[Q] HTC TyTN II does'nt boot with Android - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III Android Development

Hi, I have read and follow al the steps in the thread "How to replace Windows Mobile with Android (Guide)", including the step by step "HowToInstallWithAtoolsNand" in SourceForge.net but I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.
I have my TyTN II with 3.34 HardSPL and the latest Radio ROM that I use to load alll the Windows ROM without any problem. But when I flash my ROM with and Android build what it happens is that afterward it installs it, when the device is booting it appears a message saying "Intall module for this kernel" and the boot process stops there.
Y tried putting inside /andboot folder directly the "androidinstall.tar" that I downloaded from the thread's build (for example the "Incubus26Jc's Super E Cmod 5.0.8 T4 Beta 3". Also I tried to open that "androidinstall.tar" in atools, mix it with 2.6.32 modules and generating a new androidinstall.tar and putting it together with install-seq.sh inside /andboot following all the steps explained in "HowToInstallWithAtoolsNand" but always happens the same.
Can anybody know what could be happening?
Thanks in advanced.

Common problem answered here 10.000 times... just try to search...
Perhaps you need http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=848921

To start, use a newer build. Then you won't need any updates. The latest builds from thoughtless kyle,clemsyn,scoot and I all have the necessary fix needed. If you want Cyanogen Mod then use scoot or mine. Our builds are based on CM 6.1 which is much newer with more features.

When you participate in a forum, you always have the posibibility to not replying or do it. If you are gonna do it, try to reply something clever. Nobody is putting a gun against your head to reply. If you don't feel like replying, just don't do it.
I have a problem, I do a quick search and if I don't find what I'm looking for, I just open a new thread. I don't have all my life to look for the answer of the problem. If you like to spend all your time indise this forum, go ahead, nobody is gonna stop you. I don't like to do it. I look for answers, no foolishness.

guido_7701 said:
When you participate in a forum, you always have the posibibility to not replying or do it. If you are gonna do it, try to reply something clever. Nobody is putting a gun against your head to reply. If you don't feel like replying, just don't do it.
I have a problem, I do a quick search and if I don't find what I'm looking for, I just open a new thread. I don't have all my life to look for the answer of the problem. If you like to spend all your time indese this forum, go ahead, nobody is gonna stop you. I don't like to do it. I look for answers, no foolishness.
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You you get all your answers from quick searches, you start to become lazy and unable to search properly. This is a BB, where all forums, threads, and posts are permanent. Available always. They are, so that others can come, read, SEARCH, and if, and only if they don't find the answer, open a thread.
Now, if we didn't wanted this... perhaps the dev's would have opened a chatroom on IRC and we could all be there to answer THE SAME ANSWERS over and over again.
Oh by the way, please explain how can you participate in a forum... without ever replying ? And he did answer something... as you putted it yourself... clever.

Listen...why don't you spend your time answering my question instead of bla bla bla about forum uses.
Do you like to spend all your time making searches, searches, searches and more searches?? Go ahead...Let others do what they want. If you don't agree, just keep your mouth closed and go to another thread more important than mine.

guido_7701 said:
Listen...why don't you spend your time answering my question instead of bla bla bla about forum uses.
Do you like to spend all your time making searches, searches, searches and more searches?? Go ahead...Let others do what they want. If you don't agree, just keep your mouth closed and go to another thread more important than mine.
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You don't like to read
Your question has already been answered
I like to solve the problems on my own
If i can't, i like to read. I don't want to solve it, i want to understand it
This is XDA devs. We develop, and help to develop and test. You wan't answers ? Call microsoft, htc, or whatever.
this is NOT your support forum. No one, owes you nothing here, except for respect.
Respect, you showed NO ONE when you don't even try to read the posts others have put here for you.
Now, stop being like that, go to the sugested thread, and learn how to fix your problem and to have some humility and respect.

daedric said:
You don't like to read
Your question has already been answered
I like to solve the problems on my own
If i can't, i like to read. I don't want to solve it, i want to understand it
This is XDA devs. We develop, and help to develop and test. You wan't answers ? Call microsoft, htc, or whatever.
this is NOT your support forum. No one, owes you nothing here, except for respect.
Respect, you showed NO ONE when you don't even try to read the posts others have put here for you.
Now, stop being like that, go to the sugested thread, and learn how to fix your problem and to have some humility and respect.
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I understand why your "thanksmeter" is in cero.
Please...shut up and don't write any more in this thread...From now you are not allow to write a word in this thread.
Go to c++ forums if you like to develop.

guido_7701 said:
I understand why your "thanksmeter" is in cero.
Please...shut up and don't write any more in this thread...From now you are not allow to write a word in this thread.
Go to c++ forums if you like to develop.
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Well... if a mod/admin forbids me, i will. You have no authority here.
As for the thanks meter, i have no comments.

lol now its not zero.

aceoyame said:
lol now its not zero.
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cause that is what the real community is ment to be or not?

