[Q] Lost My Phone - G2 and Desire Z Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My Desire Z was stolen today.
It was brand new. It had phone finder activated, but somehow it is not working on the site. Somebody please advise me how can i trace the phone
Really really please. Is there anyway, through gps, cell signal, or anything to track my phone. I put in my entire savings on this phone. I will be deeply thankful to even any little advice.

navkaranchadha said:
My Desire Z was stolen today.
It was brand new. It had phone finder activated, but somehow it is not working on the site. Somebody please advise me how can i trace the phone
Really really please. Is there anyway, through gps, cell signal, or anything to track my phone. I put in my entire savings on this phone. I will be deeply thankful to even any little advice.
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If he/she turn ur phone off any gps tracker from market app doesn't work, if he knows something about phones he can just factory reset your phone so anything doesn't help at all.
Fly like a G2

If you had a Sense ROM and signed up for HTC Sense, there is a phone finder there. That's about my only other suggestion. Like the guy above said though, if whoever has it knows anything about phones, they could easily get past any GPS apps.

I know this is too little too late, but next time try "theft aware" it embeds itself within the firmware to where you are unable to factory reset it. I got mine back that way, though I think I left it at the bar.
sorry to hear that

I don't wanna pass judgement but maybe you shouldnt spend your entire savings on a phone? I wouldnt put all my savings into a device that is easily targeted for theft.
And if you did spend all your savings on a phone, why not just get handset insurance? As stated above most ways of recovering ur phone as far as apps are concerned can be bypassed by a mildly smart thief.

martonikaj said:
I don't wanna pass judgement but maybe you shouldnt spend your entire savings on a phone? I wouldnt put all my savings into a device that is easily targeted for theft.
And if you did spend all your savings on a phone, why not just get handset insurance? As stated above most ways of recovering ur phone as far as apps are concerned can be bypassed by a mildly smart thief.
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i just tried the theft aware app that the guy recommend above damn this app is good brah, even without data connection it forces the stolen phone to call the phone your using so you can hear him, even the gps whenever available it will send it to you and so much more can lock, wipe and alarm


HTC warranty not being honoured.

