[Q] Desire with a few limitations or wait for Desire S? - Desire General

Next week it's finally time to buy a new phone and I have a few questions I hope you guys can help me with.
I pretty much had my mind made up to get a HTC Desire with a 12 month contract, and go for a top of the line (hopefully HTC) dual core phone next year.
But now the Desire S is coming within 2 months (expected) and i'm beginning to doubt.
After searching here at XDA I found 2 major issues people seem to have with the original Desire.
The lack of multitouch support and the small internal memory.
I really like the design of the original Desire, especially the hardware buttons and trackpad. But the Desire S isn't ugly either.
And ofcourse the Desire S fixes the 2 problems and bring better specs. But it will also be a lot more expensive, around 150 euro extra with a 12 month contract I think.
I also have to walk around with my old Touch HD for an exta 2 months
So finally my questions are: How much of a limitation are the dualtouch screen and internal memory?
How much/which apps are unusable due to lack of multitouch? Only games or, more importantly, other apps as well?
And with App2SD and more possibilities after rooting, do you still have problems with the internal memory?
As mentioned I have a Touch HD now, I don't have many application installed and I don't play games on it.
This could change with android seeing as there are much more possibilities and quality apps, but I still don't see myself gaming extensively on my phone.
Using search I could not find a answer, only that some have 100 or even 200 apps installed. Which to me sounds like more than enough.
I would very much appriciate your thoughts!

My short answer would be, get the original desire.
Long answer:
If you are going to root your phone and possibly even install a custom rom you would get almost unlimited amount of space for your apps with the apps2sd solutions around nowadays. Well... maybe not unlimited, but more than enough space anyways As it comes to multitouch, I own a desire and have never found myself thinking "i wish i had multitouch." As far as i know it's not really needed for anything (except for google maps tilting etc. whoop-de-doo.)
I also noticed that you mentioned preferring the hard buttons. Let me tell you, the touch buttons on my previous phone (wildfire) were driving me CRAZY!!! I accidentally pushed the back button while writing a message so many times it wasn't even tragically funny any more. Just so you know, when you do that, you have to write the whole message again... which is nice!
All in all, the desire S seems like a good phone, but the overall opinion about it seems to be that it's sort of a inbetween phone. The original desire does not have the appeal it once had because it's not new and shiny any more and the dual core HTC phones are yet to be announced.

Thanks for your input. And yes I'm definitely going to install custom roms, maybe not right away but as soon as I get bored with the original one. I flashed all kinds of roms on my Touch HD as well (thanks xda-developers!). If that pretty much fixes the memory problem that would be great.
As for multi touch, glad to hear from a desire use that does not have problems with that. While reading these forums I came across multiple threads showing Youtube movies of the Axis crossing issue and complaining how they have so much trouble with it. Do you play any games which require multiple touches at the same time and don't you have any problems with that either?
Anybody else care to share their opinion? It would be great to hear from a few other desire owners what their experiences are.

I'm voting S. No point in getting a one year old phone when you won't get dual core phones in less than a ~year either way. By that time your contract for this phone would expire.
Desire S is not in the upgrade path for the Desire vanilla owners, but for users like you, which don't have either.
People are sharing misinformation regarding S that it is just plain ridiculous. I guess it is desperate fight in favor of their investment
The device is clearly better than the original Desire, and not only in the terms of internal memory. The only reason why you possibly might go after Desire vanilla is the AMOLED screen, which you couldn't get either way now.
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

Well, if you have enough money to spend then yes I would agree. But I'm a student and the Desire S will cost me an extra 150 euros easy. Which I could spend on other things as well.
So the reason why I'm trying to determine the impact of the low memory and dualtouch is to see if the "issues" with the Desire are bad enough to spend that extra money on a newer device, while I will be upgrading to a dual core next year anyway. Or can I last 12 months with an older, but still pretty good, smartphone that has some limitations.
And as a Desire owner, could you provide your take on the low internal memory and dualtouch issues please

Only reason I would choose original Desire over S is price of phone on contract. If the difference is over 100€ I would buy original Desire. Especially if you plan to root and install custom roms which can overcome Desire's problem with low memory.

Dutch Sephiroth said:
And as a Desire owner, could you provide your take on the low internal memory and dualtouch issues please
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I'm a college student with some 9 exams to grad, so I know what you're talking about
I don't know what multitouch is, so I can't miss it either.
Low internal space is no problem, you have plenty of ways to circumvent this, and decent SD card outperforms nand either way. The only thing I can imagine which might eat your internal away are stupid Gameloft's games which don't work on Desire either way like they should due to poor gpu performance. I have some 70 apps on my phone and 100mb free on my internal storage.
Desire S packs second generation Qualcomm cpu which rectifies the first gen shortcomings, has moar internal storage, moar memory and on top of that, has better battery combined with more energy efficient cpu. This sounds like a win win situation to me, while clearly the internal memory issue is not the only one addressed like people claim.
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

@erklat, thanks for the info. And I won't tell you about the dualtouch/multitouch issue on the Desire. If you haven't noticed by now than it's safe to say that you are not bothered by it. If I explain it, you might start to notice this little shortcoming
Edit: Erklat, you say you have 70 apps and 100mb storage left. Is that by only using the app2sd option in Froyo or do you have a custom rom with more move to SD card options as well?
@monsterfly, yes I'm beginning to think so as well. Also because no one seems to notice the dualtouch limitation here.

Dutch Sephiroth said:
@monsterfly, yes I'm beginning to think so as well. Also because no one seems to notice the dualtouch limitation here.
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Get the Desire S if you are looking for a gaming device (Minigore, Mini Squadron, Gun Bros and basically any game that uses dual analog controls won't work it's best - and the lack of multitouch is painfully obvious). Otherwise, the only place where you'll find Desire's dualtouch lacking is in the newest Google maps.
As for the memory/battery issue... The battery on the Desire doesn't last more than a day of use (unless it's in airplane mode and with the screen off). The internal storage is severely lacking with the default software, but resizing partitions and/or apps2sd make the Desire a Beast.
A 100€ is a lot of money for a student (I'm still in high school ), however, if you're going to be able to afford a dual core HTC next year or so, is money really such a problem? (especially if the other way to spend the $$ is getting drunk )
Either way, it's up to you. Personally, if I had the money, and not the Desire, I would probably go for the Desire Z, but choose what fits you best.

