[HOW TO] Remove leading zero from digital clock widgets - Galaxy S II Themes and Apps

Do you dislike the leading zero from the digital clock widget or dual clock widget? If so, you can now remove them with the following guide.
A) DigitalClock.apk
1. Decompile DigitalClock.odex with baksmali
2. Edit the file com/sec/android/widgetapp/digitalclock/DigitalClockWidgetProvider.smali
3. Search for the method drawHour()
.method private static drawHour(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/widget/RemoteViews;Ljava/util/Date;Z)V
.end method
4. Add the following lines in red to the drawHour() method.
const v3, 0x7f070007
const/4 v4, 0x4
invoke-virtual {p1, v3, v4}, Landroid/widget/RemoteViews;->setViewVisibility(II)V
.line 202
const v3, 0x7f070002
invoke-static {v0}, Lcom/sec/android/widgetapp/digitalclock/DigitalClockWidgetProvider;->getClockNumberResourceId(I)I
move-result v4
[COLOR="Red"][b]#if hour1 is zero then draw transparent image (0x106000d)
if-nez v0, :cond_1f
const v4, 0x106000d
invoke-virtual {p1, v3, v4}, Landroid/widget/RemoteViews;->setImageViewResource(II)V
.line 203
const v3, 0x7f070003
invoke-static {v1}, Lcom/sec/android/widgetapp/digitalclock/DigitalClockWidgetProvider;->getClockNumberResourceId(I)I
move-result v4
invoke-virtual {p1, v3, v4}, Landroid/widget/RemoteViews;->setImageViewResource(II)V
5. Recompile and push to /system/app
6. Restart phone.
B) DualClock.apk
1. Decompile DualClock.odex with baksmali
2. Edit the file com/sec/android/widgetapp/dualclock/DigitalDualClockView$DigitalClockView.smali
3. Search for the method update()
.method public update(Z)V
.end method
4. Add the following lines in red to the update() method.
iget-object v11, p0, Lcom/sec/android/widgetapp/dualclock/DigitalDualClockView$DigitalClockView;->iv_hour01:Landroid/widget/ImageView;
iget-object v12, p0, Lcom/sec/android/widgetapp/dualclock/DigitalDualClockView$DigitalClockView;->numbers:[I
aget v12, v12, v2
[COLOR="Red"][b]#if hour1 is zero then draw transparent image (0x106000d)
if-nez v2, :cond_b4
const v12, 0x106000d
invoke-virtual {v11, v12}, Landroid/widget/ImageView;->setImageResource(I)V
.line 932
iget-object v11, p0, Lcom/sec/android/widgetapp/dualclock/DigitalDualClockView$DigitalClockView;->iv_hour02:Landroid/widget/ImageView;
iget-object v12, p0, Lcom/sec/android/widgetapp/dualclock/DigitalDualClockView$DigitalClockView;->numbers:[I
aget v12, v12, v3
5. Recompile and push to /system/app
6. Restart phone.
C) Lock screen
1. Decompile android.policy.odex with baksmali
2. Edit the file com/android/internal/policy/impl/UnlockClockGB.smali
3. Search for the method transformHourData()
.method private transformHourData(I)Ljava/lang/String;
.end method
4. In the transformHourData() method:
Find the line: (x2)
invoke-direct {p0, p1}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/UnlockClockGB;->checkTimeValue(I)Ljava/lang/String;
Replace with this line: (x2)
[COLOR="Red"][b]#don't check time value (add zero prefix), convert to string directly
invoke-static {p1}, Ljava/lang/Integer;->toString(I)Ljava/lang/String;[/b][/COLOR]
5. Recompile and push to /system/framework
(if using dexopt-wrapper to convert back to odex, remember to add the last argument $BOOTCLASSPATH to the wrapper call)
6. Restart phone.


[HOW TO] AOSP Lock + Toggle| 3 Way Ext. Power Menu| CRT-OFF| Long Menu Press to Kill

Hy Guys! in my request to isolate all the codes in Smali files to enable Extended Power Menu, CRT-OF, Long Menu Press To Kill and AOSP Lockscreen working separately to implement in my ROM (crDroid ROM) i manage to found how to do it!
Updated 19.01.2013 = Working in latest XXELLC
Requirements :
- You need to know how to work with apktool, smali and baksmali stuffs.
- Notepad++
- 7-zip
1 - You need to extract from inside the stock framework/ a file called android.policy.jar;
2 - Open android.policy.jar with 7-zip;
3 - Extract classes.dex from it;
2 - Decompile using baksmail commands;
3 - Once it's done Recompile using smali commands:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
== AOSP Lockscreen with Toggle ==
Decompile android.policy.jar
Go to: com\android\internal\policy\impl\LockPatternKeyguardView.smali
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Find this method
.method createLockScreen()Landroid/view/View;
And switch completely with this (Same method with new codes inside)
[left][color="blue"].method createLockScreen()Landroid/view/View;
.registers 7
.line 1254
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockPatternKeyguardView;->mContext:Landroid/content/Context;
invoke-virtual {v0}, Landroid/content/Context;->getContentResolver()Landroid/content/ContentResolver;
move-result-object v0
const-string v1, "aosp_lock"
const/4 v2, 0x0
invoke-static {v0, v1, v2}, Landroid/provider/Settings$System;->getInt(Landroid/content/ContentResolver;Ljava/lang/String;I)I
move-result v0
if-nez v0, :cond_1f
new-instance v0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/sec/CircleLockScreen;
iget-object v1, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockPatternKeyguardView;->mContext:Landroid/content/Context;
iget-object v2, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockPatternKeyguardView;->mConfiguration:Landroid/content/res/Configuration;
iget-object v3, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockPatternKeyguardView;->mLockPatternUtils:Lcom/android/internal/widget/LockPatternUtils;
iget-object v4, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockPatternKeyguardView;->mUpdateMonitor:Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/KeyguardUpdateMonitor;
iget-object v5, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockPatternKeyguardView;->mKeyguardScreenCallback:Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/KeyguardScreenCallback;
invoke-direct/range {v0 .. v5}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/sec/CircleLockScreen;-><init>(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/content/res/Configuration;Lcom/android/internal/widget/LockPatternUtils;Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/KeyguardUpdateMonitor;Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/KeyguardScreenCallback;)V
goto :goto_2e
.line 1260
new-instance v0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockScreen;
iget-object v1, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockPatternKeyguardView;->mContext:Landroid/content/Context;
iget-object v2, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockPatternKeyguardView;->mConfiguration:Landroid/content/res/Configuration;
iget-object v3, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockPatternKeyguardView;->mLockPatternUtils:Lcom/android/internal/widget/LockPatternUtils;
iget-object v4, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockPatternKeyguardView;->mUpdateMonitor:Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/KeyguardUpdateMonitor;
iget-object v5, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockPatternKeyguardView;->mKeyguardScreenCallback:Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/KeyguardScreenCallback;
invoke-direct/range {v0 .. v5}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockScreen;-><init>(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/content/res/Configuration;Lcom/android/internal/widget/LockPatternUtils;Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/KeyguardUpdateMonitor;Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/KeyguardScreenCallback;)V
.local v0, lockView:Landroid/view/View;
invoke-direct {p0, v0}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockPatternKeyguardView;->initializeTransportControlView(Landroid/view/View;)V
.line 1261
return-object v0
.end method[/color][/left]
It will create the AOSP lockscreen but with one issue. Adding only this "new" method will made the lockscreen unlockable using menu button;
So let's made some changes to fix this. There are 2 ways to fix it
1st way
Go to: com\android\internal\policy\impl\LockScreen.smali
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Find and delete the red one
.field private mCreationOrientation:I
[color="red"]--- .field private mEnableMenuKeyInLockScreen:Z[/color]
.field private mEnableRingSilenceFallback:Z
Find and delete the red ones
[left].line 447
iput-object p5, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockScreen;->mCallback:Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/KeyguardScreenCallback;
.line 448
[color="red"]--- invoke-direct {p0}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockScreen;->shouldEnableMenuKey()Z
--- move-result v0
--- iput-boolean v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockScreen;->mEnableMenuKeyInLockScreen:Z[/color]
.line 449
iget v0, p2, Landroid/content/res/Configuration;->orientation:I[/left]
Find the method and delete completely
[left][color="red"].method public onKeyDown(ILandroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z
.registers 4
.parameter "keyCode"
.parameter "event"
.line 541
const/16 v0, 0x52
if-ne p1, v0, :cond_d
iget-boolean v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockScreen;->mEnableMenuKeyInLockScreen:Z
if-eqz v0, :cond_d
.line 542
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/LockScreen;->mCallback:Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/KeyguardScreenCallback;
invoke-interface {v0}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/KeyguardScreenCallback;->goToUnlockScreen()V
.line 544
const/4 v0, 0x0
return v0
.end method[/color][/left]
Recompile android.policy.jar and it's done!