Hi guys, any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
Last week I plugged my touch pro 2 in to charge. The phone was on and working fine, but the charging light would not come on.
So HTC collected my phone for repair...
Today I phoned to get the latest information and they want £160 to replace the motherboard or £11 to have the phone returned to be unrepaired. Apparently I have been running an illegal firmware and this has voided my warranty. I updated by firmware many times before settling on the one I was happy with, but it seems the one I settled with wasn't the official one. The guy quoted me SPL - 0.85.0-x.......... and said that it was a bit weird but that was why I had to pay.
So I told him that the firmware had been running fine for many months and I wanted to know the exact registry tweak that had broken the motherboard. Anyway I said I didnt accept that the firmware had anything to do with the hardware failure and would be refusing to pay.. I also gave them the sob story that I have had a new HTC phone every year for the past 7 years and have recommended many customers to them.
Where do I stand with this? I have threatened to go to the small claims court, but really just want my phone fixed for free as soon as possible.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated..
Honestly you asked for this. You are going to have to pay for the repair. You sent in a phone with a cracked ROM and expect them to fix anything? No way in hell will they do it for free.
when you say a cracked rom do you just mean a rom that is available on this forum?
I accept that it isn't an official rom. but it is unrelated to the issue of a phone not charging.
Unfortunately this is the norm... They can't prove your cooked ROM caused it, you can't prove it didn't. What they can prove is that you are not running the ROM they gave you and I'm sure somewhere in the T&C there's legalese about that voiding the warranty.
COULD someone write a program which interferes with charging? I'd bet so, people around here write some amazing stuff. This is not to make any accusations that someone has written any malicious code, simply that it COULD likely be done, therefore I seriously doubt you have much recourse. You could get lucky, but I suspect you're just hosed.. Sucks.
And in reality, you could send the phone in for ANY failure and they discover such things and void the warranty.
I guess you could buy extra/larger batteries and charge them in a charger and swap them as they die. Not the best solution, but at least you don't have to shell out lots of money.
well i've just sent a very professional email to customer services.
tweiss 3, you have a very negative outlook. HTC market their phones on being individual, and indeed this is why so many of us buy them over Iphones. However I took the individuality to the limit by installing a custom firmware. I am extremely confident that a ROM from this forum and a respected chef at that, would not include a registry hack that has any effect upon the charging system of the phone. And have asked them for the evidence that this is the cause of the hardware malfunction.
Positive thinking goes along way as well I feel.
Season's greetings to all of you.
Take them to court. The whole thing rediculous. Depending on your country this might actually be illegal.
I lawyered up when they tried to pull this on me, and guess who got his phone back fixed for free?
Its not that i'm negative, but there are 2 things everyone should know about warranty electronic work.
1) Always go back to stock. Will this cause you to loose all your data and settings, yes, but that leads me into step 2.
2) It is never a guarantee to come back with the settings or OS the way you sent it out. In fact, most companies have a policy of the first step being just reflash/reinstall the OS to stock default out of the box settings to see if that fixes the problems. So knowing this, spend the few extra minutes to reflash back to stock.
That being said, you could possibly win in a court to get it warrantied, but you are only going to screw yourself out of a lot of money and time. HTC knows this and will let you waste it if you really feel the need to. Their warranties are written very well, with a lot of fine print. Also most of them say "Limited" meaning almost they have all the discretion the care to use.
I agree with tweiss3. You can't send HTC a phone with a modified ROM and expect them to fix it. I'm sure these SOB's will do anything possible to get out of fixing your phone. Once they saw that you had a different SPL that was the red flag they needed to void the warranty. I hope you can convince them to fix your phone. Maybe if you were very persistent and demanded to speak to several managers, told them how you and your friends all own HTC product, inform them you will no longer buy their products and possibly take them to court, etc.
With all this in mind I'm even more hesitant to flash my phone to a modified ROM.
I kind of expect it, to be honest. As soon as they see anything not stock, they can void the warranty. Just like with a car with the manufacturer's warranty. You modify it and something breaks, and they will attempt to void the entire warranty regardless of if it caused the problem or not. When I send my car in for warranty work, I take all of the mods off and put it back to the stock parts (the air intake, etc).
It's a crappy deal, I know. But it's something you should plan for if you ever need warranty work done.
Either way, I hope everything works out for you