So this guy thinks devs are forced to solve his problem? Have some selfesteem and try to solve it by urself, even my toddler could do it... Im starting to realize one of my college proffesors is right.... Windows stupifies people! (look at win7 logo: your PC simplified) Its like a black box when you cant see whats going on inside, you only have to now the input and output part of the system, ubuntu in the other hand forces users to learn some basic commands... the world would be a better place to live if we all had linux on our computers...

I just love it when people think that every site that offers something is required to offer support.
Not true, infact in the real world almost EVERY company in the U.S. of A does NOT have their own support, in fact it comes from 3rd party.
Same concept here, infact on this site, the userbase is filled with hardware tinkerers, software programmers, developers, IT professionals, etc, etc. They provide this stuff to you at no cost, and without warranty, meaning NO support unless it's something on their end (ex. programming error, etc), and then they provide fixes, which in case they did provide a fix in terms of a update package for android to fix the modules error.
I was the unfortunate one to run into this problem as well, and tried frantically to search for a reason why until I made a post explaining I couldn't find the source of the problem, and then they pointed me in the right direction and I went from there. Granted I ran into a second problem of my device running out of memory trying to apply the update, but that was an entirely un-related issue that I solved myself.
I myself am a hardware tinkerer, I love to break things, then fix them. I repair PCs, Laptops, hell even TVs in my spare time.
In retrospec. Things don't always work 100%, but for 95% of the people here, they go out of their way to try and fix it themselves and solve it themselves.
Everyone's right, there is a search button on these forums, and it takes probably 2 clicks to run a search, very simpl..... oh wait, Windows 7 can do it in 1 click, so I'm guessing 2 clicks is too complicated for you....


Backing Up Everything

Apologies if this appears elsewhere but I have looked without success. If it does then a link to the solution would be great.
Basically I found this site a few weeks ago and since then have been tinkering with my phone. I've tried various roms, added different programs, played about with the settings and so on. Today I have finally got it just how I want it. It is overclocked to run quickly but safely. The today screen is perfect. It contains everything I need including my huge list of contacts. And my theme is spot-on. However usually in life when everything is right something big and hairy appears out of nowhere and dumps on you. Its got to the point where I panic every time I turn it on just in case it crashes and I need to start all over again.
My question therefore is if anyone knows of a utility (or can give detailed instructions) to completely back up the phone. Right down to the user settings, theme and contacts. If possible maybe even to create a rom image of my phone so that if it does ever crash I can reinstall the whole thing from one simple file. I assume this sort of thing must be possible because Kavana and Ricky produce such wonderful roms with various programs, etc pre-installed.
Can it be done? And if so - can it be done by an enthusiastic amateur or do you need to be a tech guru? I should add I don't mind paying if I need to buy a piece of commercial software to achieve this.
Did you even bother to search google for "smartphone backup" ? The very first link that comes up, takes you right to the software you say you need. I apologize for being harsh, but I hate the lack of common sense...
An option
Not sure about the cooked 6.1 Roms. Maybe someone else might know or have tried.
I use this and it's well worth it.
if u just mean the saved registry values and what not u can always export the registry so that way if u have to hard reset the phone or if a new amazingly wowlike rom is released and u NEED to flash u can always import the registry values of the chomes and it'll be the way u left it (thats what I do for my myfaves and my programs)
OrganicM said:
Did you even bother to search google for "smartphone backup" ? The very first link that comes up, takes you right to the software you say you need. I apologize for being harsh, but I hate the lack of common sense...
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No problem, and you are entitled to your opinion. however its replies like that which stop people making posts to forums like this. Everyone has to start somewhere, and one man's obvious "common sense" answer is another man's dilemma.
As for using google... yep I could have done that but google links to hundreds of pages, some owned by people trying to sell software which obviously means they won't be objective. Others have methods which could damage a phone and because I don't know the writers how do I know which methods to trust? Ergo I decided to come to site I know, with people whose technical knowhow I trust, and to search the forum and then ask them for advice. To me, that is common sense. Isn't that one of the reasons that places like this exist? So non techheads can ask guys like you for help?
No offence intended and, for what its worth, you are one of the guys whose advice on this forum has helped me countless times. So thank you for that no matter what. Without your posts I'd never have got this far in the first place! I mean that.
As for the other replies... thanks guys. I will look into the registry stuff. And I will certainly check out the software link. If I do find some info on google, I hope you folks will help me pick the best method to use and avoid bad advice.
Thanks again.
Okay the Sprite software is perfect. And now I've checked it out maybe my question was a stupid one. Still, its nice to have a recommendation from an independent source. I've been burnt in the past by bad google advice.
Sorry if I've wasted anyone's time.