AOSP Lockscreen Properly working
2nd way (Thanks to jimbo77)
Using this method we will need to decompile framework-res.apk
Go to: res/values/bools
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Find and switch
[color="red"]--- <bool name="config_disableMenuKeyInLockScreen">false</bool>[/color]
[color="blue"]+++ <bool name="config_disableMenuKeyInLockScreen">true</bool>[/color]
Recompile framework-res.apk and it's done.
Lets put toggle in SecSettings.apk
decompile SecSettings.apk
Go to:res/values/strings
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Add this at the end of the file, before close resources</resources>.
This 2 string bellow will be shown in settings, so feel free to change.
[left][color="blue"]+++ <string name="aosp">Jelly Bean (AOSP) Lockscreen</string>
+++ <string name="aosp_summary">Enable Original Jelly Bean Lockscreen</string>[/color]
Go to: res/xml/Lockscreen_Settings.xml
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Find and add
[left]<SwitchPreferenceScreen android:title="@string/lock_screen_shortcut_title" android:key="lock_screen_shortcut" android:summary="@string/lock_screen_shortcut_summary">
<intent android:targetPackage="com.android.settings" android:action="android.intent.action.MAIN" android:targetClass="com.android.settings.lockscreenshortcut.LockScreenShortcutSettings" />
[color="blue"]+++ <CheckBoxPreference android:title="@string/aosp" android:key="say_your_wakeup" android:summary="@string/aosp_summary" />[/color]
<SwitchPreferenceScreen android:title="@string/information_ticker" android:key="information_ticker" android:summary="@string/information_ticker_summary" android:fragment="com.android.settings.InformationTicker" />
Go to: smali\com\android\settings\LockScreenSettings.smali
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Find and add
[left].field private isWeatherEnabled:Z
[color="blue"]+++ .field private mAospLock:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;[/color]
.field private mCameraShortCut:Landroid/preference/SwitchPreferenceScreen;[/left]
Find and Switch
[left]iput-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mMotionDialog:Landroid/app/AlertDialog;
[color="red"]--- const/16 v0, 0x8[/color]
[color="blue"]+++ const/16 v0, 0x11[/color]
new-array v0, v0, [I[/left]
Find and Switch
[left]invoke-virtual {v6, v3}, Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;->setChecked(Z)V
.line 294
[color="red"]--- iget-object v3, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mSayCommand:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;[/color]
[color="blue"]+++ iget-object v3, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mAospLock:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;[/color]
if-eqz v3, :cond_4
.line 295
[color="red"]--- iget-object v6, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mSayCommand:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;[/color]
[color="blue"]+++ iget-object v6, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mAospLock:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;[/color]
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->getContentResolver()Landroid/content/ContentResolver;
move-result-object v3
[color="red"]--- const-string v7, "wake_up_lock_screen"[/color]
[color="blue"]+++ const-string v7, "aosp_lock"[/color]
invoke-static {v3, v7, v5}, Landroid/provider/Settings$System;->getInt(Landroid/content/ContentResolver;Ljava/lang/String;I)I[/left]
Find and Switch
[left]const-string v8, "say_your_wakeup"
invoke-virtual {p0, v8}, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->findPreference(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/preference/Preference;
move-result-object v8
check-cast v8, Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;
[color="red"]--- iput-object v8, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mSayCommand:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;[/color]
[color="blue"]+++ iput-object v8, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mAospLock:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;[/color]
.line 212
iget-object v8, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mRippleEffect:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;
if-eqz v8, :cond_8[/left]
Find and Switch
[left]goto :goto_4
[color="red"]--- iget-object v4, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mSayCommand:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;[/color]
[color="blue"]+++ iget-object v4, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mAospLock:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;[/color]
invoke-virtual {p2, v4}, Ljava/lang/Object;->equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
move-result v4
if-eqz v4, :cond_0
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->getContentResolver()Landroid/content/ContentResolver;
move-result-object v4
[color="red"]--- const-string v5, "wake_up_lock_screen"[/color]
[color="blue"]+++ const-string v5, "aosp_lock"[/color]
[color="red"]---iget-object v6, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mSayCommand:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;[/color]
[color="blue"]+++iget-object v6, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mAospLock:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;[/color]
invoke-virtual {v6}, Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;->isChecked()Z
move-result v6
if-eqz v6, :cond_a[/left]
Find Switch and delete
invoke-interface {v1}, Ljava/util/List;->size()I
move-result v8
if-ge v8, v9, :cond_f
.line 240
[color="red"]--- iget-object v8, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mSayCommand:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;[/color]
[color="blue"]+++ iget-object v8, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mAospLock:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;[/color]
if-eqz v8, :cond_e
[color="red"]--- invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->getPreferenceScreen()Landroid/preference/PreferenceScreen;[/color]
[color="red"]--- move-result-object v8[/color]
[color="red"]--- iget-object v9, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mSayCommand:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;[/color]
[color="red"]--- invoke-virtual {v8, v9}, Landroid/preference/PreferenceScreen;->removePreference(Landroid/preference/Preference;)Z[/color]
if-eqz v6, :cond_f
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->getPreferenceScreen()Landroid/preference/PreferenceScreen;[/left]
Recompile SecSettings.apk and it's done!
== 3 Way Extended Power Menu ==
Go to: com/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions.smali
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Find this
[LEFT].line 368
new-instance v1, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$5;[/LEFT]
And switch with this
[LEFT][COLOR="Blue"].line 368
new-instance v1, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$99;[/COLOR][/LEFT]
Find this
[LEFT]invoke-direct {v1, v0, v2, v3}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$5;-><init>(Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;II)V[/LEFT]
And switch with this
[LEFT][COLOR="Blue"]invoke-direct {v1, v0, v2, v3}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$99;-><init>(Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;II)V[/COLOR][/LEFT]
Now go to
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Find this
[LEFT].end annotation
# instance fields
.field private final mIconResId:I
.field private final mMessage:Ljava/lang/CharSequence;
.field private final mMessageResId:I
And between .end annotation and # instance fields, add this
[LEFT][COLOR="Blue"]# static fields
.field protected static rebootMode:I
.field protected static final rebootOptions:[Ljava/lang/String;[/COLOR][/LEFT]
Find this
[LEFT]# direct methods
.method protected constructor <init>(II)V
.registers 4
.parameter "iconResId"
.parameter "messageResId"
And between # direct methods and .method protected constructor <init>(II)V, add this
[LEFT][COLOR="Blue"].method static constructor <clinit>()V
.registers 3
const/4 v0, 0x3
new-array v0, v0, [Ljava/lang/String;
const/4 v1, 0x0
const-string v2, "Reboot"
aput-object v2, v0, v1
const/4 v1, 0x1
const-string v2, "Download"
aput-object v2, v0, v1
const/4 v1, 0x2
const-string v2, "Recovery"
aput-object v2, v0, v1
sput-object v0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$SinglePressAction;->rebootOptions:[Ljava/lang/String;
.end method[/COLOR][/LEFT]
To finalize Extended Power Menu you need to copy tree smali files (GlobalActions$99$1.smali, GlobalActions$99$2, and GlobalActions$1.smali) and paste then inside -> com/android/internal/policy/impl/
Recompile android.policy.jar using smali commands it's DONE!
