[Q] Where & When to Buy? - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

So it seems 100% certain that Verizon got some sort of exclusive deal on the gNex for...at least a month? If that is true then I might as well import the GSM model from the UK
My question is, what are the chances that Samsung (or Google) would set up an online GNexus store in Nov/Dec?
(Tmo definitely isn't getting this at all or at least not before 2012, right)
Just trying to clear up the different info I heard around the forums

Well... no one knows. Thats the deal. We know that Verizon is getting it because they said so. Other than that no one has any idea if there is an exclusive, what other carriers would get it, or whether or not they will sell it unlocked right away in the USA.
Your guess is as good as mine.
If you're willing to pay extra to import, you can guarantee that you can get a model that is released in the UK on Nov 17. Other than that, its up in the air and we'll find out soon enough. Anyone can say anything, and everyone (myself included) has an opinion, but no one knows for certain. That's why we're all still speculating.

shoot :/
theres so much we still dont know about this phone its really unfair, and its not even just to satisfy mere curiosity, people actually need info about dates and prices to know how much to save up and what their situation is... ugh
what about the people that saved up the money and somehow it turns out Verizon is the only one to get the phone... Google is doing some sneaky sh^^ with this one..

Dmw017 said:
shoot :/
theres so much we still dont know about this phone its really unfair, and its not even just to satisfy mere curiosity, people actually need info about dates and prices to know how much to save up and what their situation is... ugh
what about the people that saved up the money and somehow it turns out Verizon is the only one to get the phone... Google is doing some sneaky sh^^ with this one..
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Ya we don't know. Just keep in mind they never did say anything other than "November". So its not like they're ripping us off, they're just being a little slow.

It just doesn't make sense to keep this kind of information hidden, especially regarding this device. Anyone the info would reach would only be people who stay in the loop on Android news. It can't hurt sales because anyone who stays up to date would get a nexus one way or another, no need to worry about the nexus stealing the razrs thunder.
Right now I have no idea whether to import now, wait for the 32gb UK, wait for Samsung to sell it online, or wait for a TMo subsidized version. We don't have a what, where, or when... What was the point of the entire HK event sheesh
Google, why u no want my money?!
Sent from the parietal lobe of your cerebral cortex.

Dear D,
We already have your money.


I have two!

