[HELP] Mango vs NoDo handling of Email Replies via Registry Hacks - Windows Phone 7 Development and Hacking

I am trying to resolve an issue that seems much more complicated than it should be and that I have not been able to find any info on looking across MANY forums, boards, tech sites, etc...I also had this over in the QA board but I need some really in-depth feedback.
I use my WP7 phone for work (I have the HTC Trophy and am on Verizon). I am connected to an exchange server and everything works great EXCEPT email replies; the original email text is NOT included and needs to be especially for work. Reviewing other threads across the web it seems this is normally enabled.
I checked with VZW second tier support and supposedly this feature is turned off on the Trophy. Fine, so I dug around, found an obscure WM6.5 reference to a registry key, poked around my NoDo registry and by trial and error was able to enable it by adding this;
Value Name – IncludeOriginal
Value Type – Integer
Value Data – 1
Works great. Now, I am a registered dev and went to upgrade to Mango 7712and did everything possible I could think of but I can not get this back no matter where or what reg edit. I also came across someone else on T-Mobile that had this feature enabled on NoDo and went to the Mango RTM and now it does not work. Maybe the core code and handling of this has changed in Mango; anyone else look at this?
Does the provxml reg edit for Mango on the VZW CDMA Trophy 7 work under any circumstances? It appears it is but it may also be keeping the provxml edits I make at the mid-step point in the Mango process (applied at the 7403 rev before proceeding to 7712). I make the provxml edits in Nodo using the older HTC Connection Setup (new rev does not work as described somewhere else). I then use it again at the 7403 step but have to switch to the new rev on 7712 (old no longer runs). Once I run the new rev HTC connection in Mango I can launch TouchXplorer and am unlocked. I can do all the same provxml processes (email new CustClear.provxml, copy, move, etc) but I am not positive edits are being made. But if my previous edits are kept (which all appear to be) why does my IncludeOriginal key not carry over?
Another note; it appears the main location in NoDo for this hack was HKLM (found using Reg Editor) and not in the HKCU like WM6. Looking at Mango registry dumps this is now in HKCU; is there more restrictive access to HKCU on the CDMA Mango or any version of WP7? I added a HKCU hack to the provxml at all steps just to have it there but did no good.
This brings up a good question - can you edit HKCU the same way as HKLM? I also see the key location I am after moved from Default.hv to User.hv when going from NoDo to Mango; does the provxml work on the whole registry or just the Default hive?
P.S. I have built a process to even get to where I can have TouchXplorer run on the CDMA device from a lot of other threads in this forum and greatly appreciate having everyone's knowledge to use. Thanks!

Getting desperate!
Does anyone have an insight to the registry of Mango and what the inbox/exchange/activesync keys are and what options are available? Or, does anyone know what email structure/client WP7 Mango is using now as far as emulator, provisioning, format (Windows CE 7, MAPI, etc...).
I am wondering if anyone knows to setup a provxml executable code that can provision the email client to override VZWs setting such that the replies to email include the original email text in the reply.
Thanks and appreciate any insight. There must be a way to tell the embedded email client on the phone to do what I want. I could do it in NoDo but the same reg hack is NOT working in Mango and I suspect it is due to a embedded client change in handling of email; I have verified I can make changes to the reg via the provxml method using HTC Connection in Mango.

Hi LiFePo4,
I'm having the same situation as you. I use Mango for work, absolutely love it. But I also do need the email trial in my replies. Hopefully someone would have found a workaround.


