WP7 no criticism allowed - Windows Phone 7 General

Pretty obvious that the uber microites run the show, people making totally valid points about an OS with a lack of facilities, that the OS it is replacing had in abundance are castigated and threads closed. Free speech my arse, wonder if the microsoft adverts that keep popping up could give us a clue, and there again perhaps I don't wonder. Whatever happened to democracy, are the uber microites dispensing their sponsors version of that ????

Who ever said this place was a democracy? If you don't like how it's run, maybe you shouldn't be so loyal. Plenty of other sites where you can go and be a rebel.
Personally, I just can't get enough of this place.

Same **** happens in the android section every day. Seemingly the only somewhat mature community on here is the WinMo community and that's because most of them are dinosaurs.

elyl said:
Who ever said this place was a democracy? If you don't like how it's run, maybe you shouldn't be so loyal. Plenty of other sites where you can go and be a rebel.
Personally, I just can't get enough of this place.
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Maybe I just went to a better school.

rhory said:
Maybe I just went to a better school.
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Doubt it, mate, or you wouldn't still be living in that dump Larkhall.

rhory, do the community a favor and leave since you have such a great problem. You don't know how to share opinions, you attack people who disagree with you. You make retarded claims such as 'its a beta OS' when you have no idea what the term 'beta' means. And it gets old you trolling every single positive topic. It isn't that speech is restricted, it's that you feel the need to be a jerk in every single topic and ruin the experience.

The mods probably just don't want trolls running rampent across the forum, which on a forum like this would be easy to have happen. There isn't bias in that.

elyl said:
Doubt it, mate, or you wouldn't still be living in that dump Larkhall.
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That's how I know I went to a better state school, by your not very subtle allusions.

FiyaFleye said:
rhory, do the community a favor and leave since you have such a great problem. You don't know how to share opinions, you attack people who disagree with you. You make retarded claims such as 'its a beta OS' when you have no idea what the term 'beta' means. And it gets old you trolling every single positive topic. It isn't that speech is restricted, it's that you feel the need to be a jerk in every single topic and ruin the experience.
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Shouldn't you be robbing the wealth of some third world state like Alabama or Mississippi, silly me, you've already done that, now you want to applaud microite for robbing us with a piss poor product. I am only to happy that my American relations are nothing like your persona, don't worry sugar, we know how to deal with bully's on this side of the pond, a mouth like you wouldn't last two minutes.

rhory said:
Shouldn't you be robbing the wealth of some third world state like Alabama or Mississippi, silly me, you've already done that, now you want to applaud microite for robbing us with a piss poor product. I am only to happy that my American relations are nothing like your persona, don't worry sugar, we know how to deal with bully's on this side of the pond, a mouth like you wouldn't last two minutes.
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Dude, you truly are a racist clown... I hope they ban you, and if they reprimand me for pointing out the obvious, that's fine, but you truly are a leech to societ, I will not be addressing you, ever again

FiyaFleye said:
Dude, you truly are a racist clown... I hope they ban you, and if they reprimand me for pointing out the obvious, that's fine, but you truly are a leech to societ, I will not be addressing you, ever again
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As clowns go you are definitely the CoCo of the board, perhaps you will be able to point out any racist comments I have made, apart from pointing out that Americans I know are nothing like your ugly bullying persona, an absolute tube, I could give you lower accolades, but that will do to be going on with.

rhory said:
Shouldn't you be robbing the wealth of some third world state like Alabama or Mississippi, silly me, you've already done that, now you want to applaud microite for robbing us with a piss poor product. I am only to happy that my American relations are nothing like your persona, don't worry sugar, we know how to deal with bully's on this side of the pond, a mouth like you wouldn't last two minutes.
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Wouldn't that make Scotland a third world county as it has about the same GDP as Alabama?

Please close this unuseful thread mods
Sorry to be the adult here, were supposed to be XDA 'developers'. Save the chatter for the playground.

Tone_ said:
Wouldn't that make Scotland a third world county as it has about the same GDP as Alabama?
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If you can tell me something that a Scotsman didn't invent that was and is of use in the world today,in between building the Americas and the Commonwealth, and generally developing the world in general I might agree with you, but since you can't I won't.
Here's a little teaser for all you uber microites, what is the connection between Bill Gates, microsoft and Scotland, not withstanding a Scot being one of, if not the chief writer of microsofts global dominance.
Just a few of my countrymen and women's contribution to the world. http://tinyurl.com/4zrxkeh

rhory said:
If you can tell me something that a Scotsman didn't invent that was and is of use in the world today,in between building the Americas and the Commonwealth, and generally developing the world in general I might agree with you, but since you can't I won't.
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The Internets
Invented by Al Gore who is 43% myth and 82% anti-matter and hand-made in England by Vietnamese orphans

There is no such thing as free speech without consequences. It gets tiring to hear people say I have freedom of speech. You do, but you can be censored, or penalized for some of the things that you say. This is so in every free, democratic country. Look at Slander and also Hate Speech.
Now to get to the Hate Speech aspect - you want your members to express themselves without negatively impacting on the other members. We all have different personalities and idea and to properly manage a forum to ensure that everyone gets to express themselves without negatively impacting on other members is not easy since we can be hedonistic.
Anyone that has read your posts in the Windows Phone 7 forum gets your point. You think the OS is garbage and not fit to be sold. You could easily just move on, but you do not. I am not your psychologist so I will not bother trying to explain why.
But maybe, just maybe it is you. It is a difficult concept for one's ego to accept. The Cheers song works well in these cases:
Wouldn't you like to get away?
Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name,
and they're always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see,
our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows
Your name.

FiyaFleye said:
rhory, do the community a favor and leave since you have such a great problem. You don't know how to share opinions, you attack people who disagree with you. You make retarded claims such as 'its a beta OS' when you have no idea what the term 'beta' means. And it gets old you trolling every single positive topic. It isn't that speech is restricted, it's that you feel the need to be a jerk in every single topic and ruin the experience.
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I just want to point out that I always enjoy reading your posts. You seem to a level-headed and well thought out person. Kudos for trying to talk sense to this idiot.

nicksti said:
There is no such thing as free speech without consequences. It gets tiring to hear people say I have freedom of speech. You do, but you can be censored, or penalized for some of the things that you say. This is so in every free, democratic country. Look at Slander and also Hate Speech.
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I'm sorry to say, but if free speech has such consequences like censorship then it is no longer free speech. That being said, a forum is one of the last places on earth where you would be able to use free speech. Forums have been censored due to political or personal opinions for years. Also democratic countries do not support free speech. They do accept a wider range of topics in the "media" then other governments would allow, but they definitely do not condone free speech.

rhory said:
Just a few of my countrymen and women's contribution to the world. http://tinyurl.com/4zrxkeh
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What an old and questionable list of inventions - think you are getting inventions and patents confused. Has Scotland forgot how to innovate\invent?
Still does not change your GDP being less than the 3rd world stated you mentioned.

