[Q] 3rd party apps and games pixelated/not of the right resolution? - Desire HD Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I have the HTC Desire HD and it still has the stock ROM. The apps from the market are quite awesome and crisp. But, the 3rd party apps I tried downloading are of low resolution and get pixelated on the phone. Is there anyway I can edit something to make it right, or is the phone faulty?

It could be the apps are not designed for the DHD resolution.

Just to confirm that, I downloaded an app already available on the market. Even that is not right, ofcourse I deleted it. Thanks for the answer, anyway.

Yeah, some older apps designed for small low res screens, do not look so great when scaled up to the DHD 4.3" display.

I tested with Fruit Ninja, I deleted it ofcourse, but yeah, even that looks worse than a gameboy, lol.

Well thanks for the replies above guys. You were right, it's sad some applications aren't just built for 800x480.


Prince of Persia 3D gaming demo running on TG01

this is it. the operating like spiderman for PPC.
is there any news for this game? or under deverloping?
seems quite unusable, since win mobile lacks multitouch support.. anyway it runs smooth wonder if it runs similarly on our blackstone
multi or not multi,thats not a problem. you played spiderman for blackstone? almost the same operating button. play so good.
for me, multitouch definitely matters
it seems that gba emulator on iphone support multitouch,
but with regard to our blackstone,
we can hardly to get gba emulator running smoothly,
it is very often that we get very low fps on morphgear,
and that is when sound turned off,
otherwise gba games are almost unplayable,
and that really disappointing me.......
I don't want to say this, but iphone seems obviously superior to our blackstone, they got bunches of 3rd party 3d games, which are better in graphics and controbability in comparison to wm games,
and I just seen a video on youtube, which shows they got gba running @150 fps and above....
however, the only good thing for me is that we got fpsece for wm device, which seems better to psx4iphone, but since it is not fully support to wvga in current version, we still have to wait untill version 1.0 comes out and see if there is any good update for our device, but it is still unknown.....
btw, someone mentioned that wm 7 will support multitouch for device like blackstone, it that true?
does it means that we could press any buttons for example on morphgear's gamepad simultaneously?
if so, when will wm 7 to be released?
Well about iphone and blackstone
, the main advantage/disadvantage is graphic on blackstone u got 800x480 and that is double quality then iphone, so it same if u run on PC game on 800x600 and run same game 1600x1200 ( wich requires alot performance) and the hardware is almost near, so u need to chose, quality of Graphics , pictures, movies or, game playing on iphone
where can i get this game or spiderman? i have a tg01 and a touch hd, i want it on both phones, please help
if im correct this is actually just a java game (.jar file) which can be played on touch hd!! i had it installed before i flashed my phone!! i have the file saved on my pc although im not sure if im allowed to post it here!!
EDIT: just had a closer look and my version is actually not the same!! although very similar!! sorry...
this game does look rather nice though and i wouldnt mind trying it out!!
crap i want that game the graphics seem to be fantastic
yes java game, and it is not 3d game, no problem on touch hd and it bored
just for clarification, the PoP HD game is a java game, and the level (from what I can tell from the youtube video) is very similar. HOWEVER, the graphics are really really bad (very pixelated and not full screen) and there is an element of lag.
as for WM7 multitouch? WM7 will support multi-touch and capacitive touchscreens..however, ONLY for new devices. As far as I know, it will not turn resistive screens into multitouch-capable ones (mostly due to hardware limitations). Also, rumours are the WM7 will be so "revolutionary" that even our Blackstone hardware may not run it well...so we might be stuck with WM6.5, but I'm sure one of the talented Chefs here will get something going! otherwise, it'd be upgrading time =]

Will the HTC touch HD be able to handle games like Electopia (toshiba TG01)?

