[Q] NullReferenceException error (help please) - Windows Phone 7 Software Development

Used APPmakr to make this app since MS was giving away free developer licenses ($99 normally of course) and seems there is an exception null problem on the app i created which APPmakr knows about yet have not responded to. Obviously MS kicked it back as it failed certification. Have attached the app here as maybe someone here can help pleeeease. Many thanks as ALL help is ALWAYS appreciated.
The error occusa as follows:
1. Launch the application.
2. Press "..."
3. Press "settings".
4. Press "clear" to clear the cached data.
5. Press "ok"/
6. Press the device's back button.
7. Select any category.
8. Select an article.
9. When the article loads, press the device's start button.
10. Press the device's back button to reactivate the application.
11. Observe the unhelpful error message "NullReferenceException."
Thanks again and am not handcoding this so if you can fix it and send me an XAP instead of telling me how to correct it using the development tools that would be great. MANY thanks!!!
ADDED: i removed the attachment. 04/20/11

110 views... nothing. Please help, thank you.

Hi, I've been taking a look at it but its kinda difficult when you can't use proper debugging tools. What I think is most likely happening is
1. when you start the app it grabs all the data and caches it.
2. When you clear cache the app still has a copy in memory which is what you see when you come back out of the settings.
3. If you press home on the list of items page and go back to it, it reloads the data from the web
4. but if you do it from the an article page it doesn't reload the data from the web and is trying to load it from the memory where it used to be, now returning null and throwing your error.
I have been decompiling the dll inside the xap but can't get them to recompile to try anything. I may even be on the wrong lines because anything in the app could be throwing the null reference.
Sorry I can't help more, seems to be a problem with appmakr so hopefully they can sort it for you.

Ahh ok and many thanks for your help.
ADDED: appmakr finally fixed their problem, my app should appear in the marketplace within a week.


Internet now working on Sprint Touch w/new ROM

I hope starting a new thread is the way to go on this...
I just updated to the new Sprint Official WM 6.1 ROM, and immediately could not connect to the internet.
I tried running the IOTA automatic data provisioning update (Start->Settings->Personal Tab->Phone->Services Tab->Internet->Get Settings->Start) and it failed repeatedly with a 1012 error. As was posted by others, I noticed that there was a "CurrentUserName" setting in Start->Settings->System->Device Information that had [email protected] where I would have expected to see [email protected] instead. (that would have been my Sprint provided email address) The first thing I tried was to go to the phone dialpad and dial ##3282# to start the EPST program and check my data provisioning settings (this requires that you know your MSL - Master Service Lock Code - if you are going to edit). UserName was blank there, so I tapped the blank setting and held down until an "EDIT" menu popped up. I tapped "EDIT" and changed it to the previously correct [email protected] value. After saving changes and another reboot, I still could not connect to the internet, run IOTA, and the "CurrentUserName" was still wrong. After searching through various settings looking for a way to change the currentusername, I installed PHM Registry Editor and searched again.
In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/OEM/DIM there is a key "EnableCurrentUserName" and it was set to 1. I edited that and set it to 0, exited the Registry Editor, and restarted the device by holding the power button until it warned me about shutting down. I tapped "Yes" and it shut down and restarted. The "CurrentUserName" setting no longer appeared in the Device Information page. At this point I was able to run IOTA successfully and imediately after that I could use the internet and other data services.
I hope this helps someone. Sorry to be so long winded, but I was trying to answer as many "How? Where?" questions as I could as I went.
1. Using WM Registry Editor software, change HKLM/Software/OEM/DIM/"EnableCurrentUserName" from 1 to 0 then save changes and exit editor.
2. Dial ##3282# and edit UserName to correct [email protected] address. Device will reboot when you exit and save changes.
3. Run IOTA by going to Start->Settings->Personal Tab->Phone->Services Tab->Internet->Get Settings->Start
Thanks to all the others here who have helped me along the way,
anyone else know if this works?
i just flashed the new sprint rom and now the data connection does not work.. no internet.. ? I was just wondering if anyone else had this problem and does this fix it?
After some more time with this ROM installed I have found that it is not neccessary to change the ##DATA# (##3282#) user name settings. Just change the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/OEM/DIM/EnableCurrentUserName value to zero, save changes and then you can run the IOTA update successfully (or at least I can).
I have found that I need to do this every time I do a hard reset of my device. I hope this helps someone else.
this did not work for me.. I Get error code 67
i started a new thread here........ http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=415666
so maybe someone will chime in... the ##3282# does not work for me at all.. you hit that on the dial pad and nothing happens... so i can not access that menu...
For now i went back to a OEM rom and called sprint and they got me working by doing a MASTER RESET... also ##3282# works on OEM roms but i think the file EPST.EXE is missing from the CUSTOM roms... any input would be great..
Not working for me.
i'm sure a master reset from within #778 or whatever would work but i don't feel like
putting in the data again.
Scruffy said:
I hope starting a new thread is the way to go on this...
I just updated to the new Sprint Official WM 6.1 ROM, and immediately could not connect to the internet.