I hate even giving threads like this any attention, but it's hard to not just ask every time, If you don't like it, why are you here? Let others talk about the OS without having to sift through your stupid threads and pointless rants. If you don't like it... go away. Stop acting like an infant.


SPB Clone - Nag Screen Removal

SPB Clone is a fine bit of software. It makes a full ghost copy of your BA that you can reinstall after a hard reset - all the registry settings, installed software. etc.
The demo version is fully working but after installing via a clone you get a nag screen that continually pops up to remind you to buy the software.
Because I was so impressed with SPB Clone, I wrote to SPB to ask them if they could provide me with a single user licence at a less painful price, since the PDA I was cloning was actually my phone, and I'm not a big company with many PDAs. They told me that, sadly, SPB Clone was only available on an enterprise licence but then they told me how to remove the nag screen....
1. Open the folder \Windows\StartUp in File Explorer.
2. Tap and Hold and select View All Files.
3. Select bootupdt.exe and select Cut from context menu.
4. Change to the root folder "\" and tap and hold on the empty space within folder view. Select Paste from context menu.
5. Soft reset.
6. Remove bootupdt.exe from the root folder.
And you were not able to find this out yourself?
Last year when I had my tires changed the clerk put a sign on my inner mirror to come back in 50km. And there was of course an ad on the sticker. Your post is like "Hey, today I opened my car and pulled the sticker of the mirror. You won't believe: I've got clear sight again!"
Nice of you to repay their generosity by putting this information in the public domain...
@tintoy: Generosity? I consider this being spam. Nobody wants new posts about "I now know how to reboot!" or "My how-to: Plugging USB cable in". I would accept those kinda posts if he'd just tell about product X, which is cheaper than Y but has same or more features like A, B, C. Only hassle you have to solve is to remove [filename] from autostart.
Chatty said:
And you were not able to find this out yourself?
Last year when I had my tires changed the clerk put a sign on my inner mirror to come back in 50km. And there was of course an ad on the sticker. Your post is like "Hey, today I opened my car and pulled the sticker of the mirror. You won't believe: I've got clear sight again!"
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Oh, well I'm terribly sorry that my lo-tech post offends your obviously tender, high-brow sensibilities.
God help you if someone with less knowledge than you asks you a question face-to-face; I'd imagine they'd deck you with an attitude like yours.
Try and remember that there are, in fact, some people that don't know as much about a subject as you and that, to them, as it was to me, a tip like this is very useful, although it's obviously far, far beneath someone who is clearly an IT deity. Please allow me to prostrate myself before you - in fact, I'm genuflecting before my monitor even now!
Mind you; your grammar, spelling and punctuation aren't up to much. If you're going to slight someone on a written forum, at least make sure you can write, eh?
tintoy said:
Nice of you to repay their generosity by putting this information in the public domain...
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I'm a firm believer in freedom of information.
SPB gave me this information because I am a single user.
I have provided this information to other single users.
If an unscrupulous company wishes to use unlicensed software, possibly risking prosecution, that's their remit, not mine.
madcapmagician said:
Oh, well I'm terribly sorry that my lo-tech post offends your obviously tender, high-brow sensibilities.
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Ok, your're starting to get insulting. That's why I'll answer the last time to this thread.
madcapmagician said:
God help you if someone with less knowledge than you asks you a question face-to-face; I'd imagine they'd deck you with an attitude like yours.
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This is not comparable because this is a forum, not a chat. Most questions can be answered by just searching the forum. And I was not against your post in whole but about the way you described it.
madcapmagician said:
Try and remember that there are, in fact, some people that don't know as much about a subject as you and that, to them, as it was to me, a tip like this is very useful, although it's obviously far, far beneath someone who is clearly an IT deity. Please allow me to prostrate myself before you - in fact, I'm genuflecting before my monitor even now!
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Farcical. No comment.
madcapmagician said:
Mind you; your grammar, spelling and punctuation aren't up to much. If you're going to slight someone on a written forum, at least make sure you can write, eh?
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Here you stepped over the line. If you ain't got no further arguments (if there has been at least one already) you start to insult people. That will make you look respectable, indeed. Although English is not my mother tongue I do speak more than one language. How many do you speak? (Not that I'm really interested.)
Chatty said:
Ok, your're starting to get insulting.
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Your original post was both rude and insulting, hence my reply.
This is not comparable because this is a forum, not a chat.
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How so? Do you not bring your manners to a forum? You are, in effect, saying that because you cannot see your fellow forumers face-to-face you feel you do not have to be polite to them.....and you then get upset when they are impolite back to you.
Most questions can be answered by just searching the forum.
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Why do you assume I didn't? Again, you are being insulting. I scoured the web to find the answer, like most other noobs would do. From the way you wrote, I got the impression you are very IT-literate - well, I am not and there are many others like me. My post is for them.
And I was not against your post in whole but about the way you described it.
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Then I suggest you re-read your first post: in your head, when you typed it, it may have sounded witty and polite and to-the-point; that is not how it came across. If you felt my description was at fault, you should have said so, rather than making rude, tangential comments.
madcapmagician said:
Try and remember that there are, in fact, some people that don't know as much about a subject as you and that, to them, as it was to me, a tip like this is very useful
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Just to reiterate the point.
Here you stepped over the line.
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Agreed, although in my head, when I typed it, it was quid pro quo.
I will publicly apologise here and now for being rude.
Please understand that there is nothing berating in this post - I am merely trying to articulate myself without you being able to physically hear my voice.
madcapmagician said:
Hey guys, I know a way that you can get the hard work of dozens of developers for free. Heck they gave it to me, and so it is implied that they want me to share it with the entire internet. Aren't I morally and ethically bankrupt?
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Yes, you are.
Chatty said:
There is this tire change sticker in my car that is driving me batty
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Hmmm, interesting
tintoy said:
Nice of you to repay their generosity by putting this information in the public domain...
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Chatty said:
Generosity? Huh...spam. X, Y, uh A, B, C, Marco, polo
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madcapmagician said:
Everyone marvel at my use of polysyllabic word play. I am the master of the keyboard. Chatty, my swing thing is bigger than yours.
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madcapmagician again said:
I am a firm believer in freedom of unscrupulousness. It was granted to us in the 18th ammendment to the Constitution. SPB gave me the information because I am single minded and they have no desire to make money. They are actually just out to provide a community service.
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Wow, excellent points, all of them!
Chatty Cathy said:
Actually my swing thing is bigger. And I speak multiple languages, just not very well. A donde esta la casa de pepe?
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madcapmagician said:
Why are you rude to me just because I was rude to you? Don't you understand the consequences of disturbing the molecular dismobilization of the antisymmetric wave function? Egad man. Let me cut loose some more words from my Microsoft Word thesaurus...prostrate, genuflecting, forumers (huh?), tangential, exoskeletal, plebiscite. Take that!
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Do you guys know how tired the rest of us are of this kind of non-productive grade school banter? I am waiting for the "your momma" insults to start any minute. Can someone please delete this thread.
The original post in this thread was a useful piece of information on how to remove the nag screen on a piece of software.
It was not a "How-to" on rebooting or plugging in a USB cable, and i am sure that anyone who wants to use the SPB Clone would be grateful for this information.
The fact that you either didnt understand what the post was about or didnt care doesnt mean you have to immediately flame the poster, if you have no use for the information in a certain thread just move on to the next thread. Trading insults back and forth is the biggest spam anyone could expect to see in a forum, especially this one, which provides so much good information to those of us who use these devices.
I continue to be floored by people's casual attitude toward trading software keys, hacking apps, and getting around nag screens. If the developer did not want you to see the nag screen then he/she WOULD NOT HAVE PUT IT THERE. If the developer gave instructions to one user on how to remove the nag, then great...what a nice developer/company. But unless they expressly gave that person permission to post it out to potentially thousands of people then it is JUST PLAIN WRONG. There is no gray area here, folks. Most of us have to live in a grown-up world and are tired of the impacts that other people's adolescent, situational ethics imposes on us. Do unto others...
cw6447 said:
I continue to be floored by people's casual attitude toward trading software keys, hacking apps, and getting around nag screens. If the developer did not want you to see the nag screen then he/she WOULD NOT HAVE PUT IT THERE. If the developer gave instructions to one user on how to remove the nag, then great...what a nice developer/company. But unless they expressly gave that person permission to post it out to potentially thousands of people then it is JUST PLAIN WRONG. There is no gray area here, folks. Most of us have to live in a grown-up world and are tired of the impacts that other people's adolescent, situational ethics imposes on us. Do unto others...