Its just a rule of thumb when it comes to warranty repair with electronics, always restore stock first!!! As soon as HTC discovered that your phone software was modified, it's no longer an issue to them of what caused the problem with your phone, it is now an issue of this phone is no longer under warranty because of the physical proof of the software tamperment! honestly it would be by the grace of god if they were to reinstate the warranty!
Unfortunatly due to the phone not powering on, or connecting via usb it would have been impossible to restore the firmware.
Thanks for the advice and well wishers.
Worse come to the worse is it worth repairing the phone for that price or is their anyone else who could replace the mainboard for cheaper than £160?
Dude, I totally know what you're going through. I hacked the ECU on my car, and now Mazda won't honor the warranty on my engine. It's total bull...I mean, I should be able to customize it how I want with no repercussions for myself. Why should I have to take the financial hit just because I put on a different software that controls the entire thing that may or may not have screwed it up?
If you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic. You changed the core controlling software and didn't bother to change it back to the stock one. They have no responsibility to repair it for you.
andypa1 said:
Positive thinking goes along way as well I feel.
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I honestly wish you luck. Other readers seeking warranty repair should save themselves the risk and the effort and think positively about returning the phone to stock prior to sending it in.
Last week I plugged my touch pro 2 in to charge. The phone was on and working fine, but the charging light would not come on.
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Unfortunatly due to the phone not powering on, or connecting via usb it would have been impossible to restore the firmware.
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Eh? Obviously if you can't flash it back, you're stuck. Other posters might not have been as hard on you if they had known the phone couldn't be flashed.
Now you know what needs doing I bet you can find someone to do it for less. Worth a look.
Also worth asking for it back and re-flashing and returning to see how their records work.
Do they really have a database of products they don't want to work with or do they just look at the serial, look at the device and decide ? Only one way to find out ! For £11 it might be worth the gamble.
(Plz ignore the previous any post made here earlier, I think it was the equivalent of a pocket call )
I don't think he ever said they fixed it without asking him. They gave him two options:
1) Fix it
2) Return it without repairing it
Unless I missed a post somewhere, he never chose to fix it. In fact, I don't even think he chose to take it back yet.
Just an update... They decided not to replace it for free, and still ask for £160.
You guys are quite right I should have restored it to factory before sending it back. It was sent to HTC running the official upgraded rom so I thought it would be fine, however I had forgotten that it would still be unlocked for unofficial roms and they would check this.
Even if I had remembered it wouldn't have been possible because the phone usb connection was not working..
dik23 thank you for your suggestion! Is there anyway of restoring the spl and all of the phone to stock settings without a usb connection? e.g. micro sd? or wifi?
I think i'm going to ask for the phone back for £11.. However the £11 fee is for an assesment, so there is a chance they will pick up. However I believe having the phone in perfect working condition would give me a stronger standing.
did you ever try a different USB cable? that would be my first thought after it broke....
also, do you have phone insurance? if so, is there any chance in the future it could be "stolen" under the insurance policy, and at worst you would get a working refurb?
I don't have phone insurance but it might be worth while getting it soon incase of any future loss ;-)
madman1520 said:
also, do you have phone insurance? if so, is there any chance in the future it could be "stolen" under the insurance policy, and at worst you would get a working refurb?
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andypa1 said:
I don't have phone insurance but it might be worth while getting it soon incase of any future loss ;-)
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Even setting morality aside (which you shouldn't), reporting a phone as having been stolen shortly after having a warranty claim rejected is maybe not the smartest move.
i cant believe people from the US are telling you youre in the wrong. idunno about other countries, including the one you're at, but here in the US warranties are made to protect the CONSUMER not the big company. "minidevil"s comparison about a car manufacturer having the right to void your warranty is so wrong its unbelievable. so called "shrinkwrap warranties" arent even legal here in the US. i had a yamaha R1 which i used as a track bike. regardless of what the warranty said or what the dealership try to claim the minute i lawyered up they fixed my bike. simply because they knew what they hoped i didnt. that warranty laws are here to protect me not them. i didnt have to prove that the racing mods didnt fry my clutch hub. THEY had to prove it did. and like it has been said, you cant prove one way or another. here in the US i couldve asked for costs of repairing my bike and court costs for suing them. they knew this and just fixed my bike. again, idunno the laws in your country. its VERY likely youll win in a court, though. but wether or not your court system allows you to also recoup loss monies for court costs from HTC, i dont know.. it may just be cheaper to pay for the repairs.

