[Q] Where can i set in rom the default Settings? - Desire Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

can anyone tell me which file i need to change for default settings?
I found in system\customize some xml files in thes files stands a lot of things their looks like the default settings.
But when i change this infos (like the default ringtone) and flash this rom (fullwipe)
shows me the personalisation thats the acutal ringtone is "unknow"
How get i the settings integrated that the UI shows me my chosen settings?
Thanks a lot

Its here nobody who can helps me??


How to disable the today backgroundchanging?

I want to disable the function to change the today background.
You find it --> Start -> Settings --> Today -> Use this picture...
I want to disable the text AND the Button "Find" - so that the customers cannot change the logo.
I don't find the right key in the registry.
I use Windows Mobile 6 with the latest HTC Flash.
Who can help me?
Thanks and best regards from Germany.
No ideas?
because i've got two other problems.
1.) I want to delete the entries in the list of installed programs. So that the user cannot delete the program. Is it possible? Or can I protect it with password?
2.) We created a background logo, at the bottom it is white.
When the menu has got more than 5 entries you can not read the menu well.
Because white font over white background.
Is it possible to restrict the entries of last used applications to X entries ?
Even if there IS a way to do these things...
...it's quite evident, even from the site on which you're posting, that you will not be able to lock down such changes. Anyone who is so motivated will be able to get past anything you do, simply by flashing a new ROM, if not by other means, dontchathink?
simple answer, you cant.
Actually, it would be semi-possible. Jasjamming had a bug in an early Black edition where he baked in his background rather than had it running in the initial setup. End result was you could change your background in the menus but it couldn't change what you saw as the backdrop files were marked as "ROM" so couldn't be changed.
The only way to install a program without it showing in the Remove Programs list is to bake it into your custom ROM installed on the phone.
However, when you've gone to the time & effort of making this ROM that cannot be customised, what's going to stop someone using a ROM from this site instead of yours, or using the tools here to modify your ROM and remove out the bits you've tried to lock down?
My advice? Don't try to lock anything down on your phone! The beauty of Windows Mobile it's ability to be improved & personalised. Let it run free!
the problem with the list of installed programs isn't a problem anymore
I made a ROM with the ROM Kitchen und put the cab File into the ROM.
My first solution was to delete the uninstaller from the CAB with WinCE CAB Manager. But i want also to change the colors of the menu and things like that, so i made an own ROM.
So, you are right, the users could use programs from here, but, we want to "brand" the phone with our company logo, because the users should be awake that the phone is a COMPANY Phone and not a private toy
So now my last two problem are, that our company logo at the bottom is on a white ground and the menu has got a white font color. So i want to change the number of menu items or i want to change the color.
Does anybody knows the concerning files for the colors in the ROM?
The second is to disable the possibility to change the wallpaper.
It would be great if someone could tell me which files i have to change.
Thanks a lot and best wishes from Germany
The problem with the start menu i solved with Tweak UI.
But the problem with the possibility to change the background is still existing.
Where i have to look? In the registry? In the files?
Its only a windows, it must be possible to change this option...
Finally found the post I was remembering where someone had accidentally set a theme permanently.
The theme was usually set during the initial customisation following the first boot up, but in this case JasJamming had tried to save this step by baking it into the ROM - with the result that you couldn't change theme. Sorry I can't give you any more info on how it happened (don't know!) but JJ or someone else on here with a bigger brain than me should be able to help.
Hey Stu,
thanks for your answer.
But i have allready only one theme. The problem is that the users can change the 'today-background' easily. Our company logo wouldnt be on the background.
I think this is a forum with a lot of pros! But the right one has to find my thread, please
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Use your theme on a phone, copy out the stwater and tdywater files,then cook these into your ROM and flash onto the phone. As the stwater and tdywater files are set as "ROM" the today-background changer won't be allowed to over-write them so the user will not actually be able to change the background - hence your company logo will always be there.
Good luck, and don't forget to change the start-up screens too - maybe a nice portrait shot of the Managing Director?