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I agree with you on the ethics of "stealing" software, my main complaint here was the instant flaming that madcapmagician received after posting, that is not what this community is about. he was not posting a "how-to" on the process of rebooting, he was relaying the information given to him as he received it, i think that the information can be used by those who are ok with "stealing" software and those who disagree can just disregard the information. If the mods decide that the information shouldnt be here they have the power to remove it.
Forgive me for carrying on with this ridiculous and pointless conversation but is it not in fact illegal to unlock contract mobile phones? Would the cellular providers be happy for 1000's of people to remove their branding and software from devices which they have sold? If the software company had not wanted to help the individual then they would not have told him to start with. I am sure that nobody is so special that a software company would whisper information into his ear that they didn't want to be made common knowledge.
This is a tech support forum, it has helped me as well as many, many other people. If you want to start talking about wrong, immoral, illegal or any other description you may have then start looking at what other people are doing.
I appreciate this forum, and it's members. For crying out loud, stop arguing and get on with the job in hand.
Zylo, I agree with you in one regard. The post is perfectly legit insomuch as it is helpful and technically related. But only for people without a conscience. Bret, you are symptomatic of this new generation of kids with no personal accountability in life. To pretend that you can guess that a software company doesn't mind you giving away their software for free is ludicrous. madcap probably got ahold of some sales guy who thought it would be nice to do him a favor. Do you think the owners, investors or developers would have told him to feel free to post it on forums around the internet? Why not take that info and sell it for a profit on eBay? Or better yet why not just sell the software as your own? If they were giving you a free copy then they wouldn't mind you doing whatever you want with it. Right? You see, you keep blurring the lines of common decency to the point where eventually anything goes. You won't understand until someday you actually become a responsible citizen, start your own business, and put your hard-earned money and time out on the line. I bet when the leeches and thieves come after your product you will have a whole different attitude. The "right thing" to do in this case is so easy and obvious. I fear for a world where people can't make that distinction.
Sorry if what i said came across as a flaming. It was not intended as such. I'm just aware that softweare companies have many employees, from designers to developers to marketing people to managers. Of all these people the ones who seeme to have the most alturistitc (read non commercially-minded) approach always seem to be the developers. They are typically just concerned with writing good software and makng it work. If you asked a developer for a free copy of his/her software for 'testing' they'd probally give it to you without complaint! If, however, you asked them if they'd like their contract to end at the end of its term becuase you were going to make the software they wrote completly unprofitable by telling everyone how to get it for free they might be slightly less generous!
Your points have been taken on board but for the record, I work for a small, local mobile phone dealer. How much business do you think we lose from people unlocking phones, and therefore not returning to us?
I'm not saying that is right or wrong but what I am saying is that it is illegal. It is stealing from the provider and taking profits away from independant dealers. Also, how are you to know that my own business did not fail due to non-payers? You obviously open your mouth before engaging your brain. I could not recover the debts owed to my company and it resulted in the business closing. Is that not also theft?
If you want to target anyone go for the real criminals who sell ripped off software and DVD's on the Sunday markets. They are the real problem, not one guy who has made a very small post who has admitted to have lttle understanding of what he has done. I'm sure you have now all alienated him so he will never return to this site again.
Talk about a mountain out of a molehill.
Yeah. Can we consider this conversation over?
Please don't be offended by my posts @madcapmagician, I was just making a point, not trying to demonise you! I would imagine there is even a fairly decent discsussion that could be had about what consitutes ripping off software and what consitutes fair use...
I found my original e-mail and SPB’s reply:
-----Original Message-----
From: Jerzy Bulowski
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 1:01 pm
To: [email protected]
Subject: Clone
Dear Sir or Madam,
I recently downloaded your demo of Clone and have to say that, already, it has served me well after my phone required a hard reset the other day.
I was so impressed that I decided to purchase a copy but was absolutely horrified to see the price of $199. Whilst I can appreciate that Clone is suited to large businesses with many corporate PDAs, I am a single user - the PDA in question is actually my HTC Blue Angel mobile phone - and I was wondering whether you could sell me a single-licence version for a price more similar to what you charge for Pocket Plus?
If this is not possible could you tell me how long the annoying reminder screen will continue to pop up on my phone?
I look forward to your reply.
Jerzy Bulowski
Hello Jerzy,
Spb Clone is enterprise product and there's not any "single user" licenses.
How to remove the nag screen in your case:
1. Open folder \Windows\StartUp in File Explorer. 2. Tap and Hold and select View All files. 3. Select bootupd.exe and select Cut from context menu. 4. Change to the root folder "\" and tap-n-hold on the empty space within folder view. Select "Paste" from context menu. 5. Soft reset. 6. Remove bootupd.exe from the root folder.
Best regards,
Alexander Shalin
Customer Support Team
Spb Software House
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.spbsoftwarehouse.com
Phone: +7 812 324 49 44
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Bret, perhaps I should point out that you can download SPB Clone for free from their website, as a demo version. Corporate customers, if they liked it, would then buy a licensed copy for $199.00 – I have “stolen” nothing.
Chris - As far as the ethics of posting said information in the public domain are concerned, my conscience is clear. This information is for single users, like myself. If an unscrupulous company wishes to make use of this information then it’s their ethics that are at fault, not mine.
Tintoy – I’m not offended. It was Chatty’s immediate, condescending, demeaning post that riled me. Zylograth said what I should have, instead of replying as I did:
The fact that you either didn’t understand what the post was about or didn’t care doesn’t mean you have to immediately flame the poster, if you have no use for the information in a certain thread just move on to the next thread.
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And that’s that!
AFAIK I think it's still open to debate whether we discuss cracking. I'm happy to talk about cracking, but not cracks.
Odeean makes a good point that cracking and reversing is part of the education of programming; if you're a commercial developer, or would be one, it's worth knowing weaknesses and pitfalls.
People shouldn't come on here and say "wantttt - crack for thai-g" etc. That's just silly and damn lazy. If you don't know how to get warez, you should be using a Motorola, not even a Nokia. But you should be rewarding programmers, or you should understand when there aren't programmers left to program because they've all gone broke. (And I'm not just talking about cash.. we don't all program for the $$)
But if you want to learn how to crack thai-g, search, ask nicely, or learn and tell. But don't distribute cracks (at least publically). There are other boards for that, and we have enough trouble keeping this board clean enough now-a-days
Take it like a man!
Madcap, my almost 3-year old daughter tries to make equally bad logic when I have caught her sneaking a cookie before supper. If you were in court you would be your own worst enemy. The email from spb said "How to remove the nag screen in YOUR case". Not "in your case and EVERY other person you can broadcast it to". Show me where he added, "And please feel free to share this with other single users". ONCE AGAIN, if they did not expressly permit you to give this to other people then it is just plain wrong! No, not illegal...it's the spb CSR's ignorant fault for giving it out to you. Let's say you are standing behind a guy in line at the QuickTrip. You witness the cashier ring up his order, but forget to ring up his Snickers bar. When the customer makes the cashier aware of the error, the cashier says,"Oh that's ok, just go ahead and take it." Does that then give you the right to grab a Snickers bar and put it in your pocket without paying for it? If one person got a freebie then everyone should get it, right? How long do you think QuickTrip will survive giving away it's products? It really isn't any different. Software is intangible property that should be treated as tangible. Just because you can get away with it doesn't mean you should. It is just like all of the thieves who thought downloading music they did not pay for was OK. It wasn't...still isn't...never will be.
As for your equally weak argument of, "If an unscrupulous company wishes to make use of this information then it’s their ethics that are at fault, not mine." Let's take the same QuickTrip. While you are at the counter paying for your snacks (except for the Snickers bar tucked into your pocket), you oversee another employee opening the safe behind the counter. Because of your excellent eyesight and brilliant mind, you see and remember the combination. When you get home you go out to the SafesAndVaultsDevelopers.com forums and post about the dummy at QuickTrip opening up the safe right in front of everyone. You also post the combination to the safe because "if an unscrupulous person wishes to make use of this information then it’s their ethics that are at fault, not mine." Great logic. I wish I could send you to time-out like I can my daughter.
Try this. Reply back to spb. Tell that same Customer Service Rep that you are posting this hack on all of the popular PDA sites on the internet. And copy the support group at spb, too. After they respond to you, post their letter back here. I will be waiting to see the response.
Now I know you would never have posted the above spb info on a site where you thought "unscrupulous" people could visit and get hold of it. I mean, what jerk in their right mind would do that to a company and possibly expose them to real dollar losses? So since you know everyone here is trustworthy, why don't you go ahead and post your email account password, your xda forum password, and the PIN to your ATM account on here. Throw in your momma's phone number for grins. We won't do anything bad with it.
Am I going off on you? Yes. When someone tries to make a clearly black and white argument grey, and aggressively attempts to defend that indefensible position over and again, they deserve to be called out. Take it like a man.