[Q] Possible Power Button Issues

So today I went to the Sprint store to have my screen replaced, but upon doing so, somehow the technician made it so the device will no longer power on. She tried 2 different screens, so I said to just put the orignal back on so I at least have a working phone. The device still does not power on. I've noticed that the power button no longer has a clicking sense to it like it once did and it now easily sinks into the device. It seems like it just sinks right into the phone, but no matter how hard you press it, or how fine you press it (fingernail) it just won't turn on. Has anyone had a similar experience? Is there anything I can do to fix this myself?
Why did you let the tech give you a phone that doesn't power on? Get a full replacement phone. I'm sure it's just a spring clip or something that didn't get replaced quite right, but whoever did the service obviously has insufficient skills to be performing repairs.
Besides, if you try to take your phone apart yourself, you'll void the warranty.
SilverZero said:
Why did you let the tech give you a phone that doesn't power on? Get a full replacement phone. I'm sure it's just a spring clip or something that didn't get replaced quite right, but whoever did the service obviously has insufficient skills to be performing repairs.
Besides, if you try to take your phone apart yourself, you'll void the warranty.
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1. There are no Evos in stock. They are currently waiting for them to get back in stock so they can order a replacement. The problem is I'm away on business and need a phone.
2. The phone has already been opened, there would be no way for them to tell whether I did it or the techs did. I have a receipt for the repair order if it comes to them accusing it was me.
3. I'm looking for ways to get my phone powered back on. I appreciate your help, but I really just need answers to my question, nothing else.
call mgt or walk in and talk to mgt. the store tech made the device nonfuntional, then the store needs to ensure that you have a communications device for your trip and a brand new EVO waiting for you when you return to your home city. perhaps you don't travel with a EVO this trip.
i don't understand why you would walk out of the store without a phone given the situation you describe. i would strongly advise having a different tech break down and rewiew your EVO. perhaps she put it together wrong (if you're lucky).
DraginMagik said:
call mgt or walk in and talk to mgt. the store tech made the device nonfuntional, then the store needs to ensure that you have a communications device for your trip and a brand new EVO waiting for you when you return to your home city. perhaps you don't travel with a EVO this trip.
i don't understand why you would walk out of the store without a phone given the situation you describe. i would strongly advise having a different tech break down and rewiew your EVO. perhaps she put it together wrong (if you're lucky).
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She tried it 3 different times, I doubt she would have messed up 3 different times. Also, do you not understand that Evos are still sold out...everywhere! I walked out of the store without a phone because they didn't have one to give me. What's hard to understand about that?
I also don't understand how you can just leave the store without a functioning phone. They (in my eyes) bricked the phone, meaning it doesn't turn on at all. They should have scoured the area, calling other stores, repair centers in the area to get you a working evo (while you're waiting for a replacement).
I hope things work out for you. I'm waiting for a replacement phone and the store told me it would be less than a week wait. I had them activate an old phone for me (that I brought with me)
And even if they don't have an Evo to give you, they should be able to give you something comparable as a temp phone. You could almost have a legal issue here if their screw-up is causing your work to suffer.
If you're hell-bent on fixing it yourself, just open it up and see what you can see. Or I think there is a tear-down video somewhere from when the Evo first launched. Google it.
Well I opened it up and sure enough the button for the power was broken inside. The part that the external button presses into was snapped off somehow. So now the external button doesn't contact it. Not sure how the tech could not have discovered that herself, considering she did it. First I tried to remove it and replace it with one from the volume rocker, but decided that for now, I'm leaving the two top screws on the phone removed and using a needle to trigger the power button.
I at least have a working phone and can hold out for a replacement when they get back in stock. Yes I shouldn't have left with a phone, but this is Sprint. When asking about a loaner, they told me they could only replace it with the same phone, even for loan. It just baffles me how this company could not leave enough phones in the warehouse for replacements. It's quite simple Sprint, stop being greedy and shipping out every phone for sales. That way you can service the current customers you have that have already been paying you. It's no wonder you keep losing customers each quarter.
They "serviced" you alright.
indiearmy said:
She tried it 3 different times, I doubt she would have messed up 3 different times. Also, do you not understand that Evos are still sold out...everywhere! I walked out of the store without a phone because they didn't have one to give me. What's hard to understand about that?
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i understand that when i was in sales my phone was as important as the shoes on my feet. i would not have walked out without a working phone. evo or not. the sprint folks can fix their screwup.
whats hard to understand is why you cowed under and meekly walked out the door.
DraginMagik said:
whats hard to understand is why you cowed under and meekly walked out the door.
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hate to judge, but I kinda agree. prolly would have figuratively broken that place up before I left. at the very least, the mgr would have gone home tonight and kicked his dog
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DraginMagik said:
i understand that when i was in sales my phone was as important as the shoes on my feet. i would not have walked out without a working phone. evo or not. the sprint folks can fix their screwup.
whats hard to understand is why you cowed under and meekly walked out the door.
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I didn't. What part of they didn't have any do you people not understand?
"Oh yes, well I'm going raise my voice act all mighty and tough a demand you just whip up an Evo right here and now. Come on, don't try to bull**** me, I know there must be someone here that can build those outside of it's normal manufacture plant!" I didn't meekly walk out the door, they just didn't have any. You may take the I'm an asshole customer approach, but I've learned through many years in retail that it doesn't get you anywhere. Just like it wouldn't have gotten me anywhere cause again, ranting and raving isn't magically going to make an Evo pop up in that store.
you're a good person. I wouldn't have left the store without an equivalent replacement
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indianacurly said:
you're a good person. I wouldn't have left the store without an equivalent replacement
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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You probably would have, because they didn't have any. Also, I was probably 75% sure I could fix it myself, or at least get a temp fix going like I describe I've done. It wasn't worth the hassle to me knowing I could fix it within the hour myself.