Dutch Sephiroth said:
Is that by only using the app2sd option in Froyo or do you have a custom rom with more move to SD card options as well?
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I use a2sd+ capable custom rom
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

@number22, thanks for your reaction. I'm not looking for a gaming device so I'm glad to hear yet another person is not having issues with the lack of multitouch.
And I'm familiar with the battery not lasting long, my current Touch HD doesn't last that long either. About a day and a half with moderate usage, so I'm already used to charging every night. This seems to be the case with most smartphones nowadays anyway.
And I will be able to afford a high end phone next year because I will take a 2 year contract. But to me there isn't one high end phone now or coming in the next few months that is worth that 2 year contract. So I want a 1 year phone to keep me happy till next year without spending too much money. And I think the original Desire will be able to do that.

Number22 said:
(especially if the other way to spend the $$ is getting drunk )
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so he could see the additional money spend as precaution for becoming an alcoholic if not yet .
I guess I would go with the Desire S (because of more storage space and I did not root my Desire yet) but agree on the fact that 150Euros is quite alot. On Multitouch: I play some games (miniSquadron, Gun Bros) and on neither of them I face a real "big" issue, maybe it would work better with multi but it works fine as it is as well.

@chrismast, haha I suppose you can look at it that way. And thanks for the info on multitouch, great to hear.

low internal storage is not a problem any apps2sd+ or data2sd solves it perfectly
battery usage ? with custom rom (snq kernel on InsertCoin ROM) i get 3-4 days with low use and 1 day with heavy use. ppl say that with couttstech kernel it is even better.
multitouch. you will experience it only in games (and google maps)
but most games (good games actually) have the option to use 2 d-pads diagonally which makes it playable on the desire not every game though (for example i cant play pes 2011 cause the buttons are on the same height as d-pad)
but here is a funny fact. do some search on desire forums here on xda, topic name was 'is desire a good smartphone'. some guy claimed there that he could play all multitouch games easily, i specifically asked him to double check some games and he said that he plays this games without any problems while i cant (one of them was pes2011) he haid a PVT4 erasesize 2000 version (SLCD of course) and i have a PVT3 version. but in theory they have the exaclty same hardware so i cant tell wheter it actually worked better on his phone or maybe he just couldnt see the issue (dunno how would that be possible)

I'm a desire user, but I'd say if money isn't a problem then it'd be best to get the desire s, unless you're willing to play around with it a bit to get that extra storage.
Personally, I can't leave those hardware keys behind, I'll be waiting around for a dual core with them (if not, maybe a quad core later ) and the desire has a great community behind it, with a nice variety of ROMs. The multitouch isn't bad at all if you don't play too many games, I play a lot of games requiring multitouch and haven't had any problems except for a couple (multi-touch 2 player air hockey, and another one I forget that wasn't fun anyway)

Also note that you do have "multi-touch". It's not like the X10 before it's update that had to use zoom buttons. Only a few things that require real multi-touch don't work with the Desire. This basically comes down to the google maps tilt thing and dual player games (on the same phone like airhockey). You aren't going to miss it. For just one year the Desire will be fine. My own contract ends in about one year from now.

Thanks for all the usefull answers guys. I think i'll be getting a Desire next week

My opinion:
Dual-Touch: I've played many games on my Desire (mostly tower defense games and Sudoku, which wouldn't require multi-touch). I only noticed an issue with this when I loaded the new Google Maps and couldn't use some of the new features. Tbh, you wouldn't normally want to use that feature other than to show off to your friends what your awesome new phone can do.
For my touch-screen gaming, I mainly use my iPad (and soon my Motorola XOOM! ).
Low internal memory: When I was using the default ROM, it was pretty terrible. I'd have to clear internet and Facebook cache all the time just trying to get another couple of MB of storage to be able to sync (when <15 MB remaining on internal, nothing syncs including email, IM clients, Facebook push notifications, etc). Even using FroYo's built-in Move to SD feature, there was not nearly enough space on my phone. After I installed LeeDroid (with A2SD+), however, things went so smooth. The ROM is miles faster, slightly better battery optimization (still a daily battery, but now lasts maybe 2-4 hours longer until needing to charge) and most importantly: apps can be moved to ext3 partition on SD card allowing LOADS more space on internal memory!

For the multi-touch it depends what game.
For games like Heavy Gunner with both controls at the same axis, yeah.
Int memory as mentioned, has been addressed from rooting (if you don't root, you're losing a lot of goodiebags )
They both aren't dual cores so I'd rather not get either one, lol.
But if it's between the two, S is the right one to get....

Chaoticaa said:
My opinion:
Dual-Touch: I've played many games on my Desire (mostly tower defense games and Sudoku, which wouldn't require multi-touch). I only noticed an issue with this when I loaded the new Google Maps and couldn't use some of the new features. Tbh, you wouldn't normally want to use that feature other than to show off to your friends what your awesome new phone can do.
For my touch-screen gaming, I mainly use my iPad (and soon my Motorola XOOM! ).
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That's not many games
Playing gameloft games, fruit ninja, anything that uses multi-touch, enjoy the random actions. (especially games like Dungeon Defender, Pocket Legends..etc)
If you don't play games, then 70% of your multi-touch issue has been addressed
Google maps? Use another GPS app. I'm using PAPAGO for myself...works fine


Worth Buying?

