battery (do not power on the phone)
5. Wait about 1min then place the battery to the phone and now you can power it on.
If battery is more or less OK it will re-calibrate.
I hope it will help!
STM123 said:
1. discharge the battery completely (by playing video, audio, etc.)
2. Remove the battery and wait about 1min then place it back (do not power on the phone)
3. Full Charge the phone, wait when LEDs stop blinking (do not power on the phone)
4. When fully charged - remove the battery (do not power on the phone)
5. Wait about 1min then place the battery to the phone and now you can power it on.
If battery is more or less OK it will re-calibrate.
I hope it will help!
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Thanks. I tried those steps yesterday and my phone is pretty much behaving the exact same way after the battery cycle.
After all the steps, the battery shows it's 100%. I unplug it, and it drops to 97% within MINUTES literally. Now I plug it back in, and it takes forever to get from 97% back to 100% (> 1hour)
I think it may be a battery problem and not a calibration problem. The drain averages ~ 120-150mA when phone on, screen on, no data, and below 100mA with phone on in standby mode. That seems pretty typical? I'd think the battery should last longer than 8 hours (till it completely dies) in that case.
Where do you guys suggest I buy a new battery for the Diamond (other than HTC directly)? I bought one from DealExtreme but the battery runs ~ 10C hotter than normal all the times ... I don't think I want that as my primary battery.
If you get through a full day with moderate-heavy use on your battery, I say that is normal and good battery life on a Diamond. So, why bother that the percentage is not proportional? I would not get a new battery for this since the problem is only in the reported percentage, not the battery life itself.
I've had plenty of cars that went from full to half tank on the meter significantly faster than from half to almost empty. You know about it and adapt to it, simply.
Hello !
I'm understand you, i have a ELF (Touch P3450), and a Diamond, the same problem appear for the two phones!
Every Morning, when i disconnect from charge my diamond, my level battery go to 93% in 10mns without reasons (One sms, no 3G, no Wifi etc).
My battery go down to 50~70% around 14H (2H pm), and stays at this level for many hours (4-5hours ~), i think it's not a problem with our battery, but a dysfunction of the sensor battery, which shows wrong data =/
By the way, that problem doesn't appear every day, for example, today my battery has that level : 83% (15h43), so today it has a good level.
Since i have flash that ROM :, with radio, i have less less issues with my battery, it's more stable!
That's all, hope that helps you.
Ok guys, I've made a few discoveries that I figure I could share with everybody. Maybe you'll find it useful.
Last week I went on a trip and turned off the data connection while I was out of the country. Instead of letting the roaming charges kill me, I was relying on wifi to check emails and browse the web.
I ended up checking emails just as often, because where I worked had wifi AP.
Now, I could usually get 8, maybe 9 hrs out of my battery with moderate use before it's completely empty previously. So I was very surprised to find that with a similar usage pattern, but using wifi instead of EDGE/GPRS I still had 30-50% battery left at the end of 8-9 hours day everyday during the trip. I know data uses a lot of battery, but I always thought wifi drains even more, so that's quite a stunning discovery.
Now, I don't think it was due to wifi draining less than GPRS/EDGE (can't be true), so it must be something else. In trying to figure out what made the difference, I did a bunch of tests after the trip, and this is what I find-
1. Data channel dis-connection / re-connection is BAD
I used to always set my phone to auto-disconnect data channel (EDGE/GPRS) after 5 min of inactivity, in an attempt to save battery. What I found, was keeping the data channel open does NOT actually drain more battery than leaving it off at all. Transmitting data drains battery, but not leaving the channel open. However, disconnecting it, and re-connecting it all the times actually drains quite a bit of battery. I set my phone to check email every 30 minutes, and then there's also the odd weather forecast that needs data channel. In a 9 hrs day, that means channel disconnection + reconnection of about 40 times.
The last couple days I have left my data connection ON all the times, and I actually get more hours out of my battery. My battery used to drop ~ 10-15% per hour with moderate use. By keeping the channel on all the times it's been kept to under 10% per hour!!! I've only tested it for a couple days. I'll report more on it once I get to test it for longer, but the idea that 'keeping data connection off when you're not using it to save battery" seems to be a complete myth. The opposite actually saves battery!!!! And as a bonus, I don't even have to wait for the data channel to connect when I need it!!
2. Recycling the radio is VERY BAD
Everybody knows 3G is a real battery killer. However, similar to EDGE/GPRS, keeping the 3G channel open does NOT drain any more battery than turning it off, or turning on EDGE/GPRS channel. When the data channel is idling, it doesn't matter whether it's on EDGE, GPRS, 3G, or even completely turned off, the battery drain is close to zero in all cases.
