Galaxy S Wifi 5.0 YP-G70CW (GPS lock fix) - Galaxy S I9000 Themes and Apps

Though I'd share this for ones that have this device. Bout it off of Woot about a month ago thinking it would be a great replacement for my Garmin Nav. Big screen, runs Android, surf the web, use it as a media player, blah, blah, blah...But the main reason was to use it as a Nav unit. My only problem was that it would take forever to lock on to satellites. Sometimes a few minutes and sometimes close to about 8 minutes or so. Pretty bad if my intention was to use it as a nav unit.
Came across this forum tonight and tried it.
No luck. Still taking forever to lock on. But it got me thinking. I just picked up a T-Mobile SGS2 and that thing locks on in a matter of a second or two. I took what was in the gps.conf and stuck it in the Galaxy S Wifi and low and behold, I get lock on satellites in less than 15-20 seconds. Now I'm glad I got this for as little as I got it
I'm sure there's other ways you can do this, but these are the steps I took...
I take no credit for this and thank the OP from above in sending me in the right direction. Majority of the directions are from there.
This is with the assumption the Galaxy S Wifi is rooted. You should be able to use SuperOneClick.
1. Open up notepad on your PC and copy the code below
#North America
# DEBUG LEVELS: 0 - none, 1 - Error, 2 - Warning, 3 - Info
# 4 - Debug, 5 - Verbose
# Intermediate position report, 1=enable, 0=disable
# GPS Capabilities bit mask
# MSB = 2
# MSA = 4
# default = MSA | MSB | SCHEDULING
2. Save As and name it gps.conf
3. Copy the file over to the Galaxy S Wifi (I put it on my external microSD)
4. Open up Root Explorer and go to /etc (make sure to mount R/W)
5. Look for gps.conf and long press to get the Options menu and select copy. Navigate to somewhere on your SD card or external SD card and paste (make sure it's not the same location as the file you created.
I did this rather than renaming it cause it shows 0K free in the /etc directory.
6. Navigate to the location of the file you created. Long press to get the Options menu and select Copy.
7. Navigate to /etc (make sure it's still mounted as R/W) and paste the file. You'll get a prompt saying the file already exist. Select Yes.
8. Long press on the file you pasted (gps.conf) to get the Options. Select Permissions, set it to rw-r--r-- and click ok
9. Exit out of Root Explorer
10. Go into settings and select Location and security. Check User wireless networks, Use GPS satellites, Use sensor aiding
11. Reboot the device. Long press the power button.
12. Once rebooted, go into the market and and download GPS Status and GpsFix.
13. Once installed, launch GPS Status. Click Menu > Tools > Manage A-GPS state > Reset
14. Click Menu > Tools > Manage A-GPS state > Download
15. Reboot (you may or may not have to do this. I did.)
16. Once rebooted, launch GPS Status and let it lock on the satellites. You can also use GpsFix to lock on to the satellites.
Don't know if the outcome will be the same for all, but mine locked on in about 10 seconds. Screenshot of GPS Status was it locked on while I was inside.

thx for your effort. please read this too
cya around

Worked for me, thanks for the post!

I deleted the gps.conf completely and now I get a lock in 5 seconds try it.

Wich one you think it's better? This one or these

corgar said:
thx for your effort. please read this too
cya around
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I will try this method this weekend.
I am so frustrated with this device. some members complain about it takes a long time to get a gps fix, well I don't get a gps fix at all. Gps was one of the main reason I bought it and the powerful music player. regular 3.5mm headphone jack don't fit properly in the headphone jack. I assume because the port is design with a mic contact. when I hook it up to my stereo I have to back out the jack slightly for it to play. these are the two main reason I bought it.
I order this to fix the headphone jack issue.
I will search now on how to root it


[Alpha 0.2 Released!] Facebook Location - Update Facebook status with your location!

