Sync contacts & calendar to linux - Defy General

I am about to make my first foray into an Android device (Motorola Defy - Android 2.1 on the Telstra network in Australia) after years and years of faithful Symbian servitude. There is one little thing that is bugging me about Android so I thought I'd ask the experts as I've spent hours looking for an answer and still not coming up with a clear answer.
I understand I can turn off contact and calendar sync with Google quite easily but I'm unable to find anything to suggest how hard/easy it would be to sync my contacts and calendar (via USB, Bluetooth or WiFi - no real preference) to my local computer running Linux, specifically Ubuntu, rather than the cloud. I would prefer it sync to Evolution as this is what I have been using for years now with various forms of SyncML and Symbian phones (most recently syncevolution).
I would really prefer not to give over my hundreds of contacts and all my personal appointments to the cloud so I'm searching for a solution that doesn't involve customising the basic software too much for preference. It doesn't have to be a 24/7 sync, I'm currently just running it on an as required basis. I would even be willing to pay for the service providing it works.
Now I understand the whole "don't buy an Android phone if you don't want to use Google's services" and I've seen many posts like mine deteriorate into "why do you even want this?" so bearing in mind I've considered these arguments already is there anyone with any constructive suggestions?


I was looking at this sort of thing but couldn't understand, would this require the installation of my own funambol server on the computer here or would just installing the client on the phone allow it then to talk SyncML to something like hxxp:// (unable to post outside links yet sorry for the crap link)? Sorry if it seems noobish but want to confirm before spending money on something that may/may not suit my needs.

I'm not sure as I don't use it myself. I mentioned it cause you mentioned you've been using SyncML in the past so I think it may help...

Thanks for the pointer. I'm trying to work out if
Handset+SyncML client -> Syncevolution -> Evolution
Handset+SyncML client -> SyncML Server -> Syncevolution -> Evolution
is going to end up being the case. I guess it's one of those "just get it and see" things it would appear. I was just hoping this could be confirmed either way beforehand because a SyncML server is going to be a fair bit of work for just one phone and one instance of evolution.
I'm looking to get the Motorola Defy in the next week or so, so I will make sure I report back how it goes if no one else has any other information beforehand.

Just a quick follow up for anyone else looking into this. If you have the time I would whole heartedly suggest setting up your own personal funambol server as I couldn't find a reasonable solution to my problem.
As I don't have the time at this point to do that I have used iCal Import/Export in conjunction with Touch Calendar (I dislike the layout of the default calendar and Touch lets me repeat an event every X days which is good for shift workers like myself) for my calendar needs. I have been using the inbuilt Motorola Phone Portal over wifi to import/export vcards into the phone for my contacts.
So now I have my contacts and calendar in the phone and can manually import/export which is as close as I've gotten to syncing locally at this point. If I figure out anything else I'll post back again and I'm still open to other suggestions that are a bit simpler than a separate funambol server.


s620 with mac?