Now, you do see a 1.5 - 2 times battery drain with 3G compared to EDGE/GPRS, so I've always turned 3G on only for web browsing or watching YouTube, and use GPRS / EDGE for regular emails update. The thing is though, if you're not transmitting much data (which you won't for regular email update), the difference in battery drain is minimal. SWITCHING between 2G and 3G though, requires a radio power cycle (turn off then back on to switch frequency) and THAT drains a lot of battery!!!
So if you're often switching between 3G and 2G, and you only transmit little data in 2G mode, you might actually be better off keeping it in 3G all the times instead of forcing the radio to power-cycle all the times.
I've tried keeping it in 3G all day long and I noticed minimal increase in battery drain. However, there might be another reason you want to consider - RADIATION. 3G not only drains more battery than 2G, it also transmits at a stronger power than 2G and as a result create more radiation. For that reason, I'm still keeping my phone to 2G for email updates and what not, and switch to 3G only for web browsing. For radiation you may try this thread if you want to read more about it.
3. VGA screen is a REAL battery killer
I do quite a bit of reading on my phone (ebook, on-line magazines etc) and reading ebook was never a battery concern in my days with the Touch (QVGA screen).
That's why I was quite surprised on the Diamond, reading the ebook for 1 hour, with EVERYTHING else turned off (GSM, EDGE, GPRS, 3G, BT, wifi), my battery level went down by 12% in ~1 hour.
The VGA screen drains a lot more battery than the QVGA screen. Now, if you need to use the phone you need to use the screen, there isn't much of a choice. It does make sense, however, that if you're using the screen for a while (like reading ebook) switching from a high brightness level to a lower brightness level.
Oh, and the auto-adjust brightness thing? That doesn't help you save battery at all. This is because it polls the light sensor every 2 sec (default value, but you can change it) and adjust screen brightness accordingly. This mechanism drains battery in itself, and in most cases end up using more battery than keeping the brightness constant at a low to medium level.
The auto-adjust thing is cool, and in theory it sounds like it can save you battery, but unless you constantly set the brightness to max even when you're in a dark environment, disable the auto-adjust and just set it to a constant 50-60% instead.
These are the few things I've noticed and I'm still trying things out, but over the last 2 days I've seen a significant drop in battery drain. I would be lucky to go through a 8-9 hrs day with moderate to heavy use before, the first 2 days I tried this I still had 60% battery left after 5 hrs of moderate use. The Diamond is very weak on battery life so every bit helps! I hope these tips are useful to you!
Thanks for your share
number16 said:
When I'm charging the battery, I also noticed the level went up from 0% to 70% very quickly ... pretty much over 40 min. BatteryStatus shows it's being charged at +600-700mA.
As the battery gets full, the charging is much slower ... BatteryStatus shows it is charging by ~ 100-200mA only.
With the battery level up to 99%, it took almost forever to finally get up to 100%. I think it took at least 20 min.
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It's exactly what the charging process is supposed to do.
Read more here:
The charge time of most chargers is about 3 hours...
Increasing the charge current does not shorten the charge time by much. Although the voltage peak is reached quicker with higher charge current, the topping charge will take longer.
Some chargers claim to fast-charge a lithium-ion battery in one hour or less. Such a charger eliminates stage 2 and goes directly to 'ready' once the voltage threshold is reached at the end of stage 1. The charge level at this point is about 70%. The topping charge typically takes twice as long as the initial charge.
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source:batteryuniversity (dot) com

Strange Battery behavor

ok my battery has good days and bad days. I have now tried something different and it seems to have worked for me. When I wake up in the middle of the night and the light is green i unplug my phone from charger. Then when i wake up four to five hours later it is usually around 95%. In the past I let it charge till I woke up then I would send a text or two a quick call or check email and it would drop to 88% or 90% in minutes. But now that I leave it unplugged for about five hours I get up and do what I usually do and battery doesn't seem to drain as quick. My question is why does this happen???? Strange that before it would go from 100 to 90ish real quick. now i start off at 95% and battery drains slower.
My battery is absolutely horrible. I unplugged it today n within minutes it was down to 93% n i didnt even use it at all. I have GPS turned off, wifi is off, 4G is off, friendstream is gone, i have everything set up to sync manually so idk wat the deal is.