Apologies for starting a new thread, but haven't seen anyone else with this unique situation.... just been to pick up my new HTC Desire from the sorting office, and they've sent me not one, but two - thanks T-Mobile!!
Has this happened to anyone else? I assume I will be on two seperate contracts if I keep quiet... What should I do, given how tempting this appears to be on the surface?!
thebosh said:
Apologies for starting a new thread, but haven't seen anyone else with this unique situation.... just been to pick up my new HTC Desire from the sorting office, and they've sent me not one, but two - thanks T-Mobile!!
Has this happened to anyone else? I assume I will be on two seperate contracts if I keep quiet... What should I do, given how tempting this appears to be on the surface?!
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Heh, i think you should just keep it somewhere until T-Mobile find out their error.. i think its like a 2 month period after which you can keep it! Dont know the laws in the UK though.
At the very least, I would call them up asking how many numbers I have on my account. Did they send you another sim?
I ask because I upgraded, and was sent my phone from Carphonewarehouse, but I was sent another sim card. And it's not a replacement as the package shows it's separate number. I called to ask how many numbers I have on my account as they've sent me another sim, the lady laughed (she had a sexy voice actually, but that's for another time!) and she told me that I have one number and she has no idea what I should do with the extra sim.
So just make sure you aren't paying for two then either:
1. Return it - and go to heaven with a clear soul,
2. Keep it as a spare - not making any significant gains and being morally grey,
3. Sell it, - make significant gains, and go to hell knowing that you made some money in the recession by someone's mistake. You'll save money on heating down there!
So just make sure you aren't paying for two then either:
1. Return it - and go to heaven with a clear soul,
2. Keep it as a spare - not making any significant gains and being morally grey,
3. Sell it, - make significant gains, and go to hell knowing that you made some money in the recession by someone's mistake. You'll save money on heating down there!
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Lol ... i say return it, you didnt pay for it so it doesnt belong to you
if you sold it or kept it, you will probably not get in trouble (am not a lawyer though), because its not your mistake its theirs, .. but remember, ... what goes around comes around
irkan said:
Lol ... i say return it, you didnt pay for it so it doesnt belong to you
if you sold it or kept it, you will probably not get in trouble (am not a lawyer though), because its not your mistake its theirs, .. but remember, ... what goes around comes around
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Yeah, I didn't mention karma. But I'm a business man.
What goes around, comes around. With interest.
Lol if you sell if or keep it, yes you are breaking the law if they can prove that you realized that this was in fact a mistake.
I would just let them know they made the mistake, but that they sort it out rather than you having to post it etc.
For my sins and to help me pay for nice new mobiles, I am a lawyer and OnlinePredator is right - you cannot profit from someone else's mistake where it was obvious to you that it was a mistake. In the same way if your bank accidentally credits your account with £2million, you can't blow it on whiskey!
dont listen to these guys they're just jealous u have two.
u just need to find out how many numbers there are on your account whether u wait for ur first bill or call them up.
hpoefully u didnt sign for both packages but just say u recieved one.
As a previous poster mentioned I would check with T-Mobile to see how many numbers are on my account. If it is just the one, I would keep the other handset and see if T-Mobile eventually relaise their mistake.
Hmmmm... think I'll go down the "clear soul" route!! Thanks guys for your helpful comments... I'll let you know what T-Mobile say!
A similar thing happened to me many years ago. Ordered hifi from catalogue, when first statement was recieved it listed 2 hifis, telephoned company and told them we only recieved the one, which we did. On our statement after that one there was no hifi listed. To this day I have not paid a penny towards the hifi which was £850.00.
This is kinda amusing. But if you want legal speak, the lawyer (humans made after all the souls had been allocated, LOL!) is right. There have been various cases, especially with banks, where people have been, erm... "allocated" items, money even company pay, that wasn't meant to go to them. As much as years later, they were made to give it back. In the same that that in various countries you have many years to take legal action after certain events.
But you have taken a higher path, the path of the spiritually enlightened. You are a pure soul. Arise and take your rightful place with the blessed Android community. Arise my brethren.
Actualy im pretty sure the ownous is on the company to correct a mistake... Large somes of money is one thing but for items there is a grace period where you must keep it boxed and ready to be given back...
After that time has gone i think its 6 months the item is legaly yours.
If they have no clue atleast open it to see if it has the pink hue issue lol then keep the one that doesn't.
i say send it back, every one will end up paying for t-mobile mistakes, companies don't lose mony they just charge there customers more.
well ring them up and ask for a returns envelope, then if they don't provide one after 14 day the product is legally yours. (im not a lawyer)
Believe me ... The nature works in balance
Day and night, right and wrong ... you got the idea.
If you dont order it, it is not yours, send it back ...
Otherwise, nature will take something from you to "balance" what you "owe" (because you dont return it). Probably not immediately, but later.
thebosh said:
Hmmmm... think I'll go down the "clear soul" route!! Thanks guys for your helpful comments... I'll let you know what T-Mobile say!
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good choice!
Did you unpack them? I'd really like to know if you are seeing any difference in colour, especially if anything is more pink one either phone.
I'd be inclined to open them both and then send the worse one back!
You should check for screen quality - Pinkness and faulty pixels.
Buttons - Correct travel and action.
Case condition.
Just my opinion!
No don't send it back!
It is a blessing .... people say what goes around comes around. Maybe you did something good before and you are getting rewarded lol
Nah ... honestly if you send it back you are a good person ... many people say they would but honestly would they actually?

LTE is all set, Wheres HSPA+... MIA?