Just ordered, what mods etc should i get? im clueles!!

hey its being delievered on tuesday yaya
But what should i get for it?
I know youll link me to the stickies but im already readingh them and they don tell me what i need for my phone
So tell me, what mods are msuts for this phone?
Also what roms are recomended? And if i flash a rom does it affect the touch flow, aplications etc?
Cheers and any other info i should know. I hear i have to do some reg edit to use wifi at a decent speed??
hey also is it possible to get itunes on my phone so i can sync it with my pc and play all my itunes music? As currently alot of it is in itunes format and cannot play on other players.
8igdave said:
hey also is it possible to get itunes on my phone so i can sync it with my pc and play all my itunes music? As currently alot of it is in itunes format and cannot play on other players.
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Id be interested in this too
NOOOOOBBBSSSS!! You just said it yourself, you must read the threads.
ROM issues you ust test outyourself, i can recoomend a rom, but possibly i'll have other way of using my phone than you.... look, read, test for yourself and youll see that this balckstone is quite a device.
Gr. Bram
ps. read this first, this will help you on the way: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=2031989&postcount=45
So basicaly this isn't actually a forum to help people who dont know anything about it find out about apps which have been created by people here. How unhelpful.
8igdave said:
So basicaly this isn't actually a forum to help people who dont know anything about it find out about apps which have been created by people here. How unhelpful.
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No, what you'll find is that all the information you most likely need is already on this forum somewhere. Take a day or two,search, read, look at the wiki, and you will be in a much better position to understand what you can do and want to do with your phone.
I did the above and have flashed custom roms, various applications, registry tweaks, edited dlls and what not and am now very happy with my phone.
Yeah i have looked through theese for days. But there is just so much, especialy when i know so little. It is very hard to pick out whats good and whats not.
I was hoping uses of HD touch could just post what they feel is the best things that they use. And from that i could work out what to use.
But it appears people would rather turn their nose up because i dont know anything about moding theese.
It's not that i dont want to help you with finding apps and mods and tweaks, or helping you understand your device better, it the way you assume that someone displays every app on a plate so you can install without breaking a sweat.
All apps that are around for the HD are fully reviewed and archived in the wiki:
This is a thread that you could have found easyly, since it's a wiki page and has been stickied in this subforum.
Also on the wiki, theres much info on upgrading and modding the HD's rom, search an you will find, not ask and takeoff without understanding.
We'd like to help if you have a problem, and you searched for it, and stated out what youve done by yourself to solve it.
The first thing youll have to do is find your own answers, then ask your question.
EDIT: In fact of the itunes music issue, you can play AAC files on the HD, this info i've found in the manual, RTFM!
Gr. Bram
i ahve looked through that several times actually. Ive identifyed some things. But generaly they arnt reviewed and ther is so many aplications that do the same job on there i dont know wahts best and i presume you guys do.
Its quite simple, i dont know whats good. You guys do, i ask instead of trawling through lists installing them all and trying them my self. Its not really unreasonable tbh. Ive never been met by so much hostility to a simple question that i presume is on everyones mind who gets a touch hd and is new to it all.
also, what is manilla? i see it around alot.
8igdave said:
also, what is manilla? i see it around alot.
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Search my friend, whats the main word that pops off your screen whan you search for manila? Yes, Its touchflo3d! Manila what the HTC codeword when they developed the app, and it still uses manila in the registry and such.
Gr. Bram
ahh i see, so does that mean roms that dont have "manilla" in the title dont use touch flo 3d?
8igdave said:
ahh i see, so does that mean roms that dont have "manilla" in the title dont use touch flo 3d?
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Due to your evident experience level with HTC products I would suggest that you refrain from playin about with roms until you are at least onto your second device.. stick to easy to install software for the moment and gain an understanding of how your device works.
i would ahve thought there would be a guide i could follow and it all be fairly simple. I have flashed bios's on my pc, overclocked etc. Im not new to learning such things. I have just never done it on a phone before.
I presume i can always reflash to the orginal if it goes wrong? But yeah i will be getting used to the phone first before i do do any flashing. But i definitly intend of flashing the rom. I got this phone with the intent on playing around with it and learning about it all.
8igdave said:
... I got this phone with the intent on playing around with it and learning about it all.
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Well... do that. Asking questions like "which apps should I install?" or "which ROM is the best?" doesn't make much more sense than asking "what is the tastiest food?" You will get as many different answers as there are people out there. In my oppinion this forum is for "how to do..." questions and not for "what to do..." - if you have any of the first kind, there is a good chance that someone will answer it.
As far as the ROMs go - every ROM more or less reflects the cooker's usage of the phone, so you WILL become 'flash-o-holic', because everyone has unique pattern of usage and you will think that the next ROM will be better suited for you, and the next one, and the next one... but the truth is that none of them is 100% tailored for you. My advice is - read carefully the sticky threads (there is a reason they are pinned above all else), always be sure you are not doing something irreversible and respect the work of others. And congratulations for the excelent choise of hardware .
Yeah i understand what your saying. Just like a direction to head at really.
Im going to try dutties first and seems to be very popular and i hear it speeds the phone up quite a bit.
And ahhh cant wait, so annoying i had to wait till friday to order it with weekend and bankholiday monday to wait! it was out of stock for weeks!
8igdave said:
I presume i can always reflash to the orginal if it goes wrong?
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If you dont know what you are doing you can turn your phone into an expensive paperweight..
mmm ok, shall defo make suer i got a good guide to follow first.
Im currently trying to find out what "cabs" are exacly. I see them menchened everywhere but it doesn't appear to be given a definition in the wiki. Might have missed it though. Not really sure what to type in google as typing "cab" doesn't really give the results i want.
Anyone got any links to good guilds, how too's, how they got started etc?
8igdave said:
mmm ok, shall defo make suer i got a good guide to follow first.
Im currently trying to find out what "cabs" are exacly. I see them menchened everywhere but it doesn't appear to be given a definition in the wiki. Might have missed it though. Not really sure what to type in google as typing "cab" doesn't really give the results i want.
Anyone got any links to good guilds, how too's, how they got started etc?
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A .cab file is an socalled "cabinet file" wich is used in windows for ages to install stuff. In desktop windows you dont see them anymore couse they are camouflaged by a .exe of .msi file, but they are used still today.
On windows mobile, all programs are installed by cab, so basically for you, a cab is an installer.
Gr. Bram
ive been searching for months and still havnt found any decent programs, the software wiki is useless as it doesnt even tell you what half the programs are or do!
8igdave said:
So basicaly this isn't actually a forum to help people who dont know anything about it find out about apps which have been created by people here. How unhelpful.
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Okay, if you're going to be nasty, I'll return the favour. If you're going to buy something as technically advanced as the Touch HD, and you have no clue (your word) as to what to do with it, perhaps you should stick with a less complicated device.
Second, most questions have already been answered in these forums. Do a simple search. If that, too, is beyond you, then this site, and others like it, are too advanced for you.
Stick with a basic flip-phone and you should be happy.
(shaking his head)