If you are running a custom Rom you should do a search in the dev section for how to calibrate your battery.
it is stock rom. I have tried every battery trick. you could think of even the one someone posted from htc. none have work but for some reason this seems to be giving me better battery life. and i am just wondering why and sharing for other people to maybe try.
nothing new under the sun. a search would have revealed the following posts...
it sounds like voodoo, but based on the battery graphs before and worked for me. the upgrade to 1.47 and 2.5 baseband seemed to help quite a bit too.
Strange battery design
OK it seems odd that the EE's who designed the phone specified a 4.2 volt charging cut off to the battery, and a 3.5V battery. It was probably to limit the heat production by components regulating internal voltage.
SO we can either up the charging cut off by rewiring a charger to use the feed but not the sensor ( 4 tabs on a battery), or get a battery rated a a slightly higher voltage ( which would only be partially charged due to the HTC charging algorthym). It may be that the recycling on /off specified by HTC ignores the sensor reading.

ROMs or hacks that allow trickle charging past 90%?

So it's already been established that after the EVO charges fully to 100% it then stops receiving a charge and runs off the battery before charge cycling again. All the while displaying 100%.
Has any effort been put into changing the way this operates? Seems like it'd be nice to leave the phone on a charger and when you take it off, it would actually be at 100% and not at some arbitrary percentage between 90% and 100%.
It's better for the battery life.It's really good option if you ask me.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App
You mean make it so that the battery's status bar shows a realistic value once it stops taking a charge, even though it's still plugged in, right? Not actually changing the way it takes a charge. I'd be interested in seeing that happen.
Is that why when you unplug it, the first 5% or so disappear within minutes?
thegame3202 said:
Is that why when you unplug it, the first 5% or so disappear within minutes?
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Yup. This is why when you charge overnight the battery plummets right after.
*Currently Mobile*
Don't leave it plugged it after it reaches 100%. Problem solved.
triggert said:
Don't leave it plugged it after it reaches 100%. Problem solved.
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Valid point. Lol
There are some people who don't want to wake up in the middle of the night to unplug their phone. Like me.
annoying, but just unplug your phone when you do wake and plug it back in after about 10 seconds. let it finish fully charging while you get ready.
it's better for the battery though, case closed. Lenovo has been doing somehting similar w/ their laptops for years. It never charges the battery past like 97%, and when it does reach the top it stops charging until it falls below like 92 then recharges. HTC needs to loook out for the battery they already have enough flak from all of us for the last few years w/ every touch device they have had. We want more life, and they are giving it to us, just wish they could figure something out like lenovo, let it go down to mayeb 94 then charge up again perhaps.
it really isn't true, mine dumps 10% or so off the charger regardless of if it has been on the charger all night or 2 seconds after it turns green.
So I've done the:
1 charge to green
2 unplug
3 turn off
4 charge while turned green again.
And here are my honest results. has 20% left after 16.5 hrs of moderate use (calling time total 1 hrs talk total, surf /post 1 hour total, load up 5 apps from the market, listen to audio clips on the speaker phone for almost an hour straight, podcast this morning for 30 min...and other randomness)
And still have 20% left. Going since 6:30 a to 10:30 p...........approximately 16 hrs equals 80% so about 3.2 hrs left to use before dead.
eat it Apple 4G . You can't even reliablly make calls let alone last that long without charging. My 3g never lasted that long. You still need a wall Apple we are truly mobile. If I was on the road I could (don't need to just yet) swap out for another battery.
I'm loving xda for all their brains helping me get the most out of this phone. Thanks to all.
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G using the XDA App.
The point here is that we shouldn't have to do the "charger circle jerk" to have 100% battery. I should be able to unplug it and have a full battery. Not 90%. I might need that 10% later on today, its accomplishing nothing sitting on my nightstand.
If the battery is toast after a year instead of a year and half, i don't care. I want a fully battery, not an almost full battery.
jasonziter said:
So I've done the:
1 charge to green
2 unplug
3 turn off
4 charge while turned green again.
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HTC advised a similar solution to the battery issue. I did this a few times and my battery lasted more than 15 hours with moderate use. Here's the post:
Edit: Duplicate Post
Edit: Duplicate Post
My phone used to do this, even after i followed all the little tips and tricks of playing hide and go seek with the charging cable and my phone.
Know how i solved it?
Bought one of those $10 Ebay 2 1500mAh TP2 Battery And Wall Charger bundles, now i dont use the OEM charger at all, the cable turned into a permanent USB cable on my comp and never sees the actual HTC charging unit it plugs into for AC power. I have 3 batteries and i rotate them in that little wall charger which actually charges them to 100%. Its also proven because if you take one of the batteries, put them in the phone and charge them until the green light comes on, supposedly to "100%" and then take the actual battery out and put it in the ebay wall charger, it will still charge for another 15-25 minutes. Charging it in the phone, as soon as i unplug, it almost instantly always drops to 90%... charging with the ebay wall charger, it will stay at 100% for a while before it falls off.