== CRT OFF Animation ==
Follow the same procedure as android.policy.jar to decompile and extract classes.dex
Go to
Go to: com/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager.smali
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
find this
[LEFT]# interfaces
.implements Landroid/view/WindowManagerPolicy;
# annotations
Between .implements Landroid/view/WindowManagerPolicy and # annotations, add this
[LEFT][COLOR="Blue"].implements Ljava/lang/Runnable;[/COLOR][/LEFT]
find this
[LEFT].line 5938
.end local v9 #isAllowed:Z
.end local v16 #kioskMode:Landroid/app/enterprise/kioskmode/KioskMode;
return v19[/LEFT]
Between :goto_66 and return v19, add this
[LEFT][COLOR="Blue"]and-int/lit8 v0, v19, 0x4
if-eqz v0, :cond_71
and-int/lit8 v19, v19, -0x5
move-object/from16 v0, p0
invoke-virtual {v0}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager;->sleepDelay()V
Go to the Bottom of the file and add this hole code
[LEFT][COLOR="Blue"].method public sleepDelay()V
.locals 10
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager;->mHandler:Landroid/os/Handler;
const-wide v2, 0x64
check-cast p0, Ljava/lang/Runnable;
invoke-virtual {v0, p0, v2, v3}, Landroid/os/Handler;->postDelayed(Ljava/lang/Runnable;J)Z
.end method
.method public run()V
.locals 10
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager;->mContext:Landroid/content/Context;
const-string v1, "power"
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Landroid/content/Context;->getSystemService(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0, Landroid/os/PowerManager;
invoke-static {}, Landroid/os/SystemClock;->uptimeMillis()J
move-result-wide v2
const-wide/16 v6, 0x3e8
add-long/2addr v2, v6
invoke-virtual {v0, v2, v3}, Landroid/os/PowerManager;->goToSleep(J)V
.end method[/COLOR][/LEFT]
Now you can recompile android.policy.jar using smali commands.
Extract services.jar from inside framework folder and follow the same procedure extract classes.dex and decompile it.
Go to
Go to: com/android/server/PowerMangerService$ScreenBrightnessAnimator.smali
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
find this
[LEFT]#getter for: Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService;->mScreenBrightnessHandler:Landroid/os/Handler;
invoke-static {v7}, Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService;->access$7300(Lcom/android/server/PowerManagerService;)Landroid/os/Handler;
move-result-object v7
const/16 v9, 0xa[/LEFT]
Between move-result-object v7 and const/16 v9, 0xa, add this
[LEFT][COLOR="Blue"]if-eqz p2, :cond_75
const/16 v9, 0xb
const/4 v10, 0x0
const v2, 0x10
invoke-virtual {v7, v9, v2, v10}, Landroid/os/Handler;->obtainMessage(III)Landroid/os/Message;
move-result-object v9
invoke-virtual {v9}, Landroid/os/Message;->sendToTarget()V
Now you can recompile services.jar using apktool and smali commands
== Long Menu Press to Kill App ==
Follow the same procedure as android.policy.jar and services.jar to decompile and extract classes.dex again from android.policy.jar
Go to: com/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager.smali
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
find this
.line 1455
[COLOR="Red"]new-instance v0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager$8;
invoke-direct {v0, p0}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager$8;-><init (Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager;)V[/COLOR]
iput-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager;->mMenuLongPress:Ljava/lang/Runnable;
change the red ones for blues under
[COLOR="Blue"]+ new-instance v0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager$MenuLongPress;
+ invoke-direct {v0, p0}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager$MenuLongPress;-><init>(Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager;)V[/COLOR]
Extract the PhoneWindowManager-file.zip attached, extract the file int it and copy to com/android/internal/policy/impl/
Recompile android.policy.jar using smali commands and it's done!
With this we will be able to add or remove this 4 mods from inside any other
For CRT OFF Animation method all the credits goes to Sorg. I've just follow his tutorial.
For part Extended Power Menu i like to thanks mgn2o
For part of AOSP Lockscreen i like to thanks Didact74
Nice, an EPM whitout Hot Reboot (mgn2o) thanks for reference ....
Enviado de meu GT-I9300 usando o Tapatalk 2
Excellent guide! Would love one for lockscreen media skip !! I cant find the source/guide anywhere !
Great guide.
It will be great:
Can you add how to decompile .odex such that we obtain .smali for editing ??
Thanks in advance mate.
Post updated with Long Menu Press to Kill for XXELK4
Akshay (Aky) said:
Great guide.
It will be great:
Can you add how to decompile .odex such that we obtain .smali for editing ??
Thanks in advance mate.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can try to deodex a file, made the changes and re-odex.
I never try with odex. I only use roms deodexed and my (crDroid) in development is surely deodexed.
Take a look in here: CLICK
how to Inkeffect tutorial
One more thing, how to add the function "Long press volume key to jump muisc" in lockscreen mode? Thanks.
I'll definitely use this to add crt animation to the 4.1.2 ROM I have for the Sprint S2. Thanks!
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Great job, Hoping this will become a central hub for source code ! Bookmarked for future use.. looking forward to future sources!
Would you please also add the mod for "long press volume key to skip song"? Thanks.
dongfangri said:
Would you please also add the mod for "long press volume key to skip song"? Thanks.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm working on this. Trying some kind of "reverse engineering" to spot the codes.
Great tutorial, for my first attempt at these types of edits, it made life very easy. Although i have a small problem. Ive made the edits so i can have extended power menu, crt off and any app multi window in my rom. Everything went smoothly but it seems that crt off is erratic. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. Any ideas?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
anaraxia said:
Great tutorial, for my first attempt at these types of edits, it made life very easy. Although i have a small problem. Ive made the edits so i can have extended power menu, crt off and any app multi window in my rom. Everything went smoothly but it seems that crt off is erratic. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. Any ideas?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well a never had this kind of problem.
Using Kernle Perseus, by the way? It seems to broke CRT.
Cristiano Matos said:
Well a never had this kind of problem.
Using Kernle Perseus, by the way? It seems to broke CRT.
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No... Stock kernel. Keeping in simple
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
anaraxia said:
No... Stock kernel. Keeping in simple
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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There's a problem with the Stock kernel on the newest JB update (For both leak and official)
Try using Siyah's 1.8.3 and use the CRT Fix in the STweaks application.
---------- Post added at 11:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 AM ----------
Thanks alot for this tutorial, very simple and straight to the point!
Lost.soul said:
There's a problem with the Stock kernel on the newest JB update (For both leak and official)
Try using Siyah's 1.8.3 and use the CRT Fix in the STweaks application.