First I want to say a huge thanks to 'Avalon-99' and 'deedee' for testing my previous builds
Its Here!!
Well after some awesome testing over the past few days. Its came to the time to release the first actual release of FBLoc!!
What is FBLoc?
FBLoc is a small app that allows you to update your Facebook status with your current location, Either by CellID or more accurate GPS!
CellID: Gets your status based on the Cell Tower you are currently connected to, then querying its location and some info from your phone reverse-geolocate the co-ordinates returned by the program to an approximate address...
GPS: The same as CellID but instead of using the co-ordinates from a Cell Tower it uses the GPS co-ordinates and then returns the address at that location...
Download it now!!
Copyright © 2011 David Bell / DavidTiger All Rights Reserved.
All Source Code, Compiled exe and DLL files are the copyrighted works of David Bell/DavidTiger.
You may use/redistribute any included samples or files, leaving credits where due.
You also may NOT attempt to dissasemble or reverse engineer any compiled distributables (exe/dll).
You will need to manually authorize my facebook app with your facebook account (to allow status updates from the mobile app)
1) Login to Facebook.
2) Click this link - CLICK ME!
3) Allow the facebook app
4) Click where it says "Click Here to get your access_token!"
5) Copy the access token without "access_token="
6) Create a text file called "key" should be of type .txt
6.1) in the txt file place your access token you copied
7) Copy the txt file into the FBLoc folder in program files on your phone
8) Run the app
9) Enjoy
10) Report any errors that you face!
Cheers, Dave
Sort of works for me.
Location is technically close enough, see screen cap, "A" is the found location, red circle actual. Program says "County Londonderry, BT52 2HU" which is wrong.
Not a biggie for postcode but location should be Coleraine.
I think it depends on how close the Cell Towers are to you at the time. And how accurate the database I'm currently querying is...
I'm adding some debug options, so when I'm out next week to my familys 100 miles away I can test its accuracy along the way
For me on the map its about the still some distance from my actual location..but I'm still getting the correct town and start of postcode (KA18 1)
(see my attached image)
EDIT: I have noticed (for me) that removing some points after the decimal on the co-ordinates gets it a lot more accurate!
See the 1st attached image for these coords: 55.4550,-4.2679
But then look at the 2nd image for these coords: 55.45,-4.26
Using only 2 places after the decimal brings my location to just a few hundred metres from my precise location
3rd Image: Shows latest build, showing approx street name and county, Which for only using CellID and no GPS what so ever then I think its pretty accurate...
I have attached to this post the latest build for anyone who can test it with the new coords settings, see how accurate it is for them!
Thanks, Dave
Hi, I tested it in Germany on my HD2.
I could find my Location. I'm living on the country and it found a Location 5 km from me.
I Click on Update Status and got the message Status Updated.
But on Facebook, nothing happend.
Location much better, now gives town correctly.
For some weird reason, and I am assuming its pure CellID swithcing if I move the phone 2" across the room, the address returned changes from no 2 to no 77.
Not updating my FB though.
Yea same for me, I'm sitting 3ft from a window and if the phone is on my left (close to the window) its one location.. if its on my right then it changes location by a few hundred metres...
@avalon: I'm not sure how good this may be outside the UK/Ireland...
For the facebook problem:
See my attached images of the steps I take to get the access_token
1) Allow the facebook app to access your data etc..
2) Click to continue to ur token
3) Your token
4) Then (for now) you have to manually create a text file called settings with your access code in there..
(ahh wait, just noticed!)
You only copy the actual code, leaving out "access_token="
so for me my code starts with "1943" because "access_token=1943"
Hope that fixes the facebook updating problem
I deleted access_token= and now it works fine
It works in Germany, but I live on the country and the cells are very large.
So it couldn't be very exact.
Sent using RapidRead!
Quick update & Test build!
Now includes GPS for those who want a more accurate location!
Let me know what you all think of the current progress...
Any ideas/suggestions post them up and I'll be happy to implement them..
Still to come:
Internal Authorization for Facebook (75% Done)
(Show location on google maps, via internal browser)
Cheers, Dave
Use CellID works good.
On Use GPS, I got after a while the message "An Error Has Occured".
I don't know, which error, maybe I have no GPS Fix?
Could you inlarge the buttons "Use GPS" and "Use CellID"
Hey, I have resized the buttons
Change Log (FBLoc4.rar):
Added Satellite info - see how many satellites are in view and how many are locked-on
Changed all error messages to slightly more meaningful errors, So you know what part is having an error.
Preview Images:
003: Shows my Cell ID Location.
004: Shows my GPS Location.
If you show both results on google maps, it shows you CellID can be pretty accurate
Click for >> Google Map Showing Both Points
Red = CellID
Blue = GPS
Let me know how this one works for you
I have Satellite Count 7/8
I couldn't see LON, it's to wide.
Error message: " Error Getting GPS Location"
With CELLID, I found my Location.
Okay thanks, I know where the error is coming from. Just hard to say why its doing it.
You are getting a gps fix so its not a coordinate problem :/
I'll add add a few debug messages to find the exact line/position it errors.
Try this version...
I added some messagebox's so I can pinpoint where the error occurs... As its working for me I can't replicate the problem...
(Just a thought.. Are you connected to the internet, WiFi or 3G,GPRS etc??)
You need the internet connected to be able to convert the coordinates into a location
If your are connected then the error comes from somewhere else...
i have an internet connection.
Here are my last messages:
- Waiting for Response
- Got Reponse
- Splitting Location Array
- Putting Array into variables
- Error Getting GPS Location
Doing some UK travelling later this week, I will try and run screen caps to check the CellID and GPS locations, see how close they are.
Ahh thanks, I now know where the error is coming from.. Now I just need to fix it
Try this ver, added more messages around the area where the error occurs.
Working messages should be:
"DEBUG: Var 1"
"DEBUG: Var 2"
"DEBUG: Var 3"
then 3 msgbox with the 3 location variables
And if all goes well then should say: "DEBUG: Return Found Location"
Thanks, deedee
I'll be doing the same this weekend on a trip to my family.. a good 100 miles or so, and then a few trips to town aswell.. which is another 10-20 miles.
I'll have a good idea of accuracy hopefully by then end of it. Just now at my house the difference between GPS and CellID is about 410 ft apart
the messages:
-DEBUG: Var 1
-DEBUG: Var 2
-DEBUG: Var 3
-Error Getting GPS Location
-DEBUG: finish
Okay, The problem lies in the splitting of the list it receives after getting the location..
WAIT lol.. I just remembered from previous apps I've made and then confirmed it..
Because your coordinates the separator is , instead of the expected decimal .
Which then is causing the error
Simple fix: Just check if the coords have , then replace it with . then it should be fixed!
EDIT: Test the attached build, please
Yes, you find it, my separator is ","
You are to fast, will test it
It works quick and fine.
Now I got "Error Update Status" on Facebook, if I tap on "Update Status"

[Q] GPS not working at all now - what have I missed?

I updated to EnergyROM about a week ago, and my GPS only works in Google Maps. The GPS Test and other utilities do not see satellites.
1. I have run HTC GPS Test tool, and the $GPGSV info shows 16 satellites in view (I believe this comes from aGPS), but the 3 coordinate pieces of data are ,,, - meaning no data coming in. GPSTest also shows no satellites.
2. $GPGSA in HTC GPS Test second argument is 1, "fix not available"
3. I am on the latest EnergyROM. I have tried 2 radios, my original one that was in the stock ROM (, and I have tried with and without aGPS. I have tried some of the tweaks of the Intermediate driver settings:
A. With Advanced config: Start/Tools/Adv Config/GPS:
disable GPS logging
logfile name must be empty
old logfile name must be empty
maximum size of logfile must be 0
(soft reset, then...) delete the files :
\windows\GPSLogFile.txt and \windows\GPSLogFileBack.txt
B. Then edit registry
Under: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\
Drivers\GpsOneDevice\PollInterval -> 100 (default is 1000)
Drivers\InputBufferSize -> 1024 (default is 4096)
Drivers\OutputBufferSize -> 1024 (default is 4096)
Drivers\SleepOnNoData -> 100 (default is 1000)
Multiplexer\MaxBufferSize -> 512 (by default not present, you have to create it as a New Value)
4. I have 2 AT&T HTC Tilt 2 phones, both configured identically (I move SIM card between them). Both are on the same ROM and Radio, and both act exactly the same - no GPS signals. So I don't think the GPS has failed, as it's two different phones.
5. External GPS set to COM4 (which appears correct based on the HTC tool seeing NMEA info on that port), hardware is set to No Port, 4800 baud. I also have it set to let Windows manage the GPS.
6. I have tried two versions of the Energy ROM, doing a Task29 in between; Feb 12 and Feb 27. No difference.
7. I run Bing, and it never gets a location. I do see my location in Weather though. Today Google only senses location to within 3500 meters; earlier this week it was 100 meters.
I am trying to be exhaustive and deliberate in finding the problem, but I have run out of ideas. Something must have changed, as I used this GPS all the time with Bing for voice navigation, and it was 100% reliable. Can anyone help with what could be the problem?
Thanks for your help!
One additional piece of info, I just did a hard reset of one of the two Tilt 2's, tested without agps, no lock on satellites. I then turned on agps, downloaded data, tried again, still no lock. I am outside on a gorgeous day with hardly a cloud in the sky too.
Thanks for your help - I am just out of ideas...
Is it possible there is some program in the cooked ROM conflicting with the GPS? Anyone with an idea?
Try it with the stock ROMs and see if it works there. If it doesn't then it might be hardware related.
If you have the program "QuickGPS", check if your satellite list expired. If it did, update and try your GPS program again.
com4 for software, none for hardware, BAUDRATE 57600. this works for me. and for some reason this gets set back to 4800 sometimes and that does not work.
tpc tp2, tmobile stock, sense turned off, wm 6.1
well, not so sure about my previous response. might have been a coincidence. i go back to external gps and cannot get it to stay at 57600.
i did download htc gps tools and found that if i had it in airplane mode it took seconds to find the satellite. if i had data communications enabled it took about 1.5 minutes. this was consistent.