I tried running the IOTA automatic data provisioning update (Start->Settings->Personal Tab->Phone->Services Tab->Internet->Get Settings->Start) and it failed repeatedly with a 1012 error. As was posted by others, I noticed that there was a "CurrentUserName" setting in Start->Settings->System->Device Information that had [email protected] where I would have expected to see [email protected] instead. (that would have been my Sprint provided email address) The first thing I tried was to go to the phone dialpad and dial ##3282# to start the EPST program and check my data provisioning settings (this requires that you know your MSL - Master Service Lock Code - if you are going to edit). UserName was blank there, so I tapped the blank setting and held down until an "EDIT" menu popped up. I tapped "EDIT" and changed it to the previously correct [email protected] value. After saving changes and another reboot, I still could not connect to the internet, run IOTA, and the "CurrentUserName" was still wrong. After searching through various settings looking for a way to change the currentusername, I installed PHM Registry Editor and searched again.
In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/OEM/DIM there is a key "EnableCurrentUserName" and it was set to 1. I edited that and set it to 0, exited the Registry Editor, and restarted the device by holding the power button until it warned me about shutting down. I tapped "Yes" and it shut down and restarted. The "CurrentUserName" setting no longer appeared in the Device Information page. At this point I was able to run IOTA successfully and imediately after that I could use the internet and other data services.
I hope this helps someone. Sorry to be so long winded, but I was trying to answer as many "How? Where?" questions as I could as I went.
1. Using WM Registry Editor software, change HKLM/Software/OEM/DIM/"EnableCurrentUserName" from 1 to 0 then save changes and exit editor.
2. Dial ##3282# and edit UserName to correct [email protected] address. Device will reboot when you exit and save changes.
3. Run IOTA by going to Start->Settings->Personal Tab->Phone->Services Tab->Internet->Get Settings->Start
Thanks to all the others here who have helped me along the way,
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how do i find [email protected] where would that be?
Scruffy said:
3. Run IOTA by going to Start->Settings->Personal Tab->Phone->Services Tab->Internet->Get Settings->Start
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I just upgraded to NFSFAN's latest ROM, everything went well but I can not get my internet to work. The one thing I did notice is under the services tab, internet is not an option. I loaded the dcd sprint carrier 20090714 cab am I missing something else?
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Well I went back and flashed to the HTC 6.1 rom, then back to the 6.5 rom. That fixed my internet issues, but that option is still missing for me. Then after all of that my MSID was really screwed up. Everything seems to be good now.
please please help me clear the instructions
i have a horribly vague idea of what i need to do, to get the internet working again.
i already got the IOTA_1120 zip file in my cell but when i even try to open it up it says that there is no application that is related to to it, so i must start this application and open up the file from within. How do i do this? am I even doing what im supposed to??
Where exactly is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/OEM/DIM and how do i get there???
if you could please instruct me with simple stieps i would greatly appreciate it, simple being like start>program files> etc.
please help i am one step away from smashing this damm cell into the wall
electricfeel_2012 said:
i have a horribly vague idea of what i need to do, to get the internet working again.
i already got the IOTA_1120 zip file in my cell but when i even try to open it up it says that there is no application that is related to to it, so i must start this application and open up the file from within. How do i do this? am I even doing what im supposed to??
Where exactly is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/OEM/DIM and how do i get there???
if you could please instruct me with simple stieps i would greatly appreciate it, simple being like start>program files> etc.
please help i am one step away from smashing this damm cell into the wall
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The path of HKEY.... is actually on the registry. You need to use a registry editor (like PHM Regedit) to make the necessary changes to the registry. I would recommend you to re-read those instructions as they will not get any easier than that. Alternatively, if you are on Sprint's official rom and have absolutely no clue what you are doing, you can always call them and ask them for help.
As far as the IOTA zip file, if you cannot open it, that means that you do not have any program to extract from compressed files in your device. Your best bet is to transfer the file to the desktop and extract it there. Once you are done, place the extracted contents back in the device and run it in there.

[APP]Filter Rules for SMS 4.6 (UPDATED 23rd-March)

Source Code now Open- Project hosted at http://smsrules.codeplex.com/
The most comprehensive SMS management tool which gives you an option to do what you always wanted to do.
Some of the things which it enables you to do!!
1. Filter all the incoming messages and Move/Copy them to a folder
2. Create/Delete user folders.
3. Hide private messages.
4. Automatically delete messages.
5. Archive messages and store in a date-wise folders.
6. Apply rules either automatically or manually.
7. Apply some rules automatically and some manually.
8. Contact and Message content based filtering.
9. Low on memory and battery. No background process to monitor SMS.
10. View and delete created rules. Silly to mention it.
11. Simple Deployment and easy interface. works from storage Card.
This was developed with the help of open source project MAPIDotNet .
Needs .NET CF 3.5
Using and Configuring SMSRules
1. All rules are configured through CreateRules GUI in program shortcut.
2. Initial Password also needs to be configured through Createrules GUI (about tab->personal->show)
3. AutoRun, Manual filtering of user folders, Archiving all done through CreateRules GUI.
4. After setting up rules you can use Runrules to filter SMSes.
5. After setting up initial password you can use PrivateSMS app to show hide PRIVATE folder.
The PRIVATE folder will be shown/Created automatically in WM SMS app(tmail)(will automatically open on providing correct password), you need to go and look into the folders to see your SMSes.
1>How to autorun the rules?
To autorun a rule/rules autorun option should be checked in the main menu. auto run run only those rules which have auto option selected.
2>Can I create/delete folders using this?
yes, but you can only create and delete the user folders in SMS account
3>Will copy option copy every time it is run?
No, copy option will copy the message into destination folder and mark the copied message as read at both places. so only unread message will be copied.
4>What folder to select with delete option?
you can select any folder as the message is finally going to be deleted so it wont matter(better option is to chose "deleted items" as it is easy to view in rules view)
5>What is HIDE option!(EDIT)
this option can only be used for now in contacts page.