I have been looking online to sync my s620 with my macbook, but I can't seem to get it to work...
Does anyone know if there is a program or anything to sync with mac?
thanks all
Missing Sync for Windows Mobile
The Missing Sync is your answer
Good thing you've decided to get into this now, and not a few months ago. Recently, The Missing Sync for Windows Mobile 4 (MS4) came out, which introduced support for Windows Mobile 6. It's got a slew of nice features, including SMS/MMS logging, importing pictures into iPhoto (though I haven't figured out how to make it work yet), video conversion, and folder synchronization. Also, it uses SyncML (Apple calls it "Sync Services") so you get the nice "more than 5% changes" notifications you get when you use iSync.
My biggest problems with Missing Sync is that it can be a little unstable and/or slow, fortunately it's very modular, so if a single component fails (which is actually quite rare) it doesn't affect the rest of the program. BlueTooth syncing with a removable BlueTooth module. But I'm thinking that this is due to the unique nature of using a USB BlueTooth module for a non-system protocol. I'm sure if you have a built-in BlueTooth module, you'll be fine. I also have an occasional problem where, while syncing the calendar, I get a notice that some large number of events in my calendar have been deleted (always more than 5%), but usually telling it not to sync the calendar, then syncing again takes care of the problem. It's relatively minor, when you consider that there is an pretty easy work-around.
The other thing isn't so much a problem with Missing Sync, but rather limitations of existing technologies. MS4 can't extract CABs from installers (EXE or MSI), though there are other tools to do that (cabextract, File Juicer), but even they have limited success. You also can't install firmware upgrades, so you better have an emulation (VirtualPC and Q come to mind), virtualization (Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion) Windows API (Wine) or a Windows PC for that kind of stuff. Actually, now that I think about it, Q is incapable of performing firmware upgrades since it doesn't have USB mapping implemented yet, but if you don't want to spend money on VirtualPC (I don't blame you) and you want to support the open source community (besides Steve Baller and Bill Gates, who doesn't?), keep an eye on it.
Otherwise, I don't regret my purchase at all, and it makes WM5/WM6 syncing completely viable on a Mac. Now if only Microsoft would pick up on some of MS4's features for ActiveSync...

Syncing Outlook and *real* PIM on Android?