Motorola Defy GPS Problem Solved (to use offline LTO-AGPS) (updated 3 Aug 2012)

Firstly thanks popcorn1122 so much for amazing improvement of A/GPS here
For my findings, some parameters in the <hal> paragraph of /system/etc/gpsconfig.xml could also be added to enable the offline LTO-AGPS (Need rooting, and pls backup the file)
(red text for enabling LTO and blue text for optionally enabling logging for the first fix)
To get the LTO file, we could either:
(Method 1 using GPS Aids)
1. Create the folder /data/gps which GPS Aids puts the LTO file, and grant rmxrmxr-x permission
2. Install GPS Aids with both Data and GPS ENABLED, otherwise the Download LTO functions will be blocked and need re-configuration
3. Download the LTO file. GPS Aids shows how long since it has been downloaded
(Method 2 manually download)
1. Get lto.dat or lto2.dat from either : (7 days)
or (7 days)
or (30 days)
2. Rename and move the file which fits the setting of the modified ltoFileName parameter of gpsconfig.xml, granting sufficient permission for the folder like that in Method 1
(Method 3 auto download)
In the early time I developed a script to download the LTO file while mobile data switched on, and added service and trigger routines from the relevant system properties. Seeking advice by CM7 developer @maniac103, those triggering are not fully functional thus not recommended. Instead, pls try his latest build since June (here) with a marvelous settings UI for this case. Thanks Maniac for his kind concern and efforts on it.
Within the validity of the LTO file, the fix should be done in seconds even in limited open sky. We can download an updated LTO file anytime to keep the performance.
(sorry I cannot understand the language but thinking some param. may help)
(refer jupiter.xml from a model of SGS)
(bash script for auto dowload)
(init service for auto dowload)
Thanks folks for optimizing Defy for releasing its real performance!
I had tried all that before but had come to a conclusion that lto.dat never used or downloaded. The cellid are stored in learn_store.bin which is stored in /data/location
emphersis is downloaded and stored in gpsdata.nvs.It is used by motorola defy for a specified duration (seems 1 hour as per location.cfg - MIN_NAV_REQ_INTERVAL = 3600000 )which is updated in location.cfg if there is no gprs available.
I see... I also bear no hope originally just I think Defy uses BCM4750 and Broadcom promoted LTO years ago, and I found the params. like acLtoDir and lbsSyncLto from the thread last week, with referring other similar XML, and continue the trial-and-error. Hope this finding makes us feel our experiments worthy
manfifer said:
(Method 2 manually download)
1. Get lto.dat or lto2.dat from either :
2. Allocate the file which fits the setting of acLtoDir and ltoFileName parameter of gpsconfig.xml, granting sufficient permission for the folder like that in Method 1
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What is the difference of lto.dat and lto2.dat? This files differ in size 65/39 kB.
popcorn1122 said:
I had tried all that before but had come to a conclusion that lto.dat is downloaded by the gpscmd file and converted into learn_store.bin which is stored in /data/location
learn_store.bin file is used by motorola defy for a specified duration which is updated in location.cfg if there is no gprs available.
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I am confused. What I found is, that (without data connection on a CM7 ROM) learn_store.bin is updated, whenever GPS got a fix.
My assumption is, that this contains data that can help to get a quicker fix next time.
But I assume, that this contains only infos about the sats that has been involved in the last fix (which are only a few). Where else the Defy should now about the other satellites?
A downloaded lto.dat on the other hand probably contains information about all the satellites.
What do you think about my speculations?
PS: I found an interesting document:
The LTO data should be around 30kB and valid for around 4 days.
An indeed, the BCM whould support the LTO
You could use the LTO file from either URL, just rename it to be the same as the parameter "LtoFileName" and place it in any folder set by another parameter "acLtoDir". Both of them serve the purpose just the V2 version is smaller in size, similar to the one downloaded in GPS Aids. The app. downloads it as lto2.dat in /data/gps/, so I have to build this folder and set the above two parameters in gpsconfig.xml shown in the thread before installing the app.
Sorry I have no idea how LEARN_STORE.bin and gpsdata.nvs is created (thanks popcorn1122), just they would be expired and as you've raised in popcorn1122's thread, after 6 hrs or shorter time from a SUPL fix, apart from the birds with expired ephemeris (but coarse almanac data), there have other new birds visible without AGPS data in the last fix. When we are offline, the chip tends to fix them from scratch again gradually.
Like the Broadcom Technical Brief promoted, offline AGPS is useful while we are standing under dense skyscrapers without network assistance. It also expires after around 4 days, but its sufficient for me to update another LTO file. I keep turning off any data before testing LTO with GPS Status, and delete /data/location if I need restarting the phone. This is stubborn from normal application while I can easily get SUPL fix with my 3G data plan. But I'm eager to find the solution when one day I'd like to get a quick fix while travelling abroad. (time is valuable in the tour )
LTO files contain days of ephemeris data of all the birds, once the position is fixed, even some birds with weaker signals, whatever visible or obstructed, can aid the fixing. But it could not be applied properly in the stock or CM7 gpsconfig.xml settings.
I believe the Broadcom chips in this generation has this technology in their released chips as it has been applied since the era of WM phones. The key is just the implementation of the driver or configuration.
I did what you suggested in your first post, changed/added the red lines.
used "lto.dat" as filename and "/sdcard/download/" as dir.
I added a shortcut to the lto.dat (the bigger one) to my browser, so that is becomes easy to download (it will located that in the dir mentioned above.
But here I get some trouble with permissions. For a unknown reason, the permission is (after download) --xrwx--x .
Even with a terminal an su I can't change the permission to rw-rw-r--. Very strange, but OT here. ls -l show system / sdcard_r as owner.
(Edit: its because of the filesystem FAT: Can you test, whether it works from that folder despite the permissions as well?)
So I copied the file to /tmp and changed the permissions. You are mentioned
"rmxrmxr-x permission". Imho it is sufficient to be readable, at least x is not neccessary, as this is just data, right?
Reboot the phone with all data (WIFI/GPRS/EDGE/3G) DISABLED (for better testing, delete /data/location folder to clear all the GPS cache). Once again it needs some time for TTFF. Then we should notice the birds connected increased dramatically like fixing with SUPL. No need endless waiting of unassisted GPS for 3-4 days until next reboot. Of course we can download an updated LTO file anytime to keep the performance.
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To clear the AGPS data it should be sufficient to use GPS Status. It can download and clear AGPS data.
Regarding deleting the files in /data/location:
-The gpscmd is an empty file (pipe?) so no need to delete.
-gpsdata.nvs and LEARN_STORE.BIN is recreated with a new call of GPSStatus
But the location.cfg is containing some settings and is not recreated. This is lost now. It will be created some location_tmp.cfg, but it is empty.
Regarding SUPL: Is this a service which runs with or without an DATA connection to the service provider? What I mean, do I have to enable data connection for this? Some data (like which cell, what time,..) are received without a data connection ...
I have come to a conclusion that lto.dat is not used by BCM4750 driver of defy.
Just check my post with updated information.
The driver brcm_guci_drv is the most important file which contains all details what the defy does and only takes port & speed & chip type & chip speed details from gpsconfig.xml at the startup.
The same case with location.cfg... half of the file is not used by defy. Only parts of SUPL in location.cfg are used by defy.
I tried every fix to improve offline GPS performance, but with no "visible" effect so far. But as some poeple like manfifer or popcorn told about improvements I did some test with initial state again - just to be able to make a real comparison.
The results are mixed. I did a initial download of a agps and get a fix in
Then I switched of gps and network. Every hour i enabled gps and checked with gpsstatus th ttff. It varies: 7, 100, 15, 10, 84, 74, 8, 62, 77s.
Than after 1.5h (i missed the 1h ): 758s
Again in 1h rythm: 60, 37, after midnight 445s(!!!).
At night I slept an started after 6.5h again more or less in 2h time distance:
26, 54, 221, 189, 859(!!!!) after 3.5h, 9s (after 1h:20min) ...
It is clear, that delay between GPS tests affects the ttff. But
do we have a chance to get a driver that is compatible and handles lto data?
defy isn't the only phone with this broadcom chip, and froyo-kernel has been used in many devices.
how do you know about the driver brcm_guci_drv. I though this is responsible.
starbright_ said:
do we have a chance to get a driver that is compatible and handles lto data?
defy isn't the only phone with this broadcom chip, and froyo-kernel has been used in many devices.
how do you know about the driver brcm_guci_drv. I though this is responsible.