V3.1>If a message comes from the user it will be deleted from the inbox and saved inside the application. also autorun should be enabled for this feature to work.
V4.1>From v4.1 messages are moved to a hidden folder in the Outlook, so basically the messages are still in outlook but u can't see those.
6> Where to look for HIDDEN messages(EDIT)?
to view hidden messages go to about page and there personal menu->show and select the dropdown to select the user for which u want to see the messages.
From v4.1>To see the hidden messages u have to provide correct password and then click on the show private folder button. Doing this will create a new folder(PRIVATE) and will have all the private messages of yours
From v4.3 An extra shortcut has been supplied which will directly allow you to hide/show private smses. But you need to initially set password from the createrules application.
7>Can i delete the hidden messages?
Yes you can. In 3.1 just select and delete the message and from 4.1 delete it like you delete any other message from your outlook.
8>Do i need to create a folder to store a hidden message?
No, there is no need to select any folder name as application will take care of it. and in view rules option you can find your hidden messages rule in folder named as "#".
9>What is this "#" in contact rules folder dropdown?
refer FAQ 8.
10>How frequently will this app be updated?
As frequently as ideas pour in.
11>What is the initial password?
There is no initial password. After installing v3.1/v4.1 opening personal messages will ask you for a password, that will be used automatically in next logins.
Before using the new PrivateSMS shortcut in 4.3 you need to set up a password for use through CreateRules gui.
12>Can I change password?
Yes, when you have created a password and want to change it you can do that by checking the change password checkbox and providing the old and then the new password.
13>I forgot my password, can i recover it?
no, Contact me here for the solution.
NOTE: You have to create a new password from CreateRules link before you try to use the PrivateSMS shortcut.
14>How to install/Uninstall it?
please uncheck autorun before installing/uninstalling.
15> How to hide the PRIVATE folder?
Just close the application or again provide the password and there you can see the same button will have a text prompt to hide the folder.
For PrivateSMS shortcut it will give you an option to hide also, even if you close the application it will automatically hide the folder.
16> How can i Delete all Private messages?
to delete all the hidden messages go to your private area by providing password and there u can click on the delete private messages button, which deletes all the private messages.
17>When i go to my SMS folder i cant see any PRIVATE folder!
PRIVATE folder will be enabled only when u have started the application and clicked the show button after proving the password.
18>Do i need to create a PRIVATE folder first on my own?
No, there is no need to do so as the application will take care of it.
19>So what folder name should i give to HIDE rule?
refer FAQ8
20>Do i need to delete my earlier rules?
No there is no need to so but all the messages which were stored earlier with hide option wont be accessible. if you used 3.1
21>I want to save my earlier rules! what to do?
Just install the application at the same location or copy the rules.db, ur password and all the rules will remain same.
1. Modified the hide logic, now saves the messages in outlook.(Thanks to krups for sharing the idea)
2. Fixed some bugs.
3. Autorun application now won't remain running after a message arrives(saving battery and memory).
Changes in 4.2
1. Autorun option stops wm default notification and provides custom notifications for the rules applied. Unchecking Autorun starts wm notification.(Seems it may toggle threaded mode in some devices. U may try this solution)
2. Contact names are now in order.
3. First Name last name rules now working.
4. One more option added to add wildcard numbers. to match common format numbers.
5. Some minor fixes.
6. Select option to view PRIVATE folder in SMS inbox opens the tmail application automatically.
Changes in 4.3
If 4.2 is installed please first un-check autorun.
1. Horizontal ScrollBar added to add contact list.
2. New Tab added (Tools), gives option to Archive selected folders.
Archiving will move all the messages from the selected folders to the ArchivedSMS folder and create a subdirectory tree with same name as of the source folder and under that will create folders datewise.Eg
Tools tab also provides another option to run the rules over any subfolders.
Select the folder from the dropdown list and then apply rules.
3. New shortcut added in program menu with name "Private SMS" which enables you to access your private folder directly.
NOTE: You have to create a new password from CreateRules link before you try to use the shortcut.
4. The time for which wait cursor was getting displayed when a SMS is intersepted, has been reduced.
5. While changing the password from the main application it asks for the new password two times to confirm.
6. Enabling/Disabling Autorun changes the way the New Text Message is notified. Now this will change the sound and notification settings.
Changes in 4.3a
Modifies the cab to create a folder and keep all the exes shortcuts there.
Added a slider control in PrivateSMS application to fetch number of private smses it should display. Keeping it low will display the last one and maximum will show all.
This was done incase you have alot of Private SMS it used to take time to show them, this option reduces the time by limiting the number of smses you want to see
Changes in 4.4
1. Made custom notification optional, you can now select, to have or not to have a notification displayed when a sms is filtered. You can choose it from Createrules GUI menu.
2. If you have opted to be notified it will display only one notification for all the sms you receive and will have two buttons in notification window, one to close the notification and other to refresh, refresh updates the no of rules completed, incase there were more messages filtered after the first time notification was displayed.
Changes in 4.5
1. Menu modified.
2. Option added for scheduled run(Only at first tab)
3. Control over notification, choose over windows default notification, custom notification and hidden rules notification.
4. One bug fix
Changes in 4.5b
1. Fixed SMS filtering in case filtering was done in Sent items
Changes in 4.6b
1. Size reduced
2. Faster filtering
3. Should Work on threaded mode Finally
Known Bugs: (Thanks to Jibreil)
1. Autorun option wont work in HD2. Is this a fix?
Your Comments are welcome​
Plz report bugs....