Thanks for the help. Downloaded, flashed and tested. Works perfectly now. Will have to add it to my next release. Thanks again :thumbup:
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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Loved your post, but i have a question: is it possible to do this with gingerbread rom? is it the same procedure?
Também sou brasileiro, hehehe. Tem como tu me ajudar com algumas coisas?
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Note II InkEffect Lockscreen
It is not compatible with Note II InkEffect Lockscreen Mod.
When I flash this mod (extended menu) the ink effect lockscreen stop working
thank you
anaraxia said:
Great tutorial, for my first attempt at these types of edits, it made life very easy. Although i have a small problem. Ive made the edits so i can have extended power menu, crt off and any app multi window in my rom. Everything went smoothly but it seems that crt off is erratic. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. Any ideas?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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Can you confirm it works ONLY with Wifi On ? Seams like that on my try
in the service.jar...i have 2 times those codes...234, 264 something, so how do you choose where to insert your part ?
later edit:
Makes no diff where i add those it seams. Still CRT only works with WIFI on, its like a CRT SWICH haha...suppose "stuff" should be inserted differently on 4.1.2.

[WIP] Need Help from all you experienced themer out there.

I happen to fall in love with Lewa OS.
Lewa os as this wonderfull app named PIM.apk which works as dialer cum messaging app.
The only flaw in this apk is it shows smiley key while composing message instead of enter key.
I am trying to modify the messaging app (PIM.apk) of Lewa os so that it displays “Enter key instead of smiley key when we compose messages
does anyone know how should i go about it.?
I've uploaded all the required files. if you could check the xml what should I edit in this xml so that smiley key changes to enter key.
I have searched the forum found this tutorial but this tutorial doesn’t seem to work on this apk.
mikko3024 said:
How to apply the Mms.apk next line mod.
Note: This guide assumes that you have knowledge of decompiling-recompiling apks, baksmali-ing and smali-ing.
The mod is a two part modification.
- First is to remove the smiley button when typing an sms/mms with the enter button by modifying layout xml res files. After changing the xml res files, the enter button would appear. But the enter button would function as in the enter-to-send behavior.
- Second is to modify a smali ui file to change the enter-to-send behavior and allow inserting next lines in the text editor.
Part I - Showing the enter button.
1. Decompile the Mms.apk. (apktool or any tool of your preference)
2. Open res/layout/compose_message_activity.xml
3. find |textShortMessage and delete it. (From my experience there is usually a single instance of that text in the file.)
4. Recompile the apk.
Note: You may need to perform apktool if framework-res.apk first to successfully decompile and recompile without errors.
Part II - Smali edit.
1. From the decompiled files under Part I, open smali/com/android/mms/ui/ComposeMessageActivity.smali.
2. Modify the method onEditorAction with the snippet below. (The line with .method public onEditorAction(Landroid/widget/TextView;ILandroid/view/KeyEventZ)
Modified .method snippet:
.method public onEditorAction(Landroid/widget/TextView;ILandroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z
.locals 4
.parameter "v"
.parameter "actionId"
.parameter "event"
const/4 v3, 0x1
const/4 v2, 0x0
.line 3217
if-eqz p3, :cond_4
.line 3218
invoke-virtual {p3}, Landroid/view/KeyEvent;->getKeyCode()I
move-result v0
const/16 v1, 0x17
if-eq v0, v1, :cond_0
invoke-virtual {p3}, Landroid/view/KeyEvent;->getKeyCode()I
move-result v0
const/16 v1, 0x42
if-ne v0, v1, :cond_1
move v0, v2
.line 3232
return v0
.line 3221
invoke-virtual {p3}, Landroid/view/KeyEvent;->isShiftPressed()Z
move-result v0
if-nez v0, :cond_3
.line 3222
invoke-direct {p0}, Lcom/android/mms/ui/ComposeMessageActivity;->isPreparedForSending()Z
move-result v0
if-eqz v0, :cond_2
.line 3223
invoke-direct {p0}, Lcom/android/mms/ui/ComposeMessageActivity;->confirmSendMessageIfNeeded()V
move v0, v3
.line 3225
goto :goto_0
move v0, v2
.line 3227
goto :goto_0
.line 3229
invoke-direct {p0}, Lcom/android/mms/ui/ComposeMessageActivity;->isPreparedForSending()Z
move-result v0
if-eqz v0, :cond_5
.line 3230
invoke-direct {p0}, Lcom/android/mms/ui/ComposeMessageActivity;->confirmSendMessageIfNeeded()V
move v0, v3
.line 3232
goto :goto_0
.end method
3. Adjust the .line numbering to the numbering used by the previous method before patching. Not adjusting the .line numbering would/may cause errors.
Note that your .line numbering may be different from my .line numbering. For example your previous .method may occupy 3040 to 3055. Adjust the above code's .line numbering to fit that range.
4. After modifying the smali file, create a duplicate of the smali folder.
5. Smali the smali folder to obtain a new classes.dex file.
java -jar ./smali.jar -o ./classes.dex ./smali
6. Open the patched Mms.apk file earlier using WinZip or WinRAR and overwrite its classes.dex file with the new modified one.
If you're on Ubuntu you can type this command in terminal:
zip -m Mms.apk classes.dex
7. Copy the patched Mms.apk file to your phone's /system/app folder. Apply proper ownership and permissions.
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[MOD][GUIDE]Enable Heads Up Notifications

This guide was written based on the Sprint Samsung Galaxy S3 ND8 KitKat stock ROM but with the proper modifications may work for other KitKat ROMs. Please don't ask me to modify this to work with ROM xyz or to compile this for you into a ROM. I won't do it.
Background Info
As you know, Android 4.4 has a heads-up notification feature built in but disabled with no way to enable it from settings. While there are various Xposed modules that will enable this for you as well as give some additional functionality (such as whitelisting), I personally don't use Xposed because it causes conflicts on my ROM so I decided to figure out how to enable it myself. Simply enabling Heads Up notifications caused all sorts of force closes any time an ongoing notification presented itself so that had to be worked out as well.
apktool 2.0 beta 9 and the knowledge of how to use it. There are various guides on how to use apktool on XDA. Find one and read it. Make sure to read the information on the apktool site as well since some of the options in 2.0 may be different from the guides you find.
A text editor that supports Unix-style text files. I recommend Notepad++.
You'll be working with the following apks:
Decompile SystemUI.apk using apktool.
Open smali\com\android\systemui\statusbar\BaseStatusBar.smali in your preferred text editor.
Find .method protected shouldInterrupt(Landroid/service/notification/StatusBarNotificationZ.
This method is of no use to us in it's current form and is what causes the force closes/ongoing notification issues so we are going to completely remove it and replace it with the following:
.method protected shouldInterrupt(Landroid/service/notification/StatusBarNotification;)Z
.locals 12
.param p1, "sbn" # Landroid/service/notification/StatusBarNotification;
const/4 v8, 0x0
const/4 v9, 0x1
.line 1292
invoke-virtual {p1}, Landroid/service/notification/StatusBarNotification;->isOngoing()Z
move-result v4
if-nez v4, :cond_0
iget-object v10, p0, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/BaseStatusBar;->mPowerManager:Landroid/os/PowerManager;
invoke-virtual {v10}, Landroid/os/PowerManager;->isScreenOn()Z
move-result v1
return v1
move v1, v8
goto :goto_0
.end method
Save the file and recompile SystemUI using apktool. Don't forget to re-sign the APK (either use an APK signer if you have a ROM that has 3rd-party system app signatures enabled or copy the AndroidManifest.xml file and META-INF folder from the original to the new APK).
That's it for SystemUI.apk.
Decompile SecSettings.apk with apktool.