I wonder if the HTC touch HD has the power to handle games like Electopia.
That would be great, as most current games are low in resolution especially compared to the Iphone.
nope, the graphic cards on our hd arent very good. it doesnt even support opengl es 1.1 and there is no hardware acceleration either (because of missing drivers) so the answer is no.
crazililazn said:
"...there is no hardware acceleration either (because of missing drivers)..."
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Thank you for your reply. Do you mean the HD is only leaking the software to run the graphic acceleration? Perhaps I wrong, but I thought the HD does have 2D/3D hardware acceleration, but HTC didn't included the drivers to run it. Also some apps/games (i.e. Xtrakt) do used the acceleration of the graphic card.
So I wonder if we are able to find the correct driver. Could the HD be able to handle high resolution games like these? I love my HD, but I quite disappointed in resolution of the available WVGA games, especially when comparing to the Iphone.
Sorry if asking something stupid, I still a newbie in the mobile world
Looking at the complexity of the scene and the objects I'd say that this is possible. There has been some improvement with 3d drivers. Check this thread for an installer (at your own risk ). You can try the test app found in my sig to see some 3d stuff!
i think htc hd will run it easily as its graphics is like the graphics in the xtract game (not so petter) and our hd has hardware acceleration for graphics acceleration
Xtract works like charm and spireman game is also cool . A lot of games run very smooth.
Does both devices runs on the same graphic hardware? I wonder if the 1Ghz on the Toshiba TG01 will make any difference. But considering the Iphone running on almost the same speed, these games on the HD should be able to run smoothly.
There is something I still don't understand. Why does the Iphone (and even the Nokia N95) is able to run games (such as Quake III) which are hardly playable on the HD. I thought the hardware of the HD is superior to the Nokia N95. Is this because of the heavy memory load of windows mobile?
MDA_newbie said:
There is something I still don't understand. Why does the Iphone (and even the Nokia N95) is able to run games (such as Quake III) which are hardly playable on the HD. I thought the hardware of the HD is superior to the Nokia N95. Is this because of the heavy memory load of windows mobile?
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its because qualcomm didnt provide our HTCs with all the needed drivers!! -- If we would have all the correct drivers on our HD then we would be able to play the same games as Iphone!!! blame HTC for their #@!#ing policy about drivers!!! HD would be a real Iphone killer with all the correct drivers!!
This game is from qualcomm or what ? I can't find info about it
That's not the main reason for us, i wouldnt say. The iphone is running a 320x480. Were using 480x800. We have as many pixels to render on the screens shortest side as the iphone has to render on it longest side! Great for web browsing, not so great when you want smooth, 3d apps.
ASK768 said:
That's not the main reason for us, i wouldnt say. The iphone is running a 320x480. Were using 480x800. We have as many pixels to render on the screens shortest side as the iphone has to render on it longest side! Great for web browsing, not so great when you want smooth, 3d apps.
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my PC monitor has 1680x1080 (or something like that) and I sometimes play games at lower resolution like 800x600 ---- so why wouldnt we be able to play the game at two times lower resolution than our Touch HD screen has , just loosing a bit sharpnes!!!
I dont think the iPhone games look any better than the best looking games that run full screen on the HD, good drivers or not. There just seems to be a lack of people actually developing them. Sure the iPhone has the power fully utilised but it doesn't really translate into much if you ask me.
i think if you want a good gaming device, u should wait for the htc devices in the future which will have nvida tegra apx graphic cards. With correct drivers, that card can play quake 3 at 35 fps!!! so ima cross my fingers and wait
borce_razor said:
This game is from qualcomm or what ? I can't find info about it
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It's from Southend Interactive, the same people who made Extrakt. They have a demo up on their website now, but I can't get it to load on my TP2. :-(
Madcypher said:
It's from Southend Interactive, the same people who made Extrakt. They have a demo up on their website now, but I can't get it to load on my TP2. :-(
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I think that we cant run it on Blackstone and TP2 also, because its meant for snapdragon cpu, BUT I installed the game and extracted QualComm.ini file(from program files/qualcomm folder on PPC) to the desktop of my PC and opened with wordpad - there are some settings for graphic performance, maybe someone who is working on Blackstone Graphic drivers, may take a look and edit the file a bit so the game can run on Blackstone?!
Kristaps-K9-Lv said:
I think that we cant run it on Blackstone and TP2 also, because its meant for snapdragon cpu, BUT I installed the game and extracted QualComm.ini file(from program files/qualcomm folder on PPC) to the desktop of my PC and opened with wordpad - there are some settings for graphic performance, maybe someone who is working on Blackstone Graphic drivers, may take a look and edit the file a bit so the game can run on Blackstone?!
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Yes you are right.
Platform: Qualcomm Snapdragon™ 8k
System check?
I saw the system reqs, didn't think they'd check to see if you were actually running one.
Kristaps-K9-Lv said:
my PC monitor has 1680x1080 (or something like that) and I sometimes play games at lower resolution like 800x600 ---- so why wouldnt we be able to play the game at two times lower resolution than our Touch HD screen has , just loosing a bit sharpnes!!!
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I think (it's only an assumption) that you can do that because your computer's screen supports many different resolutions, on the contrary, the HD's screen may only support 800*480, so if we want to play on a qmaller resolution, we won't be using the whole screen.
gigaboss said:
I think (it's only an assumption) that you can do that because your computer's screen supports many different resolutions, on the contrary, the HD's screen may only support 800*480, so if we want to play on a qmaller resolution, we won't be using the whole screen.
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damn!!! I didnt knew the screens needed to support multiple resolutions, I always thought that the GPU or something else is responsible for that!!
anyways - we can still try!
Try yourself:
I'm downloading now and I'll try with the neo drivers

