[Q] File Extension Renamer - Desire HD Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Could someone help me to check if there is an application for android where I can rename the extension of a file? for example file.avi to file.wmv. I would like to change the extension of a file using the DHD device. Anyone who can give the name of application sure would help a lot of us here. Thanks. DHD is the coolest phone for far!

If you go into the market and download File Expert you will find that you can rename the whole file name to whatever you want, that's including the extension.


How to delete/modify a wm5/wm6 windows rom file ?

Hi guys,
I'd like to modify a file from the windows folder.
I tried with TotalCommander and as the file is on the ROM, it says unable to delete/replace file
Is there a way to modify or replace this file ? I heard about making a cab file to replace the file but some help would be great
Thanks for your help
There is no way to delete or modify these files.
What you can do is copy your own file with the same name over it. The copy will actually reside in your storage memory and the system will use it until deleted or until you hard reset.
Note that if you want to replace system files on WM 5 / 6 you will need to sign them.
I think it would be better if you tell us what exactly you are trying to do as there may be a simpler way or an existing solution.
It's solved I tried with another rom and it works, I can replace the file.

please delete solved

May sound dumb to some of you but i do not understand on how to install a patch please help have searched thank you
Put it over the eye that hurts??
Seriously, what "patch" are you referring to? A .CAB file, a .ZIP file, a .REG file??? If you tell us what you want to do....i.e. what you want to install, then we can help you....
i have schaps 4.30 and he put up a patch but its in rar form but i cant unzip on my phone for some reason and if i try unzip before i put it on i dont know where to put it either way heres there forum its on http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=355774
I don't see a RAR file in that thread, all the attachments seem to be .CAB files, but hey, maybe I just wasn't looking hard enough!!! Anyway.......
To unpack RAR files, you can use WinRAR (http://www.rarlabs.com/rar/wrar371.exe) on your PC to extract the contents of the RAR archive. Unpack them to any folder on your PC (e.g. C:\TEMP) and then use ActiveSync's Explore button to find the file on your PC and then copy the file across to your phone (e.g. My Documents or Storage Card).
It's quite likely that the RAR file only contains a CAB file which you can then open on your phone - use File Explorer to find the CAB file, then tap on it to install it.
You should follow any specific instructions in Schap's thread when installing the CAB file, but in any event it's probably a good idea to soft reset your phone after you've installed something.
Hope this helps,
ok after you pointed out a cab(i feel like a idiot my bad ) i figured it out thank you very much for all your all every one thank you .
sincerely justin


i just bought HTC Touch HD. I download some app from here but is rar file not cab file. Anyone can teach me how to convert the rar to cab file or not? or teach me how to put the rar to my touch hd. One more Question i cannot connect to youtube when i click the icon is loading after few second is show connection fails. Can anyone help me!!!!!!!!!!!!
A rar file is like a zip file, so you'll need to extract the cab from within it.
If you don't already have a rar-compatible piece of software on your PC, then WinRar and 7zip are your best bets.
If however you're looking to access the rar file on the phone itself, I'm not sure if that's possible. Sorry.
Ya i know. i have the winrar software but when i unzip it. it come out a folder and alot of file inside.

Putting new programs / cab files onto the pro 2?

So, I used to have a tytn2, and played with it a bit, so I am familiar with how to put cab files on it, etc.
I'm stumped right now... because I have my new pro 2, and when I download the program, it is supposed to show up as a cab file, when I unzip it. But actually, when I unzip it, I just am seeing several files, such as one ending in xml, and then another one or few ending with 000, or 001, 002, etc.
From what I remember, when I used to put the cab files onto my tytn2, I would just unzip whatever the program was, and I could see a cab file there, which I would then transfer to my device and then run.
What in the world am I doing wrong here?
Help would be super appreciated!
problem solved
problem solved, im an idiot. for some reason my system is showing the cab file as a zip file which wants to be unzipped. so i've not realized that i've been double clicking cab files, and then winzip is showing me the insides of those files.
= )
So I take it you just changed the file name from zip to cab?
Either that or he has the file explorer on his computer set to hide known extensions. Cab files are recognized as compressed file formats by many handlers like 7zip. Which is why he might have confused the icon for a zip file if he couldn't see the file extension.

Editing .zip files

Does anybody know of an app that would allow me to edit .zip files on my phone? Sometimes before flashing a ROM I like to remove some system apps, which I use winrar for on my PC. But I use es file explorer on my phone and it can only view and extract .zip files. thanks to anyone who can help!
Nevermind! I did a quick search on play store after I posted this, not sure why I didn't do that first but ZArchive does exactly what I need.

