[SOLVED][DEV]WinMo 6.5 Security level and App Execution - Windows Mobile Software Development

I'm trying to develop a little app for my Win6.5Pro PDA (brand new, entreprise edition).
So I've made my own certificate (using tools from the SDK) and it runs smoothly on the emulator.
But when I want to transfer it to my PDA, it says: The file X cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components.....
I installed the certificate on my PDA, but nothing changed.
I tried with a .cab instead of an .exe, but nothing changed.
I tried to run the .exe in another WinMo, and it run smoothly.
I tried to install other apps, but nothing except the Marketplace's apps were allowed.
After a few hours on Google and MSDN, I think it is because the security level is set to "Locked" (cf. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb416350.aspx ).
Is there a way to change the security level, or to bypass it?
(it's for personnal dev, and I'm not part of Mobile2Market Program so I don't have a trusted certificate)

Not sure if WM5 version will work with WM6.5, but there's a tool for this:
Here's a short tutorial:

Thanks stepw.
The Security Configuration Manager tool is also include in the WinMo 6 SDK, so it should work fine.
But I've already tried, and the phone can't connect to anything but ActiveSync

So, after a cople of hours, I've somehow managed to find a solution.
I don't know if it will help somebody but I will write it here.
It's probably not the best solution, but it work fine with me.
First, I've copied the following configuration file into the PDA:
C:\Program Files\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Tools\PocketPC\Security\SecurityOff.cpf
C:\Program Files\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Tools\PocketPC\Security\RapiSecurityRapiAllowed.cpf
And I've executed them several times: it seems that something happened (the screen got black for half a second) but at this stage I still wasn't able to launch my app.
I've try to hard reset the device and still nothing changed.
But when I deleted the ActiveSync connection on my desktop and re-connected the PDA, a pop-up appeared saying that the device should restart so new changes will take effect.
And when the PDA restarted, everything was fine


Updating JASJAR

Hi all,
I have been trying to check out the forum here, to try and solve my problem, I literally bought my JASJAR today, and it was giving some wierd behaviour. In an attempt to reload the software (I prefere to reload the entire ROM), something went wrong, now all thats on my screen is "USB" and a lil lower down "v1.01".
ActiveSync obviously not connecting now bcos the OS is not on the JASJAR no more, in my device manager is a "Microsoft USB Sync" under my mobile devices.
I downloaded what I am guessing is WM6, 'JASJAR_WWE_20106_20301_11300_wwe_ship' from another thread in this forum, tried to load that but cant communicate with device cos no activesync.
I have tried the different reset options, like the 2 function keys and the reset on the back, I push 0 to clear, and then it jus goes back to the USB v1.01 thing.
I am running windows vista home basic, with the Windows Mobile Device Center, it synced perfectly with this software, communicated properly with the update tool, until my device reset and activsync lost connection, then i was stuffed.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like it is your first time with the upgrade. What you are seeing on the screen is the bootloader, which is what we use for flashing new ROMs.
ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center (how come you have both on Vista?) will therefore not respond. This is fine, because we use a different program to load the new ROMs.
If you look at the folder you downloaded, chances are that there should be a program called "ROMUpgradeUt" or something similar. Provided that you have not changed anything in the folder, you should be able to flash the new ROM by simply following the instructions in the program.
You can also read this link for more information: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Universal
Here is an instruction guide on ROM upgrading: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=269118
how come you have both on Vista?
Sorry, I don't mean to sound like I have both, I recently moved to Vista, and am used to calling it activesync and not WMDC.
Thanks, will have a look
Ok, well I have got it up and running again, only problem now is activsync keeps freezing when I try and sync the device...any ideas?
I landed up using my work computer, which has XP on it, and then used MTTY and that connected fine, on Vista it simply didnt wanna work.
I ran the utility for those 'stuck on serial/usb', and that fixed it. Now I would like to load up WM6, but it keeps getting communication failures.
Thanks for the help guys....I got it working...running on WM6 now...whoo!!

unable to update hx4700 2003 - MW6 using Bootloader!