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Motorola Defy uses Broadcom GLCT ver. 2.1.3 79917, 2010/Jul/27, 09:21:25 driver. This is an old driver. Perhaps Motorola never bothered to update the driver to take real potential of the BCM4750 chip. The LTO.dat is not downloaded nor used. Also the settings of SUPL are left with basics and the fallback supl to google is disabled by default. The whole gps is dependent on MSA & MBS & SUPL. The fixes are possible without gprs or wifi or network towers. Hence the ephemeris data is straight downloaded from satellites. The GPS fixes & ephemeris data are stored in LEARN_STORE.BIN.
It is difficult to get the new driver for defy. LG , Iphone & Samsung have used BCM4750, but they have their own custom driver to meet their requirement. I have tried the LG driver called glgps , but the gps did not initialised even with the original defy config file. file is not used by defy. The stock installation has no such file. Similar file was in Milestone and defy+. But not in defy. Hence brcm_guci_drv is the driver file and is the same MD5 as of defy+. Milestone brcm_guci_drv has a different MD5.
starbright, its great to make use of our browser downloading the LTO file instead of installing GPS Aids. Just for my CM7 browser, it won't overwrite the old file but rename the new one as "lto2-1", and I donno why it changes the extension to .txt , resulting lto2-1.txt. Anyway I tested changing the acLtoDir and LtoFileName param. to "/sdcard/download/" and "lto2.txt", the LTO is also effective after reboot and first lock. The permission of the downloaded file is --xrwxr-x, the same as the one in /data/gps from the app. I try bookmarking the whole URL but it won't download but view it, so I can only bookmark the path and download manually. Whether the LTO works is obvious. When 4-5 hrs after a SUPL locking, u need more than 1 min to lock, then the LTO is most probably failed. Normally its just several seconds, even no data for 3 days.
popcorn, I'm now using the 120304 build of CM7, attached my brcm_guci_drv, could u confirm if it has been replaced from the stock one. I tested both from CM7 and your thread, both work with SUPL and LTO, but after removing it and reboot, my GPS Status cannot view any birds and no more blinking GPS icon when enabled. If it dosen't exist in stock ROM, there should have some other libraries replaced by CM7, including brcm_guci_drv probably.
I attach the brcm_guci_drv from CM7 and the modified gpsconfig.xml early this thread.
I use Opera Mini and set the download-path as tile in start-page. Just open it an lto.dat will downoaded to the path. It keeps the *dat-extension, but make lto-2.dat, lto-3.dat ... if the old file isn't cleared.
manfifer said:
... the LTO is also effective after reboot and first lock. The permission of the downloaded file is --xrwxr-x, the same as the one in /data/gps from the app. I try bookmarking the whole URL but it won't download but view it, so I can only bookmark the path and download manually. Whether the LTO works is obvious. When 4-5 hrs after a SUPL locking, u need more than 1 min to lock, then the LTO is most probably failed. Normally its just several seconds, even no data for 3 days.
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Sorry, have difficulties to understand this. You mean, LTO is working? No problems with the location and permission on /sdcard ? What is a SUPL lock? Does this data need a data connection or is it transferred (like clock or name of cell you are logged in without a data connection) just by login to a GSM network. (data connection active or not) Can you explain under wich circumstances the TTFF is so fast?
I couldn't see this helping effect, maybe have to test this again and compare your files.
I used lto.dat and CM 7.2.rc.
Sorry I should use "fix" instead of "lock", just mean "successful positioned"
Yes data (EDGE/GPRS/3G/WIFI) is needed to communicate with the SUPL servers
(,, etc.) to get a fast fix, just logon to GSM network does not work. So the use of LTO is to get rid of such network barrier, for several days.
In my testing whatever the file is in the phone (/data/gps/) or SD Card
(/sdcard/download/), it does works under --xrwxr-x , just I have to modify acLtoDir and LtoFileName param.
My TTFF (after restarting the phone) is around 30sec-2min., not fast as I keep data connection OFF for testing. The power of LTO comes with the 2nd fix and so on, whatever in open space or under dense buildings, whatever how long u restart GPS from the previous fix (good to test after we wake up as all fixes and cache should hv been expired.), usually the fix costs less than 5sec. The effect keeps until I restart the phone again (change SIM card, the phone hangs up ) or the LTO file is used more than 4 days around. But, if u move the file away, after say 3 hrs, the fix will take longer gradually, until costing more than a minute. So far, no data is allowed when GPS on.
I am just wondering why smartphones have to use A-GPS for fast fix? I own standalone gps device and hell there is a fix within 30-40sec or less without need of any data connection as on smartphones.
manfifer said:
For my findings, some parameters in the <hal> paragraph of /system/etc/gpsconfig.xml could also be added to enable the offline LTO-AGPS (Need rooting, and pls backup the file)
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My general impression is, it really helps.
Before clearing the AGPS data, TTFF takes just a few seconds, althought the last fix has been done >12h before.
But there is one thing, that let me doubt a bit. At least my understanding of lto (that is independend from AGPS) and AGPS seems to be not correct
My observation is the following:
- I start GPSStatus (without GPS and Data connection) and clear AGPS data.
- Close GPS status and wait a minute
- Enable GPSStatus and wait for TTFF - then it takes (lto.dat is around 1 day old) again very very long > 5min .
Do you know when the lto.dat will become active?
To summarize this (this is just what I currently assume):
a) With WLAN on and AGPS the fix is rather fast
b) after disabling WLAN, the once downloaded AGPS data seems to be helpful only for a very short time 1h...6h.
c) with lto-data it seems that the TTFF is fast again, although AGPS data is older than 12h
d) with cleared AGPS data, but with lto it need very long time (700s) for TTFF.
Can you do this test too?
Certainly... thanks for helping me to test this case so far.
I started the test without AGPS for 5 days. I started GPSStatus and cleared AGPS data (I hv to turn GPS ON else it'll be disabled) and turned them off for some minutes. When I start over again, it takes around a minute to have a fix, similar to the 1st fix after restarting the phone. The next fix is done in seconds in the next morning without data i.e. LTO works again.
Before this test, I tried modifying the xml to have the chip generate a log in each first fix after restart (blue words in my 1st post), but it doesn't carry on logging until the next restart. It states "Skip reading lto", imho it just indicates LTO doesn't help in the 1st fix.
Some findings I made...
the /system/bin/location file is responsible to generate LEARN_STORE.BIN
the /system/usr/bin/brcm_guci_drv is the gps driver which gets few parameters mentioned in gpsconfig.xml when the defy starts. Majority of parameters are already mentioned in the driver itself.
the /system/lib/ file is the run time file which has majority of parameters of location.cfg
location.cfg file has supl server location getting injected to gps for LBS functions. That file also has a fall back sulp server which by default is disabled. The last GPS time of a valid fix is stored in /data/location/location.cfg file
The question still remains unanswered:
Is lto.dat getting downloaded automatically?
Also I tried to get some files from motorola xoom (honeycomb), the driver(dec 2010) and other files mentioned above... but the radio and gps do not initialize with those new versions.
manfifer said:
I started GPSStatus and cleared AGPS data (I hv to turn GPS ON else it'll be disabled) and turned them off for some minutes. When I start over again, it takes around a minute to have a fix, similar to the 1st fix after restarting the phone. The next fix is done in seconds in the next morning without data i.e. LTO works again.
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You can set GPS Status to be work even with GPS disabled (it just shows a warning than). And so it is possible to clear AGPS data, without enabling GPS.
After that I have problems to get a fix. (Have to test it again, currently heavy rain might influence the test)
This is a bit strange to me. From what I have heard, the AGPS data are injected into the chip. But how can they cleared if the chip is not powered?
It might have some low power standby, but who knows?
manfifer said:
Before this test, I tried modifying the xml to have the chip generate a log in each first fix after restart (blue words in my 1st post), but it doesn't carry on logging until the next restart. It states "Skip reading lto", imho it just indicates LTO doesn't help in the 1st fix.
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Where does it write a log?
Good information.
Hope the defy can get fast GPS fixed.
starbright_ said:
Where does it write a log?
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when you edit gpsconfig.xml with following lines, your logs are activated:
I am using this solution now for more than 2 weeks. Never need more than 120s (mostly less than a minute) to get position (without active data connection).
Just once I takes very long - that was the time, as lto.dat was more than 1 week old. Great job!!!!
The download of lto.dat could be optimised. With my fav in browser I need still a view actions:
- open filemanager
- delete old lto (to prevent to get an lto-1.dat, lto-2 dat ...)
- close filemanger
- open browser
- download by push a favorite on startscreen.
Best would be just one button/script, best running automatically every 5 days when WLAN/GPS connection is established.