Suggested by: LCyberFox
This app uses the MessageInterceptor APIs (to save battery power) from PocketOutlook which is very buggy. may cause tmail (pocket outlook) to lag or completely freeze if you receive messages quickly back to back.
A post on that:
ps: This *ONLY* applies if you are using this app using the "Auto" mode, if you aren't, then you're safe
Incase you are about to uninstall it PLZ *UNCHECK AUTORUN* or may still lead to some lags.
not bad....ill give it a go
VGA ready?
benko286 said:
VGA ready?
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This one seems to be a VGA ready... infact should support all screen resolutions...
ranasrule said:
not bad....ill give it a go
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sure thanks, n let me know of any problems
Please provide feedback
I know it is still a under development app and lot of improvement will be comming but still your ideas/comments will be appreciated.
Nice job
Well done, awesome to see MAPIdotnet being used around the place!
Look's nice i will trie...yes..yes...
thanks for this mate
rwt33 said:
Well done, awesome to see MAPIdotnet being used around the place!
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thanks to you robert, i was searching for these wrappers for months...finally found it.
seems u joined xda to provide comments... nice place for you. it will b good if you publish ur work here also
I have installed now your program but I have more contact with equal firstname and more contact with equal lastname, you can add to next version on default option union of firstname and lastname?
Thanks for your work.
will try it on my HTC Touch HD
normally I sort them manually (big effort), now it seems, I found a solution.
You get my feedback ;-)
How exactly should a rule be written?
My goal is to write a rule so that:
messages starting with,
and/or ending with,
a certain word or several words,
(without a difference in capital letters or not),
get moved to a certain folder that I've created in my SMS/MMS inbox.
My failed attempt so far was to try it the following way:
I created a folder called "Filter".
I then created a new Message Rule.
For the rule I entered "BANANA" in the "Filter Message" box.
I selected the folder in the list called "FILTER".
I pressed "Add".
Now it's in the existing message rules when I select the FILTER folder.
That obviously didn't work but it was a fun try
Sidenote 1: I'm using an HTC Touch Pro 2 (European Version) with threaded messages disabled so I could create a new folder in my SMS/MMS inbox.
Sidenote 2: The program's working perfectly on a WVGA screen. Even when I slide out my keyboard and the screen turns it still works fine, apart from the fact that half of the screen hides as no scroll bars appear. This is easily resolved by sliding the keyboard back in.
Sidenote 3: It would be great if the "Unkown Contact" could be added. (The one that lacks a first and last name in the address book.)​
I haven't seen the program work yet but I'm loving it already.
ysva said:
How exactly should a rule be written?
My goal is to write a rule so that:
messages starting with,
and/or ending with,
a certain word or several words,
(without a difference in capital letters or not),
get moved to a certain folder that I've created in my SMS/MMS inbox.
My failed attempt so far was to try it the following way:
I created a folder called "Filter".
I then created a new Message Rule.
For the rule I entered "BANANA" in the "Filter Message" box.
I selected the folder in the list called "FILTER".
I pressed "Add".
Now it's in the existing message rules when I select the FILTER folder.
That obviously didn't work but it was a fun try
Sidenote 1: I'm using an HTC Touch Pro 2 (European Version) with threaded messages disabled so I could create a new folder in my SMS/MMS inbox.
Sidenote 2: The program's working perfectly on a WVGA screen. Even when I slide out my keyboard and the screen turns it still works fine, apart from the fact that half of the screen hides as no scroll bars appear. This is easily resolved by sliding the keyboard back in.
Sidenote 3: It would be great if the "Unkown Contact" could be added. (The one that lacks a first and last name in the address book.)​
I haven't seen the program work yet but I'm loving it already.
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Thanks for testing it ysva
well after creating the filter rule did you run it Menu-> run rules ?
well the current filter works like it will search for whole message content for the given filter and that will be case insensitive.
and also it wont work for MMS
You're welcome mohitsapru.
I created 1 rule.
I opened the "MessageRule" tab.
The filter message was "BANANA", (which I entered in capital letters for tests with case sensitivity).
I selected the folder called FILTER and then I pressed "Add".
EDIT: I did get the "Message rule added" message.
The rule had been added to the "message rules" in the "Existing" tab.
I then continued to send myself a couple of text messages from a different phone number with messages such as "BANANA", "banana", "test BANANA", "banana test".
I then went back to press the "Run Rules" button. The windows loading icon appeared for a couple of seconds.
Then I went to check the "Inbox" folder and the text messages are still there. The "Filter" folder is still empty. I will now do some tests to see what happens if I choose a different folder.
Another result of testing: I just deleted the BANANA rule and the application crashed with an unknown error.
The error is as follows:
CreateRules.Rules.menuItem2_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem.Onclick(EventArgs e)
System.Windows.Forms.Menu.ProcessMnuProc(Control ctlThis, WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
System.Windows.Forms.Form.WnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
System.Windows.Forms.Control._Internal WnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
Microsoft.AGL.Forms.EVL.EnterMainLoop(IntPtr hwnMain)
System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form fm)
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I will continue my tests.
ysva said:
You're welcome mohitsapru.
I created 1 rule.
I opened the "MessageRule" tab.
The filter message was "BANANA", (which I entered in capital letters for tests with case sensitivity).
I selected the folder called FILTER and then I pressed "Add".
