[Q] Can I use a deodexed stock keyboard on any ROM? - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Here is my issue. I have the Gingerbread Evo Deck ROM 1.0 and I want to use HTC's stock 2.3.3 keyboard. I downloaded a deodexed stock 4.54.651.1 Evo ROM, unzipped it and pulled the HTC_IME.apk. However, I cannot get it to work on the Deck ROM. I tried installing just as an app, no dice. I then unzipped the Deck ROM, replaced the LatinIME.apk with the HTC_IME.apk, rezipped and reflashed. As soon as it loaded, I kept getting force close errors talking about touch input. Is there something else I need to install, or will it just not work? I also considered whether or not I had to rename the HTC_IME to LatinIME, but haven't tried it yet.
I have searched the forum, YouTube, Google, etc.; so if this has been answered, I apologize. I just couldn't find anything directly related to my situation.
I admit I am new to this, but I can follow directions very well. I have so much I want to learn. This place is a gold mine.

Im not to knowledgeable with android programming but I think the issue could be somewhere between the ASOP rom and using the keyboard from the sense. Their still based off the same things but are remarkably different in aspects so I wonder if the issue is somewhere in there. There is a lot of different apps in the market for keyboards though so im sure if you could find a sense stock keyboard in there! I hope it helps!
Good luck,

If u want HTC ime on aosp u will need to use the mod search Google for HTC ime mod kitchen and you can make your own custom HTC ime that's an installable apk
Edit: I am using it on decks 1.3 to type this message out
sent from my ics'd out EViL4G

Thanks, I will give this a shot in a few. So, once I make the custom HTC_IME, I can just install the apk and it will work? I do not need to install any additional files, etc.?
I have tried a few of the market keyboard apps before, I am still partial to the stock HTC one, though. I love the text field navigation keys along the bottom and it has the hide keyboard button. I also type in Spanish and English, and by changing your language settings to Spanish then back to English, the microphone button becomes a English/Spanish toggle button. You can still long press it for voice commands, too. (pics included for reference).

The one thing the mod kitchen doesn't have is the arrow keys but there's a 3rd party keyboard called thumb keyboard 4 that has them and themes and it has several layouts and you can even customize the layout and sizes of the keys its pretty cool I snagged it from Amazons free app of the day a while back but definitely worth the money if u decided to purchase it
Sent from my iCS'd out EViL4G, soaking in a bowl of Ramen Noodles


custom themed htc hi ime keyboards work

just tried my custom (univ of mich. htc ime high res keyboard)
by installing the .apk and clicker.apk. and it works fine on our phone.. they are very customizeable.. include all kinds of options and voice search in keyboard.. in addition it gets rid of the stupid multiple letters coming out in the stock keyboard when you dont want it (must have better detection of that case i discussed in a previous thread).. recommend you try it here.
i am rooted so not sure if you need that or now but probably not.
by the way the version i am using is v.25 havent tried generating a newer one.. havent had any issues with this one to speak off.

