Failed to open file: ui_igo8\320_480\loading.bmp - HD Mini Themes and Apps

Hello everybody,
I use iGo8 ( perfectly om my HTC HD2. Now I try to install it on the HTC HD mini of my wife and unfortunaly I get the next error: Failed to open file: ui_igo8\320_480\loading.bmp
By searching the internet I find out I need the SKIN 320x480. It is'nt there!
By now I wonder, is the SKIN 320x480 landscape or portrait? I need portrait
Can anyone help me with that?


Issues with manila editor

hi guys i was trying to use the manila editor to change backgrounds.
even if i use 256x256 images i always recieve an exception error and anything goes on.
i'm under vista x64.
can u give me an hint please?
I'm using Vista and also got some error when using manila editor.
Maybe you can try to run it as Administrator (right click and choose).
lyllo said:
hi guys i was trying to use the manila editor to change backgrounds.
even if i use 256x256 images i always recieve an exception error and anything goes on.
i'm under vista x64.
can u give me an hint please?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
For me it worked when I turned off the User Account Control
hi guys.
the "run as admin" solution seemed to work: i have not recieved any further error message while importing an image.
issue 2:
how can i change the other tabs image?
i made out that editing the 4a087xxx file would have changed the main backgroud, how can i set the other image to be displayed in the other tabs?
thank you.
can teach me how to change the image and how to use manila editor???
i can only see those tat r in my PC but cant see any from my HD.....

Free Hebrew Keyboard from Diamond

Hi all,
Alex2003 has turned the Italian original keyboard to Hebrew for the Diamond.
I tried it on the HD and it works great. Link below:
However, the Hebrew works only in portrait mode. It goes back to Italian in Landscape..
Can anyone help with fixing this?
For the landscape keyboard look at this thread message #401 :
i tried to copy the TXT file that should fix the landscape KB,
but i cant...
i get an error message:
"cant copy LQwerty0c10: Access is denied.
make sure your mobile device ha sufficient memory, that the file is not read only, and the you have permission to copy this file type"
how can i copy it anyway?
you have to use total commander or resco explorer or such to overwrite rom files...
anyway i'll add these text files to the current cab and post a modified version later tonight.
question: does it still say "Italian" after installing this cab or does it change to "Hebrew"?
it still says "Italian"
THANKS!!! You guys ROCK!!!
Works Perfect!! Better than SPB Keyboard..
Ok guys (& gals), as promised, I modified the Alex cab to include the HD-specific files (arrow-keys and landscape mode).
Unfortunately I can't test it because I already installed the keyboard with the manual-copy approach and don't feel like hard-resetting right now.
I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work because I only replaced one file and added another. But still, I shall repeat the usual mantra:
Use at your own risk! I am not to be held responsible in case it doesn't work, bricks your device, or brings the end of the world as we know it (in a negative way)
That said, I'd be happy if you test it and post your results.
Oh, and if anyone could help out in making the menu say "Hebrew" instead of "Italian" I'd be most grateful as I do appreciate aesthetics (yeke ma la'asot )
hi ,its working for me very good do u know if it will work on a palm pro 2
thanks! it works!
does anyone have the links he uploaded for WM 6.1 ??

Samsung Omina Today For WVGA Devices

Samsung Omina Today For WVGA Devices...
Dear Xda-Developers
i'm very happy to join this great forum it's really amazing....
I found file in chaines forum to install Samsung Omina Today For WVGA Devices but it dosn't work can any one edit this file and try to make it work i think the program sizes it = 800x480 but it need some enhancements
the file here
please try to make it work ...i tryed to Compile it will the fill
Copy of
but i failed because simply im not developer
thanks guys for your gr8 work...

omnia radio on hd

Hello all,
could anyone help me?
i would like to use the Omnia fmradio on my HD.(only radio with recording feature)
I extracted the exe file and tried it on the HD but...
i receive the error message:file cannot be opened. not signed.....
what can i do?tried to sign it but not workink either even the mui file....
please helpppppppppppppppppp
thx in advance

[Q] how to change default wallpaper in manila 2.1?

where should i copy and replace default wallpaper? thanks
prepare a wallpaper what you like in the size ,one with 480x800 "portrait mode" and one with 800x480 "landscape mode" (IMPORTANT)save both as a gif file,than give the fist one the name (Default_stwater_480_800)the secound(Default_stwater_800_480) and save it in you phone windows folder, if you got problem with overwriting use Total Commander done
thanks man!!!
what is the proces in manila 2.5? thanks