[Q] Craclking sound with Gamboid and Gensoid?? Can't be!

Just got a Play today for use with emulators as it's perfect for physical buttons. But to my surprise there is a lag in it and I mean big time.
By default it's set to auto frame skip max 2, if i leave it like that then the game looks like its jumping really badly but it sounds fine. If i set the skipping to 0 then it runs smoothly but theres this annoying poping and clicking sound on the speakers.
Some people might say i should talk to the developer of the emulators. But this isnt an issue with them, as i dont see any other users with these issues and I don't really belive them to be true when lower devices run these emulators without issues.
I'm running stock formware 2.3.3 latest update. I havent removed any system apps at all literally just bought the play, updated software, loaded emulators and discovered this.
For snes I use supergnes and it has the best sound I have ever seen outside of bsnes, no crackling and a nice front end for launching games.
Sent from my XPERIA PLAY 4G
Thanks that one looks really nice and seems to work better than Snesoid!
Just remove some of the stuff on your homepages, like the game launchers, and the Timescape widget, also the photo and video one too, and the emulators should run better.
RottenFoxBreath said:
Just remove some of the stuff on your homepages, like the game launchers, and the Timescape widget, also the photo and video one too, and the emulators should run better.
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Hey man thanks I removed all of my widgets from the home screen but it had no effect.
linkandzelda said:
Thanks that one looks really nice and seems to work better than Snesoid!
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It is paid but I have been very happy with the performance
Sent from my XPERIA PLAY 4G
I'm making a video to demonstrate the problems. I'll add it to youtube shortly hopefully people can then tell if it's normal or not.
EDIT: Heres the video
In this video I play Gameboid with pokemon first showing it with frameskip set to auto and 0, and you need to listen carefully to the sound so you can hear that it crackles all the time which is very annoying. I then change the frameskip to 2 which is the default and you can then see that the game skips and jumps and is just too laggy to be belivable.
After that i try out Gensoid and you can see the same results from me running sonic. I get this result with every game i try. I also tried md.emu for sega but it was better but still skipped when the frameskip wa set to auto.
If anyone knows what I can do to solve this please let me know iw ould greatly aphiciate it as i bought the play JUST for emulators, if it doesnt play them then its totally a waste of money for me.
As soon as I got mine, I updated to 2.3.4, and tried Outrun(mame), Sonic 1, and 2 Gensoid), and Contra(Snesoid), both had bad sound, just like on my old phone, which really wasn't up to the job, but on removing Timescape, and that stupid photo and video widget, and the emulators virtual pads, they ran like a charm, Gensoid, Snesoid, and Mame4Droid all work fine, with no sound issues now.
Mame4Droid, I unticked Threaded Sound, as it seemed to cause issues, the others were left with stock settings, bar the virtual screen buttons removed.
I see, I was thinking that i'm the only one with the issues. Well in the end I went to the MIUI build on here and went away from the 'oid' series. Belive it or not but I found Genesis A.D. and MD.Emu to be faster and full speed or at least 99.99%. genplusdroid had a problem it was running slow and also the sound was a tone lower.
Also Snes A.D. seems to be full speed with Chrono Trigger sound included. Have yet to try Snes9x.
SNES: check
SEGA: check
GBC: check
PSX: check
MAME: havent tried
ATARI: havent tried
N64: check
GBA: no dice still lags with gameboid and gba player lite is jumpy, anyone know of another?
FPSE has a bad case of crackling sound... but only if the app is on the background. While you're actually using it there is no problem.