You Verizon guys are nestled all nice and comfy in knowing the NexIII is inevitably headed your way... while the rest of us await any (I repeat, any...) word on the HSPA+ Nexus.
Having read every single piece of (loosely defined) "news", I'm on the edge of my seat, refreshing Pulse (RSS feeds) and various forums every 5 minutes, with no credible info on whether the US will even receive the GSM Nexus, whether it will be 16 or 32 Gigs, and even if it will arrive this year.
VZW: You get the 32GB Galaxus (Yeah, I fused the name...) at the soonest available time with a fair amount of knowledge on the actual price.
GSM: Release date? Ha... info about delays are all over the place, these retailers say this, Samsung "confirmed" that; this site has it coming on this date, another site has it coming at a completely different date, yet they are all stating that Samsung is behind all the confusion
Storage size? 16GB now, 32GB sometime in the future maybe more or less.
Price? Import and pay as much as a 45" top of the line TV for the lesser model of the phone (16 Gigs). Pay it and find out the 32GB version comes out a week later... fun stuff
This entire thing is a giant Charlie Foxtrot. Google is either a spineless coward or terrible at advertising (go figure, the ad giant can't advertise their own products). Samsung is "in this together" and "a perfect combination" with Google, as they said at the ICS unveiling, however all they are in charge of really is the hardware... yet funny enough we got more information directly from them about this phone then either Google or Verizon (thinking about the little Facebook stuff here). As for Verizon? Hey, it's their "exclusive" LTE model.. they can do with it whatever they want... and the situation they are in is understandable. The Razr and Rezound need a bit of the spotlight before this behemoth devours them both, and VZW can't just screw over Moto and HTC for no real reason, not to mention the $$$.
Google, this is YOUR phone; no matter what company you make a "perfect combination" with, or whatever carrier is giving you LTE and bringing your phone to the general public to. Grow a pair, get a spine, hold your ground, "accidentally leak" a document, grab an Advertising for Dummies book if you need to, but don't screw over the customers/people that made you into what you are today.
So, with that said... anyone know where the HSPA+ is hiding
I think the situation is probably a little more complicated than that.
I don't know anything about the development process or how the production of a smart phone works, but there's probably a reasonable explanation for why they haven't announced any carriers for the HSPA+ version yet. Perhaps there's a problem with them, perhaps they made a deal that Verizon would have "exclusivity" for the holiday season, who knows?
The point being, at the Samsung/Google event they clearly stated that both the HSPA+ and 4G variants will be released in the future so we can still expect them to be sold sometime either later this year or the beginning of next. It just doesn't make sense to wait so long to release it because every week that passes we're seeing newer and potentially better phones that are coming out that could make the Nexus run for its money...
Though I will definitely agree that they should get their stuff (for a lack of a better word) together. Announcing a product and not listing any specific carriers, and delaying its launch until AFTER the holiday season to only one carrier probably wasn't the smartest decision, but maybe they have a legitimate reason for it. Perhaps they're working out hardware limitations or issues, or finalizing ICS before its debut on the Nexus.
Patience is key! I'm sure the rest of us are as excited as you to get their hands on the Nexus!
Im not excited anymore. Impatient is a better word to use here.
I invented cyberspace. You're trespassing.
pukemon said:
Im not excited anymore. Impatient is a better word to use here.
I invented cyberspace. You're trespassing.
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Same here. This phone is starting to impede on my life and the stuff that actually matters. I stash away my lunch money instead of eating on campus between classes just to make sure I have this phone on day 1, even though I still need to pay off two tuition bills. What's day 1? Who knows... How much do I need to save? Who knows... Will I have to import an overpriced 16 Gig, who knows...
I sold my Droid 3 a little over 2 weeks ago now and have been using a lame Optimus V (have 30 days to return it...) while waiting for this phone.
If google/samsung would just give some info on the HSPA+ nexus, id be eternally grateful.