I've read good reviews on chrismrulz's bootlaoder programe and I'm trying to use it to update my iPAQ 4700 from 2003 to WM6. However I am obviously doing something wrong as I just cannot get it to work!
Please can anyone offer any advice?
I hope I am following the exact instructions as mentioned here at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=325727
and here is what is happening:
Step 1.
Make new folder in root directory.
No Problem c:\Bootloader set up.
Step 2.
Download WM6 ROM and bootloader into file.
Done as directed from links in instructions directly into new folder.
Checked and c:\Bootloader now has 2 files in it Bootloader.exe and WM6_4700_0_7_0_RELEASE4.rar
Step 3.
Put hx4700 in bootloader mode and place in sync cradle.
I assume I have done this correctly. Screen goes blank and you can just make out the HP logo it says USB when in cradle and shows version 1.01
Step 4.
Open bootloader and select image.
Ok I go to folder and double click on Bootloader.exe
I get a security warning about the software and ignor by pressing run.
2 things now happen simutaniously. Bootloader.exe expands and creates c:\Bootloader\Bootloader and fills it with more files and directories and....
I get a box asking me to select a file to flash ROM to my device. I change the directory back to C:\Bootloader and select WM6_4700_0_7_0_RELEASE4.rar and press open.
I get a message telling me to please wait the file is being extracted and inviting me to press ok. Before I can press ok the box is replaced with a winRAR Diagonistic Message saying c:\Bootloader\WM6_4700_0_7_0_RELEASE4.rar no files to extract.
I close this dialog box and get another message telling me to wait whilst it edits files. Then this in turn is replaced by a message saying Error reading file c:\Bootloader\Bootloader\temp_nbf\ I click on OK to acknowledge.
And that’s it nothing else happens.
I've obviously read the instructions wrong or something can anyone help point me in the right direction? Or offer any alternatives?
I'm using Active Sync 3.7.1
Open the rar file (with WinRar), and read the instructions that are in the Readme.txt file... And update your Activesync to version 4.5, which is needed for WM6.
Thank you Ridolfo, so much easier than what I was trying to do. I now have WM6 working and am very pleased with it.
One problem i now have is Activesync 4.5 will not work with my Outlook 2002 I dont suppose anyone knows a workaround or do I have to buy a copy of Outlook 2007?
Phil3099 said:
Thank you Ridolfo, so much easier than what I was trying to do. I now have WM6 working and am very pleased with it.
One problem i now have is Activesync 4.5 will not work with my Outlook 2002 I dont suppose anyone knows a workaround or do I have to buy a copy of Outlook 2007?
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Very strange indeed, my AS works fine with OL2002... Did you use the MS Office Update to get the latest servicepacks for OL ?
Outlook 2002 now ok. I was havinag a bad day yesterday. Now if I can just find a way of viewing java enabled web pages I will be happy
Phil3099 said:
Outlook 2002 now ok. I was havinag a bad day yesterday. Now if I can just find a way of viewing java enabled web pages I will be happy
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Try these .....
First install JBed, then Opera
Hi Dirlan,
Thank you for the files. I was already experimenting with Opera so I deleted it from my iPAQ loaded Cloudyfa_EsmertecJbed.cab and then reinstalled Opera.
Unfortunately I get an error message from Jbed saying "the file jbed cannot be opened. Either it is not signed or one of its components cannot be found.
Any ideas?
After extracting using WinRAR
Trying to upgrade from 2003 to WM6 ...
After extracting WM6_4700_0_7_0_RELEASE4.rar using WinRAR I am trying to follow the instructions in the readme.txt (as Bootloader didn't work for me as in the first post in this thread):
From readme.txt
To begin with if you want to flash your device using cradle,you have to:
1.In processes (CTRL+ALT+DEL) you must kill Wcesscom.exe
2.Then Enter in Bootloader (Contacts+iTask+Reset)
3.Put your device on usb cradle.
4.Run mtty11a.exe
5.In "Port" choose \\.\WCEUSBSH001 and click OK
6.Write command: lnb OS_WM6.nb0
8.Enjoy yourself
As I'm not all that familiar with this can someone explain in step-by-step what's involved with the mtty11a.exe application, and Step 6?
Currently my hx4700 is what I think in bootloader mode (Screen is dim an I can barely make out "USB" the hp logo and the current version "v1.01"). I previously tried the original WM5 upgrade and it just dies on me at 0.1%.
Hi tk2000
As I posted the original post I know exactly what you are going through. However once I went through the instructions you are currently trying to use every thing went smoothly. You have extracted the .rar file and are unsure of the mtty11a.exe file.
Assuming you have you have killed Wcesscom.exe on your pc as in step 1,
and the device in in its cradle in bootloader mode (as you described very faint HP logo, USB and version 1.01 displayed).
Then double click on the mtty11a.exe as in step 4. This then brings up an application and you will see a dropdown menu next to port, simply select the option \\.\WCEUSBSH001 and click ok.
6.Write command: lnb OS_WM6.nb0 now this stage I was a little unsure of myself I simply typed "lnb OS_WM6.nb0" in from the keyboard and pressed enter and it started to load. This takes a few minutes but afterwards you should have WM6 on your device.
I had to do a couple of hardware restarts and it took a few minutes in its cradle but it all works fine for me.
Phil3099 said:
Hi Dirlan,
Thank you for the files. I was already experimenting with Opera so I deleted it from my iPAQ loaded Cloudyfa_EsmertecJbed.cab and then reinstalled Opera.
Unfortunately I get an error message from Jbed saying "the file jbed cannot be opened. Either it is not signed or one of its components cannot be found.
Any ideas?
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Hi Phil,
There should be an 'opera-unsigned*.cab' somewhere here on the forum. I didn't try it because Opera works fine for me.
Phil3099, I a followed the instructions exactly but I don't see a status bar on the pda. mtty showes the progress with lines of + but the 4700 stays on the hp logo screen with USB on top.