Help request - setting registry (owner info etc) from a cab

Hiya, I've been playing about with the extended rom and have the system in great shape, apart from some registry settings, such as the owner info and device name. It would be kinda handy to have these setup automatically but I am totally unable to do it... I'm presuming it's because there is something else that has to be done other than simply set the keys.
I'm using PHM reg ed to export keys as well as simply creating them manually and am using WinCE Cab Manager to make the cabs. I'm on the original O2 Exec rom (well, most of it )
When I run the cab (automatically from a hard reset or manually), I can see the values in the registry but they never appear on the today screen. I've tried a variety of power cycling, soft resetting etc but the today screen is never updated - it always says "Tap here to set owner info". If I do that, the registry keys are cleared out...
If anyone can shed some light on this I'd be grateful - for a small problem it's taking up a lot of time! :?
I've not gone down the .CAB route, but just import these and other settings from a .reg file and have never had this problem.
When I have to install from scratch, the first install is Resco's Explorer (which contains a Registry Editor), then execute the .reg file.
Almost sounds as if the registry changes are not being saved. Is it only these particular settings or are other changes not registered?
Well, I have created loads of CAB files in WinCE CAB Manager to set up my phone, tomtom, etc.
I Used the same method as you. The only difference being that I reset (automatically) after I install them. Could this be it?
Ahh, which WinCE CAB Manager version you running? You need the new beta 1.2 version to be able to create WM5 compatible CAB Files. Can this have something to do with it?
moghisi101 said:
... The only difference being that I reset (automatically) after I install them. Could this be it?
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Probably the cause. I know I've read and experienced that I must allow the device to flush after changes before I reset it. I usually turn it off, then wait a minute or two before I soft-reset.
Ahh, which WinCE CAB Manager version you running? You need the new beta 1.2 version to be able to create WM5 compatible CAB Files. Can this have something to do with it?
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As yet I'm not using CABs/Cab-Manager. Couldn't find one when I looked - except at ridiculous money, which I wasn't prepared to waste - so I'm just using the .reg-files manually
Guys, many thanks for the replies!
I'm using my 15 free goes (and hibernating ) on version 1.1 of WCM at the mo, it's too expensive to buy as I would only use it for this as far as I can see - I'll head off and look for the beta next.
I have tried power cycling, pausing while off and resetting as well as soft-resetting from software, but not doing it automatically 'cos I don't know how!
@moghisi101: Out of curiousity, how are you automatically performing a soft-reset and thanks for the heads-up about beta 1.2!
I have written an Autorun.exe file, much like the one in the extended rom. It does not however read a config.txt file. It runs the CAB files (with my apps and settings in) and then resets.
I don't remember where I put the code, so I can't compile one for you. It only needs a slight change from the Autorun sample Microsoft Supply.
At the moment I can set up pretty much everything on the phone. Button Lock, GPRS Settings (including GPRS Auto Attach, etc), Owner Info, Default Volume, Today Screen Plugins (order and enabled/disabled), Date/Time, Screen Config, Infrared off by default.....the list goes on. When I Hard Reboot, It skips the welcome screen (all the time settings etc) and I've got it to ask me which Operator Settings to Install (eg Vodafone, o2, Orange, Tmobile Splash Screens and GPRS connections).
It's much better than the default Qtek, i-mate, and (definately) o2 ROMs...
Just a thought!
Are you annotating your .reg files with semi-colon at the start of a line?
With the PC, I've always annotated my .reg import-files, so that I could remember why I'd done something later on, but found that *no* lines after those annotation would be imported on the Exec (Universal). Don't know if this is specifically a WM5 issue or not. If you put the annotations at the end of the .reg file, all the preceeding key/value content lines *are* imported.
@astage: Interesting about the annotations, that must have caused some pain before you figured it out! I don't have annotations in my reg files as I'm not really using reg files I'm building keys in WinCE Cab Manager by both importing reg exports and typing them in manually.
Unfortunately, the beta version is only available to registered users, so I'll have to abandon that one for now.
@moghisi101: It sounds like you're sorted! That's basically what I had in mind myself, except that I was thinking smaller
Thanks for the thought about compiling an exe, I was thinking I may have to ask a mate to make something like that so if you do find the code and feel like posting one, I'm sure the community would thank you!
I've been looking for something that would just install cabs etc then reboot but not found one yet on the web... I'm a UI designer and so am wary about going down the visual studio path for fear I may start to favour all-grey interfaces :twisted: .
Which autorun sample are you referring to though? I guess I may have to get my hands dirty after all!
No, I don't annotate them, so I haven't come accross this. But, if you save some Keys using a Reg Editor and then use Import in WinCE Cab Manager...ahhh, I think i may know the problem!
1. Don't put Comments in Reg Files
2. Don't use import in WinCE CAB Manager! If the reg key has data above a certain length it will split it to next line using a ";", but WinCE Cab Manager assumes this is the end of the data. So, your Owner Info could be being entered in incorrectly as a result. You have to copy-paste the reg key into a new dword, etc into WinCE Cab Manager. i.e. DONT IMPORT