got a Desire recently, which I basically love. The only thing that's giving me troubles is syncing Outlook (2007, will upgrade to 2010 shortly) contacts and calendar and the general way to use the Desire for legitimate PIM (especially calendar).
I used both an HTC Himalaya and Athena running Windows Mobile before, and the one thing that always worked smoothly was syncing with Outlook. Also, I really liked the way Outlook Mobile worked as a PIM solution (I used a today screen plug-in called Calendar+ I think to display my appointments for the next 10-14 days).
First of all, HTC Sync doesn't really work well for me. First time sync went just fine, but subsequent syncs put all my appointments of by one hour (I am in the GMT+1/CET time zone, that might have to do with it). This is especially annoying, as full-day appointments, birthdays, etc. are now displayed as lasting from 01.00 to 01.00 am.
Contacts get synced multiple times, so each phone contact is now available at least twice and as often as four or five times (all the contacts get linked into one by the Sense UI though).
Also, multiple groups are merged on subsequent syncs, for example if a contact is in the groups "Family" and "VIP" in Outlook, they are now in an Android-only "Family\;VIP" group.
Furthermore, Calendar (both from Android and HTC) really feely toy-ish, compared to Outlook Mobile. I was used to full-day-appointments being displayed as a general line of information with other appointments being display by time or length, including place and maybe conflicts with other appointments. The Android/HTC calendar just shows me a long list of things - I could use a spreadsheet or even a textfile if that's all I wanted or expected out of a calendar.
Is there an app, including widget(s) that is somewhat more like Outlook/Calendar+ on Windows Mobile?
Also, could my syncing troubles get solved if I decided to sync Outlook with Gmail/Google Calendar and sync the Desire with these (even though I'm not too keen to store these things in the Google Cloud).
Kind regards and thanks for any info anyone could provide!
I have most of the sync working, but still get some odd things happen, like no GAL lookup and occasional duplicate entries. There is an app call Touchdown that is worth a look.
I am trying to get HTC to fix my issues, will let you know how I get on.
my HTC sync works fab!.. I have an Orange Uk .. slate colour !
I have office 2003 and at work 2007.. all works fine .
Contacts and calender works fine.. when you first sync you do get mutiple entry's for each user .. but the phone sorts this out for you ... re the mobile , facebook gmail etc
UK ist GMT, so maybe it's a bug in Sync that throws the appointments off by GMT±x hours?
It's OK that the contacts get merged, I jsut don't see it as desired behaviour to have every contact in my phone 8-10 times, even if the phone merges everything into one.
If I change any contact info on the phone and sync back into Outlook, who can guarantee the proper change is applied to the respective Outlook contact?
PIM - Personal Information Manager, what "smartphones" where soposed to be, what they used to be, what Android needs to become.
I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH, the 3 most important features of any PIM device is:
Search of the entire phone (not the internet), search through all your personal data, thru the contacts, notes, calendar, spreadsheets, memos, to-do lists, word processing files, SMS/MMS, thru every native apps, thru every 3rd party app data, anything and everything on your phone (not the internet) quickly and completely the way Palm OS did. Fast information retrieval of your personal data and databases is the most important and single most useful thing on this planet as far as PIM’s are concerned. Not links to twitter, not cool little icon creation tools, not fun cutesy little play things, but real world useful things.
The ability to copy an address or sentence out of a text message or email, (not the entire message, only the portion you need) and paste it into a contact, or paste it into a memo or task field, or it into Google maps. Or Copy part of a to-do list item and paste it into a spreadsheet, or copy a value out of a spreadsheet cell and paste it into an email etc.
3. DESKTOP APPLICATION to sync with.
A desktop application to sync with, to back up all your PIM information (contacts, calendar, to-do lists, memos, wordprocessing files, spreadsheet files etc, to your PC and vice/versa (without being forced to use Outlook). Not syncing to “the cloud”, I don’t want all my personal info spread out all over the internet for who knows who to snoop through. I want my personal info on my phone and my desktop PC only. A Desktop application to be able to do the bulk of your data entry from your PC then syncing it to your phone instead of having to type out and tons of personal data, such as useful formulas, extensive notes about people, long letters or ebooks you want to cut and paste into your desktop app so you can sync it to your phone so you can read it on the road at your leasure without trying to type all that data into your little touch screen pad. To be able to look up information and data stored on my phone without not having to wait on a slow connection as it stores and retrieves from the cloud. And to be able to look up the same information on my desktop app when I can’t find my phone. To backup my data or retrieve it without being dependant an internet connection. When I lose my old phone, I want to be able to sync the new phone to my Desktop application had have all my personal info and data files loaded on to my new phone putting me right back in business without skipping a beat.
Primary PIM Apps to be fully intergreated with each other on the phone and on the Desktop are:
* Calendar/Scheduler/with very flexible alarms (i.e. repeat every third Thursday etc.). Should have Day/Week/Month/Year views.
* Contacts/Addresses/People that will show the long names on the screen when you select it.
* To Do List (KISS applies here, just need to easily slide line items up and down on the priority list and/or give it a changeable priority level, and to be able to attach longer notes if need be)
* Memo/Notes/Flash Cards to store anything and everything you think to write down to take note down, any thought, idea, note, comment, list of items, what someone said – Any and all inputs instantly retrievable by the “Universal Search”.
* Media/Pictures/Video/Music sync between desktop and device.
* Third party attachment handler (to automatically sync spreadsheet files for instance).
Store, Retrieve, and Manage/Manipulate Personal Information, that’s what Personal Information Managers (PIMs) are for. Not for doing animated gifs or other cutesy time wasters.
This is something the Twit(ers) writing software today don’t understand, not everyone has the luxury of laying around drinking soda pop and twittering each other all day, most of us need to actually get some work done in the real world. To manage and access personal information as well as internet info.
I would have switched from Palm OS to iPhone a couple years ago but the iPhone had no universal search or universal copy/paste at the time which made the iPhone worthless game machine to me. So I stayed with Palm. Now that Palm OS is being replaced with WebOS, I see now that the “new blood” writing the new Palm WebOS software left out the 3 most important things, the very things that made Palm great to begin with. So I bought a Droid Incredible, it falls flat on it’s face as a PIM, now I am back to carrying two devices a Palm OS for an actual working PIM, and a Droid for all the other “cool” stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Droid but it would be nice to get them back into one device again. The industry sometimes goes backwards instead of forwards. Now I see that Apple finally caught up to Palm by including a universal search and copy/paste into the iPhone finally, Android needs to catch up to Palm OS also, in a hurry, otherwise I may have to sidestep to an iphone when my one year contract is up.
PalmOS had a much more precise touch screen, all you had to do to select text was touch your fingernail, pen, or stylist to the letter you wanted to start with and drag to the end point to highlight the text you want, and then hit Menu/Copy. The new Johnny-come-lately touch screen phones do not have a precise way to select text directly, though the iPhone has come up with a good workaround for this, it’s not quite as fast and easy as the PalmOS but just as accurate at selecting only what you want, and it is universal just like the Palm.
If and when iambic ports Agendus to the Android OS it will be a great day for Android users, but the MOST IMPORTANT thing is we still need universal search & copy/paste across all 3-party applications. When I was a palm user I didn’t see the need for Agendus (a very robust PIM) because it seemed redundant on the Palm, but I could see the need for it on other platforms such as Windows devices, iPhone, BlackBerry etc. Now that I am a Droid user I see the need for Agendus for the Android. Agendus is starting to sound like a great Idea, a robust PIM application that can be ported to any new phone platform that comes out, that way you learn one app and keep it with you across platforms as the phone market keeps changing.