Hello good people,
First of all, Merry Christmas,
So I'm currently looking to buy a new phone. My current phone is a i900 Omnia which is great but I really like the HD2 and DHD. I probably won't buy a new phone for a year or two so would like something which will last.
Is there any people here that had/have a HD2 and upgraded to DHD? Was it worth it? The DHD is about $250 more then HD2 here and I'm wondering if I should get it or not. I like the tweak ability of the HD2 but have never used it so I don't know how it feels whereas I tried out DHD and was very impressed. Even if I did get the HD2 I would still use Android and WinMo for GPS, unless there's something as good as iGO8 on Andoid.
Also I read some people have issues recording in 720p, freezing while recording. Is there a workaround with this issue?
I had only a little play with Android so I'm new to all this root etc...
Thank you, have a nice day
Currently, android on HD2 is not so good as DHD, and I'm sure it's not going to, so pick up your choice between winmo or android.
I myself moved from HD2 to DHD, for finger friendly UI and newly developed apps.
Another good thing is android is both dev and user friendly, no more registry tweaks or volidate cleaning! Apps gone as you want it to, also easy to get back from market.
It is not a bad phone but the battery life sux big time. You need to carry spare battery with you.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
twosix said:
It is not a bad phone but the battery life sux big time. You need to carry spare battery with you.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
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I take issue with that statement, battery life on my DHD is typically around 20+ hrs. I use my device constantly with no problem about losing power.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
The battery life is ok for a phone with big display
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Thanks for replies people,
Is the touch screen much different from the HD2, as far as the sensitivity and such? When I tried the DHD I went into the messaging and tested out typing and it was just such a breeze, atm it's always a hustle without a stylus.
I'm not too worried about battery life, I won't be watching movies on the go, maybe just some gaming, web browsing and mp3 playing.
I just want a device that makes my life easier, I read that WinMo on HD2 needs ALOT of tweaks and registry changes to get running how it should be and while I am a computer whiz and love messing around with everything, I think now I just want something that works mint out of the box with great potential if I decide to try other stuff. Also apparently the SuperRAM Android builds on HD2 runs extremely well.
Are there any other good devices with 4.3" screen and 1Ghz CPU? I tried the Galaxy S but didn't like the build quality and typing seemed crap compared to DHD.
Is the DHD what I'm looking for?
Did you say Stylus?? hahahaha.. havent heard that word in a while... plus the stylus doesnt usually work on a capcitive screen..
In respect of HD2.. rightly said.. you need to do a lot of twearks,, but once done you are good to go.. or you find a good custom ROM and you are all set... With Sashmi you can install all your tweaks and the apps automatically when you flash a new ROM.. PLUS to Root (read HSPL) a WinMo phone is just too easy and straightfwd...
While going thru the rooting for DHD, goodness... i got confused.. so many times
ErOR22 said:
Thanks for replies people,
Is the touch screen much different from the HD2, as far as the sensitivity and such? When I tried the DHD I went into the messaging and tested out typing and it was just such a breeze, atm it's always a hustle without a stylus.
I'm not too worried about battery life, I won't be watching movies on the go, maybe just some gaming, web browsing and mp3 playing.
I just want a device that makes my life easier, I read that WinMo on HD2 needs ALOT of tweaks and registry changes to get running how it should be and while I am a computer whiz and love messing around with everything, I think now I just want something that works mint out of the box with great potential if I decide to try other stuff. Also apparently the SuperRAM Android builds on HD2 runs extremely well.
Are there any other good devices with 4.3" screen and 1Ghz CPU? I tried the Galaxy S but didn't like the build quality and typing seemed crap compared to DHD.
Is the DHD what I'm looking for?
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I just upgraded to dhd from hd2 last week. I had been running mdj's dhd roms for more than a month....so the upgrade was not revolutionary. It was not a necessary upgrade except that I was flashing new roms every other day....
The pros of dhd compared to hd2
Slightly better screen...colors and sharpness
Better screen sensitivity
Better battery
Maybe a bit faster and more stable??
Better cam & video
But external speaker is very soft.
if I had known...I prob would not upgrade. Now my son is running mdj gingerbread on the hd2...lots of potential...
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Yes Stylus!! LOL, Omnia has a resistive touchscreen so a stylus makes things easier. Yeah I've been doing alot of reading for HD2 and now how to flash, and I agree that it's much less confusing then rooting the DHD. The initial shock of reading how to root was overwhelming haha!
I think my only best bet now is to go and try a HD2 in a shop, but I must wait till the 5th for shops to open. If I can save 200bux for near same experience then I'm all for it. I'm a student and don't have cash just lying around lol, I mean the DHD costs more then my car!! (Had my 180sx stolen from where I study and needed something which nobody would bother stealing...POS '91 Ford Festiva)
@genting1 Will you be looking to go back to a HD2? Are you now regretting buying? Is the DHD enough?
IN that case.. an HD2 it is for you.. thats the phone I have had the longest
ErOR22 said:
Yes Stylus!! LOL, Omnia has a resistive touchscreen so a stylus makes things easier. Yeah I've been doing alot of reading for HD2 and now how to flash, and I agree that it's much less confusing then rooting the DHD. The initial shock of reading how to root was overwhelming haha!
I think my only best bet now is to go and try a HD2 in a shop, but I must wait till the 5th for shops to open. If I can save 200bux for near same experience then I'm all for it. I'm a student and don't have cash just lying around lol, I mean the DHD costs more then my car!! (Had my 180sx stolen from where I study and needed something which nobody would bother stealing...POS '91 Ford Festiva)
@genting1 Will you be looking to go back to a HD2? Are you now regretting buying? Is the DHD enough?
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Not regret...just that it did not have the WOW factor....as the hd2 and mdj did a fantastic job.
But I do miss my garmin gps on hd2 winmo
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Dude if ur a Android fan then buy a DHD
Yes HD2 is good but its good for moding, Android on it sometimes gets stuck n then u have to put a new build on it
I had hd2 for a long time n its the best phone I had
Learnt a lot about moding on HD2
Just got my DHD 2 weeks ago n no problems so far
HTC did an OTA update that fixed all the issues
Now DHD is the best phone as far as I no
Wait for few more days get some more money
Ask few of ur friends for some maybe they can help u out with ur money problem
But don't buy HD2 if ur gonna use Android for every day use
Hope this helps
To my fellow student...
I know what it's like, the ability and situation to spend money on any device you wish...an upgrade is however, necessary. Your old phone seems quite old, judging by its manufacture date and stylus interactions. What you have to remember, as a student as well as a person, is what device will serve your needs more? Do you want a more multimedia-oriented phone or a business phone? What will consume less time and work out of the box? Right now, it is a very critical time for me. I have seven exams in January alone. If you are in a situation even a fraction of what i'm in....well you get the point. I previously owned the HD2 for the best of a year before "upgrading" to a Desire HD. I would say that Windows Mobile, although an extremely flexible OS that allows for many tweaks and customisations, is an extremely old and "outdated" OS...it requires a dedicated owner and a lot of time to get it the way YOU want it. Also, you will get into a habit of regularly flashing custom roms and trying out another Android build etc. I believe that it is a phone for people who wish to experiment and realise the potential of a device.
On the other hand, you have a Desire HD. I would see it as an entertainment class phone. It has the same size screen as my old HD2, but more vibrant colours. The speakers are low and softer in volume, although who ever uses phone speakers to listen to music? As students and on the train and in lessons, we use our phones to listen to OUR choice of music in privacy and as a form of time-passing and relaxation. The Desire HD is a valuable music player, as it reproduces sounds far better than my HD2, thanks to SRS and Dolby sound effect algorithms. It is quite adept at playing multimedia, and has 720p capture AND playback abilites. There is also an 8mp camera sensor, and nice applications.
Personally, I believe a Desire HD will be more suited to you. It is a newer model with more powerful/updated hardware. From what I assume, if you were to purchase a HD2, primarily you would use it for Android on a daily basis and GPS navigation within Windows? If that is so, i'd suggest going for a Desire HD. I have one, and it is flawless. Android on the HD2 will never be on the level of a Desire HD. It natively runs the OS, and the device is fully stable. Booting into Android on a HD2 and back and forth to Windows will take at least a minute either way. It's up to you in the end, but I advise you go for a Desire HD. Although it's more expensive, it's all the more appealing and filling. Thus you will have the latest device, best hardware, a smooth OS experiance and the ability to download programs from the Market at the swipe of a finger. As a side note, if you want another device recommendation, it would be a HD7. Rumours have it that it is selling for £414.00 on Amazon and less on Ebay! In the end, the choice falls to you. I hope i've clarified the situation for you
(And in case you are wondering, no I don't regret getting a Desire HD. The experiance, smoothness and perfection alone are enough to make me happy and show off my device)
I won't even look at WP7 until it matures more and see how it turns out, seems too limited too me and I don't think I will be happy with it.
I'm not a fanboy of either OS but I do feel WinMo is getting old and customizing is essential to get the most out of it. I haven't had too much interest in Android until recently when I was researching more about it and it has really grown on me.
I've been keen for a HD2 for months and months simply to try Android without completely moving to a full Android device but that was before I knew more about Android and it seems like it's a great OS. Definitely "future proof" where developers will spend time on it so new software will always be available, unlike WinMo.
Better hardware is a lot what I've been thinking about, so why not right, it would be time for once to own the best right NOW.
But anyway, I think I've been convinced and I'm gona break my own "rule" ($400 max for a phone, in the past anyway lol) and thank you all for your time to help me out, I look forward to owning a Desire HD
So first thing I should do with the phone is get S-OFF and flash Buzz 1.0.6 kernel and then update to latest version? Or get S-OFF, update and then change kernel?
I'd suggest S-off, then flashing Android Revolution HD (either latest one for android 2.2.1) or Android Revolution 1.9.3 for android 2.2...real difference is slightly faster IO speeds..but with latest rom you can't flash a custom kernel...yet! You can also try Leedroid, and try out kamma's kernel, although I have gps problems with this combination. Hope I helped!