I hope that vaguely made sense
Yup! Clear as a bell, thanks! I'll try that in a mo, just rebooting. Import is *sooo* tempting though, so simple... Curse my weakness for the easy path!
Hi. Here is Microsoft's Autorun Code (I have that)
You have to make slight changes to allow for reboot at end. It's fully annotated if you dont understand what it means. BTW, you dont need Visual Studio. Infact it's probably the worst root. Use Microsoft's eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 to compile this for Windows CE, Mobile 2003SE, (or Mobile 5?). It's Microsoft but it's FREE!?
Sweet! Two terms you don't hear very often in the same context are Microsoft and free! Nice one, thanks! I'm downloading Microsoft's eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 as I type.
You actually solved the problem already though, in a way, pointing out that WCM truncates "strings". I opened an exported key in Textpad and tidied it up (removing the end of line "\" and the "\n\t") then saved it and imported the file into WinCE Cab Manager, made my cab, installed it and soft rebooted from SPB PocketPlus without going back to the Today screen. It worked!
I'm a big fan of Textpad and will use that to make a macro to tidy up exported reg keys so I can import them easily (another triumph for the easy path!).
You, Sir, are a DUDE!
Edit: 16.4 kbps from MS... :roll: For anyone else who decides to go down this path, the killer bit is to make sure your key values don't get truncated! Open the .reg in a text editor and make sure any really long values, like binaries, are all on one nice long line! It doesn't seem to make any difference if you soft-reset from an app or use the stylus btw.
Shame the baby kept us up all last night! I've *got* to get some sleep or I'll end up doing god knows what to my device by accident!
Thanks for the help moghisi101!
Hehe, Gee Thanks. And btw, Textpad r0x!
If you want to do that autorun thing.....familiarize yourself with the whole 2577 method (search it and you'll understand). If you don't want crappy o2 Customisations, etc on your device then you are better off just editing the extended rom, edit the config.txt, add your configuration CABs, and then every time you hard reset all your customisations will appear! NO programming involved. If you then add "welcome.not" file to SD Card, the Welcome screen at hard reset wont appear (if you code this in your autorun file it will work on ALL devices, not just a few including HTC). BUT only do this if your CAB files contain stylus screen settings, and time settings. However, as this is not viable in all situations the 2577 method can be much better. Especially when selling a piece of software, etc (automatic installation and configuration), as I do.
I might email you, later on, a video of what happens when I hard reset my device to give you an idea of what you can do (at the least) and hopefully you can go on to improve on that.
Thought I will give you a kick start. Here are some Regedits I could make for you. Took me a short while, but there are loads more for inbuilt apps (e.g Messagig, etc) but I coudn't remember where the reg values where.
Please note, I couldn't find any of the WM5 ones...completely forgotten them. But these should give you and idea as to where they are. Also, look here in the Wiki
Some of the ones I have given are from here, but many more I found myself
Hope it helps you (become a millionaire - don't forget me )
You can see the solution here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=34525
Thanks to Bayondthetech for the CAB file.
Hehe. I feel like a n00b now (which I am really). I hadn't seen that. But I think mine does a couple of extra things that he didn't post....?
Wow! Holy Cr*p! Thanks for all those reg files! :bows:
I'd looked at BTT's post before and was hoping to use his cabs as a guide. Unfortunately, they aren't currently available (from what I've read, he generated so much traffic with his downloads that his host yanked his connection and he's in the process of moving sites).
Thanks to moghisi101 and a few other posters on this forum, I don't need them any more!
@moghisi101: I had already edited my extendedRom's config file to load and run cabs I store on the SD card (to keep the extRom below 10mb) and realised last night that that already does the auto reset for me, so life gets another bit easier These reg files rock though! Shame you're not running tomom5 yourself, I'll have to sort those out myself!
The next thing to try is to export the BT settings for my paired devices - I'm hoping it will be possible to restore those automatically too.
Attached is the TextPad macro (although it is too simple to call it that really!) that I'm using to tidy up the reg keys for import into WinCE Cab Manager, hope it helps someone!
Post that video!
Actually, I have TomTom 5....up until 5.10 I edited TomTom's Cab itself but I just haven't had a chance with 5.21 (need to use CabWiz now, not WinCE Cab Manager - no full WM5 support lol).
The TomTom 3 Today settings is same for TomTom 5 if you want to change order/hide/unhide. Most of the other settings are in a .cfg file on SD card for Home Address, etc. Only a couple other settings use Registry...
Anyway....glad to be of some service
moghisi101 said:
... (need to use CabWiz now, not WinCE Cab Manager - no full WM5 support lol). ...
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Had a brief conversation this afternoon with a friend who uses Microsoft's CabWiz to produce .cab files for bespoke software.
He mentioned that (with CabWiz) if you use the .cab to apply registry entries, then the .cab must also install something, a text file or similar. I can't recall if he said it would otherwise not create the .cab correctly, or that the reg entries may not be applied correctly.
Not yet tried it myself - will have to wait until after the bloody Tax Return is finished!
Strange, It works fine for me? Was his the newer CabWiz that you can use with WM5, like mine?