[Ref] Galaxy Young GT-S5360 tips & tricks with important info to know

Hello everyone, i see here to collect and post some known and maybe unknown tips and tricks with some important information, hoping this will be useful for users, especially for newbies.
Any more tips, tricks and suggestions from users are always welcomed. And please feel free to make corrections for any wrong or missed information in this post
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Samsung Galaxy Y (Young) (GT-S5360) is an Android-based smartphone by Samsung, announced in August 2011.
Galaxy Y features: Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread OS (upgradable to v2.3.6) with Samsung's proprietary TouchWiz user interface, and has integrated social networking apps and multimedia features, including Google Voice Search, and 5.1 channel audio enhancements.It also has a standard 3.5 mm 4-pin audio jack.
The device sports a 832 MHz ARMv6 processor, 180 MB of internal memory and supports up to 32 GB of removable storage through a microSD card. The phone has a 2 MP camera, a screen with a 240x320 resolution and a multitouch interface with the optional SWYPE virtual keyboard. The phone offers connectivity options such as 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth 3.0 and also GPS. It supports 3G HSDPA speeds of up to 7.2 Mbit/s. The device allows tethering with other Wi-Fi enabled devices, which enables users to share the phone's Internet connection.
The Galaxy Y uses a single-core 832 MHz ARMv6 along with Broadcom BCM2763 VideoCore IV.
The Galaxy Y features 290 MB of RAM and 250 MB of dedicated flash internal storage (190 MB user available).
It has microSDHC slot (up to 32 GB).
The Galaxy Y uses a 76.2-millimetre (3.00 in) QVGA (320x240) TFT LCD capacitive touchscreen which has a Pixel density (PPI) of '133'.
On the back of the device is a 2 megapixel fixed focus camera without flash that can record videos in up to a maximum QVGA Resolution. Galaxy Y does not have a front facing camera.
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Questions & Answers​
Q Can i make a screen shot on stock firmware?
A Yes you can! user doesn’t need to root the device or employ third-party apps just to take a photo of what's happening on screen. Taking a screenshot is simple, To take screenshots you have to first hold down the home key and then press the power/lock key.Don't hold the home key too long otherwise lock button will not work. As you hold the home button immediately press the power/lock button to capture the screenshot.
Q My Young screen is turning on by itself, what is happening?
A It is caused by an application, usually by live wallpapers, try to find it and delete it, or install an antivirus app., i recommend Dr.Web Anti-virus, scan, delete, wipe cache and dalvik (optional).
Q how can i make the volume of my SGY louder?
A Most phones have their volumes limited by local laws to protect our hearing. There is a way to boost your volume however. Go to the Android Market and download an App called Volume+ (Sound Boost). There is also a free version called Volume+ Free (be aware, do not raise it too much, it can damage the speaker).
Q How to remove an icon from the home screen?
A To remove an icon from the home screen, simply press on it, hold and drag to the Trash at the bottom of the screen.
Q How to dial contacts with a quick swipe?
A Instead of tapping on the contact name and then tapping on the option to dial, you can simply swipe right with your finger on the contact's name and it will directly call him/her. By swiping left, you can quickly send a message to the contact.
Q How to hide particular files from showing up in Gallery or Music Player?
A Sometimes there are things that we do not want our friends or relatives seeing,So instead of deleting the particular files or moving them to your computer all of the time, you can hide them in just a few seconds. All you need to do is create a folder called .nomedia wherever you want on your sdcard (you can do this from your phone by selecting Menu button -> Create Folder), then put the particular files on that folder and the files will not appear in media apps. You can also press the Menu key on your phone, then choose More -> go to Settings and untick the "Show hidden files" option if it is enabled. That way you will hide the .nomedia folder from the My Files app as well.
Q Can i make Voice actions?
A Yes you can, if you've got the Google Search widget on your home screen, tap on the little microphone which you see in the widget and speak out your command. Example: Tap on the microphone and say "Send an e-mail". An e-mail popup will appear giving you the options to type in the recipent's e-mail, subject and message.
Q I have forgotten my unlock pattern, what to do?
A If you have forgotten your custom unlock pattern, then don't panic. After 5 unsuccessful tries a button should appear saying 'Forgot pattern'. Press this and you will be asked to enter your Gmail username/password. The phone will then ask for a new unlock pattern. If you don't have a Gmail account, then you might have to either call your carrier or factory reset your phone.
Q How to calibrate my Galaxy Y?
A Device calibration is required when the auto rotation sensor does not work properly. What happens actually that if your galaxy y is not calibrated properly, then screen will not rotate when you turn your device and screen rotate when you do not rotate your device. To calibrate galaxy y steps are given below:
- Go to Settings>Display>Horizontal calibration.
- Place the device on a flat surface and click calibrate. Wait for a few seconds.
Now your galaxy y is calibrated and you won’t get any auto rotation sensor errors.
Q How to quickly delete/uninstall Android Apps?
A You can quickly delete or uninstall an android app from galaxy y with this trick in just one second, as galaxy y task manager will take some time to uninstall large size apps. With this trick you can uninstall any app within one second no matter how big the size of app is. To do this follow steps below:
- Open all apps by clicking the all apps button on home screen.
- Click menu button of your phone and select "Edit".You will see a small minus mark on all downloaded apps.
- To quickly delete any app just click it and that app will be deleted in just one second.
Q How can i use custom ringtones, alarms, sms notifications?
A To use custom ringtones for your phone ringtone, your alarm or your text message notification, simply copy an MP3 file to one of the following folders:
If they don't already exist, then create a new folder. The file will then show up when you want to change your ringtones.
Q How can i Setup SIM Change Alert On Galaxy Y?
A If you enable the SIM change alert feature then you will be notified by the phone about the one who have your phone or stole it.If this feature is active, then when somebody inserts a new SIM then the phone automatically sends a messages about the thief giving you the information about his phone number on a different phone number that you enter as alert message recipients. To enable SIM change alert do as follows:
- First of all enable data connection (or wifi) and go to Settings>Location and security.
- Under “Find my mobile” check “SIM change alert”.It will ask you to login with your Samsung account.If you do not have a Samsung account then sign up. After signing up, again check "SIM change alert" and enter your Samsung account password to activate this feature.
- Now click “Alert message recipients”. Enter the password and enter some phone numbers with country codes. Click the green plus sign to add numbers and red minus sign to delete a number.