EDIT: I did get the "Message rule added" message.
The rule had been added to the "message rules" in the "Existing" tab.
I then continued to send myself a couple of text messages from a different phone number with messages such as "BANANA", "banana", "test BANANA", "banana test".
I then went back to press the "Run Rules" button. The windows loading icon appeared for a couple of seconds.
Then I went to check the "Inbox" folder and the text messages are still there. The "Filter" folder is still empty. I will now do some tests to see what happens if I choose a different folder.
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Cant figure out y s is this happning... well we will wait till others confirm...
and thanks for testing heavily
You're still welcome.
After the error I ran the program again and it worked normally. The rule that I had deleted (that caused the error) was gone so that was fine too. I did not get another error. Perhaps it only happens when one deletes the rule, adds it again in the exact same way but with a different folder, and tried to delete it again. That's what happened the last time.
I tried selecting different folders and creating different text messages with BANANA in different folders, but that didn't work. The situation did not when if my inbox was open at the same time as your program or not. I am thinking that HTC's Touchflo might be interfering or that I need to soft reset my phone, I'm going to try that now.
Suggestion: Perhaps it would be easier if a folder could be selected that would be scanned for a certain criterium and then a folder could be selected where to move it to.
EDIT: Suggestion 2: For in the future when you're bored and have absolutely nothing to do and want to add new features: Option to auto mark as read for everything that gets moved.
Note: I noticed that you're using WM 6.5, I'm still using 6.1 because HTC has not yet provided an official upgrade for the european version of the HTC Touch Pro II. I do have the latest .NET framework etc. etc. installed. Might there be a compatibility issue?
ysva said:
You're still welcome.
After the error I ran the program again and it worked normally. The rule that I had deleted (that caused the error) was gone so that was fine too. I did not get another error. Perhaps it only happens when one deletes the rule, adds it again in the exact same way but with a different folder, and tried to delete it again. That's what happened the last time.
I tried selecting different folders and creating different text messages with BANANA in different folders, but that didn't work. The situation did not when if my inbox was open at the same time as your program or not. I am thinking that HTC's Touchflo might be interfering or that I need to soft reset my phone, I'm going to try that now.
Suggestion: Perhaps it would be easier if a folder could be selected that would be scanned for a certain criterium and then a folder could be selected where to move it to.
EDIT: Suggestion 2: For in the future when you're bored and have absolutely nothing to do and want to add new features: Option to auto mark as read for everything that gets moved.
Note: I noticed that you're using WM 6.5, I'm still using 6.1 because HTC has not yet provided an official upgrade for the european version of the HTC Touch Pro II. I do have the latest .NET framework etc. etc. installed. Might there be a compatibility issue?
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I found out why it is erroring while deleting a rule... when either no selection has been done or no rule is selected...
Well sorry for confusion i am using wm6.1 cooked rom.... i just keep changing ROMS more than changing Signature
I have manila2d and it keeps showing SMSes. well i tried with my inbox open and ran a rule and it is working... maybe someone can give inputs for their runs... maybe some issues with different OS versions...
mohitsapru said:
I found out why it is erroring while deleting a rule... when either no selection has been done or no rule is selected...
Well sorry for confusion i am using wm6.1 cooked rom.... i just keep changing ROMS more than changing Signature
I have manila2d and it keeps showing SMSes. well i tried with my inbox open and ran a rule and it is working... maybe someone can give inputs for their runs... maybe some issues with different OS versions...
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another test result: contact rules don't seem work either. shame
that's it for now with the testing. I'll check back later, if you need any testing done feel free to reply to this thread, I have subscribed to it so I'll get an email instantly.
good luck!

Application Installation error -- "Unknown reason -110"

Hi All,
First time poster so please be gentle -- I did search for this issue on google and within the forums first.
This is the first smartphone I've ever purchased.
My Inc2 is non rooted and non modded.
It has been working w/o issue since I bought it about 6 weeks ago until this weekend when it would no longer install updates or new apps from either the Google Android or Amazon Android markets.
Note that in both markets the app or update downloads w/o issue -- the problem happens when it attempts into install what was downloaded.
The status bar at the top reads "Installation of app X unsuccessful"
Downloads/Updates from the Google Android market result in an error message within the notification bar. Clicking on it opens a dialog box with Installation error "Unknown reason -110"
When downloading/updating from the Amazon Android market the error is less specific, I click Install, the standard screen opens confirming I want to install the app explaining what it will need access to. I click the Install button at the bottom of the page which results in "Application not installed".
Note that this happens with all app downloads or updates.
The steps I have taken so far:
1) restarting the phone
2) clearing cache/data from Applications/Android Market application (and restarting again)
3) clicking on button to remove all updates to Android Market application (and restarting again) --
Interestingly the version listed under the Market app is 2.3.4 even though it has reverted to an earlier version -- it looks very different.
On a side note: since this did not fix the problem, how do I get the newest Market version again?
4) unmounted SD card (and restarting again) -- since this did not fix the issue, I remounted the SD card
5) Used file manager to navigate to directory Download and look for files named: XX.apk, where XX is 1 to 20. -- but did not find any such files.
6) Per HTC support:
First, open the phone dialer and enter in *#*#checkin#*#* [*#*#2432546#*#*]. The number will disappear and your should see a notification of either Checkin Succeeded or Checkin Failed. If it succeeded, then new updates should be detected for your device and the application.
I received "checkin succeeded" notification
[Can someone explain to me what entering the combination above does --
what is the phone checking in with?]
