new problems here! - About

I have a question, I'm new here but can not reply to topics!
wanted to write there,
I've had problems with betakey, but I is not entitlement!
what now?
sorry my english is not perfect


The reason you cannot post there is because the thread has been closed by a moderator. There is a release thread for this tool in the develpment section, however you will not be able to post there until you have 10 posts. (This is a measure introduced to cut down on clutter in the development sections)

okay thanks


SERIOUSLY! Read this before posting!

For questions about flashing roms, please visit the P3300, MDA Compact III upgrading etc. forum.
Topics started with questions regarding flashing, rom requesting, etc. will be deleted on sight.
1. If a new rom is released please dont post new threads about the issues\bugs - this is happening more in this forum than any other across the board. KEEP QUESTIONS & PROBLEMS IN THE SAME THREAD OF THE ROM.
For some reason this is only happening with the b&b roms - if practise does not change soon i will merge all the threads.
2. Please don't keep asking the same questions that have been answered earlier in a thread read the whole thread if you have too - this is not only irritating for everyone but you look like a wally!
3. Do not cross post - moderators will delete duplicate posts
4. If you start a new thread make the title clear what the threads about e.g. dont post 'newbie needs help'
5. If you post in a different language also include an english translation - google language tools is good for this.
6. Please don't answer these question threads in development. We want to discourage new users to post questions in development and giving them what they want will not help. Instead, report the thread, so a moderator can move it to General.
Thats all for now - enjoy the forum
I'd like to put this thread to your attention again. Read the rules above and try to abide them.
Your friendly neighborhood moderator,

Thread Help Attn:Mods/Admins

Well, for about the past month, NisseDILLIGAF and I have been attempting to change the owner of this thread [REF][2008-11-06 #2]Customizing TF3D - The Collection! in the Diamond theme forum, so that i would be able to edit it. After a few messages with mods and admins, it seems that this would be rather hard to do. Would it simply be easier if I were to create a new thread with the same title and for you [the mods] to transfer all posts to that thread and delete the old thread?
Link to Thread:
NisseDILLIGAF said:
Sorry for the late response, I've been busy with my new ROM... I just relesed it yesterday...
Great, So you know what it means to take over the thread..?
You update the posts with all the new stuff that are posted on 'Themes, Applications and Software' forum..
and maybe some other parts of the xda forum, but keep it in the xda forum...
ok.. I will PM a moderator and ask him to let you take over the thread
Thanx for the help
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Thanks for your help!
Just PM a mod, if it can't be done then open a new thread. If the posts can't be moved, which I doubt can be done, just post a link to the original thread with a note "for prev info click here". Then have the original thread closed.
Okay, thanks!
Let me put it to you this way.
The only way, I think, an thread owner can change is if You merges the thread with a post that occurred BEFORE the First Post of the thread did. Since you have no posts that were created before the Thread you with to Own, it cannot be done.
Thanks for the help, just made a new thread

T-Mobile 2.2 Froyo

T-Mobile have finally released the 2.2 OTA upgrade which seems to have a new radio If someone wants to tell me how to extract it I'll upload it somewhere...or will a copy of my system.img do?...then someone with a little more know how can take care of it
Thread reported.
Don't post your questions in the development section!
Please post in Q&A or General.
The level of Noobs in the dev section is unacceptable, the senior mods have enough to do without constantly moving posts.
Thank You,
Stop spamming the threads with the same post, please. Just report a post if you feel it's breaking the rules.
As for the topic - the system.img may be interesting, but an RUU is really what is needed.

Stock-Custom Rom/Kernel/Radio/BB-What's best-What can we expect-Discussions here!

All Dev related discussions here, all other threads will be closed!
Rollup as of now:
Question, you say dev related questions here. My previous comments were not dev related. Why would they go here? Shouldn't dev related questions go to the dev section? Or, are simply trying to move all gossip, rumors and other wish me conversations to a mega thread, until release brings more topical threads? If so, then remove your mention of dev, especially in the general section.
alodar1 said:
Question, you say dev related questions here. My previous comments were not dev related. Why would they go here? Shouldn't dev related questions go to the dev section? Or, are simply trying to move all gossip, rumors and other wish me conversations to a mega thread, until release brings more topical threads? If so, then remove your mention of dev, especially in the general section.
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All dev "discussions" go in General.. actual development goes in the dev section.
Discussing the OEM ROMs, I've just posted in the DEV section about how to get the OEM ROMs and flash them to your 900. This will help if somebody has bricked their phone, or you just want to go back to Original Shipped Status. I have flashed my 900 twice, and it worked perfectly. I have not tried to flash a bricked phone yet, but the software claims it can do so.
Hope this helps.

[Q&A] LegacyXperia CM11

Hi guys, everyone in the OP was having Qs and moderators said to post in Q&A section. Couldn't find a post soi decided to make one.
Hope I've done this right
The most topical Q atm seems to be the force closed media.
Pls could you devs answer this question, for me and everyone else?
FYI the Q&A is here:
I last checked a few minutes ago and they seem to have a fix, please read the link.

