Sort members by feedback - About

Hi guys,
I was wondering, is there anyway this could be achieved?
Sort user names by feedback?

Can you please elaborate more?

I can only assume that you're reffering to the marketplace feedback....
As far as I know there is currently no way to sort members at all in anyway..
Quite simply, there are too many members.
Please remember that the marketplace is buyer beware and we do not actively moderate or become involved in transactions. If you are in doubt of whether or not a member is genuine or trustworthy I personally to do not believe a feedback system is reliable anyway. Go with you instincts and if your unsure, don't do it.

Appreciate the advice, thank you.


It's Just Not Fun Anymore!!!

Ok, there is something that I want to say.
I know I'm not making myself popular with this post, but I wasn't very happy lately with the comments or the reaction from some fellow Xda-Dev members lately...
This should be a community, where we learn and help each other.
Where we can share knowledge and cool roms (like Toms...) or apps (like Tene's...) etc...
But lately I feel like there are less real Xda-Dev members which appreciate the work and effort, those wizards out there make for us.
Only peoply always complaining about "the need of BETTER beta-testers", is it because these people couldn't test it before a release and are jalous??? Or people complaining about some bugs, and keep asking 100000... times about why there is this bug, how to fix it, or why don't you fix it?? etc... well, let me tell you a BUGFREE rom most likely wouldn't excist... and if you can do it better, why don't you put your TIME and EFFORT in it and make a fix for it... or better make a Rom and share it with us... let's see if you can make a bugfree cool rom??!!
Or people asking 100000... times when will there be a German version of this rom or a Dutch rom or etc... Or why put these apps in a specific rom? etc...
I'm just wondering, do all these people always send 100000... mails to HTC or Microsoft to ask them, why a specific app is in a rom? Why there are these bugs, why this, why that???
I'm just saying why don't we all just show some respect and appreciation to those wizards. To those whom sacrafise a lot of time and work into a project and share it to us for free. Off course I understand, the feedback we all give to these wizards will maybe help them to create a better version or help them make a fix for a bug. But there is some difference between giving feedback and just being a child and complaining ...
I opened this thread, because I feel sorry for Tom (and other wizards)... if you see the post on threads from his roms... more than half is just crap... is just people asking the same thing over and over again... I'm not sure about Tom, but I know I would get it on my nerves when I made something for a community and this would be the reaction... I would ask myself, if it's still worth it to invest so much time into something for all those people...
I used to looking forward to be able to logon on XDA Dev... but lately, I notice that even I got the time for it, I just don't feel like to logon... cause most likely I will missed a page or 2 or 3... but I'm sure I wouldn't miss any potential information...
This post is dedicated to all those Wizards out there... and I'm sorry... I'm sorry there are a lot off people just don't know how to show some respect to you... I hope I still can learn from you, and to use the cool apps and roms from you...
But I must admit, even I'm doubting, will I still comming back to this forum... or should I just leave it???
Just my 2 cents...
100 % agree with you....
you are talking right out of my heart.
i personally tend to ignore all those "but it has a bug!!11!!1" or "i donated few euros now i WANT that feature and i want it NOW" folks. but you are right: it starts to kill the core of the community.
lets all be unpopular together......
...I agree with everything you say cg...pointing out a problem and making the dev aware is one thing - complaining is another completely.
The amount of posts on this website pushing Tom Codon to release his 4.1 rom was stupid...when its ready its ready. If you don't want to wait - install a factory rom and stop whining.
I also have no problem (we've all done it) in asking a question because you can't find an answer...the main point being "if you can't find an answer" - a lot of people tend not to search and fill the forums with duplicate posts. conclusion....i may not be a regular poster, but I really enjoy reading almost every post on this site - but when you we are in a position when a poster such as coolgadget is thinking of leaving - we need to pay attention...
imagine what would happen in Tom decided to leave - or any of the other cookers - maybe thats what some of the people on here need before they realise what these guys do.
Rant over
I think your post will make you very popular and make you many friend.
I am on your side - only someone with your reputation is able to say that!!
Thank you my friend.
We all have to organize and discipline us in order to get a forum with easy readable informations which helps the community.
Not only consuming and defining requirements is here the right way!!!
Nobody does this in relation to HTC or Microsoft - and Tom and all the other devs work very hard (somtetimes day and night) - they should have the change to concentrate on cooking good roms - not discussing the same problems again and again.
Bottlm Line!
That my Friend is the bottom Line.
I always come on here with intentions of helping out anyone I can. I have been testing with Cool Gadget for a while; he and I have the same feelings here. I am literally drained when it comes to trying to read through the release posts.
I lose my confidence in this community when I read some of the statements, complaints and out right rude comments left by some users.
I appreciate every ones interest, and inpatients for the next release, I don’t condone it at all, but I do get it. You can be anyone you want to be on the internet, some choose to be who they really are, while some cant help but to be that person...
In short, Cool has this right on, I would repost it and change the name just to be the first to say it.
Please people, show a little respect and integrity, it really goes a long way
Thanks Coolgadget for posting this.
Even the original rom of HTC has bug's
Can we make this post sticky?