Just a thought.

I have been trolling the forums for years and have spent 1000's of hours
reading and learning and searching...
mostly searching...
I was just wondering. How taxing would it be to have links
in the forums to entries in the wiki detailing what a given subject is all about?
similar to Tomboy notes in Linux.
where no special taging in the post needs to be made.
any word that has a wiki entry would automatically link to the article.
for instance:
while reading a forum entry about flashing a ROM, there is talk about
HARDSPLs, RADIOs, CID Unlockers, Nand, HaRET, Compcache, different
versions of android Donut Cupcake Eclair etc.... Tinboot, Flash,
CustomRUU.exe the list could go on forever.
Being able to click on the word that is of interest and lead them to a
stationary section for an answer(such as a wiki), may keep the "Stupid" or
repetitive questions to a minimum and help clear up the boards.
Instead of re-explaining how to do something every time a new visitor to the
site decides to ask noob questions, a noob would see something they don't
understand and then click on that word that links them to an article that
best describes it.
the problem is that stickies don't always stay up. good explanations don't
always have their own thread, and searching the forums usually just brings
up posts of people using those words in a sentence but not necessarily
explaining in detail what it is about or how to use it.
often there are very good posts that explain in detail certain subjects.
and if you search for them you will find them.
but you will never get rid of "Lazy" people that don't want to search for hours
reading countless numbers of non-helpful or incomprehensible jibberjabber.
and its not always a matter of being lazy. sometimes it is just damn near
impossible to find what you are looking for.but it is there....
it has just got to be.
Also, if this is possible to have setup,
when there is a subject matter that doesn't yet have an entry any
knowledgeable person that has permission to create an entry can do so.
(i am guessing thats already true for the wiki)
I am sure that may be more complicated than I am seeing it. But it sure would be nice.
I like this idea. At some point we are going to have to migrate to a new wiki (the one we have is no longer supported). When we do that, I will look into this as well. Thanks.
I think not... Cause i will always click the words by accident,
If i want to know something, i will look in the wiki myself
Maybe an option so you can choose
I don't like it either. That way it looks like some ad app has hijacked your browser and hyperlinks all relevant words for you. But, if you could choose wether to turn this option on or off, it might be an idea!
Why are you calling yourself a troll? WTF does trolling mean then? You don't sound like a troll right now.
Overloaded said:
I think not... Cause i will always click the words by accident,
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What are you doing? just clicking around randomly at your screen as you read???
I know what you mean though... I always "Highlight" with my mouse while I read and I would get mad if I kept getting redirected when I do that.
for sure this would be a better thing if it was "ON" by default for noobs
and then you could turn it off in your user settings when you no longer need it.
maardiweb said:
I don't like it either. That way it looks like some ad app has hijacked your browser and hyperlinks all relevant words for you.
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I absolutly HATE those damn ads. especially when they POPUP little windows that wont go away until you click the little x.
poetryrocksalot said:
Why are you calling yourself a troll? WTF does trolling mean then? You don't sound like a troll right now.
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I consider a troll to be someone that joins a forum just to get access to a download or to frequently get info about something and never contribute back.
I don't really consider myself a troll... when I have something of value I will post. when I get really stuck with a problem I post. but I have no need to rant about BS or make comments on things that I am not really sure about.
Overloaded said:
I think not... Cause i will always click the words by accident,
If i want to know something, i will look in the wiki myself
Maybe an option so you can choose
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I agree with the above and an 'option' seems to be better.