[PSX Emulator] Best FPse Open-GL Settings

Hey guys,
I was wondering if anyone uses FPse, the PSX emulator. I just recently purchased it and that damed thing killed my weekend. I was playing Metal Gear Soild the entire weekend trying to get the best performance etc. Looks like 'old software drawing' and Open-GL Blits mode or whatever works the best, but I want to rock Open GL. Once I turn it on, the performance plummets for me. Any suggestions on settings etc?
EDIT: Would a certain BIOS make a difference in performance? I'm using SCPH1002
not sure about the bios thing, i have installed 1001. havent tried any games, need to find the psx stash, can't remember where i stored the few i kept to make an iso.
sent from my i9250
downloaded it today cuz i read that it now finally supports skullmonkeys the best damn game i ever played in my life (appart form max payne cuz i really like the stories and the comics in max payne and the vidz in skullmonkeys and what not)
i was stunned how it works, no lag no nothing with a game 627MB big. i use scph1001 as he recommended and thats it. non of the tweeks in video settings do anything cuz the frame rate stays at 59-60 constant and the picture quality stays the same, not perfectly clear but decent.
z.coniglietti said:
downloaded it today cuz i read that it now finally supports skullmonkeys the best damn game i ever played in my life (appart form max payne cuz i really like the stories and the comics in max payne and the vidz in skullmonkeys and what not)
i was stunned how it works, no lag no nothing with a game 627MB big. i use scph1001 as he recommended and thats it. non of the tweeks in video settings do anything cuz the frame rate stays at 59-60 constant and the picture quality stays the same, not perfectly clear but decent.
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If you download/install the Open-GL plugin, it looks way better, BUT, I've noticed a huge performance hit during cut scenes etc.
Never heard of Skullmonkeys.
EDIT: Oh crap, did the most recent update and it completely borked for me.. v0.11.46
tried opengl that he offered it was prettty laggy and the video quality was the same as before. tried libopenglplugin.so and it fc's.
sorry bat what is the word "borked" i don't mean it bad but i cant figure it out
z.coniglietti said:
tried opengl that he offered it was prettty laggy and the video quality was the same as before. tried libopenglplugin.so and it fc's.
sorry bat what is the word "borked" i don't mean it bad but i cant figure it out
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Hehe, 'borked' on urban dictionary just means it broke or messed up. How do you get these other plugins? I don't mind running it at the other video modes but I'd like to get the Open GL one working since it looks so awesome!
silentcovenant said:
Hey guys,
I was wondering if anyone uses FPse, the PSX emulator. I just recently purchased it and that damed thing killed my weekend. I was playing Metal Gear Soild the entire weekend trying to get the best performance etc. Looks like 'old software drawing' and Open-GL Blits mode or whatever works the best, but I want to rock Open GL. Once I turn it on, the performance plummets for me. Any suggestions on settings etc?
EDIT: Would a certain BIOS make a difference in performance? I'm using SCPH1002
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Use ePSXe! It is much better!
Requires no setup in order to play games smoothly Give it a try
He's asking for settings for opengl graphics, he can run it fine on his normal settings, doesn't need a new emu.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
silentcovenant said:
EDIT: Would a certain BIOS make a difference in performance? I'm using SCPH1002
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Difference by changing BIOS:
On boot screen text changes - sometimes Trademark logo, sometimes Copyright
Different menu for memory card management.
FPS lock ---
by last number in bios
0 - Japan NTSC --- 60FPS SCPH-1000, ...
1 - USA NTSC --- 60FPS SCPH-1001, SCPH-101, ...
2 - Europe PAL --- 50FPS SCPH-1002, SCPH-7502, ...
best BIOS for using is SCPH-101 - its newest bios from PS One console - much smaller and rounded corners
and also use NTSC-U game ISO
I've always used the 1001 bios for my PS1 emulators. I've used both FPse and ePSXe and FPse is honestly smoother for me. I have never messed with the performance settings and its always ran good. I played through all of Metal Gear Solid on my tablet with no issues.
Side note: I've been playing Final Fantasy 7 lately. I had forgotten how fun that game is.