Ps. it's my 100 post
RE: Coolgadget
True, but might some people say this and that cus they would like to help work of the creator, and not cus they want to blame his work. Have you ever thought about that? And maybe these forums are for not only but for this reason as well, to let the developers help each other, let the users help each other, let the developers help the users and MAYBE vica verse.
Maybe I am wrong.
biou said:
I think your post will make you very popular and make you many friend.
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i also agree, it's not really fine to search in a thread with about 100pages and the most asked question is really "when do you make german rom", "and found this bug", etc it's really true. It's not comfortable to find real interestening threads. And such statements are totally useless for everybody. I like your point of view!
moderators can edit complains & ****ty comment away.
i was a moderator for a long time on a board, we made some rules.
There rules where simple, follow them or get a warning, still not listening, they got banned.
the normal respected members will always follow the rules.
the ones that are *****ing, making lame & dumb comments will eventually make place for the people that DO want to contribute in a healthy way
look at some of the new members their lame posts....
they are just joining to complain, say this is bad, this isn't good... bladiebladiebla...not good for the health of a community imo
serious, they need to give all the guys that are working on things like this in their spare time some credit.
Complaining & whining..... for stuff that is free....what a bunch of assholes
Good post man
I agree, but I guess its not easy for all newcomers (me included) to fully understand how much work is beeing put into cooking roms, hacking progz to make them better, and so on.
Havent we all been a nOOb? lol, im still one, but I feel like im climbing upwards to a higher plain of existence ( ) the more I read on this forums.
I didnt fully understand (do I yet?) before starting to cook for myself, even though I am provided by tools like the HyperCore kitchen by anichillus, I can see that its still damn much to learn, and that it takes alot of time. Cant even imagine how much hours the pros in here has used, and for free. Amazing..
Maybe we should start a "Guide how to..." section on frontpage, making a part called TouchFlo, one called dialer, one called commManager and so on.
Posting sollutions found in.ex on how to install the touch dialer on a fresh official rom and so on.
And why not let that be readable for everyone, but posting restricted to senior members?
There it could be posted answers for all the common questions ppl would have.
If that could be done, im sure the sections would be easier to scroll through, not having to read 100000 posts asking whythisandwhythathowtopleasethx.....
I dont think the forums will ever get rid of the newcomers asking alot of questions, over and over again. Like me Sending PMs to the wizards, asking questions (that im stupid enough to belive that 1000 others have not asked them about before) about how to....and so on
cheers masters
And Coolgadget, dont leave, we need you here.
itje said:
Good post man
I agree, but I guess its not easy for all newcomers (me included) to fully understand how much work is beeing put into cooking roms, hacking progz to make them better, and so on.
Havent we all been a nOOb? lol, im still one, but I feel like im climbing upwards to a higher plain of existence ( ) the more I read on this forums.
I didnt fully understand (do I yet?) before starting to cook for myself, even though I am provided by tools like the HyperCore kitchen by anichillus, I can see that its still damn much to learn, and that it takes alot of time. Cant even imagine how much hours the pros in here has used, and for free. Amazing..
Maybe we should start a "Guide how to..." section on frontpage, making a part called TouchFlo, one called dialer, one called commManager and so on.
Posting sollutions found in.ex on how to install the touch dialer on a fresh official rom and so on.
And why not let that be readable for everyone, but posting restricted to senior members?
There it could be posted answers for all the common questions ppl would have.
If that could be done, im sure the sections would be easier to scroll through, not having to read 100000 posts asking whythisandwhythathowtopleasethx.....
I dont think the forums will ever get rid of the newcomers asking alot of questions, over and over again. Like me Sending PMs to the wizards, asking questions (that im stupid enough to belive that 1000 others have not asked them about before) about how to....and so on
cheers masters
And Coolgadget, dont leave, we need you here.
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Yes i can follow you but there is a difference between the guys trying to initiate active (proactive) communication and that one which are only consuming!
coolgadget and chandlercjh
I'm in total agreement with you both in all your comments above. If people would only show some patience here especially with Tom and the work he is doing at this great forum... its would be a very sad day if he or any of the other senior members decided to leave. I don't make many posts on here but I am a regular reader and absolutely love the site. I just hope that more people show respect and an ability to use the search function... and i dread the nonsense we will have to read when we near v4.2 of Tom's great ROM.
Agreed fully
Hello Friend;
I completely agree with you.Its not fair that people who make ROM's and other apps are always crucified or pressured.Many time the same questiona are answered previously.But no one wants to read it,it seems.But another thing to be high lighted is that many people can't speak English well.This some time lead to messages which seems arrogant.But I have to agree the message u posted(I saw it before in forum) is the result of a gigantic ego and big mouth.He doesn't even pay anything for the ROM(forgetting a few bucks of Donations) and daring to complain like this.As u say such people can make their own ROM's and make it perfect and don't stop complaining.
And please remember that there are much more people here who are your fans and looks up to you.So please don't be bothered and continue your good work.
Regards and have a nice day.
My alplogies for my following comment as I am quite new here in the forum as well.
I completely agree with these statements here. It looks very childish (to put it in polite words) what many of the members write in their posts when they cry for tthe ROM in another language (you didn't learn english in school??).
Tom is doing a great job and he is ALWAYS polite. Try to behave in the same way!!!