WM7 Troubleshooting: Tips and Advice

Hi all,
I've just upgraded to the new HTC 7 Mozart on Orange and having a play around with the new WM7.
I'm finding quite a few teething problems and thought it would be best to start a troubleshooting thread to discuss the problems and potential solutions to them and that way this can act as a central hub for all queries as we get used to using the new OS!
1) Is it possible NOT to intergrate the FB contacts into People? I have too many FB friends and don't want them all in the People section, it's too big! Can't I pick and choose which ones I want?
2) Is there going to be an ActiveSync for WM7? How do I transfer all my contacts/calender appts from Outlook to the new phone?
3) I've connected the phone to my laptop and it's not recognising the phone. How can I access the memory and start transferring music etc?
These are just the first few problems I've been having and hoping that there might be solutions.
sameerabedi said:
Hi all,
I've just upgraded to the new HTC 7 Mozart on Orange and having a play around with the new WM7.
I'm finding quite a few teething problems and thought it would be best to start a troubleshooting thread to discuss the problems and potential solutions to them and that way this can act as a central hub for all queries as we get used to using the new OS!
1) Is it possible NOT to intergrate the FB contacts into People? I have too many FB friends and don't want them all in the People section, it's too big! Can't I pick and choose which ones I want?
2) Is there going to be an ActiveSync for WM7? How do I transfer all my contacts/calender appts from Outlook to the new phone?
3) I've connected the phone to my laptop and it's not recognising the phone. How can I access the memory and start transferring music etc?
These are just the first few problems I've been having and hoping that there might be solutions.
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1) There is a way, but I am not sure how as I do not have the phone.
2) There is no active sync, You need to get the outlook connector and link your outlook to your windows live.
3) You need the Zune Software installed, that is how you transfer pictures, music, videos, podcasts etc...
sameerabedi said:
Hi all,
I've just upgraded to the new HTC 7 Mozart on Orange and having a play around with the new WM7.
I'm finding quite a few teething problems and thought it would be best to start a troubleshooting thread to discuss the problems and potential solutions to them and that way this can act as a central hub for all queries as we get used to using the new OS!
1) Is it possible NOT to intergrate the FB contacts into People? I have too many FB friends and don't want them all in the People section, it's too big! Can't I pick and choose which ones I want? This was a problem before but I heard that you can set preferences with FB contacts and only get their updates, rest are ignored. I could be wrong but I don't use FB so not too sure.
2) Is there going to be an ActiveSync for WM7? How do I transfer all my contacts/calender appts from Outlook to the new phone? No, you can't sync with desktop Outlook if it is not connected to Exchange or associated with Windows Live account, aka in Cloud. Best you can do is install Outlook Live Connector and drag all contacts and calendar to the live account
3) I've connected the phone to my laptop and it's not recognising the phone. How can I access the memory and start transferring music etc? Use Zune software.
These are just the first few problems I've been having and hoping that there might be solutions.
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Please see my replied in RED. Damn, Omega Ra got it before me.
also, it's not wm7
it's Windows Phone 7
Thanks for the responses. I can't find the option for the FB intergration and how NOT to sync the contact!
I'll try getting Outlook Live Connector and see if that works.
Apologies for the wrong abbreviation, I'll try and change the title of the thread.
EDIT: Actually how do I change the title of the thread?
don't forget to post some feedback regarding the phone, i'm also planning to get this one i'm especially interested in widgets, if you find a nice on/off toggle for wi-fi that can be pinned to the start screen, share it please
Here's an interesting one for you (or maybe not!). I've heard from rumours across the interwebs that you cannot upload and use your own ringtone, is this true?
If so, I suspect I will have a lot of happy people at the office but I will be very unhappy!
Monty Burns said:
Here's an interesting one for you (or maybe not!). I've heard from rumours across the interwebs that you cannot upload and use your own ringtone, is this true?
If so, I suspect I will have a lot of happy people at the office but I will be very unhappy!
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This is a very worrying rumour! At the moment my laptop doesn't recognise the phone at all when I connect via USB.