Below is the link to my thread which contains linkage, pics and info about the ebay bundle, others also claim the same issues and fixes in my thread. I mean for $10 bucks, does it really matter if it works for you or not? Its worth the shot and for me, it was a great investment.
Best of luck.
I did this last night and I'm at 14 hrs and 57% left. If I have to charge like this to get great battery life that's fine. My iPhone 3gs would last half a day. So this is blowing it out of the water. And I can hold it with my left hand to talk.
Sent from my PC36100 using
You can hold the 3gs with your left hand as well...
cpiddy said:
I did this last night and I'm at 14 hrs and 57% left. If I have to charge like this to get great battery life that's fine. My iPhone 3gs would last half a day. So this is blowing it out of the water. And I can hold it with my left hand to talk.
Sent from my PC36100 using
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Good stuff man, I finally just switched batteries after 21 hours.

Few Questions before choosing this phone

Hope you don't mind...
Coming from a Samsung Galaxy s2
Thing i hated about the S2 was not so much the battery drain but the terribly slow charging time, Sorry to mention a fruit phone, but my wifes IP4 would charge almost twice as fast than my S2.
How quick does the ONE X charge?
Does the battery last 7-8 hours with normal usage (tricky to tell, as it depends on what normal I guess)
Does it get really hot?, as the SGS2 did with some games, almost to the point of having to put it down it was so hot
thanks John
Battery Monitor that the average
0% to 100% time is 4hr 49mins, though it will probably be a little bit quicker than that if you don't count all the times I've been playing with it while charging.
It does seem to take a long time to charge, and you have to remember that the battery is 25% bigger than on the ip4 (1800mAh vs 1420mAh ) so it will probably take 25% longer ish.
It does get warm when charging and gaming simultaneously but not so that you have to put it down.
And battery life is excellent when the screen is mainly off which is my use case. I stream music most if the day and its fine for me, but as soon as you start using the screen it does start to tumble.
Hope that helps. I really love the phone, and the screen is just immense.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
i always thought if you use a charger with more amps, the phone will charge faster. i use an 2 amps usb charger and from 20% to 80% it charged within half hour last night, but the phone was off.
the question is, do you prefer touchwiz or htc sense ? i dont like both of them, so i still wait for a great none sense rom.
About charging...
Wall charger, 1Ah output
- 3.5-4 hrs, with the screen off
- add 30% time if you are watching a movie;
- add 45% if using the phone for browsing over 3G or WiFi;
- prepare for slow discharge if playing demanding 3D games;
USB computer output
- 5 to 7 hrs (the less you fiddle with it, the faster it will charge)
About daily usage:
Give or take 10% of these times, of course - based on personal experience
22-24 hrs total time of wich
- 2.5 screen time used for browsing via 3G or WiFi;
- 30 to 50' of talking
- autobrightness always ON,
- autosync off;
You can get over 3.5 hrs of screen time and some 1 hrs of talk time within a span of 15 hrs.
Gaming will bring MASSIVE battery drain, especially 3D games;
Of course, signal strengh is also important when talking or browsing. If you have autobrightness on during the day, in well lit areas it will obviously eat a LOT of battery as opposed to manual low brightness;
These average times I got on both Leedroid 6.1.0 and InsertCoin 6... ROMs using the stock kernel provided. Been testing them for about two weeks.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
The issue with the battery is that is a Li-Po (Lithium-Polymer-Akkumulator) Battery and for this there is no quick-charge. The charge it´s a bit longer that with a Li-On Battery but the duration is great.
I usually charge it overnight using computer USB, and it will be fully charged in the morning.
If I charge it using charger, it takes about 3-4 hours (1A output).
Battery drains depends on how you use.
Screen drain most battery, internet and games also drain battery.
I used to switch off auto brightness, and turn brightness to 0%, then use Screen Adjuster to auto adjust within that 0%
The average temperature is around 35-40 degree after using it for a while indoor.
If you use it outdoor, it will get hotting up faster.
If it is under sunlight (e.g. taking photo), it is easy to go over 45 degree or even 50!!
It takes 200 minutes (or 3 hours and 20 minutes) to charge my HOX from 0% to 100%. As for getting hot; mine sometimes does but never to the point of having to put it down. Just hotter than it usually is, but nothing unusual really.