Rant Here about Verizon not giving a date and pushing this back every week

now im not on verizon and the only reason im coming over is for this phone. (BE WARNED - RANT COMING)
I've been on sprint for about 10 years now, the past 3 years i have been on an employee plan paying 30$/month for unlimited everything. The sad thing is, i feel bad for the people paying full price on sprint because im located in Rochester NY and sprint service should be great here but i rarely get service indoor's recently. 4G is a joke and Rochester was one of the first places to get it turned on. So im happy to move to a better network and brought myself to pay the extra $ for the service.... so enough about how sprints network is going down hill and on to how Verizon F***ED this launch up royally.
Maybe i hate Verizon for not mentioning a word about this phone. Maybe its because the Galaxy Nexus has been out for almost a month overseas. Maybe its because i feel like not only have i been waiting for this phone but i've also been waiting for Google to release an exciting new OS. Maybe it's the fact that i KNOW this phone can compete in the market as one of the best phones and not to mention its the flagship phone from Google that can kick start features like NFC and such. but then i think to myself... What did i just see when i turned on the TV or when i went to that website. ADs for the RAZR... THE RAZR.... ARE U KIDDING ME?
okay okay, i understand, back in 2003 it was the coolest phone on the block. TIMES HAVE CHANGED, Verizon knewwwwww they were getting the Nexus, and they hate they can't call it Droid. the name droid (personal opinion) is UGLY. Im not saying Galaxy Nexus is any better but i dont want to feel like i have a robot in my pocket. The Razr just came at the wrong time and VZ spent to much money with s$itty advertising like they always do.
I was really really hoping to see some type of great marketing strategy by verizon starting this week. Something along the lines of this:
Mon Night Football. 5 to 10 second commercial, completely white background and just out the nexus right in the middle of the high def screen. no music. mahyeb a piano key or smething, with just a shot of this beauty... then at the very end, flash Verizon so people know, that phone is coming to VZ, wow!!?? (and yes i would love to see a "with Google" slapped in there somewhere but we all know Verizon would have a heart attack promoting anyone but themselves)
and keep showing the commercial every day with a count down until the release date (which i was hoping the 9th) so it would have been even sweeter to see that commercial knowing i can freakin get that this week!?!
people know the verizon brand, they like the verizon brand becuase its associated with a good network. FOCUS ON YOUR PRODUCT, THE BEST ONE U HAVE. make people say, woahhhhhh what was that???? and im not talking about the people like us who wait and wait and wait knowing we will hold out for this, im talking about your average consumer, the one who see's a product and says, damn thats good looking, i WANT that. i WANT THAT NEOWWWZ!
(hell i even made a s$hitty youtube video to get my point across)
but no. No commercials, no internet Ad's, only one spot on thier website to put your email in a box (which NO ONE likes giving out) for more information....
Verizon, you messed up. You had a chance to make a boat load even more of cash and you missed out. im not even your customer yet and i dread the fact ill be stuck with you for two years.
and now we have this, no Google wallet. im highly confident once developers get their hands on this phone they will find a way to make it work, but instead Verizon points the finger and says its not them. WHY IN THE HELL WOULD GOOGLE NOT WANT TO HELP ITS OWN NEW SERVICE?!? It just doesnt make sense.........
alright, i just blacked out with anger/frustration while typing this so i hope it makes sense and i hope other people see what im seeing...
oh, and one last note.. This ones for you Google. i hope you paid attention to this whole launch. i hope you learned your leson about dancing with the RED DEVIL. They will take your masterpiece and piss all over it.
In my opinion the main problem with this launch is that Google and Samsung allowed Verizon to take control of it. I hate to compare to Apple, but they take full control of their product launches and do not allow the carriers to tamper in any way. Samsung and Google should have grown some balls and had the phone launched their way. If Verizon did not want to play ball then they just release the unlocked version here as they did in the past.
Cool story bro. Lol @ video. Lame but funny.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
No rant here
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
jfgirard0423 said:
No rant here
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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DroidHam said:
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special treatment for business account holders! My rep always takes care of me with devices before they come out. My company has over 650 lines with them... I give them a lot of money each month this is the least they can do!
had a couple problems with it once i got it but i worked everything out. Yup already rooted and bootloader unlocked! new facebook app is bad ass! had the Rezound do miss the sync contacts
jfgirard0423 said:
special treatment for business account holders! My rep always takes care of me with devices before they come out. My company has over 650 lines with them... I give them a lot of money each month this is the least they can do!
had a couple problems with it once i got it but i worked everything out. Yup already rooted and bootloader unlocked! new facebook app is bad ass! had the Rezound do miss the sync contacts
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Maybe I should talk to my account Rep.
G2x - 2.3.7 CM7
Transformer - 3.2 Revolver OC/UV
No ETA on this yet how sad just got off the phone with Costco district manager he just received an email about the push back could be awhile
