[Q] Launcher Pro slow to load on boot up - Epic 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

When my phone first boots up LP is non responsive until after a couple minutes, quickest work around is to go to task manager force close LP then it loads up fine. I'm on SRF 1.1.1 though it was happening on 1.1.0 as well. I do recall this not being an issue initially when i first went to SRF 1.1.0 (don't think its a rom issue). Wondering if there's a resolution out there, not the biggest problem but can get annoying. Also notice that my beautiful widget clock skin doesn't load until after LP becomes responsive (the widget loads fine but its the default skin at first).

i have same issue, just let the phone sit there for about a minute after it boots up. also try re-installing launcher pro. the new version of beautiful widgets takes a while to load the skin sometimes.

I have both of these (BW and Laun Pro) and it lags for me also.. I have noticed if I just keep pushing the home button.. it kind of kicks it in the butt and loads quicker.. or i'm very impatient.. leaning to the latter..


Slow Home Screen Refresh

So I just installed the new Synergy ROM from Myn's Warm RLS4. I love it, but in addition, I was hoping that the new ROM would get rid of my slow home screen refresh. It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, it is super annoying. Even if I go into the app drawer while the home screen is loading, the apps in the app drawer are loading as well.
After i flashed Synergy, the phone was incredibly snappy, due to its fresh wipe. After I used Titanium Backup to reload my apps + data and Launcher Pro to restore my homescreen the slow refresh came back.
I've hypothesized that it could be due to the amount of widgets on my home screen. However, this does not explain why the app drawer is also slow to load. Which leads me to believe that my 16gb class 2 MicroSD is the culprit since I've moved a majority of my apps to my SD card.
Will bumping up to a class 6+ help with my issue?
I've had the exact same problem from time to time. Also slow sometimes changing to landscape. I've got a Class 10 SD Card so don't waste your money on a new card. I'm hoping that it'll be fixed with the next release. Otherwise, the ROM has worked perfectly for me.

[Q] G2 strange behavior

My girlfriend's stock G2 was often acting weird where it would slow down to a crawl and become unresponsive until she rebooted. I decided to root it and put the latest stable CM7 on it for her. She loves it, but she still has this weird behavior once every day or two where it gets very slow and unresponsive. Swype acts weird for example, or she tries to launch an app and the icon magnifies in slow motion and gets frozen, or swiping between homescreens the display gets stuck half way between homescreens. Rebooting always gets it working normal again for a while. Any idea what's going on? This seems to have happened when she was running stock Gingerbread and now running CM7.

[Q] Possible 10 locks issue?

So i've been running Legendary rc 2.1 for about a week, flashed Shadow kernel 1.0, and then Honeycomb fusion 2.4 and had been running fine. Noticed v3 was out for the theme so I flashed that and the biggest difference I saw was the addition of the 10 locks mod to the theme. And now, with the 10 locks mod, I'm getting random system restarts, best i can describe as not a full phone reboot, but what looks to be launcher and acore restart and kicks off the media scanner etc. I know it's not a full reboot because my screen turns on, goes black for a second, then i see the lockscreen with a black background, then my wallpaper pops up, then i see the media scanner start, and no samsung boot logo or boot ani.
Gonna do a clean install of RC 2.1 again, with HC fusion 2.4 and see if i still have the issues minus the 10 locks. Anyone else run into similar issues?
As a side note, when this sys restart happens, it seems to completely hose my wifi untill i toggle it on and off 3 times.
i had the same issue....did a clean legendary reflash and used shadow kernel and it has been smooth since then... i think it could be within the lock mod because i havent flashed a theme or the lock mod itself and havent had any more "reboot" issues since

Widgets not updating on 4.0.4.???

Have been running 4.0.4 for a few days and all is good except all of my widgets quit updating on several occasions. They work fine for awhile and then nothing. Have seen this with Minimalistic Text and Android Pro Widgets. Sometimes they begin working again on their own, and sometimes I reboot to fix the issue, but within a few hours they freeze up again.
Anyone else with this issue? Not currently running a launcher and its stock 4.0.4.
I noticed the other day my gmail widget wasn't updating. I removed but never did add it back. I'll add it to my screen and see what it does. I'm running stock 4.0.4 too.
I think the problem was the Android Pro Widgets. I had an older version and when I removed it MT began working again. Added the newest version and all has been good since.

[Q] Resourse issue?

my question is sort of two part: when I return to the launcher (Trebuchet) from an app, almost always I return to a screen with no icons and just the wallpaper. After a second or two, the icons reload and everything appears normal for that screen. Is this because I have too many apps running and Trebuchet is running out of ram?
second part to the question is that if an app is running, and it pretty much doesn't matter what app I'm running, and the screen times out and goes dark, almost always the app that was running stops running and I'm returned to the desktop when I push the wake button. This is a fairly recent issue - anyone have any ideas?
I'm running CM10.1.3-RC2-toro.