Could anyone point me to the correct tutorial to root your HTC Touch Pro 2 ?
I'v been reading up on the android builds past few days. I'm totally new to this.
I got android to work with the project android build. And i want to use Whatsapp.
But it won't let me open Whatsapp. 3rd party task manager is killing it. So i guess its ATK ? But i can't just uninstall it trough settings>applications etc. Same trough android market. I read somewhere you'd have to root it then. But i don't know how. Any help would be appreciated alot !!!.
If i'm not suppose to post this, because i haven't looked or w/e, fine delete this. But i did look. And if been reading alot of topics and iv seen alot of flaming just because of asking a question. might have been a stupid one, but still, people just want some help. Why not help out ? We all start somewhere. And im starting right here. haha.
Oh and if im totally off map by saying rooting, let me know how i can get whatsapp to work. Iv seen it works for others so im just waiting to fix mine. haha.
Anyway, great job on the forum and great builds for TP2.
from the spacestronaut.
It is already rooted. Next time spend some time reading
Spacestronaut said:
Could anyone point me to the correct tutorial to root your HTC Touch Pro 2 ?
I'v been reading up on the android builds past few days. I'm totally new to this.
I got android to work with the project android build. And i want to use Whatsapp.
But it won't let me open Whatsapp. 3rd party task manager is killing it. So i guess its ATK ? But i can't just uninstall it trough settings>applications etc. Same trough android market. I read somewhere you'd have to root it then. But i don't know how. Any help would be appreciated alot !!!.
If i'm not suppose to post this, because i haven't looked or w/e, fine delete this. But i did look. And if been reading alot of topics and iv seen alot of flaming just because of asking a question. might have been a stupid one, but still, people just want some help. Why not help out ? We all start somewhere. And im starting right here. haha.
Oh and if im totally off map by saying rooting, let me know how i can get whatsapp to work. Iv seen it works for others so im just waiting to fix mine. haha.
Anyway, great job on the forum and great builds for TP2.
from the spacestronaut.
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well you didnt search enough nor read enough...and i started by reading and searching (only 2 posts in first year as member)
Like i said before, i did search the past few days, and i did read, but its not like theres a topic out there called "TP2 rooting". Or "how to get rid of preinstalled apps". So cool it. And help me out. That would be greatly appreciated it. i knew i shouldn't expect a mature response...
Spacestronaut said:
Like i said before, i did search the past few days, and i did read, but its not like theres a topic out there called "TP2 rooting". Or "how to get rid of preinstalled apps". So cool it. And help me out. That would be greatly appreciated it. i knew i shouldn't expect a mature response...
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Well that's the problem, XDAndroid is rooted - but don't expect every app that works on native Android phones to work on these - this isn't exactly an approved or sanctioned port.
arrrghhh said:
Well that's the problem, XDAndroid is rooted - but don't expect every app that works on native Android phones to work on these - this isn't exactly an approved or sanctioned port.
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im not using the XDandroid build, im using the project android build. And i read somewhere in order for whatsapp to be working you need to get rid of ATK by rooting your phone and then get rid of the app (ATK). So, some are saying it should be rooted. And it's not like no one is running whatsapp on a HTC android mod. it should be working. but i can't seem to get rid of ATK. iv read other could just get rid of it trough settings>applications but i can only delete the updates. Please some real anwsers instead of saying things i allready know.
first of all welcome to the xda-developers forum...
like u and i guess everyone i hate answers like some of the ones you got..
i think a froum is made to ask questiuons however that might be about...
and it took me month back in my old htc kaiser days to get the whole android thing.
so when you want to install apps that are not from the store then u have to check one checkbox first.
ull find it under settings->applications-> and there should be a checkbox that says unsigned apps or untrusted apps...something like that.
normally this page should pop up if u click on a app that u have on the sd card...
i hope that is what u asked for...
and the phone is already rooted whatever build u are using
and if u have any questions but dont want to ask them in the forum cuz u might think that u get answers that dont suit ure question just pm me
the-nj said:
first of all welcome to the xda-developers forum...
like u and i guess everyone i hate answers like some of the ones you got..
i think a froum is made to ask questiuons however that might be about...
and it took me month back in my old htc kaiser days to get the whole android thing.
so when you want to install apps that are not from the store then u have to check one checkbox first.