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
jfgirard0423 said:
special treatment for business account holders! My rep always takes care of me with devices before they come out. My company has over 650 lines with them... I give them a lot of money each month this is the least they can do!
had a couple problems with it once i got it but i worked everything out. Yup already rooted and bootloader unlocked! new facebook app is bad ass! had the Rezound do miss the sync contacts
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Hmm, that's weird. My company spends just shy of $100k a year on Verizon devices (somewhere around ~800 lines currently)...and my rep is just as unable to get one to sell as anyone else.
And he is the rep for 5 other companies around our size.
I think there's a much better chance you're a Verizon employee or were able to play with one in the immediate vicinity.
Your bigger rant should be how a company the size of VZW can hose their entire LTE network with each introduction of a new device.
BarryH_GEG said:
Your bigger rant should be how a company the size of VZW can hose their entire LTE network with each introduction of a new device.
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Yeah, and you can bet that the resolution will be quiet and nothing else ever said of this outage.
"Isolated" will be the spin. I was going to head over to Verizon and eBay the GSM GNEX I have, but I just can't fork over $85 for a tiered plan when I have unlimited on ATT for $40 after taxes (2nd line on plan).
Oh well.
hotleadsingerguy said:
Hmm, that's weird. My company spends just shy of $100k a year on Verizon devices (somewhere around ~800 lines currently)...and my rep is just as unable to get one to sell as anyone else.
And he is the rep for 5 other companies around our size.
I think there's a much better chance you're a Verizon employee or were able to play with one in the immediate vicinity.
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sitting at home watching tv more than happy to post another pic! but promise you business rep got it for me! it will be released next week. I know because i did 10 upgrades for a couple of co-workers. thats when he said they will get them. but doesnt matter. dam phone has NO 4g LTE have this bad boy on wifi. But i own a company in the healthcare industry! not Verizon. give you another hint its in TEXAS!
jfgirard0423 said:
sitting at home watching tv more than happy to post another pic! but promise you business rep got it for me! it will be released next week. I know because i did 10 upgrades for a couple of co-workers. thats when he said they will get them. but doesnt matter. dam phone has NO 4g LTE have this bad boy on wifi. But i own a company in the healthcare industry! not Verizon. give you another hint its in TEXAS!
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Man, you are one posting maniac about your Verizon GNEX.
Congrats I suppose.
Had my GSM version for 3 weeks. Welcome to the club and keep letting everyone know how your business rep put you on a pedestal, lol.
ericshmerick said:
Man, you are one posting maniac about your Verizon GNEX.
Congrats I suppose.
Had my GSM version for 3 weeks. Welcome to the club and keep letting everyone know how your business rep put you on a pedestal, lol.
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Sorry. Just excited about the phone. Don't mean to be out of line.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
jfgirard0423 said:
Sorry. Just excited about the phone. Don't mean to be out of line.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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Haha, I don't blame you. Didn't mean to come off as a jerk if I did.
Hell, I'd be doing the same. Enjoy it!
lol the op is a joke. He probably wasted 15-20minutes of his life to complain to a whole bunch of people he doesn't eve know ... ahhaha
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
jfgirard0423 said:
sitting at home watching tv more than happy to post another pic! but promise you business rep got it for me! it will be released next week. I know because i did 10 upgrades for a couple of co-workers. thats when he said they will get them. but doesnt matter. dam phone has NO 4g LTE have this bad boy on wifi. But i own a company in the healthcare industry! not Verizon. give you another hint its in TEXAS!
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Not saying I necessarily don't believe you, just saying the "don't sell yet" thing is pretty hard...they probably aren't even allowing the devices to activate on the network yet.
Beyond that, not a single person knows the date it's releasing now. The update said "indefinite", meaning nobody knows for sure. It's just suspected for next week, at the moment.
I won't promise anything but I will call rep tomorrow for some info
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Thanks for the reply king shady, u prob just wasted 5 mins reading even tho u don't care lol. All in good fun tho, just pissed at vz, ill get one sooner or later
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
I disagree.
Seriously. Think about it from Verizon's perspective. Why would they put money and advertising behind the Nexus phone when they have the Rezound and Razr that just came out and are of similar specs? They control the user experience on those devices and can put their subscription apps preloaded on them. Not true with the Galaxy Nexus. Of course they're going to market the hell out of the devices that make them more money.
That said, I agree that Samsung/Google should have taken more charge with this launch. Nexus devices are about no compromise, pure Android experiences, and no carrier/OEM tampering. What I've seen of the Verizon version has contradicted this in a few ways before the phone is even out. Makes me very happy I got the GSM version. But at least the LTE one is unlocked and there will be plenty of ROMs and support for it.