- Scroll down a little bit and you will see “SMS message”. You can edit this message like “Keep this message, My phone has been stolen by somebody”. This text will be forwarded to all the numbers that you entered as alert message recipients when SIM is changed by a thief.
- Now put a check mark in “Remote controls” and enter your Samsung account password to enable it. If this feature is enabled then you can track and locate your lost galaxy y with “Samsung Dive”. With Samsung Dive you can track, locate and delete private data on your phone remotely.
Q Sometimes i lose packet data (3G) when i turn it off then on, i turn off then turn on my Youmg to enable packet data again?
A There is no need to turn your phone off and on to re-enable packet data, just long press on power button, enable airplane mode for 3-5 seconds then disable it.
Q How To Make my Young Run Faster?
A sometime you will find lack of memory due to various applications running in background. These apps waste android system memory. So you should clear them off if they are not used. You can clear them by using taskmanager. Galaxy y has a built taskmanager which will do this work for you. Open taskmanager by holding home button then move on to the RAM tab then click clear memory. It will free the RAM and save memory. Aslo you can download two more applications which are android assistant and app cache cleaner. For quick boost use android assistant and always clean the cache of various apps by using app cache cleaner.These apps are important for your smartphone.
Q How To Backup my Favourite Apps On my Young?
A You can always make a backup of your android apps on Galaxy y downloaded from play store (android market).For this you have to download an app called android assistant.Download it from play store.After downloading it open it and move to tools ,you will see apps and backup.Click on this icon and you will be shown a list of apps you wish to backup.Select the apps you want to backup.The apps will
be backed up to the memory card in apk format. Later you don't need to download them from play store (android market).You can directly install them from memory card.But during installing them your phone will block them as it doesn't allows non market apps to install. For this go to settings, click applications and select allow installation of non market apps. Then your phone will not block them.
Q How can i Switch my Young Network between 2G & 3G?
A In Galaxy y you can switch your phone's network from 2G to 3G or reverse. For this go to settings click wireless and networks, click mobile networks, move to network mode, select GSM or WCDMA(3G). now enable data traffic if you want to use internet.
Q How to Change Contact Picture?
A If you want to put a pic on your phone's contact then you have to move them first to android phone. Make a backup of your contacts because if phone is wiped then contacts will be deleted. To backup contacts on galaxy y open contacts click menu and select "Import/Export", Now choose "Export to SD card".Click yes. The contact list be backed up in "vcf format". And now you can restore the contacts to phone or sim through the import/export option. Now open contacts, click the plus sign to add contacts.Choose phone.Enter all details and click the plus sign on the pic. You can select the pic from album or can take picture from camera. Click save and you are done.
Q How to Restart Samsung Galaxy Y>
A Press and hold home and power key at same time until your phone turns off then release the buttons. Galaxy Y will restart. Restarting may be required if phone is hanged. This trick will let you to restart your galaxy y without turning it off and again starting it.
Q Is there a hidden wallpaper?
A Goto settings > About phone > Android version. Click many times on "Android version" until you see a wallpaper.
Q I rooted my Young, what to do next?
A It is recommended to make a nandroid backup immediately.
Q What is the easiest way to install samsung driver?
A The easiest way is to install Samsung Kies.
Q How can i flash stock firmware on my Young?
A See Doky73 thread.
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Rooting is often performed with the goal of overcoming limitations that carriers and hardware manufacturers put on some devices, resulting in the ability to alter or replace system applications and settings, run specialized apps that require administrator-level permissions, or perform other operations that are otherwise inaccessible to a normal Android user. Rooting is similar to jailbreaking devices running the Apple iOS operating system. On Android, rooting can also facilitate the complete removal and replacement of the device's operating system, usually with a more recent release of its current operating system. Rooting enables all the user-installed applications to run privileged commands that are typically unavailable to the devices in their stock configuration.
Legality: The Free Software Foundation Europe argues that it is legal to root or flash any device. According to the European Directive 1999/44/CE, replacing the original operating system with another does not void the statutory warranty that covers the hardware of the device for two years unless the seller can prove that the modification caused the defect.
On July 26, 2010, the United States announced a new exemption making it officially legal to root a device and run unauthorized third-party applications, as well as the ability to unlock any cell phone for use on multiple carriers.
Safety: I Have always said that the person should learn the Android OS before rooting. It is a good idea to have an idea of what rooting is doing and what it will affect. I would say spend your time really learning the OS which is not a small task. Then, if you still feel like it, go ahead and root. While rooting can help you learn many things about your device, it also can reap very bad consequences, such as:
-Bricking your phone (or in an easier way to explain, making your phone a pretty paper weight).
-Corrupting core files.
-Voiding phone warranty.
-Have your phone open to malicious software and applications that can do serious harm to your phone.
As you can see, it can reap very negative things. I have read/seen people who have literally had to buy brand new phones because they tried the latest and greatest rom. Rooting is essentially something that you must take at your own risk & caution. Generally, if you follow exactly the procedure of rooting made by developers, you will be more likely on the safe side.
Root process: See Reynaldoj thread
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Battery Conservation Tips:​
-Set Brightness at low level: Brightness can lure a lot of battery if not changed intelligently. if you want to save more battery drain, set brightness manually at low level depending on the external amount of light.
-Remove Live Wallpapers: Using a live wallpaper is another battery sucking feature. If you turn out to be truly saving battery, make sure not to use any live wallpaper.
-Disable Location and GPS services: Keeping GPS ON at all times, decreases your battery life, so its better to disable it while not in use. To disable, go to Settings > Location and Secutity > and switch it off.
-Disable Wi-Fi or Mobile Data when not in use: Try to avoid situations when you keep your Wifi or Mobile Data ON even when the phone is set in standby.
-Manage Sync carefully: Keeping the Sync ON all the time is another reason for decreased battery life. Enable it anytime you want, manage your emails or services and again turn it off. For those who are on work and want real-time push notifications are advised not to follow this tip.