[Q] Multi-touch (Axis-swapping and sticking) walkaround possible?

Anyone keen to play with the Kernel driver for the touchscreen on the desire, to come up with a patch that keeps axis inversion/sticking to a bare minimum? This is the only think keeping me from getting a desire, as I don't want to be held back by hardware. Playing multi-touch Pong and Air Hockey with my friends at school is something I want to be able to do, not to mention the almost console quality games like NOVA. A fix (kind-of) was made for the Acer Liquid By a guy playing with the kernal drivers. All of my developing focus is going into learning Java right now (Gotta start somewhere, right? ) and I do not have a device to test on, so if someone could have a go with the source from the Acer thread or create something themselves from/for the kernel at developer.htc.com would be more than greatful, because I'm not exactly keen on the Desire hd's form facter and buttons, despite the performance. Sucks that all the Desire phones have a big flaw. (Desire - Multitouch. Z - hinge. HD - Size could be a problem, buttons too flush and delicate battery, sim, and SD covers.)
Thanks in advance for your time, and, hopefully, hard work.
Would be very cool, It's practically impossible to play games like modern combat, or any other games where your fingers cross, because of the axis swapping. A fix that, almost, prevents that would be awesome.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Yeh, that very a big problem...
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I know it's impossible to truly fix it, but you can get close. personally, I don't care for having more than two finger gestures, I just want perfectly stable multitouch. If someone could create a driver that assigns an id to the first and second touch, and tries to, as accurately as possible, track which registered touch is which, even when the movement exceeds the refresh rate of the screen/sensor, and reads 2 individual touches when they are close/the axises are close. I've been reading up on how the synaptics ClearPad 2000 works, and it reports 2 coordinates for each touch, an x and a y. Shouldn't be too hard for it to not get very confused, right? I'd say, this is a year overdue. But the Desire is still one of the greatest phones ever made (if not THE). This issue still stands between me and it, even though it can barely be noticed in everyday use.
Korntoff, trust me when I say I'm not trying to be rude, although it may come across that way (the internet isn't good at the subtle and nuanced art of conversation) but don't you think it's the height of arrogance to believe you're the first person to have even considered this? It's the 14th of February. The HTC Desire will have been available for a whole year in just two days and you're asking this as if it hadn't dawned on all of these people for almost a year.
If someone could create a driver that assigns an id to the first and second touch, and tries to, as accurately as possible, track which registered touch is which, even when the movement exceeds the refresh rate of the screen/sensor, and reads 2 individual touches when they are close/the axises are close.
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Wow...such a simple solution...why have none of us thought of it!!? C'mon man.
so this will never be fixed?
IIRC, this is a hardware issue rather than a software issue. So I don't think it's possible.
i am already regretting buying the htc desire... i am getting it tomorrow.... i didn't know there was that multitouch issue until yesterday... i always thought the htc devices wre top notch as it got such great reviews... none mentioned the multitouch bug... i was planning to play a lot of games... i am so disappointed..
edit: i think the issues of htc desire should be stickied.. i can't believe i missed that issue before i was deciding to buy the desire... it's too late now... i was planning to buy the acer liquid but saw it had multitouch issue... through the forums... i missed it for desire... darn
are there some tips to avois this multitouch bug while playing games or typing on the virtual keyboard?
I tried NOVA and it seemed fairly responsive to be honest - there was a recommended control setup for the desire to help prevent the multi-touch issue - and i am sure i read somewhere a tip was to try and make sure the touches don't line up with each other?
yup i saw it... but are all games configurable like nova?
yeahman45 said:
i am already regretting buying the htc desire... i am getting it tomorrow.... i didn't know there was that multitouch issue until yesterday... i always thought the htc devices wre top notch as it got such great reviews... none mentioned the multitouch bug... i was planning to play a lot of games... i am so disappointed..
edit: i think the issues of htc desire should be stickied.. i can't believe i missed that issue before i was deciding to buy the desire... it's too late now... i was planning to buy the acer liquid but saw it had multitouch issue... through the forums... i missed it for desire... darn
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In The Netherlands we have a 7 day cooling down period after buying something or signing a contract (with most expensive purchases). In those days you can cancel your purchase for free. You should see if something like that applies where you live as well.
thx for the advice but no such thing here... anyway thx for helping.. i got the phone and yes got some issues with the multitouch... guess i will live with it.. apart from that the phone is very good!
i just played crash bandicoot warped on fpse and i mapped the x and o keys on the "search" and "back" physical keys and use the touch dpad... and works pretty good!!! i have reached the first boss level quite easily... if only all android games were that customizable!! would be able to play all the multitouch games properly
My Dad gave me his hd2, and it has the axis sticking issue, but not axis swapping. Less of an issue, but still annoying at times. (Such as playing N.O.V.A (btw, I can't find it on the market, using an apk I downloaded from some site (I hope it was a free app and that this is perfectly legal, but I'm probably wrong.) Is it still on the market? How did you guys find it?) But this phone was definately not built for gaming (adreno 200, anybody?) So it's not that much of a big deal.)
Btw, nexus gingerbread ROM, hence signature.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Korntoff said:
My Dad gave me his hd2, and it has the axis sticking issue, but not axis swapping. Less of an issue, but still annoying at times. (Such as playing N.O.V.A (btw, I can't find it on the market, using an apk I downloaded from some site (I hope it was a free app and that this is perfectly legal, but I'm probably wrong.) Is it still on the market? How did you guys find it?) But this phone was definately not built for gaming (adreno 200, anybody?) So it's not that much of a big deal.)
Btw, nexus gingerbread ROM, hence signature.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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i thought hd2 had clearpad 2000 like nexus one and desire???
"But this phone was definately not built for gaming (adreno 200, anybody?)"
but still some casual gaming with no bugs wud have been cool..for the price u pay for this kind of phone
yeahman45 said:
i thought hd2 had clearpad 2000 like nexus one and desire???
"But this phone was definately not built for gaming (adreno 200, anybody?)"
but still some casual gaming with no bugs wud have been cool..for the price u pay for this kind of phone
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Casual gaming is still very possible, just don't expect halo 3 graphics. Does the hd2 have clearpad 2000? Maybe the Desire multitouch isn't such a lost cause.
Sent from my Gingerfied hd2
yeahman45 said:
i am already regretting buying the htc desire... i am getting it tomorrow.... i didn't know there was that multitouch issue until yesterday... i always thought the htc devices wre top notch as it got such great reviews... none mentioned the multitouch bug... i was planning to play a lot of games... i am so disappointed..
edit: i think the issues of htc desire should be stickied.. i can't believe i missed that issue before i was deciding to buy the desire... it's too late now... i was planning to buy the acer liquid but saw it had multitouch issue... through the forums... i missed it for desire... darn
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Without sounding rude, it's not an issue or a bug, the bottom line is the desire dosent have multi touch, it has dual touch, the axis flipping is just a downside to that type of touch panel, it's nothing to do with the quality of htc products, as the screen is behaving as it should. so you really should of researched your purchase before you bought it.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
Even though the hd2 has the same touch panel and no axis swapping issue.
Sent from my Gingerfied hd2
how come hd2 does not have the axis swapping issue although it has the same screen as htc desire and nexus one??

Wildfire S worth the Money ?!