ull find it under settings->applications-> and there should be a checkbox that says unsigned apps or untrusted apps...something like that.
normally this page should pop up if u click on a app that u have on the sd card...
i hope that is what u asked for...
and the phone is already rooted whatever build u are using
and if u have any questions but dont want to ask them in the forum cuz u might think that u get answers that dont suit ure question just pm me
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Hi, i appreciate your response. Thanks alot.
So it's allready rooted. Ok cool. Let me explain. I want to use Whatsapp. But when i open it, i get the 3rd party task manager is blocking it. And im guessing its the ATK. but i can't get rid of it. I know how to install unsigned and untrusted apps. But now i want to get rid of it. haha. Anyway, i shoot you a message maybe tomorrow to explain more i guess. A mod can close this, as i proberly won't get a straight answers anyway.
Spacestronaut said:
im not using the XDandroid build, im using the project android build. And i read somewhere in order for whatsapp to be working you need to get rid of ATK by rooting your phone and then get rid of the app (ATK). So, some are saying it should be rooted. And it's not like no one is running whatsapp on a HTC android mod. it should be working. but i can't seem to get rid of ATK. iv read other could just get rid of it trough settings>applications but i can only delete the updates. Please some real anwsers instead of saying things i allready know.
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Do you even know what you're talking about? ATK hasn't been included in any builds for a while, and what do you mean you're not using XDAndroid you're using the "project android build" - this makes me think you have NO clue what you're talking about. Please, prove me wrong.
arrrghhh said:
Do you even know what you're talking about? ATK hasn't been included in any builds for a while, and what do you mean you're not using XDAndroid you're using the "project android build" - this makes me think you have NO clue what you're talking about. Please, prove me wrong.
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Your right, i don't know, that's why im asking... smh at the ignorance at this forum.
ok now i got what ure asking...
so then it is important what method u are using? do you have a system.ext2 file that you load with haret?
or do you have a partioned sd card with the android system on a ext2 partition.
when you have the whole system in a system.ext2 file you would need to unpack it, delete the .apk of the app, and then pack it into a .ext2 file again...
when you have the second method that just browse into the folder system/apps/ and delete the file...
that should work for every normal app but it is not easy to do it...
Spacestronaut said:
Your right, i don't know, that's why im asking... smh at the ignorance at this forum.
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Well you certainly answered my questions with a confidence only stupidity can be responsible for.
FYI, there's a difference between ignorance & stupidity. Ignorant people just don't know. Stupid people know, but are willingly ignorant. You have all the information available to, yet you insist on being ignorant.
It's OK to ask questions - but if it has been answered before, answering the same questions over and over again gets old. So some of us will respond a little less amicably than others - 9 times out of 10, this was because the OP didn't do their due diligence.
the-nj said:
ok now i got what ure asking...
so then it is important what method u are using? do you have a system.ext2 file that you load with haret?
or do you have a partioned sd card with the android system on a ext2 partition.
when you have the whole system in a system.ext2 file you would need to unpack it, delete the .apk of the app, and then pack it into a .ext2 file again...
when you have the second method that just browse into the folder system/apps/ and delete the file...
that should work for every normal app but it is not easy to do it...
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I just sent you a pm. i don't load anything, i start winmo, open up, project android, hit boot, android starts... that's all i do. i don't have a system.ext2 file on my sd. if this method is "wrong" or dated, let me know where to get the newest build. seems like that is the problem ?
hm...so you have to have some files that are behind that...
and i would think that you have a system.ext2 file somewhere...
should be in the andboot folder on your sd card.
but in builds that are used now here that task manager you want to get rid of isnt used anymore...so i would suggest just try the xdandroid build and kernels or the neopeek version which is very fast and you have all files on a spare partition on your sd card.
if you want to get started with the neopeek build just check neopeek.com and then the forum. there are all the build he has developed and instructions how to install. if u have any questions about that just let me know...
i guess art your point it would be the easiest to switch to another build
arrrghhh said:
Well you certainly answered my questions with a confidence only stupidity can be responsible for.
FYI, there's a difference between ignorance & stupidity. Ignorant people just don't know. Stupid people know, but are willingly ignorant. You have all the information available to, yet you insist on being ignorant.