5-reinstall limit on paid apps

I hope this story doesn't turn out to be true but, until it is debunked, I won't be wasting my money on anymore WP7 apps. And if it turns out to be true, I will abandon WP7 altogether...set it up as strictly a Zune audio player and be done.
There's only so much a customer can be expected to take with any product. If this story is true, MS will go way beyond that limit.
This is a lie and has been proven as such.
The truth is:
1/. You can only install the app on 5 different phones with the same windows live ID
2/. On any of these phones, you can install the same app as many times as you want.
3/. You have a WP7, you could've tested this with one of those $0.99 apps that you don't even like anyway instead of scaring the crap out of people.
That's not true. I think the truth is that if you use the same Live ID on more than 5 phones, you need to pay again. And you can swap out 1 phone by another one every 30 days.
lekki said:
This is a lie and has been proven as such.
The truth is:
1/. You can only install the app on 5 different phones with the same windows live ID
2/. On any of these phones, you can install the same app as many times as you want.
3/. You have a WP7, you could've tested this with one of those $0.99 apps that you don't even like anyway instead of scaring the crap out of people.
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How you think I felt when I read the headline? I started counting off the dollars I have invested in WP7 paid apps. Then I started thinking and rationalizing the need for system hard resets. I feel like my HD7 needs an HR right now. That would put me down to 4 more HRs before my games are no longer playable.
MartyLK said:
How you think I felt when I read the headline? I started counting off the dollars I have invested in WP7 paid apps. Then I started thinking and rationalizing the need for system hard resets. I feel like my HD7 needs an HR right now. That would put me down to 4 more HRs before my games are no longer playable.
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Even so, you could have purchased a cheap ass $.99 app, installed, uninstalled and reinstalled it 5 times to see what it told you. Doing so would have taken less effort than posting your OP and it would have given you the answer you sought - that you can indeed install the app as many times as you want on upto 5 devices at a time, with the possibility of changing one of those devices out every month.
The whole "story" came about due to a erroneous French translation.
emigrating said:
Even so, you could have purchased a cheap ass $.99 app, installed, uninstalled and reinstalled it 5 times to see what it told you. Doing so would have taken less effort than posting your OP and it would have given you the answer you sought - that you can indeed install the app as many times as you want on upto 5 devices at a time, with the possibility of changing one of those devices out every month.
The whole "story" came about due to a erroneous French translation.
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Yeah...go ahead...spend money you don't have. You could simply read the article rather than being combative.
MartyLK said:
Yeah...go ahead...spend money you don't have. You could simply read the article rather than being combative.
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I have read it. As for spending money you don't have - if you can't even afford a $.99 app I very much doubt you can afford your WP7 device in the first place.
In any case, the "scoop" had been debunked long before you posted this thread. Check some other blogs and you'll see lots of people have already tried it out.
I hope this **** isn't true. I was going to get a WP7 phone. Came here to get ready for the social interaction. But now I'm rethinking it because of what that article said. **** WP7 if it is!
emigrating said:
I have read it. As for spending money you don't have - if you can't even afford a $.99 app I very much doubt you can afford your WP7 device in the first place.
In any case, the "scoop" had been debunked long before you posted this thread. Check some other blogs and you'll see lots of people have already tried it out.
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Eh...I'm not going to let you bait me into an argument. I'll leave you to your attitude and just say good luck with it.
FriedWP7 said:
I hope this **** isn't true. I was going to get a WP7 phone. Came here to get ready for the social interaction. But now I'm rethinking it because of what that article said. **** WP7 if it is!
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DUDE!!! Did you even bother reading anything that was posted in this thread?
I bolded reading because I think you need to do it on a forum.
lekki said:
DUDE!!! Did you even bother reading anything that was posted in this thread?
I bolded reading because I think you need to do it on a forum.
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Dude! I did! I read that article and the guy talking in it was an oficial microsoft answer guy. If those guys say it, it has to be true. I won't take a chance on it now.
FriedWP7 said:
Dude! I did! I read that article and the guy talking in it was an oficial microsoft answer guy. If those guys say it, it has to be true. I won't take a chance on it now.
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OMG. What are you guys, twelve? If you did read the article you'll see it's said by Microsoft France - so like I said, somethings been lost in translation. If you really were that bothered you could have checked out the official English KB article over at microsoft.com that fully explains how it works - i.e. install as many times as you want on five devices and devices can be swapped out once a month.
emigrating said:
OMG. What are you guys, twelve? If you did read the article you'll see it's said by Microsoft France - so like I said, somethings been lost in translation. If you really were that bothered you could have checked out the official English KB article over at microsoft.com that fully explains how it works - i.e. install as many times as you want on five devices and devices can be swapped out once a month.
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Same goes for you too dude. No offense but until I see official word from microsoft saying it aint slo, I'm gonna hold back.
Jeez dude, hold off of the insults. Nobody is crappin on you, why you crappin on others?
FriedWP7 said:
Same goes for you too dude. No offense but until I see official word from microsoft saying it aint slo, I'm gonna hold back.
Jeez dude, hold off of the insults. Nobody is crappin on you, why you crappin on others?
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Holy ****dicks. You make no sense at all, buddy.
It is not true, simple as that.
FriedWP7 said:
Same goes for you too dude. No offense but until I see official word from microsoft saying it aint slo, I'm gonna hold back.
Jeez dude, hold off of the insults. Nobody is crappin on you, why you crappin on others?
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I already provided the information you needed to get it confirmed directly from MS - check their knowledgebase.
If that's not enough, perhaps you should check the original thread over at MS Answers where Camille B. has cleared up the confusion saying there was a misunderstanding and that you can install it on five phones as many times as you like - as long as the app/game is still available on the marketplace.
FriedWP7 said:
Same goes for you too dude. No offense but until I see official word from microsoft saying it aint slo, I'm gonna hold back.
Jeez dude, hold off of the insults. Nobody is crappin on you, why you crappin on others?
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Do yourself a favor and don't bother arguing with these ...erm...seemingly disrespectful adolescent ones. Trust me, they thrive on chaos. Just ignore them and find your own answers.
I'm with you, though. I won't buy another app until I see official word on the subject. I can't afford to, being unemployed and without an income.
MartyLK said:
Do yourself a favor and don't bother arguing with these ...erm...seemingly disrespectful adolescent ones. Trust me, they thrive on chaos. Just ignore them and find your own answers.
I'm with you, though. I won't buy another app until I see official word on the subject. I can't afford to, being unemployed and without an income.
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Evidence is there if you had bothered to read:
1/. The MS knowledge base
2/. This thread
3/. The blog you got it from which probably already retracted the story
Why do you have a smartphone when you don't have job and you need a data plan in America? Especially with WP7, where cloud services are king.
You call us adolescents yet you're making adolescent mistakes spending money you don't have...
lekki said:
Evidence is there if you had bothered to read:
1/. The MS knowledge base
2/. This thread
3/. The blog you got it from which probably already retracted the story
Why do you have a smartphone when you don't have job and you need a data plan in America? Especially with WP7, where cloud services are king.
You call us adolescents yet you're making adolescent mistakes spending money you don't have...
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Lame troll is lame. :/
MartyLK said:
And if it turns out to be true, I will abandon WP7 altogether...set it up as strictly a Zune audio player and be done.
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How does using it as an audio player amount to abandoning something altogheter?!?
MartyLK said:
I started counting off the dollars I have invested in WP7 paid apps.
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Investing is the use of money for future profit. Just curious how you planned to profit from WP7 apps.
Windows Aps Gnomes?
"Step 1: Collect WP7 apps! - Step 3: Profit!"