Rosie remapping question

I have been running Uncommon Sense 1.1 for quite a while on my Incredible, and my absolute favorite aspect is the center Rose button being linked to a modified version of App Folders instead of the normal app drawer. Folder organization is pretty important for me due to a large quantity of apps.
Anyhow, I am now finding myself interested in changing ROMs (I used to test drive multiple ROMs a week, it's weird staying tied down). The problem is, I want the folder organization I've gotten used to mapped to Rosie.
The question is, how can I modify a ROM to achieve this? I have never modified a ROM before, and this sounds like a tough one to start with. My first inclination is to simply take the Rosie.apk from Uncommon Sense and plop it into a different ROM. But given than App Folders was modified in Uncommon Sense, would this work? And how would I do it? Or would I have better luck remapping Rosie to add the unmodified App Folders?
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
This question belongs in Q&A not development.
That being said, start here:
Even though it is an EVO page, the theory still applies.
or this:
These are both easy to find utilizing the search function. Hope this helps.
kensikora said:
I have been running Uncommon Sense 1.1 for quite a while on my Incredible, and my absolute favorite aspect is the center Rose button being linked to a modified version of App Folders instead of the normal app drawer. Folder organization is pretty important for me due to a large quantity of apps.
Anyhow, I am now finding myself interested in changing ROMs (I used to test drive multiple ROMs a week, it's weird staying tied down). The problem is, I want the folder organization I've gotten used to mapped to Rosie.
The question is, how can I modify a ROM to achieve this? I have never modified a ROM before, and this sounds like a tough one to start with. My first inclination is to simply take the Rosie.apk from Uncommon Sense and plop it into a different ROM. But given than App Folders was modified in Uncommon Sense, would this work? And how would I do it? Or would I have better luck remapping Rosie to add the unmodified App Folders?
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
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MynWArm is a great ROM.. I prefer stock, I deodexed the most up to date Nov. OTA update completely rooted and busyboxed and deodexed. Which means you can run the stock ROM and add Modifications that you enjoyed such as the rosie modification. in mynswarm rom he has an app called rosie settings which you can choose the left and right buttons makes it sooo easy. lemme hook u up wit some links. I am uploading these things for you so I hope you use it.
step one, make sure your rooted S-OFF
download this stock ROM I deodexed, it's completely stock doesnt have any name or anything like that.
here is the ROM http://androidforums.com/incredible...dexed-added-root-nov-update-any-interest.html
or direct download link - http://www.multiupload.com/2KS0OS60DR
then you need to Flash this file from recovery once the ROM is up and running.
I'm uploading just for you so, I hope you use this.
flash from recovery, http://www.multiupload.com/5FLXLMGJHO
this will take a good ten minutes so boot, so don't panic and pull the battery it'll work.
once you have this flashed and phone is on and running you'll see something famililar to myns warm, rosie wise, you wont be able to use any of the buttons except the middle for all apps, this is were you take this .apk -
this part is really important download this .apk
and install your favorite way, I used astro to do it. but once this is instaleld open the app and you can change the left and right buttons to whatever..
all credit goes to the creators or mynwarm I just prefer to do the themeing myself, this is just an amazing mod that lets you change the rosie shortcuts in an easy to use app.
Awesome, man. That will probably do pretty much everything I need. Or probably pretty damn close to it. I'll try it out tonight and let you know how it goes.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
I tries using.virtuous and the buttons were all layer out on top of each other... In case anyone else had my bright idea
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Evo keypad on incredible?