It's OK to ask questions - but if it has been answered before, answering the same questions over and over again gets old. So some of us will respond a little less amicably than others - 9 times out of 10, this was because the OP didn't do their due diligence.
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Listen, i understand your point of view. Iv been reading up on alot of threads in the Touch Pro 2 section. And i saw alot of normal questions being asked. And there was alot of flaming just because of those questions. That's disrespect in my opinion. Because you guys now, just point a newb to the right place. I mean it's not that hard... or is it ? Believe i do understand it though. But it doesnt hurt to be a bit more helpfull. Im willing to learn. I signed up because i wanted to participate and learn. That might not have been in my OP but im sure you understand by now, i do want to learn. And to be honest, alot of those frequently asked questions aren't in the provided tutorials or aren't easy findable. Wich makes it totally legit to ask a question. Forgive me for not reading 1000 pages of a thread. I only wanted a quick response to my question. A url to the right place to continue to search for a fix. and to learn. not to piss you guys off. Because it's allready been done about a million times. Again, i do understand your attitude, but give a new guy a chance to learn.
the-nj said:
hm...so you have to have some files that are behind that...
and i would think that you have a system.ext2 file somewhere...
should be in the andboot folder on your sd card.
but in builds that are used now here that task manager you want to get rid of isnt used anymore...so i would suggest just try the xdandroid build and kernels or the neopeek version which is very fast and you have all files on a spare partition on your sd card.
if you want to get started with the neopeek build just check neopeek.com and then the forum. there are all the build he has developed and instructions how to install. if u have any questions about that just let me know...
i guess art your point it would be the easiest to switch to another build
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Thanks nick, you the man
I guess if your whole issue is ATK, then just use a newer build. I don't think ATK has been included in any of the 2.2 builds, but it hasn't been in a build for a while. So I'm guessing your build is old if you still have ATK on there.
Spacestronaut said:
Listen, i understand your point of view. Iv been reading up on alot of threads in the Touch Pro 2 section. And i saw alot of normal questions being asked. And there was alot of flaming just because of those questions. That's disrespect in my opinion. Because you guys now, just point a newb to the right place. I mean it's not that hard... or is it ? Believe i do understand it though. But it doesnt hurt to be a bit more helpfull. Im willing to learn. I signed up because i wanted to participate and learn. That might not have been in my OP but im sure you understand by now, i do want to learn. And to be honest, alot of those frequently asked questions aren't in the provided tutorials or aren't easy findable. Wich makes it totally legit to ask a question. Forgive me for not reading 1000 pages of a thread. I only wanted a quick response to my question. A url to the right place to continue to search for a fix. and to learn. not to piss you guys off. Because it's allready been done about a million times. Again, i do understand your attitude, but give a new guy a chance to learn.
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its a double-edged sword this kinda thing, because its easy for both sides it is just tedious and requires an abnormal amount of patience which some of us (like myself) have little of to begin with
also there are times, like this, that a noob cant simply be pointed in the right direction
all that said i agree with nick, just use xdandroid for tp2 especially since that is what the people around here are most accustomed to
So I am new with the Android world.
I got Blazn up and running, but that's all where I am at lol.
So i see all those extra information that I am not knowledgeable about (not ignorant so people don't start flaming) , so I am going to call myself a NOOB when it comes to Android and learning bit by bit everyday.
So long story short, You guys got WhatsApp up and running properly?
Because I heard back in the 2.1 eclair , WhatsApp was not working correctly.
If working, what alterations have you guys done to make it run (if any needed).
bteljuice said:
So I am new with the Android world.
I got Blazn up and running, but that's all where I am at lol.
So i see all those extra information that I am not knowledgeable about (not ignorant so people don't start flaming) , so I am going to call myself a NOOB when it comes to Android and learning bit by bit everyday.
So long story short, You guys got WhatsApp up and running properly?
Because I heard back in the 2.1 eclair , WhatsApp was not working correctly.
If working, what alterations have you guys done to make it run (if any needed).
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Ok, after a quick google search I see what it is... why not just use Google Voice? Seems like a much better alternative IMHO.