The current state of XDA

I've been a fan of this site for a long time. I don't post too much, but I have gained much information here. This site has been an invaluable part of my Android hobby. I own 5 Android phones and a Motorola Xoom tablet, and thanks to XDA they are all rooted with custom roms and I use each one confidently. This site is full of great information and helpful people.
However, as of late, XDA seems to be putting out a bad vibe to many of its users. I personally see this stemming from the fact that users are expecting far too much. Everyone feels entitled to everything, on their own terms. They make demands of developers that will benefit only themselves. Instead of helping new members find the info they are seeking, they'd rather berate and belittle them publicly. The act superior to anyone asking a question. And on and on(trying not to write a book here). I am watching as developers that have contributed so much be treated with little or no respect until they don't even want to be a part of XDA anymore. I am seeing new members being scared off by elitist, rude "veteran" members. Overall, more and more people are wanting to distance themselves from XDA.
We cannot blame the site admin or mods, though i do hope to see them push the site in a different direction soon. It is on our back, the users of XDA. We are XDA. We need to remember that the devs are doing what they do for free, and for Android as a whole, not us as individuals. What happened to the great sense of community with Android. IMO, that was one of the best aspects of being involved with Android. There is much more I could say, but I think the main points are made and you can fill in the blanks. I hope to see Android become a community again, where users help one another, don't expect everything to be tailored to them specifically, and share a bit of both gratitude and empathy.
I agree with you, but sadly I do not see Xda changing for the better anytime soon. Maybe not at all. The majority of the blame does lie with us, the users. But, the admin and mods must also take some of that blame, as they have allowed the current trend to continue as long as it has
sent using a black and Decker toaster oven and two wire coat hangers
abn75 said:
I agree with you, but sadly I do not see Xda changing for the better anytime soon. Maybe not at all. The majority of the blame does lie with us, the users. But, the admin and mods must also take some of that blame, as they have allowed the current trend to continue as long as it has
sent using a black and Decker toaster oven and two wire coat hangers
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Dude we get it, we understand your not happy, we are working on this so give us some time to work through the issues and quit berating us and maybe try helping us by offering solutions to the problems you see.
Ehh, what do you expect with family plans and children with phones? The smart phone demographic over the last 4 years has changed so dramatically. It's no longer just seen as a business tool, but rather the hip new gadget to have. So when you widen the scope and age of users the arrogance and lack of respect is increased and certainly magnified.
good day.
JimmyMcGee said:
Dude we get it, we understand your not happy, we are working on this so give us some time to work through the issues and quit berating us and maybe try helping us by offering solutions to the problems you see.
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Are you a mod or admin? I'm assuming so by the wording in your post. Noone was berating anyone, especially the mod/admins. I said they weren't to blame, and the poster below me said users are most responsible. This was a post to call attention to an issue, and try to get forum members back into a more community oriented manner, and to NOT react like you did by sounding angry, snide, and pointing fingers.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
chopper the dog said:
Ehh, what do you expect with family plans and children with phones? The smart phone demographic over the last 4 years has changed so dramatically. It's no longer just seen as a business tool, but rather the hip new gadget to have. So when you widen the scope and age of users the arrogance and lack of respect is increased and certainly magnified.
good day.
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Good point indeed.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
andr0id23 said:
Are you a mod or admin? I'm assuming so by the wording in your post. Noone was berating anyone, especially the mod/admins. I said they weren't to blame, and the poster below me said users are most responsible. This was a post to call attention to an issue, and try to get forum members back into a more community oriented manner, and to NOT react like you did by sounding angry, snide, and pointing fingers.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
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No Sir I appreciate your Post. abn has been complaining about our inaction for a while and we ARE looking to improve and it just gets a little old hearing the same complaint over and over when you are working to make this a Quality Forum everyone, including us, wants it to be. I do apologize for my perhaps over-reaction, but it is hard to be constantly beat up on. Yes, us Mods/Admins do deserve some blame. But we have recognized it and we are trying to resolve the issue.
We all just do our best.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
you need to consider that back in its earlier days, XDA was all about this lil' group of people with WinMo devices learning to rip their mobile OSes apart. as the site grew in size and popularity, more devs came in along with more end-users who feed upon the products of their kitchen. once the android explosion began, there was no other way around the fact that a multitude of users would flood in where as the number of devs coming in would be far smaller.
i still remember just over a year back when i got to cooking my own WinMo ROM the community was growing but there were still devs around where ever you looked ready to guide and help around but now that the site's more popular than ever people flock here expecting miracles and are not disappointed either. it's so addictive that you have to stick around for more. but sadly the number of devs don't grows as fast as their end-user counterparts. that's why you see this problem today. we need the newer member to be willing to learn on their own, being patient with the progress of other devs and most importantly...READING.
just my two cents.
Open tech forums are always ripe for attrition due to many reasons.
The question here is, do we cater to the users or do we cater to the developers? It's pretty obvious that without developers, XDA wouldn't be much of anything.
It's my opinion that the 'elitist' attitude which you speak of from the senior members is something that SHOULD be done, as their point is to protect the developers from being inundated with trivial questions and not detailed bug reports.
Kyphur, another XDA Moderator, had this to say back in 2008 (in a similar thread) when we were a bit smaller, and it still holds true:
kyphur said:
I think what a lot of people forget is that this is not a "make my phone neat & kewl" place.
As implied by the name this is technically a Developers forum/community.
Now what does that mean? Well first off it means that there is an expectation that if you are here then you want to customize your device but rather than just installing something that someone packaged you want to understand how it works and maybe even enhance it yourself.