Hello Wildfire S users i have simple question!!!
Ive Own Blackstone and now i decide to move to Android platform but im tired of spending alot of money for a device and im thinking to spend this time smart my money so befor years i buy the Blackstone for around 650 Euro i will not do this mistake anymore to spend so much money for a device and right now im planing to buy Wildfire S the reason i want this device is..
Because i like the design and i like the size of it.. i think its Smart device and on the same time its super cool on hand and its just perfect size for me.
My question is right now with cooked ROM`s witch is the latest version of Android that Wildfire S can handle?
And do you are happy with the device itself?
I want my mp3 ringtones to sound cool and i think the wildfire S camera is cool also and make good pictures.
I don`t like the speakers of the Blackstone and i don`t like the camera because like you know there is not Flash and you can do images at dark places!!!
My question is what you think about the Wildfire S do you are happy with your purchase.. how is the Sound from the Speakers.. and etc and most importmantly..
Im planing imideately after i buy it to root it and do whatever is posible on the device but because i dont own it right now and im not familiar with Android alot i don`t know about what kind of Builds can hande.. for example in the future do you think that Wildfire S can have cooked SENSE 3.0 ?
Thank you in advance
Hello My Friend,
I am the ex Iphone user last one which I sold my 4g , and I jumped on android , wildfire s.
I like the phone how it is specially the size simply to use most of the apps that i had on iphone I have on my htc , so if size of the phone is priority.
I don't like that I have S On but soon that will be solved , why not give it a try the only thing if you want to play with it make shure it has s off , so you can do upgrades downgrades etc.
For the sound I can say its very good clear sound and the other thing compare to iPhone you can imediatly put any song that you have as ringtone, I was amassed how easy was to import the contacts calendars and sms from other phone .
And the batery I think is a bit small if you use internet is not so satisfied.
Today for everyone is to have things that you can do job in easy as simple as it possible.
I hope that you will like it.
The wildfire s is a good little phone, the battery life is as short as most other phones.
Internal memory is small, but after rooting and using various apps it is easy to force move fixed apps to the memory card.
I use my phone every day, it's like a portable pc, and suits my needs very well.
sent using tapatalk
Hi Tsalta;
well..to be honest I have it since some time now and regret a bit the choice.
I have rooted the device which already require an external device so you need either to purchase it or to find someone in your area who can help you out..you can find list of people on XDA forum.
The wildfire S so far is lacking focus from dev teams and support regarding available custom ROMs. in this forum there are a few, but compared to other devices the choice if by far smaller.
It might improve in the future, but it also might not..at the end I love its size, but low internal memory and ARM6 processor are underperforming compared to other devices (which on the other hand are bigger in size).
Come on..angry birds do not play well on the device..this already tells the capability of its hardware..
Internal memory is a continuous struggle..it's ridiculous, you love widgets (which are the reason why I choose android over IOS) but then you cannot really run many of them as you are out of internal memory very soon!
battery life is normal for a smartphone.
camera is just OKish..but still, is a phone and not a camera..so is ok for me.
It supports microSD of 32G, so I have plenty of music and the internal player is very good (lack of eq, but still a good player) and this for me is important as I cycle a lot and always use the music app.
Sygic is running well on this smartphone; so " turn by turn" navigation app in case of emergency is very well supported (eat up a lot of battery as in all other smartphones)..
Also sport apps like endomondo and Sportstracker are working very well
If you want a device of perfect size, that feels good in your hand, cheap, with a nice screen just pick this.
If you are looking for performance, or think you will get addicted to widgets and apps, maybe you should check out something else (that will be bigger and more expensive) or you will get frustrated as at the end with the wildfire S you always need to care about internal memory (until better custom ROMs will be released)
I might sell mine..hahahaha
Thanks guys for the comment ONLY one thing bodering me!!!
You are telling that right now Wildfire S can`t be ROTET i mean S-OFF permanently ?
Only this reason can stop me buy this device because after i install few apps my storage will be full and.... i cannot use the device for what i need!!!
Because im new to the Android official devices i only boot Android on my old Blackstone..
please let me know this is very importmantly
Thank you in advance
If you have some spare cash go for desire s. I'm a wildfire s user but don't mind upgrading cause I cook my own roms. and it's quite fast than stock.
Dude if i have cash i will buy Sensation instead of Desire
But because i don`t have and even if i have i don`t want to spend to much money again for Device this is the reason i stop on Wildfire S
The size and specs are exactly for me and i think is good enought for daily use but if can`t be unlocked i mean ROTED then.... WTF its useless
If I have cash I will buy sensation s, will there be, no.
Hey..of curse you can root the wildfire s.
I rooted mine.
You need to do it via a piece of hardware which either you purchase or look for somebody that has it to help you out.
I serched in the xda forum and found a guy in my area which had it, and with 12€ he used it to root my phone.
Once rooted is better.
On the other hand, as said..if you are looking for great performance You might be better satisfied by another phone (bigger and more expansive)

Desire getting old, what's the next Dev favorit?