Application security

I made this thread to clarify a few things about the application secuirity feature that allows only signed programs to run.
First, does an universal solution exist to remove this lock? After reading a lot of forums I only got more confused on this.
I also read that Orange users can ask them to remove the limitation. Are there experiences with other providers? (Paticularly German ones?)
Finally, I read something that I interpreted as if it is requested by the service providers. So if I buy a PDA at a store for full price and without SIM-lock, then will it be free of this limitation?
Thanks: Gabor
You misunderstood the issue.
WM 5 and newer OS do include security features that limit unsigned programs but not in any way that should concern the average user.
Basically if you install an unsigned app you will be asked if you want to run it or not by a pop up. This is similar to Windows XP with SP 2.
The real restriction is on replacing system files but freeware almost never does this.
There is no generic way of changing security polices because you need a registry editor signed by a trusted certificate and such things are not available to the general public (one was leaked for the HTC devices once, but they removed that certificate from newer models).
Also operators generally don't mess with security settings so it does not matter where you by the device.
The real problem is with smartphone devices (the kind without the touch screen) which can be locked completely to application installation.
Thats when you need to go to the provider for an unlock and thats when you may prefer buying one with cell co independent brand.
Maybe I interpreted it wrong, but I read things like "your phone must be application unlocked to use our program" or "please help, this program does not run on my PDA because it is not signed". I read the latter in relation to some game (they are not very likely to touch the system files as far as I know). Or is this a different thing from "application security"?
Well one type of application I know of that requires application unlock (on smartphones at least) is language support, like Arabic or Hebrew.
As for the second quote, since I don't know were it came from, there is no way of telling what the problem really is.
Personally I never had a game (or any other app) fail to run because of signatures.
Then I misunderstood it. I based my belief on J2ME, which needs digital signature even to make a TCP connection or send an SMS.
Is intercepting, swallowing and posting keyboard messages also permitted for unsigned apps? (I want to remap certain keys to arrow keys to make action games playable on the MDA Compact III, and other PDAs that have a trackball instead of arrow keys.)
Finally I found that one can generate his/her own certificate and sign stuff with that. As the last solution, when unlocking attempts fail, one can sign the desired programs.
Link: http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/signcode.asp
True, but I don't think you read it through. Creating your own cert and signing with it is easy, but you need to unlock security if you want to install your cert on the device.
Unless you install your custom certificate the device will not recognize it and treat the file as unsigned. This is a kind of 'catch 22', but if it wasn't so the whole certificate thing would be a complete waste of time (not that it isn't right now).
I read it thoroughly, in that article there was no mention of this.
My purpose is to detect and modify certain keystrokes on a HTC Artemis (a.k.a. P3300, MDA Compact III) in order to emulate a D-pad to make some action games playable (it has a small trackball instead of arrow keys). Will the security system prevent me from doing this?
I don't think you need to worry about certificates here (unless you are making a commercial product and can't have the user prompted with a question of whether to run the app).
Artemis is a PPC not Smartphone and security there is more relaxed so you should have no problem.
As for the article, they describe how to install the certificate, but neglect to mention that unless your provisioning cab it self is signed with an already recognized certificate it won't install.
By the way, if you have WM 5 or even WM 2003 Smartphone SDK you will find test certificates there along with a cab that installs them. This will save you the trouble of creating your own certificate but unfortunately that cab is not signed as well.
Thanks for the info.
The prompt can be turned off with this app: http://www.tweaks2k2.com/portal/filemgmt/singlefile.php?lid=16
It worked on my friend's MDA Compact 3 (the one I plan to buy).
So did you unlock your phone? i can't do that with mine...