Battery Expansion and Screen

My screen is buckling, and when I asked the Sprint Store people, they claim it's from charging too long.
I've never had a device do this, so I never thought about it, but they showed me several devices they have on display that are doing the same thing.
I want to get another phone, but I'm on contract until May 2018.
Only then can I get another phone with an installment plan from Sprint. Another way these companies screw us.
mcwups1 said:
Another way these companies screw us.
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No one screwed you, you singed the contract on your own...
Why people still sign contracts for phones? I understand for business but I really don't think it's that much cheaper on the long run.
I'm sorry, I just had to get it out of my head
Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk
Perooo1 said:
No one screwed you, you singed the contract on your own...
Why people still sign contracts for phones? I understand for business but I really don't think it's that much cheaper on the long run.
I'm sorry, I just had to get it out of my head
Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk
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The contract I signed allowed for a new upgraded phone every two years.
Since this phone, the HTC 10, they changed it.
That's what I'm talking about.
Maybe whatever is talking in your head needs to be looked at.
Force them to repair it by letter. A swollen battery can blow up bad and could burn down your house or burn you.
If not contact a lawyer and ask for advice.
And second dont believe everything what these honkey tonk sellers tell you. Most or them dont even finished school and think they are smart.
I could tell you storys...

Verizon 3 & 3XL: Do we even know what we are looking for?