First, we need to add the title and summary for the setting to enable Heads Up notifications. Open res\values\Strings.xml in your preferred text editor.
Add the following lines to the bottom of the file:
<string name="heads_up">Heads up notifications</string>
<string name="heads_up_desc">Enable heads up notifications</string>
Save the file and close it.
Next we need to add the setting entry. Open res\xml\display_settings.xml in your preferred text editor.
Add the following line underneath your preferred setting category (I chose to place it under "General" in my ROM):
<CheckBoxPreference android:title="@string/heads_up" android:key="heads_up_setting" android:widgetLayout="@touchwiz:layout/preference_widget_twcheckbox" />
Save the file and close it.
Finally, we will add the code to enable/disable Heads Up notifications. Open smali\com\android\settings\DisplaySettings.smali in your preferred text editor.
Find # instance fields and add the following line (on a new line) somewhere before # direct methods:
.field private mHeadsUp:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;
Find .method private updateState()V, then locate the section of code that looks similar to this:
invoke-direct {p0}, Lcom/android/settings/DisplaySettings;->updateInformativeScreenSummary()V
.line 1374
iget-object v3, p0, Lcom/android/settings/DisplaySettings;->mDisplayBatteryLevel:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom/android/settings/DisplaySettings;->getContentResolver()Landroid/content/ContentResolver;
move-result-object v0
const-string v4, "display_battery_percentage"
invoke-static {v0, v4, v2}, Landroid/provider/Settings$System;->getInt(Landroid/content/ContentResolver;Ljava/lang/String;I)I
move-result v0
if-eqz v0, :cond_2
move v0, v1
invoke-virtual {v3, v0}, Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;->setChecked(Z)V
Your variables (v#'s), conditionals (cond_#'s), gotos (goto_#'s), and .line #'s may differ. Under the line invoke-virtual {v3, v0}, Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;->setChecked(Z)V, add:
iget-object v3, p0, Lcom/android/settings/DisplaySettings;->mHeadsUp:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom/android/settings/DisplaySettings;->getContentResolver()Landroid/content/ContentResolver;
move-result-object v0
const-string v4, "heads_up_enabled"
invoke-static {v0, v4, v2}, Landroid/provider/Settings$Global;->getInt(Landroid/content/ContentResolver;Ljava/lang/String;I)I
move-result v0
if-eqz v0, :cond_8
move v0, v1
invoke-virtual {v3, v0}, Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;->setChecked(Z)V
You'll want to change the variables to match the ones in the prior code section if they are different for you. Also make sure to change the conditional and goto labels to one hexadecimal numeral higher than the highest one already present in the method (for example, in stock ND8, the highest conditional is cond_7 so we choose cond_8 for the conditional here and the highest goto is goto_5 so we chose goto_6).
Scroll down to the end of the method and add the following above .end method:
move v0, v2
goto/16 :goto_6
Make sure to change v2 to whatever variable is defined at the beginning of the method as 0x0 (ie. const/4 v2, 0x0 in this case).
Find .method public onCreate(Landroid/os/BundleV, then locate the section of code that looks similar to the following:
const-string v0, "display_battery_level"
invoke-virtual {p0, v0}, Lcom/android/settings/DisplaySettings;->findPreference(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/preference/Preference;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0, Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;
iput-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/settings/DisplaySettings;->mDisplayBatteryLevel:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;
Again, your variables (v#'s) may differ. Beneath the line iput-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/settings/DisplaySettings;->mDisplayBatteryLevel:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;, add the following:
const-string v0, "heads_up_setting"
invoke-virtual {p0, v0}, Lcom/android/settings/DisplaySettings;->findPreference(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/preference/Preference;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0, Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;
iput-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/settings/DisplaySettings;->mHeadsUp:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;
Make sure to change the variable #'s to match the ones in the prior code section.
Find .method public onPreferenceTreeClick(Landroid/preference/PreferenceScreen;Landroid/preference/PreferenceZ and locate the section of code that looks similar to:
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/settings/DisplaySettings;->mDisplayBatteryLevel:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;
invoke-virtual {p2, v0}, Ljava/lang/Object;->equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
move-result v0
if-eqz v0, :cond_c
.line 1530
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/settings/DisplaySettings;->mDisplayBatteryLevel:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;
invoke-virtual {v0}, Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;->isChecked()Z
move-result v0
.line 1531
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom/android/settings/DisplaySettings;->getContentResolver()Landroid/content/ContentResolver;
move-result-object v1
const-string v4, "display_battery_percentage"
if-eqz v0, :cond_b
move v3, v2
invoke-static {v1, v4, v3}, Landroid/provider/Settings$System;->putInt(Landroid/content/ContentResolver;Ljava/lang/String;I)Z
goto :goto_3
.line 1533
As usual, your variables (v#'s), conditionals (cond_#'s), gotos (goto_#'s), and .line #'s may differ. Under :cond_c, add the following:
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/settings/DisplaySettings;->mHeadsUp:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;
invoke-virtual {p2, v0}, Ljava/lang/Object;->equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
move-result v0
if-eqz v0, :cond_2b
.line 1530
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/settings/DisplaySettings;->mHeadsUp:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;
invoke-virtual {v0}, Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;->isChecked()Z
move-result v0
.line 1531
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom/android/settings/DisplaySettings;->getContentResolver()Landroid/content/ContentResolver;
move-result-object v1
const-string v4, "heads_up_enabled"
if-eqz v0, :cond_2c
move v3, v2
invoke-static {v1, v4, v3}, Landroid/provider/Settings$Global;->putInt(Landroid/content/ContentResolver;Ljava/lang/String;I)Z
goto/16 :goto_3
Again, you'll want to change the variables to match the ones in the prior code section if they are different for you and make sure to change the conditional labels to one hexadecimal numeral higher than the highest one already present in the method. Change the goto/16 :goto_3 to match the one in the previous code section.
Save the file and close it.
That's it for SecSettings.apk. Recompile and re-sign it.
Install both files to your phone using your preferred method. You should already know this but I'll say it anyway, THESE FILES CANNOT BE INSTALLED LIKE NORMAL SIDE-LOADED APKs. I prefer to reboot to recovery and use ADB to push the files to the system, but you can use whatever method is easiest for you (ie. Aroma file manager, flashable zip, etc.).
So I guess those of us that aren't very good at this will have to wait then? Lol
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
Great tutorial man! Thank you looking forward to add this to all my releases soon. Great job!
Great, it compiles without mistakes with Dn3 4.4.2 for N7105, but I was playing with my 4 years old daughter and I'm sure something will be wrong, lol!
I just had to use cond 8 instead of 7, but I will report very likely my failure... It will take longer for me to let it work.
Anyway, it is a very useful tutorial and it's the only one here.
I think there is a typo in the code for statusbar, it says mismatched input "p1" expecting END_METHOD_DIRECTIVE
I took this one from your original code (the one inside your rom) and it compiles fine
.method protected shouldInterrupt(Landroid/service/notification/StatusBarNotificationZ
.locals 12
.parameter "sbn"
const/4 v8, 0x0
const/4 v9, 0x1
.line 1292
invoke-virtual {p1}, Landroid/service/notification/StatusBarNotification;->isOngoing()Z
move-result v4
if-nez v4, :cond_0
iget-object v10, p0, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/BaseStatusBar;->mPowerManager:Landroid/os/PowerManager;
invoke-virtual {v10}, Landroid/os/PowerManager;->isScreenOn()Z
move-result v1
return v1
move v1, v8
goto :goto_0
.end method
I will re-check the next steps, because last night I was unable to get everything working (I am not a dev).