Does any one know of a way to get the Evo style keyboard on my htc incredible? I mainly want it for the cursor buttons. I hate having to try and tap the right spot to get the cursor where i need it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sent from my HTC Incredible
Rooted - S-OFF
Virtuous 3.2 Rom
Virtuous custom kernel v3
I've got it on Myn's Warm Two Point Two RLS4. I'd highly recommend it. I think they have an apk posted on the thread to just get the keyboard if you don't want to switch ROMs. Not sure if it'll work with other ROMs, so nandroid first just incase.
Sent from my Droid Incredible running Myn's Warm Two Point Two RLS4.
Thanks for the info Blah12543 you were a great help.
I downloaded and installed the {gingerbread keyboard }and nothing seemed to happen so then I downloaded the {Official EVO HTC_IME (Unthemed) (With arrows)} and installed that and got the keyboard to appear. However the arrow buttons do not function (*when horizontal) untill you switch to the numbers and symbols screen (12#). Once you do that they work like a charm even when switched back to the letters (ABC). When using a app eg. internet or messaging, you have to switch to the numbers screen one time and then it works fine untill you close the app.Even if you minimize the keyboard it still works the next time you bring it up as long as you havent exited the app in question. All other keys work fine like they always did.
Does anybody know how to fix this? I guess it's not that big of a deal it's still better than what I had, but i'm just the type of person who likes things to work perfectly.
EDIT: *I just noticed if phone is vertical works fine just as it is ment to. The above only happens when the phone is horizontal.
SOLVED: Ok I figured out that it has to do with the sugestions. When phone is horizontal it pops up with the green sugestions eg. type (goo) and it sugests below (google.com). The navigation buttons instead of moving the currsor forward and back instead move back and forth between the sugestions. The reason the buttons work when you hit the number screen (12#) is that doing so makes the sugestions temporarley dissappear. When the phone is vertical the sugestions are in a different type of drop down menu that does not affect the navigation buttons. By the way I have sugestions, spell correct, etc. turned off but it still suggests words contacts and web addresses, but thats another problem all together.
So I called up a friend with a Sprint EVO 4g and asked him if his stock phones keyboard worked in this way. Much to my surpprise it does. I find this to be a fault of the original EVO rom. I think HTC coulld have came up with an easy solution such as being able to press the up arrow to switch to the line of text so you can scroll forward or backward, or have it situated on the text and if you want to scroll sugestions hit the down arrow then left or right.
Anyways thanks to Blah12543 for the info on where to get the files, it is much appreciated.
So if you want the EVO style keboard with the navigation arrows on your incredible running Virtuous Rom v3.2 (May work on other roms or phones but not tested.) here are the steps.
1. Download the (GingerBread 2.3 Default Keyboard) and the (Official EVO HTC_IME (Unthemed) (With arrows)), found at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=793471. You can download these files on your pc and push them to your sdcard with adb (search for instructions on how to push files with adb), copy them to your sdcard with a usb dongle, or do it the easy way and download them strait from your phone.
2. Once you have both files on your sdcard reboot in to recovery and flash (Ginger bread 2.3 default keyboard). Once it is finished reboot.
3. Now once agin reboot into recovery and flash Official HTC-IME (unthemed)(with arrows). Once it has finished reboot and that is it. You should now have the EVO style keyboard with the navigation buttons.
Sorry I haven't checked back in a while, but you're very much welcome!
Sent from my Droid Incredible running Myn's Warm Two Point Two RLS5.
Now, I hope I'm not being Captian Obvious here, but you guys do know you can use the trackpad to move the cursor when typing right??
You know what just call me ignorant becaise i had no idea you could do that. Guess ya learn something new every day.
Sent from my HTC Incredible
Rooted - S-OFF
Virtuous 3.2 Rom
Virtuous custom kernel v3

