Problems ? Confusion ? Idea ? Contact me- Forum MOD - Windows Mobile Software Development

Welcome Folks To Windows Mobile Software Development Forum.​Now I hope you have read the rules if not, please read them here (click) ​
If you are having any problem on the Windows Development & Hacking Forum; I'm here to help you. But there is a condition you should have Searched Thorughly before you seek my help, if you are sure that you have searched thoroughly and still are troubled, then I can here to help you.
If you are having any problem related to the Forum or
Let me know if...
* Forum rules are being broken.
* A thread or post needs moved or deleted.
* You have ideas for how to make the Windows Development & Hacking forum better.
* If you want to suggest a change regarding the forum.
* Have a problem related to the forum and/or anything that is bothering you regarding this forum.
You can PM me madnish30(Forum Moderator) here is the link you can use to PM me.
Please don't send me problems related to your devices/applications/developments as i'm here to keep the forum in good health; may not be able to answer all your questions specific to your devices/project.
Enjoy The Forum, Respect The Forum.


SERIOUSLY! Read this before posting!

For questions about flashing roms, please visit the P3300, MDA Compact III upgrading etc. forum.
Topics started with questions regarding flashing, rom requesting, etc. will be deleted on sight.
1. If a new rom is released please dont post new threads about the issues\bugs - this is happening more in this forum than any other across the board. KEEP QUESTIONS & PROBLEMS IN THE SAME THREAD OF THE ROM.
For some reason this is only happening with the b&b roms - if practise does not change soon i will merge all the threads.
2. Please don't keep asking the same questions that have been answered earlier in a thread read the whole thread if you have too - this is not only irritating for everyone but you look like a wally!
3. Do not cross post - moderators will delete duplicate posts
4. If you start a new thread make the title clear what the threads about e.g. dont post 'newbie needs help'
5. If you post in a different language also include an english translation - google language tools is good for this.
6. Please don't answer these question threads in development. We want to discourage new users to post questions in development and giving them what they want will not help. Instead, report the thread, so a moderator can move it to General.
Thats all for now - enjoy the forum
I'd like to put this thread to your attention again. Read the rules above and try to abide them.
Your friendly neighborhood moderator,

Have Problems ? Confused ? Have an idea ? Contact me- Forum MOD.

Welcome Folks To The HTC Elf Forum.​Now I hope you have read the rules if not, please read them here (click) ​
If you are having any problem on the HTC Elf Forum; we are here to help you. But there is a condition you should have Searched Thorughly before you seek our help, if you are sure that you have searched thoroughly and still are troubled, then we are here to help you.
If you are having any problem related to the Forum or
Let me know if...
* Forum rules are being broken.
* A thread or post needs moved or deleted.
* You have ideas for how to make the HTC Elf forum better.
You can PM me madnish30(Forum Moderator) here is the link you can use to PM me.
Now , if you have a problem with your device i.e. Elf and you can not seem to solve it at all. ( Be sure you have searched for the solution. ). Please do not post thread here and there, instead you can contact my team of helpers:
kokotas PM
captainstu72 PM
saurabh88 PM.
Please CC' your PM to me as well.
Please DO NOT SEND THE SAME ISSUE TO MULITPLE Helpers, Doing so can get you into trouble.
Enjoy The Forum, Respect The Forum.

[Q] I want to ask a question about XDAdevelopers

I am trying to find some ROMS for Blue Angel and Kaiser.
I can find the links on Wiki but they don't seem to work. The ftp site gives a fault. Is there anyway of submitting specific requests if the link is broken?
Try posting in the General or Q&A forum of each device and ask in there...someone should be able to help you out

[Q] Why can't I post anything?

Xda will not let me reply to ask questions about anything. If I try I get this message:
asoccer345, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Please Read: New members (those with fewer than 10 posts) are not permitted to post to development-related forums. The developer forums are intended for experienced users and developers to discuss ways to improve technical aspects related to ROMs and Software. While you may be an expert, we ask ALL users to avoid posting questions about using or installing ROMs and software in the Development Forums. To encourage this new Users can read but not post in these forums.
To ask Questions about developing your device, installing ROMs, software and themes you must go to the Q&A or General Forum.
Remember, your question has very likely been asked already, so please search before posting.
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation."
How can I get rid of this? I haven't posted anything until today but I have had this account since January. I am trying to ask a question specifically in this thread:
please help. I have been trying to post stuff in case it is because I haven't posted enough. Please help? :'(
Edit: Now I have 10 posts and it still won't let me post in that thread?!!
asoccer345 said:
Xda will not let me reply to ask questions about anything. If I try I get this message:
asoccer345, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Please Read: New members (those with fewer than 10 posts) are not permitted to post to development-related forums. The developer forums are intended for experienced users and developers to discuss ways to improve technical aspects related to ROMs and Software. While you may be an expert, we ask ALL users to avoid posting questions about using or installing ROMs and software in the Development Forums. To encourage this new Users can read but not post in these forums.
To ask Questions about developing your device, installing ROMs, software and themes you must go to the Q&A or General Forum.
Remember, your question has very likely been asked already, so please search before posting.
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation."
How can I get rid of this? I haven't posted anything until today but I have had this account since January. I am trying to ask a question specifically in this thread:
please help. I have been trying to post stuff in case it is because I haven't posted enough. Please help? :'(
Edit: Now I have 10 posts and it still won't let me post in that thread?!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
it can take upto an hour to process your rank progression.
Thank you mod! And I was your thousandth "Thanks" . It's working now.
I don't have 10 post yet either, and when I post they get deleted... why is that?
Sent from my Evo killer