Thanks again.
lucaoldb said:
I think there is a typo in the code for statusbar, it says mismatched input "p1" expecting END_METHOD_DIRECTIVE
I took this one from your original code (the one inside your rom) and it compiles fine
.method protected shouldInterrupt(Landroid/service/notification/StatusBarNotificationZ
.locals 12
.parameter "sbn"
const/4 v8, 0x0
const/4 v9, 0x1
.line 1292
invoke-virtual {p1}, Landroid/service/notification/StatusBarNotification;->isOngoing()Z
move-result v4
if-nez v4, :cond_0
iget-object v10, p0, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/BaseStatusBar;->mPowerManager:Landroid/os/PowerManager;
invoke-virtual {v10}, Landroid/os/PowerManager;->isScreenOn()Z
move-result v1
return v1
move v1, v8
goto :goto_0
.end method
I will re-check the next steps, because last night I was unable to get everything working (I am not a dev).
Thanks again.
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The code in the guide is taken straight from my ROM. All this method does is check to see if the notification is ongoing or not, then check to make sure the screen is on. also, I highly recommend using the latest version of apktool.
First of all, thank you.
I still have to edit the files by myself, but I have tested both your system ui and your secsettings on to the rom I am using (Dn3 4.4.2 for N7105) and they work fine, including heads up notifications... So I will keep these settings for some days, until I have the time to learn more about this matter.
Btw, I will try some of yor themed apps I found inside your rom, which are very good looking.
So what does the hud look like and how does it work? Not familiar with it.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
Works great. Thank you moonknightus
marcran75 said:
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Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
Just an fyi, I just tried this on the S5 stock touchwiz (which is 4.4.2). I get an error when trying to compile SecSettings.apk.
I: Smaling smali folder into classes.dex...
..\_WorkArea1\_working\SecSettings.apk\smali\com\android\settings\DisplaySettings.smali[2936,4] There is already a label with that name.
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Could not smali file: com/android/settings/DisplaySettings.smali
at brut.androlib.src.SmaliBuilder.buildFile(SmaliBuilder.java:71)
at brut.androlib.src.SmaliBuilder.build(SmaliBuilder.java:55)
at brut.androlib.src.SmaliBuilder.build(SmaliBuilder.java:41)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildSourcesSmali(Androlib.java:358)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildSources(Androlib.java:298)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:284)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:258)
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdBuild(Main.java:240)
at brut.apktool.Main.main(Main.java:89)
It seems like the method or something is already being duplicated. SystemUI recompiled perfectly.
tp2215 said:
Just an fyi, I just tried this on the S5 stock touchwiz (which is 4.4.2). I get an error when trying to compile SecSettings.apk.
I: Smaling smali folder into classes.dex...
..\_WorkArea1\_working\SecSettings.apk\smali\com\android\settings\DisplaySettings.smali[2936,4] There is already a label with that name.
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Could not smali file: com/android/settings/DisplaySettings.smali
at brut.androlib.src.SmaliBuilder.buildFile(SmaliBuilder.java:71)
at brut.androlib.src.SmaliBuilder.build(SmaliBuilder.java:55)
at brut.androlib.src.SmaliBuilder.build(SmaliBuilder.java:41)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildSourcesSmali(Androlib.java:358)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildSources(Androlib.java:298)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:284)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:258)
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdBuild(Main.java:240)
at brut.apktool.Main.main(Main.java:89)
It seems like the method or something is already being duplicated. SystemUI recompiled perfectly.
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Either a goto or a conditional label is being duplicated. Reread the instructions paying attention to the part that says to adjust the labels accordingly. The S3 and S5 use very similar code but by no means is it identical.
Thanks moonknightus for this guide. I manage to apply this mod to my tablet.:good: .Now my only problem is your other mod.
@moonknightus please check your PM sir
Do I actually need to sign the apks our can I just use them once they are modified
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
bigwillyg said:
Do I actually need to sign the apks our can I just use them once they are modified
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
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Either use an APK signer if you have a ROM that has 3rd-party system app signatures enabled or copy the AndroidManifest.xml file and META-INF folder from the original to the new APK.As stated by moonknightus in his other thread.
filchi756 said:
Either use an APK signer if you have a ROM that has 3rd-party system app signatures enabled or copy the AndroidManifest.xml file and META-INF folder from the original to the new APK.As stated by moonknightus in his other thread.
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Ah gotcha. Thanks
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
Shouldn't this be :cond_8?
[/COLOR] move v0, v2
goto/16 :goto_6
tdunham said:
Shouldn't this be :cond_8?
[/COLOR] move v0, v2
goto/16 :goto_6
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[Guide/Tut]Adding 5 way reboot menu lollipop

Hello guys Here is a small tut on how to add 5 way advanced reboot menu
This is only for Deodexed files
The Files which need work are
Things You need are Baksmali version of 1.5
Here you can get it Click here
signer tool
Thinking Brain and Patience
First We start with Framework-res.apk
Decompile it
Add these lines here in file /res/values/strings.xml
<string name="apm_reboot">Reboot</string>
<string name="apm_hotreboot">Hot reboot</string>
<string name="apm_recovery">Recovery</string>
<string name="apm_bootloader">Bootloader</string>
<string name="apm_safemode">Safe mode</string>
Then add these files to images to framework-res.apk View attachment drawable-hdpi.zip
Then Compile and Decompile again ( for public ids )
Ok Now Decompile android.policy.jar ( using Baksmali )
After Decompile Place the files to ( com/android/internal/policy/impl ) path View attachment android.policy.jar.zip
Now After Placing These 7 files open them in NotePad++ ( all 7 files )
Look For the .method private constructor <init> now Replace the Public Ids as per framework-res.apk created ( dont confuse everything was written )
Now Look For GlobalActions.smali and open it on notepad++
Look for
Then add these lines Above that
Look For
.field private mHandler:Landroid/os/Handler;
Add Below
.field private mGlobalActionsReceiver:Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;
Look For
new-instance v4, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$7;
invoke-direct {v4, p0}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$7;-><init>(Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;)V
iput-object v4, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mBroadcastReceiver:Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;
Add After That These lines
new-instance v4, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsReceiver;
invoke-direct {v4, p0}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsReceiver;-><init>(Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;)V
iput-object v4, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mGlobalActionsReceiver:Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;
Look for
iget-object v4, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mBroadcastReceiver:Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;
invoke-virtual {p1, v4, v1}, Landroid/content/Context;->registerReceiver(Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;Landroid/content/IntentFilter;)Landroid/content/Intent;
Add after that code These lines
new-instance v1, Landroid/content/IntentFilter;
invoke-direct {v1}, Landroid/content/IntentFilter;-><init>()V
const-string v4, "android.intent.action.GLOBAL_ACTION_DIALOG"
invoke-virtual {v1, v4}, Landroid/content/IntentFilter;->addAction(Ljava/lang/String;)V
iget-object v4, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mGlobalActionsReceiver:Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;
invoke-virtual {p1, v4, v1}, Landroid/content/Context;->registerReceiver(Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;Landroid/content/IntentFilter;)Landroid/content/Intent;
Look For
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mItems:Ljava/util/ArrayList;
new-instance v1, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$PowerAction;
const/4 v2, 0x0
invoke-direct {v1, p0, v2}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$PowerAction;-><init>(Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$1;)V
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Ljava/util/ArrayList;->add(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
Add After that
invoke-virtual/range {p0 .. p0}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->getSysAPMTweak()Z
move-result v2
if-eqz v2, :cond_skip
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mItems:Ljava/util/ArrayList;
new-instance v1, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialogAdv;
const/4 v2, 0x0