application file cannot be opened .either it is notsigned with trusted certificate

I am having problems with applications under Windows Mobile 5.0. When i try to run them i get the following error.
The file 'foo' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file.
1)Is there anyway of disabling the checks for trusted applications in Windows Mobile 5.0 on the Wizard?
I think this error becuz u r trying to run wm6 applications under wm5
vodovodo said:
I think this error becuz u r trying to run wm6 applications under wm5
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I have same problem for BA wm 6.1 5.2.19199.1.0.0 PV DVH. Some people offered solution of HR. I don't agree with this. because we have to lose what we've been installing and spend more time re-installing them. so much time-wasting?
Any other solutions, please?!
Thanks in advance.
Problem may be cause of your SD card if u r using WM6. SD card PowerManagment value is set("DisablePowerManagment") to 0 in your registry. This means after a while your device will set your SD card power off for savg batttery. This cause to unread your program files etc while u start any program on your form your SD card device.
I fixed this problem like that;
By any registry editor:
Find the Path:
"Hkey_local_machine>drivers>sdcard>clientdrivers> class >SDMemory_Class"
after that find;
""DisablePowerManagement"" key and set its value to "1" than save and exit. Than soft reset your device. Problem will be fixed.
Sorry for my bad english.
Windows Mobile powered devices are shipped with default security settings.
The security model enables Mobile Operators to make post-production changes to security settings.
This can place significant restrictions on software which has not been signed and approved.
However you can change the default settings.
Take control of applications on your phone.
"All listed settings are decimal"
1. Connect the phone through ActiveSync.
2. Run your favorite remote registry editor "CeRegEditor (Download)" "Mobile Registry Editor (Download)" on your PC. http://ceregeditor.mdsoft.pl/
3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies
Unsigned Prompt Policy:
This policy indicates whether the user is prompted to accept or reject unsigned .cab, theme, .dll and .exe files.
DWord = 0000101a Data = Use the following-->
0 = Indicates user will be prompted.
1 = Indicates user will not be prompted.
you will set that register decimal 1. that is solved problem
I have a HTC Tytn II and i get the same error. However, When trying to alter data using the reg editor you recommended, i found the 0000101a was already set to 1. Any other ideas?
Hi All,
Would someone be so kind to me a explain how I can move a package from the EXT directory or one Kitchen to the EXT directory on this version of kitchen.
I thought I could just simply copy the directory? So I had a go compiling a version of youtube from a different kitchen It would seem mot to work thou as I get the dreaded The file 'xx' cannot be opened. Ether it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the file.
Any ideas how to get this to work?
Or look for the tool MsSigner, it can be found in most kitchens.
You'll be able to sign it with a signature that is accepted after you aply the enablyRapi and SPCCerts policies.
You're probably missing a key dependency package like dshow (mshow?) or concurrence manager. Also, make sure the shortcut path is valid. Lord knows why, but that's the message you get for bad shortcuts.
josephwsl said:
I am having problems with applications under Windows Mobile 5.0. When i try to run them i get the following error.
The file 'foo' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file.
1)Is there anyway of disabling the checks for trusted applications in Windows Mobile 5.0 on the Wizard?
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maybe .NET CF is missing or not up-to-date?
maybe .NET CF is missing or not up-to-date?
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ahh i love you bro, u saved me an hassle i tried everything and it was the net.cf
damii said:
you will set that register decimal 1. that is solved problem
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When I try that, I'm told I don't have the authority to access that. :-(
now what?
Yeah, me too!!!
All of a sudden too. Everything was fine then I got these certificate errors every time I try to run Haret.exe to run android. This happened last night. Did my provider change something on me?
I try to change that registry key and it won't let me.
Re:this post
I have same problem for BA wm 6.1 5.2.19199.1.0.0 PV DVH. Some people offered solution of HR. I don't agree with this. because we have to lose what we've been installing and spend more time re-installing them. so much time-wasting?
You need hard reset!
Same problem "certificate errors" and a hard reset wont work
Plz help
damii said:
Windows Mobile powered devices are shipped with default security settings.
The security model enables Mobile Operators to make post-production changes to security settings.
This can place significant restrictions on software which has not been signed and approved.
However you can change the default settings.
Take control of applications on your phone.
"All listed settings are decimal"
1. Connect the phone through ActiveSync.
2. Run your favorite remote registry editor "CeRegEditor (Download)" "Mobile Registry Editor (Download)" on your PC.
3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies
Unsigned Prompt Policy:
This policy indicates whether the user is prompted to accept or reject unsigned .cab, theme, .dll and .exe files.
DWord = 0000101a Data = Use the following-->
0 = Indicates user will be prompted.
1 = Indicates user will not be prompted.
you will set that register decimal 1. that is solved problem
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Thanks! That really helped me. You literally saved me a good night sleep. I was already desperate.
Wow, it works Thank you!!!
This worked perfectly. Thanks so much for the help. I've been racking my brain about this for over an hour now, then found this through a search.
I have the same problem and I tried :
1/ Hard Reset
2/ Rom Update
3/ installed NetCFv3.5
4/ editing values in the registry
what els ????!
plzz i need your help