-Turn OFF screen touch sounds: To save a little more on battery, its better to switch off the screen touch sounds. To do so, go to Settings > Sound and untick Audible touch tones and Audible selection and Screen lock sound.
-Turn OFF bluetooth: Disabling bluetooth when you are not using it, is another way to save battery juice.
-Follow the method of full charge and full discharge: Don’t put your phone on charging when there is the battery remaining it for another few hours unless it’s very important. Charge it when your battery is about to get totally discharged and when you put it for charging, let it get charged totally.
-Set sleep time: Check the Sleep setting (under Display) and make sure it is set to 1 minute or less.
Keep calls short: This is obvious, but how many times have you heard people on their mobile phone say, "I think my battery’s dying," and then continue their conversation for several minutes? Sometimes, the dying battery is just an excuse to get off the phone (and a good one, at that), but if you really need to conserve the battery, limit your talk time.
-Turn OFF mobile network when not in range: Its very often that you lose the mobile network when you are travelling, so its advisable to turn OFF the mobile network by switching ON Airplane mode.
- After each month remove your battery from mobile phone and let it rest for an hour, it will give battery a breath and it will last longer.
-You should not have to turn off your phone to charge it. Most battery chargers deliver more than enough current to power your phone and charge it at the same time. Doing so will not lengthen the charge time, and leaving a phone on allows the user to be aware of its fuel gauge, so that you can remove it when the battery is full.
-When using a car charger, do not charge the battery when the inside temperature of your car is hot. Wait until the car has cooled before you plug in the phone.
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Galaxy Young secret codes:​
*#*#4636#*#* Testing menu(Phone, Battery & Wifi Info, Usage Statistics).
*#06# MEID number(Display's your IMEI).
*#272*Phone’s IMEI Here# change phone CSC (NB: it will wipe your data).
*#*#2432546#*#* Checkin(Manually check for System Updates).
*#*#44336#*#* software build date and time.
*#197328640# Service Mode menu
*#7353# Test menu: you can check screen, speaker, sensors.......
*#*#8255#*#* For Google Talk service monitoring.
*#1234# to check software version of phone.
*#12580*369# to check software and hardware information.
*#0228# Battery status (ADC, RSSI reading)
*#32489# Service mode
*#7780# factory data reset
*#*#232339#*#* OR *#*#526#*#* OR *#*#528#*#* Wireless Lan Tests
*#*#232338#*#* Displays Wi-Fi Mac-address
*#*#0*#*#* LCD display test
*#*#0673#*#* OR *#*#0289#*#* Audio test
*#*#0842#*#* Vibration test
*#*#2663#*#* Displays touch-screen version
*#*#2664#*#* Touch-Screen test
*#*#0588#*#* Proximity sensor test
*#*#232331#*#* Bluetooth test
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-Too loud wallpapers may sometimes disturb the look of your home screen and make the icons quite invisible, simple or a less-colored wallpapers are always suggested as to be the best choice. But your choice is what matters.
- Disable USB debugging when it is not in use. Leaving USB debugging enabled makes your phone vulnerable (e.g. lock pattern can be reset).
- Use only essential widgets on your home screen - each widget consumes memory and processing power which can slow your down your phone.
- Uninstall apps that you don't use - after awhile your phone can get cluttered as some Apps are designed to always run in the background. If you rarely use an App, then uninstall it to free up memory and CPU resource.
- It is best to avoid task killers such as Advanced Task Killer. Android is designed to automatically pre-load certain applications, even if you don't load them yourself. If it starts to run low on memory, it will smartly unload the oldest running apps automatically. Manually killing tasks will only mean they get loaded in memory again. Task killers can make the phone slow, laggy, or drain battery life more quickly.
- Avoid putting your phone in direct sunlight, it may affect touch screen & your battery performance.
- Check rom/ md5 before flashing if it is convenient.
- Always update applications, if available, for better performance.
- Make a backup of your data, applications, contacts...always ready to restore from your computer.
- Read, read and read before you mess with your phone.
- Always be sure that you are flashing the right thing for your Young variant.
- If you do not know what you are doing, so don't do it .
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Pretty much a duplicate of this thread >>>
Thread closed.
Edit: OK, there is some crossover between the two topics but this one has some stuff the other doesn't and vice versa. Thread unlocked.
Jonny said:
Pretty much a duplicate of this thread >>>
Thread closed.
Edit: OK, there is some crossover between the two topics but this one has some stuff the other doesn't and vice versa. Thread unlocked.
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thx very much
Nice long thread appreciate ur work...
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
is their a code to know how old is our android phone?? is it written here? i havent read it all..
deathfalls said:
is their a code to know how old is our android phone?? is it written here? i havent read it all..
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see software and hardware information code (I think)
Edit: try *#*#44336#*#* for manufacturing date
thx, very useful post :good:
wy this thread is not stickied?
Nice....really will help newbies
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
Added to the Roll-Up stickie Useful Thread - Collection Sticky - Everything You Need for Galaxy Y
this is very cool
Nice guide OP
Thanks for this especially for the secret codes :good:
keep the good work :good:
is it safe to change my csc ??? because my csc is not supported by kies.
Thanks, nice guide for a newbie like me
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
Mostsh said:
is it safe to change my csc ??? because my csc is not supported by kies.
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Yes. But it will wipe your data
Sent from my Galaxy using xda premium
The kernel build date
samersh72 said:
see software and hardware information code (I think)
Edit: try *#*#44336#*#* for manufacturing date
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The code shows PDA, CSC and Modem versions. The build date is the date of build of the kernel. With updates, the date will also change
causes eye strain to read,
[quote][/quote] and [hide][/hide]
next time
good guide although existent but well compiled, you can add more later
SaketJoshi said:
The code shows PDA, CSC and Modem versions. The build date is the date of build of the kernel. With updates, the date will also change
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you are right about *#*#44336#*#*, forget about it. the manufacturing date of hardware is "RF Cal date" you can find it when you dial *#12580*369#.
or type *#197328640#, This will open the Service Mode menu on your Galaxy device. Select the option N. 2, that is “Version Info”. On the next screen, select ‘HW Version” (here HW means hardware). Now you will see another set of options on the next screen. Now tap on “Read CAL Date”, and bingo!
OP updated
deathnotice01 said:
causes eye strain to read,
and [hide][/hide]
next time
good guide although existent but well compiled, you can add more later
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thanks for your advice :good:
Will never move this thread from my subscription list....:thumbup:

MY GPS doesnt work on my xperia ion

Hihi, i have a problem with my gps, i active it from Settings > location services > GPS satellite and then i use a program called dynomaster which needs gps and is always searching GPS and i noticed that when i turn on the GPS Satellite this not appears in bar notification
I dont know if this problem pass happens because i deleted apps with titanium backup
Apps deleted :
All apk related with at&t
ANT Radio service
Liveware manager
Timescape and his derivatives
Facebook and his derivatives
Chinese keyboards
Twitter and his derivatives
Office suite.
any of these affects to the gps?
Thank you
Seems you are still on ICS. The only app I would suspect is the liveware manager. I would highly suggest you flash to the Jelly Bean update though as it is so much better then ICS and the stock att rom is poop.
find GPS status and toolbox from the play store, its free, and great for messing with screwy gps stuff...the app will make sure the gps system is functioning if the gps is working, but the app is not, you can troubleshoot more from there...
If you're on ICS still, i'm not sure how the procedure goes...its been too long...but on JB, you need to first go into location services, and enable all the options for gps to work across all then need to go into google settings in your app drawer, and enable 'allow app access to gps' under 'location'...
I very often use Torque Pro, which i'm assuming is similar to dynomaster...and it too had some problems with accessing the gps system properly until i did all of the issues anymore...
Upgrade to jellybean, root , then install titanium backup and freeze apps instead. saves u from such issues in future.
Only Root.
Root explorer / Total Commander -
We are looking for a line called
And change it to
SUPL_PORT = 7275
. reboot .
Alternatively, copy the text below in your configuration , save and restart the phone .
# DEBUG LEVELS: 0 - none, 1 - Error, 2 - Warning, 3 - Info
# 4 - Debug, 5 - Verbose
# Intermediate position report, 1=enable, 0=disable
# supl version 1.0
# Accuracy threshold for intermediate positions
# less accurate positions are ignored, 0 for passing all positions
##### AGPS server settings #####
# FOR SUPL SUPPORT, set the following
# FOR C2K PDE SUPPORT, set the following
# or IP
# C2K_PORT=1234
If you do not want to keep , so you do not have Root rights.
Download kingoapp . com Kingo Root app on your phone and get Root rights by using it. After that, restart the phone and try to edit and save the file again.