For the beta-tester critics, I just like to mention that the SW from very big companies is also far away from being bug-less.
To mention I sent 10 bucks please provide me with this or that is ***
Come on, go in a restaurant and buy a coffe. What do you get for this money.
My impression is, Tom is doing this because he likes to do it, to share it and to contribute to a comunity. I call this respect. So, show him your respect as well.
Donate to show your respect to him and not because you want something.
my 2 cents in R-E-S-P-E-C-T,
Try to imagine XDA WITHOUT Tom
Hi there,
What my dear personal friend Coolgadget apparently forgot to mention is that in a recent conversation we had with Tom -after having read some REALLY NASTY & RUDE posts- we urged him to leave and start using his valuable time to do better things rather than "attempting" to please the varied XDA crowd.
We also tried to persuade him to charge a minimum fee for each download.
In a recent post (some of you might even remember that) I have publicly suggested Tom to go to the beach instead of "wasting" his time following useless remarks of some outstandingly tactless XDA forum members.
All this TO NO AVAIL... Tom is a big-hearted and professional young man who LOVES EVERYBODY, kind and mean alike, generous and stingy alike!
Tom insisted and decided to continue HELPING EVERYONE 4 FREE... Isn't that magnificent?!?
Coolgadget (just like myself) gained among certain "noble" XDA groups a fair degree of unpopularity because of his straightforward writing style, because his posts are always right to the point and MOSTLY because he knows what kind of pain Tom has to "digest" when some people POST FASTER THAN THEY CAN THINK.
Please remember that this forum will never be the same if people like Tom or Coolgadget will decide to leave!!!
In the "Donations to Tom Codon" thread ( I have just posted how important nice and encouraging words are to Tom... I would almost dare to define them just as valuable as generous financial donations.
I thank you all once more for the understanding and support shown so far (and OBVIOULSY for the one you will keep on showing ) and I wish you a great day.
I completely agree with the comments made in this post and I apologise for not having any input myself. Tom does indeed make some great roms that make the XDA Orbit/P3300, or whatever you want to call it, a far more useable piece of technology. I am surprised that the likes of O2, T-Mobile or HTC haven't jumped at the chance to showcase how enthusiasts are developing and pushing the boundaries with their technology.
I do think that one of the problems is language and that some people, whose first language is not English, may come across as quite rude when they perhaps don't mean to. This does not excuse peoples inability to use the search function or the ones that are blatantly rude and I would suggest that the mods here clamp down and ruthlessly delete both the rude posts and those that ask the same questions time and time again. Perhaps a sticky in the most common languages on how to use the search function might go some way to highlighting the problem and how it is ruining the forum.
I am not saying that there are not faults with the roms and that Tom does not require feedback; all I am saying is that those that can not offer useful input, who are rude or constantly demand things are not actively allowed to ruin threads.
My life with the Orbit would be far less interesting without Tom's work.
Many thanks and I will donating come payday.
What my dear personal friend Coolgadget apparently forgot to mention is that in a recent conversation we had with Tom -after having read some REALLY NASTY & RUDE posts- we urged him to leave and start using his valuable time to do better things rather than "attempting" to please the varied XDA crowd.We also tried to persuade him to charge a minimum fee for each download.
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hi SiperX and Coolgadget I can only request you to ignore those NASTY & RUDE comments as there are always some ants in heaven.Either we can put negative points for such whiners after a level they will be banned or just ignore it.I kindly request you not to be affected by these remarks by some IDIOTS who think they can have their way.
Coolgadget (just like myself) gained among certain "noble" XDA groups a fair degree of unpopularity because of his straightforward writing style, because his posts are always right to the point and MOSTLY because he knows what kind of pain Tom has to "digest" when some people POST FASTER THAN THEY CAN THINK.
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For this I consider you and others who male this forum a big contribution.But please remember there are many who admire you too.I admire Tom and his works.Not just him the forum itself and many volunteers who make apps in their free time and distribute it freely.
Please remember that this forum will never be the same if people like Tom or Coolgadget will decide to leave!!!
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I hope that day never comes.Is there anything we can do to help you?
this matter seems resolved

Feedback To Moderators [All 3 Threads Merged]

I need a diligent overseer to delete my account on, please. vBulletin doesn't seem to give that option anywhere.
I can't have my words edited unless I'm the one doing the editing.
Thank you.
EDIT: I have merged all three threads so everyone can post their feedback to moderators. Please, no flaming allowed. If you want to say something, say it politely and like some members already mentioned, let's be one big happy family i.e. come together and make this place a friendlier and a peaceful place without the need to leave the forum, point fingers at anyone or flame someone. If you guys want something done, PM us or any mods your request or concerns. We'll see to it that it will done based on the subject on hand.
Everyone is Welcome here and I'd like to keep it that way. If your upset with something, come to us so we can come to an agreement because we want everyone to be happy and not otherwise.
Enjoy your stay here, not regret signing up because XDA is wonderful place for us to come share our thoughts, contribute to the community and obviously, make some good friends while we're here.
Thanks for your co-operation in this matter, guys.