Thread DELETED/Locked??? This is DEVELOPMENT section not Q&A/General!!!!

B]Thinking of posting a new thread???[/B]​
Please read the following ​
Forum Searching | Posting | The Basics: (Make sure you've read them before starting a new thread)
Forum Rules
Forum Search
Google Forum Search
Advanced Searching
XDA "Mantra"​Post What Where:
General - general technical discussion items, news, anything else that does not fit into the other fora categories.
Q&A (Questions and Answers) - all questions, irrespective of type, get posted in here whether they be theme related, accessory related, technical, etc.
Accessories - any items to do with components and/or accessories relating to your device.
Rom Development - only meant for very advanced technical discussion directly related to ROM development activity and the delivery of actual ROMs and ROM components ONLY. Nothing else goes in here.
Themes & Apps - anything to do directly with the development of themes and/or applications. Nothing else goes in here.
If you have developed a ROM, or are working with others to do so, the development forum is somewhere to discuss and share ideas, post useful feedback and logs or crash dumps, and to discuss a common goal developers are trying to achieve.
It is NOT the place to post your question because it gets higher traffic, or because more experienced users frequent it. Doing this just annoys those who are working on the device, and drives them away. Developers don't want to wade through 20 threads of "Help me urgently" to find their threads for porting and fixing camera issues etc. Similarly, if a thread is designated as discussion for developers say, porting a camera fix, please do not post in there asking "When will it be ready?", "Can I flash this yet?" etc. This is both completely disrespectful to those working on the project (you evidently haven't read the important posts in the thread), and also is making it harder for developers to find comments from other developers or testers when required.
Similarly, don't make loads of "Thanks for your work here" posts in an active development thread. It's just as annoying to developers as asking when something will be ready. If a ROM is complete, then go ahead and thank the developer if you wish, but don't go into threads for devs only, and interrupt it to post "thanks". It's basically spamming, and is treated as such.
If you are posting in development, you should have read every sticky and notice there, and should be actively developing or helping in the development of something. Developing isn't installing a ROM, or using a tweak, it's creating a ROM or other hack or tweak. If you haven't read for several days before starting out on XDA, you are likely about to ask something already solved. I registered on XDA when I first wanted to post, and that was to join in a discussion on something. Sure, join up and ask a question, but read the information available in General and Q&A first, as your question will have been asked before. Search is your friend here, become familiar with it.
Regarding when to post in development if you are not actually developing something, there is one occasion where it's acceptable. If you find a leak of a new ROM, which isn't already posted, and you verify it's legitimacy via either running it, or based on the source you obtained it from, then this is assisting in development, and should be posted in development. If you want to ask when a leak will be available use search first, then if not already in discussion, open a thread in general or Q&A.
If you have a problem flashing a ROM, this is NOT related to development. It's up to you to determine if it is specific to a particular ROM, and post useful information in that developer's existing thread for the ROM. If it happens on more than one ROM, and isn't a known issue (remember you should read several times more words than you post), then find out what you are doing wrong. Check guides written by others, try to repeat the problem and see if it happens every time. Something needs to be reproducible to be fixed effectively.
Once you have identified what you need help with go to the device Q&A forum (general if device lacks one), and make a clear, informative thread that explains the issue, and what you have tried doing to fix it. Did you re-download the ROM? Did you ask a friend to flash it for you, to reduce chance of user error? What steps (exactly) did you follow? What errors did you see (exact wording)? Did you double check all the steps? Did you do a wipe or hard reset?
If you make a clear, concise, yet detailed post, you will find help forthcoming, and should get the problem sorted very quickly. If someone suggests you try something, report back on what happened, did it work etc. Then, next time someone has this issue and searches, they will find this and have a verified and tested solution.
So remember... before you start a thread in development, ask yourself what you are developing. If you can't answer, then stop, step away from the post button, and think about where you are posting. Would it be better in General or Q&A, or is some more time with your best friend, search, required?