[HACK] Customizing Bada OS

Hi all, using TkFileExplorer 2.4 you can see and edit Bada system files, in this thread I will report all usefull changes I will find and you could perform using this tool
If you find something other, you might write it here so we have all them collected in the same place
How to use TkFileExplorer:
-Connect your wave to PC with usb cable;
-Select USB Debug connection;
-Start TkFileExplorer and clic Connect;
-if the program fails to connect, try changing the COM port number in Settings;
-Make a backup of the files you change;
-...and try at your own risk!
Changing default browser brightness:
File: Phone:/Settings/Default/Registry/BrowserSettings.ini
Customize power on/off screen:
for configuration:
File: Phone:/Settings/Default/Registry/PowerOnOff.ini
for resources:
Directory: Phone:/SystemFS/PowerOnOff/
Change volume presets for calls, audio player, fm radio, video player, ringtone...:
File: Phone:/SystemFS/Driver/volpresets.xml
Cleaning themes preview images:
Simply clean the files in:
Directory: Phone:/User/Mass/Theme/Default/
Change camera settings:
File: Phone:/Settings/Default/Registry/CamSetting.ini
File: Phone:/SystemFS/Driver/CameraCaps/DevCamDeviceCapsNConfig_Primary.xml [only Bada 1.2]
Change Samsung LBS settings:
File: Phone:/Settings/Default/Registry/LbsConfig.ini
for using external bluetooth gps antenna, change BtGPS=1 (not tested yet) in:
File: Phone:/Settings/Default/Registry/LbsAppRegistry.ini
Usefull directories:
Internal user storage: Phone:/Media
MicroSD storage: Phone:/Mount/Mmc
Preinstalled apps: Phone:/Osp/Application/
Hey thanks a lot for the heads up! I just had a question... Can we really change the intro animation..? I mean completely replace it..? Or is that not possible??
Reply soon....
Hi all, I find the file /User/OspSys/LifeLog/Database/lifelog.db.
It's SQLite (view by sqlitebrowser.sourceforge.net )
There are many information, calls, deleted messages (but only 100 chars).
I hope, it's information isn't send anywhere, because my wave is trying to connect once a day (it's maybe one of the widget)
sonalswaroop said:
Hey thanks a lot for the heads up! I just had a question... Can we really change the intro animation..? I mean completely replace it..? Or is that not possible??
Reply soon....
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hi, today I just gave a quick look to all files, but I think it's possible, in PowerOnOff.ini there are clear bindings to two .swf files and a startup / shutdown .wav sound contained in the resource path Phone:/SystemFS/PowerOnOff not sure, need to watch those files, I'll verify in next days..
guari said:
Change volume presets for calls, audio player, fm radio, video player, ringtone...:
File: Phone:/SystemFS/Driver/volpresets.xml
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Yes, you can change this too in Trix but in fact nothing change. Exp. you can't change "volume level" (exp. in MediaPlayer there is limit to 14 steps, if you change that to 15 steps and add one more <spklevel> and <earlevel>-so that there will be 15 steps, but nothing change in Wave, you can still able go to max. 14 steps in MediaPlayer) and you can't change that may mp3 playing miusic lauder as well as playing video, even if you copy and paste settings from VideoPlayer to MediaPlayer (only test that on speaker not on headphones).
In Registry\MainMenu_reg.ini you can remove any icons from the main menu (except SamsungApps). The file format is clear, I will note only that the system items will have MenuType=0, custom user applications - MenuType=1, SamsungApps - MenuType=2.
And, of course, make a backup before any manipulations with MainMenu_reg.ini
to be clear
adfree had made all those expermintes before & we already know these things
if there is something new please post it
Is there a file in registry where are the settings for the screen lock?Or other display related settings?
azcv said:
Is there a file in registry where are the settings for the screen lock?Or other display related settings?
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Unfortunately I have not found anything like that using tkFileExplorer...
Assuming that replacing original browser it's difficult to do, source code is available (http://opensource.samsung.com/reception/reception_main.do?method=reception_list&menu_item=mobile thanks to sabianadmin) but the browser seems deeply integrated in the os files (also notice that Samsung Dolfin is not the open source browser Dolphin..): is there anyone who found in filesystem files the textures used by the browser GUI? if aren't cripted it will be possibile to change them for having a more usable GUI on our little screen (I'm thinking of upper/lower bars..)
guari said:
Assuming that replacing original browser it's difficult to do, source code is available (http://opensource.samsung.com/reception/reception_main.do?method=reception_list&menu_item=mobile thanks to sabianadmin) but the browser seems deeply integrated in the os files (also notice that Samsung Dolfin is not the open source browser Dolphin..): is there anyone who found in filesystem files the textures used by the browser GUI? if aren't cripted it will be possibile to change them for having a more usable GUI on our little screen (I'm thinking of upper/lower bars..)
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I think the browser user interface might be in the file called BrowserAppControl.so which can be found in the SystemFS>Osp folder. All files in that folder are in .so formats. But they are RSA 1024bit signed. And they are not like other settings in phones which are written in html or xml. These files are similar to the .dll files on Windows. .so files are Linux format files.
Is there anyway to modify an *.ini file to enable "Noise Reduction" to always be on during calls?
tibere86 said:
Is there anyway to modify an *.ini file to enable "Noise Reduction" to always be on during calls?
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I will check on that and get back to you.
astrotom said:
I will check on that and get back to you.
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Thank you astrotom!
Can I changing default brightness in the VideoPlayer?
This software doesn't work with my phone. I can't click on the connection i receved error message : "Warning : Unable to open the specified port. Please try again". But i can't configure in the settings.
Thanks for your help.
I'm sory for my bad english, but i'm french.
vort said:
This software doesn't work with my phone. I can't click on the connection i receved error message : "Warning : Unable to open the specified port. Please try again". But i can't configure in the settings.
Thanks for your help.
I'm sory for my bad english, but i'm french.
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i got the same error
im running the latest firmware s8530DXKB1/s8530OLBKB1
you have to specify the port you are using for connection from settings
in Phone:/SystemFS/Driver/CameraCaps/DevCamDeviceCapsNConfig_Primary.xml
you can change max ISO and max resolution parameters for phone camera, so you can set iso1600 or 8mp for photos, probably it is useless but it's still a hack
thanks to: http://www.badaitalia.com/2011/06/13/fotografie-con-poca-luce-a-iso-1600/
(on Bada 1.0.2 this system folder is missing so it's not possible..)
Yeah, I read it. Tonight I'll try and I'll let you know.