Fix Swype W/ Custom ROM

I have been seeing a few new Andriod users out there that are unfamiliar with the way things work (software wise). One annoying repetitive complaint is "I installed a custom rom and now my swype is gone!ZOMGWTF!"... Well DUH you formatted you phone and installed over anything that was originally your phone...
But fear not PC challenged newbs, there is a simple solution:
Sign up for Swype Beta at beta.swype.com and install that, this info is everywhere but one more place can't hurt...
(Yellow box, vibrate, and no output with Swype enabled.)
Well now here come the other typical complaints (and solutions),
"Now I have to select Swype as user input everytime I want to type or it doesn't work, pfft FAIL!!!"
(Solution 1: Do not install to Swype as an App2SD and be sure it resides on your phone like a good little app.
Solution 2: Using a root uninstall application (or manually) remove the gingerbread 2.3.3 keyboard (or other version that is not Swype).)
Re-install the gingerbread keyboard if you really want it and you are winning bigger than Charlie Sheen, the keyboard will now no longer trump the Swype and you can go about your merry way. EDIT: Some phones lose connection to the Swype library even if Swype is the only soft keyboard installed and is not on the SD card, in this case installing a second soft keyboard AFTER installing Swype will fix the issue.
"Now every reboot I have to re-select the Swype keyboard."
See Complaint #2
So basically if you want Swype with no issues, install it after ROM flash and then uninstall other keyboards using root.
Now people please quit *****ing about Swype not being inlcuded in your "favorite" ROM and take some initiative and fix it yourself.
And for those that say ... Ha ha ha, should have used Titanium Backup, you are dead WRONG and have never used Titanium Backup to restore a factory installed Swype... It won't work no matter how hard you rub Buddah's belly.
EDIT: Posted this info to keep the threads a bit more cleaner from all the non-ROM related issues people post... I'm so sorry that your phone cannot microwave my pizza while bluetoothing with a custom ROM. Hopefully someone else feels my sarcasm.
The important thing I've noticed is to just make sure the keyboard is installed onto the phone. You shouldn't have any problems with it disappearing after a reboot if it's on your phone instead of the SD. This will make it so you don't have to bother with the hassle of removing the stock keyboard.
these methods should help but i believe swype on this phone is garbage (i have big fingers), but it is helpfull my wife enjoys the swype keyboard and this helps me when i go to root her phone.
Glad to help. Hope I didn't come off too sarcastic and some people got a laugh. Also to explain why it cannot be on a ROM, it is licensed software not available under the GNU.
Sent from my VM670 using XDA App
Use the SlideIt keyboard. It is much easier to use. You an go from tap to slide mid word and a bunch of other intuitive moves. Plus, it doesn't have the voice command button for you to accidentally hit.
I have signed up for the swype beta before and im not sure if i had it on sd or not, but when i tried typing a yellow box would come around the swype keyboard and i had to select the stock keyboard and then select the swype keyboard again for it to work right, will having it on the phone fix that?
Uninstall stock keyboard, then reinstall keyboard. Goofy I know but it works. Should be on the OP. There seems to be a bug in the software when reconnecting to the library if it is not the only or first installed soft keyboard. I had to do this as well and have not had a problem since.
Sent from my VM670 using XDA App
inb4 "Why doesn't Swype swipe?"
Swype often doesn't swipe after you reboot your phone. The easiest way to fix that is switch your Input Method away from Swype (e.g. to the stock keyboard) then back to Swype.
If you follow my OP Swype will always work.
Sent from my VM670 using XDA App
I uninstalled the main gingerbread keyboard and left swype as my only one and still get the no swyping error often. I had to download a kb from the market just to reinstall swype and see if it will behave now.
My Swype only works when it was installed stock kb removed and a new kb from the market was installed in that order, other ov might not require a kb installed. One of my ov phones doesn't.
Sent from my VM670 using XDA App
theres probably an easier way. check the g2 forums. i think there is an app called swyperestore or soemthing along those lines. basically it imports your swype with your swype license to your new rom from a nandroid.
although...not sure if it would work on the v....
Anyone tried what I do on the g2? I'll try today, moving the lib file swype has and installing swype along with it makes it work on my g2.
My current fix is I used titanium backup to freeze and delete the android keyboard.when I reset the phone if swype still isn't working I freeze and unfreeze swype in titanium and it's worked every time.I'm working on changing how android associates with the keyboard to see if it's maybe still trying to use droid keys
Sent from my LG-VM670 using XDA Premium App
installed swype beta. worked. rebooted blue box error. used a root uninstaller app to uninstall android keyboard. rebooted and it worked
Congrats, glad the how-to helped. Would be rough typing on this tiny keyboard without Swype or other similar program.
Anybody find themselves pressing the . instead of the space far too often? It gets kind of annoying, at least in portrait view. Also, "at" being constantly mistaken for "arty" seems kind of ridiculous. Despite that, I love swype, and this is coming from a physical qwerty junkie!
Awesome, thank you. No issues with your OP.
How do you remove the GB KB?
My swype beta didn't work, so I junked it. Now after reading this, my only question is what app or how do I remove the Gingerbread keyboard? (I don't see it as an app, is there an app that will remove it?)
Use titanium backup.
Sent from my VM670 using XDA App