I've had my desire for quite a while now, and i still like it, it is a good phone, but nonetheless it is also getting older.
I've noticed that there seems to be a bigger dev community for desire than other devices.
Wondering what the next favourite is.
I don't think it'll be desire s with it's single core cpu, 5mp camera & 1450 mAh battery.
HTC Amaze or Sensation both seems to be a better choice.
Where does the devs go for next?
I think for me its too early to tell. Desire has a lot of life still. I'm not upgrading until may but there's nothing now for me that blows the desire out of the water. I'm still enjoying my desire. Come may I may even go sim only
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
majority of devs moved over to Sensation.
That is good to know, when you want a new phones, it's nice to know where the majority of devs are.
A fair few dev's seem to have vanished from here I think - but some went to DHD and most went to Sensation as far as I can tell.
I'm not going to be upgrading soon (maybe in 6 months or so I'll reconsider) - so hoping there's a fair bit of life left - we have sense 3.0 ports, sense 3.5 ports - I imagine the next big step is making a full featured, stable 3.5 with no major bugs, and then whatever ICS brings (sense 4.0 perhaps?) - if ICS can be ported over then anything after that might be a stretch I imagine
You think the Desire could handle ICS? Now I'm excited!!
My contract isn't up until May as well but I'll feel sad moving on because it's been such a great device. Just a pity about the low internal memory
It is too early for me to think my next phone. My Desire is still function very well and fulfill my need. But, up to now, I observed that many devs moved to Sensation.
Well if google chooses to release the sourcecode of ics the chances are very good that we can have it running on the desire.
However personally i'm thinking of moving to the new nexus device depending on the specs google release next week. It might take a couple of months or more before we will see it in Denmark.
mortenmhp said:
Well if google chooses to release the sourcecode of ics the chances are very good that we can have it running on the desire.
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they already said they would - they got a fair bit of stick for not releasing HC - it wouldn't make sense to back out of it again - although it will probably be a few months after the nexus device is released before the source is available I guess?
I would just love for a new device with a more powerful processor, but still the 3,7" screen.
More than 3,7" is too large. It won't fit in my pocket without me being afraid I might bend it.
I don't know if I should stick with HTC or get a LG or Samsung. They would probably run clean Android with LauncherPro etc. like I do now.
I'm a sucker for things running smooth (iTunes is a dealbreaker, always)
Samsung Galaxy Note
I want a tablet , but I also want a phone , this seams to be the best of both worlds .
However , I wont be bale to buy anything till April next year , so by then the quad core phones will be out!
I am wondering the same... tomorrow I may sell my lovely Desire, and then add some money... but I don't know what to get. I am think about Sensation or Galaxy S II.
What do you guys think? Any third option? Btw, HTC Sense is a plus to me, I like it.
I didn't see this post before i added my own. Should've searched really. I don't think there is anything out at the moment that is taking my fancy. I didn't understand the release of the desire s or the need for HTC to release so many phones in such a short space of time.
The desire name is one of the greats in the mobile business and one they will continue to use...so im hoping there will be a new version by the time i can upgrade.
HTC Desire
Sexywacko said:
I didn't see this post before i added my own. Should've searched really. I don't think there is anything out at the moment that is taking my fancy. I didn't understand the release of the desire s or the need for HTC to release so many phones in such a short space of time.
The desire name is one of the greats in the mobile business and one they will continue to use...so im hoping there will be a new version by the time i can upgrade.
HTC Desire
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Totally agree.
And I can use, with it, the last software at the moment (inclusive Sense)
I hope my desi keeps alive six months more, or a year.
Enviado desde mi HTC Desire usando Tapatalk
I only like my desire fast so I haven't bothered with anything above sense 1.9. I will be sticking with supernova for the a while.
Sent from my HTC Desire using xda premium
At the moment Desire can still keep up with the new flagship phones although they are already much better than the good old Desire.
I wonder, what and when I should get a new Android smartphone...or...tablet.
Something like:
Amoled or better screen
3.7-4.0" screen size
max 15mm thick body
Quadcore proc
at least 1GB RAM
at least 16 GB internal memory for ROM, davlik cache, etc....and still expandable by using memory card.
Front and back facing camera
HD1080 smooth playback
at least 8-10 hours battery life on permanent usage...not on standby...
aluminium unibody...I just can not resist this type of casing...
gorilla glass
costs max €500
aaa said:
At the moment Desire can still keep up with the new flagship phones although they are already much better than the good old Desire.
I wonder, what and when I should get a new Android smartphone...or...tablet.
Something like:
Amoled or better screen
3.7-4.0" screen size
max 15mm thick body
Quadcore proc
at least 1GB RAM
at least 16 GB internal memory for ROM, davlik cache, etc....and still expandable by using memory card.
Front and back facing camera
HD1080 smooth playback
at least 8-10 hours battery life on permanent usage...not on standby...
aluminium unibody...I just can not resist this type of casing...
gorilla glass
costs max €500
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reading this i was thinking why no one make an online mobile store when everyone can assemble its own phone, like its already possible for the desktop computers lol
@ aaa..
Spot on. Was thinking the same kinda thing myself. I don't want a screen over 4" max. Starts getting too big for your pocket.
Just my opinion....
andQlimax said:
reading this i was thinking why no one make an online mobile store when everyone can assemble its own phone, like its already possible for the desktop computers lol
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Hmmm... your own customized Android smartphone..do not make me start to drool... LOL ...
I want the Desire 2 with the exact shape/form factor as Desire with update technology such as dual core A9, AMOLED Plus, BT 4.0, ICS with Sense x.x , 1 GB of RAM, 8mp with 1080p, 4GB internal memory with MicroSD, rooted and s-off.

[Q] Desire Z pros/cons?