Best Regards,
What happened? You planning on leaving XDA? I wouldn't want you to as you put in a lot of efforts in keepin the wiki up to date. Your the only one who ever took interest in it and without you, we wouldn't have had any updates on the wiki and because of you, It was easier to compile a thread and sticky it. So please re-consider your decision.
On a side note, if mods did edit your posts, they have full right to. I don't know why a mod edited your posts but if you did use profanity or do something else, we're given right to either delete or edit a post but if it keeps happening for no reason, then by all means - report it.
Hope you do re-consider your decision.
No, I haven't reconsidered. Nor did I ask to be deleted to draw attention to myself. I would have done so quietly if the option were available.
But since it's out there ...I never saw anything in the posting rules about profanity. In fact, you, lukybandit, are fond of using some when you have problems (see the phantom alarm bug.) I did notice the posting rules calling this a "sacred place." If someone's words don't belong to him, there is no sanctity. In short, you all need to stop using the royal "we" a bit, coordinate your efforts better among yourselves, and stop creating problems where none exist. You're here to serve us, not the other way around.
My words are just that: MY words. If a mod has a problem with me or my speech, he should tell me, NOT edit my posts. I don't care if it's in your moderator handbook that you have the "right" to. Your right is wrong.
Power corrupts and I enjoy freedom. Please do me the honor of deleting my account.
beartard said:
No, I haven't reconsidered. Nor did I ask to be deleted to draw attention to myself. I would have done so quietly if the option were available.
But since it's out there ...I never saw anything in the posting rules about profanity. In fact, you, lukybandit, are fond of using some when you have problems (see the phantom alarm bug.) I did notice the posting rules calling this a "sacred place." If someone's words don't belong to him, there is no sanctity. In short, you all need to stop using the royal "we" a bit, coordinate your efforts better among yourselves, and stop creating problems where none exist. You're here to serve us, not the other way around.
My words are just that: MY words. If a mod has a problem with me or my speech, he should tell me, NOT edit my posts. I don't care if it's in your moderator handbook that you have the "right" to. Your right is wrong.
Power corrupts and I enjoy freedom. Please do me the honor of deleting my account.
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Alright, now that you have infact pointed fingers at me - I'd like to make myself clear on this one. I just went through all my posts and the ONLY word I ever said was "Damn" - and you tell me I'm fond of using profanity? Good try but it's not going to work. Is saying "AHH and saying This is annoying" wrong? Please correct me if that were the case.
Power does corrupt but if there's power to remove people that flame others or use profanity, then that power is just - hence the word "Moderator". If you go to other forums, many senior mods delete and edit posts so as to keep this forum a clean, better place.
If someone's words that belong to him were allowed in every place, including sacred places - then I wonder how this world would be. You'd find people swearing in business meetings or insulting others in sacred places. Anyways, to cut it short -
Thanks for the wiki.
Your request will be fulfilled. However, I or the other mods don't have the right to delete you as only the Site Admin has the option of deleting you.
Last but not the least, Funny you mention we are creating problems when we're trying hard to collaborate and make this forum a much better place. Never did we intend to use the royal word "we" but hey, if you want to think like that, then all the POWER to you.
P.S: If you don't care if it's in the Moderator handbook, then we won't hesitate to remove you, either.
(On a personal note, I never thought problems existed. I don't know where I or any other mod went wrong because we tried to accommodate everyone's requests and keep everyone happy, but hey they say everything takes time and I guess it will take you time as well to understand that what "WE" do is only for the forums benefit and not trying to abuse the so - called "Power".)
Good Day.
I didn't mention your posts to point fingers, but just by way of example.
Thought police often collaborate to make the world a better place. Where is this list of forbidden words? "Damn" and "hell" are ok, but a link to "" isn't? It's a real website, btw. Are certain words said in jest worse than paragraphs haranguing users saying they should die in a fire (sorry, gixxum...much respect to you). I think that was received with laughs by everyone.
When you guys got the moderator-ship, I was happy. I figured, "nice. Now a lot of duplicate posts will be cleaned up and things will be easier to find." Instead we finally had the iron curtain lowered on our very words and thoughts. Where do you draw the line?
Collaboration is a good thing. And I know you are all feeling good that you have been made moderators. The first sign that things were weird was when all three moderators came down on a newbie saying the same thing back-to-back. That was laughable, but I have to draw the line at changing my words.
I just can't see myself being a part of something like that. It's supposed to be a forum for adults to discuss their phones, not a Baptist children's summer camp.
Thank you for seeing that my request is fulfilled.
i have to say I agree with beatard
I totally agree that moderation power was abused.
The rule that was supposedly broken if I understand correctly is this:
8. Stay cool
Think of this as a on-line temple. A sacred place, dedicated to collaboration, learning and collective wisdom. Don't shout and try not to get angry. Maybe the world should adhere more to the basic filosofy of Internet protocol design: "Be strict about what you send, and liberal about what you receive". This forum has people from all countries, cultures and levels of mental maturity. This means that no matter what you're like, you'll have to adjust to people that are most definitely not like you. But on the other hand, try to be gentle with people, even in the event they're not gentle with you. It will gain you many reputation points if you help to keep the peace.
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And what was changed? The change that I saw was changing a link to "" to show the text "http://justfriggin(edited)" but still link to the same site.