HTC IME MOD Keyboard crashing

I just flashed Calkulin new ICS rom and for some reason the htc keyboard crashing after typing a few letters. Ive searched this forum and found no answer. I PM calkulin about this problem and of course no reply. Can someone suggest a keyboard that just as good as this one or at least a fix to keep it from crashing out.
I like this keyboard because of the dedicated typing area it gives you when in portrait mode.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
guess it is back to gb
May I suggest Perfect Keyboard Free or the AI type keyboard. They are both good keyboards to me. I like Perfect Keyboard Free a little better. They are highly configurable and feel like the htc keyboard that I had on my EVO. I am currently using Perfect Keyboard on FC07 without a problem. It is fast, responsive, and does what I want it to do.
blackdragon79 said:
I just flashed Calkulin new ICS rom and for some reason the htc keyboard crashing after typing a few letters. Ive searched this forum and found no answer. I PM calkulin about this problem and of course no reply. Can someone suggest a keyboard that just as good as this one or at least a fix to keep it from crashing out.
I like this keyboard because of the dedicated typing area it gives you when in portrait mode.
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I've seen a couple posts with this issue, as well as it happened to me. For some reason the ics roms do not like the HTC ime keyboard. Perfect keyboard would be the way to go
Sent from my Blazing fast Epic 4G Touch
looks like no one can fix this problem. always one annoying problem with every great rom
Go keyboard is the best in my opinion. You can customize theme and everything
Sent from my iPhone killer.
If you use ICS Rom, there are lots of chances that you may see the weird stop errors from many places something like system apps, user apps and even from the network communications.
For many cases, if it started failing then it will continue to fail until you remove the failing apps. Or sometimes, rebooting the phone resolve the issue but it could happen again in any moment.
So, best way to resolve the issue in ICS Rom would be reinstalling the failing app.
In my opinion, it seems like there're some bad process or service running that makes other applications force-stopped. Once the application force stopped, usually the system is getting warm and hot (meaning it's continuously retrying to launch the application or doing some post processing).
If the re-installing the application does not resolve the issue, then the best way would be 'waiting' until stable ICS Rom comes out in the market.
For me, lots of application re-installed because of force stop error -
Youtube(stock), Waze, Xing player, n7player, battery monitor, email (stock), facebook(stock), Root Toolbox( seems like compatibility issue with ICS)...
I had the problem of the keyboard popping up even though I repeatedly selected SlideIt. I finally just took it out by way of TB
I use htcime_mod on my non-sense (lol at the pun) roms as well. I found that disabling the Prediction/Spell Correction/Word Completion under the Text Input option keeps the keyboard from crashing. This may suck for those of you who rely on auto-correction and suggestions, but i personally have a vendetta against t9 and i only use this keyboard for the ease of symbols access.
I proffer that the issue is thus dependent of the way the IME accesses the dictionary to correct/suggest words. Maybe the libraries are renamed/moved, and it is trying to access an invalid path? Just a theory.
Above all, remember that YMMV because I am using an HTC Vision (T-mobile G2) running CM9 pre-alpha 2.5 unofficial ICS build.
Hope this helps,
blackdragon79 said:
I just flashed Calkulin new ICS rom and for some reason the htc keyboard crashing after typing a few letters. Ive searched this forum and found no answer. I PM calkulin about this problem and of course no reply. Can someone suggest a keyboard that just as good as this one or at least a fix to keep it from crashing out.
I like this keyboard because of the dedicated typing area it gives you when in portrait mode.
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I had issues on Calk's so I downloaded Goodness and extracted the HTC IME MOD apk from it and pushed it to system/app. After setting the permissions and restarting I haven't had a problem since. Give it a shot and see.
Good luck!
can u reupload file?
Kuter_tm said:
can u reupload file?
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I'll have too track it down again but i should be able to. What kernel version are you currently on? I wanna make sure and get you a compatible version.
Kuter_tm said:
can u reupload file?
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Here's the latest copy.
Is there a compatible version for fc22? I miss my t9 ):
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA
partytrikk said:
Is there a compatible version for fc22? I miss my t9 ):
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA
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I'm on FC24 right now so i can't test it but I think the one i just posted should work. Push it to system/app and see if it works.
Good luck!
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The file link is dead. I know there is an apk out there for the HTC IME MOD that works with prediction for ICS. If anyone has it can they please link or share?