When I first came here with a Blue Angel it was a different environment. PDA Phones were not embraced by the general public because of the expense and complexity (I paid over $400 for my BA). A $400 phone 4 years ago was expensive, today the Tilt is $300 after rebates but with inflation & the rise in the cost of other devices and the fact that there are other sources out there giving them away for $150 our neat bit of kit has become popular with mainstream users.
Now we have a flood of new users who are asking not "How can I do this myself" but more like "Give me the quick fix" without caring to understand the process. See if you read the threads then you get to experience the learning process, you see how the issues were investigated and confirmed. Then you get to watch the different attempts at resolution and learn why some failed while others worked. That is called Development.
The NooB backlash is coming from users who have walked in the development shoes and is directed mainly at those who don't care for the journey but just want the end result or destination.
As a Development Forum we are just as much (if not more) about the journey. I've read so many comments like "I don't have time to read all of the threads" or "I don't care how it works, just that it does". These very statements are contrary to the heart & soul of XDA-Devs and that is why the backlash is so strong.
XDA-Devs is about developers & hackers helping each other and working together to get the most out of our devices by understanding them better than most.
XDA-Devs is not about helping everyone who wants a "Kewl bit of kit" make their phone better than the guy next to him.
Now do we go kicking users off who never contribute anything, NO. We tolerate it to an extent. Where the toleration ends is when these users start diluting the usefulness of the forum by repeating the same questions over and over again.
You ask us to understand your position. Well if you want to benefit from our experience and time then I think it is only fair that you understand our position.
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I think that there are problems here at XDA that are there partially because of the rather loose rules we have set in place.
Sure, the internet, like most places in our society, is one that is supposed to promote freedom of speech. But there is a monumental difference between debating and being immature. A large proportion of the members here grown adults, but it really, really doesn't seem anything remotely close to that quite a lot of the time. Quite a lot of "you ****ing prick"s and the like being thrown about between members. Quite frankly, it's ridiculous, like a bunch of rather scummy 13 year olds.
Part of that does seem to come from the allowance of swearing on the forums; not saying don't swear, because believe me, I'm the last person who'd say that...but I don't on here, merely because it's not the swearing or inappropriate language itself that causes the problem, but the behaviour that naturally comes with it. Many forums are banning the discussion of provocative topics such as Mac vs. PC, iOS vs Android etc. Obviously, this being a mobile device forum, that can't be done here, but there needs to be some moderator control over that. All because people can't help but be immature about it...
That's the worst bit of it.
As for developer vs. end-user, just look at the market now, as well as what the developers here are doing. Smartphones are now more accesible, and the variety between the OSs at their core is much smaller than it used to be. The developers are working hard to make the process of rooting, jailbreaking, any kind of software modification easier for the more technically inept user.
Developers can't expect this forum to stay a developer community if they are going to make their creations so easy to use So experienced users need to accept that XDA has now moved away from being what it's used to be. They need to try and be accomodating to less technical users.
However, the biggest problem here now are probably newer users. They simply don't read or search. Answers are having to be repeated over and over again, even when everything is in the OP...many users need to spend time reading, and they'll realise that a lot of the answers aren't even technical; just a bit of common sense and logical thinking and you'll get the answers you'll need.
In a way, a simple way of post once, sticky once, force end users to read it, and we'll get somewhere.
A lot of good posts here. I tried to word my OP carefully as to not point fingers. Or at least not to lay blame on any one group of people. And I can't claim to know the whole story as while I own a handful of Android devices, that is only but a small part of this site as a whole. I don't come close to visiting all the forums. I really like XDA. From what I see, it is one of the rare sites where thread, where i frequent, often stay on topic. This is due in part to the mods, and in part to the users directing newer members by telling them this isn't the right place to post, linking to an appropriate thread, or just giving a quick answer. However, it's when people start getting angry and calling other people out for not knowing something, being rude, blah blah blah, that I am seeing more of. If all someone has to say is "use the fu**ing search", or "wrong spot noob", there is really no reason to post anything at all. That isn't helping anyone. There are better ways of going about it.
And I think we all have to admit, the days of only the more technical users rooting and modding are coming to an end. Devs are making it easier, one click methods are popping up all over the place, everything is automated, etc. People no long need to learn what is going on when they root their devices. While I enjoy having that knowledge and using the abd method of rooting when there is a one click available, others certainly will not, and they often don't need to. Maybe this isn't the best decision in many of our eyes, but tt is a reality now. More and more people are hacking/modding/rooting every day, and many of them have not even used a command line. I mean hell, there is even an "adb for dummies program" that will install and set up adb for you in one click now!
Again, not point fingers, but I am saddened to see so many people arguing, so many snide, rude responses, people being so demanding and self-serving, and devs leaving the site. I realize that the site is bigger than ever, and that mods do this for free and don't want to waste time being "rudeness police". I don't have all the answers, just something Ive noticed for awhile now. Glad to hear the mods are working on it as well as they can. I know they don't want to see developers leaving. Let's face it, some of these developers have quite a following! Also, sorry they have to hear the same complaints over and over again, but, as I said, I'm glad they are looking into it(if there is even anything that can be done, and I thanks the mods, admin, devs, and users for making this such a great place to learn and share!
I am one million percent in agreement with this topic, but I think the blame is not xda per se... Now, this is MY OPINION, but the problem is as mentioned before, our current society... I said something similar on aamikam's MikG thread on the Evo forum, this is the result of the 21st century, where technology has made mankind do anything anywhere anytime with only a click, and the kids and teens of today are raised in this world of now, so is in their nature to have that state of mind, "I want this now"; and I know this is not all the world, but in general, this is the new way of life on this century, the age of now...
We can also blame the new parents of this era, the average parent now is in their mid 20s to 30s, low 40s and in general, are allowing their kids more privileges and liberties than they had just because "at your age I couldn't do it, but I'll let you do it, not like your grandpas who didn't allowed me do anything at all" and so on and so forth...
Anyway, just wanted to say something about this, good nite all..!