Next, try moving any applications you have on the SD card to your phone's internal memory. This can be done by going to: Home> Menu> Settings> Applications> Manage Applications> On SD. Tap each program and then tap Move to Phone. Once this is done, check for updates again.
I received "Failed to move application" notification for each application on my
SD card that I attempted to move to Internal Memory
Finally, I recommend clearing the data from the Google Services Framework applications. In the Manage Applications Screen, go to: All> Google Services Framework and then tap Clear data. Check for updates once again.
Followed the direction above but have not received any updates by navigating
to Settings/Software update and clicking Check new.
For whatever it is worth clicking Status shows that my last update has name
HTC_ADR6350_LargeUpdate_3.02.605.1 with Status of Update Successful,
code of 200, date of 09/19/11 and time of 07:55PM.
7) A (perhaps) related development is that as of tonight, my Inc2 is no longer listed as one of my devices in the Google Android Market when I navigate the web page on my computer. Anyone know how to get this resolved?
Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help.
xdadevmt said:
Hi All,
First time poster so please be gentle -- I did search for this issue on google and within the forums first.
My Inc2 is non rooted and non modded.
It has been working w/o issue since I bought it about 6 weeks ago until this weekend when it would not longer install updates or new apps from either the Google Android or Amazon Android markets.
Note that in both markets the app or update downloads w/o issue -- the problem happens when it attempts into install what was downloaded.
The status bar at the top reads "Installation of app X unsuccessful"
Downloads/Updates from the Google Android market result in an error message within the notification bar. Clicking on it opens a dialog box with Installation error "Unknown reason -110"
When downloading/updating from the Amazon Android market the error is less specific, I click Install, the standard screen opens confirming I want to install the app explaining what it will need access to. I click the Install button at the bottom of the page which results in "Application not installed".
Note that this happens with all app downloads or updates.
The steps I have taken so far:
1) restarting the phone
2) clearing cache/data from Applications/Android Market application (and restarting again)
3) clicking on button to remove all updates to Android Market application (and restarting again) --
On a side note: since this did not fix the problem, how do I get the newest Market version again?
4) unmounted SD card (and restarting again) -- since this did not fix the issue, I remounted the SD card
5) Used file manager to navigate to directory Download and look for files named: XX.apk, where XX is 1 to 20. -- but did not find any such files.
Per HTC support:
First, open the phone dialer and enter in *#*#checkin#*#* [*#*#2432546#*#*]. The number will disappear and your should see a notification of either Checkin Succeeded or Checkin Failed. If it succeeded, then new updates should be detected for your device and the application.
I received "checkin succeeded" notification
Next, try moving any applications you have on the SD card to your phone's internal memory. This can be done by going to: Home> Menu> Settings> Applications> Manage Applications> On SD. Tap each program and then tap Move to Phone. Once this is done, check for updates again.
I received "Failed to move application" notification for each application on my
SD card that I attempted to move to Internal Memory
Finally, I recommend clearing the data from the Google Services Framework applications. In the Manage Applications Screen, go to: All> Google Services Framework and then tap Clear data. Check for updates once again.
Follow the direction above but have not received any updates by navigating to
An additional development is that as of about 10:00pm tonight, my Incredible 2 no longer shows as one of my devices when I navigate to the Google Android Market from my pc -- could this be related?
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Try clearing data in apps settings and reboot. How many apps are installed? When was the last time you deleted all your messaging threads and call logs?
Sent from my Sensation using xda premium
Can you advise on the click path to accomplish the "clearing data in apps settings" process.
When I click Settings/Applications/Manage Applications, I just see my apps listed.
I do not use sms or text messages but I have never deleted all my messaging threads and call logs (again, I've had the phone about 6 weeks) -- I will do a quick search on the forum to learn how to take those steps.
Thanks for your help.
xdadevmt said:
Can you advise on the click path to accomplish the "clearing data in apps settings" process.
When I click Settings/Applications/Manage Applications, I just see my apps listed.
I do not use sms or text messages but I have never deleted all my messaging threads and call logs (again, I've had the phone about 6 weeks) -- I will do a quick search on the forum to learn how to take those steps.
Thanks for your help.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You're in the right place, just click on market and choose clear data. Wiping messaging and call logs, just go into the app and hit menu.
Sent from my Sensation using xda premium
When I navigate to the Market App the "Clear data" button is grayed out.
Accessing the Phone app allows me to Clear data and I did -- can you help me with "hit menu" reference you made?
Also, I'm not sure what is normal but when I go into the Market Updater app, all the buttons are grayed out.
Thanks again.
xdadevmt said:
When I navigate to the Market App the "Clear data" button is grayed out.
Accessing the Phone app allows me to Clear data and I did -- can you help me with "hit menu" reference you made?
Also, I'm not sure what is normal but when I go into the Market Updater app, all the buttons are grayed out.
Thanks again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not the market updater app, the market app. They are different apps. It should be under the ALL APPS tab in applications settings.
"Hit menu" refers to the physical (or capacitive) menu button on the phone itself.
So you used the phone app to clear the call logs? Go to call logs and press the menu button on the phone.
Understood on the market updater app being separate from the market app -- just wanted to post an observation about the market updater as I wondered if maybe that wasn't the way it was supposed to look (all buttons grayed out).
I went to Settings/Applications/Manage Applications, selected the All tab, scrolled to the Phone app and clicked the Clear data button.
Upon doing so I received a Change Mode message that a SIM card was detected and the device was switching to global mode.