I have a SonyEricsson Xperia X1 which is starting to break down and I'm thinking of getting a new phone. The Desire Z is the only non-Xperia phone I found that has everything I need. How is it? Pros? Cons? Battery life? GPS?
Also, I'm new to Android because the Xperia X1 has WinMo. What are the drawbacks of Android? The pros I already know of. How's the freeware app availability and development? (I will never pay for an application.) How about the advanced user customization? (I liked that about WinMo. Registry editing and changing files.)
Thanks for any answers!
Here's my review of the Desire Z based on my review (note: this is my first mobile device with something better than WinMo 5.
It has a nice performance (unless you're running something like HTC Sense 3.0+ HTC Sense). The keyboard (if you use it) is very comfortable and it features a "search" and a "menu" key, plus 2 shortcuts, the only thing I would like is an extra row for numbers (but I'm already used to the soft keyboard so I rarely use it). I wish I could review the stock rom, but I removed it after 2 days (and this is my first android phone). Battery life is OK, I get 1 day of battery life with medium use (screen on for like 4 hours, nothing heavy running), however, I bought my phone used, so I think the battery should have been better if it was new. The camera is OK for taking casual photos, the flash does a very good job for taking in dark places, just don't expect "ultra sharp" quality. The speaker is very loud, however, I find myself most of the time putting my hands on the back of the phone to "bounce" back the sound to myself, as the speaker is on the back side.
As for android, there are a lot of free applications, however, the market sometimes has apps that are useless or malicious (although you'll usually only notice them after scrolling a lot down). There's also something called GetJar, where you can get apps for free every week legally (they call them "gold apps"). Most of the apps you'll need will be free (soft keyboards, launchers, email apps) and most of them will be free but will have a "pro" or "donate" version (usually the free ones will have ads, which I can easily ignore, as they're usually small.
Sorry for any typo, English isn't my main language.
Time has long since passed to ditch Winmo. The drawbacks to Android? There aren't any. Winmo is a joke for lag, memory leakage, instability, and crashing. Android is stable and fast; and enjoys huge support from manufacturers, developers, and the user community. There is no "registry" since that is a Windows invention. But there are hacks and mods for anything you would ever want to do, and much more. Trust me, make the move to Android, and you will never look back on Winmo (except to shake your head and laugh).
There are plenty of free or ad-supported apps on the Market, as far as most any utility you would need. And also good quality free games. But really, why such an adamant stance on paying for apps? What would be the big deal in PAYING for software, if its something well made, that you use frequently, and say costs $1 (less than a Euro). That amount of money is completely insignificant for me when spend on something useful like a good app. God forbid the people that develop software should be compensated for it, and motivated to create other quality software, and to continue supporting their apps with updates and bug fixes? User made freeware is fine an all, and there is certainly good stuff out there. But its not going to fill every hole or need.
The con with the DZ is that its over a year old. This is really old in smartphone terms. Good phones with hardware keyboards are indeed rare. But aside from the keyboard, the Z has really fallen far behind in terms of CPU, memory, and other specs. If you are really hung up on a hardware keyboard, and can get a good deal on a Z, then go for it. Otherwise, I'd use my money on a more current device.
Thanks for the replies, guys!
Yes, the physical keyboard is a must. It's so much easier and faster than virtual keyboards. If I have to write more than three consecutive letters, I'll flip the keyboard open instead of trying to write with the virtual one. I do a lot of writing with my phones. My work phone is a Galaxy S and I have tried pretty much every keyboard it has, but they're all equally horrible. The same with my Xperia. I blame my first ever smartphone, the Nokia Communicator 9500. It was huge and awkward, but it had the comfiest keyboard ever.
The Xperia X1 has otherwise 95% of what I need, but it's starting to physically break and it has become abominably slow and unstable. And it wasn't that great to begin with. In hindsight, I really should have bought a HTC phone (assuming there existed one with a physical keyboard at the time).
The reason I won't pay for apps is because what has happened to me quite a many times with both my phone and my computer. I buy a program or app I need, happily use it and after a month, discover that there has existed a free alternative the whole time that is actually better. Cue me being pissed off. I have learned my lesson and right now, there is no software on my phone that I paid for and the only software on my computer that actually costed money are the operating system and games. That doesn't mean I won't donate to the authors of the software afterwards.
The only experience I have with Android is via my work phone, but I don't know about how customizable it is, because the work phone has been heavily restricted.
Tych0n said:
The Xperia X1 has otherwise 95% of what I need, but it's starting to physically break and it has become abominably slow and unstable. And it wasn't that great to begin with. In hindsight, I really should have bought a HTC phone (assuming there existed one with a physical keyboard at the time).
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The Xperia X1 was made by HTC.
Oh, well, something other than the X1, then, preferably something that used HTC's UI.
Tych0n said:
Oh, well, something other than the X1, then, preferably something that used HTC's UI.
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i thought buying an HTC cellphone is reather better than other android cellphones for 2 things:
1- its tough... it doesn't break easily, even with tiny hinges holding the screen...
2- it has Sense UI...
but turns out, Sense UI really affects performance, even on stock unrooted, the phone was really slow... although HTC Sense offers great look... but no performance comparing to other UIs
May be, but it's been my favorite since I first saw it.
Riro Zizo said:
but turns out, Sense UI really affects performance, even on stock unrooted, the phone was really slow... although HTC Sense offers great look... but no performance comparing to other UIs
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I've only found the launcher (home screen and app tray, for the OP) itself to really be any effect on performance, and its easy enough to use an alternate launcher. And the lag on the Sense launcher is really not as bad as some make it out to be.
Its purely a matter of personal taste, of course. But my personal opinion is that Sense is a much more aesthetic, refined, and unified Android experience than AOSP, or other manufacturer skins.
Of course, the beauty of Android is that if you don't like Sense, you can always flash a more vanilla ROM, or something else like MIUI.
---------- Post added at 08:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------
Tych0n said:
The reason I won't pay for apps is because what has happened to me quite a many times with both my phone and my computer. I buy a program or app I need, happily use it and after a month, discover that there has existed a free alternative the whole time that is actually better. Cue me being pissed off. I have learned my lesson and right now, there is no software on my phone that I paid for and the only software on my computer that actually costed money are the operating system and games. That doesn't mean I won't donate to the authors of the software afterwards.
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If you are just talking utilities and useful apps, I think you will be right at home on Android. I honestly can't think of any utilities that you HAVE to pay for. Many are either free, or have a paid premium version with extra features (or remove ads), if you like the free version and decide to pay.
Desire Z it is, then!
I can get one from two different places without a nordic keyboard for ~300€ or one with nordic keyboard for ~500€. Guess which one I'll buy...
I came to Android on the DZ from a WinMo phone. Best move I ever made, Android made my old WinMo (which I was happy with at the time) look like a laggy, clunky joke.
Welcome to Android !
Sent from my Desire Z running CM7.
If you want a qwerty-slider android phone I don't think you can do better than the DZ. My preferred rom is virtuous affinity - this give a smooth and very usable sense 3.5 experience. However, I would do think this phone is at the end of its lifespan. The built in ram and the single core cpu are going to limit how much further it can be pushed and I don't think we are ever going to see usable/smooth ics or sense 4 on this handset.
If you want a qwerty-slider android phone I don't think you can do better than the DZ - but I wish there was!! Come on HTC where's the quad core 4.7in HD qwerty-slider I want so badly
MaxWiz said:
If you want a qwerty-slider android phone I don't think you can do better than the DZ - but I wish there was!! Come on HTC where's the quad core 4.7in HD qwerty-slider I want so badly
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This a million times! I'm astonished that there's so few sliders with full keyboards out there. The market is dominated by those goddamn slates. I've watched my friends write with the virtual keyboards of iPhones, Galaxies and whatever, and it always looks slow, clumsy and awkward. They even have to use predictive text input to compensate for the slowness. In contrast, writing with a QWERTY thumb keyboard is a breeze. The Desire Z is apparently pretty much the newest and best Android slider there is on the market, but it still has a WVGA screen, while pretty much every new slate has some HD-super-gizmo screen. What the hell? My Xperia has a WVGA...
But anyway, seeing as I can get a DZ for LESS (~300€) than I paid for my X1 (~450€), I'm happy even though it might not be the fastest and newest there is.
I'm a big fan of hardware keyboards too. I switched from the Motorola Droid to the HTC G2. I found the keyboard on the G2 to be not so good. Not sure if it's just because I got mine used on ebay and it was worn, but it doesn't look like it's worn out. I've noticed the keyboard tends to miss/duplicate keystrokes often. So I've been tending to use the on screen keyboard, which is really good. I think the on screen keys are bigger than on the droid so it's pretty easy to type on. But I found the hardware keyboard to be much slower to type on than the Droid.
jgummeson said:
I've noticed the keyboard tends to miss/duplicate keystrokes often.
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That could be from wear. The keyboard of my X1 worked flawlessly in the beginning, now it duplicates and misses keystrokes all the time. It's still better than the virtual keyboards, though...