Phone stolen, Wavesecure useless, better alternative?

Hey everyone, I'm looking to see if there's a better alternative to wavesecure. I was robbed last night at gun point and among my DSLR cam and wallet, my phone went along with them.
That is when I realized how useless Wavesecure is. I don't know who's paying for it since I got in on the free lifetime membership but what a waste of money.
They completely ignore what happens in a robbery.
First, phone gets stolen and turned off by thief (if they're smart or been doing it for a while).
Second, Victim tries to lock or track the phone through the Wavesecure site but with the phone off..nothing will get through. Sure, you may say, "as soon as they turn it on...." but how long will you wait? The only way this will work is if you can get the wipe command in soon enough. Otherwise, if you lock it and they see it...off it goes.
Third, after the police report.. you start calling the bank.. and eventually sprint to restrict service. But if you restrict it then the command will really never get through unless they're on wifi.
After you restrict it, it's time to say good bye and Wavesecure has done nothing.
The best security measure, is to have a weapon of your own, haha. Or maybe lifting the ghettos out of the ghetto so crimerate lowers, :O.
Seriously, the thing I appreciate most about the phone is that I had it pattern locked. So if it's off, then next time they turn it on, service or not, they'll be greeted with it. So, no access to my data, which is the biggest loss for me. The only thing vulnerable is my microsd card...which is why wavesecure let me down. They will never connect to wifi because they can't unlock it and sd card will never be wiped.
I'm glad I'm on a CDMA carrier, esn blocked. Nothing like that on GSM that I know of.
Is there a solution that will wipe your phone AND sd card after a set number of failed pin/password/pattern unlock attempts? Say 20?
Funny info: they only used my credit card once. $2.20 at a McDonald's.
Yes: There's an app called "autowipe" which allows you to wipe both the phone's memory and SD card if one of the following conditions is met:
1) Phone receives a text with a password in it.
2) User-defined number of lockscreen password failures.
3) SIM card is changed (doesn't apply to us, but nice feature).
Best of all, it's FREE.
The number one thing is that you are ok, these fools out here will shoot even if you cooperate with them. I ran into a similar situation with my phone (not robbed) but my phone was stolen and I had mobile defense. Only way to track the phone is if it was on which the thief turned off, so the only option was to wait for them to turn on the phone, which I did attempt for a few days but lost hope and had sprint stop service to the phone. The only option I had left was if they turned on the phone and connected to wifi which had not happened to this date so I had to buy another Evo which was equally painful as the first one being stolen. Like I said though, glad you are ok because a phone can be replaced, not a person.
Autowipe, darn. I hadn't heard of it before. I never really thought out the situation. Noone ever expects to be in it.. First thing installed when I get my phone from asurion.
Jfree, no insurance? Buying one full price is the worst, to top it all off. I was skeptical about needing insurance. I had never lost a phone before..but stolen never seemed like a real possibility. Always a surprise.
Autowipe seems like the app i was looking for. Definitely a must have, especially to protect all your valuable data.
That sucks, Los Angeles really does suck... thankfully I am in the northern half of Cali
Sent while sitting on the toilet.
So you do not like wavesecure because it doesn't work with the phone off?
Find out what McDonald's they went to and get the police to pull the videotape at the time of the sale. Have the LAPD do something for a change.
backdown said:
So you do not like wavesecure because it doesn't work with the phone off?
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I didn't say I didn't like it. I'm saying that in the situation for which it is intended to be used, it is useless. Autowipe and a pattern/pin/password lock would be a better alternative. Especially since you have to pay for wavesecure.
P_Dub_S said:
Find out what McDonald's they went to and get the police to pull the videotape at the time of the sale. Have the LAPD do something for a change.
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Wow, I is noob. I'm going to call them asap, hadn't thought of that.! I want my cam back...or reimbursement. Thanks! This whole thing has me in a zoned out mode kind of..
overthinkingme said:
I didn't say I didn't like it. I'm saying that in the situation for which it is intended to be used, it is useless. Autowipe and a pattern/pin/password lock would be a better alternative. Especially since you have to pay for wavesecure.
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Why would it work with the phone off? It has no power source. No power source =/= signal. Now, once they turn the phone on you are good..but no matter what you do to your phone (short of planting an actual gps chip on it) it will not work if the phone is on.
Wow, I is noob. I'm going to call them asap, hadn't thought of that.! I want my cam back...or reimbursement. Thanks! This whole thing has me in a zoned out mode kind of..
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You will only get a reimbursement if you carry insurance (home owners) on them..
jigglywiggly said:
That sucks, Los Angeles really does suck... thankfully I am in the northern half of Cali
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Yeah because we all know there's no crime in northern Cali. People just do not get robbed there .....ass
P_Dub_S said:
Find out what McDonald's they went to and get the police to pull the videotape at the time of the sale. Have the LAPD do something for a change.
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Unless they shot someone I doubt the lapd will do this.
backdown said:
Why would it work with the phone off? It has no power source. No power source =/= signal. Now, once they turn the phone on you are good..but no matter what you do to your phone (short of planting an actual gps chip on it) it will not work if the phone is on.
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Not once did I say that I expected it to work while off.
Did you not read? My argument is that by the time they turn it back on, non-predictable, the phone will have already been restricted by you..but at that point you already don't expect to get it back..
I'm originally from S.F., but I moved to LA for the crime.
i am sorry for your loss sir.
Thats why I believe every person that does not have a criminal record should be allowed to have a concealed weapons permit with training...if these punk ass lowlife pieces of **** were afraid they would be killed when they rob or attack somebody maybe they would think twice...i guarantee crime rates would drop practically overnight! But the damn yuppies and politicians only want the criminals to have guns..
Sorry man....that sucks. One of our employees just had his stolen out of his car which was parked in his garage. Had Lookout on it and I was able to track it for just a few minutes while they had it on but couldn't pinpoint the location before the phone was turned off. After that, called Sprint and shut phone off. Bye Bye phone.
Looking back on what could have been done......
First thing, set an unlock pattern for your phone so, unless they know how to bypass, not going to get into it.
Second, even if the phone is off/locked they could pull the SD card and browse via PC. If sensitive information is on there they will have access. There is an app in the market which lets you set a password for any folders/files on the card you wish. This way, no access granted to those particular items.
If you want the app and can't find it repost and I will dig it up.
Also, Sprint will give some credit for the phone if stolen but with what they charge it will still be expensive. Might be better off buying on sale over the net for cheaper price. EVO was advertised on Amazon not too long ago @ 99.99.