File-based registry with WM6?

I'm curious to see how many people are using the file-based registry with whatever version of WM6. Please post any thoughts you might have on performance or otherwise...
Well it appears this question hasn't exactly set the Forum on fire. Does a File-based Registry make any difference at all in WM6?
I've automatically carried this feature forward from my WM5 days, but I'd be curious to know what people think!
file based registry
Given that the registry is typically read from a flat file at the bottom of the stack anyway, I don't get this question. Any links to MSDN docs on this new feature?
At the risk of sounding even less technical than I am, it's my understanding that with a Hive-based registry, every soft reset effectively resets the the registry to the OEM defaults. Changes seem to take a long time to get written to the registry in the hive model.
It had been my experience (and my reading) that switching to the file-based model ensured that all changes are preserved across soft resets.
If I'm misunderstanding (which is entirely possible), please somebody let me know...
goestoeleven said:
At the risk of sounding even less technical than I am, it's my understanding that with a Hive-based registry, every soft reset effectively resets the the registry to the OEM defaults. Changes seem to take a long time to get written to the registry in the hive model.
It had been my experience (and my reading) that switching to the file-based model ensured that all changes are preserved across soft resets.
If I'm misunderstanding (which is entirely possible), please somebody let me know...
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yes and no... Coders are 'required' to perform a 'flush' of the registry hive after modifying it, this then writes the changes to flash... if this is not performed then simply resetting the device after changing the registry will not work... but a routine flush is run every 5 minutes or so i believe by the OS
also, doing a manual power down (press/hold power button then tap yes for shutdown message) will flush the changes as well.
@Walsh & @Sleuth, so your opinions/recommendations on Hive vs. File are?
goestoeleven said:
@Walsh & @Sleuth, so your opinions/recommendations on Hive vs. File are?
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I particularly like Hive based...
I concur....
Thank you, gentlemen!
It sounds like File may help compensate for bad coding practices, but it may not be worth it
Goestoeleven, do you happen to use cleartype in landscape?
Im still using twkcl to keep the settings, and I remember reading in the past that with the registry file based that the cleartype tweak would stick for people, also you can limit the PIE cache in the registry, but that is another that doesnt stick, wondering if goin to file based would keep those settings, Ive never checked into it myself.
Sorry, but I'm not a ClearType user (always seems blurry to me).
goestoeleven said:
Thank you, gentlemen!
It sounds like File may help compensate for bad coding practices, but it may not be worth it
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Actually, I would tend not to think about bad coding practices. It's just a matter of technological evolution.
Back in the times when we were still using PocketPC - pre WM era, you don't ever need to flush the registry at all since everything's stored in RAM when there was no persistent storage. You must give it power anytime anywhere. The registry would still be there even if you reboot it both by normal software reset approach or by pressing the reset button. The RAM always keep the contents no matter what.
This was rather painful since WM5 devices came in 2 flavors, some earlier ones without persistent storage, while later ones got it. For those with persistent storage, the device effectively became a desktop computer - if you rush to reset your computer by pressing the reset button instead of using the restart command, I am sure files and many stuff would gone, not to mention registry settings. The same applies to WM5+ devices with persistent storage.
Because of this, developers need to modify their programs to call the registry flush function to make sure everything's saved. This is something that takes time for every developers to become aware of this issue and fix it.
M$ really should take up some of the responsibilities. A program is WM5-compatible even if it doesn't flush - since those devices w/o persistent storage that uses RAM-based registry don't have to. But when the same program is running on a device equipped with persistent storage and with hive based registry, it fails to flush and hence cause all the confusions amongst users and developers.
Back to the issue that which one is better, I am assure you that RAM-based registry is BAD in terms of performance. In this mode, any call to flush will cause the entire registry to be written to storage. If say all programmers are all with good WM6 programming practice, performance would definitely be an issue. On the other hand, hive based registry uses memory mapper IO and only the affected data would be written to storage if flushed.
That's why M$ made hive based the default for WM6. In a MSDN article it also said that it does not support the use of RAM-based registry. But I am not quite sure of what they mean by "not support the use" - it probably means that you can't even change the registry type to RAM-based anymore.
BTW, I think the name "file-based registry" is misleading - first, hive based registry is still being saved in a file somewhere. Second, M$ calls is RAM-based registry in the current MSDN articles.
I don't know how the term "file-based" comes up - perhaps those tweak* programs invented it?
Forgive me if this is irrelevant to this thread, but ChaoticDruid's post above is kind of related to my problem. I have an HTC P3600. I have used Resco Registry (setting "OffOnRotation" value to 0), TrinityHacks, Tweaks2k2, Sktools, Molski.Biz in order to have cleartype in lansdscape orientation, but none of them worked. After the first soft-reset, cleartype fonts appear on landscape, as they should. But after the second soft-reset they disappear.
By the way, after the first soft-reset, using Resco Registry I noticed that the "OffOnRotation" value is set to 1, even if the cleartype fonts are activated at that time.
Since you refer to registry, I thought you might have a solution to this problem. If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know.
P.S. Notice that I even waited for 5 minutes and then I pressed-and-hold the hardware on/off button (as far as I know this is the only way to save any changes before a soft-reset).