Can't deploy apps

Hi all
Great forum...
I am trying to deploy an application from Visual Studio 2005 to my Zest phone. I have done this a hundred times in the past but for some reason it is now failing with an error:
The device security configuration disallowed the connection. Ensure that you have the appropriate certificates on your device for development. Review your SDK documentation for proper security settings for connecting to this device.
I have wasted two days now trawling the net trying to find a solution but with no luck.
I have tried to instal the SDKCerts.cab but it simply wont install.
I have tried to edit the registry using mobile registry editor but get access is denied.
I have tried to install enablerapi but that fails to install also.
I have move the .exe manually and tried to run it but it complains that the app is not signed with a trusted certificate.
I am not too clued up on certificates so I really don't know where to go next.
Any help really apprciciated.

Starting custom executables in phone

One way to start custom executabled in windows phone 7 is following method:
1) create a exe file that runs in phone
2) create a zip file and put exe inside
3) upload zip file to some internetpage and create .html page for it with <a href.. link for it.
4) navigate to the page with phone IE.
5) when clicking the link the phone can open the zip file and display its contents (tap to open the file ...zip)
6) when clicking the .exe file the phone asks are you sure you want to run
(The program ...exe is from an unknown publisher. Running it could harm your phone. Do you want to continue?)
7)enjoy your homebrews
will this also work on a phone that isn't developer unlocked ?
if that is right than this is the ultimate way to jailbreak a wp7 phone
Nope, he isn't, and described above method works (I guess because of MS ZipView executable bug). But I can't get my apps running, probably because they are not compatible with CE 7.0 and WP7 .Net (I've tried CE 6.0 native code and .NET code).
sensboston said:
Nope, he isn't, and described above method works (I guess because of MS ZipView executable bug). But I can't get my apps running, probably because they are not compatible with CE 7.0 and WP7 .Net (I've tried CE 6.0 native code and .NET code).
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is your phone developer unlocked ?
Yes, unlocked.
sensboston said:
Yes, unlocked.
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**** bummer , do you have a web link to that test file of yours then I can try it my phone is locked
There are two links to zip archives at the left top corner of the page. I can't run these files but MS zip archiver open these zips and asked to run
yes man this is working on a locked phone
now we need some code that works to test this
lets say an .exe that run the file explorer
yes. right now we don't know whether the apps are opened at all. Are the managed Apps in VS compiled into an exe? Maybe we could extract one from an xap for testing purposes...
Silverlight XAPs use XAMLs and DLLs, no EXEs involved I'm afraid.
Hmm yes you're right. Are there extracted executables from the leaked Mondrian ROM?
There are, but they are not GUI apps, they look mainly like command line executables provided by Qualcomm, and some of them look like they could mess up your phone if you don't know what you're doing.
There are some GUI apps, but they come disassembled. I've been trying to assemble them but haven't had much luck yet.
Neat. I shall put together a sample application to test this. (I have Visual Studio 2010 configured to pump out CE7 native executables.)
I think the executable run is blocked. They left typical MS (say - stupid) dialog box but, I believe, ignore the user input...
However the Word and Excel documents can be opened this way.
I tried a few things -- rebooting the phone, crashing the program with invalid pointers, and launching some known executables. Nothing. I even signed my executable with a valid certificate; It still claims unknown publisher.
Wonder if this is some left over dialog as mentioned by sensboston
WithinRafael said:
I tried a few things -- rebooting the phone, crashing the program with invalid pointers, and launching some known executables. Nothing. I even signed my executable with a valid certificate; It still claims unknown publisher.
Wonder if this is some left over dialog as mentioned by sensboston
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The dialog will be hidden by the shell. You need to add your cert into the phone, email it, resign your app and try it again.
It's possible it'll work.
this will only work with MSFT signed exe's.
walshieau said:
this will only work with MSFT signed exe's.
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I tried with both my signed executable (with Root CA cert installed) and a Microsoft executable. Neither show signs of execution.