[Q] High-end Game lags

Today I just downloaded the game "Dungeon Hunter 4", an RPG that some of you may have heard. I saw a video on YouTube an Xperia Z playing the game flawlessly in what I think is in the highest graphic settings. But my problem is, the max video quality I can set is medium, and more annoyingly, IT STILL LAGS A LOT.
Is there something I did wrong? Stock, rooted. I don't know if this is an optimization issue or what, but considering how very similar the two phones are, how hard is it (or if it's even a problem) to optimize it for the ZL. I'm quite disappointed right now
JRBT24 said:
Today I just downloaded the game "Dungeon Hunter 4", an RPG that some of you may have heard. I saw a video on YouTube an Xperia Z playing the game flawlessly in what I think is in the highest graphic settings. But my problem is, the max video quality I can set is medium, and more annoyingly, IT STILL LAGS A LOT.
Is there something I did wrong? Stock, rooted. I don't know if this is an optimization issue or what, but considering how very similar the two phones are, how hard is it (or if it's even a problem) to optimize it for the ZL. I'm quite disappointed right now
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I dunno about yours but mine runs flawlessly. No tweaks. Stock Rom and kernel, rooted via doomlord method, and no changes in the setting after downloading.
Can you check the max graphic configuration you can set in settings? Mine only goes medium at the highest
JRBT24 said:
Today I just downloaded the game "Dungeon Hunter 4", an RPG that some of you may have heard. I saw a video on YouTube an Xperia Z playing the game flawlessly in what I think is in the highest graphic settings. But my problem is, the max video quality I can set is medium, and more annoyingly, IT STILL LAGS A LOT.
Is there something I did wrong? Stock, rooted. I don't know if this is an optimization issue or what, but considering how very similar the two phones are, how hard is it (or if it's even a problem) to optimize it for the ZL. I'm quite disappointed right now
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If ur rooted... download greenify from playstore(by oasis feng)...and greenify all the apps you don't want to run in the background(all apps including games as well except for messaging apps you'll get notifications from)
The less apps running in the background the better the mobile will perform while playing high end games
If you feel that I've helped you in any way,,please hit the thanks button
Sent from my Xperia ZL (C6502) using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Rumman Shaikh said:
If ur rooted... download greenify from playstore(by oasis feng)...and greenify all the apps you don't want to run in the background(all apps including games as well except for messaging apps you'll get notifications from)
The less apps running in the background the better the mobile will perform while playing high end games
If you feel that I've helped you in any way,,please hit the thanks button
Sent from my Xperia ZL (C6502) using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Yup, I already have greenify installed and running. The problem seems to be in the optimization of the game for my phone model (c6503). Not very sure though
JRBT24 said:
Today I just downloaded the game "Dungeon Hunter 4", an RPG that some of you may have heard. I saw a video on YouTube an Xperia Z playing the game flawlessly in what I think is in the highest graphic settings. But my problem is, the max video quality I can set is medium, and more annoyingly, IT STILL LAGS A LOT.
Is there something I did wrong? Stock, rooted. I don't know if this is an optimization issue or what, but considering how very similar the two phones are, how hard is it (or if it's even a problem) to optimize it for the ZL. I'm quite disappointed right now
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Dude. i play graphic hungry games a lot in my ZL with all settings maxed out. plays perfectly without any lags. May be a repair might solve your problem