Gartner: Windows Phone market share crashes

For those of you who don't agree with me on my oppinions about WP please take a look a this; the numbers speak for them selves.
Genius. Linking to an article dated November 15. Try harder please.
sinister1 said:
For those of you who don't agree with me on my oppinions about WP please take a look a this; the numbers speak for them selves.
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I soooo resisted to write a word in this thread because in general I am sick of you moaning like a woman. But here it goes..
DATE: 15 NOV 2011 - of the article.
The Microsoft sales - DONT MEAN WINDOWS PHONE sales. Microsoft does 40,000 other things than Windows Phone. Windows Phone is new venture. Hope you are literate enough to know this.
Thus, showing me something 2 months old, means crap to me.
After that Nokia has launched Nokia Lumia 800 and 710 in India and USA and probably Hong Kong - not sure. Those are markets with huge numbers. Not UK! So wait and give me figure after 2 months.
I think we've gotta start a bounty thread to get you an Android phone. That's going to be well worth it that teaching you facts about Marketing, Sales and Corporate policies.
Tip: Microsoft isn't owned by one man.
I decided to reply to Sinisters Moaning.
Old article so troll somewhere else...
Now for the more recent good news (and note Gartner is mentioned)
Those projections are certainly possible, but you have to bear in mind that they are based on what is known today. For example, no projections that were made two years ago gave Microsoft any hope of being more than a blip on the radar in the mobile space, because WP7 hadn't been unveiled yet. Similarly, no analysts making projections today can know what Apple or Google may or may not accomplish within the next 3 years.
So, while these projections should make people optimistic for the future of the OS, that optimism should be realistically cautious (as should any optimism for any of the major players - a lot can happen in three years).
LOL, while it might be from November 2011 (a few months ago) but the projections are still the same and won't get any better, well at least anytime soon; maybe like Microsoft it's self-predicted in 2015 or maybe even 2018 but as of now there is no way. I'm pretty sure that if you were too look up todays stats they would be no different at all. Don't get me wrong I'm with you guys in the sense that I would like to see MS succeed but they just don't get it. I have a WP and I honestly can say I do not know one other person who has one at all.
Guys as I have stated before, this is not to feed trolls or single out one person for their opinions, MS needs to listen to both sides, positive and negative. So don't take my personal comments to personal. With that being said let's see what this year will bring, hopefully I'm wrong but as a WP user I have the right to voice my opinion and will continue to do so until either MS gets it or the go bust whichever one comes first.
I decided to reply to Sinisters Moaning.
Old article so troll somewhere else...
Now for the more recent good news (and note Gartner is mentioned)
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Thanks for posting, I took a look at those charts and they look like they are predicting the future; I wonder how they do that? Do they have some kind of crystal ball over a MS or something? How do they figure that they will even sale these may phones in the future? Maybe they are listening and changing stuff around, boy I really hope so.
drupad2drupad said:
I soooo resisted to write a word in this thread because in general I am sick of you moaning like a woman. But here it goes..
DATE: 15 NOV 2011 - of the article.
The Microsoft sales - DONT MEAN WINDOWS PHONE sales. Microsoft does 40,000 other things than Windows Phone. Windows Phone is new venture. Hope you are literate enough to know this.
Thus, showing me something 2 months old, means crap to me.
After that Nokia has launched Nokia Lumia 800 and 710 in India and USA and probably Hong Kong - not sure. Those are markets with huge numbers. Not UK! So wait and give me figure after 2 months.
I think we've gotta start a bounty thread to get you an Android phone. That's going to be well worth it that teaching you facts about Marketing, Sales and Corporate policies.
Tip: Microsoft isn't owned by one man.
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My moaning is not directed towards you so that means I wasn't talking to you in perticular. My grips are with MS and I am just pointing out somethings is all and if you don't like it too bad simply ignore my coments, it's not that hard to do. I don't go around directing anger towards you when you make your coments or voice you opinons even if they are stupid or not because you have the right to just like I do. Again if you don't like it, ignore it; I know I would.
sinister1 said:
My moaning is not directed towards you so that means I wasn't talking to you in perticular. My grips are with MS and I am just pointing out somethings is all and if you don't like it too bad simply ignore my coments, it's not that hard to do. I don't go around directing anger towards you when you make your coments or voice you opinons even if they are stupid or not because you have the right to just like I do. Again if you don't like it, ignore it; I know I would.
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Most browsers, including that of wp7, have spell check. Please, stop trolling and use it.
z33dev33l said:
Most browsers, including that of wp7, have spell check. Please, stop trolling and use it.
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IE 9 desktop version doesn't so here is a link to an add on just in case... www.speckie.com
Completely free.
IE 9 desktop version doesn't so here is a link to an add on just in case... www.speckie.com
Completely free.
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oh no! What another blunder by MS, huge blunder. Now WP is so going to fail, a complete flop. I cant be bothered to wake up tomorrow. MS ruined my life. I'm thinking of jumping ships. This is utter BS by MS!
Sent from my TITAN X310e using Board Express
Honestly I can't stand IE9 in its desktop version. If it was as clean, light and intuitive as the mobile version then I'd go for it anyday, but right now the only browser with that simplicity and clean design (or at least it's close) is Chrome. I can't stand anything else.
Wooops, we're trolling and spamming this useful thread, shame on us
vnvman said:
Honestly I can't stand IE9 in its desktop version. If it was as clean, light and intuitive as the mobile version then I'd go for it anyday, but right now the only browser with that simplicity and clean design (or at least it's close) is Chrome. I can't stand anything else.