Presumably the Zune software will allow you to move ringtones across? I'm at work at present so I don't know, but if that's not possible that's a huge backward step!!
Found out how to cut down on the number of Facebook contacts:
From the microsoft website
By default, all of your Facebook friends appear as contacts on your phone. If you have lots of Facebook friends showing up in your contacts list, you can choose to only show friends who are already contacts on your phone. (So, if a Facebook friend is also a contact in Windows Live or Google, their Facebook information will still show up in your contacts list. All other friends will be hidden from the list.)
1 From Start, flick left to the Applications list and then press Settings.
2 Press Applications and then press People.
3 Under Include Facebook friends as contacts, press Only add Facebook information to existing contacts to filter out Facebook friends who don't already have a contact card on your phone.
This option only filters Facebook friends from your contacts list in People. It doesn't change whose social updates you'll see in What's new.
I'm not due to get my upgrade till next Wednesday, but had a theory on the ringtones situation.
Firstly, I'm assuming that you can see music stored (or at least all compatible sounds) on your phone when sellecting ringtones. Where all your music is on your laptop/desktop create a directory called ringtones and put all your ringtones there. Then sync with Zune and see if you can see it.
Probably not as easy as this but worth a try.
Kind of what I was thinking as well. My tone is actually a song so I'll just sync it....
however, my Dell doesn't arrive until the 9th so I'm sure you egg heads will crack it by then
sameerabedi said:
Found out how to cut down on the number of Facebook contacts:
From the microsoft website
By default, all of your Facebook friends appear as contacts on your phone. If you have lots of Facebook friends showing up in your contacts list, you can choose to only show friends who are already contacts on your phone. (So, if a Facebook friend is also a contact in Windows Live or Google, their Facebook information will still show up in your contacts list. All other friends will be hidden from the list.)
1 From Start, flick left to the Applications list and then press Settings.
2 Press Applications and then press People.
3 Under Include Facebook friends as contacts, press Only add Facebook information to existing contacts to filter out Facebook friends who don't already have a contact card on your phone.
This option only filters Facebook friends from your contacts list in People. It doesn't change whose social updates you'll see in What's new.
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Sweet!! Nice one
Hi guys, I received my HTC HD7 about an hour ago and been playing around with it. I ran into an issue with the wireless configuration and then starting looking for solutions on this forum. Wish I hadn't! =/ I just read some of the issues affecting WP7, and I am sooOOOooo hacked off. I feel like I bought a blimmin brick now. I "upgraded" from an HTC Desire. And boy is the Desire *SO* much better in features and configurability. I really didn't think that WP7 would be so bad.
So,.,. rant over, breathe in.... the issue I have is the following. My Wifi is configured with static IP's. I've disabled DHCP on the Wifi router and I would prefer to leave it that way because otherwise it will cause a great deal of issues, because I already have a number of machines on the Wifi network using static IP's and a firewall configured only to allow those specific source addresses out to the internet. So changing all that would be a bit of an issue.
In Android its perfectly possible to configure a static IP for a Wifi connection under the Advanced settings screen. WP7 doesn't appear to have understood this concept yet... I am really quite pissed off about this oversight!
Its proof yet again that Mad Microshot, in their quest to 'simplify' life for the 'normal' users decide to cripple the OS and hide or do away with advanced features. I just feel like punching whoever decided to take that 'decision' ... hmmmppfff...
Do you guys know any way around this?
Oh, and don't get me started on copy/paste or file downloads in IE... I can't even set the start page in I.E. How Draconic is that??!!
I hope I'm not getting the wrong end of the stick here as I don't get my HD7 till next week (starting to wonder if I should bother) I can't work out what you are going through. Sorry if I have misunderstood.
Regarding your WiFi... I have static IPs here at home and 5 PCs (plus PS3, printers, phones etc) and all the settings regarding the setting of the IP's I did on the router itself. When my gf's iPhone and my WM phone connected to the wireless network all they did was put in the pass key and they were connected. The router pushed forward the settings to the device. Was very little hassle.....Is this not the case with WP7?