Do I want to stay in global mode if I only need CDMA?
Then navigated to Settings/Call -- but I was unable to find mention of call logs and pressing the physical menu button did not bring up anything.
Sorry if I'm being dense.
Not sure if this is related to any of the steps you have recommended but my Incredible 2 is now listed again in the Google Android market when I browse to it via my computer. I'll take any good news.
xdadevmt said:
Understood on the market updater app being separate from the market app -- just wanted to post an observation about the market updater as I wondered if maybe that wasn't the way it was supposed to look (all buttons grayed out).
I went to Settings/Applications/Manage Applications, selected the All tab, scrolled to the Phone app and clicked the Clear data button.
Upon doing so I received a Change Mode message that a SIM card was detected and the device was switching to global mode.
Do I want to stay in global mode if I only need CDMA?
Then navigated to Settings/Call -- but I was unable to find mention of call logs and pressing the physical menu button did not bring up anything.
Sorry if I'm being dense.
Not sure if this is related to any of the steps you have recommended but my Incredible 2 is now listed again in the Google Android market when I browse to it via my computer. I'll take any good news.
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Click to collapse
Nope, go into your call log and press menu. Open the phone app as if you're going to make a call, go to your call history, hit menu and delete all.
When you were in the all tab, that's where you clear data for market.
Sent from my Sensation using xda premium
Thanks for the additional explanation -- totally makes sense now -- Call history is now empty.
Have done the same for messages.
Now rebooting the phone...
Tested downloading an app and unfortunately got the same -110 error.
Do you have any ideas regarding these questions I posted above?
Interestingly the version listed under the Market app is 2.3.4 even though it has reverted to an earlier version -- it looks very different.
On a side note: since this did not fix the problem, how do I get the newest Market version again?
... enter in *#*#checkin#*#* [*#*#2432546#*#*]. The number will disappear and your should see a notification of either Checkin Succeeded or Checkin Failed. If it succeeded, then new updates should be detected for your device and the application.
I received "checkin succeeded" notification
Can someone explain to me what entering the combination above does --
what is the phone checking in with?
If I will only be using my phone in the United States -- is it better to leave from phone in World or CDMA mode?
Thanks again.
cdma mode only
Can anyone help with these three still unresolved issues?
Downloads/Updates from the Google Android market result in an error message within the notification bar. Clicking on it opens a dialog box with Installation error "Unknown reason -110"
The steps I have taken so far:
1) restarting the phone
2) clearing cache/data from Applications/Android Market application (and restarting again)
3) clicking on button to remove all updates to Android Market application (and restarting again) --
Note that additional steps have been tried based on suggestions in this thread but nothing has worked so far.
Interestingly the version listed under the Market app is 2.3.4 even though it has reverted to an earlier version -- it looks very different.
On a side note: since this did not fix the problem, how do I get the newest Market version again?
Per HTC support:
First, open the phone dialer and enter in *#*#checkin#*#* [*#*#2432546#*#*]. The number will disappear and your should see a notification of either Checkin Succeeded or Checkin Failed. If it succeeded, then new updates should be detected for your device and the application.
I received "checkin succeeded" notification
Can someone explain to me what entering the combination above does --
what is the phone checking in with?
Would be grateful for any additional help.
Android customer support indicated that they had received multiple reports of this issue but did not have a fix yet.
Worked with HTC support and ended up having to do a factory reset which fixed the problem.
Thanks to everyone for your help.

Copy and Paste broken?

I can't seem to copy and paste texts anymore on my S3. Here's what happens:
Long press on text I want to copy
Text automatically highlighted and I get the buttons up top
I pressed the copy button and the top menu closed
In another text field, I do a long press
Intead of the Paste popup button, I get a Clipboard popup button that doesn't do anything when I press it
Any idea how I can fix this?
Thanks in advance
mypatpat said:
I can't seem to copy and paste texts anymore on my S3. Here's what happens:
Long press on text I want to copy
Text automatically highlighted and I get the buttons up top
I pressed the copy button and the top menu closed
In another text field, I do a long press
Intead of the Paste popup button, I get a Clipboard popup button that doesn't do anything when I press it
Any idea how I can fix this?
Thanks in advance
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Click to collapse
Sometimes I have to press the copy button twice and make sure it said text copied.
Interesting. I just realized it doesn't say text copied anymore. I just found out that if I try to copy the content of an SMS message or a Whatsapp message, the program will crash.
Any other ideas?
Been broken for me too. Haven't been able to find a fix. On stock and not rooted.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Same here, crashes any app in which I try to copy/paste from. Actually crashes during the copy portion in any app.
Running stock, ICS, on Verizon, how is this not a bigger deal? I plan on posting a video of the issue later.
mypatpat said:
I can't seem to copy and paste texts anymore on my S3. Here's what happens:
Long press on text I want to copy
Text automatically highlighted and I get the buttons up top
I pressed the copy button and the top menu closed
In another text field, I do a long press
Intead of the Paste popup button, I get a Clipboard popup button that doesn't do anything when I press it
Any idea how I can fix this?
Thanks in advance
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Click to collapse
What app are you trying to do this from? Each may have their own options, but the stock email is one I'll use as an example.
- Long press text (as you mentioned)
- Select text, ensure you choose the clipboard icon, at this point I do get the message "copied to clipboard"
- Choose another app, or choose to create a new email, etc..... long press and you should get the "paste" and "clipboard" option.... that's what I get anyways.
I also tested on the stock browser and works fine. Did you install any MOD's, etc?