What do i do now that HTC has screwed me over?

Just to give you a brief rundown of everything that's happened..
I'm 17 and saved up for a few months to buy a HTC One X. Needless to say, it's probably the most expensive phone i've ever owned, since all my other phones were hand-me-downs and old phones from eBay.
This morning i wake up and go to work as usual. Just to find my phone's display won't switch on. As you can imagine, I'm tirelessly panicking and try the 3 button combo.. to no avail.
Using Fastboot to reboot didn't work either.
This phone turned into a brick overnight, and i have no idea what happened??
Just before i left for work, i did check my phone and it was working alright.. Then five minutes later, it won't display anything.
The thing is, I can't take it back to HTC either because this is my 5th replacement phone!
First one had black glue smudged on the LCD it's self,
Second one had the screen not glued down and wasn't aligned,
Third one didn't even have any glue applied and the case wasn't even attached properly,
Forth one had this problem where the screen's LCD would dilate if i touched it - even lightly,
and this one is my 5th, the antenna wasn't properly connected and now the screen doesn't work.
I've had terrible luck, and i don't know what i can do?
If you can give me any information to get me out of this, it would be much appreciated.
Although i still can receive text's and calls fine, it's just the display..
Since you’re unlocked and running a non-stock kernel and ROM, maybe some of the dev-ish folks can help you resuscitate it if it’s indeed a s/w problem.
If it’s a h/w problem, what to do depends on where you bought the phone and how old it is. If it’s within the remorse/DOA period maybe you can exchange it. It’ll be hard for whoever you bought it from to see you’ve unlocked it if nothing’s showing on the display.
If it’s outside of the exchange period you’ll have to send it in for repair. If you can’t bring it back to life to flash it back to stock you’ll have to throw yourself on the mercy of HTC Asia in getting it fixed unlocked. HTC's different repair centers seem to all have different policies related to warranty coverage for h/w faults on unlocked phones. If it is a dead display maybe you’ll get lucky.
You might want to put a note in with it telling your “I’m 17” story and how devastated you are something you’ve worked so hard for has failed. Repair techs are people too. Good luck.
BarryH_GEG said:
Since you’re unlocked and running a non-stock kernel and ROM, maybe some of the dev-ish folks can help you resuscitate it if it’s indeed a s/w problem.
If it’s a h/w problem, what to do depends on where you bought the phone and how old it is. If it’s within the remorse/DOA period maybe you can exchange it. It’ll be hard for whoever you bought it from to see you’ve unlocked it if nothing’s showing on the display.
If it’s outside of the exchange period you’ll have to send it in for repair. If you can’t bring it back to life to flash it back to stock you’ll have to throw yourself on the mercy of HTC Asia in getting it fixed unlocked. HTC's different repair centers seem to all have different policies related to warranty coverage for h/w faults on unlocked phones. If it is a dead display maybe you’ll get lucky.
You might want to put a note in with it telling your “I’m 17” story and how devastated you are something you’ve worked so hard for has failed. Repair techs are people too. Good luck.
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I shook the device out of frustration.. and it started working for a few seconds.
What's going on here? Is it a faulty display/connection? Is there a way to possibly just send it to a nearby phone shop and get it fixed?
Sorry about all the questions, I'm shocked, happy, and devastated all at the same time.
Are HTC refusing then? That seems a bit off/ illegal... Surely under the faulty goods act (I assume the law isn't THAT different in Australia to UK) they have to take it back as it CAN'T be a year old and they can't prove the issue was caused by your mistreatment. It doesn't matter how many phones you've had... Also, where did you buy the phone from? I think you should be able to return it through the shop as THEY sold you the phone, not HTC... They are still under an obligation as they sold you the thing.
Plus, the 'I'm a 17 year old and saved up for ages thing' might work too! I'd try not to get too technical with the law if you go down this route though!
Best of luck sorting this out. It's within your rights to get a replacement (you bought the phone new, I assume?) so I'm sure this will eventually work out. Don't give up! You just need to speak/ write to the right person...
sent from my internet
What rom were you on?
I remember my One X not charging at all while it was turned off completely although it showed Orange charging led.
It could be that you ran out of battery and phone not turning on. Due to no charging effect.
Reading your story there's one thing that's crossing my mind.
Could it be possible the battery run dry during the night?
It sounds stupid but those things you forget easy when you're in a hurry or stressed.
I don't read anything in your post you tried to charge.
Atrixx said:
Just to give you a brief rundown of everything that's happened..
I'm 17 and saved up for a few months to buy a HTC One X. Needless to say, it's probably the most expensive phone i've ever owned, since all my other phones were hand-me-downs and old phones from eBay.
This morning i wake up and go to work as usual. Just to find my phone's display won't switch on. As you can imagine, I'm tirelessly panicking and try the 3 button combo.. to no avail.
Using Fastboot to reboot didn't work either.
This phone turned into a brick overnight, and i have no idea what happened??
Just before i left for work, i did check my phone and it was working alright.. Then five minutes later, it won't display anything.
The thing is, I can't take it back to HTC either because this is my 5th replacement phone!
First one had black glue smudged on the LCD it's self,
Second one had the screen not glued down and wasn't aligned,
Third one didn't even have any glue applied and the case wasn't even attached properly,
Forth one had this problem where the screen's LCD would dilate if i touched it - even lightly,
and this one is my 5th, the antenna wasn't properly connected and now the screen doesn't work.
I've had terrible luck, and i don't know what i can do?
If you can give me any information to get me out of this, it would be much appreciated.
Although i still can receive text's and calls fine, it's just the display..
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privatetrousers said:
Are HTC refusing then?
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Yes. But not in every region (yet). Do a search. It's been disucssed. Also, it appears Samsung's going down the same path.
BarryH_GEG said:
Yes. But not in every region (yet). Do a search. It's been disucssed. Also, it appears Samsung's going down the same path.
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Aware of the discussion... Using the xda app and didn't pick up that the phone's been 'HTCdev'd (my fault for not reading properly - sorry, folks!). Still not sure HTC/ Samsung can legally 'sign your rights away' though. Still, not a discussion for here...
Hope you got the phone sorted anyway.
sent from my internet
Atrixx said:
I shook the device out of frustration.. and it started working for a few seconds.
What's going on here? Is it a faulty display/connection? Is there a way to possibly just send it to a nearby phone shop and get it fixed?
Sorry about all the questions, I'm shocked, happy, and devastated all at the same time.
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How or who fixed ur antenna problem, could be related if handset wasnt but back together properly.