[Q] need helps

i want to know how do i do to build a kernel for my htc desire, and ov/uc please thx
Try the Q&A section, where this should've been posted. Maybe you shouldn't be cooking kernels when you can't even manage to read forumpolicies
lol everyone learns and i want to learn how to make it just it
Alkan2 said:
lol everyone learns and i want to learn how to make it just it
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There is a q&a section on this forum, try there. This thread will probably soon be locked down once mods found out about it and most importantly, you won't get any help here.
hello noob!
Someone needs to take that ****e video off YouTube as it's harsh. How are we meant to build a community if people just shoot n00bs down before they know anything??
EddyOS said:
Someone needs to take that ****e video off YouTube as it's harsh. How are we meant to build a community if people just shoot n00bs down before they know anything??
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Don't wanna b adding too much to this thread but agree 1000 times with this comment...if it wasn't for noob threads I'd still be stuck with stock rubbish
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
This thread -> LOL
bailz2506 said:
Don't wanna b adding too much to this thread but agree 1000 times with this comment...if it wasn't for noob threads I'd still be stuck with stock rubbish
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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I agree noob threads are great, they helped me immensely.. but the android development thread is there for a specific reason and so is the q&a thread
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I've been noticing the increase of stupid questions for a while but more importantly, I am getting fed up with the aggressive nature of some of the users. So people post in the wrong section, move post with warning, end of.
Also if the ROMS were cross posted to FAQ by default then more people would end up there instead of using the search to find the ROM title and ending up at the DEV thread.
xda is getting a bad rep for their mods and i'm not surprised. . . .
Alkan2 said:
i want to know how do i do to build a kernel for my htc desire, and ov/uc please thx
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Returning to the original question.
The prerequisites for rolling your own kernel are:
- A linux system
- Terminal Know-how
- A synched GIT (such as the Bravo CM7 branch)
- Patience
That is just for building the stock kernel.
The additional prerequisites for changing stuff:
- A text editor
- A set of OC/UV values (such as Eviolett's)
- Experience in the linux terminal - more than for just compiling the stock kernel.
It doesn't seem like a lot of work - Sync the GIT, chuck in a few values, and build it. In reality, however, there is a stack of other stuff to do. I have a fairly good knowledge of the linux terminal, but still spent a stack more time getting everything ready than I wanted to (hours, in fact).
As motivated as you may be, it ain't a walk in the park, even with a detailed set of instructions. Stuff is going to go wrong, and a lot of the time, problems differ from those prescribed in the instructions.
Having been there, done that (or more accurately, failed to do that), this is just my two cents.
EDIT: Just to clarify, I failed miserably.
Bradshort said:
Also if the ROMS were cross posted to FAQ by default then more people would end up there instead of using the search to find the ROM title and ending up at the DEV thread.
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Nice idea but look at Robo's "RCMix S v2.0 Evolutionary Sense" thread" it has a separate RCMix Guide/Tutorial/FAQ + 2 irc channels now have a look through the 12000 odd posts in that thread maybe 50% are total spam by people who don't understand how a forum works, fail to do any independent research but expect someone to hold their hand and explain everything slowly to them. I don't condone it but i fully understand the reaction a lot of "dumb" superfluous posts get
This. Simple fact is most people are incredibly lazy and thinking that devs are here to answer their every stupid question.
Terepin said:
This. Simple fact is most people are incredibly lazy and thinking that devs are here to answer their every stupid question.
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Must agree.. I spent probably 10+ hours researching before I flashed my first ROM..
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I totally agree with fllash. It looks easy, but it certainly isn't.
Just start with downloading a copy of Ubuntu, version 10.04 and up will do just fine.
Why Ubuntu? Well, if you're only starting out with Linux and the more advanced topics such as compiling your own kernel, you'll need all the help you can get. XDA is a great community with a lot of information to be found, but it sure won't cover all the questions you'll have, so you might want to search trough the Ubuntu forums etc., as they might have more specific answers to your questions. There are also numerous books about starting with Linux, so you might want to check those out as well.
When you got a nice grip on working in Linux and the terminal, it's time to get busy programming!
If you're not a programmer already, you might want to start with Java. (Maybe write a little Android program? That way you'll also learn how Android works)
The Linux kernel is written in C and that might be a bit harsh to start out with. However, if you feel confident enough (or if you have programming skills already), go get yourself a book about programming in C, search some tutorials and start off writing some easy and silly programs, just to get a good grip on the language.
When you feel like you got a good grip on programming in C, feel free to download a kernel which is already compatible with the HTC Desire, one from CM or one from Thalamus (from Oxygen ROM) and take a look at the source code. Try to understand what makes it tick. Please note, that these kenels are for AOSP ROM's only! If you want a HTC Sense compatible kernel, go get the source from HTC which you can find here: http://developer.htc.com
By the time you got this far, it's only a piece of cake to compile and install. (Compiling and installing really isn't the hardest part about all this, so you'll manage to find your way out of this one)
Right now, you're probably thinking: "Is this all necessary? I just want my own kernel.." Well, yeah, it kinda is. You just can't follow a tutorial and end up with a kernel which is going to be great. There are going to be bugs, you're going to have problems, nothing will work from the first try.
Maintaining a kernel is hard work and requires a lot of knowledge in order to do a proper job.
Also, take a look at http://developer.android.com/. Knowing how Android works is kinda a requirement as well (at least, I consider it to be a requirement).
Oh, and for the record, please post in the correct forums next time. There's a Q&A section where you can search for, or ask questions. I understand that this is a dev-related question and you might have figured that the dev section would do fine, but unfortunately, it doesn't.
Okay? Well, happy learning! Don't let other forum members or some tough luck get you down.