invoke-direct {v1, p0, v2}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialogAdv;-><init>(Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$1;)V
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Ljava/util/ArrayList;->add(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
Find this Method
.method private createDialog()Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialog;
After that Add this method ( meant after .end method )
.method private createDialogAdv()Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialog;
.locals 13
new-instance v0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$1;
const v2, 0x1080377 #drawable ic_lock_airplane_mode
const v3, 0x1080379 #drawable ic_lock_airplane_mode_off
const v4, 0x10400fe #string global_actions_toggle_airplane_mode
const v5, 0x10400ff #string global_actions_airplane_mode_on_status
const v6, 0x1040100 #string global_actions_airplane_mode_off_status
move-object v1, p0
invoke-direct/range {v0 .. v6}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$1;-><init>(Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;IIIII)V
new-instance v0, Ljava/util/ArrayList;
invoke-direct {v0}, Ljava/util/ArrayList;-><init>()V
iput-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mItems:Ljava/util/ArrayList;
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mItems:Ljava/util/ArrayList;
new-instance v1, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$PowerActionReboot;
const/4 v2, 0x0
invoke-direct {v1, p0, v2}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$PowerActionReboot;-><init>(Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$1;)V
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Ljava/util/ArrayList;->add(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mItems:Ljava/util/ArrayList;
new-instance v1, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$PowerActionHotReboot;
const/4 v2, 0x0
invoke-direct {v1, p0, v2}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$PowerActionHotReboot;-><init>(Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$1;)V
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Ljava/util/ArrayList;->add(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mItems:Ljava/util/ArrayList;
new-instance v1, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$PowerActionBootloader;
const/4 v2, 0x0
invoke-direct {v1, p0, v2}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$PowerActionBootloader;-><init>(Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$1;)V
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Ljava/util/ArrayList;->add(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mItems:Ljava/util/ArrayList;
new-instance v1, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$PowerActionRecovery;
const/4 v2, 0x0
invoke-direct {v1, p0, v2}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$PowerActionRecovery;-><init>(Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$1;)V
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Ljava/util/ArrayList;->add(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mItems:Ljava/util/ArrayList;
new-instance v1, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$PowerActionSafemode;
const/4 v2, 0x0
invoke-direct {v1, p0, v2}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$PowerActionSafemode;-><init>(Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$1;)V
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Ljava/util/ArrayList;->add(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
new-instance v0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$MyAdapter;
const/4 v1, 0x0
invoke-direct {v0, p0, v1}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$MyAdapter;-><init>(Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$1;)V
iput-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mAdapter:Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$MyAdapter;
new-instance v12, Lcom/android/internal/app/AlertController$AlertParams;
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mContext:Landroid/content/Context;
invoke-direct {v12, v0}, Lcom/android/internal/app/AlertController$AlertParams;-><init>(Landroid/content/Context;)V
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mAdapter:Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$MyAdapter;
iput-object v0, v12, Lcom/android/internal/app/AlertController$AlertParams;->mAdapter:Landroid/widget/ListAdapter;
iput-object p0, v12, Lcom/android/internal/app/AlertController$AlertParams;->mOnClickListener:Landroid/content/DialogInterface$OnClickListener;
const/4 v0, 0x1
iput-boolean v0, v12, Lcom/android/internal/app/AlertController$AlertParams;->mForceInverseBackground:Z
new-instance v10, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialog;
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mContext:Landroid/content/Context;
invoke-direct {v10, v0, v12}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialog;-><init>(Landroid/content/Context;Lcom/android/internal/app/AlertController$AlertParams;)V
const/4 v0, 0x0
invoke-virtual {v10, v0}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialog;->setCanceledOnTouchOutside(Z)V
invoke-virtual {v10}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialog;->getListView()Landroid/widget/ListView;
move-result-object v0
const/4 v1, 0x1
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Landroid/widget/ListView;->setItemsCanFocus(Z)V
invoke-virtual {v10}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialog;->getListView()Landroid/widget/ListView;
move-result-object v0
invoke-virtual {v10}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialog;->getWindow()Landroid/view/Window;
move-result-object v0
const/16 v1, 0x7d9
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Landroid/view/Window;->setType(I)V
invoke-virtual {v10, p0}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialog;->setOnDismissListener(Landroid/content/DialogInterface$OnDismissListener;)V
return-object v10
.end method
Now find
# virtual methods
Add after this below code
.method public getSysAPMTweak()Z
.locals 4
const/4 v0, -0x1
iget-object v1, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mContext:Landroid/content/Context;
invoke-virtual {v1}, Landroid/content/Context;->getContentResolver()Landroid/content/ContentResolver;
move-result-object v1
const-string v2, "tweaks_apm"
const/4 v3, -0x2
invoke-static {v1, v2, v0, v3}, Landroid/provider/Settings$System;->getIntForUser(Landroid/content/ContentResolver;Ljava/lang/String;II)I
move-result v1
if-nez v1, :cond_0
const/4 v0, 0x1
return v0
const/4 v0, 0x1
goto :goto_0
.end method
Now Find this method
.method public showDialog(ZZ)V
After that Add this method (after .end method )
.method public showDialogAdv()V
.locals 2
invoke-direct {p0}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->createDialogAdv()Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialog;
move-result-object v0
iput-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mDialog:Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialog;
invoke-direct {p0}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->prepareDialog()V
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mDialog:Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialog;
invoke-virtual {v0}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialog;->show()V
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mDialog:Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialog;
invoke-virtual {v0}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$GlobalActionsDialog;->getWindow()Landroid/view/Window;
move-result-object v0
invoke-virtual {v0}, Landroid/view/Window;->getDecorView()Landroid/view/View;
move-result-object v0
const/high16 v1, 0x10000
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Landroid/view/View;->setSystemUiVisibility(I)V
.end method
Now recompile Classes and replace the classes.dex with android.policy.jar and sign it
Here it was end with the Android.policy.jar ( be sure with Public ids )
If you have any doubts or conflict as not found just compare my file to fix this ( compile file View attachment compare.zip )
Next step will be in second post (below )
Continue 2 Framwework.jar
Decompile framwork.jar
Find and open WindowManagerPolicy$WindowManagerFuncs.smali
Look for
.method public abstract rebootSafeMode(Z)V
.end method
Add method before that this method
.method public abstract reboot(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
.end method
now recompile and sign the file
Now go for third method in next post ( final )
Final part Service.jar
First Decompile the service.jar
and then disable the signature verification
Tut is here
then look for services\smali\com\android\server\wm\WindowManagerService.smali
open it in notepad++ and find this method
.method public rebootSafeMode(Z)V
Before that method Add this method
.method public reboot(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
.locals 3
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/server/wm/WindowManagerService;->mContext:Landroid/content/Context;
invoke-static {v0, p1, p2}, Lcom/android/server/power/ShutdownThread;->reboot(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
.end method
Now recompile the service.jar
So the compiled files are Framework-re.apk, framework.jar, service.jar, android.policy.jar
Now replace then and reboot and you are done guys
Have fun
Credits:- lyapota and S0bes
Great work bro. Keep up the good work
Awesome Tut RXS bro ^^
Very usefull
Verstuurd vanaf mijn D6603 met Tapatalk
Awesome tutorial bro!!
Was waiting for it
Very cool, thanks!
Is there anyway to stop the reboot menu from showing if the device is locked? It'd be handy if somebody couldn't steal my phone and get into recovery..