Registry Edit Apps for Dell Venue Pro

Have there been any tools written to work with the Dell Venue Pro for editing Registry?
All the registry hacks and programs written so far seems to be HTC specific, or at least only HTC compatible.
I can unlock my Dell Venue Pro with Chevron, deploy XAPs but I cannot modify the registry. Argh! No program I have tried can modify it.
Basically, I want to be able to spoof my Dell Venue Pro to an HD7 (just like what we've done with the HD2). - Maybe then my web2go plan can work the DVP after?
If not, IMEI spoofing is another consideration (but we all know why I can't ) - unless....
rebump. anyone?
Bump. I'm also interested in this. I would prefer a general WP7 registry hack though. It would help to keep development free flowing across devices.
dell - no com dlls...
ergo no provxml
no registry...it sucks
domineus said:
dell - no com dlls...
ergo no provxml
no registry...it sucks
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sorry, i didnt understand that. can you reiterate? in layman's terms?
A com dll is a library for storing files that are shared between programs. Which brings me to my question. How can there be no com dll? We have read access to the registry but the write access is blocked right now. They are sharing essentially the exact same code with minor customizations for drivers and such. This does not remove the dll files from the device though. Or am I completely misunderstanding the idea of a dll file?
The LG, Samsung, and HTC phones have OEM-specific apps. To make those apps do useful work, the manufacturer has some COM DLLs exposing functionality not otherwise available to applications. Those COM DLLs are being exploited to create the hacks you see for other phones.
There are no Dell-specific apps and therefore no COM DLLs to exploit.
they do have some tmobile apps that come preloaded. can those work?
gosh! there must be some common exploit. this is stupid!
This is as close as an explot we can get the:
that is Dell's hidden diagnostic menu.
please someone find a way to hack this device!
Thanks for the clarification. I was not aware that the work around for ALL devices was coming from the pre installed manufacturer apps. Would the supposed password for the composite mode on the venue pro diagnostic mode be of any help? This is supposed to allow access to tethering according to pocketnow.com. The composite mode password is supposedly *#301# from what I have read.
Extremely unlikely.
The functionality exposed by the COM DLLs on Samsung HTC LG are things like being able to write to the registry and filesystem with elevated privs (to support provisioning apps and the like).
There is a com dll in the "connection setting" app from the store. Search for that title or "Dell" in the marketplace. Someone also posted the EM mode app. You could use that com dll as well