Galaxy S9 can definitely be BRICKED

Hi all,
I am not sure if this is better in a different Thread, so admin please move if so..
BE CAREFULL !!!! If you plan to root you S9, do NEVER do the following:
Switch on your S9 for the very first time and once you are forced to set-up a new google account, REMEMBER the data you enter !!!!!!!
Even if you (like me) do not want a google account, do not enter anything stupid, a password that you dont remember...
BECAUSE, if you now do a factory-reset from the bootloder, the phone will be lost forever!!!!!
You will have to send your phone to a SAMSUNG Service-center for unlock...
Thanks to Google and Samsung, this "feature" is very close to be illegal...
That sounds like FRP lock. If you know what you're doing (and you didn't steal the phone) there are ways around it.
joe535 said:
Hi all,
I am not sure if this is better in a different Thread, so admin please move if so..
BE CAREFULL !!!! If you plan to root you S9, do NEVER do the following:
Switch on your S9 for the very first time and once you are forced to set-up a new google account, REMEMBER the data you enter !!!!!!!
Even if you (like me) do not want a google account, do not enter anything stupid, a password that you dont remember...
BECAUSE, if you now do a factory-reset from the bootloder, the phone will be lost forever!!!!!
You will have to send your phone to a SAMSUNG Service-center for unlock...
Thanks to Google and Samsung, this "feature" is very close to be illegal...
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This has been the case for a long time, and the same with iPhones, don't forget your login, make sure you have a recovery for your email password and don't steal phones
Not sure why it should be illegal to protect people's personal info
joe535 said:
Thanks to Google and Samsung, this "feature" is very close to be illegal...
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What's actually illegal is people "forgetting" their password for "their" (newly acquired) phone.
So yeah. Let's totally make it easier to bypass you forgetting your password. While we're at it, let's just get rid of all security measures because they can be inconvenient at times.
FRP is a Documented Feature
The online Samsung S9 documentation does document the Factory Data Reset process. While this is surprising if it happens to you the feature is designed to help make stolen phone less valuable. At least in theory.
Note: When you sign in to a Google Account on your device, Factory Reset Protection is activated. This protects your device in the event it is lost or stolen. If you reset your device to factory default settings with the Factory Reset Protection (FRP) feature activated, you must enter the user name and password for a registered Google Account to regain access to the
device. You will not be able to access the device without the correct credentials.
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joe535 said:
Hi all,
I am not sure if this is better in a different Thread, so admin please move if so..
BE CAREFULL !!!! If you plan to root you S9, do NEVER do the following:
Switch on your S9 for the very first time and once you are forced to set-up a new google account, REMEMBER the data you enter !!!!!!!
Even if you (like me) do not want a google account, do not enter anything stupid, a password that you dont remember...
BECAUSE, if you now do a factory-reset from the bootloder, the phone will be lost forever!!!!!
You will have to send your phone to a SAMSUNG Service-center for unlock...
Thanks to Google and Samsung, this "feature" is very close to be illegal...
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No, that's why they call them smart phones, you need to be smart to use them.
Well, I do have the invoice from MY NOT STOLEN Phone.......
And an "anti-theft-feature" basically does not protect the phone from being stolen. It is simply not usable, but nevertheless the victim has a certain damage...
So, how can this kind of feature by advanced? VERY easy: In case of theft, the owner of a phone may log into his accoount from any other Computer and he ACTIVELY (!!!) has to quote his phone was stolen. NOW it can be locked.
I will send my phone to Samsung this week. I will expect thay RESET it for free...
Or maybe contact google... I remember the password but not the account... So maybe they can tell me the account-name if I gave the IMEA number...
oildale said:
What's actually illegal is people "forgetting" their password for "their" (newly acquired) phone.
So yeah. Let's totally make it easier to bypass you forgetting your password. While we're at it, let's just get rid of all security measures because they can be inconvenient at times.
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Especially since I do have the invoice, a proof that I BOUGHT the phone !!!!
oildale said:
What's actually illegal is people "forgetting" their password for "their" (newly acquired) phone.
So yeah. Let's totally make it easier to bypass you forgetting your password. While we're at it, let's just get rid of all security measures because they can be inconvenient at times.
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tomiga said:
That sounds like FRP lock. If you know what you're doing (and you didn't steal the phone) there are ways around it.
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I already tried a lot of workarounds, so far with no success. Off course it is not stolen, I will make an image of the invoice later today if everybody mistrust me...
I will try that google give me the account-name I have created, because I do remember the password. I assume, that the account is tied to the IMEI of the phone...
If this does not help me out, I will se how far I will get using ADB. Luckily I activated USB debugging before I did the big mistake.
As last Option I will have to send the phone to a Samsung Service center...
Lets see...
joe535 said:
Well, I do have the invoice from MY NOT STOLEN Phone.......
And an "anti-theft-feature" basically does not protect the phone from being stolen. It is simply not usable, but nevertheless the victim has a certain damage...
So, how can this kind of feature by advanced? VERY easy: In case of theft, the owner of a phone may log into his accoount from any other Computer and he ACTIVELY (!!!) has to quote his phone was stolen. NOW it can be locked.
I will send my phone to Samsung this week. I will expect thay RESET it for free...
Or maybe contact google... I remember the password but not the account... So maybe they can tell me the account-name if I gave the IMEA number...
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So OK let's reverse this scenario, you buy an S9, you secure it with your Google account, someone steals your phone, they use whatever method you are wishing for to unlock the device, and now they have access to all of your info, data, media, and also a brand new S9 for themselves
You are happy about this, right?
Or even if we say they reset the device, so your info is safe, they now have a brand new S9 for themselves. you are also happy about this too right?
Or how about the scenario when people already know it is useless resetting the phone because there is no way to unlock it without the original Google account login (Same as iPhone), now they don't bother stealing your phone because it would be useless to them, so now you get to keep your expensive S9 because they didn't want to steal it
Which scenario makes you happiest?
If you forget absolutely everything about the account you used for your phone, for some reason you do not have any record of it from other reset email accounts you should have added, then you have no-one to shout at other than yourself, you messed up, not Samsung or Google, YOU
*Detection* said:
So OK let's reverse this scenario, you buy an S9, you secure it with your Google account, someone steals your phone, they use whatever method you are wishing for to unlock the device, and now they have access to all of your info, data, media, and also a brand new S9 for themselves
You are happy about this, right?
Or even if we say they reset the device, so your info is safe, they now have a brand new S9 for themselves. you are also happy about this too right?
Or how about the scenario when people already know it is useless resetting the phone because there is no way to unlock it without the original Google account login (Same as iPhone), now they don't bother stealing your phone because it would be useless to them, so now you get to keep your expensive S9 because they didn't want to steal it