First of all, I think it is extremely bad form to claim to link to one site, and actually be a link to a different site. But that is beside the point.
beatard's post was quite within the rule stated above:
The standard answer for ROM searches is: you can rip them from cartridges you own yourself. While having emulators is perfectly fine, having ROMs for carts you don't own is illegal in most of the world. Sharing them on this forum would put the site in legal jeopardy as well, so you're not gonna get very much good info here. is your best bet, as well as searching your favorite bittorrent site.
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A very calm, useful, and even funny answer to the ethernal question "where do I find the ROMS?" Much better than some of the recent answers to "can I have this or that recent game", and much calmer. Notice that the edit done to the post did not at all change the "Stay cool"ness factor of the post. I do not think that the function of the moderators is "to wash the mouths of posters with soap". Instead I would think that they should quietly pm posters in borderline cases and intervene in extreme cases when pm did not help.
And finally, are you aware that by editing posts the site makes itself liable because of what is said, which is not the case when posts are not edited? See, e.g.
But, I want to thank all the moderators for the work that was done in the recent weeks - the forum did get much better! But we (I) would like to keep the forum a nice and happy place, and it is very obvious that you did manage to upset beatard (and me too, after I noticed what happened).
8. Stay cool
Think of this as a on-line temple. A sacred place, dedicated to collaboration, learning and collective wisdom. Don't shout and try not to get angry. Maybe the world should adhere more to the basic filosofy of Internet protocol design: "Be strict about what you send, and liberal about what you receive". This forum has people from all countries, cultures and levels of mental maturity. This means that no matter what you're like, you'll have to adjust to people that are most definitely not like you. But on the other hand, try to be gentle with people, even in the event they're not gentle with you. It will gain you many reputation points if you help to keep the peace.
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I'm sorry... This is TOTALLY off-topic. But--"filosofy"? Seriously?
This thread is really getting out of hand. Most of this thread is about freedom of speech vs. common decency. I respect that some people cannot speak or write without using what is better known as foul language, but I feel sometimes a little bit of restraint will go a long way. It will bring more people to this forum since there ALOT of people that don't care to hear or see that kind of language. We can ultimately answer questions or give opinions about stuff without being harsh with our words. With that said.... Flar (Admin) has been notified about your request and hopefully will fulfill your request ASAP.
Sorry, I just had to reopen this thread to put in my thoughts.
I'm surprised by some of the comments people are making. Not once did I think to myself, oh let's abuse the "moderator power" that I got. If you think so, then I can't comment on that. I'm still lost as to what "I" personally did to upset any of the members on this forum.
In regards to the police collaborating to make this forum a better place, that we are doing every chance we get. You have to understand that it doesn't give us any pleasure to edit or delete posts. We are given that option only to edit/delete posts that flame others, spam or use profanity.
We are and were trying hard to clean this place up. For example: If you want to point your fingers at pudgedaddy, then please tell me - what does he get for sitting for "HOURS" cleaning up threads and deleting useless threads? Obviously, he's only trying to do what it takes for your benefit, not his own.
If I went wrong somewhere and upset a few members, I apologize but that never was my intention. I only did what was necessary and not because I enjoy editing or deleting posts.
Last but not the least, we are trying to do what it takes to make the Excalibur and other forums cleaner and better for your own use. If a Moderator says refrain from using profanity, why's it so hard to comply? That's like you in a class blatantly swearing and a teacher comes to you and is like " Refrain from using profanity" - What are you going to say? Oh, It's my mouth, I'll speak however I like.
Anyways, In regards to the link, I'm unaware as to what happened.
All in all, Thanks for being here and contributing to the community but if you ever re-consider, we'd be happy to take you back.
Good Luck & Hope you enjoyed your time here (disregarding the recent stirrups).
Leaving this forum
I agree with Beartard.
"If I went wrong somewhere and upset a few members, I apologize but that never was my intention. I only did what was necessary and not because I enjoy editing or deleting posts." a moderator
I am allergic to such behaviour. My fault. Unfortunately the thread was closed so I have to open a new one to ask for to delete my account.
I do appreciate the great efforts made by Kavana and many other contributors!
wow. this is gettin crazy.
It definitely is getting crazy. I'm surprised at the reactions of a few members. If anyone had any concerns whatsoever, why was I not notified? Noone ever complained to me or said anything to me.
I'm still confused as to where I wronged anyone at all. I wasn't active in the past 3 days and I'm unaware of any recent stirrups.
I don't know why I'm being attacked because it's understandable if I upset someone but if I did, then howcome noone ever told me? Infact, I got PM's from a few members congratulating me and saying good work is being done.
Anyways, It's upto you guys. If you want to leave, by all means do but we don't hold responsibility as we always had good intentions for everyone and this forum as a whole. On one end, you guys say good job and on the other end, you say you want to leave because we are moderating your posts. Please refer to the word "Moderator" in the dictionary. Maybe then you will understand why we do what we do.
If we were getting paid, then that's a completely different issue. We do this out of the love for this forum, not our own benefit. We are talking and trying to do as much as we can for this forum. Infact, I have made a few friends (not mods) here too who I talk on a regular basis.
Anyways, Good Luck to everybody and like I previously said in the other thread, our doors are open to you guys 24/7.