Just tested, Aaaaaand it's working
Thanks bro!
venkat kamesh said:
Decompile framwork.jar
Find and open WindowManagerPolicy$WindowManagerFuncs.smali
Look for
.method public abstract rebootSafeMode(Z)V
.end method
Add method before that this method
.method public abstract reboot(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
.end method
now recompile and sign the file
Now go for third method in next post ( final )
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
@venkat kamesh First of all, thank you for sharing this tut! Please mention where this file is so that newbies can find it instead of searching in whole directory.. smali_classes2/android/view/WindowManagerPolicy$WindowManagerFuncs.smali
the images you have given are little blurry so I have created new set of images if you want to share..Please find it in attachments..
Now about my experience, I tried this guide on CM12.1 but ran into some issues like all the buttons were performing only soft reboot (Hot reboot) instead of carrying out their functionality..Don't know the cause though! Will figure it out soon..
venkat kamesh said:
Decompile framwork.jar
Find and open WindowManagerPolicy$WindowManagerFuncs.smali
Look for
.method public abstract rebootSafeMode(Z)V
.end method
Add method before that this method
.method public abstract reboot(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
.end method
now recompile and sign the file
Now go for third method in next post ( final )
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
WindowManagerPolicy$WindowManagerFuncs.smali not found
Hi @venkat kamesh first thanks for this tutorial. I ve follow this but i dont get any result. I tried with the files for the z1 firmware .236. could you please have a look? if there is something wrong? I attach the zip i ve made. cheers
advance_power.zip 27.6 MB
Someone knows how to change the "Smokkie Reboot Options" string?
BlackMesa123 said:
Someone knows how to change the "Smokkie Reboot Options" string?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
In framework-res.apk >decompile>res>values>strings>search for "Smokkie Reboot Options", replace to whatever you want.
jitz975 said:
In framework-res.apk >decompile>res>values>strings>search for "Smokkie Reboot Options", replace to whatever you want.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Notepad++ says that it hasnt finded it
juanpirulo said:
Hi @venkat kamesh first thanks for this tutorial. I ve follow this but i dont get any result. I tried with the files for the z1 firmware .236. could you please have a look? if there is something wrong? I attach the zip i ve made. cheers
advance_power.zip27.6 MB
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
New apktool don't give result of adding codes
Best thing is
Try using baksmali bro
It works
BlackMesa123 said:
Someone knows how to change the "Smokkie Reboot Options" string?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hmm you need to define the header code in smali
If i press recovery,bootloader,reboot and etc. buttons,phone hot rebooting. It can't start on recovery ,bootloader mode. Any solution?
Hi @venkat kamesh bro I don't have the code
new-instance v4, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$7;
invoke-direct {v4, p0}, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$7;-><init>(Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;)V
iput-object v4, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions;->mBroadcastReceiver:Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;
in my GlobalActions.smali and the GlobalActions.smali file you provide for comparison
Can you look at it?
venkat kamesh said:
New apktool don't give result of adding codes
Best thing is
Try using baksmali bro
It works
Hmm you need to define the header code in smali
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Any response to my latest post?
lordriguez said:
Any response to my latest post?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
hmm that line was not much mandatory bro ( i meant which haven't found )
in this code
new-instance v4, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/GlobalActions$[COLOR="Red"]7[/COLOR];
the red value may be varied
you can look for 10 or 12 or what ever there ( this line is example of persists to add new instance )
in my smali i had 7 and other
i had aaded after that line
hope you got what i mean
good luck bro

[Guide][tut] [MM] HeadsUp timeOut / enable / disable settings

Today i am presenting HeadsUp tut
For LP click here
This is For MM only Devices
All you need is Patience
deodexed SystemUI.apk
1. Decompile SystemUI.apk
2. Now Open smali/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager.smali
In this find this line:
# instance fields
Add the following lines below this:
.field private mDefaultHeadsUpNotificationDecay:I
3. Then find the below line and remove delete the part that says “final”:
.field private final mHeadsUpNotificationDecay:I
So it look like
.field private mHeadsUpNotificationDecay:I
4. Find this line:
# direct methods
5. Add these two entire methods below this:
.method static synthetic -get1(Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager;)Landroid/content/Context;
.locals 1
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager;->mContext:Landroid/content/Context;
return-object v0
.end method
.method static synthetic -set0(Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager;I)I
.locals 0
iput p1, p0, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager;->mHeadsUpNotificationDecay:I
return p1
.end method
6. Find this line:
iput v1, p0, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager;->mMinimumDisplayTime:I
Below this, you will see these two lines:
const v1, 0x7f0d0012
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Landroid/content/res/Resources;->getInteger(I)I
Delete these two lines and replace them with the following code:
iget-object v1, p0, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager;->mContext:Landroid/content/Context;
invoke-virtual {v1}, Landroid/content/Context;->getContentResolver()Landroid/content/ContentResolver;
move-result-object v1
const-string/jumbo v2, "heads_up_timeout"
iget-object v3, p0, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager;->mContext:Landroid/content/Context;
invoke-virtual {v3}, Landroid/content/Context;->getResources()Landroid/content/res/Resources;
move-result-object v3
const v4, 0x7f0d0012 #<public type="integer" name="heads_up_notification_decay" id="0x7f0d0012" />
invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Landroid/content/res/Resources;->getInteger(I)I
move-result v3
const/4 v4, -0x3
invoke-static {v1, v2, v3, v4}, Landroid/provider/Settings$System;->getIntForUser(Landroid/content/ContentResolver;Ljava/lang/String;II)I
7. Save it and close
8. Now open smali/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager$HeadsUpEntry.smali
9. Find the following line:
.method public updateEntry()V
Directly below this line you will find this line:
.locals 10
10. Take that line and replace it with this entire block of code (make sure to replace the commented public ID):
.locals 11
iget-object v6, p0, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager$HeadsUpEntry;->this$0:Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager;
iget-object v7, p0, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager$HeadsUpEntry;->this$0:Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager;
invoke-static {v7}, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager;->-get1(Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager;)Landroid/content/Context;
move-result-object v7
invoke-virtual {v7}, Landroid/content/Context;->getContentResolver()Landroid/content/ContentResolver;
move-result-object v7
const-string/jumbo v8, "heads_up_timeout"
iget-object v9, p0, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager$HeadsUpEntry;->this$0:Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager;
invoke-static {v9}, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager;->-get1(Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager;)Landroid/content/Context;
move-result-object v9
invoke-virtual {v9}, Landroid/content/Context;->getResources()Landroid/content/res/Resources;
move-result-object v9
const v10, 0x7f0d0012 #<public type="integer" name="heads_up_notification_decay" id="0x7f0d0012" />
invoke-virtual {v9, v10}, Landroid/content/res/Resources;->getInteger(I)I
move-result v9
const/4 v10, -0x3
invoke-static {v7, v8, v9, v10}, Landroid/provider/Settings$System;->getIntForUser(Landroid/content/ContentResolver;Ljava/lang/String;II)I
move-result v7
invoke-static {v6, v7}, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager;->-set0(Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/HeadsUpManager;I)I
11. Save, recompile, and replace
For setting Please go for Next post
Thanks to @Bloodlvst for this tut possible
my respect to you
Download this setting
Click here
If you want to add by settings as default ?
then learn to do guys
follow this guide
[Guide][New Learners Basics] [LP/MM/+] Create settings preferences and subsettings
cause i had limited time brothers
hope you get me
Dont forgot to tag me if you use my work
thank you for this tut
i have edited and compiled SystemUi.apk and it's working
but to control the settings i have added i wanted to install your app from the second post , Right?
the problem is that the app is not installing
i don't have speruser mod
please post a tut on how to add the control app into main setting
PS: am working on my HTC desire 820 (MM 6.0.1)
Thanks in Advance
Edit: after deodexing my rom and got superuser mod the control app is working
please post a tut on how to add the control app into main setting.....