You do realise that with DHCP you can set specific ip addresses to be handed out to specific MAC addresses, right? So you can enable DHCP and still keep all your devices' ip addresses static except the ones you want to leave as dynamic.
As Steve Jobs would say, "It's not that big of a deal". In fact, I do this at home - certain hardware like our daughter's laptop and our 4 wireless webcams all have hard-coded ip addresses and everything else is dynamic. Works like a charm.
Try it, you might like it.
Hi guys, sorry for the rant earlier... having a bad day today...
The reason I cannot use DHCP on my wireless router is quite obscure and specific to my setup here at home. I had actually forgotten about it until I tried just now to get around the problem. I'm using a T-mobile ADSL Router and Access Point from Germany as an Access Point only. I have a separate ADSL router and a proper firewall to secure the internet gateway. Some will probably think this is overkill but I work in Internet Security so I am sadly a bit paranoid by nature.
Now, my 'DSL' router from T-Mobile... its a bit of a weird one. It was a freebie and works a treat as Access Point and has loads of coverage... that's why I like using it. But it is useless as a DHCP server if it is not connected to a telephone line. Sounds complicated? It is!
Basically, I can get it to supply an IP address to a computer or the WP7 phone just fine, but it doesn't supply the crucial DNS server details. So I'm on the network but I cannot resolve any DNS names, so I might as well not have a wireless connection. So. I'm still pissed off. I understand that Apple don't do static IP's either on the IPhone, so I must be spoiled from the Android.... hohum.
There's only two solutions for this minor dilemma; Configure a static IP AND DNS on my HD7 or get another Wifi access point....... I think I know what I'll be buying next.........
mictho100 said:
Hi guys, sorry for the rant earlier... having a bad day today...
The reason I cannot use DHCP on my wireless router is quite obscure and specific to my setup here at home. I had actually forgotten about it until I tried just now to get around the problem. I'm using a T-mobile ADSL Router and Access Point from Germany as an Access Point only. I have a separate ADSL router and a proper firewall to secure the internet gateway. Some will probably think this is overkill but I work in Internet Security so I am sadly a bit paranoid by nature.
Now, my 'DSL' router from T-Mobile... its a bit of a weird one. It was a freebie and works a treat as Access Point and has loads of coverage... that's why I like using it. But it is useless as a DHCP server if it is not connected to a telephone line. Sounds complicated? It is!
Basically, I can get it to supply an IP address to a computer or the WP7 phone just fine, but it doesn't supply the crucial DNS server details. So I'm on the network but I cannot resolve any DNS names, so I might as well not have a wireless connection. So. I'm still pissed off. I understand that Apple don't do static IP's either on the IPhone, so I must be spoiled from the Android.... hohum.
There's only two solutions for this minor dilemma; Configure a static IP AND DNS on my HD7 or get another Wifi access point....... I think I know what I'll be buying next.........
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yeah, go get yourself a cisco WAP. make your life a little easier lol.
Man after my own heart. Not overkill at all sir, in fact mine is probably very similar. Thomson ADSL modem, Watchgaurd hardware firewall and then the wireless access points by Linksys (changing them soon). Even have ftp and terminal server set up.
Most machines in the house have fixed IPs but some are just dynamic. Suppose I'll just have to wait till I get mine to see what problems I encounter
Omega Ra said:
1) There is a way, but I am not sure how as I do not have the phone.
2) There is no active sync, You need to get the outlook connector and link your outlook to your windows live.
3) You need the Zune Software installed, that is how you transfer pictures, music, videos, podcasts etc...
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For number 2, I've downloaded Outlook Hotmail Connector. How do I use it?
Do I need to configure Hotmail in my Outlook and then start transferring the contacts/calendar appts?
sameerabedi said:
For number 2, I've downloaded Outlook Hotmail Connector. How do I use it?
Do I need to configure Hotmail in my Outlook and then start transferring the contacts/calendar appts?
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After you install it I believe if you open outlook it asks about connecting it or something...haven't actually used it so not positive.