I've noticed the same thing on my SGS3 (AT&T) started couple of weeks ago maybe... I can only assume it happened due to an app being updated. I'm not able to copy from website to text. If I try and copy from text app (stock) it crashes... Wonder what could have caused this.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
My biggest fustration of all time on Android is with copy and paste. Is this an application developer problem? I can't tell you how many times I've tried to copy and paste between apps or even the same app but to avail just fustration. Either the selection handles don't work properly or after the "copy" and an attempt to "paste" NOTHING!
Chrome has been busted for a while. Default browser still works for me.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
Just noticed copy causes native Gmail app to crash -_- all of this worked just fine when I got the phone when it had first come out. This must be cause by a recent update.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
Yes worked good until update. Copy function will cause that app to crash. Wtf
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
I'm also having this same problem and it only started recently. I have no idea what caused it and what update may have triggered this. Every time I try to copy anything in any program it crashes. It's so frustrating! Also run un-rooted phone with stock software. Maybe it's time to root?
narfzz said:
I'm also having this same problem and it only started recently. I have no idea what caused it and what update may have triggered this. Every time I try to copy anything in any program it crashes. It's so frustrating! Also run un-rooted phone with stock software. Maybe it's time to root?
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Click to collapse
Flashing a rom will fix the problem... But I'm holding out for stock jelly bean before I root/flash. Anyone have more info on this issue?!
Samsung s3
Fix for ROOTED users...
"1. boot recovery (CWM) > advanced > wipe cache
2. reboot phone > Root Explorer > delete /data/clipbord/*
3. reboot recovery again > advanved > fix permissions
4. reboot phone > it's fine"
Found this on Phandroid. But haven't found a fix for non-root. There is also another thread on here somewhere about this issue(merge possibly?)
Here is also a link to the discussion on Phandroid.
Tlo218 said:
Fix for ROOTED users...
"1. boot recovery (CWM) > advanced > wipe cache
2. reboot phone > Root Explorer > delete /data/clipbord/*
3. reboot recovery again > advanved > fix permissions
4. reboot phone > it's fine"
Found this on Phandroid. But haven't found a fix for non-root. There is also another thread on here somewhere about this issue(merge possibly?)
Here is also a link to the discussion on Phandroid.
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OMG thank you soo much. I had this problem before and the only solution I found at this time was to backup everything with Titanium, than do a factory reset, and finaly restore everything. It worked but it was a real pain in the a**.
I'm so glad there is a 60 sec solution.
By the way I did it in a different order to be faster and it worked :
1. Delete everything in folder /data/clipboard/
2. Reboot recovery, wipe cash
3. Stay in recovery --> advance -->fix permission
4. Reboot and enjoy copy/paste again
Again thank you.
So the problem seems to be the clipboard gets full? Lol hope this gets fixed.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
Ditto on having this issue. Glad there's a solution if rooted. Wish they would send an update to fix it for those not rooted. Factory reset is ridiculous. I'm not going to do that every 2 months, which is now long I've had the gs3 (obviously this will happen again if the root cause isn't fixed)
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 [AT&T GS3 Stock Rom] using xda-developers app
This is temporary - it will have to be done again when the cache fills up again.
Similarly there is a temporary solution for non-rooted phones - factory restore is supposed to provide the same solution, just a bit more time consuming with having to restore everything.
that's crazy .. does samsung expect us to do a hard reset every few months ?
mypatpat said:
I can't seem to copy and paste texts anymore on my S3. Here's what happens:
Long press on text I want to copy
Text automatically highlighted and I get the buttons up top
I pressed the copy button and the top menu closed
In another text field, I do a long press
Intead of the Paste popup button, I get a Clipboard popup button that doesn't do anything when I press it
Any idea how I can fix this?
Thanks in advance
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Click to collapse
thats weird.. before i rooted it i never had that problem at all.. are you rooted or what?

"Process com.android.phone has stopped" solution

i just went through this problem on my bravo so i want to share the solution.
actually i searched the XDA but didnt get the solution.
"think again before going to hard reset or clear cache, there might be some easy ways to get rid of it "
i got this message whenever i receive a phone call.
This error message is a common complaint among Sprint users, but it can easily be removed by taking the following steps:
method #1
1. From the Home screen, hit the Menu key.
2. Tap on Settings.
3. Select Call settings.
5. Select Reject with message.
6. Count how many messages are in this section.
7. Delete them until you have less than five.
After reducing the number of messages to fewer than five, you should be able to receive calls without an error message compelling you to force close the call.
method #2
Something I've also had to do to get the phone working again was going into the 'manage applications' screen and clearing the data for the phone application. This can be accomplished as follows:
From the home screen, press Menu
Tap Settings
Tap Applications
Tap Manage Applications
At the top, tap the All tab
Navigate to and tap your equivalent of the phone app (may be called Phone or Dialer)
Tap Clear Cache and Clear Data as available
Turn your phone off, then back on.
Another means of resolving those app errors, hope this helps!
method #3
didnt work above methods? strange!! hmm
100% solution
1.go into recovery
2. go to wipe/format option
3. clear cache
4. hard reset( not necessary,try only clear cache if works)
5. reboot.
it's still not working on my htc dhd
mobile networks
please i need help, i recently flashed cm12.1 into my samsung galaxys3 gt-i9300, and since then anything i try to access mobile networks in settings i get this error "unfortunately the process 'com.android.phone' has stopped. please i need a solution THANKS.....