Updated Registry Editor

I have updated a registry editor (that works with HTC devices) that I found here on xda to work with non-interop unlocked devices (viewing only). If you want to edit entries you will have to add the interop line to the manifest file manually. If you don't know how to do this then look it up .
If the OP of this app has any issue with me doing this please contact me and I will take it down.
I made is so the search bar is hidden by default
Added Icons for folder vs. entry
Added custom splash and icons
Made it so you can use the back button. No more having to click [..]
Interop unlock not needed
Added a few paths that were missing from the old version
Added tilt effect to selected item in the list view. This makes it easier to identify which item you are actually clicking on
Added an exit button to close the application since you might not want to have to hit back a bunch of times.
If you have any suggestions please feel free to tell me
2011-11-17: Added exception handling
bleh, just realized I'm an idiot
I am glad I could be of service
Thank you a lot,great App!
It does not works on my HD2 does anyone tested working on HD2
THX, works fine on htc 7 pro
It does not works on my HD2.
So if this is a registry editor that works on mango htc devices.
Couldn't we interop unlock our HTC devices by just setting the max apps above 300?
I'm upgrading to mango this weekend and I would love to interop unlock my device so I can attempt to get internet sharing working.
With a cdma Sprint Arrive, there is no custom bootloader so interop unlocking is our only shot to get internet sharing working right now
jaygriggs said:
So if this is a registry editor that works on mango htc devices.
Couldn't we interop unlock our HTC devices by just setting the max apps above 300?
I'm upgrading to mango this weekend and I would love to interop unlock my device so I can attempt to get internet sharing working.
With a cdma Sprint Arrive, there is no custom bootloader so interop unlocking is our only shot to get internet sharing working right now
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If you read the first thread you will notice that you NEED interop unlock to write to the registry
App does not work on VZW HTC Trophy. It tries to launch for a second and then closes. Wonder if this is due to having the HTC updates that came after Mango?
On my fully updated HD7 with 7.10.7720 that is chevon unlocked, this app opens then closes right back. It allows me to see the screen for like half a sec.
LiFePo4 said:
App does not work on VZW HTC Trophy. It tries to launch for a second and then closes. Wonder if this is due to having the HTC updates that came after Mango?
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andrew35133 said:
On my fully updated HD7 with 7.10.7720 that is chevon unlocked, this app opens then closes right back. It allows me to see the screen for like half a sec.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What is the FULL version that you are running and what ROM are you using (stock or custom)?
For example my Radar is 7.10.7720.68
Stock 7.10.7720.68 - my phone is in my sig. Thanks
Hmm. I will test it on my sister's HD7 and see if I can debug it. Strange thing is I am not using anything that is specific to the Radar. Thank you for the Full version number. Those last 2 digits do help
There have been issues with some versions of DllImport on HTC Mango phones. The latest one works on my HD7 though. However, this app does not.
7720.68 (Retail build) but none of the HTC updates (so ComRegRW and ComFileRW still work). Speaking of which, I notice you've included them in the XAP - considering that they're useless on most HTC phones, that's not terribly good use of storage.
Love the icon/splash screen though. Also, thank you for not installing in the Settings hub; I actually really am not much of a fan of that.
Can you link me to a dll import file that does work on your device? I can update the code to see if that helps.
1.4 with the custom tile system seems to work:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1006331. 1.3 didn't work for me, though I don't know why.
it's really a nice looking register editor but unfortunately it doesn't work on my hd7, deepshining v3.1, 7.10.7720.68
i'm ready to use it instead of schaps one so...strenght & bravery bro!
Works on my titan. Really neat looking app.
Turns out it must be the NativeLibrary or the DMXMLCOM.dll that are giving people issues.
I just added some exception handling to the xap. Please re-download and try again. Provide me with the exception it throws.