[Q] why did i do this root again

I have switched from AT&T to Verizon so I could get a droid phone (HTC Incredible)so that it could sync/see and communicate with my viewsonicc g-tablet (droid). I successfully rooted phone and loaded MIUI ROM. So I gave up my Iphone (that 5yr old can work with and master) and now have a Droid HTC Incredible that needs a MIT grad in order just to make a call; a massive price to pay just to try and get free teathering hot spot (to work on Tablet)
Does anyone have anything that CAN EASILY sync Microsoft outlook, calendar, contacts, (at least). I have tried "Android manager" "HTC sync" (as expected) won't even recognize a phone is usb'd I have. But not tried clear sync, and missing sync???
NOTHING I have done has been easy or worked should I just got back to standard ROM and let HTC try to sync??? Does it really work?, I want to have one synced calender between my Work PC (outlook) and tablet, phone and a wifi hot spot phone for tablet to use?
My brain hurts and I have had it up to here with all this wasted time nonfunctional crap. PLEASE HELP
hadituptohere said:
I have switched from AT&T to Verizon so I could get a droid phone (HTC Incredible)so that it could sync/see and communicate with my viewsonicc g-tablet (droid). I successfully rooted phone and loaded MIUI ROM. So I gave up my Iphone (that 5yr old can work with and master) and now have a Droid HTC Incredible that needs a MIT grad in order just to make a call; a massive price to pay to have a phone that is much more functional and customizable than my old Iphone.
Does anyone have anything that CAN EASILY sync Microsoft outlook, calendar, contacts, (at least). I have tried "Android manager" "HTC sync" (as expected) won't even recognize a phone is usb'd I have. But not tried clear sync, and missing sync???
NOTHING I have done has been easy or worked should I just got back to standard ROM and let HTC try to sync??? Does it really work?, I want to have one synced calender between my Work PC (outlook) and tablet, phone and a wifi hot spot phone for tablet to use?
My brain hurts and I have had it up to here with all this wasted time nonfunctional crap. PLEASE HELP
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Fixed what you said in your post.
No but seriously just take your time and learn all of the features of the phone, if you rush into it you would just get annoyed more than you already are.
SYNC what works???
Thank you for your reply, I know it is more customizable so much so I can't make the simple choices that will get me the results that I must have to conduct life and business???? Quick, simple, functional, not jack with computer and phone for hours, days, and weeks ........ researching and customizing because I can?? I don't want toys! I need tools .........
Please advise, I want to have one synced calender between my Work PC (outlook) and tablet, phone and a wifi hot spot phone for tablet to use?
Android should be able to support syncing contacts, calendar and mail over the air as long as you have the name of the exchange server. I found a step-by-step guide that I sent to you in a personal message because I'm to new to post outside links.
If you still want to sync via usb to your pc then try out some apps like DejaOffice from the Market.
Hope this helps

[Q] Porting data from AT&T iPhone 4 to Verizon GN?