If you want to be a part of us then all you need to do is comply with rules & regulations, ask us questions, search, download .cabs like NRG Weather and finally, enjoy your time here !
why are people getting mad left and right shoot, for real come on now guys we should all be a family and try to help each other out...
oh an another thing, i think peoples posts should stay, who cares honestly if the f word is thrown here and there, it doesnt even matter we are majority all adults here and we can take that language, being in college like myself no one really cares about curse words and what not, i use them all the time.
I'm all for being a family and being happy together. I even apologized even though, I don't recall doing anything. Infact, I don't recall editing any posts for profanity.
Anyways, Guys - Cmon now, You do know that XDA's the best place to be so relax, calm down - let it go.
I'll have a talk with other mods and things will be a bit more chill if that's how you guys prefer it to be.
If I can be of any help, don't hesitate because I'd be more than happy to help and do whatever it takes for everyone to be happy around here.
XDA's my 2nd home so let's keep it like that, what say?
as you can see, yes we like it chill. how about instead of worrying about language you close some threads that noobs with 1 post start about topics that have been gone over 400000 times. and not close threads by valued members such as beartard....then reopen to get the final say...then close again so no one can post after your high and mighty final word.
lukybandit said:
I'm all for being a family and being happy together. I even apologized even though, I don't recall doing anything. Infact, I don't recall editing any posts for profanity.
Anyways, Guys - Cmon now, You do know that XDA's the best place to be so relax, calm down - let it go.
I'll have a talk with other mods and things will be a bit more chill if that's how you guys prefer it to be.
If I can be of any help, don't hesitate because I'd be more than happy to help and do whatever it takes for everyone to be happy around here.
XDA's my 2nd home so let's keep it like that, what say?
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Alright 'bandit... If you'll notice--no one has blamed you man. The only time your name was mentioned was when your previous use of profanity wasn't spotlighted as others were. You guys (the Mods) have done a great job cleaning up the obsolete threads and establishing order in one of the most active forums in xda.
As I mentioned to Pudgedaddy--it kinda shocks me when someone's freedom of speech is in question. I myself detest (nor do I use) foul language, but I think it's downright eerie to know that my own words can be altered without my knowledge. Warnings, deletions, and even bans are cool with me to enforce the "no language" rule but don't change my words.
I Love This Forum, I Just Gotta Say.........
I am friends with everybody that enters these forum walls. I really like it that me and people like me have a place to go to find and discuss with others the way things could or should work on our phones and/or programs that we and others write.
I am friends with mods, no names mentioned, I am friends with folks that hate the mods, no names mentioned. I try to be everyone's friend, and the way I think I am having luck with this so far is by being honest, frank, upfront, and decent to people. I apply these standards in my life, always. That doesn't mean that if someone wants to start some crap, I won't deliver. I will, but we don't even know each other here. This is for all intensive purposes, cyberspace. I don't know what color the person I am talking to is, or race, or creed. Guess what, I don't care. I just want some answers, and am willing to give some in the process.
I wanted to be a mod to clean up the forum, but not clean up the discussions. I just wanted to organize them. I am not talking smack about how things are run here. I am not in charge, so I don't know the in's and out's of being a mod. I just hope they do what they know is the best job they can. I think when you are made a mod, that puts you in a higher regard than everyone else that frequents these forums.
I was in the AF for a bit. I know one thing, the reason the American people shouldn't worry about who is watching them, is not because of EVERY member that is defending them. It is the leaders. The leaders of our nation and all nations are there to do just that, LEAD. I know that they do a poor job what seems like constantly, but let's not kid ourselves here. Everyone that is old seems to always have the notion that the world is going to hell in a handbasket, and the young think everything is Disneyland. We as leaders are there to uphold the ideals instilled by our system of rules. Our goal is simple as leaders: " Life should go on as 'Normal',otherwise keep the peace and backoff." I think we all know this is the way it is supposed to be. It's funny that we need people to remind us this.
I just want all of the mods to know, they are appreciated. That is really all they should want, AND that is all they really deserve. This is a volunteered position. If it is becoming too stressful, take a chill pill and step down. Stay on the forum and be one of the regular guys. It's not so bad. LOL!!
To everyone that's just a regular joe on these forums, thanks for being here. We were all noobs at one point. You won't always be if you stick with it. I know I will. I hope if any of you have any probs, that you come to one of the mods and speak your mind. If you feel weird about doing it, pm me or Showaco or somebody like one of us that isn't a mod, and we'll see what we can get done.
I just want to add this:
We as people should be and are capable of governing ourselves on small squabbles and other such matters. As men, we know this rule, it is part of becoming a man, you don't run home to momma, and you don't call the cops (Unless, you totally gotta on the cops). All people should be aiming to have a society where we don't have to have any governing body, and we all "just get along". This is how Webster's dictionary defines anarchy, a total absence of government in a utopian society.
Sorry, not trying to get all preachy, but I love this place and want everything to run smoothely. Just had to say it.
It's all good, brother!
You are doing a great job. If you could do a better one in your opinion, then do a better job, otherwise keep on doing what you do. Later on brother, take it easy.
lukybandit said:
I'm all for being a family and being happy together. I even apologized even though, I don't recall doing anything. Infact, I don't recall editing any posts for profanity.