Wooops, we're trolling and spamming this useful thread, shame on us
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Actually IE9 is much cleaner with it's inbuilt contents filter. Have you tried it? It's tracking contents blocked thing. You can download simple 1 or 2 lists of adblockers and it becomes so much cleaner! You don't even need to run add ons on it! I din't realise it till someone tweeted this to me
Oh I'm such a troll!
I guess I'll give it another go then, trololol...
From your posts I see you as a big Windows Mobile fan. I understand if others think you're trolling on WP7 forums as 90% of your posts are pure negativity on WP7. I googled Windows Mobile for reviews and almost all of them were negative. WM was dissected and lambasted and all reviewers agreed on one thing - WM sucks.
Fast forward to WP7: it won three awards with mostly positive reviews from all major and reputable tech sites.
I understand your right to voice your opinions but stop preaching your hack and slash doctrine on what OS everybody should have...
sinister1 said:
LOL, while it might be from November 2011 (a few months ago) but the projections are still the same and won't get any better, well at least anytime soon; maybe like Microsoft it's self-predicted in 2015 or maybe even 2018 but as of now there is no way. I'm pretty sure that if you were too look up todays stats they would be no different at all. Don't get me wrong I'm with you guys in the sense that I would like to see MS succeed but they just don't get it. I have a WP and I honestly can say I do not know one other person who has one at all.
Guys as I have stated before, this is not to feed trolls or single out one person for their opinions, MS needs to listen to both sides, positive and negative. So don't take my personal comments to personal. With that being said let's see what this year will bring, hopefully I'm wrong but as a WP user I have the right to voice my opinion and will continue to do so until either MS gets it or the go bust whichever one comes first.
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So then maybe you should direct your venting where it might do the most good, a Microsoft support site for WP7. Most posters here either have something to contribute or are in discovery of various aspects of WP7 os. Pissing and moaning just doesn't play well in a forum dedicated to development. If you so need a phone that meets your every whim perhaps you should build it.
gentry33 said:
So then maybe you should direct your venting where it might do the most good, a Microsoft support site for WP7. Most posters here either have something to contribute or are in discovery of various aspects of WP7 os. Pissing and moaning just doesn't play well in a forum dedicated to development. If you so need a phone that meets your every whim perhaps you should build it.
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You hardcore fanboys are just too much, it's funny how you get all pissy and mad when someone comes on here and tells the truth about a divce that for some reason you seem to worship, but you do make a vaild point I will search for MS websites and direct my whims and trolls towards them. Thanks for the advise and P.S. spreading the truth is not trolling.
sinister1 said:
You hardcore fanboys are just too much, it's funny how you get all pissy and mad when someone comes on here and tells the truth about a divce that for some reason you seem to worship, but you do make a vaild point I will search for MS websites and direct my whims and trolls towards them. Thanks for the advise and P.S. spreading the truth is not trolling.
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Posting outdated rubbish for the sole purpose of instigation is.
sinister1 said:
You hardcore fanboys are just too much, it's funny how you get all pissy and mad when someone comes on here and tells the truth about a divce that for some reason you seem to worship, but you do make a vaild point I will search for MS websites and direct my whims and trolls towards them. Thanks for the advise and P.S. spreading the truth is not trolling.
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I love to travel on horses and bullock carts too. I am going to go and write this on BMW's website. Why doesn't BMW come with horns and tail? Why don't BMW **** and piss on the road? Why won't BMS eat my lettuce and grains!? PS: I am not trolling BMW forums, I am just stating the facts
"Add sinister1 to Your Ignore list"
I've always wanted to know how well these ignore features worked. Great time to find out!
---------- Post added at 11:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------
drupad2drupad said:
Why doesn't BMW come with horns and tail? Why don't BMW **** and piss on the road?
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Does leaking oil count? (I have BMW car and bike so i'm allowed comment )
BTW my bike doesn't leak oil... my local BMW garage just said it did to try and get loads of money out of me... but that's a discussion for a different forum...

[PSA]: Apple ordered to Publicly apologize in UK

This is for immediate release and notification to one and all: Spread the awesome news:
A UK judge has ruled that Apple must make a public apology, both on its UK company website and in numerous newspapers and magazines, for the next 6 months. The apology must state that Samsung didn’t copy Apple’s iPad designs.
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Oh snap! Finally, someone with a god damn brain!!! I expect similar actions in the US and possibly world wide!
Surely, Apple will waste no time and definitely waste millions in undoing this. But, I hope that judge doesn't budge one bit! Go, go, go! Faith in humanity, semi-restored...
That is beautiful I understand the apology, but I don't understand how they can mandate that newpapers/magazines have to publish the apology. Apple will probably have them put it in the back, if they can't get the judge to reconsider.
fenduru said:
That is beautiful I understand the apology, but I don't understand how they can mandate that newpapers/magazines have to publish the apology. Apple will probably have them put it in the back, if they can't get the judge to reconsider.
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I agree. I mean I understand that there was a lot of damage done to their image. I mean honestly with a story like this newspaper/magazines will most likely report on this stuff anyway. :/
I understand the whole "Copy right infringement", but this seems like some middle school playground behavior. It's the corporate world where everyone thinks they were the first and everyone else copied them. i still get a good laugh out of it though