[Q] Help! Problem with alarm when theming (changing background images of menu)

Hi all!
Well the thing is this: I successfully changed the background image on the menus editing framework-res ... but I have a little problem with the alarm list. (the images below)
What I did was edit styles.xml in the values folder, changing:
"<item name="colorBackground">@color/background_dark</item>" to
"<item name="colorBackground">@color/transparent</item>"
"<item name="windowBackground">@drawable/screen_background_dark</item>" to
"<item name="windowBackground">@drawable/screen_background_dark_transparent</item>".
does anyone know how to fix it?
Thanks in advance.
you mean the menu bckgrnd[app drawer] like in go launcher???
It happened for lovetz's themes too when he changed the backgrounds. Don't know the reasons but there're apps in the market completely similar to stock clock.. workaround for now?

[Q] Any way to change carrier text for glide [ICS]

is there any way to do it? the anoying T-mobile text is just there and taking up my notifications bar, and my lockscreen id like to change it to mabey something cool,ive tried the carrier name change APP, tried to find the eri xml but no luck, if it has to result in recompiling the framework,res.apk has anyone successfully done it?
This is so in the wrong forum , can a mod please move this to Genera l ? (bubal I know that you're looking for an appearance mod but changing framework definitely goes beyond this forum grouping )

[Q] help needed regarding keyboards

How can i change my keyboard color or add a image to it without changing the pattern on it.... i tried various software's available in the play store but it changes the default pattern of the keyboard i dont wanna change the pattern i jus wanna change the color..... plz help....
percy5911 said:
How can i change my keyboard color or add a image to it without changing the pattern on it.... i tried various software's available in the play store but it changes the default pattern of the keyboard i dont wanna change the pattern i jus wanna change the color..... plz help....
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