Anyways, Guys - Cmon now, You do know that XDA's the best place to be so relax, calm down - let it go.
I'll have a talk with other mods and things will be a bit more chill if that's how you guys prefer it to be.
If I can be of any help, don't hesitate because I'd be more than happy to help and do whatever it takes for everyone to be happy around here.
XDA's my 2nd home so let's keep it like that, what say?
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i agree with the freedom of speech thing. how about this, instead of changing my words, just delete the post. dont change peoples words....the ruins the point of a public bbs/forum.
do we sit in a circle now and hold hands? maybe sing a song?

No marketplace business for jr members?

I apologize that I don't have that many posts to my credit but I refuse to go around the forums adding nonsense to each one when I can just learn and be kinda quiet from reading and understanding. I do have a few posts and have been a member for over a year now and have also sold my AT&T Tilt successfully on here about a yr ago. Now because of the crooked ppl on here that scam others, I am not allowed to do business in the marketplace because I haven't posted enough??? I'm sorry but that's being very stereotypical and really sucks because many jr members that have been here for quite sometime prolly have more couth than some of the ppl that have been here for a while and just solicit the hell outta xda. I'm not trying to start any arguments or anything, but I just think it's unfair and something more should be done to make it fair. Thanks and I hope that this is taken into consideration because I do have another phone I would like to put up for sale on here and I do have a 100% positive sales history on here.
Thats ultimately going to pay you in future. Believe me this rule is good for all of us. Contribute something good to the forums & you will find it not so difficult. Thats how we can make this place a safer haven for pocket pc users. Good Luck.
mreusswig said:
I apologize that I don't have that many posts to my credit but I refuse to go around the forums adding nonsense to each one when I can just learn and be kinda quiet from reading and understanding. I do have a few posts and have been a member for over a year now and have also sold my AT&T Tilt successfully on here about a yr ago. Now because of the crooked ppl on here that scam others, I am not allowed to do business in the marketplace because I haven't posted enough??? I'm sorry but that's being very stereotypical and really sucks because many jr members that have been here for quite sometime prolly have more couth than some of the ppl that have been here for a while and just solicit the hell outta xda. I'm not trying to start any arguments or anything, but I just think it's unfair and something more should be done to make it fair. Thanks and I hope that this is taken into consideration because I do have another phone I would like to put up for sale on here and I do have a 100% positive sales history on here.
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Have a deep read here and you´ll understand why not jr members
mreusswig said:
I apologize that I don't have that many posts to my credit but I refuse to go around the forums adding nonsense to each one when I can just learn and be kinda quiet from reading and understanding. I do have a few posts and have been a member for over a year now and have also sold my AT&T Tilt successfully on here about a yr ago. Now because of the crooked ppl on here that scam others, I am not allowed to do business in the marketplace because I haven't posted enough??? I'm sorry but that's being very stereotypical and really sucks because many jr members that have been here for quite sometime prolly have more couth than some of the ppl that have been here for a while and just solicit the hell outta xda. I'm not trying to start any arguments or anything, but I just think it's unfair and something more should be done to make it fair. Thanks and I hope that this is taken into consideration because I do have another phone I would like to put up for sale on here and I do have a 100% positive sales history on here.
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I am glad you were capable of selling your device successfully. You must be an honest person. However, what if you were on the buyer end of the transaction and you did not receive the device? What if you received a big candle in a box opposed to the Tilt?
Personally I feel if you did not record the mailing and the unboxing of the package, emails and private messages, you would be out of luck.
There are many places on the internet to conduct your business other than xda. The Marketplace is for members who use and contribute to the forum.
This is a phone development forum and we have no solid way to know who's legit and who's a scammer who has an account, so we do the best with what we have. And the best way to help protect the users of this site, is to only allow users who have a few contributions and have an account that's been open a while.
I'd like to contribute more, but...
I'd really enjoy contributing more to a forum like this but as I am learning more about these devices, maybe in the future I will be more of a contributor than a student and just searching and trying out the different stuff you guys provide here. Again, I appreciate your responses and all but I also saw a lot of what if's and so on, only meaning one thing. A few bad apples ruined it for the rest of us and that's a shame, but I guess it is in fact reality. Anyways, here's another post towards me being able to do business in the market place lol. How many posts until I am able to sell my phone now? Thanks again.
Its not about certain experiences. Whenever we start a venture we set rules of conduct so we could avoid problems at max. Thats what XDA staff did. Its for all of us. As Redbandana said, imagine being at buyers side you would really not like to have this rule infringed. Moreover even on the side of seller you should avoid dealing with people with low posts, I did that mistake & found myself in barrage of allegations, I sold something to someone & after a week buyer is coming out with allegations rather than proof. I have learnt a lesson from that.
Good Luck contributing to the forum. Cheers.
Hey, you're a senior member in your own right. Just say thanks on the threads you have downloaded from, and provide some feedback...30 posts is nothing.
And true, post count doesn't really say much...I have read much without posting too.
Lumic said:
Hey, you're a senior member in your own right. Just say thanks on the threads you have downloaded from, and provide some feedback...30 posts is nothing.