Which scenario makes you happiest?
If you forget absolutely everything about the account you used for your phone, for some reason you do not have any record of it from other reset email accounts you should have added, then you have no-one to shout at other than yourself, you messed up, not Samsung or Google, YOU
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I do not fully agree!
If my phone is stolen, I will ACTIVATE the anti-theft-protection after it has been stolen.
Normally someone would recognize very fast that it has been stolen. It does not matter whether the stolen phone is deactivated right now or some hours later. It will be unusable from this moment, the owner deactivates...
No one is happy about a stolen phone, but stolen is stolen, regardless if the thief can use it or not. The damage I have anyway...
Imagine you buy a Windows-PC. But you prefer Linux, format the HDD and try to install linux. But some geniusses decided that your PC will no longer be usable... Really a good idea??
It should go without saying that having an invoice showing the purchase of a phone, if purchased from other than the manufacturer or cellular provider, does not eliminate the possibility that the phone was reported stolen by a previous purchaser/owner. I would much rather have my phone automatically rendered inoperable by anyone not having my password and/or Google account information than give them the opportunity to acccess it during the lag time spanning the period that: 1) I realized my phone is lost; 2) I successfully reported the loss to the carrier or manufacturer having the ability to hard lock the device; and 3) the carrier/manufacturer actually locks the device.
elbee222 said:
It should go without saying that having an invoice showing the purchase of a phone, if purchased from other than the manufacturer or cellular provider, does not eliminate the possibility that the phone was reported stolen by a previous purchaser/owner. I would much rather have my phone automatically rendered inoperable by anyone not having my password and/or Google account information than give them the opportunity to acccess it during the lag time spanning the period that: 1) I realized my phone is lost; 2) I successfully reported the loss to the carrier or manufacturer having the ability to hard lock the device; and 3) the carrier/manufacturer actually locks the device.
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Well yes and no To me, the probability to "loose" my phone in a way I accitentially did is much higher than it might be stolen...
So do you mean, even I can proove the purchase, I do not have the right that Samsung unlocks it??? See, if it is stolen, I cannot use it. If I do 2 SOFTWARE based steps, I cannot use it. It is lost in both cases, so non of them is good...
If you can prove the purchase, and -- if you are not the original purchaser - no prior owner has reported the phone lost or stolen and there is no related bad IMEI issue -- then I would agree that you should have the right to have the phone unlocked/reactivated by Samsung or the carrier. I suspect Samsung or the carrier will check to make sure that a lost/stolen phone report is not received in the interim.
joe535 said:
I do not fully agree!
If my phone is stolen, I will ACTIVATE the anti-theft-protection after it has been stolen.
Normally someone would recognize very fast that it has been stolen. It does not matter whether the stolen phone is deactivated right now or some hours later. It will be unusable from this moment, the owner deactivates...
No one is happy about a stolen phone, but stolen is stolen, regardless if the thief can use it or not. The damage I have anyway...
Imagine you buy a Windows-PC. But you prefer Linux, format the HDD and try to install linux. But some geniusses decided that your PC will no longer be usable... Really a good idea??
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Your argument is weak, it is a LOT more difficult to lose a PC than a phone, it is a LOT more difficult to steal a PC than a phone
Thousands (maybe millions) of phones are lost and stolen every day around the world, PCs not so much...
Why would you buy a Windows PC if you wanted Linux? Wouldn't you just build a PC and install Linux from day 1?
At the end of the day, for whatever reasons you are p*ssed because you are locked out of your phone, the reason you are locked out is your own fault, you are looking to blame someone when all you need to do is look in the mirror
Maybe Samsung will unlock it if you can prove proof of ownership, maybe... but by the sounds of it, you didn't buy it new, which leads us right back to the possibility of it being stolen, which is likely the same conclusion Samsung will come to
*Detection* said:
Your argument is weak, it is a LOT more difficult to lose a PC than a phone, it is a LOT more difficult to steal a PC than a phone
Thousands (maybe millions) of phones are lost and stolen every day around the world, PCs not so much...
Why would you buy a Windows PC if you wanted Linux? Wouldn't you just build a PC and install Linux from day 1?
At the end of the day, for whatever reasons you are p*ssed because you are locked out of your phone, the reason you are locked out is your own fault, you are looking to blame someone when all you need to do is look in the mirror
Maybe Samsung will unlock it if you can prove proof of ownership, maybe... but by the sounds of it, you didn't buy it new, which leads us right back to the possibility of it being stolen, which is likely the same conclusion Samsung will come to
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Just talked to Samsung support. Will cost me about 35€ to get the security chip changed.
Ok, could have been worse...
joe535 said:
Just talked to Samsung support. Will cost me about 35€ to get the security chip changed.
Ok, could have been worse...
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Let us know what happens
joe535 said:
Especially since I do have the invoice, a proof that I BOUGHT the phone !!!!
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I'm not saying that you stole the phone but because you don't take making your account seriously the rest of us have to have security that is easily bypassed for our phones? I don't think so.
You screwed up and now you're paying the price. Hopefully you can get things sorted out and get access to your phone. In the very least though, you'll never do something so stupid again right?
*Detection* said:
So OK let's reverse this scenario, you buy an S9, you secure it with your Google account, someone steals your phone, they use whatever method you are wishing for to unlock the device, and now they have access to all of your info, data, media, and also a brand new S9 for themselves
You are happy about this, right?
Or even if we say they reset the device, so your info is safe, they now have a brand new S9 for themselves. you are also happy about this too right?
Or how about the scenario when people already know it is useless resetting the phone because there is no way to unlock it without the original Google account login (Same as iPhone), now they don't bother stealing your phone because it would be useless to them, so now you get to keep your expensive S9 because they didn't want to steal it
Which scenario makes you happiest?
If you forget absolutely everything about the account you used for your phone, for some reason you do not have any record of it from other reset email accounts you should have added, then you have no-one to shout at other than yourself, you messed up, not Samsung or Google, YOU
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That's it.
oildale said:
I'm not saying that you stole the phone but because you don't take making your account seriously the rest of us have to have security that is easily bypassed for our phones? I don't think so.
You screwed up and now you're paying the price. Hopefully you can get things sorted out and get access to your phone. In the very least though, you'll never do something so stupid again right?
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Exactly. At least, we know by now, that there is a physical security-chip inside the phones
I am just wondering, why this forum does exist.. I assume a lot of us like custom ROMs , rooting etc. because we like to get rid of google and other bloatware. At least this it what I personally like to... But if a google "feature" locks someone from his own phone, he suddenly is a criminal ?!?!?!
OK. @admin - better close this thread as it does not really helps us.