So, thanks to a combination of dissatisfaction with AT&T and a desire to escape Apple's deathgrip, I've switched to Verizon and bought myself a shiny new Galaxy Nexus. Amazon has informed me that the phone will be in my grubby little paws by tomorrow evening, which is awesome; but now I have to port over everything that I've stored via Apple's methods for the last 4 years, which is less awesome.
So what's the best way to do this? I will be rooting the GN almost literally right out of the box, and while I haven't had a Android phone before, I have a Nook Color that I've used to run (via uSD) Nookie Froyo, CM7, and a pre-alpha of ICS/CM9, all of which I've synced with added GApps at least once. My primary Google account (I have two) has almost no contacts, so if at all possible, I'd prefer to overwrite that entirely with my Apple/iPhone contacts. And although I know it's highly unlikely, if there's a way to copy over SMS/MMS history I would be in heaven. I'd also like to copy as much of my music, pics, and videos (~25GB total) out of iTunes and iPhoto as I can, although if there's a way to sync Android with either, that'd be swell.
FWIW, I have both a Mac and a Win7 box, so I can use either or both for any of these processes.
zombieflanders said:
So, thanks to a combination of dissatisfaction with AT&T and a desire to escape Apple's deathgrip, I've switched to Verizon and bought myself a shiny new Galaxy Nexus. Amazon has informed me that the phone will be in my grubby little paws by tomorrow evening, which is awesome; but now I have to port over everything that I've stored via Apple's methods for the last 4 years, which is less awesome.
So what's the best way to do this? I will be rooting the GN almost literally right out of the box, and while I haven't had a Android phone before, I have a Nook Color that I've used to run (via uSD) Nookie Froyo, CM7, and a pre-alpha of ICS/CM9, all of which I've synced with added GApps at least once. My primary Google account (I have two) has almost no contacts, so if at all possible, I'd prefer to overwrite that entirely with my Apple/iPhone contacts. And although I know it's highly unlikely, if there's a way to copy over SMS/MMS history I would be in heaven. I'd also like to copy as much of my music, pics, and videos (~25GB total) out of iTunes and iPhoto as I can, although if there's a way to sync Android with either, that'd be swell.
FWIW, I have both a Mac and a Win7 box, so I can use either or both for any of these processes.
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In iTunes you can specify a Google account to sync with. See here. You'll have to pull your other data off and sync it with the phone through MTP using your Windows 7 machine or the Android File Transfer utility on the Mac.
You might want to take a look at using Picasa Web and Google Music for your music and pictures. Works for myself.
Just follow these instructions to setup google contact sync on the iPhone:
When you activate your Nexus and put in your gmail information, you will automagically have your contacts.
Okay, synced and merged the Google contacts in 5 minutes flat. Thanks for the help, I think I'm looking good there. I am worried about things being overwritten by Facebook integration (which almost happened to my mom when she went from an iPhone 3G to a Bionic), but is that not a concern with the GN/ICS? And if I copied over all the contact info from my primary Google account to my secondary account, would it avoid dupes?
As for the music, I've been a member of Google Music since the beta, but the last time it synced with iTunes things got a little messed up (i.e., incorrect tags/ID3, missing artwork, etc). Could I blow my GM library away and start anew without running into storage or bandwidth issues? And could I set it up so that every time it syncs with iTunes it downloads a copy to the phone, or at least notifies me?
Thanks for the help, sorry if it's too many questions.
ETA: And here's another. Does this method/app(s) for SMS/MMS backup seem legit? I would love it if this worked too, since that would take care of the last of my major concerns.