And true, post count doesn't really say much...I have read much without posting too.
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My eye is on you, boy! Instead of cluttering might as well help out! I'm checking up members with minimal post count not having a very long membership. If I find too much clutter, away with you. Come on, these rules are there to protect the people in this community, don't encourage sleazy ways to be able to post in the market place. It's not that hard to find a way to help out!
Hey ive just joined this site and i must say its tops. And yes i agree that with a site as this you have to be both safe and fair as there are some shady people out there who would love to ruin the good work put into this site.
glad you like it
netgod said:
Hey ive just joined this site and i must say its tops. And yes i agree that with a site as this you have to be both safe and fair as there are some shady people out there who would love to ruin the good work put into this site.
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have fiun and enjoy or site
Post Count doesn't really tell you much. Quite honestly, I would suggest that if the member is not a know entity among the crowd, just make the sale / purchase via eBay. It's quick, it's simple and it's safer than sending money to somebody that you know absolutely nothing about.
I recently made a purchase from a fellow XDA member with about 60 posts. To be honest I was extremely apprehensive, but I did some digging around and eventualy realised he's a very sweet guy. While that worked for me, it doesn;t necessarily have to work for everyone. If you are in doubt, ask the seller to put it up on eBay and get it from there.
My 2 cents.

DEVS and USERS...How much $$ is changing hands??

This is a non-scientific poll to assess the current state of our support for the Devs through monetary donations, keeping in mind that there are many ways to show support. This, I am aware, is mostly anecdotal evidence for whether or not we are supporting our Devs sufficiently.
DEVS, just give your best guess if you don't keep good records, and please just include all donations for the dev work you've done here in one lump sum. I know many of your have several projects, but that would be impossible to track.
USERS: Please give your best guess on how much TOTAL money you have donated to devs on this forum.
MULTIPLE CHOICES ARE ALLOWED, so that a dev may vote in both categories (yes, devs do also donate)
Let me say up front that we have an awesome development community, and I know our developers do this because they love it. I don't know any of them that are begging for change on the forums or scrutinizing our paltry donations. They are all very generous with their time.
Furthermore, I am in no way shape or form a developer, nor am I personal friends or even IRC chatter with any of the Devs, so there is no personal interest here.
I do feel, however, that we (myself included) take for granted the amount of time spent on the various projects. My hope is that this survey will shed some light on how little or how much our devs have been supported financially, by means of an anonymous poll. To make it as valid as possible, please take the time to mark your responses.
They results of both polls taken together should yield some interesting info.
Asking a specific dollar amount doesn't seem right to me, it's to personal. Asking at all seems kinda weird but if I had to ask, I'd ask something along the lines of "Is support working", "Are people supporting", or something vague like that.
BenHolliday said:
Asking a specific dollar amount doesn't seem right to me, it's to personal. Asking at all seems kinda weird but if I had to ask, I'd ask something along the lines of "Is support working", "Are people supporting", or something vague like that.
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I'm asking for a range, not specific amount. Not to mention it's anonymous. Money is a touchy subject in our culture though. Never ask someone what they make, right?
Your point is taken though.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App

Can you guys/gals donate please?

I am just a ROM flashing newbie here, for the most part. I have had Android phones for 3 years or so but flashed my first ROM recently. Can you guy/gals please donate something to these developers? I have read some things where the donate to download ratio is ridiculously low.
I don't know what an appropriate amount to donate is. Maybe somebody can chime in on this. I donated $5 for my first ROM and the more questions I ask the developer the more I would donate. I plan to donate some more as I download more and more items.
If you can afford this phone then please donate something to these hardworking people. I don't know how many cans or bottles you would need to collect to get a few bucks but I guarantee the time it would take to get those cans or bottles is way less than the time these developers give to helping us all out.
DONT FORGET the costs associated with many of them having a website and the bandwidth they have to pay for when we download off of their site
You randomly read some statement somewhere that says donation to download is low? How about some specifics, such as rom and donations.
Your statement assumes too much, and not in a good light.
Most devs love them but don't expect them; they do it out of passion. Were it a financial burden, they would actively request or find hosts and help.
Also, with all the various rom devs, module devs, cross sharing, and kangers, who is to decide which persons or teams should really get donations?
Who says we haven't or don't donate?
I would love to help you, but help yourself first: ask a better question
Hey moderators.....can you please delete this thread. I posted originally and really don't feel like getting into an online s h i t throwing session with others even though I am generally very good at it. I appeared to spark a nerve.
I think this is a legitimate topic.
Asking for donations never hurt. I guess the right way to say it is, "think about donating to your fellow developer of the rom you are running."
For they are the reason you are enjoying your expensive phone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda app-developers app
That's a better way of saying it. When I read the first post, it sounded like whoever read it is being presumptuously told that they're not being supportive of the ROMs they use.
OP, you'd be surprised how willing people are to donate on here. One example is... madmack brought CM10.1 to our devices, but wanted additional support from another developer. The developer agreed, but as long as he was able to have the funds to purchase the phone to test and work on it. In less than a few days, enough people had donated enough for him to purchase the phone, but I had seen that people continued to donate to him.
The premise of this tread isn't bad. Just know that when people on here see good work, they're very very supportive.