I think we are all aware of the Verizon issue, but my question is: what is the current hurdle we are trying to get over?
Like, forget the answer, what are the questions? The thing that comes to mind is 42 being the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything, but the characters in the guide not knowing what question that answers (analogy done).
So, even if we don't know what to do with the following, do we know 1) The steps, 2) What has worked in the past and what is different this time, and 3) what our current hurdle is.
I ask this because I'm genuinely curious, and because combining our efforts towards a, not specific, but general goal might help. Apologies in advance for being a pleb.
I don't mean to be a jerk about it, but what people think they want is to wax philosophically about phone ownership (which is most ironic while paying off a signed contract that proves the device is not yours). In reality what they want is to get a device that already exists at essentially half the cost of one readily available. In the past, exploits were the only way regardless of cost. Some were found with luck and others with a lot of work by a lot of people. All of what has happened in the past is still happening but by a lot less people with a lot less to gain because of the aforementioned availability of a device that doesn't need to be hacked. Heck, you don't even need a Verizon variant PIxel to be on their network. You just need to play by their rules if you want one for THEIR price. I guess that is my philosophic waxing. Keep in mind, I have ran plenty of hacked devices including Verizon ones including the OG Pixel and Pixel XL. The game changed almost immediately after dePixel was patched, and it became obvious that it was just going to be an exercise in futility to hope for it again. Even if an exploit is found, it might include having never upgraded past a certain version and will ultimately be patched immediately possibly in a way that even a non-upgraded phone might be patched for. Instead of worrying about the cat and mouse game, I'll purchase the right device for the price offered if I think it is worth what I gain from it. Punching in my card number for the BL unlockable P3/PX3 hurt when I did it, but I had the money and it was worth it to me. I can now enjoy using what I have instead of complaining about what I don't.
sliding_billy said:
I don't mean to be a jerk about it, but what people think they want is to wax philosophically about phone ownership (which is most ironic while paying off a signed contract that proves the device is not yours). In reality what they want is to get a device that already exists at essentially half the cost of one readily available. In the past, exploits were the only way regardless of cost. Some were found with luck and others with a lot of work by a lot of people. All of what has happened in the past is still happening but by a lot less people with a lot less to gain because of the aforementioned availability of a device that doesn't need to be hacked. Heck, you don't even need a Verizon variant PIxel to be on their network. You just need to play by their rules if you want one for THEIR price. I guess that is my philosophic waxing. Keep in mind, I have ran plenty of hacked devices including Verizon ones including the OG Pixel and Pixel XL. The game changed almost immediately after dePixel was patched, and it became obvious that it was just going to be an exercise in futility to hope for it again. Even if an exploit is found, it might include having never upgraded past a certain version and will ultimately be patched immediately possibly in a way that even a non-upgraded phone might be patched for. Instead of worrying about the cat and mouse game, I'll purchase the right device for the price offered if I think it is worth what I gain from it. Punching in my card number for the BL unlockable P3/PX3 hurt when I did it, but I had the money and it was worth it to me. I can now enjoy using what I have instead of complaining about what I don't.
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No need to write a manifesto, Karl. My bad, I just graduated high school and I'm still on my parents plan. Surprisingly, I'm aware of such a "carrier-neutral" pixel 3XL, but I didn't have the means (and still don't have the means) to purchase one (and I was just grateful to my parents for the one I did get). Either way, you didn't have to try to be a jerk, you did just fine naturally. Even so, I've already GOT the Verizon Pixel 3XL, and buying a second would understandably be a lot to ask of anyone, unlike a simple answer on a topic directed at those knowledgeable on said topic.
notthatkindofclansman said:
No need to write a manifesto, Karl. My bad, I just graduated high school and I'm still on my parents plan. Surprisingly, I'm aware of such a "carrier-neutral" pixel 3XL, but I didn't have the means (and still don't have the means) to purchase one (and I was just grateful to my parents for the one I did get). Either way, you didn't have to try to be a jerk, you did just fine naturally. Even so, I've already GOT the Verizon Pixel 3XL, and buying a second would understandably be a lot to ask of anyone, unlike a simple answer on a topic directed at those knowledgeable on said topic.
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Just to be sure that others know what you are talking about since your reply talks about "carrier-neutral" devices... Verizon contemplated locking their devices to the Verizon network and backed off. Both the Google and Verizon variants can be ran on other networks. I was talking about bootloader unlocking and rooting and nothing more. As far as I know, you can even put a phone on another network while paying Verizon your installments. Love the Karl Marx reference, BTW. His logic was flawed too, but it is still fun to read in a bubble world that I haven't lived in for the 30+ years since I was where you are now. Hope you find your answers, and I really do mean that.
sliding_billy said:
Just to be sure that others know what you are talking about since your reply talks about "carrier-neutral" devices... Verizon contemplated locking their devices to the Verizon network and backed off. Both the Google and Verizon variants can be ran on other networks. I was talking about bootloader unlocking and rooting and nothing more. As far as I know, you can even put a phone on another network while paying Verizon your installments. Love the Karl Marx reference, BTW. His logic was flawed too, but it is still fun to read in a bubble world that I haven't lived in for the 30+ years since I was where you are now. Hope you find your answers, and I really do mean that.
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Does the term I used matter? The usage goes like this: sold by Google=carrier-neutral. That's not the only attribute that term grants; you know that, because you're obviously aware that pixel 3's sold by Google can be unlocked bootloader-wise. So the phone that is Sold by Google ("carrier-neutral") can have its bootloader unlocked.
I genuinely don't believe you mean that because you came here to give an answer to a different question (that no one asked by the way), and now want to leave triumphantly after pointing out a technicality like you just won a debate at a forensics competition, while receiving an Emmy at the Olympic Curling award ceremony going on in your head.
Get over yourself.
notthatkindofclansman said:
Does the term I used matter? The usage goes like this: sold by Google=carrier-neutral. That's not the only attribute that term grants; you know that, because you're obviously aware that pixel 3's sold by Google can be unlocked bootloader-wise. So the phone that is Sold by Google ("carrier-neutral") can have its bootloader unlocked.
I genuinely don't believe you mean that because you came here to give an answer to a different question (that no one asked by the way), and now want to leave triumphantly after pointing out a technicality like you just won a debate at a forensics competition, while receiving an Emmy at the Olympic Curling award ceremony going on in your head.
Get over yourself.
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Not trying to leave triumphantly at all. I was waiting for your reply and at least now I know that we were talking about the same thing. As for you believing me or not, I just don't care. Your original reply confused me, and seemed like maybe I misunderstood the OP. No technicality pointed out in that case. Now, we can both have me off of your thread neither triumphantly nor award winning. Enjoy your day.

